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}, a = { + id: n, + detector: o, + loader: r + }; + return a; +}); diff --git a/www/lib/mermaid/zenuml-definition-b4b159b2.js b/www/lib/mermaid/zenuml-definition-b4b159b2.js new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f3a9c6cbb --- /dev/null +++ b/www/lib/mermaid/zenuml-definition-b4b159b2.js @@ -0,0 +1,28966 @@ +const zn = (e) => { + console.error("Log function was called before initialization", e); +}, We = { + trace: zn, + debug: zn, + info: zn, + warn: zn, + error: zn, + fatal: zn +}; +let h0; +const ph = (e, t, n, r, s) => { + e.info("Mermaid utils injected"), We.trace = e.trace, We.debug = e.debug, We.info = e.info, We.warn = e.warn, We.error = e.error, We.fatal = e.fatal, h0 = n; +}, fh = { + parser: { yy: {} }, + parse: () => { + } +}; +(function() { + try { + if (typeof document < "u") { + var e = document.createElement("style"); + 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5px}[data-v-054f42d1]>.statement-container:last-child>.interaction.return:last-of-type{margin-bottom:0;border-bottom:0;transform:translateY(1px)}[data-v-054f42d1]>.statement-container:last-child>.interaction.return:last-of-type>.message{bottom:-17px;height:0}.right-to-left.occurrence[data-v-054f42d1]{left:-14px}.occurrence{margin-top:-2px}.interaction .occurrence.source[data-v-86ce6a08]{position:absolute;height:calc(100% + 14px);left:-12px;display:none}.interaction .occurrence.source.right-to-left[data-v-86ce6a08]{left:unset;right:-13px}.message.self[data-v-25f755f6]{transform:translate(-5px)}.interaction .invisible-occurrence[data-v-4d783075]{height:20px}.interaction.async[data-v-4d783075] .message{width:100%}*[data-v-c5cae879],*[data-v-bc96f29d]{border-color:inherit}.fragment.par>.block>.statement-container:not(:first-child){border-top-color:inherit;border-top-width:1px;border-top-style:solid}*[data-v-62b3ca90],*[data-v-e9cc75db],*[data-v-107670fe]{border-color:inherit}.divider[data-v-9e567e69]{display:flex;align-items:center}.name[data-v-9e567e69]{margin:0;padding:2px 6px}.left[data-v-9e567e69],.right[data-v-9e567e69]{height:1px;flex-grow:1}')), document.head.appendChild(e); + } + } catch (t) { + console.error("vite-plugin-css-injected-by-js", t); + } +})(); +var gh = Object.defineProperty, mh = (e, t, n) => t in e ? gh(e, t, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: n }) : e[t] = n, B = (e, t, n) => (mh(e, typeof t != "symbol" ? t + "" : t, n), n), ss = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}; +function xh(e) { + try { + return JSON.stringify(e); + } catch { + return '"[Circular]"'; + } +} +var Lh = yh; +function yh(e, t, n) { + var r = n && n.stringify || xh, s = 1; + if (typeof e == "object" && e !== null) { + var i = t.length + s; + if (i === 1) + return e; + var o = new Array(i); + o[0] = r(e); + for (var a = 1; a < i; a++) + o[a] = r(t[a]); + return o.join(" "); + } + if (typeof e != "string") + return e; + var l = t.length; + if (l === 0) + return e; + for (var c = "", u = 1 - s, d = -1, f = e && e.length || 0, m = 0; m < f; ) { + if (e.charCodeAt(m) === 37 && m + 1 < f) { + switch (d = d > -1 ? d : 0, e.charCodeAt(m + 1)) { + case 100: + case 102: + if (u >= l || t[u] == null) + break; + d < m && (c += e.slice(d, m)), c += Number(t[u]), d = m + 2, m++; + break; + case 105: + if (u >= l || t[u] == null) + break; + d < m && (c += e.slice(d, m)), c += Math.floor(Number(t[u])), d = m + 2, m++; + break; + case 79: + case 111: + case 106: + if (u >= l || t[u] === void 0) + break; + d < m && (c += e.slice(d, m)); + var I = typeof t[u]; + if (I === "string") { + c += "'" + t[u] + "'", d = m + 2, m++; + break; + } + if (I === "function") { + c += t[u].name || "", d = m + 2, m++; + break; + } + c += r(t[u]), d = m + 2, m++; + break; + case 115: + if (u >= l) + break; + d < m && (c += e.slice(d, m)), c += String(t[u]), d = m + 2, m++; + break; + case 37: + d < m && (c += e.slice(d, m)), c += "%", d = m + 2, m++, u--; + break; + } + ++u; + } + ++m; + } + return d === -1 ? e : (d < f && (c += e.slice(d)), c); +} +const wa = Lh; +var vh = De; +const Fr = Rh().console || {}, bh = { + mapHttpRequest: is, + mapHttpResponse: is, + wrapRequestSerializer: Ni, + wrapResponseSerializer: Ni, + wrapErrorSerializer: Ni, + req: is, + res: is, + err: Eh +}; +function wh(e, t) { + return Array.isArray(e) ? e.filter(function(n) { + return n !== "!stdSerializers.err"; + }) : e === !0 ? Object.keys(t) : !1; +} +function De(e) { + e = e || {}, e.browser = e.browser || {}; + const t = e.browser.transmit; + if (t && typeof t.send != "function") + throw Error("pino: transmit option must have a send function"); + const n = e.browser.write || Fr; + e.browser.write && (e.browser.asObject = !0); + const r = e.serializers || {}, s = wh(e.browser.serialize, r); + let i = e.browser.serialize; + Array.isArray(e.browser.serialize) && e.browser.serialize.indexOf("!stdSerializers.err") > -1 && (i = !1); + const o = ["error", "fatal", "warn", "info", "debug", "trace"]; + typeof n == "function" && (n.error = n.fatal = n.warn = n.info = n.debug = n.trace = n), (e.enabled === !1 || e.browser.disabled) && (e.level = "silent"); + const a = e.level || "info", l = Object.create(n); + l.log || (l.log = zr), Object.defineProperty(l, "levelVal", { + get: u + }), Object.defineProperty(l, "level", { + get: d, + set: f + }); + const c = { + transmit: t, + serialize: s, + asObject: e.browser.asObject, + levels: o, + timestamp: Th(e) + }; + l.levels = De.levels, l.level = a, l.setMaxListeners = l.getMaxListeners = l.emit = l.addListener = l.on = l.prependListener = l.once = l.prependOnceListener = l.removeListener = l.removeAllListeners = l.listeners = l.listenerCount = l.eventNames = l.write = l.flush = zr, l.serializers = r, l._serialize = s, l._stdErrSerialize = i, l.child = m, t && (l._logEvent = Ji()); + function u() { + return this.level === "silent" ? 1 / 0 : this.levels.values[this.level]; + } + function d() { + return this._level; + } + function f(I) { + if (I !== "silent" && !this.levels.values[I]) + throw Error("unknown level " + I); + this._level = I, Dn(c, l, "error", "log"), Dn(c, l, "fatal", "error"), Dn(c, l, "warn", "error"), Dn(c, l, "info", "log"), Dn(c, l, "debug", "log"), Dn(c, l, "trace", "log"); + } + function m(I, M) { + if (!I) + throw new Error("missing bindings for child Pino"); + M = M || {}, s && I.serializers && (M.serializers = I.serializers); + const tt = M.serializers; + if (s && tt) { + var G = Object.assign({}, r, tt), J = e.browser.serialize === !0 ? Object.keys(G) : s; + delete I.serializers, Vs([I], J, G, this._stdErrSerialize); + } + function q(Q) { + this._childLevel = (Q._childLevel | 0) + 1, this.error = Bn(Q, I, "error"), this.fatal = Bn(Q, I, "fatal"), this.warn = Bn(Q, I, "warn"), this.info = Bn(Q, I, "info"), this.debug = Bn(Q, I, "debug"), this.trace = Bn(Q, I, "trace"), G && (this.serializers = G, this._serialize = J), t && (this._logEvent = Ji( + [].concat(Q._logEvent.bindings, I) + )); + } + return q.prototype = this, new q(this); + } + return l; +} +De.levels = { + values: { + fatal: 60, + error: 50, + warn: 40, + info: 30, + debug: 20, + trace: 10 + }, + labels: { + 10: "trace", + 20: "debug", + 30: "info", + 40: "warn", + 50: "error", + 60: "fatal" + } +}; +De.stdSerializers = bh; +De.stdTimeFunctions = Object.assign({}, { nullTime: u0, epochTime: d0, unixTime: Ah, isoTime: Sh }); +function Dn(e, t, n, r) { + const s = Object.getPrototypeOf(t); + t[n] = t.levelVal > t.levels.values[n] ? zr : s[n] ? s[n] : Fr[n] || Fr[r] || zr, Ch(e, t, n); +} +function Ch(e, t, n) { + !e.transmit && t[n] === zr || (t[n] = function(r) { + return function() { + const s = e.timestamp(), i = new Array(arguments.length), o = Object.getPrototypeOf && Object.getPrototypeOf(this) === Fr ? Fr : this; + for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) + i[a] = arguments[a]; + if (e.serialize && !e.asObject && Vs(i, this._serialize, this.serializers, this._stdErrSerialize), e.asObject ? r.call(o, _h(this, n, i, s)) : r.apply(o, i), e.transmit) { + const l = e.transmit.level || t.level, c = De.levels.values[l], u = De.levels.values[n]; + if (u < c) + return; + kh(this, { + ts: s, + methodLevel: n, + methodValue: u, + transmitLevel: l, + transmitValue: De.levels.values[e.transmit.level || t.level], + send: e.transmit.send, + val: t.levelVal + }, i); + } + }; + }(t[n])); +} +function _h(e, t, n, r) { + e._serialize && Vs(n, e._serialize, e.serializers, e._stdErrSerialize); + const s = n.slice(); + let i = s[0]; + const o = {}; + r && (o.time = r), o.level = De.levels.values[t]; + let a = (e._childLevel | 0) + 1; + if (a < 1 && (a = 1), i !== null && typeof i == "object") { + for (; a-- && typeof s[0] == "object"; ) + Object.assign(o, s.shift()); + i = s.length ? wa(s.shift(), s) : void 0; + } else + typeof i == "string" && (i = wa(s.shift(), s)); + return i !== void 0 && (o.msg = i), o; +} +function Vs(e, t, n, r) { + for (const s in e) + if (r && e[s] instanceof Error) + e[s] = De.stdSerializers.err(e[s]); + else if (typeof e[s] == "object" && !Array.isArray(e[s])) + for (const i in e[s]) + t && t.indexOf(i) > -1 && i in n && (e[s][i] = n[i](e[s][i])); +} +function Bn(e, t, n) { + return function() { + const r = new Array(1 + arguments.length); + r[0] = t; + for (var s = 1; s < r.length; s++) + r[s] = arguments[s - 1]; + return e[n].apply(this, r); + }; +} +function kh(e, t, n) { + const r = t.send, s = t.ts, i = t.methodLevel, o = t.methodValue, a = t.val, l = e._logEvent.bindings; + Vs( + n, + e._serialize || Object.keys(e.serializers), + e.serializers, + e._stdErrSerialize === void 0 ? !0 : e._stdErrSerialize + ), e._logEvent.ts = s, e._logEvent.messages = n.filter(function(c) { + return l.indexOf(c) === -1; + }), e._logEvent.level.label = i, e._logEvent.level.value = o, r(i, e._logEvent, a), e._logEvent = Ji(l); +} +function Ji(e) { + return { + ts: 0, + messages: [], + bindings: e || [], + level: { label: "", value: 0 } + }; +} +function Eh(e) { + const t = { + type: e.constructor.name, + msg: e.message, + stack: e.stack + }; + for (const n in e) + t[n] === void 0 && (t[n] = e[n]); + return t; +} +function Th(e) { + return typeof e.timestamp == "function" ? e.timestamp : e.timestamp === !1 ? u0 : d0; +} +function is() { + return {}; +} +function Ni(e) { + return e; +} +function zr() { +} +function u0() { + return !1; +} +function d0() { + return Date.now(); +} +function Ah() { + return Math.round(Date.now() / 1e3); +} +function Sh() { + return new Date(Date.now()).toISOString(); +} +function Rh() { + function e(t) { + return typeof t < "u" && t; + } + try { + return typeof globalThis < "u" || Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype, "globalThis", { + get: function() { + return delete Object.prototype.globalThis, this.globalThis = this; + }, + configurable: !0 + }), globalThis; + } catch { + return e(self) || e(window) || e(this) || {}; + } +} +const Ih = vh({ + level: "warn" +}), Ca = ["log", "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error"]; +function Oh(e, t) { + e[t] = (console[t] || console.log).bind(console); +} +function Nh(e, t, n) { + e[t] = (console[t] || console.log).bind(console, n[0], n[1]); +} +function Ph(e) { + Ca.forEach((n) => Oh(e, n)); + const t = e.child; + return e.child = function(n) { + const r = t.call(e, n); + return Ca.forEach((s) => Nh(r, s, ["%c" + n.name || "", "color: #00f"])), r; + }, e; +} +let qr = Ph(Ih); +function O1(e, t) { + const n = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), r = e.split(","); + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) + n[r[s]] = !0; + return t ? (s) => !!n[s.toLowerCase()] : (s) => !!n[s]; +} +function gt(e) { + if (nt(e)) { + const t = {}; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = e[n], s = Ft(r) ? Dh(r) : gt(r); + if (s) + for (const i in s) + t[i] = s[i]; + } + return t; + } else if (Ft(e) || Pt(e)) + return e; +} +const Mh = /;(?![^(]*\))/g, Fh = /:([^]+)/, zh = /\/\*.*?\*\//gs; +function Dh(e) { + const t = {}; + return e.replace(zh, "").split(Mh).forEach((n) => { + if (n) { + const r = n.split(Fh); + r.length > 1 && (t[r[0].trim()] = r[1].trim()); + } + }), t; +} +function ne(e) { + let t = ""; + if (Ft(e)) + t = e; + else if (nt(e)) + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = ne(e[n]); + r && (t += r + " "); + } + else if (Pt(e)) + for (const n in e) + e[n] && (t += n + " "); + return t.trim(); +} +const Bh = "itemscope,allowfullscreen,formnovalidate,ismap,nomodule,novalidate,readonly", Uh = /* @__PURE__ */ O1(Bh); +function p0(e) { + return !!e || e === ""; +} +const Ht = (e) => Ft(e) ? e : e == null ? "" : nt(e) || Pt(e) && (e.toString === x0 || !st(e.toString)) ? JSON.stringify(e, f0, 2) : String(e), f0 = (e, t) => t && t.__v_isRef ? f0(e, t.value) : qn(t) ? { + [`Map(${t.size})`]: [...t.entries()].reduce((n, [r, s]) => (n[`${r} =>`] = s, n), {}) +} : g0(t) ? { + [`Set(${t.size})`]: [...t.values()] +} : Pt(t) && !nt(t) && !L0(t) ? String(t) : t, Et = {}, Vn = [], Be = () => { +}, Hh = () => !1, Gh = /^on[^a-z]/, qs = (e) => Gh.test(e), N1 = (e) => e.startsWith("onUpdate:"), re = Object.assign, P1 = (e, t) => { + const n = e.indexOf(t); + n > -1 && e.splice(n, 1); +}, $h = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ut = (e, t) => $h.call(e, t), nt = Array.isArray, qn = (e) => Zs(e) === "[object Map]", g0 = (e) => Zs(e) === "[object Set]", st = (e) => typeof e == "function", Ft = (e) => typeof e == "string", M1 = (e) => typeof e == "symbol", Pt = (e) => e !== null && typeof e == "object", m0 = (e) => Pt(e) && st(e.then) && st(e.catch), x0 = Object.prototype.toString, Zs = (e) => x0.call(e), jh = (e) => Zs(e).slice(8, -1), L0 = (e) => Zs(e) === "[object Object]", F1 = (e) => Ft(e) && e !== "NaN" && e[0] !== "-" && "" + parseInt(e, 10) === e, ys = /* @__PURE__ */ O1( + ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted" +), Ws = (e) => { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + return (n) => t[n] || (t[n] = e(n)); +}, Vh = /-(\w)/g, He = Ws((e) => e.replace(Vh, (t, n) => n ? n.toUpperCase() : "")), qh = /\B([A-Z])/g, sr = Ws((e) => e.replace(qh, "-$1").toLowerCase()), Ys = Ws((e) => e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1)), Pi = Ws((e) => e ? `on${Ys(e)}` : ""), Es = (e, t) => !Object.is(e, t), Mi = (e, t) => { + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + e[n](t); +}, Ts = (e, t, n) => { + Object.defineProperty(e, t, { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !1, + value: n + }); +}, y0 = (e) => { + const t = parseFloat(e); + return isNaN(t) ? e : t; +}; +let _a; +const Zh = () => _a || (_a = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof self < "u" ? self : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {}); +let Ne; +class v0 { + constructor(t = !1) { + this.detached = t, this.active = !0, this.effects = [], this.cleanups = [], this.parent = Ne, !t && Ne && (this.index = (Ne.scopes || (Ne.scopes = [])).push(this) - 1); + } + run(t) { + if (this.active) { + const n = Ne; + try { + return Ne = this, t(); + } finally { + Ne = n; + } + } + } + on() { + Ne = this; + } + off() { + Ne = this.parent; + } + stop(t) { + if (this.active) { + let n, r; + for (n = 0, r = this.effects.length; n < r; n++) + this.effects[n].stop(); + for (n = 0, r = this.cleanups.length; n < r; n++) + this.cleanups[n](); + if (this.scopes) + for (n = 0, r = this.scopes.length; n < r; n++) + this.scopes[n].stop(!0); + if (!this.detached && this.parent && !t) { + const s = this.parent.scopes.pop(); + s && s !== this && (this.parent.scopes[this.index] = s, s.index = this.index); + } + this.parent = void 0, this.active = !1; + } + } +} +function Wh(e) { + return new v0(e); +} +function Yh(e, t = Ne) { + t && t.active && t.effects.push(e); +} +const z1 = (e) => { + const t = new Set(e); + return t.w = 0, t.n = 0, t; +}, b0 = (e) => (e.w & pn) > 0, w0 = (e) => (e.n & pn) > 0, Kh = ({ deps: e }) => { + if (e.length) + for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) + e[t].w |= pn; +}, Qh = (e) => { + const { deps: t } = e; + if (t.length) { + let n = 0; + for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) { + const s = t[r]; + b0(s) && !w0(s) ? s.delete(e) : t[n++] = s, s.w &= ~pn, s.n &= ~pn; + } + t.length = n; + } +}, t1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); +let Er = 0, pn = 1; +const e1 = 30; +let _e; +const En = Symbol(""), n1 = Symbol(""); +class D1 { + constructor(t, n = null, r) { + this.fn = t, this.scheduler = n, this.active = !0, this.deps = [], this.parent = void 0, Yh(this, r); + } + run() { + if (!this.active) + return this.fn(); + let t = _e, n = hn; + for (; t; ) { + if (t === this) + return; + t = t.parent; + } + try { + return this.parent = _e, _e = this, hn = !0, pn = 1 << ++Er, Er <= e1 ? Kh(this) : ka(this), this.fn(); + } finally { + Er <= e1 && Qh(this), pn = 1 << --Er, _e = this.parent, hn = n, this.parent = void 0, this.deferStop && this.stop(); + } + } + stop() { + _e === this ? this.deferStop = !0 : this.active && (ka(this), this.onStop && this.onStop(), this.active = !1); + } +} +function ka(e) { + const { deps: t } = e; + if (t.length) { + for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) + t[n].delete(e); + t.length = 0; + } +} +let hn = !0; +const C0 = []; +function ir() { + C0.push(hn), hn = !1; +} +function or() { + const e = C0.pop(); + hn = e === void 0 ? !0 : e; +} +function pe(e, t, n) { + if (hn && _e) { + let r = t1.get(e); + r || t1.set(e, r = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); + let s = r.get(n); + s || r.set(n, s = z1()), _0(s); + } +} +function _0(e, t) { + let n = !1; + Er <= e1 ? w0(e) || (e.n |= pn, n = !b0(e)) : n = !e.has(_e), n && (e.add(_e), _e.deps.push(e)); +} +function Qe(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = t1.get(e); + if (!o) + return; + let a = []; + if (t === "clear") + a = [...o.values()]; + else if (n === "length" && nt(e)) { + const l = y0(r); + o.forEach((c, u) => { + (u === "length" || u >= l) && a.push(c); + }); + } else + switch (n !