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- **Q:** What kind of repository can I clone from?
- **A:** Make sure to only clone from bare repositories (see [git-clone(1)](http://git-scm.com/docs/git-clone) for how to create a bare repository from an existing one). Otherwise the clone will fail.
- **Q:** I get a "Permission Denied" error when trying to import my ssh-key, why?
- **A:** ssh-key files are usually created with permissions set to `600`, meaning that only the creator of this key has the right to read from it. The application needs a read access, at least temporarily, make the permissions to `644`, import the key, then set them back to `600`.
- **Q** I get the error *No encrypted data with known secret key found in stream*
- **A** In OpenKeyChain **(under the left drawer) Apps > Password Store > Accounts > (select the account) > Account key** select the key used to encrypt your passwords.
- [Github issues](https://github.com/zeapo/Android-Password-Store/issues), use it if you have a bug report, you do not understand how somehting works or feature request
- [reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/androidpwd), want to discuss something and it's midnight, no one on irc and you really want to write more than a couple of lines? reddit is your way!
- ~~Implement a keyboard to replace the copy/paste and avoid clipboard hijicking (see [#50](https://github.com/zeapo/Android-Password-Store/issues/50))~~ (Autofill does the job)
- Solve issues labeld as *enhancement* (see [enhancement issues](https://github.com/zeapo/Android-Password-Store/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aenhancement))