// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The Cryptonote developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "WalletService.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Common/Util.h" #include "crypto/crypto.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/CryptoNoteFormatUtils.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/CryptoNoteBasicImpl.h" #include "CryptoNoteCore/TransactionExtra.h" #include "PaymentServiceJsonRpcMessages.h" #include "WalletFactory.h" #include "NodeFactory.h" #include "Wallet/LegacyKeysImporter.h" namespace { void addPaymentIdToExtra(const std::string& paymentId, std::string& extra) { std::vector extraVector; if (!CryptoNote::createTxExtraWithPaymentId(paymentId, extraVector)) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't add payment id to extra"); } std::copy(extraVector.begin(), extraVector.end(), std::back_inserter(extra)); } bool checkPaymentId(const std::string& paymentId) { if (paymentId.size() != 64) { return false; } return std::all_of(paymentId.begin(), paymentId.end(), [] (const char c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { return true; } if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { return true; } if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { return true; } return false; }); } bool createOutputBinaryFile(const std::string& filename, std::fstream& file) { file.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::ofstream::binary); if (file) { file.close(); return false; } file.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary); return true; } std::string createTemporaryFile(const std::string& path, std::fstream& tempFile) { bool created = false; std::string temporaryName; for (size_t i = 1; i < 100; i++) { temporaryName = path + "." + std::to_string(i++); if (createOutputBinaryFile(temporaryName, tempFile)) { created = true; break; } } if (!created) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't create temporary file: " + temporaryName); } return temporaryName; } //returns true on success bool deleteFile(const std::string& filename) { boost::system::error_code err; return boost::filesystem::remove(filename, err) && !err; } void replaceWalletFiles(const std::string &path, const std::string &tempFilePath) { Tools::replace_file(tempFilePath, path); } } namespace PaymentService { void createWalletFile(std::fstream& walletFile, const std::string& filename) { walletFile.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary); if (walletFile) { walletFile.close(); throw std::runtime_error("Wallet file already exists"); } walletFile.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::out); walletFile.close(); walletFile.open(filename.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::out | std::fstream::binary); } void saveWallet(CryptoNote::IWallet* wallet, std::fstream& walletFile, bool saveDetailed = true, bool saveCache = true) { wallet->save(walletFile, saveDetailed, saveCache); walletFile.flush(); } void secureSaveWallet(CryptoNote::IWallet* wallet, const std::string& path, bool saveDetailed = true, bool saveCache = true) { std::fstream tempFile; std::string tempFilePath = createTemporaryFile(path, tempFile); try { saveWallet(wallet, tempFile, saveDetailed, saveCache); } catch (std::exception&) { deleteFile(tempFilePath); tempFile.close(); throw; } tempFile.close(); replaceWalletFiles(path, tempFilePath); } void generateNewWallet(const CryptoNote::Currency ¤cy, const WalletConfiguration &conf, Logging::ILogger& logger, System::Dispatcher& dispatcher) { Logging::LoggerRef log(logger, "generateNewWallet"); CryptoNote::INode* nodeStub = NodeFactory::createNodeStub(); std::unique_ptr nodeGuard(nodeStub); CryptoNote::IWallet* wallet = WalletFactory::createWallet(currency, *nodeStub, dispatcher); std::unique_ptr walletGuard(wallet); log(Logging::INFO) << "Generating new wallet"; std::fstream walletFile; createWalletFile(walletFile, conf.walletFile); wallet->initialize(conf.walletPassword); auto address = wallet->createAddress(); log(Logging::INFO) << "New wallet is generated. Address: " << address; saveWallet(wallet, walletFile, false, false); log(Logging::INFO) << "Wallet is saved"; } void importLegacyKeys(const std::string &legacyKeysFile, const WalletConfiguration &conf) { std::stringstream archive; CryptoNote::importLegacyKeys(legacyKeysFile, conf.walletPassword, archive); std::fstream walletFile; createWalletFile(walletFile, conf.walletFile); archive.flush(); walletFile << archive.rdbuf(); walletFile.flush(); } WalletService::WalletService(const CryptoNote::Currency& currency, System::Dispatcher& sys, CryptoNote::INode& node, const WalletConfiguration& conf, Logging::ILogger& logger) : config(conf), inited(false), logger(logger, "WalletService"), txIdIndex(boost::get<0>(paymentsCache)), paymentIdIndex(boost::get<1>(paymentsCache)), dispatcher(sys), refreshContext(dispatcher) { wallet.reset(WalletFactory::createWallet(currency, node, dispatcher)); } WalletService::~WalletService() { if (wallet) { if (inited) { wallet->stop(); refreshContext.wait(); wallet->shutdown(); } } } void WalletService::init() { loadWallet(); loadPaymentsCacheAndTransferIndices(); refreshContext.spawn([this] { refresh(); }); inited = true; } void WalletService::saveWallet() { PaymentService::secureSaveWallet(wallet.get(), config.walletFile, true, true); logger(Logging::INFO) << "Wallet is saved"; } void WalletService::loadWallet() { std::ifstream inputWalletFile; inputWalletFile.open(config.walletFile.c_str(), std::fstream::in | std::fstream::binary); if (!inputWalletFile) { throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open wallet file"); } logger(Logging::INFO) << "Loading wallet"; wallet->load(inputWalletFile, config.walletPassword); logger(Logging::INFO) << "Wallet