# Changelog #### v0.9.1 * Chores: Ensuring Android 14 compatibility, build fixes #### v0.9.0.1 * Bugfix: Fix crash when using the tags drawer (Issue #856) #### v0.9.0 * New feature: Option to focus search on start (Issue #654,PR #658 by @mchllngr) * New feature: Option to disable Android sync (Google Drive backup) during initial setup (Issue #620, PR #622 by @RichyHBM) * New feature: Option to automatically unlock the app after the credentials have been auto-filled (PR #657 by @mchllngr) * New feature: Option to globally hide the issuer (Issue #678, PR #758 by @Ullas-Aithal) * New feature: Option for multi-line labels (Issue #699) * New feature: Automatic theme selection for Android 10+ (Issue #394, PR #418 by @Ullas-Aithal) * New feature: Allow editing digits, period and counter for existing entries (Issue #694) * New feature: **mOTP support** (Issue #142, PR #617 by @mantinan) * New feature: Show a warning if the automatic time setting is disable on the phone (Issue #285 and #777) * New feature: Share OTP token as keystrokes (PR #693 by @DanielWeigl) * New feature: Option to show previous token (Issue #506) * Improvement: Perform authentication in the background to improve responsiveness (Issue #635, PR #738 by @jsoberg) * Improvement: Backups are now performed in background tasks to improve responsiveness and work around problems with some storage providers (e.g. Nextcloud) * Improvement: Show simple instructions and hide the timeout bar if there are no accounts (Issue #745 and #746, PR #747 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Pressing ENTER on a physical keyboard now finishes certain tasks (Issue #590, PR #661 by @mchllngr) * Improvement: Use a font with slashed zero for the account secrets (Issue #665, PR #772 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Auto-select the thumbnail if the name appears as part of the issuer (Issue #685, PR #687 by @mavit) * Improvement: Force a minimum password length for backups (Issue #770, PR #771 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Automatically update the thumbnail when changing the issuer of an entry (Issue #553) * Improvement: Try harder to decode QR codes from images (Issue #790, PR #792 by @ziegenberg) * Improvement: Perform a short benchmark to determine the iterations to use for unlocking the database (Issue #778) * Bugfix: Switch keyboard when changing auth type during setup (Issue #740, PR #741 by @jsoberg) * Bugfix: Show correct message on password mismatch during setup (PR #774 by @brainynai) * Bugfix: Validate password before saving settings during setup to avoid empty passwords (Issue #593) * Bugfix: Fix scanning QR codes on Android 11+ (Issue #806, PR #807 by @ziegenberg) * Bugfix: Fix OpenKeychain detection on Android 11+ (Issue #825) * Bugfix: Don't require authentication after attaching a physical keyboard (Issue #592) * Bugfix: Fix crash during thumbnail selection with empty issuer * Internal: Performance and stability improvements for the main token list (fixes #346 as well) * Internal: Upgrade Gradle, build tools and dependencies * Internal: Perform key-generation during setup in a background task * Internal: Perform credentials change in the settings in a background task * Internal: Perform encryption change in the settings in a background task * Internal: Use our own NumberPickerPreference class * Thumbnails: LOTS of new thumbnails (thanks to all contributors) * Translations: Indonesian, Serbian and Slovak (thanks to all contributors on Crowdin) #### v0.8.0 * New feature: **Storage Access Framework** (remove all manual storage permissions and use the SAF everywhere) * New feature: New setting to block autofill access to important fields (Issue #493) * Improvement: Improve some English strings (Issue #149, PR #571 and #576 by @jsoberg) * Improvement: Don't automatically backup when updating last used or when moving cards * Improvement: Enable the "append date to backups" option by default * Improvement: Strip issuer from the label when adding via URL/QR code (Issue #551, PR #560 by @shivasheeshyadav) * Improvement: Remove the "new backup format warning" (has been there long enough) * Improvement: Show requirements for auto backups in the settings (Issue #492) * Improvement: Fix some accessibility issues (Issue #498) * Improvement: Toggle show/hide of a password confirmation field together with the password field (Issue #638, PR #641 by @jsoberg) * Improvement: Decoding of secrets with an invalid Base32 encoding (Issue #600) * Bug fix: Make the automatic thumbnail selection case insensitive (Issue #564) * Bug fix: Validate Integer input for counter, digits and period (Issue #569, PR #570 by @jsoberg) * Bug fix: Visibility of the password confirmation field (Issue #580, PR #582 by @jsoberg) * Bug fix: Crash when clicking on an entry multiple times (Issue #631, PR #634 by @jsoberg) * Bug fix: Crash during settings changes (Issue #639, PR #640 by @jsoberg) * Bug fix: Don't use regionalized language codes (Issue #567) * Bug fix: Report backup failure correctly (Issue #671) * Internal: Update Gradle, build tools and dependencies * Internal: Min API Level set to 22 (Lollipop 5.1) * Internal: Refactoring and reducing build warnings * Thumbnails: Lots of new ones (thanks to all contributors) #### v0.7.1.1 * Bug fix: Fix migration of old tap-to-reveal setting * Bug fix: Cache encryption key when recreating main activity #### v0.7.1 * Deprecation notice: This will be the last version to support Android versions below 5.1 * New feature: Show QR codes of stored accounts (PR #501 by @tilosp) * New feature: Support Steam URIs (Issue #510) * New feature: Move Steam out of the Special features * New feature: Unify the edit dialog for entries (Issue #241) * New feature: Add an option to hide the global timeout bar (Issue #166) * New feature: Add an option to show individual timeout bars for all cards (Issue #166) * New feature: Add options to configure single and double taps on entries (Issue #489) * Improvement: Increase the iterations for the password generation to 150000 * Improvement: Show cards as transparent while dragging (Issue #487, PR #488 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Rewording of the last used dialog (Issue #485) * Improvement: Handle the back key to close open drawers or the FAB overlay (Issue #499) * Improvement: Validate secrets during manual entry (Issue #500) * Bug fix: Fix some remaining issues with the intro dialog (Issue #486) * Bug fix: Fix images containing gradients on API versions below 24 (Issue #539) * Thumbnails: Lots of new ones (thanks to all contributors) * Translations: Bulgarian (thanks to all the contributors on Crowdin) #### v0.7.0 * New feature: Generate a new HOTP token when revealing (Issue #334, PR #366 by @moritzgloeckl) * New feature: Split issuer and label (Issue #258, PR #372 by @lucavallerini) * New feature: Automatic thumbnail selection based on the issuer (Issue #388, PR #389 by @schwedenmut) * New feature: Allow searching the tags and issuers in addition to the label (Issue #327) * New feature: Turn tokens red if they are about to expire (Issue #311, PR #410 by @Ullas-Aithal) * New feature: Handle otpauth:// intents from other apps (Issue #324, PR #393 by @schwedenmut) * New feature: Create an encrypted backup every time the entries are changed (PR #397 and PR #421 by @RichyHBM) * New feature: Different layouts for the entry cards (compact, default and full) * New feature: New thumbnail size "Tiny" * New feature: Block accessibility services from seeing sensitive input fields via a new settings item * New feature: Import QR codes from image files (Issue #377, PR #425 by @Ullas-Aithal) * New feature: Move the app to the background after copying a token (Issue #373, PR #392 by @Ullas-Aithal) * New feature: Re-lock the app after a certain time of inactivity (Issue #28, PR #390 by @LizardWithHat) * New feature: Re-lock when being send to the background (Issue #216) * New feature: Sort tokens by "most used" (Issue #443, PR #467 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Hide the token list on screen off (Issue #264, PR #390 by @LizardWithHat) * Improvement: Scale the font of the default thumbnail with its size * Improvement: Do not use auto-completion for the account secret (PR #430 by @duchampdev) * Improvement: Enable Android backup by default (Issue #341, PR #342 by @RichyHBM) * Improvement: Remove whitespaces from manually entered secrets (Issue #253, PR #426 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Improvement: Fallback method for opening backup files (based on PR #358 by @theobch) * Improvement: Allow the backup directory to be set independent of the "ask for filename" setting * Bug fix: Fix black navigation bar on OxygenOS devices (PR #417 by @Ullas-Aithal) * Internal: Migrate to AndroidX * Internal: Update Gradle and a lot of dependencies * Thumbnails: Lots of new ones (thanks to all contributors) * Translations: Greek, Hindi (thanks to all the contributors on Crowdin) #### v0.6.3.1 * Introduce build flavors: - fdroid: Shows donation links in the About section - play: Doesn't show donation links in the About section #### v0.6.3 * Security: Improved password derivation for the password protected backups * New feature: Prevent screencapture in the Authentication and QR scanner screen (Issue #378, PR #386 by @schwedenmut) * New feature: Color navbar according to the theme (Issue #284, PR #371 by @HarryJohnso) * Bug fix: Fix "all tags" only selecting visible tags (Issue #333, PR #350 by @RichyHBM) * Bug fix: Focus the password/PIN input field on start (Issue #356, PR #357 by @schwedenmut) * Bug fix: Fix spelling of "QR code" (PR #368 by @yegortimoshenko) * Bug fix: Always use arabic numerals for the tokens (Issue #359) * Bug fix: Refactor storage access code to allow importing and exporting from cloud storage directly * Bug fix: Hardcode the black background color to avoid strange behaviour on some custom ROMs * Bug fix: Force English locales for saving AuthMethod * Misc: Update donation links (PR #351) * Thumbnails: Lots of new thumbnails * Translations: Hungarian #### v0.6.2 * Bug fix: Proper handling of RTL layouts by forcing LTR for the tokens (PR #280 by @ahangarha) * Internal: Image compression (thanks to @Peppernrino) * Thumbnail: Add a LOT of new thumbnails (thanks to everybody that contributed) * Translation: New Arabic, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, Persian and Swedish translations (thanks to all contributors on Crowdin) #### v0.6.1 * New feature: Enable Android Backup by default if available and using the password encryption (PR #252) * Bug fix: Fix crash in the manual entry dialog on KitKat * Bug fix: Fix thumbnail generation on KitKat * Thumbnail: Add MediaWiki (PR #246 by @MeLlamoPablo) #### v0.6.0 * New feature: **HOTP support** * New feature: Settings item to activate Broadcast backups * New feature: Re-locking of the app on screen off is now optional (Issue #28) * New feature: Allow PGP backups with only a public key (Issue #31) * New feature: Show individual timeout bars on the cards for non-default periods * New feature: App shortcuts to add new entries (Issue #185) * New feature: Ask for the backup password if it's not available (Issue #182) * New feature: Allow installation on external storage (PR #206 by @leggewie) * Bug fix: Avoid crash on empty PIN/Password an API 23 (Issue #159, PR #160 by magnus anderssen) * Bug fix: Honor the system accessibility settings for the font size (Issue #71, PR #192 by @mbertram) * Bug fix: Make the new entry dialog scrollable (Issue #196) * Bug fix: Fix autofill of the password fields (Issue #215, PR #218 by @z3ntu) * Bug fix: Extend thumbnail generation to non-latin letters and digits (PR #234 by @jeandeaual) * Bug fix: Show new entries at the top of the list when using last used sorting (Issue #211) * Bug fix: Fix a crash on the settings page (Issue #197) * Internal: Replace custon FAB menu with Floating Action Button Speed Dial library (Issue #155 and #186) * Style/UI: Use AboutLibraries instead of LicenseDialog and rework the About section (Issue #155) * Style/UI: Show a disclaimer about the included thumbnails in the About screen * Update: ZXing Android Embedded (3.6.0), Constraint Layout (1.1.2) and all support libraries (27.1.1) * F-Droid: Add the feature graphic and some screenshots (PR #117 by @jaller94) * Thumbnails: lots of new thumbnails (see the wiki) #### v0.5.1 (Google Play only) * Like v0.5.0 but with Password-based encryption offered by default during setup #### v0.5.0 * New feature: **Intro screen when staring the app for the first time to setup encryption and authentication** * New feature: **Broadcast receivers to trigger backups from Tasker** (PR #115) * New feature: **Add support for using Android Backup** (Issue #109, PR #111) * New feature: Optionally append date to backups (PR #124) * New feature: Check if entries are valid when entering manually (Issue #135, PR #136 by Björn Richter) * New feature: Offer different options when using the tag selection (Issue #133, PR #134) * New feature: Show a warning before changing the encryption * Bug fix: Fix crash when saving an empty label (Issue #138, PR #139 by Björn Richter) * Bug fix: Fix visibility of thumbnails in dark themes (Issue #88, PR #90) * Bug fix: Don't require credentials again after screen rotation (Issue #152) * Thumbnails: new thumbnails (see the wiki) #### v0.4.0 * New feature: **Password-based encryption** (a big thanks to all the testers) * New feature: Enforce a minimum password / PIN length (Issue #107) * New feature: Add an additional unlock button to the authentication (Issue #87) * New feature: The thumbnail toggle is now in the size selector (Issue #98, PR #102) * New feature: Split the tokens into blocks (Issue #83, PR #83 by DanielWeigl) * New feature: Account name is now shown in the removal confirmation (Issue #84) * New feature: Advanced options are now hidden in the manual entry dialog (Issue #85) * New special feature: Clear the KeyStore (use with caution) * Bug fix: Change the format used to store and set the language (Issue #112) * Bug fix: Add some extra padding the the RecyclerView (Issue #95) * Bug fix: Remove gradients from vector thumbnails (Issue #103, PR #97) * Thumbnails: a lot of new thumbnails (check the wiki for details) * Translation: Catalan (ca-rES) thanks to isard #### v0.3.1 * Move: the Github repository was moved from flocke/andOTP to andOTP/andOTP for better organization of collaborators * New feature: assign (predefined) images to entries (Issue #14, PR #75, again thanks to @RichyHBM for the implementation) * New feature: sort labels locale-sensitive (PR #74 by carmebar) * New feature: re-hide the revealed entries after a configurable timeout (Issue #77) * New feature: add sorting by last usage (Issue #67) * New feature: improved error messages during the import of backups * New feature: make the replace switch default to