== void 0 && a.push(o.get(n)), t) { + case "add": + nt(e) ? F1(n) && a.push(o.get("length")) : (a.push(o.get(En)), qn(e) && a.push(o.get(n1))); + break; + case "delete": + nt(e) || (a.push(o.get(En)), qn(e) && a.push(o.get(n1))); + break; + case "set": + qn(e) && a.push(o.get(En)); + break; + } + if (a.length === 1) + a[0] && r1(a[0]); + else { + const l = []; + for (const c of a) + c && l.push(...c); + r1(z1(l)); + } +} +function r1(e, t) { + const n = nt(e) ? e : [...e]; + for (const r of n) + r.computed && Ea(r); + for (const r of n) + r.computed || Ea(r); +} +function Ea(e, t) { + (e !== _e || e.allowRecurse) && (e.scheduler ? e.scheduler() : e.run()); +} +const Xh = /* @__PURE__ */ O1("__proto__,__v_isRef,__isVue"), k0 = new Set( + /* @__PURE__ */ Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Symbol).filter((e) => e !== "arguments" && e !== "caller").map((e) => Symbol[e]).filter(M1) +), Jh = /* @__PURE__ */ B1(), tu = /* @__PURE__ */ B1(!1, !0), eu = /* @__PURE__ */ B1(!0), Ta = /* @__PURE__ */ nu(); +function nu() { + const e = {}; + return ["includes", "indexOf", "lastIndexOf"].forEach((t) => { + e[t] = function(...n) { + const r = vt(this); + for (let i = 0, o = this.length; i < o; i++) + pe(r, "get", i + ""); + const s = r[t](...n); + return s === -1 || s === !1 ? r[t](...n.map(vt)) : s; + }; + }), ["push", "pop", "shift", "unshift", "splice"].forEach((t) => { + e[t] = function(...n) { + ir(); + const r = vt(this)[t].apply(this, n); + return or(), r; + }; + }), e; +} +function B1(e = !1, t = !1) { + return function(n, r, s) { + if (r === "__v_isReactive") + return !e; + if (r === "__v_isReadonly") + return e; + if (r === "__v_isShallow") + return t; + if (r === "__v_raw" && s === (e ? t ? Lu : R0 : t ? S0 : A0).get(n)) + return n; + const i = nt(n); + if (!e && i && ut(Ta, r)) + return Reflect.get(Ta, r, s); + const o = Reflect.get(n, r, s); + return (M1(r) ? k0.has(r) : Xh(r)) || (e || pe(n, "get", r), t) ? o : te(o) ? i && F1(r) ? o : o.value : Pt(o) ? e ? I0(o) : Qs(o) : o; + }; +} +const ru = /* @__PURE__ */ E0(), su = /* @__PURE__ */ E0(!0); +function E0(e = !1) { + return function(t, n, r, s) { + let i = t[n]; + if (Dr(i) && te(i) && !te(r)) + return !1; + if (!e && (!s1(r) && !Dr(r) && (i = vt(i), r = vt(r)), !nt(t) && te(i) && !te(r))) + return i.value = r, !0; + const o = nt(t) && F1(n) ? Number(n) < t.length : ut(t, n), a = Reflect.set(t, n, r, s); + return t === vt(s) && (o ? Es(r, i) && Qe(t, "set", n, r) : Qe(t, "add", n, r)), a; + }; +} +function iu(e, t) { + const n = ut(e, t); + e[t]; + const r = Reflect.deleteProperty(e, t); + return r && n && Qe(e, "delete", t, void 0), r; +} +function ou(e, t) { + const n = Reflect.has(e, t); + return (!M1(t) || !k0.has(t)) && pe(e, "has", t), n; +} +function au(e) { + return pe(e, "iterate", nt(e) ? "length" : En), Reflect.ownKeys(e); +} +const T0 = { + get: Jh, + set: ru, + deleteProperty: iu, + has: ou, + ownKeys: au +}, lu = { + get: eu, + set(e, t) { + return !0; + }, + deleteProperty(e, t) { + return !0; + } +}, cu = /* @__PURE__ */ re({}, T0, { + get: tu, + set: su +}), U1 = (e) => e, Ks = (e) => Reflect.getPrototypeOf(e); +function os(e, t, n = !1, r = !1) { + e = e.__v_raw; + const s = vt(e), i = vt(t); + n || (t !== i && pe(s, "get", t), pe(s, "get", i)); + const { has: o } = Ks(s), a = r ? U1 : n ? j1 : $1; + if (o.call(s, t)) + return a(e.get(t)); + if (o.call(s, i)) + return a(e.get(i)); + e !== s && e.get(t); +} +function as(e, t = !1) { + const n = this.__v_raw, r = vt(n), s = vt(e); + return t || (e !== s && pe(r, "has", e), pe(r, "has", s)), e === s ? n.has(e) : n.has(e) || n.has(s); +} +function ls(e, t = !1) { + return e = e.__v_raw, !t && pe(vt(e), "iterate", En), Reflect.get(e, "size", e); +} +function Aa(e) { + e = vt(e); + const t = vt(this); + return Ks(t).has.call(t, e) || (t.add(e), Qe(t, "add", e, e)), this; +} +function Sa(e, t) { + t = vt(t); + const n = vt(this), { has: r, get: s } = Ks(n); + let i = r.call(n, e); + i || (e = vt(e), i = r.call(n, e)); + const o = s.call(n, e); + return n.set(e, t), i ? Es(t, o) && Qe(n, "set", e, t) : Qe(n, "add", e, t), this; +} +function Ra(e) { + const t = vt(this), { has: n, get: r } = Ks(t); + let s = n.call(t, e); + s || (e = vt(e), s = n.call(t, e)), r && r.call(t, e); + const i = t.delete(e); + return s && Qe(t, "delete", e, void 0), i; +} +function Ia() { + const e = vt(this), t = e.size !== 0, n = e.clear(); + return t && Qe(e, "clear", void 0, void 0), n; +} +function cs(e, t) { + return function(n, r) { + const s = this, i = s.__v_raw, o = vt(i), a = t ? U1 : e ? j1 : $1; + return !e && pe(o, "iterate", En), i.forEach((l, c) => n.call(r, a(l), a(c), s)); + }; +} +function hs(e, t, n) { + return function(...r) { + const s = this.__v_raw, i = vt(s), o = qn(i), a = e === "entries" || e === Symbol.iterator && o, l = e === "keys" && o, c = s[e](...r), u = n ? U1 : t ? j1 : $1; + return !t && pe(i, "iterate", l ? n1 : En), { + next() { + const { value: d, done: f } = c.next(); + return f ? { value: d, done: f } : { + value: a ? [u(d[0]), u(d[1])] : u(d), + done: f + }; + }, + [Symbol.iterator]() { + return this; + } + }; + }; +} +function on(e) { + return function(...t) { + return e === "delete" ? !1 : this; + }; +} +function hu() { + const e = { + get(s) { + return os(this, s); + }, + get size() { + return ls(this); + }, + has: as, + add: Aa, + set: Sa, + delete: Ra, + clear: Ia, + forEach: cs(!1, !1) + }, t = { + get(s) { + return os(this, s, !1, !0); + }, + get size() { + return ls(this); + }, + has: as, + add: Aa, + set: Sa, + delete: Ra, + clear: Ia, + forEach: cs(!1, !0) + }, n = { + get(s) { + return os(this, s, !0); + }, + get size() { + return ls(this, !0); + }, + has(s) { + return as.call(this, s, !0); + }, + add: on("add"), + set: on("set"), + delete: on("delete"), + clear: on("clear"), + forEach: cs(!0, !1) + }, r = { + get(s) { + return os(this, s, !0, !0); + }, + get size() { + return ls(this, !0); + }, + has(s) { + return as.call(this, s, !0); + }, + add: on("add"), + set: on("set"), + delete: on("delete"), + clear: on("clear"), + forEach: cs(!0, !0) + }; + return ["keys", "values", "entries", Symbol.iterator].forEach((s) => { + e[s] = hs(s, !1, !1), n[s] = hs(s, !0, !1), t[s] = hs(s, !1, !0), r[s] = hs(s, !0, !0); + }), [ + e, + n, + t, + r + ]; +} +const [uu, du, pu, fu] = /* @__PURE__ */ hu(); +function H1(e, t) { + const n = t ? e ? fu : pu : e ? du : uu; + return (r, s, i) => s === "__v_isReactive" ? !e : s === "__v_isReadonly" ? e : s === "__v_raw" ? r : Reflect.get(ut(n, s) && s in r ? n : r, s, i); +} +const gu = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ H1(!1, !1) +}, mu = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ H1(!1, !0) +}, xu = { + get: /* @__PURE__ */ H1(!0, !1) +}, A0 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), S0 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), R0 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), Lu = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); +function yu(e) { + switch (e) { + case "Object": + case "Array": + return 1; + case "Map": + case "Set": + case "WeakMap": + case "WeakSet": + return 2; + default: + return 0; + } +} +function vu(e) { + return e.__v_skip || !Object.isExtensible(e) ? 0 : yu(jh(e)); +} +function Qs(e) { + return Dr(e) ? e : G1(e, !1, T0, gu, A0); +} +function bu(e) { + return G1(e, !1, cu, mu, S0); +} +function I0(e) { + return G1(e, !0, lu, xu, R0); +} +function G1(e, t, n, r, s) { + if (!Pt(e) || e.__v_raw && !(t && e.__v_isReactive)) + return e; + const i = s.get(e); + if (i) + return i; + const o = vu(e); + if (o === 0) + return e; + const a = new Proxy(e, o === 2 ? r : n); + return s.set(e, a), a; +} +function Zn(e) { + return Dr(e) ? Zn(e.__v_raw) : !!(e && e.__v_isReactive); +} +function Dr(e) { + return !!(e && e.__v_isReadonly); +} +function s1(e) { + return !!(e && e.__v_isShallow); +} +function O0(e) { + return Zn(e) || Dr(e); +} +function vt(e) { + const t = e && e.__v_raw; + return t ? vt(t) : e; +} +function N0(e) { + return Ts(e, "__v_skip", !0), e; +} +const $1 = (e) => Pt(e) ? Qs(e) : e, j1 = (e) => Pt(e) ? I0(e) : e; +function wu(e) { + hn && _e && (e = vt(e), _0(e.dep || (e.dep = z1()))); +} +function Cu(e, t) { + e = vt(e), e.dep && r1(e.dep); +} +function te(e) { + return !!(e && e.__v_isRef === !0); +} +function _u(e) { + return te(e) ? e.value : e; +} +const ku = { + get: (e, t, n) => _u(Reflect.get(e, t, n)), + set: (e, t, n, r) => { + const s = e[t]; + return te(s) && !te(n) ? (s.value = n, !0) : Reflect.set(e, t, n, r); + } +}; +function P0(e) { + return Zn(e) ? e : new Proxy(e, ku); +} +var M0; +class Eu { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + this._setter = n, this.dep = void 0, this.__v_isRef = !0, this[M0] = !1, this._dirty = !0, this.effect = new D1(t, () => { + this._dirty || (this._dirty = !0, Cu(this)); + }), this.effect.computed = this, this.effect.active = this._cacheable = !s, this.__v_isReadonly = r; + } + get value() { + const t = vt(this); + return wu(t), (t._dirty || !t._cacheable) && (t._dirty = !1, t._value = t.effect.run()), t._value; + } + set value(t) { + this._setter(t); + } +} +M0 = "__v_isReadonly"; +function Tu(e, t, n = !1) { + let r, s; + const i = st(e); + return i ? (r = e, s = Be) : (r = e.get, s = e.set), new Eu(r, s, i || !s, n); +} +function un(e, t, n, r) { + let s; + try { + s = r ? e(...r) : e(); + } catch (i) { + Xs(i, t, n); + } + return s; +} +function Ee(e, t, n, r) { + if (st(e)) { + const i = un(e, t, n, r); + return i && m0(i) && i.catch((o) => { + Xs(o, t, n); + }), i; + } + const s = []; + for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) + s.push(Ee(e[i], t, n, r)); + return s; +} +function Xs(e, t, n, r = !0) { + const s = t ? t.vnode : null; + if (t) { + let i = t.parent; + const o = t.proxy, a = n; + for (; i; ) { + const c = i.ec; + if (c) { + for (let u = 0; u < c.length; u++) + if (c[u](e, o, a) === !1) + return; + } + i = i.parent; + } + const l = t.appContext.config.errorHandler; + if (l) { + un(l, null, 10, [e, o, a]); + return; + } + } + Au(e, n, s, r); +} +function Au(e, t, n, r = !0) { + console.error(e); +} +let Br = !1, i1 = !1; +const Wt = []; +let Fe = 0; +const Wn = []; +let Ze = null, wn = 0; +const F0 = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve(); +let V1 = null; +function Su(e) { + const t = V1 || F0; + return e ? t.then(this ? e.bind(this) : e) : t; +} +function Ru(e) { + let t = Fe + 1, n = Wt.length; + for (; t < n; ) { + const r = t + n >>> 1; + Ur(Wt[r]) < e ? t = r + 1 : n = r; + } + return t; +} +function q1(e) { + (!Wt.length || !Wt.includes(e, Br && e.allowRecurse ? Fe + 1 : Fe)) && (e.id == null ? Wt.push(e) : Wt.splice(Ru(e.id), 0, e), z0()); +} +function z0() { + !Br && !i1 && (i1 = !0, V1 = F0.then(B0)); +} +function Iu(e) { + const t = Wt.indexOf(e); + t > Fe && Wt.splice(t, 1); +} +function Ou(e) { + nt(e) ? Wn.push(...e) : (!Ze || !Ze.includes(e, e.allowRecurse ? wn + 1 : wn)) && Wn.push(e), z0(); +} +function Oa(e, t = Br ? Fe + 1 : 0) { + for (; t < Wt.length; t++) { + const n = Wt[t]; + n && n.pre && (Wt.splice(t, 1), t--, n()); + } +} +function D0(e) { + if (Wn.length) { + const t = [...new Set(Wn)]; + if (Wn.length = 0, Ze) { + Ze.push(...t); + return; + } + for (Ze = t, Ze.sort((n, r) => Ur(n) - Ur(r)), wn = 0; wn < Ze.length; wn++) + Ze[wn](); + Ze = null, wn = 0; + } +} +const Ur = (e) => e.id == null ? 1 / 0 : e.id, Nu = (e, t) => { + const n = Ur(e) - Ur(t); + if (n === 0) { + if (e.pre && !t.pre) + return -1; + if (t.pre && !e.pre) + return 1; + } + return n; +}; +function B0(e) { + i1 = !1, Br = !0, Wt.sort(Nu); + try { + for (Fe = 0; Fe < Wt.length; Fe++) { + const t = Wt[Fe]; + t && t.active !== !1 && un(t, null, 14); + } + } finally { + Fe = 0, Wt.length = 0, D0(), Br = !1, V1 = null, (Wt.length || Wn.length) && B0(); + } +} +function Pu(e, t, ...n) { + if (e.isUnmounted) + return; + const r = e.vnode.props || Et; + let s = n; + const i = t.startsWith("update:"), o = i && t.slice(7); + if (o && o in r) { + const u = `${o === "modelValue" ? "model" : o}Modifiers`, { number: d, trim: f } = r[u] || Et; + f && (s = n.map((m) => Ft(m) ? m.trim() : m)), d && (s = n.map(y0)); + } + let a, l = r[a = Pi(t)] || r[a = Pi(He(t))]; + !l && i && (l = r[a = Pi(sr(t))]), l && Ee(l, e, 6, s); + const c = r[a + "Once"]; + if (c) { + if (!e.emitted) + e.emitted = {}; + else if (e.emitted[a]) + return; + e.emitted[a] = !0, Ee(c, e, 6, s); + } +} +function U0(e, t, n = !1) { + const r = t.emitsCache, s = r.get(e); + if (s !== void 0) + return s; + const i = e.emits; + let o = {}, a = !1; + if (!st(e)) { + const l = (c) => { + const u = U0(c, t, !0); + u && (a = !0, re(o, u)); + }; + !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(l), e.extends && l(e.extends), e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(l); + } + return !i && !a ? (Pt(e) && r.set(e, null), null) : (nt(i) ? i.forEach((l) => o[l] = null) : re(o, i), Pt(e) && r.set(e, o), o); +} +function Js(e, t) { + return !e || !qs(t) ? !1 : (t = t.slice(2).replace(/Once$/, ""), ut(e, t[0].toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)) || ut(e, sr(t)) || ut(e, t)); +} +let Yt = null, ti = null; +function As(e) { + const t = Yt; + return Yt = e, ti = e && e.type.__scopeId || null, t; +} +function $e(e) { + ti = e; +} +function je() { + ti = null; +} +function Mu(e, t = Yt, n) { + if (!t || e._n) + return e; + const r = (...s) => { + r._d && Ha(-1); + const i = As(t); + let o; + try { + o = e(...s); + } finally { + As(i), r._d && Ha(1); + } + return o; + }; + return r._n = !0, r._c = !0, r._d = !0, r; +} +function Fi(e) { + const { type: t, vnode: n, proxy: r, withProxy: s, props: i, propsOptions: [o], slots: a, attrs: l, emit: c, render: u, renderCache: d, data: f, setupState: m, ctx: I, inheritAttrs: M } = e; + let tt, G; + const J = As(e); + try { + if (n.shapeFlag & 4) { + const Q = s || r; + tt = Me(u.call(Q, Q, d, i, m, f, I)), G = l; + } else { + const Q = t; + tt = Me(Q.length > 1 ? Q(i, { attrs: l, slots: a, emit: c }) : Q(i, null)), G = t.props ? l : Fu(l); + } + } catch (Q) { + Rr.length = 0, Xs(Q, e, 1), tt = at(fn); + } + let q = tt; + if (G && M !== !1) { + const Q = Object.keys(G), { shapeFlag: Rt } = q; + Q.length && Rt & 7 && (o && Q.some(N1) && (G = zu(G, o)), q = Qn(q, G)); + } + return n.dirs && (q = Qn(q), q.dirs = q.dirs ? q.dirs.concat(n.dirs) : n.dirs), n.transition && (q.transition = n.transition), tt = q, As(J), tt; +} +const Fu = (e) => { + let t; + for (const n in e) + (n === "class" || n === "style" || qs(n)) && ((t || (t = {}))[n] = e[n]); + return t; +}, zu = (e, t) => { + const n = {}; + for (const r in e) + (!N1(r) || !(r.slice(9) in t)) && (n[r] = e[r]); + return n; +}; +function Du(e, t, n) { + const { props: r, children: s, component: i } = e, { props: o, children: a, patchFlag: l } = t, c = i.emitsOptions; + if (t.dirs || t.transition) + return !0; + if (n && l >= 0) { + if (l & 1024) + return !0; + if (l & 16) + return r ? Na(r, o, c) : !!o; + if (l & 8) { + const u = t.dynamicProps; + for (let d = 0; d < u.length; d++) { + const f = u[d]; + if (o[f] !== r[f] && !Js(c, f)) + return !0; + } + } + } else + return (s || a) && (!a || !a.$stable) ? !0 : r === o ? !1 : r ? o ? Na(r, o, c) : !0 : !!o; + return !1; +} +function Na(e, t, n) { + const r = Object.keys(t); + if (r.length !== Object.keys(e).length) + return !0; + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) { + const i = r[s]; + if (t[i] !== e[i] && !Js(n, i)) + return !0; + } + return !1; +} +function Bu({ vnode: e, parent: t }, n) { + for (; t && t.subTree === e; ) + (e = t.vnode).el = n, t = t.parent; +} +const Uu = (e) => e.__isSuspense; +function Hu(e, t) { + t && t.pendingBranch ? nt(e) ? t.effects.push(...e) : t.effects.push(e) : Ou(e); +} +function Gu(e, t) { + if (Vt) { + let n = Vt.provides; + const r = Vt.parent && Vt.parent.provides; + r === n && (n = Vt.provides = Object.create(r)), n[e] = t; + } +} +function vs(e, t, n = !1) { + const r = Vt || Yt; + if (r) { + const s = r.parent == null ? r.vnode.appContext && r.vnode.appContext.provides : r.parent.provides; + if (s && e in s) + return s[e]; + if (arguments.length > 1) + return n && st(t) ? t.call(r.proxy) : t; + } +} +const us = {}; +function Tr(e, t, n) { + return H0(e, t, n); +} +function H0(e, t, { immediate: n, deep: r, flush: s, onTrack: i, onTrigger: o } = Et) { + const a = Vt; + let l, c = !1, u = !1; + if (te(e) ? (l = () => e.value, c = s1(e)) : Zn(e) ? (l = () => e, r = !0) : nt(e) ? (u = !0, c = e.some((q) => Zn(q) || s1(q)), l = () => e.map((q) => { + if (te(q)) + return q.value; + if (Zn(q)) + return kn(q); + if (st(q)) + return un(q, a, 2); + })) : st(e) ? t ? l = () => un(e, a, 2) : l = () => { + if (!