// Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Monero Project // // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are // permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of // conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list // of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other // materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be // used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific // prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, // PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, // STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF // THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. /*! * \file electrum-words.cpp * * \brief Mnemonic seed generation and wallet restoration from them. * * This file and its header file are for translating Electrum-style word lists * into their equivalent byte representations for cross-compatibility with * that method of "backing up" one's wallet keys. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "crypto/crypto.h" // for declaration of crypto::secret_key #include #include "mnemonics/electrum-words.h" #include #include #include #include #include "english.h" #include "french.h" #include "italian.h" #include "german.h" #include "spanish.h" #include "portuguese.h" #include "japanese.h" #include "russian.h" #include "old_english.h" #include "language_base.h" #include "singleton.h" namespace { uint32_t create_checksum_index(const std::vector &word_list, uint32_t unique_prefix_length); bool checksum_test(std::vector seed, uint32_t unique_prefix_length); /*! * \brief Finds the word list that contains the seed words and puts the indices * where matches occured in matched_indices. * \param seed List of words to match. * \param has_checksum The seed has a checksum word (maybe not checked). * \param matched_indices The indices where the seed words were found are added to this. * \param language Language instance pointer to write to after it is found. * \return true if all the words were present in some language false if not. */ bool find_seed_language(const std::vector &seed, bool has_checksum, std::vector &matched_indices, Language::Base **language) { // If there's a new language added, add an instance of it here. std::vector language_instances({ Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance() }); Language::Base *fallback = NULL; // Iterate through all the languages and find a match for (std::vector::iterator it1 = language_instances.begin(); it1 != language_instances.end(); it1++) { const std::unordered_map &word_map = (*it1)->get_word_map(); const std::unordered_map &trimmed_word_map = (*it1)->get_trimmed_word_map(); // To iterate through seed words std::vector::const_iterator it2; bool full_match = true; std::string trimmed_word; // Iterate through all the words and see if they're all present for (it2 = seed.begin(); it2 != seed.end(); it2++) { if (has_checksum) { trimmed_word = Language::utf8prefix(*it2, (*it1)->get_unique_prefix_length()); // Use the trimmed words and map if (trimmed_word_map.count(trimmed_word) == 0) { full_match = false; break; } matched_indices.push_back(trimmed_word_map.at(trimmed_word)); } else { if (word_map.count(*it2) == 0) { full_match = false; break; } matched_indices.push_back(word_map.at(*it2)); } } if (full_match) { // if we were using prefix only, and we have a checksum, check it now // to avoid false positives due to prefix set being too common if (has_checksum) if (!checksum_test(seed, (*it1)->get_unique_prefix_length())) { fallback = *it1; full_match = false; } } if (full_match) { *language = *it1; return true; } // Some didn't match. Clear the index array. matched_indices.clear(); } // if we get there, we've not found a good match, but we might have a fallback, // if we detected a match which did not fit the checksum, which might be a badly // typed/transcribed seed in the right language if (fallback) { *language = fallback; return true; } return false; } /*! * \brief Creates a checksum index in the word list array on the list of words. * \param word_list Vector of words * \param unique_prefix_length the prefix length of each word to use for checksum * \return Checksum index */ uint32_t create_checksum_index(const std::vector &word_list, uint32_t unique_prefix_length) { std::string trimmed_words = ""; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = word_list.begin(); it != word_list.end(); it++) { if (it->length() > unique_prefix_length) { trimmed_words += Language::utf8prefix(*it, unique_prefix_length); } else { trimmed_words += *it; } } boost::crc_32_type result; result.process_bytes(trimmed_words.data(), trimmed_words.length()); return result.checksum() % crypto::ElectrumWords::seed_length; } /*! * \brief Does the checksum test on the seed passed. * \param seed Vector of seed words * \param unique_prefix_length the prefix length of each word to use for checksum * \return True if the test passed false if not. */ bool checksum_test(std::vector seed, uint32_t unique_prefix_length) { // The last word is the checksum. std::string last_word = seed.back(); seed.pop_back(); std::string checksum = seed[create_checksum_index(seed, unique_prefix_length)]; std::string