/*jshint esversion: 6 */ const Stats = module.exports; Stats.instanceData = function (Env) { var data = { version: Env.version, installMethod: Env.installMethod, domain: Env.myDomain, subdomain: Env.mySubdomain, httpUnsafeOrigin: Env.httpUnsafeOrigin, httpSafeOrigin: Env.httpSafeOrigin, adminEmail: Env.consentToContact? Env.adminEmail: undefined, consentToContact: Boolean(Env.consentToContact), instancePurpose: Env.instancePurpose === 'noanswer'? undefined: Env.instancePurpose, }; /* We reserve the right to choose not to include instances in our public directory at our discretion. The following details will be included in your telemetry as factors that may contribute to that decision. These values are publicly available via /api/config posting them to our server just makes it easier for us. */ if (Env.listMyInstance) { // clearly indicate that you want to be listed data.listMyInstance = Env.listMyInstance; // you should have enabled your admin panel data.adminKeys = Env.admins.length > 0; // we expect that you enable your support mailbox data.supportMailbox = Boolean(Env.supportMailbox); // do you allow registration? data.restrictRegistration = Boolean(Env.restrictRegistration); // have you removed the donate button? data.removeDonateButton = Boolean(Env.removeDonateButton); // after how long do you consider a document to be inactive? data.inactiveTime = Env.inactiveTime; // how much storage do you offer to registered users? data.defaultStorageLimit = Env.defaultStorageLimit; // what size file upload do you permit data.maxUploadSize = Env.maxUploadSize; // how long do you retain inactive accounts? data.accountRetentionTime = Env.accountRetentionTime; // how long do you retain archived data? //data.archiveRetentionTime = Env.archiveRetentionTime, } // we won't consider instances for public listings // unless they opt to provide more info about themselves if (!Env.provideAggregateStatistics) { return data; } return data; };