Caleb James DeLisle 8a32b72ffc 1. implement cryptpadCache which has put() and get() functions that can be used like a localStorage that auto-flushes when a new version is released
2. change loading.js to use packaged css in order to get the loading screen up as quick as possible.
3. change LessLoader to cache less in cryptpadCache
2017-09-14 10:23:05 +02:00

160 lines
6.3 KiB

// This file provides the API for the channel for talking to and from the sandbox iframe.
], function (SFrameProtocol, Util) {
var mkTxid = function () {
return Math.random().toString(16).replace('0.', '') + Math.random().toString(16).replace('0.', '');
var create = function (ow, cb, isSandbox, sendData) {
var otherWindow;
var evReady = Util.mkEvent(true);
var handlers = {};
var queries = {};
// list of handlers which are registered from the other side...
var insideHandlers = [];
var callWhenRegistered = {};
var chan = {};
// Send a query. channel.query('Q_SOMETHING', { args: "whatever" }, function (reply) { ... });
chan.query = function (q, content, cb) {
if (!otherWindow) { throw new Error('not yet initialized'); }
if (!SFrameProtocol[q]) {
throw new Error('please only make queries are defined in sframe-protocol.js');
var txid = mkTxid();
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
delete queries[txid];
console.log("Timeout making query " + q);
}, 30000);
queries[txid] = function (data, msg) {
delete queries[txid];
cb(undefined, data.content, msg);
evReady.reg(function () {
txid: txid,
content: content,
q: q
}), '*');
// Fire an event. channel.event('EV_SOMETHING', { args: "whatever" });
var event = chan.event = function (e, content) {
if (!SFrameProtocol[e]) {
throw new Error('please only fire events that are defined in sframe-protocol.js');
if (e.indexOf('EV_') !== 0) {
throw new Error('please only use events (starting with EV_) for event messages');
evReady.reg(function () {
otherWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ content: content, q: e }), '*');
// Be notified on query or event. channel.on('EV_SOMETHING', function (args, reply) { ... });
// If the type is a query, your handler will be invoked with a reply function that takes
// one argument (the content to reply with).
chan.on = function (queryType, handler, quiet) {
if (!SFrameProtocol[queryType]) {
throw new Error('please only register handlers which are defined in sframe-protocol.js');
(handlers[queryType] = handlers[queryType] || []).push(function (data, msg) {
handler(data.content, function (replyContent) {
if (queryType.indexOf('Q_') !== 0) { throw new Error("replies to events are invalid"); }
txid: data.txid,
content: replyContent
}), '*');
}, msg);
if (!quiet) {
event('EV_REGISTER_HANDLER', queryType);
// If a particular handler is registered, call the callback immediately, otherwise it will be called
// when that handler is first registered.
// channel.whenReg('Q_SOMETHING', function () { ...query Q_SOMETHING?... });
chan.whenReg = function (queryType, cb, always) {
if (!SFrameProtocol[queryType]) {
throw new Error('please only register handlers which are defined in sframe-protocol.js');
var reg = always;
if (insideHandlers.indexOf(queryType) > -1) {
} else {
reg = true;
if (reg) {
(callWhenRegistered[queryType] = callWhenRegistered[queryType] || []).push(cb);
// Same as whenReg except it will invoke every time there is another registration, not just once.
chan.onReg = function (queryType, cb) { chan.whenReg(queryType, cb, true); };
chan.on('EV_REGISTER_HANDLER', function (content) {
if (callWhenRegistered[content]) {
callWhenRegistered[content].forEach(function (f) { f(); });
delete callWhenRegistered[content];
// Make sure both iframes are ready
chan.onReady = function (h) {
if (typeof(h) !== "function") { return; }
chan.on('EV_RPC_READY', function () { h(); });
chan.ready = function () {
chan.whenReg('EV_RPC_READY', function () {
var txid;
window.addEventListener('message', function (msg) {
var data = JSON.parse(;
if (ow !== msg.source) {
//console.log("DROP Message from unexpected source");
} else if (!otherWindow) {
otherWindow = ow;
sendData = sendData || {};
sendData.txid = data.txid;
ow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(sendData), '*');
} else if (typeof(data.q) === 'string' && handlers[data.q]) {
handlers[data.q].forEach(function (f) {
f(data || JSON.parse(, msg);
data = undefined;
} else if (typeof(data.q) === 'undefined' && queries[data.txid]) {
queries[data.txid](data, msg);
} else if (data.txid === txid) {
// stray message from init
} else {
console.log("DROP Unhandled message");
if (isSandbox) {
// we're in the sandbox
otherWindow = ow;;
return { create: create };