Kumi ef5c8c4a1d
Migrate library to MicroPython compatibility
Changes include adapting codebases for I2C, SPI, and UART modules to work with MicroPython's machine library. Removed references to CircuitPython-specific libraries and updated configurations for Pin and UART initialization. Simplified import statements and replaced ReadableBuffer type hints with MicroPython's bytes and bytearray types. This migration targets increased accessibility for MicroPython users, ensuring broader hardware support while maintaining core RFID/NFC functionalities. Adjustments also involve file structure and documentation revisions to reflect the MicroPython focus.
2024-01-11 16:51:27 +01:00

146 lines
5.1 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2018 Tony DiCola for Adafruit Industries
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
This module will let you communicate with a PN532 RFID/NFC shield or breakout
using SPI.
* Author(s): Original Raspberry Pi code by Tony DiCola, CircuitPython by ladyada,
refactor by Carter Nelson
import time
from machine import Pin, SPI
from micropython import const
from typing import Optional, Union
except ImportError:
from pn532 import PN532
__version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0"
__repo__ = "https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_PN532.git"
_SPI_STATREAD = const(0x02)
_SPI_DATAWRITE = const(0x01)
_SPI_DATAREAD = const(0x03)
_SPI_READY = const(0x01)
def reverse_bit(num: int) -> int:
"""Turn an LSB byte to an MSB byte, and vice versa. Used for SPI as
it is LSB for the PN532, but 99% of SPI implementations are MSB only!"""
result = 0
for _ in range(8):
result <<= 1
result += num & 1
num >>= 1
return result
class PN532_SPI(PN532):
"""Driver for the PN532 connected over SPI. Pass in a hardware or bitbang
SPI device & chip select digitalInOut pin. Optional IRQ pin (not used),
reset pin and debugging output."""
def __init__(
spi: SPI,
cs_pin: int,
irq: Optional[int] = None,
reset: Optional[int] = None,
debug: bool = False
) -> None:
"""Create an instance of the PN532 class using SPI
Optional IRQ pin (not used)
:param ~busio.SPI spi: The spi bus the PN532 is connected to.
:param digitalio.DigitalInOut cs: board pin the PN532 chip select line is connected to
:param digitalio.DigitalInOut irq: board pin the PN532 P32 is connected to
:param digitalio.DigitalInOut reset: board pin the PN532 RSTOUT_N is connected to
:param bool debug: if True print additional debug statements. Defaults to False
**Quickstart: Importing and using the device**
Here is an example of using the :class:`PN532_SPI` class.
First you will need to import the libraries to use the sensor
Once this is done you can define your `machine.SPI` object and define your PN532 object
.. code-block:: python
spi = machine.SoftSPI(sck=board.SCK, mosi=board.MOSI, miso=board.MISO)
cs_pin = 23 # probably not 23...
pn532 = PN532_SPI(spi, cs_pin, debug=False)
Now you have access to the attributes and functions of the PN532 RFID/NFC
shield or breakout
.. code-block:: python
uid = pn532.read_passive_target(timeout=0.5)
self.debug = debug
self._spi = spi_device.SPIDevice(spi, cs_pin)
super().__init__(debug=debug, irq=irq, reset=reset)
def _wakeup(self) -> None:
"""Send any special commands/data to wake up PN532"""
if self._reset_pin:
with self._spi as spi:
spi.write(bytearray([0x00])) # pylint: disable=no-member
self.low_power = False
self.SAM_configuration() # Put the PN532 back in normal mode
def _wait_ready(self, timeout: float = 1) -> bool:
"""Poll PN532 if status byte is ready, up to `timeout` seconds"""
status_cmd = bytearray([reverse_bit(_SPI_STATREAD), 0x00])
status_response = bytearray([0x00, 0x00])
timestamp = time.monotonic()
with self._spi as spi:
while (time.monotonic() - timestamp) < timeout:
status_cmd, status_response
) # pylint: disable=no-member
if reverse_bit(status_response[1]) == 0x01: # LSB data is read in MSB
return True # Not busy anymore!
time.sleep(0.01) # pause a bit till we ask again
# We timed out!
return False
def _read_data(self, count: int) -> bytearray:
"""Read a specified count of bytes from the PN532."""
# Build a read request frame.
frame = bytearray(count + 1)
# Add the SPI data read signal byte, but LSB'ify it
frame[0] = reverse_bit(_SPI_DATAREAD)
with self._spi as spi:
spi.write_readinto(frame, frame) # pylint: disable=no-member
for i, val in enumerate(frame):
frame[i] = reverse_bit(val) # turn LSB data to MSB
if self.debug:
print("Reading: ", [hex(i) for i in frame[1:]])
return frame[1:]
def _write_data(self, framebytes: Union[bytes, bytearray]) -> None:
"""Write a specified count of bytes to the PN532"""
# start by making a frame with data write in front,
# then rest of bytes, and LSBify it
rev_frame = [reverse_bit(x) for x in bytes([_SPI_DATAWRITE]) + framebytes]
if self.debug:
print("Writing: ", [hex(i) for i in rev_frame])
with self._spi as spi:
spi.write(bytes(rev_frame)) # pylint: disable=no-member