false (Issue #80) * New special feature: disable Special features again * New special feature: enable screenshots in the main Activity * Bug fix: use sp for font sizes (to make them scalable) * Bug fix: disable the save button in a manual entry until label and secret are not empty (Issue #82) * Style/UI: better description of the replace switch * Update: Android SDK 27 (Issue #76) * Update: Android Gradle plugin 3.0.1 * Translation: Chinese Simplified (zh-rCN) thanks to Cp0204 #### v0.3.0 * New feature: tagging support (Issue #37, PR #64, big thanks to @RichyHBM for actually implementing this) * New feature: settings option to scroll overlong labels instead of just truncating them * New feature: option to append entries during import instead of just replacing everything * New feature: in-app language switcher (Issue #53) * Bug fix: convert secrets to upper case when importing from JSON (Issue #55) * Bug fix: some layout fixes for certain translations (Issue #58) * Style/UI: new adaptive icon for Android 8+ (Issue #65) * Style/UI: remove card elevation * Update: Android Studio 3 * Update: Gradle 4.1 / Android Gradle Plugin 3.0 #### v0.2.8 * New feature: store authentication credentials hashed (Issue #49) * New feature: store backup password encrypted (Issue #49) * New feature: set a static backup dir to disable the file selector (Issue #52) * New feature: special features (see wiki) * New special feature: SteamGuard tokens (Issue #38) * Style/UI: black theme (Issue #47) * Bug fix: keep authentication settings when receiving a Panic Trigger (Issue #50) * Bug fix: progress bar animation with default duration scale * Translation: Czech (cs-rCZ) thanks to Picard0147 #### v0.2.7 * New feature: require authentication again after screen lock (Issue #28) * New feature: make response to Panic Trigger configurable (Issue #35) * Bug fix: prevent adding duplicate entries (Issue #41) * Update: Android SDK 26 (Oreo) * Update: Apache Commons Codec 1.10 * Code: lot of internal changes (mostly due to the Android 26 update) * Translation: French (fr-rFR) thanks to Johan Fleury * Translation: Durch (nl-rNL) thanks to T-v-Gerwen and rain2reign * Translation: Galician (gl-rES) thanks to Triskel * Translation: Russian (ru-rRU) thanks to Victor Nidens, Ilia Drogaitsev and Dmitry #### v0.2.6 * New feature: custom password preference with confirmation (Issue #26) * New feature: use an individual password or PIN to lock the app (Issue #23) * New feature: support for Panic Trigger (PR #27 by carmebar) * New feature: support for variable digits lenths (PR #30 by SuperVirus) * Bug fix: OpenPGP with security token (Issue #20, PR #25 by carmebar) * Style/UI: add Contributors, Translators and Translate to About * Code: internal refactoring * Translation: German (de-rDE) thanks to SuperVirus #### v0.2.5 * New feature: sort the entries by label (Issue #12) * New feature: add support for SHA256 and SHA512 (Issue #24) * Bug fix: show current theme in the settings * Bug fix: don't show FloatingActionMenu when scrolling while searching * Code: lots of internal refactoring * Translation: Polish (pl-rPL) thanks to Daniel Pustuła * Translation: Spanish (es-rES) thanks to Carlos Melero #### v0.2.4 * New feature: make the font size of the labels configurable (Issue #18) * Style/UI: Dark theme (Issue #3) * Bug fix: make the backup activity scrollable (Issue #15) * Bug fix: remove swipe-to-dismiss to avoide accidental deletions (Issue #13) * Bug fix: use the whole card for tap-to-reveal, not just the token (Issue #10) * Code: internal changes (as always) #### v0.2.3 * New feature: encrypted backups with password * New feature: show a warning about backups on the first launch * Style/UI: rename Export and Import to Backup and Restore * Bug fix: don't require device authentication again after screen rotation (Issue #7) * Bug fix: hide the FloatingActionMenu on scroll (Issue #8) * Bug fix: rename the apps launcher icon to "andOTP" (Issue #6) * Bug fix: restrict the label size so they don't overlap with the buttons (Issue #9) * Code: lots of internal refactoring #### v0.2.2 * Bug fix: resume import and export after permission request * Bug fix: implement a working hashCode function for the Entry class * Code: add missing copyright headers * Code: fix some tests * Code: remove outdated tests #### v0.2.1 * New feature: encrypted backups using OpenPGP * Style: new about screen * Style: new backup screen * Code: a lot of refactoring #### v0.2.0 * New feature: copy token to clipboard * New feature: device credentials to unlock app * New feature: manually enter account details * New feature: search * New feature: settings activity * New feature: tap to reveal * Style: replace FAB with a custom FloatingActionMenu * Style: replace all Snackbars with Toasts * Update: ZXing Android Embedded v3.5.0 * Code: a lot of internal fixes and refactoring * Code: initial groundwork to support different types of OTP tokens (e.g. HOTP) #### v0.1.0 * Initial release (beta)