(a && a.isUnmounted)) + return d && d(), Ee(e, a, 3, [f]); + } : l = Be, t && r) { + const q = l; + l = () => kn(q()); + } + let d, f = (q) => { + d = G.onStop = () => { + un(q, a, 4); + }; + }, m; + if (Gr) + if (f = Be, t ? n && Ee(t, a, 3, [ + l(), + u ? [] : void 0, + f + ]) : l(), s === "sync") { + const q = M3(); + m = q.__watcherHandles || (q.__watcherHandles = []); + } else + return Be; + let I = u ? new Array(e.length).fill(us) : us; + const M = () => { + if (G.active) + if (t) { + const q = G.run(); + (r || c || (u ? q.some((Q, Rt) => Es(Q, I[Rt])) : Es(q, I))) && (d && d(), Ee(t, a, 3, [ + q, + I === us ? void 0 : u && I[0] === us ? [] : I, + f + ]), I = q); + } else + G.run(); + }; + M.allowRecurse = !!t; + let tt; + s === "sync" ? tt = M : s === "post" ? tt = () => oe(M, a && a.suspense) : (M.pre = !0, a && (M.id = a.uid), tt = () => q1(M)); + const G = new D1(l, tt); + t ? n ? M() : I = G.run() : s === "post" ? oe(G.run.bind(G), a && a.suspense) : G.run(); + const J = () => { + G.stop(), a && a.scope && P1(a.scope.effects, G); + }; + return m && m.push(J), J; +} +function $u(e, t, n) { + const r = this.proxy, s = Ft(e) ? e.includes(".") ? G0(r, e) : () => r[e] : e.bind(r, r); + let i; + st(t) ? i = t : (i = t.handler, n = t); + const o = Vt; + Xn(this); + const a = H0(s, i.bind(r), n); + return o ? Xn(o) : Tn(), a; +} +function G0(e, t) { + const n = t.split("."); + return () => { + let r = e; + for (let s = 0; s < n.length && r; s++) + r = r[n[s]]; + return r; + }; +} +function kn(e, t) { + if (!Pt(e) || e.__v_skip || (t = t || /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), t.has(e))) + return e; + if (t.add(e), te(e)) + kn(e.value, t); + else if (nt(e)) + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + kn(e[n], t); + else if (g0(e) || qn(e)) + e.forEach((n) => { + kn(n, t); + }); + else if (L0(e)) + for (const n in e) + kn(e[n], t); + return e; +} +const Ar = (e) => !!e.type.__asyncLoader, $0 = (e) => e.type.__isKeepAlive; +function ju(e, t) { + j0(e, "a", t); +} +function Vu(e, t) { + j0(e, "da", t); +} +function j0(e, t, n = Vt) { + const r = e.__wdc || (e.__wdc = () => { + let s = n; + for (; s; ) { + if (s.isDeactivated) + return; + s = s.parent; + } + return e(); + }); + if (ei(t, r, n), n) { + let s = n.parent; + for (; s && s.parent; ) + $0(s.parent.vnode) && qu(r, t, n, s), s = s.parent; + } +} +function qu(e, t, n, r) { + const s = ei(t, e, r, !0); + V0(() => { + P1(r[t], s); + }, n); +} +function ei(e, t, n = Vt, r = !1) { + if (n) { + const s = n[e] || (n[e] = []), i = t.__weh || (t.__weh = (...o) => { + if (n.isUnmounted) + return; + ir(), Xn(n); + const a = Ee(t, n, e, o); + return Tn(), or(), a; + }); + return r ? s.unshift(i) : s.push(i), i; + } +} +const en = (e) => (t, n = Vt) => (!Gr || e === "sp") && ei(e, (...r) => t(...r), n), Zu = en("bm"), Wu = en("m"), Yu = en("bu"), Ku = en("u"), Qu = en("bum"), V0 = en("um"), Xu = en("sp"), Ju = en("rtg"), t3 = en("rtc"); +function e3(e, t = Vt) { + ei("ec", e, t); +} +function n3(e, t) { + const n = Yt; + if (n === null) + return e; + const r = si(n) || n.proxy, s = e.dirs || (e.dirs = []); + for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { + let [o, a, l, c = Et] = t[i]; + o && (st(o) && (o = { + mounted: o, + updated: o + }), o.deep && kn(a), s.push({ + dir: o, + instance: r, + value: a, + oldValue: void 0, + arg: l, + modifiers: c + })); + } + return e; +} +function Ln(e, t, n, r) { + const s = e.dirs, i = t && t.dirs; + for (let o = 0; o < s.length; o++) { + const a = s[o]; + i && (a.oldValue = i[o].value); + let l = a.dir[r]; + l && (ir(), Ee(l, n, 8, [ + e.el, + a, + e, + t + ]), or()); + } +} +const Z1 = "components"; +function ot(e, t) { + return Z0(Z1, e, !0, t) || e; +} +const q0 = Symbol(); +function W1(e) { + return Ft(e) ? Z0(Z1, e, !1) || e : e || q0; +} +function Z0(e, t, n = !0, r = !1) { + const s = Yt || Vt; + if (s) { + const i = s.type; + if (e === Z1) { + const a = O3(i, !1); + if (a && (a === t || a === He(t) || a === Ys(He(t)))) + return i; + } + const o = Pa(s[e] || i[e], t) || Pa(s.appContext[e], t); + return !o && r ? i : o; + } +} +function Pa(e, t) { + return e && (e[t] || e[He(t)] || e[Ys(He(t))]); +} +function Sn(e, t, n, r) { + let s; + const i = n && n[r]; + if (nt(e) || Ft(e)) { + s = new Array(e.length); + for (let o = 0, a = e.length; o < a; o++) + s[o] = t(e[o], o, void 0, i && i[o]); + } else if (typeof e == "number") { + s = new Array(e); + for (let o = 0; o < e; o++) + s[o] = t(o + 1, o, void 0, i && i[o]); + } else if (Pt(e)) + if (e[Symbol.iterator]) + s = Array.from(e, (o, a) => t(o, a, void 0, i && i[a])); + else { + const o = Object.keys(e); + s = new Array(o.length); + for (let a = 0, l = o.length; a < l; a++) { + const c = o[a]; + s[a] = t(e[c], c, a, i && i[a]); + } + } + else + s = []; + return n && (n[r] = s), s; +} +function r3(e, t, n = {}, r, s) { + if (Yt.isCE || Yt.parent && Ar(Yt.parent) && Yt.parent.isCE) + return t !== "default" && (n.name = t), at("slot", n, r && r()); + let i = e[t]; + i && i._c && (i._d = !1), R(); + const o = i && W0(i(n)), a = wt(zt, { + key: n.key || o && o.key || `_${t}` + }, o || (r ? r() : []), o && e._ === 1 ? 64 : -2); + return !s && a.scopeId && (a.slotScopeIds = [a.scopeId + "-s"]), i && i._c && (i._d = !0), a; +} +function W0(e) { + return e.some((t) => sc(t) ? !(t.type === fn || t.type === zt && !W0(t.children)) : !0) ? e : null; +} +const o1 = (e) => e ? ac(e) ? si(e) || e.proxy : o1(e.parent) : null, Sr = /* @__PURE__ */ re(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), { + $: (e) => e, + $el: (e) => e.vnode.el, + $data: (e) => e.data, + $props: (e) => e.props, + $attrs: (e) => e.attrs, + $slots: (e) => e.slots, + $refs: (e) => e.refs, + $parent: (e) => o1(e.parent), + $root: (e) => o1(e.root), + $emit: (e) => e.emit, + $options: (e) => Y1(e), + $forceUpdate: (e) => e.f || (e.f = () => q1(e.update)), + $nextTick: (e) => e.n || (e.n = Su.bind(e.proxy)), + $watch: (e) => $u.bind(e) +}), zi = (e, t) => e !== Et && !e.__isScriptSetup && ut(e, t), s3 = { + get({ _: e }, t) { + const { ctx: n, setupState: r, data: s, props: i, accessCache: o, type: a, appContext: l } = e; + let c; + if (t[0] !== "$") { + const m = o[t]; + if (m !== void 0) + switch (m) { + case 1: + return r[t]; + case 2: + return s[t]; + case 4: + return n[t]; + case 3: + return i[t]; + } + else { + if (zi(r, t)) + return o[t] = 1, r[t]; + if (s !== Et && ut(s, t)) + return o[t] = 2, s[t]; + if ((c = e.propsOptions[0]) && ut(c, t)) + return o[t] = 3, i[t]; + if (n !== Et && ut(n, t)) + return o[t] = 4, n[t]; + a1 && (o[t] = 0); + } + } + const u = Sr[t]; + let d, f; + if (u) + return t === "$attrs" && pe(e, "get", t), u(e); + if ((d = a.__cssModules) && (d = d[t])) + return d; + if (n !== Et && ut(n, t)) + return o[t] = 4, n[t]; + if (f = l.config.globalProperties, ut(f, t)) + return f[t]; + }, + set({ _: e }, t, n) { + const { data: r, setupState: s, ctx: i } = e; + return zi(s, t) ? (s[t] = n, !0) : r !== Et && ut(r, t) ? (r[t] = n, !0) : ut(e.props, t) || t[0] === "$" && t.slice(1) in e ? !1 : (i[t] = n, !0); + }, + has({ _: { data: e, setupState: t, accessCache: n, ctx: r, appContext: s, propsOptions: i } }, o) { + let a; + return !!n[o] || e !== Et && ut(e, o) || zi(t, o) || (a = i[0]) && ut(a, o) || ut(r, o) || ut(Sr, o) || ut(s.config.globalProperties, o); + }, + defineProperty(e, t, n) { + return n.get != null ? e._.accessCache[t] = 0 : ut(n, "value") && this.set(e, t, n.value, null), Reflect.defineProperty(e, t, n); + } +}; +let a1 = !0; +function i3(e) { + const t = Y1(e), n = e.proxy, r = e.ctx; + a1 = !1, t.beforeCreate && Ma(t.beforeCreate, e, "bc"); + const { + data: s, + computed: i, + methods: o, + watch: a, + provide: l, + inject: c, + created: u, + beforeMount: d, + mounted: f, + beforeUpdate: m, + updated: I, + activated: M, + deactivated: tt, + beforeDestroy: G, + beforeUnmount: J, + destroyed: q, + unmounted: Q, + render: Rt, + renderTracked: Dt, + renderTriggered: we, + errorCaptured: Gt, + serverPrefetch: rn, + expose: qe, + inheritAttrs: xn, + components: Mn, + directives: Fn, + filters: mr + } = t; + if (c && o3(c, r, null, e.appContext.config.unwrapInjectedRef), o) + for (const _t in o) { + const yt = o[_t]; + st(yt) && (r[_t] = yt.bind(n)); + } + if (s) { + const _t = s.call(n, n); + Pt(_t) && (e.data = Qs(_t)); + } + if (a1 = !0, i) + for (const _t in i) { + const yt = i[_t], Ce = st(yt) ? yt.bind(n, n) : st(yt.get) ? yt.get.bind(n, n) : Be, xr = !st(yt) && st(yt.set) ? yt.set.bind(n) : Be, Se = cc({ + get: Ce, + set: xr + }); + Object.defineProperty(r, _t, { + enumerable: !0, + configurable: !0, + get: () => Se.value, + set: (sn) => Se.value = sn + }); + } + if (a) + for (const _t in a) + Y0(a[_t], r, n, _t); + if (l) { + const _t = st(l) ? l.call(n) : l; + Reflect.ownKeys(_t).forEach((yt) => { + Gu(yt, _t[yt]); + }); + } + u && Ma(u, e, "c"); + function Tt(_t, yt) { + nt(yt) ? yt.forEach((Ce) => _t(Ce.bind(n))) : yt && _t(yt.bind(n)); + } + if (Tt(Zu, d), Tt(Wu, f), Tt(Yu, m), Tt(Ku, I), Tt(ju, M), Tt(Vu, tt), Tt(e3, Gt), Tt(t3, Dt), Tt(Ju, we), Tt(Qu, J), Tt(V0, Q), Tt(Xu, rn), nt(qe)) + if (qe.length) { + const _t = e.exposed || (e.exposed = {}); + qe.forEach((yt) => { + Object.defineProperty(_t, yt, { + get: () => n[yt], + set: (Ce) => n[yt] = Ce + }); + }); + } else + e.exposed || (e.exposed = {}); + Rt && e.render === Be && (e.render = Rt), xn != null && (e.inheritAttrs = xn), Mn && (e.components = Mn), Fn && (e.directives = Fn); +} +function o3(e, t, n = Be, r = !1) { + nt(e) && (e = l1(e)); + for (const s in e) { + const i = e[s]; + let o; + Pt(i) ? "default" in i ? o = vs(i.from || s, i.default, !0) : o = vs(i.from || s) : o = vs(i), te(o) && r ? Object.defineProperty(t, s, { + enumerable: !0, + configurable: !0, + get: () => o.value, + set: (a) => o.value = a + }) : t[s] = o; + } +} +function Ma(e, t, n) { + Ee(nt(e) ? e.map((r) => r.bind(t.proxy)) : e.bind(t.proxy), t, n); +} +function Y0(e, t, n, r) { + const s = r.includes(".") ? G0(n, r) : () => n[r]; + if (Ft(e)) { + const i = t[e]; + st(i) && Tr(s, i); + } else if (st(e)) + Tr(s, e.bind(n)); + else if (Pt(e)) + if (nt(e)) + e.forEach((i) => Y0(i, t, n, r)); + else { + const i = st(e.handler) ? e.handler.bind(n) : t[e.handler]; + st(i) && Tr(s, i, e); + } +} +function Y1(e) { + const t = e.type, { mixins: n, extends: r } = t, { mixins: s, optionsCache: i, config: { optionMergeStrategies: o } } = e.appContext, a = i.get(t); + let l; + return a ? l = a : !s.length && !n && !r ? l = t : (l = {}, s.length && s.forEach((c) => Ss(l, c, o, !0)), Ss(l, t, o)), Pt(t) && i.set(t, l), l; +} +function Ss(e, t, n, r = !1) { + const { mixins: s, extends: i } = t; + i && Ss(e, i, n, !0), s && s.forEach((o) => Ss(e, o, n, !0)); + for (const o in t) + if (!(r && o === "expose")) { + const a = a3[o] || n && n[o]; + e[o] = a ? a(e[o], t[o]) : t[o]; + } + return e; +} +const a3 = { + data: Fa, + props: vn, + emits: vn, + methods: vn, + computed: vn, + beforeCreate: Qt, + created: Qt, + beforeMount: Qt, + mounted: Qt, + beforeUpdate: Qt, + updated: Qt, + beforeDestroy: Qt, + beforeUnmount: Qt, + destroyed: Qt, + unmounted: Qt, + activated: Qt, + deactivated: Qt, + errorCaptured: Qt, + serverPrefetch: Qt, + components: vn, + directives: vn, + watch: c3, + provide: Fa, + inject: l3 +}; +function Fa(e, t) { + return t ? e ? function() { + return re(st(e) ? e.call(this, this) : e, st(t) ? t.call(this, this) : t); + } : t : e; +} +function l3(e, t) { + return vn(l1(e), l1(t)); +} +function l1(e) { + if (nt(e)) { + const t = {}; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + t[e[n]] = e[n]; + return t; + } + return e; +} +function Qt(e, t) { + return e ? [...new Set([].concat(e, t))] : t; +} +function vn(e, t) { + return e ? re(re(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e), t) : t; +} +function c3(e, t) { + if (!e) + return t; + if (!t) + return e; + const n = re(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e); + for (const r in t) + n[r] = Qt(e[r], t[r]); + return n; +} +function h3(e, t, n, r = !1) { + const s = {}, i = {}; + Ts(i, ri, 1), e.propsDefaults = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), K0(e, t, s, i); + for (const o in e.propsOptions[0]) + o in s || (s[o] = void 0); + n ? e.props = r ? s : bu(s) : e.type.props ? e.props = s : e.props = i, e.attrs = i; +} +function u3(e, t, n, r) { + const { props: s, attrs: i, vnode: { patchFlag: o } } = e, a = vt(s), [l] = e.propsOptions; + let c = !1; + if ((r || o > 0) && !(o & 16)) { + if (o & 8) { + const u = e.vnode.dynamicProps; + for (let d = 0; d < u.length; d++) { + let f = u[d]; + if (Js(e.emitsOptions, f)) + continue; + const m = t[f]; + if (l) + if (ut(i, f)) + m !== i[f] && (i[f] = m, c = !0); + else { + const I = He(f); + s[I] = c1(l, a, I, m, e, !1); + } + else + m !== i[f] && (i[f] = m, c = !0); + } + } + } else { + K0(e, t, s, i) && (c = !0); + let u; + for (const d in a) + (!t || !ut(t, d) && ((u = sr(d)) === d || !ut(t, u))) && (l ? n && (n[d] !== void 0 || n[u] !== void 0) && (s[d] = c1(l, a, d, void 0, e, !0)) : delete s[d]); + if (i !== a) + for (const d in i) + (!t || !ut(t, d)) && (delete i[d], c = !0); + } + c && Qe(e, "set", "$attrs"); +} +function K0(e, t, n, r) { + const [s, i] = e.propsOptions; + let o = !1, a; + if (t) + for (let l in t) { + if (ys(l)) + continue; + const c = t[l]; + let u; + s && ut(s, u = He(l)) ? !i || !i.includes(u) ? n[u] = c : (a || (a = {}))[u] = c : Js(e.emitsOptions, l) || (!(l in r) || c !== r[l]) && (r[l] = c, o = !0); + } + if (i) { + const l = vt(n), c = a || Et; + for (let u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { + const d = i[u]; + n[d] = c1(s, l, d, c[d], e, !ut(c, d)); + } + } + return o; +} +function c1(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = e[n]; + if (o != null) { + const a = ut(o, "default"); + if (a && r === void 0) { + const l = o.default; + if (o.type !== Function && st(l)) { + const { propsDefaults: c } = s; + n in c ? r = c[n] : (Xn(s), r = c[n] = l.call(null, t), Tn()); + } else + r = l; + } + o[0] && (i && !a ? r = !1 : o[1] && (r === "" || r === sr(n)) && (r = !0)); + } + return r; +} +function Q0(e, t, n = !1) { + const r = t.propsCache, s = r.get(e); + if (s) + return s; + const i = e.props, o = {}, a = []; + let l = !1; + if (!st(e)) { + const u = (d) => { + l = !0; + const [f, m] = Q0(d, t, !0); + re(o, f), m && a.push(...m); + }; + !n && t.mixins.length && t.mixins.forEach(u), e.extends && u(e.extends), e.mixins && e.mixins.forEach(u); + } + if (!i && !l) + return Pt(e) && r.set(e, Vn), Vn; + if (nt(i)) + for (let u = 0; u < i.length; u++) { + const d = He(i[u]); + za(d) && (o[d] = Et); + } + else if (i) + for (const u in i) { + const d = He(u); + if (za(d)) { + const f = i[u], m = o[d] = nt(f) || st(f) ? { type: f } : Object.assign({}, f); + if (m) { + const I = Ua(Boolean, m.type), M = Ua(String, m.type); + m[0] = I > -1, m[1] = M < 0 || I < M, (I > -1 || ut(m, "default")) && a.push(d); + } + } + } + const c = [o, a]; + return Pt(e) && r.set(e, c), c; +} +function za(e) { + return e[0] !== "$"; +} +function Da(e) { + const t = e && e.toString().match(/^\s*function (\w+)/); + return t ? t[1] : e === null ? "null" : ""; +} +function Ba(e, t) { + return Da(e) === Da(t); +} +function Ua(e, t) { + return nt(t) ? t.findIndex((n) => Ba(n, e)) : st(t) && Ba(t, e) ? 0 : -1; +} +const X0 = (e) => e[0] === "_" || e === "$stable", K1 = (e) => nt(e) ? e.map(Me) : [Me(e)], d3 = (e, t, n) => { + if (t._n) + return t; + const r = Mu((...s) => K1(t(...s)), n); + return r._c = !1, r; +}, J0 = (e, t, n) => { + const r = e._ctx; + for (const s in e) { + if (X0(s)) + continue; + const i = e[s]; + if (st(i)) + t[s] = d3(s, i, r); + else if (i != null) { + const o = K1(i); + t[s] = () => o; + } + } +}, tc = (e, t) => { + const n = K1(t); + e.slots.default = () => n; +}, p3 = (e, t) => { + if (e.vnode.shapeFlag & 32) { + const n = t._; + n ? (e.slots = vt(t), Ts(t, "_", n)) : J0(t, e.slots = {}); + } else + e.slots = {}, t && tc(e, t); + Ts(e.slots, ri, 1); +}, f3 = (e, t, n) => { + const { vnode: r, slots: s } = e; + let i = !0, o = Et; + if (r.shapeFlag & 32) { + const a = t._; + a ? n && a === 1 ? i = !1 : (re(s, t), !n && a === 1 && delete s._) : (i = !t.$stable, J0(t, s)), o = t; + } else + t && (tc(e, t), o = { default: 1 }); + if (i) + for (const a in s) + !X0(a) && !(a in o) && delete s[a]; +}; +function ec() { + return { + app: null, + config: { + isNativeTag: Hh, + performance: !1, + globalProperties: {}, + optionMergeStrategies: {}, + errorHandler: void 0, + warnHandler: void 0, + compilerOptions: {} + }, + mixins: [], + components: {}, + directives: {}, + provides: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), + optionsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), + propsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), + emitsCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap() + }; +} +let g3 = 0; +function m3(e, t) { + return function(n, r = null) { + st(n) || (n = Object.assign({}, n)), r != null && !Pt(r) && (r = null); + const s = ec(), i = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); + let o = !1; + const a = s.app = { + _uid: g3++, + _component: n, + _props: r, + _container: null, + _context: s, + _instance: null, + version: F3, + get config() { + return s.config; + }, + set config(l) { + }, + use(l, ...c) { + return i.has(l) || (l && st(l.install) ? (i.add(l), l.install(a, ...c)) : st(l) && (i.add(l), l(a, ...c))), a; + }, + mixin(l) { + return s.mixins.includes(l) || s.mixins.push(l), a; + }, + component(l, c) { + return c ? (s.components[l] = c, a) : s.components[l]; + }, + directive(l, c) { + return c ? (s.directives[l] = c, a) : s.directives[l]; + }, + mount(l, c, u) { + if (!o) { + const d = at(n, r); + return d.appContext = s, c && t ? t(d, l) : e(d, l, u), o = !0, a._container = l, l.