loading is finished."; } void WalletService::loadPaymentsCacheAndTransferIndices() { size_t txCount = wallet->getTransactionCount(); transfersIndices.resize(1); transfersIndices[0] = 0; logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "seeking for payments among " << txCount << " transactions"; for (size_t id = 0; id < txCount; ++id) { CryptoNote::WalletTransaction tx = wallet->getTransaction(id); transfersIndices.push_back(transfersIndices[id] + wallet->getTransactionTransferCount(id)); if (tx.totalAmount < 0) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "tx " << id << " has negative amount"; continue; } std::vector extraVector(tx.extra.begin(), tx.extra.end()); Crypto::Hash paymentId; if (!CryptoNote::getPaymentIdFromTxExtra(extraVector, paymentId)) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "tx " << id << " has no payment id"; continue; } logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "transaction " << id << " has been inserted with payment id " << paymentId; insertTransaction(id, paymentId, tx.blockHeight != CryptoNote::WALLET_UNCONFIRMED_TRANSACTION_HEIGHT); } } std::error_code WalletService::sendTransaction(const SendTransactionRequest& req, SendTransactionResponse& resp) { assert(wallet); logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Send transaction request came"; try { std::vector transfers; makeTransfers(req.destinations, transfers); std::string extra; if (!req.paymentId.empty()) { addPaymentIdToExtra(req.paymentId, extra); } size_t txId = wallet->transfer(transfers, req.fee, req.mixin, extra, req.unlockTime); if (txId == CryptoNote::WALLET_INVALID_TRANSACTION_ID) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to send transaction"; throw std::runtime_error("Error occured while sending transaction"); } resp.transactionId = txId; } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Error while sending transaction: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } void WalletService::makeTransfers(const std::vector& destinations, std::vector& transfers) { transfers.reserve(destinations.size()); for (auto dest: destinations) { transfers.push_back( { dest.address, static_cast(dest.amount) } ); } } std::error_code WalletService::getAddress(size_t index, std::string& address) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get address request came"; try { address = wallet->getAddress(index); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Error while getting address: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getAddressCount(std::size_t& count) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get address count request came"; count = wallet->getAddressCount(); return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::createAddress(std::string& address) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Create address request came"; try { address = wallet->createAddress(); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Error while creating address: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::deleteAddress(const std::string& address) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Delete address request came"; try { wallet->deleteAddress(address); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Error while deleting address: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getActualBalance(const std::string& address, uint64_t& actualBalance) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get actual balance for address: " << address << " request came"; try { actualBalance = wallet->getActualBalance(address); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get actual balance: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getPendingBalance(const std::string& address, uint64_t& pendingBalance) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get pending balance for address: " << address <<" request came"; try { pendingBalance = wallet->getPendingBalance(address); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get pending balance: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getActualBalance(uint64_t& actualBalance) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get actual balance request came"; try { actualBalance = wallet->getActualBalance(); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get actual balance: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getPendingBalance(uint64_t& pendingBalance) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get pending balance request came"; try { pendingBalance = wallet->getPendingBalance(); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get pending balance: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getTransactionsCount(uint64_t& txCount) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get get transactions count request came"; try { txCount = wallet->getTransactionCount(); } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get transactions count: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getTransfersCount(uint64_t& trCount) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Get transfers count request came"; trCount = static_cast(transfersIndices.back()); return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getTransactionByTransferId(size_t transferId, size_t& transactionId) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "getTransactionByTransferId request came"; if (transferId >= transfersIndices.back()) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Transfer ID:" << transferId<<" is out of domain"; return std::make_error_code(std::errc::argument_out_of_domain); } auto nextTxId = std::upper_bound(transfersIndices.begin(), transfersIndices.end(), transferId); transactionId = (nextTxId - transfersIndices.begin()) - 1; return