define([ '/customize/application_config.js', '/common/common-feedback.js', '/common/common-hash.js', '/common/common-util.js', '/common/common-messaging.js', '/common/outer/mailbox.js', '/bower_components/nthen/index.js', '/bower_components/chainpad-crypto/crypto.js', ], function (AppConfig, Feedback, Hash, Util, Messaging, Mailbox, nThen, Crypto) { // Start migration check // Versions: // 1: migrate pad attributes // 2: migrate indent settings (codemirror) return function (userObject, cb, progress, store) { var version = userObject.version || 0; nThen(function () { // DEPRECATED // Migration 1: pad attributes moved to filesData var migratePadAttributesToData = function () { return true; }; if (version < 1) { migratePadAttributesToData(); } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 2: global attributes from root to 'settings' subobjects var migrateAttributes = function () { var drawer = 'cryptpad.userlist-drawer'; var polls = 'cryptpad.hide_poll_text'; var indentKey = 'cryptpad.indentUnit'; var useTabsKey = 'cryptpad.indentWithTabs'; var settings = userObject.settings = userObject.settings || {}; if (typeof(userObject[indentKey]) !== "undefined") { settings.codemirror = settings.codemirror || {}; settings.codemirror.indentUnit = userObject[indentKey]; delete userObject[indentKey]; } if (typeof(userObject[useTabsKey]) !== "undefined") { settings.codemirror = settings.codemirror || {}; settings.codemirror.indentWithTabs = userObject[useTabsKey]; delete userObject[useTabsKey]; } if (typeof(userObject[drawer]) !== "undefined") { settings.toolbar = settings.toolbar || {}; settings.toolbar['userlist-drawer'] = userObject[drawer]; delete userObject[drawer]; } if (typeof(userObject[polls]) !== "undefined") { settings.poll = settings.poll || {}; settings.poll['hide-text'] = userObject[polls]; delete userObject[polls]; } }; if (version < 2) { migrateAttributes(); Feedback.send('Migrate-2', true); userObject.version = version = 2; } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 3: language from localStorage to settings var migrateLanguage = function () { if (!localStorage.CRYPTPAD_LANG) { return; } var l = localStorage.CRYPTPAD_LANG; userObject.settings.language = l; }; if (version < 3) { migrateLanguage(); Feedback.send('Migrate-3', true); userObject.version = version = 3; } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 4: allowUserFeedback to settings var migrateFeedback = function () { var settings = userObject.settings = userObject.settings || {}; if (typeof(userObject['allowUserFeedback']) !== "undefined") { settings.general = settings.general || {}; settings.general.allowUserFeedback = userObject['allowUserFeedback']; delete userObject['allowUserFeedback']; } }; if (version < 4) { migrateFeedback(); Feedback.send('Migrate-4', true); userObject.version = version = 4; } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 5: dates to Number var migrateDates = function () { var data = &&; if (data) { for (var id in data) { if (typeof data[id].ctime !== "number") { data[id].ctime = +new Date(data[id].ctime); } if (typeof data[id].atime !== "number") { data[id].atime = +new Date(data[id].atime); } } } }; if (version < 5) { migrateDates(); Feedback.send('Migrate-5', true); userObject.version = version = 5; } }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var addChannelId = function () { var data =; var el, parsed; var n = nThen(function () {}); var padsLength = Object.keys(data).length; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k, i) { n = n.nThen(function (w) { setTimeout(w(function () { el = data[k]; parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.href); if (!el.href) { return; } if (! { var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password); =; progress(6, Math.round(100*i/padsLength)); console.log('Adding missing channel in filesData ',; } })); }); }); n.nThen(waitFor(function () { Feedback.send('Migrate-6', true); userObject.version = version = 6; })); }; if (version < 6) { addChannelId(); } }).nThen(function (waitFor) { var addRoHref = function () { var data =; var el, parsed; var n = nThen(function () {}); var padsLength = Object.keys(data).length; Object.keys(data).forEach(function (k, i) { n = n.nThen(function (w) { setTimeout(w(function () { el = data[k]; if (!el.href) { // Already migrated return void progress(7, Math.round(100*i/padsLength)); } if (el.href.indexOf('#') === -1) { // Encrypted href: already migrated return void progress(7, Math.round(100*i/padsLength)); } parsed = Hash.parsePadUrl(el.href); if (parsed.hashData.type !