__vue_app__ = a, si(d.component) || d.component.proxy; + } + }, + unmount() { + o && (e(null, a._container), delete a._container.__vue_app__); + }, + provide(l, c) { + return s.provides[l] = c, a; + } + }; + return a; + }; +} +function h1(e, t, n, r, s = !1) { + if (nt(e)) { + e.forEach((f, m) => h1(f, t && (nt(t) ? t[m] : t), n, r, s)); + return; + } + if (Ar(r) && !s) + return; + const i = r.shapeFlag & 4 ? si(r.component) || r.component.proxy : r.el, o = s ? null : i, { i: a, r: l } = e, c = t && t.r, u = a.refs === Et ? a.refs = {} : a.refs, d = a.setupState; + if (c != null && c !== l && (Ft(c) ? (u[c] = null, ut(d, c) && (d[c] = null)) : te(c) && (c.value = null)), st(l)) + un(l, a, 12, [o, u]); + else { + const f = Ft(l), m = te(l); + if (f || m) { + const I = () => { + if (e.f) { + const M = f ? ut(d, l) ? d[l] : u[l] : l.value; + s ? nt(M) && P1(M, i) : nt(M) ? M.includes(i) || M.push(i) : f ? (u[l] = [i], ut(d, l) && (d[l] = u[l])) : (l.value = [i], e.k && (u[e.k] = l.value)); + } else + f ? (u[l] = o, ut(d, l) && (d[l] = o)) : m && (l.value = o, e.k && (u[e.k] = o)); + }; + o ? (I.id = -1, oe(I, n)) : I(); + } + } +} +const oe = Hu; +function x3(e) { + return L3(e); +} +function L3(e, t) { + const n = Zh(); + n.__VUE__ = !0; + const { insert: r, remove: s, patchProp: i, createElement: o, createText: a, createComment: l, setText: c, setElementText: u, parentNode: d, nextSibling: f, setScopeId: m = Be, insertStaticContent: I } = e, M = (p, g, v, C = null, w = null, S = null, P = !1, T = null, N = !!g.dynamicChildren) => { + if (p === g) + return; + p && !Lr(p, g) && (C = It(p), Re(p, w, S, !0), p = null), g.patchFlag === -2 && (N = !1, g.dynamicChildren = null); + const { type: _, ref: E, shapeFlag: V } = g; + switch (_) { + case ni: + tt(p, g, v, C); + break; + case fn: + G(p, g, v, C); + break; + case bs: + p == null && J(g, v, C, P); + break; + case zt: + Mn(p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N); + break; + default: + V & 1 ? Rt(p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) : V & 6 ? Fn(p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) : (V & 64 || V & 128) && _.process(p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N, qt); + } + E != null && w && h1(E, p && p.ref, S, g || p, !g); + }, tt = (p, g, v, C) => { + if (p == null) + r(g.el = a(g.children), v, C); + else { + const w = g.el = p.el; + g.children !== p.children && c(w, g.children); + } + }, G = (p, g, v, C) => { + p == null ? r(g.el = l(g.children || ""), v, C) : g.el = p.el; + }, J = (p, g, v, C) => { + [p.el, p.anchor] = I(p.children, g, v, C, p.el, p.anchor); + }, q = ({ el: p, anchor: g }, v, C) => { + let w; + for (; p && p !== g; ) + w = f(p), r(p, v, C), p = w; + r(g, v, C); + }, Q = ({ el: p, anchor: g }) => { + let v; + for (; p && p !== g; ) + v = f(p), s(p), p = v; + s(g); + }, Rt = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) => { + P = P || g.type === "svg", p == null ? Dt(g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) : rn(p, g, w, S, P, T, N); + }, Dt = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T) => { + let N, _; + const { type: E, props: V, shapeFlag: F, transition: H, dirs: et } = p; + if (N = p.el = o(p.type, S, V && V.is, V), F & 8 ? u(N, p.children) : F & 16 && Gt(p.children, N, null, C, w, S && E !== "foreignObject", P, T), et && Ln(p, null, C, "created"), V) { + for (const dt in V) + dt !== "value" && !ys(dt) && i(N, dt, null, V[dt], S, p.children, C, w, lt); + "value" in V && i(N, "value", null, V.value), (_ = V.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Oe(_, C, p); + } + we(N, p, p.scopeId, P, C), et && Ln(p, null, C, "beforeMount"); + const Lt = (!w || w && !w.pendingBranch) && H && !H.persisted; + Lt && H.beforeEnter(N), r(N, g, v), ((_ = V && V.onVnodeMounted) || Lt || et) && oe(() => { + _ && Oe(_, C, p), Lt && H.enter(N), et && Ln(p, null, C, "mounted"); + }, w); + }, we = (p, g, v, C, w) => { + if (v && m(p, v), C) + for (let S = 0; S < C.length; S++) + m(p, C[S]); + if (w) { + let S = w.subTree; + if (g === S) { + const P = w.vnode; + we(p, P, P.scopeId, P.slotScopeIds, w.parent); + } + } + }, Gt = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N = 0) => { + for (let _ = N; _ < p.length; _++) { + const E = p[_] = T ? an(p[_]) : Me(p[_]); + M(null, E, g, v, C, w, S, P, T); + } + }, rn = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P) => { + const T = g.el = p.el; + let { patchFlag: N, dynamicChildren: _, dirs: E } = g; + N |= p.patchFlag & 16; + const V = p.props || Et, F = g.props || Et; + let H; + v && yn(v, !1), (H = F.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Oe(H, v, g, p), E && Ln(g, p, v, "beforeUpdate"), v && yn(v, !0); + const et = w && g.type !== "foreignObject"; + if (_ ? qe(p.dynamicChildren, _, T, v, C, et, S) : P || Ce(p, g, T, null, v, C, et, S, !1), N > 0) { + if (N & 16) + xn(T, g, V, F, v, C, w); + else if (N & 2 && V.class !== F.class && i(T, "class", null, F.class, w), N & 4 && i(T, "style", V.style, F.style, w), N & 8) { + const Lt = g.dynamicProps; + for (let dt = 0; dt < Lt.length; dt++) { + const At = Lt[dt], z = V[At], Z = F[At]; + (Z !== z || At === "value") && i(T, At, z, Z, w, p.children, v, C, lt); + } + } + N & 1 && p.children !== g.children && u(T, g.children); + } else + !P && _ == null && xn(T, g, V, F, v, C, w); + ((H = F.onVnodeUpdated) || E) && oe(() => { + H && Oe(H, v, g, p), E && Ln(g, p, v, "updated"); + }, C); + }, qe = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P) => { + for (let T = 0; T < g.length; T++) { + const N = p[T], _ = g[T], E = N.el && (N.type === zt || !Lr(N, _) || N.shapeFlag & 70) ? d(N.el) : v; + M(N, _, E, null, C, w, S, P, !0); + } + }, xn = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P) => { + if (v !== C) { + if (v !== Et) + for (const T in v) + !ys(T) && !(T in C) && i(p, T, v[T], null, P, g.children, w, S, lt); + for (const T in C) { + if (ys(T)) + continue; + const N = C[T], _ = v[T]; + N !== _ && T !== "value" && i(p, T, _, N, P, g.children, w, S, lt); + } + "value" in C && i(p, "value", v.value, C.value); + } + }, Mn = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) => { + const _ = g.el = p ? p.el : a(""), E = g.anchor = p ? p.anchor : a(""); + let { patchFlag: V, dynamicChildren: F, slotScopeIds: H } = g; + H && (T = T ? T.concat(H) : H), p == null ? (r(_, v, C), r(E, v, C), Gt(g.children, v, E, w, S, P, T, N)) : V > 0 && V & 64 && F && p.dynamicChildren ? (qe(p.dynamicChildren, F, v, w, S, P, T), (g.key != null || w && g === w.subTree) && nc(p, g, !0)) : Ce(p, g, v, E, w, S, P, T, N); + }, Fn = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) => { + g.slotScopeIds = T, p == null ? g.shapeFlag & 512 ? w.ctx.activate(g, v, C, P, N) : mr(g, v, C, w, S, P, N) : Tt(p, g, N); + }, mr = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P) => { + const T = p.component = T3(p, C, w); + if ($0(p) && (T.ctx.renderer = qt), A3(T), T.asyncDep) { + if (w && w.registerDep(T, _t), !p.el) { + const N = T.subTree = at(fn); + G(null, N, g, v); + } + return; + } + _t(T, p, g, v, w, S, P); + }, Tt = (p, g, v) => { + const C = g.component = p.component; + if (Du(p, g, v)) + if (C.asyncDep && !C.asyncResolved) { + yt(C, g, v); + return; + } else + C.next = g, Iu(C.update), C.update(); + else + g.el = p.el, C.vnode = g; + }, _t = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P) => { + const T = () => { + if (p.isMounted) { + let { next: E, bu: V, u: F, parent: H, vnode: et } = p, Lt = E, dt; + yn(p, !1), E ? (E.el = et.el, yt(p, E, P)) : E = et, V && Mi(V), (dt = E.props && E.props.onVnodeBeforeUpdate) && Oe(dt, H, E, et), yn(p, !0); + const At = Fi(p), z = p.subTree; + p.subTree = At, M( + z, + At, + d(z.el), + It(z), + p, + w, + S + ), E.el = At.el, Lt === null && Bu(p, At.el), F && oe(F, w), (dt = E.props && E.props.onVnodeUpdated) && oe(() => Oe(dt, H, E, et), w); + } else { + let E; + const { el: V, props: F } = g, { bm: H, m: et, parent: Lt } = p, dt = Ar(g); + if (yn(p, !1), H && Mi(H), !dt && (E = F && F.onVnodeBeforeMount) && Oe(E, Lt, g), yn(p, !0), V && ie) { + const At = () => { + p.subTree = Fi(p), ie(V, p.subTree, p, w, null); + }; + dt ? g.type.__asyncLoader().then( + () => !p.isUnmounted && At() + ) : At(); + } else { + const At = p.subTree = Fi(p); + M(null, At, v, C, p, w, S), g.el = At.el; + } + if (et && oe(et, w), !dt && (E = F && F.onVnodeMounted)) { + const At = g; + oe(() => Oe(E, Lt, At), w); + } + (g.shapeFlag & 256 || Lt && Ar(Lt.vnode) && Lt.vnode.shapeFlag & 256) && p.a && oe(p.a, w), p.isMounted = !0, g = v = C = null; + } + }, N = p.effect = new D1( + T, + () => q1(_), + p.scope + ), _ = p.update = () => N.run(); + _.id = p.uid, yn(p, !0), _(); + }, yt = (p, g, v) => { + g.component = p; + const C = p.vnode.props; + p.vnode = g, p.next = null, u3(p, g.props, C, v), f3(p, g.children, v), ir(), Oa(), or(); + }, Ce = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N = !1) => { + const _ = p && p.children, E = p ? p.shapeFlag : 0, V = g.children, { patchFlag: F, shapeFlag: H } = g; + if (F > 0) { + if (F & 128) { + Se(_, V, v, C, w, S, P, T, N); + return; + } else if (F & 256) { + xr(_, V, v, C, w, S, P, T, N); + return; + } + } + H & 8 ? (E & 16 && lt(_, w, S), V !== _ && u(v, V)) : E & 16 ? H & 16 ? Se(_, V, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) : lt(_, w, S, !0) : (E & 8 && u(v, ""), H & 16 && Gt(V, v, C, w, S, P, T, N)); + }, xr = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) => { + p = p || Vn, g = g || Vn; + const _ = p.length, E = g.length, V = Math.min(_, E); + let F; + for (F = 0; F < V; F++) { + const H = g[F] = N ? an(g[F]) : Me(g[F]); + M(p[F], H, v, null, w, S, P, T, N); + } + _ > E ? lt(p, w, S, !0, !1, V) : Gt(g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N, V); + }, Se = (p, g, v, C, w, S, P, T, N) => { + let _ = 0; + const E = g.length; + let V = p.length - 1, F = E - 1; + for (; _ <= V && _ <= F; ) { + const H = p[_], et = g[_] = N ? an(g[_]) : Me(g[_]); + if (Lr(H, et)) + M(H, et, v, null, w, S, P, T, N); + else + break; + _++; + } + for (; _ <= V && _ <= F; ) { + const H = p[V], et = g[F] = N ? an(g[F]) : Me(g[F]); + if (Lr(H, et)) + M(H, et, v, null, w, S, P, T, N); + else + break; + V--, F--; + } + if (_ > V) { + if (_ <= F) { + const H = F + 1, et = H < E ? g[H].el : C; + for (; _ <= F; ) + M(null, g[_] = N ? an(g[_]) : Me(g[_]), v, et, w, S, P, T, N), _++; + } + } else if (_ > F) + for (; _ <= V; ) + Re(p[_], w, S, !0), _++; + else { + const H = _, et = _, Lt = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); + for (_ = et; _ <= F; _++) { + const Bt = g[_] = N ? an(g[_]) : Me(g[_]); + Bt.key != null && Lt.set(Bt.key, _); + } + let dt, At = 0; + const z = F - et + 1; + let Z = !1, rt = 0; + const ht = new Array(z); + for (_ = 0; _ < z; _++) + ht[_] = 0; + for (_ = H; _ <= V; _++) { + const Bt = p[_]; + if (At >= z) { + Re(Bt, w, S, !0); + continue; + } + let xe; + if (Bt.key != null) + xe = Lt.get(Bt.key); + else + for (dt = et; dt <= F; dt++) + if (ht[dt - et] === 0 && Lr(Bt, g[dt])) { + xe = dt; + break; + } + xe === void 0 ? Re(Bt, w, S, !0) : (ht[xe - et] = _ + 1, xe >= rt ? rt = xe : Z = !0, M(Bt, g[xe], v, null, w, S, P, T, N), At++); + } + const $t = Z ? y3(ht) : Vn; + for (dt = $t.length - 1, _ = z - 1; _ >= 0; _--) { + const Bt = et + _, xe = g[Bt], ba = Bt + 1 < E ? g[Bt + 1].el : C; + ht[_] === 0 ? M(null, xe, v, ba, w, S, P, T, N) : Z && (dt < 0 || _ !== $t[dt] ? sn(xe, v, ba, 2) : dt--); + } + } + }, sn = (p, g, v, C, w = null) => { + const { el: S, type: P, transition: T, children: N, shapeFlag: _ } = p; + if (_ & 6) { + sn(p.component.subTree, g, v, C); + return; + } + if (_ & 128) { + p.suspense.move(g, v, C); + return; + } + if (_ & 64) { + P.move(p, g, v, qt); + return; + } + if (P === zt) { + r(S, g, v); + for (let E = 0; E < N.length; E++) + sn(N[E], g, v, C); + r(p.anchor, g, v); + return; + } + if (P === bs) { + q(p, g, v); + return; + } + if (C !== 2 && _ & 1 && T) + if (C === 0) + T.beforeEnter(S), r(S, g, v), oe(() => T.enter(S), w); + else { + const { leave: E, delayLeave: V, afterLeave: F } = T, H = () => r(S, g, v), et = () => { + E(S, () => { + H(), F && F(); + }); + }; + V ? V(S, H, et) : et(); + } + else + r(S, g, v); + }, Re = (p, g, v, C = !1, w = !1) => { + const { type: S, props: P, ref: T, children: N, dynamicChildren: _, shapeFlag: E, patchFlag: V, dirs: F } = p; + if (T != null && h1(T, null, v, p, !0), E & 256) { + g.ctx.deactivate(p); + return; + } + const H = E & 1 && F, et = !Ar(p); + let Lt; + if (et && (Lt = P && P.onVnodeBeforeUnmount) && Oe(Lt, g, p), E & 6) + ct(p.component, v, C); + else { + if (E & 128) { + p.suspense.unmount(v, C); + return; + } + H && Ln(p, null, g, "beforeUnmount"), E & 64 ? p.type.remove(p, g, v, w, qt, C) : _ && (S !== zt || V > 0 && V & 64) ? lt(_, g, v, !1, !0) : (S === zt && V & 384 || !w && E & 16) && lt(N, g, v), C && k(p); + } + (et && (Lt = P && P.onVnodeUnmounted) || H) && oe(() => { + Lt && Oe(Lt, g, p), H && Ln(p, null, g, "unmounted"); + }, v); + }, k = (p) => { + const { type: g, el: v, anchor: C, transition: w } = p; + if (g === zt) { + j(v, C); + return; + } + if (g === bs) { + Q(p); + return; + } + const S = () => { + s(v), w && !w.persisted && w.afterLeave && w.afterLeave(); + }; + if (p.shapeFlag & 1 && w && !w.persisted) { + const { leave: P, delayLeave: T } = w, N = () => P(v, S); + T ? T(p.el, S, N) : N(); + } else + S(); + }, j = (p, g) => { + let v; + for (; p !== g; ) + v = f(p), s(p), p = v; + s(g); + }, ct = (p, g, v) => { + const { bum: C, scope: w, update: S, subTree: P, um: T } = p; + C && Mi(C), w.stop(), S && (S.active = !1, Re(P, p, g, v)), T && oe(T, g), oe(() => { + p.isUnmounted = !0; + }, g), g && g.pendingBranch && !g.isUnmounted && p.asyncDep && !p.asyncResolved && p.suspenseId === g.pendingId && (g.deps--, g.deps === 0 && g.resolve()); + }, lt = (p, g, v, C = !1, w = !1, S = 0) => { + for (let P = S; P < p.length; P++) + Re(p[P], g, v, C, w); + }, It = (p) => p.shapeFlag & 6 ? It(p.component.subTree) : p.shapeFlag & 128 ? p.suspense.next() : f(p.anchor || p.el), Ie = (p, g, v) => { + p == null ? g._vnode && Re(g._vnode, null, null, !0) : M(g._vnode || null, p, g, null, null, null, v), Oa(), D0(), g._vnode = p; + }, qt = { + p: M, + um: Re, + m: sn, + r: k, + mt: mr, + mc: Gt, + pc: Ce, + pbc: qe, + n: It, + o: e + }; + let se, ie; + return t && ([se, ie] = t(qt)), { + render: Ie, + hydrate: se, + createApp: m3(Ie, se) + }; +} +function yn({ effect: e, update: t }, n) { + e.allowRecurse = t.allowRecurse = n; +} +function nc(e, t, n = !1) { + const r = e.children, s = t.children; + if (nt(r) && nt(s)) + for (let i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { + const o = r[i]; + let a = s[i]; + a.shapeFlag & 1 && !a.dynamicChildren && ((a.patchFlag <= 0 || a.patchFlag === 32) && (a = s[i] = an(s[i]), a.el = o.el), n || nc(o, a)), a.type === ni && (a.el = o.el); + } +} +function y3(e) { + const t = e.slice(), n = [0]; + let r, s, i, o, a; + const l = e.length; + for (r = 0; r < l; r++) { + const c = e[r]; + if (c !== 0) { + if (s = n[n.length - 1], e[s] < c) { + t[r] = s, n.push(r); + continue; + } + for (i = 0, o = n.length - 1; i < o; ) + a = i + o >> 1, e[n[a]] < c ? i = a + 1 : o = a; + c < e[n[i]] && (i > 0 && (t[r] = n[i - 1]), n[i] = r); + } + } + for (i = n.length, o = n[i - 1]; i-- > 0; ) + n[i] = o, o = t[o]; + return n; +} +const v3 = (e) => e.__isTeleport, zt = Symbol(void 0), ni = Symbol(void 0), fn = Symbol(void 0), bs = Symbol(void 0), Rr = []; +let ke = null; +function R(e = !1) { + Rr.push(ke = e ? null : []); +} +function b3() { + Rr.pop(), ke = Rr[Rr.length - 1] || null; +} +let Hr = 1; +function Ha(e) { + Hr += e; +} +function rc(e) { + return e.dynamicChildren = Hr > 0 ? ke || Vn : null, b3(), Hr > 0 && ke && ke.push(e), e; +} +function W(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return rc(b(e, t, n, r, s, i, !0)); +} +function wt(e, t, n, r, s) { + return rc(at(e, t, n, r, s, !0)); +} +function sc(e) { + return e ? e.__v_isVNode === !0 : !1; +} +function Lr(e, t) { + return e.type === t.type && e.key === t.key; +} +const ri = "__vInternal", ic = ({ key: e }) => e ?? null, ws = ({ ref: e, ref_key: t, ref_for: n }) => e != null ? Ft(e) || te(e) || st(e) ? { i: Yt, r: e, k: t, f: !!n } : e : null; +function b(e, t = null, n = null, r = 0, s = null, i = e === zt ? 0 : 1, o = !1, a = !1) { + const l = { + __v_isVNode: !0, + __v_skip: !0, + type: e, + props: t, + key: t && ic(t), + ref: t && ws(t), + scopeId: ti, + slotScopeIds: null, + children: n, + component: null, + suspense: null, + ssContent: null, + ssFallback: null, + dirs: null, + transition: null, + el: null, + anchor: null, + target: null, + targetAnchor: null, + staticCount: 0, + shapeFlag: i, + patchFlag: r, + dynamicProps: s, + dynamicChildren: null, + appContext: null, + ctx: Yt + }; + return a ? (Q1(l, n), i & 128 && e.normalize(l)) : n && (l.shapeFlag |= Ft(n) ? 