message="Invalid package reference in org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15to18; not included in Android: ``. Referenced from `org.bouncycastle.cert.dane.fetcher.JndiDANEFetcherFactory`.">
message="Invalid package reference in org.bouncycastle:bcpkix-jdk15to18; not included in Android: `javax.naming`. Referenced from `org.bouncycastle.cert.dane.fetcher.JndiDANEFetcherFactory.1`.">
message="Use the structured concurrent CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect APIs instead of reactive Flow#onEach and Flow#launchIn. Suspend calls like Flow#collect can be refactored into standalone suspend funs and mixed in with regular control flow in a suspend context, but calls that invoke CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect at the same time hide the suspend context, encouraging the developer to continue working in the reactive domain."
message="Use the structured concurrent CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect APIs instead of reactive Flow#onEach and Flow#launchIn. Suspend calls like Flow#collect can be refactored into standalone suspend funs and mixed in with regular control flow in a suspend context, but calls that invoke CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect at the same time hide the suspend context, encouraging the developer to continue working in the reactive domain."
message="Use the structured concurrent CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect APIs instead of reactive Flow#onEach and Flow#launchIn. Suspend calls like Flow#collect can be refactored into standalone suspend funs and mixed in with regular control flow in a suspend context, but calls that invoke CoroutineScope#launch and Flow#collect at the same time hide the suspend context, encouraging the developer to continue working in the reactive domain."
message="One or more images in this project can be converted to the WebP format which typically results in smaller file sizes, even for lossless conversion">
message="One or more images in this project can be converted to the WebP format which typically results in smaller file sizes, even for lossless conversion">
message="Should explicitly declare type here since implicit type does not specify nullness (Lazy<Array<(GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)> or GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)>?)>>)"
errorLine1=" override val commands by unsafeLazy {"
message="Should explicitly declare type here since implicit type does not specify nullness (Array<(GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)> or GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)>?)>)"
message="Should explicitly declare type here since implicit type does not specify nullness (Array<(GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)> or GitCommand<out (Any or Any?)>?)>)"