// Copyright (c) 2011-2015 The Cryptonote developers // Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying // file COPYING or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. #include "StringView.h" #include namespace Common { const StringView::Size StringView::INVALID = std::numeric_limits::max(); const StringView StringView::EMPTY(reinterpret_cast(1), 0); const StringView StringView::NIL(nullptr, 0); StringView::StringView() #ifndef NDEBUG : data(nullptr), size(INVALID) // In debug mode, fill in object with invalid state (undefined). #endif { } StringView::StringView(const Object* stringData, Size stringSize) : data(stringData), size(stringSize) { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); } StringView::StringView(const std::string& string) : data(string.data()), size(string.size()) { } StringView::StringView(const StringView& other) : data(other.data), size(other.size) { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); } StringView::~StringView() { } StringView& StringView::operator=(const StringView& other) { assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); data = other.data; size = other.size; return *this; } StringView::operator std::string() const { return std::string(data, size); } const StringView::Object* StringView::getData() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return data; } StringView::Size StringView::getSize() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return size; } bool StringView::isEmpty() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return size == 0; } bool StringView::isNil() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return data == nullptr; } const StringView::Object& StringView::operator[](Size index) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(index < size); return *(data + index); } const StringView::Object& StringView::first() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(size > 0); return *data; } const StringView::Object& StringView::last() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(size > 0); return *(data + (size - 1)); } const StringView::Object* StringView::begin() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return data; } const StringView::Object* StringView::end() const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); return data + size; } bool StringView::operator==(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size == other.size) { for (Size i = 0;; ++i) { if (i == size) { return true; } if (!(*(data + i) == *(other.data + i))) { break; } } } return false; } bool StringView::operator!=(StringView other) const { return !(*this == other); } bool StringView::operator<(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); Size count = other.size < size ? other.size : size; for (Size i = 0; i < count; ++i) { Object char1 = *(data + i); Object char2 = *(other.data + i); if (char1 < char2) { return true; } if (char2 < char1) { return false; } } return size < other.size; } bool StringView::operator<=(StringView other) const { return !(other < *this); } bool StringView::operator>(StringView other) const { return other < *this; } bool StringView::operator>=(StringView other) const { return !(*this < other); } bool StringView::beginsWith(const Object& object) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); if (size == 0) { return false; } return *data == object; } bool StringView::beginsWith(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size >= other.size) { for (Size i = 0;; ++i) { if (i == other.size) { return true; } if (!(*(data + i) == *(other.data + i))) { break; } } } return false; } bool StringView::contains(const Object& object) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); for (Size i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (*(data + i) == object) { return true; } } return false; } bool StringView::contains(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size >= other.size) { Size i = size - other.size; for (Size j = 0; !(i < j); ++j) { for (Size k = 0;; ++k) { if (k == other.size) { return true; } if (!(*(data + j + k) == *(other.data + k))) { break; } } } } return false; } bool StringView::endsWith(const Object& object) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); if (size == 0) { return false; } return *(data + (size - 1)) == object; } bool StringView::endsWith(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size >= other.size) { Size i = size - other.size; for (Size j = 0;; ++j) { if (j == other.size) { return true; } if (!(*(data + i + j) == *(other.data + j))) { break; } } } return false; } StringView::Size StringView::find(const Object& object) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); for (Size i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (*(data + i) == object) { return i; } } return INVALID; } StringView::Size StringView::find(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size >= other.size) { Size i = size - other.size; for (Size j = 0; !(i < j); ++j) { for (Size k = 0;; ++k) { if (k == other.size) { return j; } if (!(*(data + j + k) == *(other.data + k))) { break; } } } } return INVALID; } StringView::Size StringView::findLast(const Object& object) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); for (Size i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (*(data + (size - 1 - i)) == object) { return size - 1 - i; } } return INVALID; } StringView::Size StringView::findLast(StringView other) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(other.data != nullptr || other.size == 0); if (size >= other.size) { Size i = size - other.size; for (Size j = 0; !(i < j); ++j) { for (Size k = 0;; ++k) { if (k == other.size) { return i - j; } if (!(*(data + (i - j + k)) == *(other.data + k))) { break; } } } } return INVALID; } StringView StringView::head(Size headSize) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(headSize <= size); return StringView(data, headSize); } StringView StringView::tail(Size tailSize) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(tailSize <= size); return StringView(data + (size - tailSize), tailSize); } StringView StringView::unhead(Size headSize) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(headSize <= size); return StringView(data + headSize, size - headSize); } StringView StringView::untail(Size tailSize) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(tailSize <= size); return StringView(data, size - tailSize); } StringView StringView::range(Size startIndex, Size endIndex) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(startIndex <= endIndex && endIndex <= size); return StringView(data + startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } StringView StringView::slice(Size startIndex, Size sliceSize) const { assert(data != nullptr || size == 0); assert(startIndex <= size && startIndex + sliceSize <= size); return StringView(data + startIndex, sliceSize); } }