define([ '/api/config?cb=' + Math.random().toString(16).substring(2), '/common/realtime-input.js', '/common/crypto.js', '/bower_components/marked/marked.min.js', '/common/convert.js', '/common/rainbow.js', '/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', '/customize/pad.js' ], function (Config, Realtime, Crypto, Marked, Convert, Rainbow) { var $ = window.jQuery; var Vdom = Convert.core.vdom, Hyperjson = Convert.core.hyperjson, Hyperscript = Convert.core.hyperscript; var key; var channel = ''; var hash = false; if (!/#/.test(window.location.href)) { key = Crypto.genKey(); } else { hash = window.location.hash.slice(1); channel = hash.slice(0, 32); key = hash.slice(32); } // set markdown rendering options :: strip html to prevent XSS Marked.setOptions({ sanitize: true }); var module = window.APP = { Vdom: Vdom, Hyperjson: Hyperjson, Hyperscript: Hyperscript }; var $target = module.$target = $('#target'); var config = { websocketURL: Config.websocketURL, userName: Crypto.rand64(8), channel: channel, cryptKey: key, crypto: Crypto }; var draw = window.draw = (function () { var target = $target[0], inner = $target.find('#inner')[0]; if (!target) { throw new Error(); } var Previous =; return function (md) { var rendered = Marked(md||""); // make a dom var R = $('
')[0]; var New =; var patches = Vdom.diff(Previous, New); Vdom.patch(inner, patches); Previous = New; return patches; }; }()); var colour = module.colour = Rainbow(); var $inner = $('#inner'); window.makeRainbow = false; var makeRainbows = function () { $inner .find('*:not(.untouched)') .css({ 'border': '5px solid '+colour(), margin: '5px' }) .addClass('untouched'); }; var redrawTimeout; var lazyDraw = function (md) { if (redrawTimeout) { clearTimeout(redrawTimeout); } redrawTimeout = setTimeout(function () { draw(md); if (window.makeRainbow) { makeRainbows(); } }, 450); }; var initializing = true; var onInit = config.onInit = function (info) { window.location.hash = + key; module.realtime = info.realtime; }; // when your editor is ready var onReady = config.onReady = function (info) { //if (info.userList) { console.log("Userlist: [%s]", info.userList.join(',')); } console.log("Realtime is ready!"); var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); lazyDraw(userDoc); initializing = false; }; // when remote editors do things... var onRemote = config.onRemote = function () { if (initializing) { return; } var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); lazyDraw(userDoc); }; var onLocal = config.onLocal = function () { // we're not really expecting any local events for this editor... /* but we might add a second pane in the future so that you don't need a second window to edit your markdown */ if (initializing) { return; } var userDoc = module.realtime.getUserDoc(); lazyDraw(userDoc); }; var onAbort = config.onAbort = function () { window.alert("Network Connection Lost"); }; var rts = Realtime.start(config); });