define([ ], function () { var Wire = {}; /* MISSION: write a generic RPC framework Requirements * [x] some transmission methods can be interrupted * [x] handle disconnects and reconnects * [x] handle callbacks * [x] configurable timeout * [x] be able to answer only queries with a particular id * be able to implement arbitrary listeners on the service-side * and not call 'ready' until those listeners are ready * identical API for: * iframe postMessage * server calls over netflux * postMessage to webworker * postMessage to sharedWorker * on-wire protocol should actually be the same for rewriting purposes * q * guid (globally unique id) * txid (message id) * content * be able to compose different RPCs as streams * intercept and rewrite capacity * multiplex multiple streams over one stream * blind redirect * intelligent router * broadcast (with ACK?) * message */ var uid = Wire.uid = function () { return Number(Math.floor(Math.random () * Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER)).toString(32); }; /* tracker(options) maintains a registry of asynchronous function calls allows you to: hook each call to actually send to a remote service... abort any call trigger the pending callback with arguments set the state of the tracker (active/inactive) */ Wire.tracker = function (opt) { opt = opt || {}; var hook = opt.hook || function () {}; var timeout = opt.timeout || 5000; var pending = {}; var timeouts = {}; var call = function (method, data, cb) { var id = uid(); // if the callback is not invoked in time, time out timeouts[id] = setTimeout(function () { if (typeof(pending[id]) === 'function') { cb("TIMEOUT"); delete pending[id]; return; } throw new Error('timed out without function to call'); }, timeout); pending[id] = function () { // invoke the function with arguments... cb.apply(null,; // clear its timeout clearTimeout(timeouts[id]); // remove the function from pending delete pending[id]; }; hook(id, method, data); return id; }; var respond = function (id, err, response) { if (typeof(pending[id]) !== 'function') { throw new Error('invoked non-existent callback'); } pending[id](err, response); }; var abort = function (id) { if (pending[id]) { clearTimeout(timeouts[id]); delete pending[id]; return true; } return false; }; var t = { call: call, respond: respond, abort: abort, state: true, }; t.setState = function (active) { t.state = Boolean(active); }; return t; }; /* opt = { timeout: 30000, send: function () { }, receive: function () { }, constructor: function (cb) { cb(void 0 , { send: function (content, cb) { }, receive: function () { } }); }, }; */ var parseMessage = function (raw) { try { return JSON.parse(raw); } catch (e) { return; } }; Wire.create = function (opt, cb) { opt.constructor(function (e, service) { if (e) { return setTimeout(function () { cb(e); }); } var rpc = {}; var guid = Wire.uid(); var t = Wire.tracker({ timeout: opt.timeout, hook: function (txid, q, content) { service.send(JSON.stringify({ guid: guid, q: q, txid: txid, content: content, })); }, }); rpc.send = function (type, data, cb) {, data, cb); }; service.receive(function (raw) { var data = parseMessage(raw); if (typeof(data) === 'undefined') { return console.error("UNHANDLED_MESSAGE", raw); } if (!data.txid) { throw new Error('NO_TXID'); } t.respond(data.txid, data.error, data.content); }); cb(void 0, rpc); }); }; return Wire; });