== "pad") { // No read-only mode for files return void progress(7, Math.round(100*i/padsLength)); } if (parsed.hashData.mode === "view") { // This is a read-only pad in our drive el.roHref = el.href; delete el.href; console.log('Move href to roHref in filesData ', el.roHref); } else { var secret = Hash.getSecrets(parsed.type, parsed.hash, el.password); var hash = Hash.getViewHashFromKeys(secret); if (hash) { // Version 0 won't have a view hash available el.roHref = '/' + parsed.type + '/#' + hash; console.log('Adding missing roHref in filesData ', el.href); } } progress(6, Math.round(100*i/padsLength)); })); }); }); n.nThen(waitFor(function () { Feedback.send('Migrate-7', true); userObject.version = version = 7; })); }; if (version < 7) { addRoHref(); } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 8: remove duplicate entries in proxy.FS_hashes (list of migrated anon drives) var fixDuplicate = function () { userObject.FS_hashes = Util.deduplicateString(userObject.FS_hashes || []); }; if (version < 8) { fixDuplicate(); Feedback.send('Migrate-8', true); userObject.version = version = 8; } }).nThen(function () { // Migration 9: send our mailbox channel to existing friends var migrateFriends = function () { var network =; var channels = {}; var ctx = { store: store }; var myData = Messaging.createData(userObject); var close = function (chan) { var channel = channels[chan]; if (!channel) { return; } try { channel.wc.leave(); } catch (e) {} delete channels[chan]; }; var onDirectMessage = function (msg, sender) { if (sender !== network.historyKeeper) { return; } var parsed = JSON.parse(msg); // Metadata msg? we don't care if ((parsed.validateKey || parsed.owners) && { return; } // End of history message, "onReady" if ( && channels[]) { // History cleared while we were offline // ==> we asked for an invalid last known hash if (parsed.error && parsed.error === "EINVAL") { var histMsg = ['GET_HISTORY',, {}]; network.sendto(network.historyKeeper, JSON.stringify(histMsg)) .then(function () {}, function () {}); return; } // End of history if (parsed.state && parsed.state === 1) { // Channel is ready and we didn't receive their mailbox channel: send our channel =; var updateMsg = ['UPDATE', myData.curvePublic, +new Date(), myData]; var cryptMsg = channels[].encrypt(JSON.stringify(updateMsg)); channels[].wc.bcast(cryptMsg).then(function () {}, function (err) { console.error("Can't migrate this friend", channels[].friend, err); }); close(; return; } } else if ( { return; } // History message: we only care about "UPDATE" messages var chan = parsed[3]; if (!chan || !channels[chan]) { return; } var channel = channels[chan]; var msgIn = channel.decrypt(parsed[4]); var parsedMsg = JSON.parse(msgIn); if (parsedMsg[0] === 'UPDATE') { if (parsedMsg[1] === myData.curvePublic) { return; } var data = parsedMsg[3]; // If it doesn't contain the mailbox channel, ignore the message if (!data.notifications) { return; } // Otherwise we know their channel, we can send them our own channel.friend.notifications = data.notifications; = chan; Mailbox.sendTo(ctx, 'UPDATE_DATA', myData, { channel: data.notifications, curvePublic: data.curvePublic }, function (obj) { if (obj && obj.error) { return void console.error(obj); } console.log('friend migrated', channel.friend); }); close(chan); } }; network.on('message', function(msg, sender) { try { onDirectMessage(msg, sender); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } }); var friends = userObject.friends || {}; Object.keys(friends).forEach(function (curve) { if (curve.length !== 44) { return; } var friend = friends[curve]; // Check if it is already a "new" friend if (friend.notifications) { return; } /** Old friend: * 1. Open the messenger channel * 2. Check if they sent us their mailbox channel * 3.a. Yes ==> sent them a mail containing our mailbox channel * 3.b. No ==> post our mailbox data to the messenger channel */ network.join( (wc) { var keys = Crypto.Curve.deriveKeys(friend.curvePublic, userObject.curvePrivate); var encryptor = Crypto.Curve.createEncryptor(keys); channels[] = { wc: wc, friend: friend, decrypt: encryptor.decrypt, encrypt: encryptor.encrypt }; var cfg = { lastKnownHash: friend.lastKnownHash }; var msg = ['GET_HISTORY',, cfg]; network.sendto(network.historyKeeper, JSON.stringify(msg)) .then(function () {}, function (err) { console.error("Can't migrate this friend", friend, err); }); }, function (err) { console.error("Can't migrate this friend", friend, err); }); }); }; if (version < 9) { migrateFriends(); Feedback.send('Migrate-9', true); userObject.version = version = 9; } /*}).nThen(function (waitFor) { // Test progress bar in the loading screen var i = 0; var w = waitFor(); var it = setInterval(function () { i += 5; if (i >= 100) { w(); clearInterval(it); i = 100;} progress(0, i); }, 500); progress(0, 0);*/ }).nThen(function () { setTimeout(cb); }); }; });