std::error_code(); } void WalletService::fillTransactionRpcInfo(size_t txId, const CryptoNote::WalletTransaction& tx, TransactionRpcInfo& rpcInfo) { rpcInfo.firstTransferId = transfersIndices[txId]; rpcInfo.transferCount = wallet->getTransactionTransferCount(txId); rpcInfo.totalAmount = tx.totalAmount; rpcInfo.fee = tx.fee; rpcInfo.blockHeight = tx.blockHeight; rpcInfo.timestamp = tx.timestamp; rpcInfo.extra = Common::toHex(tx.extra.data(), tx.extra.size()); rpcInfo.hash = Common::podToHex(tx.hash); for (size_t transferId = 0; transferId < rpcInfo.transferCount; ++transferId) { auto transfer = wallet->getTransactionTransfer(txId, transferId); TransferRpcInfo rpcTransfer{ transfer.address, transfer.amount }; rpcInfo.transfers.push_back(rpcTransfer); } } std::error_code WalletService::getTransaction(size_t txId, bool& found, TransactionRpcInfo& rpcInfo) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "getTransaction request came"; found = false; try { if (txId + 1 >= transfersIndices.size()) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get transaction " << txId << ": argument out of domain."; return std::make_error_code(std::errc::argument_out_of_domain); } auto tx = wallet->getTransaction(txId); fillTransactionRpcInfo(txId, tx, rpcInfo); found = true; } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get transaction: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::listTransactions(size_t startingTxId, uint32_t maxTxCount, std::vector& txsRpcInfo) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "listTransactions request came"; if (maxTxCount == 0) { txsRpcInfo.clear(); return std::error_code(); } try { size_t endTxId; if (startingTxId > std::numeric_limits::max() - static_cast(maxTxCount)) { endTxId = static_cast(wallet->getTransactionCount()); } else { endTxId = startingTxId + static_cast(maxTxCount); endTxId = std::min(endTxId, static_cast(wallet->getTransactionCount())); } txsRpcInfo.resize(endTxId - startingTxId); for (auto txId = startingTxId; txId < endTxId; ++txId) { assert(txId < wallet->getTransactionCount()); auto tx = wallet->getTransaction(txId); fillTransactionRpcInfo(txId, tx, txsRpcInfo[txId - startingTxId]); } } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to list transaction: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getTransfer(size_t globalTransferId, bool& found, TransferRpcInfo& rpcInfo) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "getTransfer request came"; found = false; try { size_t txId = (std::upper_bound(transfersIndices.begin(), transfersIndices.end(), globalTransferId) - transfersIndices.begin()) - 1; size_t fakeTxId = transfersIndices.size() - 1; if (txId == fakeTxId) { return std::error_code(); } auto transferId = globalTransferId - transfersIndices[txId]; auto transfer = wallet->getTransactionTransfer(txId, transferId); rpcInfo.address = transfer.address; rpcInfo.amount = transfer.amount; found = true; } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get transfer: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } std::error_code WalletService::getIncomingPayments(const std::vector& payments, IncomingPayments& result) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "getIncomingPayments request came"; try { for (const std::string& payment: payments) { if (!checkPaymentId(payment)) { return make_error_code(std::errc::argument_out_of_domain); } std::string paymentString = payment; std::transform(paymentString.begin(), paymentString.end(), paymentString.begin(), ::tolower); auto pair = paymentIdIndex.equal_range(paymentString); for (auto it = pair.first; it != pair.second; ++it) { auto tx = wallet->getTransaction(it->transactionId); std::string hashString = Common::podToHex(tx.hash); PaymentDetails details; details.txHash = std::move(hashString); details.amount = static_cast(tx.totalAmount); details.blockHeight = tx.blockHeight; details.unlockTime = tx.unlockTime; result[it->paymentId].push_back(std::move(details)); } } } catch (std::system_error& x) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "Unable to get payments: " << x.what(); return x.code(); } return std::error_code(); } void WalletService::refresh() { try { for (;;) { auto event = wallet->getEvent(); if (event.type == CryptoNote::TRANSACTION_CREATED || event.type == CryptoNote::TRANSACTION_UPDATED) { size_t transactionId; if (event.type == CryptoNote::TRANSACTION_CREATED) { transactionId = event.transactionCreated.transactionIndex; transfersIndices.push_back(transfersIndices[transactionId] + wallet->getTransactionTransferCount(transactionId)); } else { transactionId = event.transactionUpdated.transactionIndex; } auto tx = wallet->getTransaction(transactionId); logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "Transaction updated " << transactionId << " extra size: " << tx.extra.size(); if (tx.totalAmount < 0) { continue; } std::vector extraVector(tx.extra.begin(), tx.extra.end()); Crypto::Hash paymentId; if (!CryptoNote::getPaymentIdFromTxExtra(extraVector, paymentId)) { logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "transaction " << transactionId << " has no payment id"; continue; } insertTransaction(transactionId, paymentId, tx.blockHeight != CryptoNote::WALLET_UNCONFIRMED_TRANSACTION_HEIGHT); logger(Logging::DEBUGGING) << "transaction " << transactionId << " has been added to payments cache"; } } } catch (std::system_error& e) { logger(Logging::TRACE) << "refresh is stopped: " << e.what(); } catch (std::exception& e) { logger(Logging::WARNING) << "exception thrown in refresh(): " << e.what(); } } void WalletService::insertTransaction(size_t id, const Crypto::Hash& paymentIdBin, bool confirmed) { paymentsCache.insert(PaymentItem{ Common::podToHex(paymentIdBin), id, confirmed}); } } //namespace PaymentService