trimmed_checksum = checksum.length() > unique_prefix_length ? Language::utf8prefix(checksum, unique_prefix_length) : checksum; std::string trimmed_last_word = last_word.length() > unique_prefix_length ? Language::utf8prefix(last_word, unique_prefix_length) : last_word; return trimmed_checksum == trimmed_last_word; } } /*! * \namespace crypto * * \brief crypto namespace. */ namespace crypto { /*! * \namespace crypto::ElectrumWords * * \brief Mnemonic seed word generation and wallet restoration helper functions. */ namespace ElectrumWords { /*! * \brief Converts seed words to bytes (secret key). * \param words String containing the words separated by spaces. * \param dst To put the secret key restored from the words. * \param language_name Language of the seed as found gets written here. * \return false if not a multiple of 3 words, or if word is not in the words list */ bool words_to_bytes(std::string words, crypto::secret_key& dst, std::string &language_name) { std::vector seed; boost::algorithm::trim(words); boost::split(seed, words, boost::is_any_of(" ")); // error on non-compliant word list if (seed.size() != seed_length/2 && seed.size() != seed_length && seed.size() != seed_length + 1) { return false; } // If it is seed with a checksum. bool has_checksum = seed.size() == (seed_length + 1); std::vector matched_indices; Language::Base *language; if (!find_seed_language(seed, has_checksum, matched_indices, &language)) { return false; } language_name = language->get_language_name(); uint32_t word_list_length = language->get_word_list().size(); if (has_checksum) { if (!checksum_test(seed, language->get_unique_prefix_length())) { // Checksum fail return false; } seed.pop_back(); } for (unsigned int i=0; i < seed.size() / 3; i++) { uint32_t val; uint32_t w1, w2, w3; w1 = matched_indices[i*3]; w2 = matched_indices[i*3 + 1]; w3 = matched_indices[i*3 + 2]; val = w1 + word_list_length * (((word_list_length - w1) + w2) % word_list_length) + word_list_length * word_list_length * (((word_list_length - w2) + w3) % word_list_length); if (!(val % word_list_length == w1)) return false; memcpy(dst.data + i * 4, &val, 4); // copy 4 bytes to position } std::string wlist_copy = words; if (seed.size() == seed_length/2) { memcpy(dst.data+16, dst.data, 16); // if electrum 12-word seed, duplicate wlist_copy += ' '; wlist_copy += words; } return true; } /*! * \brief Converts bytes (secret key) to seed words. * \param src Secret key * \param words Space delimited concatenated words get written here. * \param language_name Seed language name * \return true if successful false if not. Unsuccessful if wrong key size. */ bool bytes_to_words(const crypto::secret_key& src, std::string& words, const std::string &language_name) { if (sizeof(src.data) % 4 != 0 || sizeof(src.data) == 0) return false; Language::Base *language; if (language_name == "English") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "French") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "Spanish") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "Portuguese") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "Japanese") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "Italian") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "German") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else if (language_name == "Russian") { language = Language::Singleton::instance(); } else { return false; } const std::vector &word_list = language->get_word_list(); // To store the words for random access to add the checksum word later. std::vector words_store; uint32_t word_list_length = word_list.size(); // 8 bytes -> 3 words. 8 digits base 16 -> 3 digits base 1626 for (unsigned int i=0; i < sizeof(src.data)/4; i++, words += ' ') { uint32_t w1, w2, w3; uint32_t val; memcpy(&val, (src.data) + (i * 4), 4); w1 = val % word_list_length; w2 = ((val / word_list_length) + w1) % word_list_length; w3 = (((val / word_list_length) / word_list_length) + w2) % word_list_length; words += word_list[w1]; words += ' '; words += word_list[w2]; words += ' '; words += word_list[w3]; words_store.push_back(word_list[w1]); words_store.push_back(word_list[w2]); words_store.push_back(word_list[w3]); } words.pop_back(); words += (' ' + words_store[create_checksum_index(words_store, language->get_unique_prefix_length())]); return true; } /*! * \brief Gets a list of seed languages that are supported. * \param languages The vector is set to the list of languages. */ void get_language_list(std::vector &languages) { std::vector language_instances({ Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance(), Language::Singleton::instance() }); for (std::vector::iterator it = language_instances.begin(); it != language_instances.end(); it++) { languages.push_back((*it)->get_language_name()); } } /*! * \brief Tells if the seed passed is an old style seed or not. * \param seed The seed to check (a space delimited concatenated word list) * \return true if the seed passed is a old style seed false if not. */ bool get_is_old_style_seed(const std::string &seed) { std::vector word_list; boost::split(word_list, seed, boost::is_any_of(" ")); return word_list.size() != (seed_length + 1); } } }