Switched to enabling non-final resource IDs to allow resource overlays and better resource management in large and modularized projects. This will facilitate easier resource modifications without needing recompilation of the entire codebase.
Switched to non-transitive R classes to improve build performance and reduce APK sizes. This change helps to better isolate module dependencies, making the project more maintainable and the builds more efficient. Addresses performance optimization and modular dependency management needs.
Upgraded Gradle plugin to version 8.1.0 and updated the wrapper to use Gradle 8.0. Updated build settings to modern standards, including non-final resource IDs and non-transitive R class. Moved lintOptions block to the proper lint configuration block in build.gradle. Removed the redundant package attribute from the AndroidManifest.xml since it's now defined in the namespace block.
These updates address compatibility issues and take advantage of new features and performance improvements provided by the latest Gradle version.