/* jshint esversion: 6, node: true */ const Fs = require('fs'); const Path = require("path"); const Semaphore = require('saferphore'); const Once = require("../lib/once"); const nThen = require('nthen'); const Pins = require("../lib/pins"); const sema = Semaphore.create(20); let dirList; const fileList = []; const pinned = {}; module.exports.load = function (cb, config) { var pinPath = config.pinPath || './pins'; var done = Once(cb); nThen((waitFor) => { // recurse over the configured pinPath, or the default Fs.readdir(pinPath, waitFor((err, list) => { if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { dirList = []; return; // this ends up calling back with an empty object } waitFor.abort(); return void done(err); } dirList = list; })); }).nThen((waitFor) => { dirList.forEach((f) => { sema.take((returnAfter) => { // iterate over all the subdirectories in the pin store Fs.readdir(Path.join(pinPath, f), waitFor(returnAfter((err, list2) => { if (err) { waitFor.abort(); return void done(err); } list2.forEach((ff) => { if (config && config.exclude && config.exclude.indexOf(ff) > -1) { return; } fileList.push(Path.join(pinPath, f, ff)); }); }))); }); }); }).nThen((waitFor) => { fileList.forEach((f) => { sema.take((returnAfter) => { Fs.readFile(f, waitFor(returnAfter((err, content) => { if (err) { waitFor.abort(); return void done(err); } const hashes = Pins.calculateFromLog(content.toString('utf8'), f); hashes.forEach((x) => { (pinned[x] = pinned[x] || {})[f.replace(/.*\/([^/]*).ndjson$/, (x, y)=>y)] = 1; }); }))); }); }); }).nThen(() => { done(void 0, pinned); }); }; if (!module.parent) { module.exports.load(function (err, data) { if (err) { return void console.error(err); } Object.keys(data).forEach(function (x) { console.log(x + ' ' + JSON.stringify(data[x])); }); }, { pinPath: require("../lib/load-config").pinPath }); }