import as sio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import curve_fit import sys,os from cfl import writecfl os.environ['TOOLBOX_PATH'] = '/home/jpfitzer/bart-0.9.00' os.environ['BART_TOOLBOX_PATH'] = '/home/jpfitzer/bart-0.9.00' sys.path.append('/home/jpfitzer/bart-0.9.00/bart/python') rawName = 'T2_CPMG.mat' mat_data_0=sio.loadmat(rawName) # Format: sampled, # kSpace [kRd, kPh, kSl, kSpace_echo_1, kSpace_echo_2, ..., kSpace_echo_nETL] (102400, 23) # So the first three are the coordinates of the kspace, and the rest are the echoes print(mat_data_0['kSpaces3D'].shape) kSpaces3D = mat_data_0['kSpaces3D'] # self.mapVals['sampled'] = np.concatenate((kRD, kPH, kSL, dataAll_sampled), axis=1) # nReadout, nPhase, nSlice nPoints = (80, 80, 16) echo_train_length = mat_data_0['kSpaces3D'].shape[1] - 3 # Because the first 3 are kRD, kPH, kSL -> should give 20 print(f"Echo train length: {echo_train_length}") echo_spacing = mat_data_0['echoSpacing'][0][0] print(f"Echo spacing: {echo_spacing}") k_readout = kSpaces3D[:, 0] k_phase = kSpaces3D[:, 1] k_slice = kSpaces3D[:, 2] # The rest of the data is the echoes echos = kSpaces3D[:, 3:] # Reshape the kspace data for bart kSpace = echos.reshape(nPoints[2], nPoints[1], nPoints[0], echo_train_length) print(kSpace.shape) # cfl = writecfl('kSpace', kSpace) # Create the image with bart fft -i 7 kSpace fft -> three dimensional # Put the echos on the fifth dimension: # bart transpose 3 5 # Put the slices on the correct dimension # bart transpose 0 2 # traj = writecfl('traj', np.stack((k_readout, k_phase, k_slice), axis=1)) # Echo times with echo spacing TE = np.linspace(echo_spacing, echo_spacing * echo_train_length, echo_train_length, endpoint=True) print("TE: ", TE) # Create the echotimes file: # bart vec ... echo_times # bart scale 0.001 echo_times echo_times_scaled # Move the echo_times to the correct dimension: # bart transpose 0 5 echo_times_scaled echo_times_final # Fit the model: # bart mobafit -T echo_times_final fft_transposed fit # Now some values will be very large so we can apply a threshold to obtain a mask # bart threshold -M 1000 reco/fit reco/mask # Multiply the fit with the mask # bart fmac reco/fit reco/fit reco/fit_mask # Select slice # bart slice 6 1 reco/fit_mask reco/R2_map # Invert the data to get T2 # bart invert reco/R2_map reco/T2_map