8 : 16), Hr > 0 && !o && ke && (l.patchFlag > 0 || i & 6) && l.patchFlag !== 32 && ke.push(l), l; +} +const at = w3; +function w3(e, t = null, n = null, r = 0, s = null, i = !1) { + if ((!e || e === q0) && (e = fn), sc(e)) { + const a = Qn(e, t, !0); + return n && Q1(a, n), Hr > 0 && !i && ke && (a.shapeFlag & 6 ? ke[ke.indexOf(e)] = a : ke.push(a)), a.patchFlag |= -2, a; + } + if (N3(e) && (e = e.__vccOpts), t) { + t = C3(t); + let { class: a, style: l } = t; + a && !Ft(a) && (t.class = ne(a)), Pt(l) && (O0(l) && !nt(l) && (l = re({}, l)), t.style = gt(l)); + } + const o = Ft(e) ? 1 : Uu(e) ? 128 : v3(e) ? 64 : Pt(e) ? 4 : st(e) ? 2 : 0; + return b(e, t, n, r, s, o, i, !0); +} +function C3(e) { + return e ? O0(e) || ri in e ? re({}, e) : e : null; +} +function Qn(e, t, n = !1) { + const { props: r, ref: s, patchFlag: i, children: o } = e, a = t ? _3(r || {}, t) : r; + return { + __v_isVNode: !0, + __v_skip: !0, + type: e.type, + props: a, + key: a && ic(a), + ref: t && t.ref ? n && s ? nt(s) ? s.concat(ws(t)) : [s, ws(t)] : ws(t) : s, + scopeId: e.scopeId, + slotScopeIds: e.slotScopeIds, + children: o, + target: e.target, + targetAnchor: e.targetAnchor, + staticCount: e.staticCount, + shapeFlag: e.shapeFlag, + patchFlag: t && e.type !== zt ? i === -1 ? 16 : i | 16 : i, + dynamicProps: e.dynamicProps, + dynamicChildren: e.dynamicChildren, + appContext: e.appContext, + dirs: e.dirs, + transition: e.transition, + component: e.component, + suspense: e.suspense, + ssContent: e.ssContent && Qn(e.ssContent), + ssFallback: e.ssFallback && Qn(e.ssFallback), + el: e.el, + anchor: e.anchor, + ctx: e.ctx + }; +} +function Rs(e = " ", t = 0) { + return at(ni, null, e, t); +} +function oc(e, t) { + const n = at(bs, null, e); + return n.staticCount = t, n; +} +function mt(e = "", t = !1) { + return t ? (R(), wt(fn, null, e)) : at(fn, null, e); +} +function Me(e) { + return e == null || typeof e == "boolean" ? at(fn) : nt(e) ? at( + zt, + null, + e.slice() + ) : typeof e == "object" ? an(e) : at(ni, null, String(e)); +} +function an(e) { + return e.el === null && e.patchFlag !== -1 || e.memo ? e : Qn(e); +} +function Q1(e, t) { + let n = 0; + const { shapeFlag: r } = e; + if (t == null) + t = null; + else if (nt(t)) + n = 16; + else if (typeof t == "object") + if (r & 65) { + const s = t.default; + s && (s._c && (s._d = !1), Q1(e, s()), s._c && (s._d = !0)); + return; + } else { + n = 32; + const s = t._; + !s && !(ri in t) ? t._ctx = Yt : s === 3 && Yt && (Yt.slots._ === 1 ? t._ = 1 : (t._ = 2, e.patchFlag |= 1024)); + } + else + st(t) ? (t = { default: t, _ctx: Yt }, n = 32) : (t = String(t), r & 64 ? (n = 16, t = [Rs(t)]) : n = 8); + e.children = t, e.shapeFlag |= n; +} +function _3(...e) { + const t = {}; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = e[n]; + for (const s in r) + if (s === "class") + t.class !== r.class && (t.class = ne([t.class, r.class])); + else if (s === "style") + t.style = gt([t.style, r.style]); + else if (qs(s)) { + const i = t[s], o = r[s]; + o && i !== o && !(nt(i) && i.includes(o)) && (t[s] = i ? [].concat(i, o) : o); + } else + s !== "" && (t[s] = r[s]); + } + return t; +} +function Oe(e, t, n, r = null) { + Ee(e, t, 7, [ + n, + r + ]); +} +const k3 = ec(); +let E3 = 0; +function T3(e, t, n) { + const r = e.type, s = (t ? t.appContext : e.appContext) || k3, i = { + uid: E3++, + vnode: e, + type: r, + parent: t, + appContext: s, + root: null, + next: null, + subTree: null, + effect: null, + update: null, + scope: new v0(!0), + render: null, + proxy: null, + exposed: null, + exposeProxy: null, + withProxy: null, + provides: t ? t.provides : Object.create(s.provides), + accessCache: null, + renderCache: [], + components: null, + directives: null, + propsOptions: Q0(r, s), + emitsOptions: U0(r, s), + emit: null, + emitted: null, + propsDefaults: Et, + inheritAttrs: r.inheritAttrs, + ctx: Et, + data: Et, + props: Et, + attrs: Et, + slots: Et, + refs: Et, + setupState: Et, + setupContext: null, + suspense: n, + suspenseId: n ? n.pendingId : 0, + asyncDep: null, + asyncResolved: !1, + isMounted: !1, + isUnmounted: !1, + isDeactivated: !1, + bc: null, + c: null, + bm: null, + m: null, + bu: null, + u: null, + um: null, + bum: null, + da: null, + a: null, + rtg: null, + rtc: null, + ec: null, + sp: null + }; + return i.ctx = { _: i }, i.root = t ? t.root : i, i.emit = Pu.bind(null, i), e.ce && e.ce(i), i; +} +let Vt = null; +const Xn = (e) => { + Vt = e, e.scope.on(); +}, Tn = () => { + Vt && Vt.scope.off(), Vt = null; +}; +function ac(e) { + return e.vnode.shapeFlag & 4; +} +let Gr = !1; +function A3(e, t = !1) { + Gr = t; + const { props: n, children: r } = e.vnode, s = ac(e); + h3(e, n, s, t), p3(e, r); + const i = s ? S3(e, t) : void 0; + return Gr = !1, i; +} +function S3(e, t) { + const n = e.type; + e.accessCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e.proxy = N0(new Proxy(e.ctx, s3)); + const { setup: r } = n; + if (r) { + const s = e.setupContext = r.length > 1 ? I3(e) : null; + Xn(e), ir(); + const i = un(r, e, 0, [e.props, s]); + if (or(), Tn(), m0(i)) { + if (i.then(Tn, Tn), t) + return i.then((o) => { + Ga(e, o, t); + }).catch((o) => { + Xs(o, e, 0); + }); + e.asyncDep = i; + } else + Ga(e, i, t); + } else + lc(e, t); +} +function Ga(e, t, n) { + st(t) ? e.type.__ssrInlineRender ? e.ssrRender = t : e.render = t : Pt(t) && (e.setupState = P0(t)), lc(e, n); +} +let $a; +function lc(e, t, n) { + const r = e.type; + if (!e.render) { + if (!t && $a && !r.render) { + const s = r.template || Y1(e).template; + if (s) { + const { isCustomElement: i, compilerOptions: o } = e.appContext.config, { delimiters: a, compilerOptions: l } = r, c = re(re({ + isCustomElement: i, + delimiters: a + }, o), l); + r.render = $a(s, c); + } + } + e.render = r.render || Be; + } + Xn(e), ir(), i3(e), or(), Tn(); +} +function R3(e) { + return new Proxy(e.attrs, { + get(t, n) { + return pe(e, "get", "$attrs"), t[n]; + } + }); +} +function I3(e) { + const t = (r) => { + e.exposed = r || {}; + }; + let n; + return { + get attrs() { + return n || (n = R3(e)); + }, + slots: e.slots, + emit: e.emit, + expose: t + }; +} +function si(e) { + if (e.exposed) + return e.exposeProxy || (e.exposeProxy = new Proxy(P0(N0(e.exposed)), { + get(t, n) { + if (n in t) + return t[n]; + if (n in Sr) + return Sr[n](e); + }, + has(t, n) { + return n in t || n in Sr; + } + })); +} +function O3(e, t = !0) { + return st(e) ? e.displayName || e.name : e.name || t && e.__name; +} +function N3(e) { + return st(e) && "__vccOpts" in e; +} +const cc = (e, t) => Tu(e, t, Gr), P3 = Symbol(""), M3 = () => vs(P3), F3 = "3.2.45", z3 = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", Cn = typeof document < "u" ? document : null, ja = Cn && /* @__PURE__ */ Cn.createElement("template"), D3 = { + insert: (e, t, n) => { + t.insertBefore(e, n || null); + }, + remove: (e) => { + const t = e.parentNode; + t && t.removeChild(e); + }, + createElement: (e, t, n, r) => { + const s = t ? Cn.createElementNS(z3, e) : Cn.createElement(e, n ? { is: n } : void 0); + return e === "select" && r && r.multiple != null && s.setAttribute("multiple", r.multiple), s; + }, + createText: (e) => Cn.createTextNode(e), + createComment: (e) => Cn.createComment(e), + setText: (e, t) => { + e.nodeValue = t; + }, + setElementText: (e, t) => { + e.textContent = t; + }, + parentNode: (e) => e.parentNode, + nextSibling: (e) => e.nextSibling, + querySelector: (e) => Cn.querySelector(e), + setScopeId(e, t) { + e.setAttribute(t, ""); + }, + insertStaticContent(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild; + if (s && (s === i || s.nextSibling)) + for (; t.insertBefore(s.cloneNode(!0), n), !(s === i || !(s = s.nextSibling)); ) + ; + else { + ja.innerHTML = r ? `${e}` : e; + const a = ja.content; + if (r) { + const l = a.firstChild; + for (; l.firstChild; ) + a.appendChild(l.firstChild); + a.removeChild(l); + } + t.insertBefore(a, n); + } + return [ + o ? o.nextSibling : t.firstChild, + n ? n.previousSibling : t.lastChild + ]; + } +}; +function B3(e, t, n) { + const r = e._vtc; + r && (t = (t ? [t, ...r] : [...r]).join(" ")), t == null ? e.removeAttribute("class") : n ? e.setAttribute("class", t) : e.className = t; +} +function U3(e, t, n) { + const r = e.style, s = Ft(n); + if (n && !s) { + for (const i in n) + u1(r, i, n[i]); + if (t && !Ft(t)) + for (const i in t) + n[i] == null && u1(r, i, ""); + } else { + const i = r.display; + s ? t !== n && (r.cssText = n) : t && e.removeAttribute("style"), "_vod" in e && (r.display = i); + } +} +const Va = /\s*!important$/; +function u1(e, t, n) { + if (nt(n)) + n.forEach((r) => u1(e, t, r)); + else if (n == null && (n = ""), t.startsWith("--")) + e.setProperty(t, n); + else { + const r = H3(e, t); + Va.test(n) ? e.setProperty(sr(r), n.replace(Va, ""), "important") : e[r] = n; + } +} +const qa = ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], Di = {}; +function H3(e, t) { + const n = Di[t]; + if (n) + return n; + let r = He(t); + if (r !== "filter" && r in e) + return Di[t] = r; + r = Ys(r); + for (let s = 0; s < qa.length; s++) { + const i = qa[s] + r; + if (i in e) + return Di[t] = i; + } + return t; +} +const Za = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; +function G3(e, t, n, r, s) { + if (r && t.startsWith("xlink:")) + n == null ? e.removeAttributeNS(Za, t.slice(6, t.length)) : e.setAttributeNS(Za, t, n); + else { + const i = Uh(t); + n == null || i && !p0(n) ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, i ? "" : n); + } +} +function $3(e, t, n, r, s, i, o) { + if (t === "innerHTML" || t === "textContent") { + r && o(r, s, i), e[t] = n ?? ""; + return; + } + if (t === "value" && e.tagName !== "PROGRESS" && !e.tagName.includes("-")) { + e._value = n; + const l = n ?? ""; + (e.value !== l || e.tagName === "OPTION") && (e.value = l), n == null && e.removeAttribute(t); + return; + } + let a = !1; + if (n === "" || n == null) { + const l = typeof e[t]; + l === "boolean" ? n = p0(n) : n == null && l === "string" ? (n = "", a = !0) : l === "number" && (n = 0, a = !0); + } + try { + e[t] = n; + } catch { + } + a && e.removeAttribute(t); +} +function j3(e, t, n, r) { + e.addEventListener(t, n, r); +} +function V3(e, t, n, r) { + e.removeEventListener(t, n, r); +} +function q3(e, t, n, r, s = null) { + const i = e._vei || (e._vei = {}), o = i[t]; + if (r && o) + o.value = r; + else { + const [a, l] = Z3(t); + if (r) { + const c = i[t] = K3(r, s); + j3(e, a, c, l); + } else + o && (V3(e, a, o, l), i[t] = void 0); + } +} +const Wa = /(?:Once|Passive|Capture)$/; +function Z3(e) { + let t; + if (Wa.test(e)) { + t = {}; + let n; + for (; n = e.match(Wa); ) + e = e.slice(0, e.length - n[0].length), t[n[0].toLowerCase()] = !0; + } + return [e[2] === ":" ? e.slice(3) : sr(e.slice(2)), t]; +} +let Bi = 0; +const W3 = /* @__PURE__ */ Promise.resolve(), Y3 = () => Bi || (W3.then(() => Bi = 0), Bi = Date.now()); +function K3(e, t) { + const n = (r) => { + if (!r._vts) + r._vts = Date.now(); + else if (r._vts <= n.attached) + return; + Ee(Q3(r, n.value), t, 5, [r]); + }; + return n.value = e, n.attached = Y3(), n; +} +function Q3(e, t) { + if (nt(t)) { + const n = e.stopImmediatePropagation; + return e.stopImmediatePropagation = () => { + n.call(e), e._stopped = !0; + }, t.map((r) => (s) => !s._stopped && r && r(s)); + } else + return t; +} +const Ya = /^on[a-z]/, X3 = (e, t, n, r, s = !1, i, o, a, l) => { + t === "class" ? B3(e, r, s) : t === "style" ? U3(e, n, r) : qs(t) ? N1(t) || q3(e, t, n, r, o) : (t[0] === "." ? (t = t.slice(1), !0) : t[0] === "^" ? (t = t.slice(1), !1) : J3(e, t, r, s)) ? $3(e, t, r, i, o, a, l) : (t === "true-value" ? e._trueValue = r : t === "false-value" && (e._falseValue = r), G3(e, t, r, s)); +}; +function J3(e, t, n, r) { + return r ? !!(t === "innerHTML" || t === "textContent" || t in e && Ya.test(t) && st(n)) : t === "spellcheck" || t === "draggable" || t === "translate" || t === "form" || t === "list" && e.tagName === "INPUT" || t === "type" && e.tagName === "TEXTAREA" || Ya.test(t) && Ft(n) ? !1 : t in e; +} +const t4 = ["ctrl", "shift", "alt", "meta"], e4 = { + stop: (e) => e.stopPropagation(), + prevent: (e) => e.preventDefault(), + self: (e) => e.target !== e.currentTarget, + ctrl: (e) => !e.ctrlKey, + shift: (e) => !e.shiftKey, + alt: (e) => !e.altKey, + meta: (e) => !e.metaKey, + left: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 0, + middle: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 1, + right: (e) => "button" in e && e.button !== 2, + exact: (e, t) => t4.some((n) => e[`${n}Key`] && !t.includes(n)) +}, ii = (e, t) => (n, ...r) => { + for (let s = 0; s < t.length; s++) { + const i = e4[t[s]]; + if (i && i(n, t)) + return; + } + return e(n, ...r); +}, n4 = { + beforeMount(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) { + e._vod = e.style.display === "none" ? "" : e.style.display, n && t ? n.beforeEnter(e) : yr(e, t); + }, + mounted(e, { value: t }, { transition: n }) { + n && t && n.enter(e); + }, + updated(e, { value: t, oldValue: n }, { transition: r }) { + !t != !n && (r ? t ? (r.beforeEnter(e), yr(e, !0), r.enter(e)) : r.leave(e, () => { + yr(e, !1); + }) : yr(e, t)); + }, + beforeUnmount(e, { value: t }) { + yr(e, t); + } +}; +function yr(e, t) { + e.style.display = t ? e._vod : "none"; +} +const r4 = /* @__PURE__ */ re({ patchProp: X3 }, D3); +let Ka; +function s4() { + return Ka || (Ka = x3(r4)); +} +const i4 = (...e) => { + const t = s4().createApp(...e), { mount: n } = t; + return t.mount = (r) => { + const s = o4(r); + if (!s) + return; + const i = t._component; + !st(i) && !i.render && !i.template && (i.template = s.innerHTML), s.innerHTML = ""; + const o = n(s, !1, s instanceof SVGElement); + return s instanceof Element && (s.removeAttribute("v-cloak"), s.setAttribute("data-v-app", "")), o; + }, t; +}; +function o4(e) { + return Ft(e) ? document.querySelector(e) : e; +} +function a4() { + return hc().__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; +} +function hc() { + return typeof navigator < "u" && typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof global < "u" ? global : {}; +} +const l4 = typeof Proxy == "function", c4 = "devtools-plugin:setup", h4 = "plugin:settings:set"; +let vr, d1; +function u4() { + var e; + return vr !== void 0 || (typeof window < "u" && window.performance ? (vr = !0, d1 = window.performance) : typeof global < "u" && (!((e = global.perf_hooks) === null || e === void 0) && e.performance) ? (vr = !0, d1 = global.perf_hooks.performance) : vr = !1), vr; +} +function d4() { + return u4() ? d1.now() : Date.now(); +} +class p4 { + constructor(t, n) { + this.target = null, this.targetQueue = [], this.onQueue = [], this.plugin = t, this.hook = n; + const r = {}; + if (t.settings) + for (const o in t.settings) { + const a = t.settings[o]; + r[o] = a.defaultValue; + } + const s = `__vue-devtools-plugin-settings__${t.id}`; + let i = Object.assign({}, r); + try { + const o = localStorage.getItem(s), a = JSON.parse(o); + Object.assign(i, a); + } catch { + } + this.fallbacks = { + getSettings() { + return i; + }, + setSettings(o) { + try { + localStorage.setItem(s, JSON.stringify(o)); + } catch { + } + i = o; + }, + now() { + return d4(); + } + }, n && n.on(h4, (o, a) => { + o === this.plugin.id && this.fallbacks.setSettings(a); + }), this.proxiedOn = new Proxy({}, { + get: (o, a) => this.target ? this.target.on[a] : (...l) => { + this.onQueue.push({ + method: a, + args: l + }); + } + }), this.proxiedTarget = new Proxy({}, { + get: (o, a) => this.target ? this.target[a] : a === "on" ? this.proxiedOn : Object.keys(this.fallbacks).includes(a) ? (...l) => (this.targetQueue.push({ + method: a, + args: l, + resolve: () => { + } + }), this.fallbacks[a](...l)) : (...l) => new Promise((c) => { + this.targetQueue.push({ + method: a, + args: l, + resolve: c + }); + }) + }); + } + async setRealTarget(t) { + this.target = t; + for (const n of this.onQueue) + this.target.on[n.method](...n.args); + for (const n of this.targetQueue) + n.resolve(await this.target[n.method](...n.args)); + } +} +function f4(e, t) { + const n = e, r = hc(), s = a4(), i = l4 && n.enableEarlyProxy; + if (s && (r.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGIN_API_AVAILABLE__ || !i)) + s.emit(c4, e, t); + else { + const o = i ? new p4(n, s) : null; + (r.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ = r.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_PLUGINS__ || []).push({ + pluginDescriptor: n, + setupFn: t, + proxy: o + }), o && t(o.proxiedTarget); + } +} +/*! + * vuex v4.1.0 + * (c) 2022 Evan You + * @license MIT + */ +var g4 = "store"; +function ar(e, t) { + Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n) { + return t(e[n], n); + }); +} +function uc(e) { + return e !