MFRC522-python ============== A small class to interface with the NFC reader Module MFRC522 on the Raspberry Pi. This is a Python port of the example code for the NFC module MF522-AN. **Important notice:** This library has not being actively updated in almost four years. It might not work as intended on more recent Raspberry Pi devices. You might want to take a look to the open pull-requests and forks to see other implementations and bug-fixes. ## Requirements This code requires you to have SPI-Py installed from the following repository: ## Examples This repository includes a couple of examples showing how to read, write, and dump data from a chip. They are thoroughly commented, and should be easy to understand. ## Pins You can use [this]( image for reference. | Name | Pin # | Pin name | |:------:|:-------:|:------------:| | SDA | 24 | GPIO8 | | SCK | 23 | GPIO11 | | MOSI | 19 | GPIO10 | | MISO | 21 | GPIO9 | | IRQ | None | None | | GND | Any | Any Ground | | RST | 22 | GPIO25 | | 3.3V | 1 | 3V3 | ## Usage Import the class by importing MFRC522 in the top of your script. For more info see the examples. ## License This code and examples are licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License 3.0.