diff --git a/detekt-baselines/app.xml b/detekt-baselines/app.xml
index eb5e9396..2b6993f8 100644
--- a/detekt-baselines/app.xml
+++ b/detekt-baselines/app.xml
@@ -7,13 +7,6 @@
ComplexCondition:GitServerConfigActivity.kt$GitServerConfigActivity$localDir.exists() && localDirFiles.isNotEmpty() && !(localDirFiles.size == 1 && localDirFiles[0].name == ".git")
ComplexCondition:PasswordCreationActivity.kt$PasswordCreationActivity$(!editing || (editing && suggestedName != file.nameWithoutExtension)) && file.exists()
ComplexCondition:PasswordStore.kt$PasswordStore$(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_SEARCH || keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_F && event.isCtrlPressed) && !searchItem.isActionViewExpanded
- ComplexMethod:AutofillFilterView.kt$AutofillFilterView$private fun bindUI()
- ComplexMethod:GitCommandExecutor.kt$GitCommandExecutor$suspend fun execute(): Result<Unit, Throwable>
- ComplexMethod:GitServerConfigActivity.kt$GitServerConfigActivity$override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
- ComplexMethod:Migrations.kt$private fun migrateToGitUrlBasedConfig(sharedPrefs: SharedPreferences, gitSettings: GitSettings)
- ComplexMethod:PasswordCreationActivity.kt$PasswordCreationActivity$override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?)
- ComplexMethod:PasswordCreationActivity.kt$PasswordCreationActivity$private fun encrypt()
- ComplexMethod:PasswordFragment.kt$PasswordFragment$private fun initializePasswordList()
EmptyFunctionBlock:BasicBottomSheet.kt$BasicBottomSheet.<no name provided>${}
EmptyFunctionBlock:ItemCreationBottomSheet.kt$ItemCreationBottomSheet.<no name provided>${}
EmptyFunctionBlock:PasswordFragment.kt$PasswordFragment.<no name provided>.<no name provided>${}
@@ -60,7 +53,6 @@
MaxLineLength:BaseGitActivity.kt$BaseGitActivity$"The server does not support multiple Git operations per SSH session. Please try again, a slower fallback mode will be used."
MaxLineLength:BaseGitActivity.kt$BaseGitActivity$"WARNING: The remote host key has changed. If this is expected, please go to Git server settings and clear the saved host key."
- MaxLineLength:DecryptScreen.kt$ |otpauth://totp/ACME%20Co:john@example.com?secret=HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ&issuer=ACME%20Co&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30
NestedBlockDepth:FieldItemAdapter.kt$FieldItemAdapter.FieldItemViewHolder$fun bind(fieldItem: FieldItem, showPassword: Boolean, copyTextToClipboard: (String?) -> Unit)
NestedBlockDepth:GitOperation.kt$GitOperation$suspend fun executeAfterAuthentication(authMode: AuthMode): Result<Unit, Throwable>
NestedBlockDepth:PasswordExportService.kt$PasswordExportService$override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int
@@ -74,9 +66,10 @@
ReturnCount:ClipboardService.kt$ClipboardService$override fun onStartCommand(intent: Intent?, flags: Int, startId: Int): Int
ReturnCount:Extensions.kt$fun File.contains(other: File): Boolean
ReturnCount:GitOperation.kt$GitOperation$suspend fun executeAfterAuthentication(authMode: AuthMode): Result<Unit, Throwable>
- ReturnCount:GitSettings.kt$GitSettings$fun updateConnectionSettingsIfValid( newAuthMode: AuthMode, newUrl: String, newBranch: String ): UpdateConnectionSettingsResult
+ ReturnCount:GitSettings.kt$GitSettings$fun updateConnectionSettingsIfValid( newAuthMode: AuthMode, newUrl: String ): UpdateConnectionSettingsResult
ReturnCount:OreoAutofillService.kt$OreoAutofillService$override fun onFillRequest( request: FillRequest, cancellationSignal: CancellationSignal, callback: FillCallback )
ReturnCount:OreoAutofillService.kt$OreoAutofillService$override fun onSaveRequest(request: SaveRequest, callback: SaveCallback)
+ ReturnCount:PasswordRepository.kt$PasswordRepository$fun getCurrentBranch(): String?