== null && typeof e == "object"; +} +function m4(e) { + return e && typeof e.then == "function"; +} +function x4(e, t) { + return function() { + return e(t); + }; +} +function dc(e, t, n) { + return t.indexOf(e) < 0 && (n && n.prepend ? t.unshift(e) : t.push(e)), function() { + var r = t.indexOf(e); + r > -1 && t.splice(r, 1); + }; +} +function pc(e, t) { + e._actions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e._mutations = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e._wrappedGetters = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), e._modulesNamespaceMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + var n = e.state; + oi(e, n, [], e._modules.root, !0), X1(e, n, t); +} +function X1(e, t, n) { + var r = e._state, s = e._scope; + e.getters = {}, e._makeLocalGettersCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + var i = e._wrappedGetters, o = {}, a = {}, l = Wh(!0); + l.run(function() { + ar(i, function(c, u) { + o[u] = x4(c, e), a[u] = cc(function() { + return o[u](); + }), Object.defineProperty(e.getters, u, { + get: function() { + return a[u].value; + }, + enumerable: !0 + }); + }); + }), e._state = Qs({ + data: t + }), e._scope = l, e.strict && w4(e), r && n && e._withCommit(function() { + r.data = null; + }), s && s.stop(); +} +function oi(e, t, n, r, s) { + var i = !n.length, o = e._modules.getNamespace(n); + if (r.namespaced && (e._modulesNamespaceMap[o], e._modulesNamespaceMap[o] = r), !i && !s) { + var a = J1(t, n.slice(0, -1)), l = n[n.length - 1]; + e._withCommit(function() { + a[l] = r.state; + }); + } + var c = r.context = L4(e, o, n); + r.forEachMutation(function(u, d) { + var f = o + d; + y4(e, f, u, c); + }), r.forEachAction(function(u, d) { + var f = u.root ? d : o + d, m = u.handler || u; + v4(e, f, m, c); + }), r.forEachGetter(function(u, d) { + var f = o + d; + b4(e, f, u, c); + }), r.forEachChild(function(u, d) { + oi(e, t, n.concat(d), u, s); + }); +} +function L4(e, t, n) { + var r = t === "", s = { + dispatch: r ? e.dispatch : function(i, o, a) { + var l = Is(i, o, a), c = l.payload, u = l.options, d = l.type; + return (!u || !u.root) && (d = t + d), e.dispatch(d, c); + }, + commit: r ? e.commit : function(i, o, a) { + var l = Is(i, o, a), c = l.payload, u = l.options, d = l.type; + (!u || !u.root) && (d = t + d), e.commit(d, c, u); + } + }; + return Object.defineProperties(s, { + getters: { + get: r ? function() { + return e.getters; + } : function() { + return fc(e, t); + } + }, + state: { + get: function() { + return J1(e.state, n); + } + } + }), s; +} +function fc(e, t) { + if (!e._makeLocalGettersCache[t]) { + var n = {}, r = t.length; + Object.keys(e.getters).forEach(function(s) { + if (s.slice(0, r) === t) { + var i = s.slice(r); + Object.defineProperty(n, i, { + get: function() { + return e.getters[s]; + }, + enumerable: !0 + }); + } + }), e._makeLocalGettersCache[t] = n; + } + return e._makeLocalGettersCache[t]; +} +function y4(e, t, n, r) { + var s = e._mutations[t] || (e._mutations[t] = []); + s.push(function(i) { + n.call(e, r.state, i); + }); +} +function v4(e, t, n, r) { + var s = e._actions[t] || (e._actions[t] = []); + s.push(function(i) { + var o = n.call(e, { + dispatch: r.dispatch, + commit: r.commit, + getters: r.getters, + state: r.state, + rootGetters: e.getters, + rootState: e.state + }, i); + return m4(o) || (o = Promise.resolve(o)), e._devtoolHook ? o.catch(function(a) { + throw e._devtoolHook.emit("vuex:error", a), a; + }) : o; + }); +} +function b4(e, t, n, r) { + e._wrappedGetters[t] || (e._wrappedGetters[t] = function(s) { + return n( + r.state, + r.getters, + s.state, + s.getters + ); + }); +} +function w4(e) { + Tr(function() { + return e._state.data; + }, function() { + }, { deep: !0, flush: "sync" }); +} +function J1(e, t) { + return t.reduce(function(n, r) { + return n[r]; + }, e); +} +function Is(e, t, n) { + return uc(e) && e.type && (n = t, t = e, e = e.type), { type: e, payload: t, options: n }; +} +var C4 = "vuex bindings", Qa = "vuex:mutations", Ui = "vuex:actions", Un = "vuex", _4 = 0; +function k4(e, t) { + f4( + { + id: "org.vuejs.vuex", + app: e, + label: "Vuex", + homepage: "https://next.vuex.vuejs.org/", + logo: "https://vuejs.org/images/icons/favicon-96x96.png", + packageName: "vuex", + componentStateTypes: [C4] + }, + function(n) { + n.addTimelineLayer({ + id: Qa, + label: "Vuex Mutations", + color: Xa + }), n.addTimelineLayer({ + id: Ui, + label: "Vuex Actions", + color: Xa + }), n.addInspector({ + id: Un, + label: "Vuex", + icon: "storage", + treeFilterPlaceholder: "Filter stores..." + }), n.on.getInspectorTree(function(r) { + if (r.app === e && r.inspectorId === Un) + if (r.filter) { + var s = []; + Lc(s, t._modules.root, r.filter, ""), r.rootNodes = s; + } else + r.rootNodes = [ + xc(t._modules.root, "") + ]; + }), n.on.getInspectorState(function(r) { + if (r.app === e && r.inspectorId === Un) { + var s = r.nodeId; + fc(t, s), r.state = A4( + R4(t._modules, s), + s === "root" ? t.getters : t._makeLocalGettersCache, + s + ); + } + }), n.on.editInspectorState(function(r) { + if (r.app === e && r.inspectorId === Un) { + var s = r.nodeId, i = r.path; + s !== "root" && (i = s.split("/").filter(Boolean).concat(i)), t._withCommit(function() { + r.set(t._state.data, i, r.state.value); + }); + } + }), t.subscribe(function(r, s) { + var i = {}; + r.payload && (i.payload = r.payload), i.state = s, n.notifyComponentUpdate(), n.sendInspectorTree(Un), n.sendInspectorState(Un), n.addTimelineEvent({ + layerId: Qa, + event: { + time: Date.now(), + title: r.type, + data: i + } + }); + }), t.subscribeAction({ + before: function(r, s) { + var i = {}; + r.payload && (i.payload = r.payload), r._id = _4++, r._time = Date.now(), i.state = s, n.addTimelineEvent({ + layerId: Ui, + event: { + time: r._time, + title: r.type, + groupId: r._id, + subtitle: "start", + data: i + } + }); + }, + after: function(r, s) { + var i = {}, o = Date.now() - r._time; + i.duration = { + _custom: { + type: "duration", + display: o + "ms", + tooltip: "Action duration", + value: o + } + }, r.payload && (i.payload = r.payload), i.state = s, n.addTimelineEvent({ + layerId: Ui, + event: { + time: Date.now(), + title: r.type, + groupId: r._id, + subtitle: "end", + data: i + } + }); + } + }); + } + ); +} +var Xa = 8702998, E4 = 6710886, T4 = 16777215, gc = { + label: "namespaced", + textColor: T4, + backgroundColor: E4 +}; +function mc(e) { + return e && e !== "root" ? e.split("/").slice(-2, -1)[0] : "Root"; +} +function xc(e, t) { + return { + id: t || "root", + label: mc(t), + tags: e.namespaced ? [gc] : [], + children: Object.keys(e._children).map( + function(n) { + return xc( + e._children[n], + t + n + "/" + ); + } + ) + }; +} +function Lc(e, t, n, r) { + r.includes(n) && e.push({ + id: r || "root", + label: r.endsWith("/") ? r.slice(0, r.length - 1) : r || "Root", + tags: t.namespaced ? [gc] : [] + }), Object.keys(t._children).forEach(function(s) { + Lc(e, t._children[s], n, r + s + "/"); + }); +} +function A4(e, t, n) { + t = n === "root" ? t : t[n]; + var r = Object.keys(t), s = { + state: Object.keys(e.state).map(function(o) { + return { + key: o, + editable: !0, + value: e.state[o] + }; + }) + }; + if (r.length) { + var i = S4(t); + s.getters = Object.keys(i).map(function(o) { + return { + key: o.endsWith("/") ? mc(o) : o, + editable: !1, + value: p1(function() { + return i[o]; + }) + }; + }); + } + return s; +} +function S4(e) { + var t = {}; + return Object.keys(e).forEach(function(n) { + var r = n.split("/"); + if (r.length > 1) { + var s = t, i = r.pop(); + r.forEach(function(o) { + s[o] || (s[o] = { + _custom: { + value: {}, + display: o, + tooltip: "Module", + abstract: !0 + } + }), s = s[o]._custom.value; + }), s[i] = p1(function() { + return e[n]; + }); + } else + t[n] = p1(function() { + return e[n]; + }); + }), t; +} +function R4(e, t) { + var n = t.split("/").filter(function(r) { + return r; + }); + return n.reduce( + function(r, s, i) { + var o = r[s]; + if (!o) + throw new Error('Missing module "' + s + '" for path "' + t + '".'); + return i === n.length - 1 ? o : o._children; + }, + t === "root" ? e : e.root._children + ); +} +function p1(e) { + try { + return e(); + } catch (t) { + return t; + } +} +var Te = function(e, t) { + this.runtime = t, this._children = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._rawModule = e; + var n = e.state; + this.state = (typeof n == "function" ? n() : n) || {}; +}, yc = { namespaced: { configurable: !0 } }; +yc.namespaced.get = function() { + return !!this._rawModule.namespaced; +}; +Te.prototype.addChild = function(e, t) { + this._children[e] = t; +}; +Te.prototype.removeChild = function(e) { + delete this._children[e]; +}; +Te.prototype.getChild = function(e) { + return this._children[e]; +}; +Te.prototype.hasChild = function(e) { + return e in this._children; +}; +Te.prototype.update = function(e) { + this._rawModule.namespaced = e.namespaced, e.actions && (this._rawModule.actions = e.actions), e.mutations && (this._rawModule.mutations = e.mutations), e.getters && (this._rawModule.getters = e.getters); +}; +Te.prototype.forEachChild = function(e) { + ar(this._children, e); +}; +Te.prototype.forEachGetter = function(e) { + this._rawModule.getters && ar(this._rawModule.getters, e); +}; +Te.prototype.forEachAction = function(e) { + this._rawModule.actions && ar(this._rawModule.actions, e); +}; +Te.prototype.forEachMutation = function(e) { + this._rawModule.mutations && ar(this._rawModule.mutations, e); +}; +Object.defineProperties(Te.prototype, yc); +var In = function(e) { + this.register([], e, !1); +}; +In.prototype.get = function(e) { + return e.reduce(function(t, n) { + return t.getChild(n); + }, this.root); +}; +In.prototype.getNamespace = function(e) { + var t = this.root; + return e.reduce(function(n, r) { + return t = t.getChild(r), n + (t.namespaced ? r + "/" : ""); + }, ""); +}; +In.prototype.update = function(e) { + vc([], this.root, e); +}; +In.prototype.register = function(e, t, n) { + var r = this; + n === void 0 && (n = !0); + var s = new Te(t, n); + if (e.length === 0) + this.root = s; + else { + var i = this.get(e.slice(0, -1)); + i.addChild(e[e.length - 1], s); + } + t.modules && ar(t.modules, function(o, a) { + r.register(e.concat(a), o, n); + }); +}; +In.prototype.unregister = function(e) { + var t = this.get(e.slice(0, -1)), n = e[e.length - 1], r = t.getChild(n); + !r || !r.runtime || t.removeChild(n); +}; +In.prototype.isRegistered = function(e) { + var t = this.get(e.slice(0, -1)), n = e[e.length - 1]; + return t ? t.hasChild(n) : !1; +}; +function vc(e, t, n) { + if (t.update(n), n.modules) + for (var r in n.modules) { + if (!t.getChild(r)) + return; + vc( + e.concat(r), + t.getChild(r), + n.modules[r] + ); + } +} +function I4(e) { + return new le(e); +} +var le = function(e) { + var t = this; + e === void 0 && (e = {}); + var n = e.plugins; + n === void 0 && (n = []); + var r = e.strict; + r === void 0 && (r = !1); + var s = e.devtools; + this._committing = !1, this._actions = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._actionSubscribers = [], this._mutations = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._wrappedGetters = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._modules = new In(e), this._modulesNamespaceMap = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._subscribers = [], this._makeLocalGettersCache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._scope = null, this._devtools = s; + var i = this, o = this, a = o.dispatch, l = o.commit; + this.dispatch = function(u, d) { + return a.call(i, u, d); + }, this.commit = function(u, d, f) { + return l.call(i, u, d, f); + }, this.strict = r; + var c = this._modules.root.state; + oi(this, c, [], this._modules.root), X1(this, c), n.forEach(function(u) { + return u(t); + }); +}, to = { state: { configurable: !0 } }; +le.prototype.install = function(e, t) { + e.provide(t || g4, this), e.config.globalProperties.$store = this; + var n = this._devtools !== void 0 ? this._devtools : !1; + n && k4(e, this); +}; +to.state.get = function() { + return this._state.data; +}; +to.state.set = function(e) { +}; +le.prototype.commit = function(e, t, n) { + var r = this, s = Is(e, t, n), i = s.type, o = s.payload, a = { type: i, payload: o }, l = this._mutations[i]; + !l || (this._withCommit(function() { + l.forEach(function(c) { + c(o); + }); + }), this._subscribers.slice().forEach(function(c) { + return c(a, r.state); + })); +}; +le.prototype.dispatch = function(e, t) { + var n = this, r = Is(e, t), s = r.type, i = r.payload, o = { type: s, payload: i }, a = this._actions[s]; + if (a) { + try { + this._actionSubscribers.slice().filter(function(c) { + return c.before; + }).forEach(function(c) { + return c.before(o, n.state); + }); + } catch { + } + var l = a.length > 1 ? Promise.all(a.map(function(c) { + return c(i); + })) : a[0](i); + return new Promise(function(c, u) { + l.then(function(d) { + try { + n._actionSubscribers.filter(function(f) { + return f.after; + }).forEach(function(f) { + return f.after(o, n.state); + }); + } catch { + } + c(d); + }, function(d) { + try { + n._actionSubscribers.filter(function(f) { + return f.error; + }).forEach(function(f) { + return f.error(o, n.state, d); + }); + } catch { + } + u(d); + }); + }); + } +}; +le.prototype.subscribe = function(e, t) { + return dc(e, this._subscribers, t); +}; +le.prototype.subscribeAction = function(e, t) { + var n = typeof e == "function" ? { before: e } : e; + return dc(n, this._actionSubscribers, t); +}; +le.prototype.watch = function(e, t, n) { + var r = this; + return Tr(function() { + return e(r.state, r.getters); + }, t, Object.assign({}, n)); +}; +le.prototype.replaceState = function(e) { + var t = this; + this._withCommit(function() { + t._state.data = e; + }); +}; +le.prototype.registerModule = function(e, t, n) { + n === void 0 && (n = {}), typeof e == "string" && (e = [e]), this._modules.register(e, t), oi(this, this.state, e, this._modules.get(e), n.preserveState), X1(this, this.state); +}; +le.prototype.unregisterModule = function(e) { + var t = this; + typeof e == "string" && (e = [e]), this._modules.unregister(e), this._withCommit(function() { + var n = J1(t.state, e.slice(0, -1)); + delete n[e[e.length - 1]]; + }), pc(this); +}; +le.prototype.hasModule = function(e) { + return typeof e == "string" && (e = [e]), this._modules.isRegistered(e); +}; +le.prototype.hotUpdate = function(e) { + this._modules.update(e), pc(this, !0); +}; +le.prototype._withCommit = function(e) { + var t = this._committing; + this._committing = !0, e(), this._committing = t; +}; +Object.defineProperties(le.prototype, to); +var eo = so(function(e, t) { + var n = {}; + return ro(t).forEach(function(r) { + var s = r.key, i = r.val; + n[s] = function() { + var o = this.$store.state, a = this.$store.getters; + if (e) { + var l = io(this.$store, "mapState", e); + if (!l) + return; + o = l.context.state, a = l.context.getters; + } + return typeof i == "function" ? i.call(this, o, a) : o[i]; + }, n[s].vuex = !0; + }), n; +}), no = so(function(e, t) { + var n = {}; + return ro(t).forEach(function(r) { + var s = r.key, i = r.val; + n[s] = function() { + for (var o = [], a = arguments.length; a--; ) + o[a] = arguments[a]; + var l = this.$store.commit; + if (e) { + var c = io(this.$store, "mapMutations", e); + if (!c) + return; + l = c.context.commit; + } + return typeof i == "function" ? i.apply(this, [l].concat(o)) : l.apply(this.$store, [i].concat(o)); + }; + }), n; +}), ge = so(function(e, t) { + var n = {}; + return ro(t).forEach(function(r) { + var s = r.key, i = r.val; + i = e + i, n[s] = function() { + if (!(e && !io(this.$store, "mapGetters", e))) + return this.$store.getters[i]; + }, n[s].vuex = !0; + }), n; +}); +function ro(e) { + return O4(e) ? Array.isArray(e) ? e.map(function(t) { + return { key: t, val: t }; + }) : Object.keys(e).map(function(t) { + return { key: t, val: e[t] }; + }) : []; +} +function O4(e) { + return Array.isArray(e) || uc(e); +} +function so(e) { + return function(t, n) { + return typeof t != "string" ? (n = t, t = "") : t.charAt(t.length - 1) !== "/" && (t += "/"), e(t, n); + }; +} +function io(e, t, n) { + var r = e._modulesNamespaceMap[n]; + return r; +} +var N4 = typeof ss == "object" && ss && ss.Object === Object && ss, bc = N4, P4 = bc, M4 = typeof self == "object" && self && self.Object === Object && self, F4 = P4 || M4 || Function("return this")(), On = F4, z4 = On, D4 = function() { + return z4.Date.now(); +}, B4 = D4; +String.prototype.seed = String.prototype.seed || Math.round(Math.random() * Math.pow(2, 32)); +String.prototype.hashCode = function() { + const e = this.toString(); + let t, n; + const r = e.length & 3, s = e.length - r; + let i = String.prototype.seed; + const o = 3432918353, a = 461845907; + let l = 0; + for (; l < s; ) + n = e.charCodeAt(l) & 255 | (e.charCodeAt(++l) & 255) << 8 | (e.charCodeAt(++l) & 255) << 16 | (e.charCodeAt(++l) & 255) << 24, ++l, n = (n & 65535) * o + (((n >>> 16) * o & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, n = n << 15 | n >>> 17, n = (n & 65535) * a + (((n >>> 16) * a & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i ^= n, i = i << 13 | i >>> 19, t = (i & 65535) * 5 + (((i >>> 16) * 5 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i = (t & 65535) + 27492 + (((t >>> 16) + 58964 & 65535) << 16); + switch (n = 0, r) { + case 3: + n ^= (e.charCodeAt(l + 2) & 255) << 16; + case 2: + n ^= (e.charCodeAt(l + 1) & 255) << 8; + case 1: + n ^= e.charCodeAt(l) & 255, n = (n & 65535) * o + (((n >>> 16) * o & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, n = n << 15 | n >>> 17, n = (n & 65535) * a + (((n >>> 16) * a & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i ^= n; + } + return i ^= e.length, i ^= i >>> 16, i = (i & 65535) * 2246822507 + (((i >>> 16) * 2246822507 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i ^= i >>> 13, i = (i & 65535) * 3266489909 + (((i >>> 16) * 3266489909 & 65535) << 16) & 4294967295, i ^= i >>> 16, i >>> 0; +}; +/*! https://mths.be/codepointat v0.2.0 by @mathias */ +String.prototype.codePointAt || function() { + var e = function() { + let n; + try { + const r = {}, s = Object.defineProperty; + n = s(r, r, r) && s; + } catch { + } + return n; + }(); + const t = function(n) { + if (this == null) + throw TypeError(); + const r = String(this), s = r.length; + let i = n ? Number(n) : 0; + if (i !