/* jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var config; var configPath = process.env.CRYPTPAD_CONFIG || "../config/config"; try { config = require(configPath); if (config.adminEmail === 'i.did.not.read.my.config@cryptpad.fr') { console.log("You can configure the administrator email (adminEmail) in your config/config.js file"); } } catch (e) { if (e instanceof SyntaxError) { console.error("config/config.js is faulty. See stacktrace below for more information. Terminating. \n"); console.error(e.name + ": " + e.message); console.error(e.stack.split("\n\n")[0]); process.exit(1); } else { console.log("Config not found, loading the example config. You can customize the configuration by copying config/config.example.js to " + configPath); } config = require("../config/config.example"); } module.exports = config;