ReturnCount:PasswordStore.kt$PasswordStore$override fun onKeyDown(keyCode: Int, event: KeyEvent): Boolean
ReturnCount:ShortcutHandler.kt$ShortcutHandler$fun addPinnedShortcut(item: PasswordItem, intent: Intent)
@@ -103,6 +96,6 @@
UseCheckOrError:SshKey.kt$SshKey$throw IllegalStateException("SSH key does not exist in Keystore")
UseCheckOrError:SshKeyGenActivity.kt$SshKeyGenActivity$throw IllegalStateException("Impossible key type selection")
- WildcardImport:GitOperation.kt$import app.passwordstore.util.auth.BiometricAuthenticator.Result.*
+ WildcardImport:Application.kt$import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatDelegate.*
diff --git a/detekt-baselines/autofill-parser.xml b/detekt-baselines/autofill-parser.xml
index aea58ad6..9a7f95f7 100644
--- a/detekt-baselines/autofill-parser.xml
+++ b/detekt-baselines/autofill-parser.xml
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
- ComplexMethod:AutofillStrategyDsl.kt$AutofillRule$fun match( allPassword: List<FormField>, allUsername: List<FormField>, allOtp: List<FormField>, singleOriginMode: Boolean, isManualRequest: Boolean ): AutofillScenario<FormField>?
DestructuringDeclarationWithTooManyEntries:AutofillStrategyDsl.kt$AutofillRule$(type, matcher, optional, matchHidden)
ForbiddenComment:AutofillFormParser.kt$AutofillFormParser$// TODO: Support WebViews in apps via Digital Asset Links
ForbiddenComment:AutofillStrategy.kt$// TODO: Introduce a custom fill/generate/update flow for this scenario
diff --git a/detekt-baselines/random.xml b/detekt-baselines/random.xml
index 345a7f94..d4728260 100644
--- a/detekt-baselines/random.xml
+++ b/detekt-baselines/random.xml
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
- ComplexCondition:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$!candidate.flags.hasFlag(nextBasicType) || (isStartOfPart && candidate.flags hasFlag NOT_FIRST) || // Don't let a diphthong that starts with a vowel follow a vowel. (previousFlags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag DIPHTHONG) || // Don't add multi-character candidates if we would go over the targetLength. (password.length + candidate.length > targetLength) || (pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && candidate.isAmbiguous)
- ComplexMethod:PasswordGenerator.kt$PasswordGenerator$@Throws(PasswordGeneratorException::class) public fun generate(passwordOptions: List<PasswordOption>, length: Int = DEFAULT_LENGTH): String
- ComplexMethod:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$fun generate(targetLength: Int, pwFlags: Int): String?
+ ComplexCondition:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$!candidate.flags.hasFlag(nextBasicType) || (isStartOfPart && candidate.flags hasFlag NOT_FIRST) || // Don't let a diphthong that starts with a vowel follow a vowel. (previousFlags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag DIPHTHONG) || // Don't add multi-character candidates if we would go over the targetLength. (password.length + candidate.length > targetLength) || (pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && candidate.isAmbiguous)
LongMethod:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$fun generate(targetLength: Int, pwFlags: Int): String?
- LoopWithTooManyJumpStatements:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$while (password.length < targetLength) { // First part: Add a single letter or pronounceable pair of letters in varying case. val candidate = elements.secureRandomElement() // Reroll if the candidate does not fulfill the current requirements. if ( !candidate.flags.hasFlag(nextBasicType) || (isStartOfPart && candidate.flags hasFlag NOT_FIRST) || // Don't let a diphthong that starts with a vowel follow a vowel. (previousFlags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag DIPHTHONG) || // Don't add multi-character candidates if we would go over the targetLength. (password.length + candidate.length > targetLength) || (pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && candidate.isAmbiguous) ) { continue } // At this point the candidate could be appended to the password, but we still have // to determine the case. If no upper case characters are required, we don't add // any. val useUpperIfBothCasesAllowed = (isStartOfPart || candidate.flags hasFlag CONSONANT) && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(20) password += if ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.UPPERS && (!(pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.LOWERS) || useUpperIfBothCasesAllowed) ) { candidate.upperCase } else { candidate.lowerCase } // We ensured above that we will not go above the target length. check(password.length <= targetLength) if (password.length == targetLength) break // Second part: Add digits and symbols with a certain probability (if requested) if // they would not directly follow the first character in a pronounceable part. if ( !isStartOfPart && pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.DIGITS && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(30) ) { var randomDigit: Char do { randomDigit = secureRandomNumber(10).toString(10).first() } while ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && randomDigit in PasswordGenerator.AMBIGUOUS_STR ) password += randomDigit // Begin a new pronounceable part after every digit. isStartOfPart = true nextBasicType = if (secureRandomBoolean()) VOWEL else CONSONANT previousFlags = 0 continue } if ( !isStartOfPart && pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.SYMBOLS && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(20) ) { var randomSymbol: Char do { randomSymbol = PasswordGenerator.SYMBOLS_STR.secureRandomCharacter() } while ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && randomSymbol in PasswordGenerator.AMBIGUOUS_STR ) password += randomSymbol // Continue the password generation as if nothing was added. } // Third part: Determine the basic type of the next character depending on the letter // we just added. nextBasicType = when { candidate.flags.hasFlag(CONSONANT) -> VOWEL previousFlags.hasFlag(VOWEL) || candidate.flags.hasFlag(DIPHTHONG) || secureRandomBiasedBoolean(60) -> CONSONANT else -> VOWEL } previousFlags = candidate.flags isStartOfPart = false }
+ LoopWithTooManyJumpStatements:RandomPhonemesGenerator.kt$RandomPhonemesGenerator$while (password.length < targetLength) { // First part: Add a single letter or pronounceable pair of letters in varying case. val candidate = elements.secureRandomElement() // Reroll if the candidate does not fulfill the current requirements. if ( !candidate.flags.hasFlag(nextBasicType) || (isStartOfPart && candidate.flags hasFlag NOT_FIRST) || // Don't let a diphthong that starts with a vowel follow a vowel. (previousFlags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag VOWEL && candidate.flags hasFlag DIPHTHONG) || // Don't add multi-character candidates if we would go over the targetLength. (password.length + candidate.length > targetLength) || (pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && candidate.isAmbiguous) ) { continue } // At this point the candidate could be appended to the password, but we still have // to determine the case. If no upper case characters are required, we don't add // any. val useUpperIfBothCasesAllowed = (isStartOfPart || candidate.flags hasFlag CONSONANT) && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(20) password += if ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.UPPERS && (!(pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.LOWERS) || useUpperIfBothCasesAllowed) ) { candidate.upperCase } else { candidate.lowerCase } // We ensured above that we will not go above the target length. check(password.length <= targetLength) if (password.length == targetLength) break // Second part: Add digits and symbols with a certain probability (if requested) if // they would not directly follow the first character in a pronounceable part. if ( !isStartOfPart && pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.DIGITS && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(30) ) { var randomDigit: Char do { randomDigit = secureRandomNumber(10).toString(10).first() } while ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && randomDigit in PasswordGenerator.AMBIGUOUS_STR ) password += randomDigit // Begin a new pronounceable part after every digit. isStartOfPart = true nextBasicType = if (secureRandomBoolean()) VOWEL else CONSONANT previousFlags = 0 continue } if ( !isStartOfPart && pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.SYMBOLS && secureRandomBiasedBoolean(20) ) { var randomSymbol: Char do { randomSymbol = PasswordGenerator.SYMBOLS_STR.secureRandomCharacter() } while ( pwFlags hasFlag PasswordGenerator.NO_AMBIGUOUS && randomSymbol in PasswordGenerator.AMBIGUOUS_STR ) password += randomSymbol // Continue the password generation as if nothing was added. } // Third part: Determine the basic type of the next character depending on the letter // we just added. nextBasicType = when { candidate.flags.hasFlag(CONSONANT) -> VOWEL previousFlags.hasFlag(VOWEL) || candidate.flags.hasFlag(DIPHTHONG) || secureRandomBiasedBoolean(60) -> CONSONANT else -> VOWEL } previousFlags = candidate.flags isStartOfPart = false }
@@ -16,6 +14,6 @@
ReturnCount:PasswordGenerator.kt$PasswordGenerator$internal fun isValidPassword(password: String, pwFlags: Int): Boolean
- ThrowsCount:PasswordGenerator.kt$PasswordGenerator$@Throws(PasswordGeneratorException::class) public fun generate(passwordOptions: List<PasswordOption>, length: Int = DEFAULT_LENGTH): String
+ ThrowsCount:PasswordGenerator.kt$PasswordGenerator$@Throws(PasswordGeneratorException::class) public fun generate(passwordOptions: List<PasswordOption>, length: Int = DEFAULT_LENGTH): String