== i && (i = 0), i < 0 || i >= s) + return; + const o = r.charCodeAt(i); + let a; + return o >= 55296 && o <= 56319 && s > i + 1 && (a = r.charCodeAt(i + 1), a >= 56320 && a <= 57343) ? (o - 55296) * 1024 + a - 56320 + 65536 : o; + }; + e ? e(String.prototype, "codePointAt", { + value: t, + configurable: !0, + writable: !0 + }) : String.prototype.codePointAt = t; +}(); +/*! https://mths.be/fromcodepoint v0.2.1 by @mathias */ +String.fromCodePoint || function() { + const e = function() { + let s; + try { + const i = {}, o = Object.defineProperty; + s = o(i, i, i) && o; + } catch { + } + return s; + }(), t = String.fromCharCode, n = Math.floor, r = function(s) { + const i = []; + let o, a, l = -1; + const c = arguments.length; + if (!c) + return ""; + let u = ""; + for (; ++l < c; ) { + let d = Number(arguments[l]); + if (!isFinite(d) || d < 0 || d > 1114111 || n(d) !== d) + throw RangeError("Invalid code point: " + d); + d <= 65535 ? i.push(d) : (d -= 65536, o = (d >> 10) + 55296, a = d % 1024 + 56320, i.push(o, a)), (l + 1 === c || i.length > 16384) && (u += t.apply(null, i), i.length = 0); + } + return u; + }; + e ? e(String, "fromCodePoint", { + value: r, + configurable: !0, + writable: !0 + }) : String.fromCodePoint = r; +}(); +class A { + constructor() { + this.source = null, this.type = null, this.channel = null, this.start = null, this.stop = null, this.tokenIndex = null, this.line = null, this.column = null, this._text = null; + } + getTokenSource() { + return this.source[0]; + } + getInputStream() { + return this.source[1]; + } + get text() { + return this._text; + } + set text(t) { + this._text = t; + } +} +A.INVALID_TYPE = 0; +A.EPSILON = -2; +A.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE = 1; +A.EOF = -1; +A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL = 0; +A.HIDDEN_CHANNEL = 1; +function Jn(e, t) { + if (!Array.isArray(e) || !Array.isArray(t)) + return !1; + if (e === t) + return !0; + if (e.length !== t.length) + return !1; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + if (e[n] !== t[n] && (!e[n].equals || !e[n].equals(t[n]))) + return !1; + return !0; +} +class fe { + constructor() { + this.count = 0, this.hash = 0; + } + update() { + for (let t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) { + const n = arguments[t]; + if (n != null) + if (Array.isArray(n)) + this.update.apply(this, n); + else { + let r = 0; + switch (typeof n) { + case "undefined": + case "function": + continue; + case "number": + case "boolean": + r = n; + break; + case "string": + r = n.hashCode(); + break; + default: + n.updateHashCode ? n.updateHashCode(this) : console.log("No updateHashCode for " + n.toString()); + continue; + } + r = r * 3432918353, r = r << 15 | r >>> 32 - 15, r = r * 461845907, this.count = this.count + 1; + let s = this.hash ^ r; + s = s << 13 | s >>> 32 - 13, s = s * 5 + 3864292196, this.hash = s; + } + } + } + finish() { + let t = this.hash ^ this.count * 4; + return t = t ^ t >>> 16, t = t * 2246822507, t = t ^ t >>> 13, t = t * 3266489909, t = t ^ t >>> 16, t; + } + static hashStuff() { + const t = new fe(); + return t.update.apply(t, arguments), t.finish(); + } +} +function wc(e) { + return e ? e.hashCode() : -1; +} +function Cc(e, t) { + return e ? e.equals(t) : e === t; +} +function U4(e) { + return e === null ? "null" : e; +} +function ln(e) { + return Array.isArray(e) ? "[" + e.map(U4).join(", ") + "]" : "null"; +} +const ds = "h-"; +class de { + constructor(t, n) { + this.data = {}, this.hashFunction = t || wc, this.equalsFunction = n || Cc; + } + add(t) { + const n = ds + this.hashFunction(t); + if (n in this.data) { + const r = this.data[n]; + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) + if (this.equalsFunction(t, r[s])) + return r[s]; + return r.push(t), t; + } else + return this.data[n] = [t], t; + } + has(t) { + return this.get(t) != null; + } + get(t) { + const n = ds + this.hashFunction(t); + if (n in this.data) { + const r = this.data[n]; + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) + if (this.equalsFunction(t, r[s])) + return r[s]; + } + return null; + } + values() { + return Object.keys(this.data).filter((t) => t.startsWith(ds)).flatMap((t) => this.data[t], this); + } + toString() { + return ln(this.values()); + } + get length() { + return Object.keys(this.data).filter((t) => t.startsWith(ds)).map((t) => this.data[t].length, this).reduce((t, n) => t + n, 0); + } +} +class ft { + hashCode() { + const t = new fe(); + return this.updateHashCode(t), t.finish(); + } + evaluate(t, n) { + } + evalPrecedence(t, n) { + return this; + } + static andContext(t, n) { + if (t === null || t === ft.NONE) + return n; + if (n === null || n === ft.NONE) + return t; + const r = new Ir(t, n); + return r.opnds.length === 1 ? r.opnds[0] : r; + } + static orContext(t, n) { + if (t === null) + return n; + if (n === null) + return t; + if (t === ft.NONE || n === ft.NONE) + return ft.NONE; + const r = new Or(t, n); + return r.opnds.length === 1 ? r.opnds[0] : r; + } +} +class Ir extends ft { + constructor(t, n) { + super(); + const r = new de(); + t instanceof Ir ? t.opnds.map(function(i) { + r.add(i); + }) : r.add(t), n instanceof Ir ? n.opnds.map(function(i) { + r.add(i); + }) : r.add(n); + const s = _c(r); + if (s.length > 0) { + let i = null; + s.map(function(o) { + (i === null || o.precedence < i.precedence) && (i = o); + }), r.add(i); + } + this.opnds = Array.from(r.values()); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Ir ? Jn(this.opnds, t.opnds) : !1; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.opnds, "AND"); + } + evaluate(t, n) { + for (let r = 0; r < this.opnds.length; r++) + if (!this.opnds[r].evaluate(t, n)) + return !1; + return !0; + } + evalPrecedence(t, n) { + let r = !1; + const s = []; + for (let o = 0; o < this.opnds.length; o++) { + const a = this.opnds[o], l = a.evalPrecedence(t, n); + if (r |= l !== a, l === null) + return null; + l !== ft.NONE && s.push(l); + } + if (!r) + return this; + if (s.length === 0) + return ft.NONE; + let i = null; + return s.map(function(o) { + i = i === null ? o : ft.andContext(i, o); + }), i; + } + toString() { + const t = this.opnds.map((n) => n.toString()); + return (t.length > 3 ? t.slice(3) : t).join("&&"); + } +} +class Or extends ft { + constructor(t, n) { + super(); + const r = new de(); + t instanceof Or ? t.opnds.map(function(i) { + r.add(i); + }) : r.add(t), n instanceof Or ? n.opnds.map(function(i) { + r.add(i); + }) : r.add(n); + const s = _c(r); + if (s.length > 0) { + const i = s.sort(function(a, l) { + return a.compareTo(l); + }), o = i[i.length - 1]; + r.add(o); + } + this.opnds = Array.from(r.values()); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Or ? Jn(this.opnds, t.opnds) : !1; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.opnds, "OR"); + } + evaluate(t, n) { + for (let r = 0; r < this.opnds.length; r++) + if (this.opnds[r].evaluate(t, n)) + return !0; + return !1; + } + evalPrecedence(t, n) { + let r = !1; + for (let s = 0; s < this.opnds.length; s++) { + const i = this.opnds[s], o = i.evalPrecedence(t, n); + if (r |= o !== i, o === ft.NONE) + return ft.NONE; + } + return r ? null : this; + } + toString() { + const t = this.opnds.map((n) => n.toString()); + return (t.length > 3 ? t.slice(3) : t).join("||"); + } +} +function _c(e) { + const t = []; + return e.values().map(function(n) { + n instanceof ft.PrecedencePredicate && t.push(n); + }), t; +} +function Ja(e, t) { + if (e === null) { + const n = { state: null, alt: null, context: null, semanticContext: null }; + return t && (n.reachesIntoOuterContext = 0), n; + } else { + const n = {}; + return n.state = e.state || null, n.alt = e.alt === void 0 ? null : e.alt, n.context = e.context || null, n.semanticContext = e.semanticContext || null, t && (n.reachesIntoOuterContext = e.reachesIntoOuterContext || 0, n.precedenceFilterSuppressed = e.precedenceFilterSuppressed || !1), n; + } +} +class Mt { + constructor(t, n) { + this.checkContext(t, n), t = Ja(t), n = Ja(n, !0), this.state = t.state !== null ? t.state : n.state, this.alt = t.alt !== null ? t.alt : n.alt, this.context = t.context !== null ? t.context : n.context, this.semanticContext = t.semanticContext !== null ? t.semanticContext : n.semanticContext !== null ? n.semanticContext : ft.NONE, this.reachesIntoOuterContext = n.reachesIntoOuterContext, this.precedenceFilterSuppressed = n.precedenceFilterSuppressed; + } + checkContext(t, n) { + (t.context === null || t.context === void 0) && (n === null || n.context === null || n.context === void 0) && (this.context = null); + } + hashCode() { + const t = new fe(); + return this.updateHashCode(t), t.finish(); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.state.stateNumber, this.alt, this.context, this.semanticContext); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Mt ? this.state.stateNumber === t.state.stateNumber && this.alt === t.alt && (this.context === null ? t.context === null : this.context.equals(t.context)) && this.semanticContext.equals(t.semanticContext) && this.precedenceFilterSuppressed === t.precedenceFilterSuppressed : !1; + } + hashCodeForConfigSet() { + const t = new fe(); + return t.update(this.state.stateNumber, this.alt, this.semanticContext), t.finish(); + } + equalsForConfigSet(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Mt ? this.state.stateNumber === t.state.stateNumber && this.alt === t.alt && this.semanticContext.equals(t.semanticContext) : !1; + } + toString() { + return "(" + this.state + "," + this.alt + (this.context !== null ? ",[" + this.context.toString() + "]" : "") + (this.semanticContext !== ft.NONE ? "," + this.semanticContext.toString() : "") + (this.reachesIntoOuterContext > 0 ? ",up=" + this.reachesIntoOuterContext : "") + ")"; + } +} +class pt { + constructor(t, n) { + this.start = t, this.stop = n; + } + clone() { + return new pt(this.start, this.stop); + } + contains(t) { + return t >= this.start && t < this.stop; + } + toString() { + return this.start === this.stop - 1 ? this.start.toString() : this.start.toString() + ".." + (this.stop - 1).toString(); + } + get length() { + return this.stop - this.start; + } +} +pt.INVALID_INTERVAL = new pt(-1, -2); +class ye { + constructor() { + this.intervals = null, this.readOnly = !1; + } + first(t) { + return this.intervals === null || this.intervals.length === 0 ? A.INVALID_TYPE : this.intervals[0].start; + } + addOne(t) { + this.addInterval(new pt(t, t + 1)); + } + addRange(t, n) { + this.addInterval(new pt(t, n + 1)); + } + addInterval(t) { + if (this.intervals === null) + this.intervals = [], this.intervals.push(t.clone()); + else { + for (let n = 0; n < this.intervals.length; n++) { + const r = this.intervals[n]; + if (t.stop < r.start) { + this.intervals.splice(n, 0, t); + return; + } else if (t.stop === r.start) { + this.intervals[n] = new pt(t.start, r.stop); + return; + } else if (t.start <= r.stop) { + this.intervals[n] = new pt(Math.min(r.start, t.start), Math.max(r.stop, t.stop)), this.reduce(n); + return; + } + } + this.intervals.push(t.clone()); + } + } + addSet(t) { + return t.intervals !== null && t.intervals.forEach((n) => this.addInterval(n), this), this; + } + reduce(t) { + if (t < this.intervals.length - 1) { + const n = this.intervals[t], r = this.intervals[t + 1]; + n.stop >= r.stop ? (this.intervals.splice(t + 1, 1), this.reduce(t)) : n.stop >= r.start && (this.intervals[t] = new pt(n.start, r.stop), this.intervals.splice(t + 1, 1)); + } + } + complement(t, n) { + const r = new ye(); + return r.addInterval(new pt(t, n + 1)), this.intervals !== null && this.intervals.forEach((s) => r.removeRange(s)), r; + } + contains(t) { + if (this.intervals === null) + return !1; + for (let n = 0; n < this.intervals.length; n++) + if (this.intervals[n].contains(t)) + return !0; + return !1; + } + removeRange(t) { + if (t.start === t.stop - 1) + this.removeOne(t.start); + else if (this.intervals !== null) { + let n = 0; + for (let r = 0; r < this.intervals.length; r++) { + const s = this.intervals[n]; + if (t.stop <= s.start) + return; + if (t.start > s.start && t.stop < s.stop) { + this.intervals[n] = new pt(s.start, t.start); + const i = new pt(t.stop, s.stop); + this.intervals.splice(n, 0, i); + return; + } else + t.start <= s.start && t.stop >= s.stop ? (this.intervals.splice(n, 1), n = n - 1) : t.start < s.stop ? this.intervals[n] = new pt(s.start, t.start) : t.stop < s.stop && (this.intervals[n] = new pt(t.stop, s.stop)); + n += 1; + } + } + } + removeOne(t) { + if (this.intervals !== null) + for (let n = 0; n < this.intervals.length; n++) { + const r = this.intervals[n]; + if (t < r.start) + return; + if (t === r.start && t === r.stop - 1) { + this.intervals.splice(n, 1); + return; + } else if (t === r.start) { + this.intervals[n] = new pt(r.start + 1, r.stop); + return; + } else if (t === r.stop - 1) { + this.intervals[n] = new pt(r.start, r.stop - 1); + return; + } else if (t < r.stop - 1) { + const s = new pt(r.start, t); + r.start = t + 1, this.intervals.splice(n, 0, s); + return; + } + } + } + toString(t, n, r) { + return t = t || null, n = n || null, r = r || !1, this.intervals === null ? "{}" : t !== null || n !== null ? this.toTokenString(t, n) : r ? this.toCharString() : this.toIndexString(); + } + toCharString() { + const t = []; + for (let n = 0; n < this.intervals.length; n++) { + const r = this.intervals[n]; + r.stop === r.start + 1 ? r.start === A.EOF ? t.push("") : t.push("'" + String.fromCharCode(r.start) + "'") : t.push("'" + String.fromCharCode(r.start) + "'..'" + String.fromCharCode(r.stop - 1) + "'"); + } + return t.length > 1 ? "{" + t.join(", ") + "}" : t[0]; + } + toIndexString() { + const t = []; + for (let n = 0; n < this.intervals.length; n++) { + const r = this.intervals[n]; + r.stop === r.start + 1 ? r.start === A.EOF ? t.push("") : t.push(r.start.toString()) : t.push(r.start.toString() + ".." + (r.stop - 1).toString()); + } + return t.length > 1 ? "{" + t.join(", ") + "}" : t[0]; + } + toTokenString(t, n) { + const r = []; + for (let s = 0; s < this.intervals.length; s++) { + const i = this.intervals[s]; + for (let o = i.start; o < i.stop; o++) + r.push(this.elementName(t, n, o)); + } + return r.length > 1 ? "{" + r.join(", ") + "}" : r[0]; + } + elementName(t, n, r) { + return r === A.EOF ? "" : r === A.EPSILON ? "" : t[r] || n[r]; + } + get length() { + return this.intervals.map((t) => t.length).reduce((t, n) => t + n); + } +} +class $ { + constructor() { + this.atn = null, this.stateNumber = $.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER, this.stateType = null, this.ruleIndex = 0, this.epsilonOnlyTransitions = !1, this.transitions = [], this.nextTokenWithinRule = null; + } + toString() { + return this.stateNumber; + } + equals(t) { + return t instanceof $ ? this.stateNumber === t.stateNumber : !1; + } + isNonGreedyExitState() { + return !1; + } + addTransition(t, n) { + n === void 0 && (n = -1), this.transitions.length === 0 ? this.epsilonOnlyTransitions = t.isEpsilon : this.epsilonOnlyTransitions !== t.isEpsilon && (this.epsilonOnlyTransitions = !1), n === -1 ? this.transitions.push(t) : this.transitions.splice(n, 1, t); + } +} +$.INVALID_TYPE = 0; +$.BASIC = 1; +$.RULE_START = 2; +$.BLOCK_START = 3; +$.PLUS_BLOCK_START = 4; +$.STAR_BLOCK_START = 5; +$.TOKEN_START = 6; +$.RULE_STOP = 7; +$.BLOCK_END = 8; +$.STAR_LOOP_BACK = 9; +$.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY = 10; +$.PLUS_LOOP_BACK = 11; +$.LOOP_END = 12; +$.serializationNames = [ + "INVALID", + "BASIC", + "RULE_START", + "BLOCK_START", + "PLUS_BLOCK_START", + "STAR_BLOCK_START", + "TOKEN_START", + "RULE_STOP", + "BLOCK_END", + "STAR_LOOP_BACK", + "STAR_LOOP_ENTRY", + "PLUS_LOOP_BACK", + "LOOP_END" +]; +$.