{ "fileExtensions": [".less"], // These rules are almost certainly crap and will not catch bugs (Caleb) "newlineAfterBlock": { "enabled": false }, // not just a newline but an entire empty line after each block "spaceAroundOperator": { "enabled": false }, // disallow calc(10px+10px); "hexLength": { "enabled": false }, // require long hex color codes or require short where possible "hexNotation": { "enabled": false }, // require hex lowercase "propertyOrdering": { "enabled": false }, // require attributes to be in alphabetical order D: "stringQuotes": { "enabled": false }, // force quoting of strings with ' or " (silly) "importPath": { "enabled": false }, // require imports to not have .less, ridiculous "qualifyingElement": { "enabled": false }, // disallow div.xxx and require .xxx "decimalZero": { "enabled": false }, // disallow .5em "borderZero": { "enabled": false }, // disallow border: none; "selectorNaming": { "enabled": false }, // this would be crap because classes are what they are. "zeroUnit": { "enabled": false }, "singleLinePerProperty": { "enabled": false }, "_singleLinePerProperty": { "enabled": true, "allowSingleLineRules": true }, "spaceAroundComma": { "enabled": false }, "importantRule": { "enabled": false }, "universalSelector": { "enabled": false }, "idSelector": { "enabled": false }, "singleLinePerSelector": { "enabled": false }, "spaceBetweenParens": { "enabled": false }, "maxCharPerLine": { "enabled": false }, // using lesshint flags can cause long lines "comment": { "enabled": false }, // ban multi-line comments ? // These rules should be discussed, if they're crap then they should be moved up. "colorVariables": { "enabled": false }, // require all colors to be stored as variables first... "variableValue": { "enabled": false }, // any attribute types which should always be variables ? color? "spaceBeforeBrace": { "enabled": true },//{ "enabled": true, "style": "one_space" }, // Turn everything else on "spaceAfterPropertyColon": { "enabled": true }, "finalNewline": { "enabled": true }, // require an empty line at the end of the file (enabled for now) "attributeQuotes": { "enabled": true }, "depthLevel": { "depth": 1 // TODO(cjd) This is obviously not triggering, even with 1 }, "duplicateProperty": { "enabled": false }, "emptyRule": { "enabled": true }, "hexValidation": { "enabled": true }, // disallow actual garbage color hex codes (e.g. #ab) "propertyUnits": { "valid": ["rem", "vw", "em", "px"], // These units are allowed for all properties "invalid": ["pt"], // The 'pt' unit is not allowed under any circumstances "properties": { //"line-height": [] // No units are allowed for line-height } }, "spaceAfterPropertyName": { "enabled": true, "style": "no_space" }, "spaceAfterPropertyValue": { "enabled": true, "style": "no_space" }, "spaceAroundBang": { "enabled": true, "style": "before" }, "trailingSemicolon": { "enabled": true }, "trailingWhitespace": { "enabled": true }, "urlFormat": { "enabled": true, "style": "relative" }, "urlQuotes": { "enabled": true } }