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER = -1; +class Jt extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.RULE_STOP, this; + } +} +class D { + constructor(t) { + if (t == null) + throw "target cannot be null."; + this.target = t, this.isEpsilon = !1, this.label = null; + } +} +D.EPSILON = 1; +D.RANGE = 2; +D.RULE = 3; +D.PREDICATE = 4; +D.ATOM = 5; +D.ACTION = 6; +D.SET = 7; +D.NOT_SET = 8; +D.WILDCARD = 9; +D.PRECEDENCE = 10; +D.serializationNames = [ + "INVALID", + "EPSILON", + "RANGE", + "RULE", + "PREDICATE", + "ATOM", + "ACTION", + "SET", + "NOT_SET", + "WILDCARD", + "PRECEDENCE" +]; +D.serializationTypes = { + EpsilonTransition: D.EPSILON, + RangeTransition: D.RANGE, + RuleTransition: D.RULE, + PredicateTransition: D.PREDICATE, + AtomTransition: D.ATOM, + ActionTransition: D.ACTION, + SetTransition: D.SET, + NotSetTransition: D.NOT_SET, + WildcardTransition: D.WILDCARD, + PrecedencePredicateTransition: D.PRECEDENCE +}; +class Os extends D { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super(t), this.ruleIndex = n, this.precedence = r, this.followState = s, this.serializationType = D.RULE, this.isEpsilon = !0; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return !1; + } +} +class oo extends D { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.SET, n != null ? this.label = n : (this.label = new ye(), this.label.addOne(A.INVALID_TYPE)); + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return this.label.contains(t); + } + toString() { + return this.label.toString(); + } +} +class ao extends oo { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t, n), this.serializationType = D.NOT_SET; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return t >= n && t <= r && !super.matches(t, n, r); + } + toString() { + return "~" + super.toString(); + } +} +class kc extends D { + constructor(t) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.WILDCARD; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return t >= n && t <= r; + } + toString() { + return "."; + } +} +class lo extends D { + constructor(t) { + super(t); + } +} +class H4 { +} +class G4 extends H4 { +} +class Ec extends G4 { +} +class Ns extends Ec { + getRuleContext() { + throw new Error("missing interface implementation"); + } +} +class Xe extends Ec { +} +class ai extends Xe { +} +function $4(e, t) { + return e = e.replace(/\t/g, "\\t").replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r"), t && (e = e.replace(/ /g, "·")), e; +} +const Pe = { + toStringTree: function(e, t, n) { + t = t || null, n = n || null, n !== null && (t = n.ruleNames); + let r = Pe.getNodeText(e, t); + r = $4(r, !1); + const s = e.getChildCount(); + if (s === 0) + return r; + let i = "(" + r + " "; + s > 0 && (r = Pe.toStringTree(e.getChild(0), t), i = i.concat(r)); + for (let o = 1; o < s; o++) + r = Pe.toStringTree(e.getChild(o), t), i = i.concat(" " + r); + return i = i.concat(")"), i; + }, + getNodeText: function(e, t, n) { + if (t = t || null, n = n || null, n !== null && (t = n.ruleNames), t !== null) + if (e instanceof Ns) { + const s = e.getRuleContext().getAltNumber(); + return s != 0 ? t[e.ruleIndex] + ":" + s : t[e.ruleIndex]; + } else { + if (e instanceof ai) + return e.toString(); + if (e instanceof Xe && e.symbol !== null) + return e.symbol.text; + } + const r = e.getPayload(); + return r instanceof A ? r.text : e.getPayload().toString(); + }, + getChildren: function(e) { + const t = []; + for (let n = 0; n < e.getChildCount(); n++) + t.push(e.getChild(n)); + return t; + }, + getAncestors: function(e) { + let t = []; + for (e = e.getParent(); e !== null; ) + t = [e].concat(t), e = e.getParent(); + return t; + }, + findAllTokenNodes: function(e, t) { + return Pe.findAllNodes(e, t, !0); + }, + findAllRuleNodes: function(e, t) { + return Pe.findAllNodes(e, t, !1); + }, + findAllNodes: function(e, t, n) { + const r = []; + return Pe._findAllNodes(e, t, n, r), r; + }, + _findAllNodes: function(e, t, n, r) { + n && e instanceof Xe ? e.symbol.type === t && r.push(e) : !n && e instanceof Ns && e.ruleIndex === t && r.push(e); + for (let s = 0; s < e.getChildCount(); s++) + Pe._findAllNodes(e.getChild(s), t, n, r); + }, + descendants: function(e) { + let t = [e]; + for (let n = 0; n < e.getChildCount(); n++) + t = t.concat(Pe.descendants(e.getChild(n))); + return t; + } +}; +class tr extends Ns { + constructor(t, n) { + super(), this.parentCtx = t || null, this.invokingState = n || -1; + } + depth() { + let t = 0, n = this; + for (; n !== null; ) + n = n.parentCtx, t += 1; + return t; + } + isEmpty() { + return this.invokingState === -1; + } + getSourceInterval() { + return pt.INVALID_INTERVAL; + } + getRuleContext() { + return this; + } + getPayload() { + return this; + } + getText() { + return this.getChildCount() === 0 ? "" : this.children.map(function(t) { + return t.getText(); + }).join(""); + } + getAltNumber() { + return 0; + } + setAltNumber(t) { + } + getChild(t) { + return null; + } + getChildCount() { + return 0; + } + accept(t) { + return t.visitChildren(this); + } + toStringTree(t, n) { + return Pe.toStringTree(this, t, n); + } + toString(t, n) { + t = t || null, n = n || null; + let r = this, s = "["; + for (; r !== null && r !== n; ) { + if (t === null) + r.isEmpty() || (s += r.invokingState); + else { + const i = r.ruleIndex, o = i >= 0 && i < t.length ? t[i] : "" + i; + s += o; + } + r.parentCtx !== null && (t !== null || !r.parentCtx.isEmpty()) && (s += " "), r = r.parentCtx; + } + return s += "]", s; + } +} +class it { + constructor(t) { + this.cachedHashCode = t; + } + isEmpty() { + return this === it.EMPTY; + } + hasEmptyPath() { + return this.getReturnState(this.length - 1) === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE; + } + hashCode() { + return this.cachedHashCode; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.cachedHashCode); + } +} +it.EMPTY = null; +it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE = 2147483647; +it.globalNodeCount = 1; +it.id = it.globalNodeCount; +class Ge extends it { + constructor(t, n) { + const r = new fe(); + r.update(t, n); + const s = r.finish(); + return super(s), this.parents = t, this.returnStates = n, this; + } + isEmpty() { + return this.returnStates[0] === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE; + } + getParent(t) { + return this.parents[t]; + } + getReturnState(t) { + return this.returnStates[t]; + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Ge ? this.hashCode() !== t.hashCode() ? !1 : Jn(this.returnStates, t.returnStates) && Jn(this.parents, t.parents) : !1; + } + toString() { + if (this.isEmpty()) + return "[]"; + { + let t = "["; + for (let n = 0; n < this.returnStates.length; n++) { + if (n > 0 && (t = t + ", "), this.returnStates[n] === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE) { + t = t + "$"; + continue; + } + t = t + this.returnStates[n], this.parents[n] !== null ? t = t + " " + this.parents[n] : t = t + "null"; + } + return t + "]"; + } + } + get length() { + return this.returnStates.length; + } +} +class ee extends it { + constructor(t, n) { + let r = 0; + const s = new fe(); + t !== null ? s.update(t, n) : s.update(1), r = s.finish(), super(r), this.parentCtx = t, this.returnState = n; + } + getParent(t) { + return this.parentCtx; + } + getReturnState(t) { + return this.returnState; + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof ee ? this.hashCode() !== t.hashCode() || this.returnState !== t.returnState ? !1 : this.parentCtx == null ? t.parentCtx == null : this.parentCtx.equals(t.parentCtx) : !1; + } + toString() { + const t = this.parentCtx === null ? "" : this.parentCtx.toString(); + return t.length === 0 ? this.returnState === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE ? "$" : "" + this.returnState : "" + this.returnState + " " + t; + } + get length() { + return 1; + } + static create(t, n) { + return n === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE && t === null ? it.EMPTY : new ee(t, n); + } +} +class f1 extends ee { + constructor() { + super(null, it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE); + } + isEmpty() { + return !0; + } + getParent(t) { + return null; + } + getReturnState(t) { + return this.returnState; + } + equals(t) { + return this === t; + } + toString() { + return "$"; + } +} +it.EMPTY = new f1(); +const br = "h-"; +class Zr { + constructor(t, n) { + this.data = {}, this.hashFunction = t || wc, this.equalsFunction = n || Cc; + } + set(t, n) { + const r = br + this.hashFunction(t); + if (r in this.data) { + const s = this.data[r]; + for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { + const o = s[i]; + if (this.equalsFunction(t, o.key)) { + const a = o.value; + return o.value = n, a; + } + } + return s.push({ key: t, value: n }), n; + } else + return this.data[r] = [{ key: t, value: n }], n; + } + containsKey(t) { + const n = br + this.hashFunction(t); + if (n in this.data) { + const r = this.data[n]; + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) { + const i = r[s]; + if (this.equalsFunction(t, i.key)) + return !0; + } + } + return !1; + } + get(t) { + const n = br + this.hashFunction(t); + if (n in this.data) { + const r = this.data[n]; + for (let s = 0; s < r.length; s++) { + const i = r[s]; + if (this.equalsFunction(t, i.key)) + return i.value; + } + } + return null; + } + entries() { + return Object.keys(this.data).filter((t) => t.startsWith(br)).flatMap((t) => this.data[t], this); + } + getKeys() { + return this.entries().map((t) => t.key); + } + getValues() { + return this.entries().map((t) => t.value); + } + toString() { + return "[" + this.entries().map((t) => "{" + t.key + ":" + t.value + "}").join(", ") + "]"; + } + get length() { + return Object.keys(this.data).filter((t) => t.startsWith(br)).map((t) => this.data[t].length, this).reduce((t, n) => t + n, 0); + } +} +function co(e, t) { + if (t == null && (t = tr.EMPTY), t.parentCtx === null || t === tr.EMPTY) + return it.EMPTY; + const n = co(e, t.parentCtx), r = e.states[t.invokingState].transitions[0]; + return ee.create(n, r.followState.stateNumber); +} +function Tc(e, t, n) { + if (e.isEmpty()) + return e; + let r = n.get(e) || null; + if (r !== null) + return r; + if (r = t.get(e), r !== null) + return n.set(e, r), r; + let s = !1, i = []; + for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { + const l = Tc(e.getParent(a), t, n); + if (s || l !== e.getParent(a)) { + if (!s) { + i = []; + for (let c = 0; c < e.length; c++) + i[c] = e.getParent(c); + s = !0; + } + i[a] = l; + } + } + if (!s) + return t.add(e), n.set(e, e), e; + let o = null; + return i.length === 0 ? o = it.EMPTY : i.length === 1 ? o = ee.create(i[0], e.getReturnState(0)) : o = new Ge(i, e.returnStates), t.add(o), n.set(o, o), n.set(e, o), o; +} +function ho(e, t, n, r) { + if (e === t) + return e; + if (e instanceof ee && t instanceof ee) + return q4(e, t, n, r); + if (n) { + if (e instanceof f1) + return e; + if (t instanceof f1) + return t; + } + return e instanceof ee && (e = new Ge([e.getParent()], [e.returnState])), t instanceof ee && (t = new Ge([t.getParent()], [t.returnState])), j4(e, t, n, r); +} +function j4(e, t, n, r) { + if (r !== null) { + let u = r.get(e, t); + if (u !== null || (u = r.get(t, e), u !== null)) + return u; + } + let s = 0, i = 0, o = 0, a = [], l = []; + for (; s < e.returnStates.length && i < t.returnStates.length; ) { + const u = e.parents[s], d = t.parents[i]; + if (e.returnStates[s] === t.returnStates[i]) { + const f = e.returnStates[s]; + f === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE && u === null && d === null || u !== null && d !== null && u === d ? (l[o] = u, a[o] = f) : (l[o] = ho(u, d, n, r), a[o] = f), s += 1, i += 1; + } else + e.returnStates[s] < t.returnStates[i] ? (l[o] = u, a[o] = e.returnStates[s], s += 1) : (l[o] = d, a[o] = t.returnStates[i], i += 1); + o += 1; + } + if (s < e.returnStates.length) + for (let u = s; u < e.returnStates.length; u++) + l[o] = e.parents[u], a[o] = e.returnStates[u], o += 1; + else + for (let u = i; u < t.returnStates.length; u++) + l[o] = t.parents[u], a[o] = t.returnStates[u], o += 1; + if (o < l.length) { + if (o === 1) { + const u = ee.create( + l[0], + a[0] + ); + return r !== null && r.set(e, t, u), u; + } + l = l.slice(0, o), a = a.slice(0, o); + } + const c = new Ge(l, a); + return c === e ? (r !== null && r.set(e, t, e), e) : c === t ? (r !== null && r.set(e, t, t), t) : (V4(l), r !== null && r.set(e, t, c), c); +} +function V4(e) { + const t = new Zr(); + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = e[n]; + t.containsKey(r) || t.set(r, r); + } + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + e[n] = t.get(e[n]); +} +function q4(e, t, n, r) { + if (r !== null) { + let i = r.get(e, t); + if (i !== null || (i = r.get(t, e), i !== null)) + return i; + } + const s = Z4(e, t, n); + if (s !== null) + return r !== null && r.set(e, t, s), s; + if (e.returnState === t.returnState) { + const i = ho(e.parentCtx, t.parentCtx, n, r); + if (i === e.parentCtx) + return e; + if (i === t.parentCtx) + return t; + const o = ee.create(i, e.returnState); + return r !== null && r.set(e, t, o), o; + } else { + let i = null; + if ((e === t || e.parentCtx !== null && e.parentCtx === t.parentCtx) && (i = e.parentCtx), i !== null) { + const c = [e.returnState, t.returnState]; + e.returnState > t.returnState && (c[0] = t.returnState, c[1] = e.returnState); + const u = [i, i], d = new Ge(u, c); + return r !== null && r.set(e, t, d), d; + } + const o = [e.returnState, t.returnState]; + let a = [e.parentCtx, t.parentCtx]; + e.returnState > t.returnState && (o[0] = t.returnState, o[1] = e.returnState, a = [t.parentCtx, e.parentCtx]); + const l = new Ge(a, o); + return r !== null && r.set(e, t, l), l; + } +} +function Z4(e, t, n) { + if (n) { + if (e === it.EMPTY || t === it.EMPTY) + return it.EMPTY; + } else { + if (e === it.EMPTY && t === it.EMPTY) + return it.EMPTY; + if (e === it.EMPTY) { + const r = [ + t.returnState, + it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE + ], s = [t.parentCtx, null]; + return new Ge(s, r); + } else if (t === it.EMPTY) { + const r = [e.returnState, it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE], s = [e.parentCtx, null]; + return new Ge(s, r); + } + } + return null; +} +class Ue { + constructor() { + this.data = []; + } + add(t) { + this.data[t] = !0; + } + or(t) { + Object.keys(t.data).map((n) => this.add(n), this); + } + remove(t) { + delete this.data[t]; + } + has(t) { + return this.data[t] === !0; + } + values() { + return Object.keys(this.data); + } + minValue() { + return Math.min.apply(null, this.values()); + } + hashCode() { + return fe.hashStuff(this.values()); + } + equals(t) { + return t instanceof Ue && Jn(this.data, t.data); + } + toString() { + return "{" + this.values().join(", ") + "}"; + } + get length() { + return this.values().length; + } +} +class er { + constructor(t) { + this.atn = t; + } + getDecisionLookahead(t) { + if (t === null) + return null; + const n = t.transitions.length, r = []; + for (let s = 0; s < n; s++) { + r[s] = new ye(); + const i = new de(), o = !1; + this._LOOK( + t.transition(s).target, + null, + it.EMPTY, + r[s], + i, + new Ue(), + o, + !1 + ), (r[s].length === 0 || r[s].contains(er.HIT_PRED)) && (r[s] = null); + } + return r; + } + LOOK(t, n, r) { + const s = new ye(), i = !0; + r = r || null; + const o = r !== null ? co(t.atn, r) : null; + return this._LOOK(t, n, o, s, new de(), new Ue(), i, !0), s; + } + _LOOK(t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l) { + const c = new Mt({ state: t, alt: 0, context: r }, null); + if (!i.has(c)) { + if (i.add(c), t === n) { + if (r === null) { + s.addOne(A.EPSILON); + return; + } else if (r.isEmpty() && l) { + s.addOne(A.EOF); + return; + } + } + if (t instanceof Jt) { + if (r === null) { + s.addOne(A.EPSILON); + return; + } else if (r.isEmpty() && l) { + s.addOne(A.EOF); + return; + } + if (r !== it.EMPTY) { + const u = o.has(t.ruleIndex); + try { + o.remove(t.ruleIndex); + for (let d = 0; d < r.length; d++) { + const f = this.atn.states[r.getReturnState(d)]; + this._LOOK(f, n, r.getParent(d), s, i, o, a, l); + } + } finally { + u && o.add(t.ruleIndex); + } + return; + } + } + for (let u = 0; u < t.transitions.length; u++) { + const d = t.transitions[u]; + if (d.constructor === Os) { + if (o.has(d.target.ruleIndex)) + continue; + const f = ee.create(r, d.followState.stateNumber); + try { + o.add(d.target.ruleIndex), this._LOOK(d.target, n, f, s, i, o, a, l); + } finally { + o.remove(d.target.ruleIndex); + } + } else if (d instanceof lo) + a ? this._LOOK(d.target, n, r, s, i, o, a, l) : s.addOne(er.HIT_PRED); + else if (d.isEpsilon) + this._LOOK(d.target, n, r, s, i, o, a, l); + else if (d.constructor === kc) + s.addRange(A.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType); + else { + let f = d.label; + f !== null && (d instanceof ao && (f = f.complement(A.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType)), s.addSet(f)); + } + } + } + } +} +er.HIT_PRED = A.INVALID_TYPE; +class St { + constructor(t, n) { + this.grammarType = t, this.maxTokenType = n, this.states = [], this.decisionToState = [], this.ruleToStartState = [], this.ruleToStopState = null, this.modeNameToStartState = {}, this.ruleToTokenType = null, this.lexerActions = null, this.modeToStartState = []; + } + nextTokensInContext(t, n) { + return new er(this).LOOK(t, null, n); + } + nextTokensNoContext(t) { + return t.nextTokenWithinRule !== null || (t.nextTokenWithinRule = this.nextTokensInContext(t, null), t.nextTokenWithinRule.readOnly = !0), t.nextTokenWithinRule; + } + nextTokens(t, n) { + return n === void 0 ? this.nextTokensNoContext(t) : this.nextTokensInContext(t, n); + } + addState(t) { + t !== null && (t.atn = this, t.stateNumber = this.states.length), this.states.push(t); + } + removeState(t) { + this.states[t.stateNumber] = null; + } + defineDecisionState(t) { + return this.decisionToState.push(t), t.decision = this.decisionToState.length - 1, t.decision; + } + getDecisionState(t) { + return this.decisionToState.length === 0 ? null : this.decisionToState[t]; + } + getExpectedTokens(t, n) { + if (t < 0 || t >= this.states.length) + throw "Invalid state number."; + const r = this.states[t]; + let s = this.nextTokens(r); + if (!s.contains(A.EPSILON)) + return s; + const i = new ye(); + for (i.addSet(s), i.removeOne(A.EPSILON); n !== null && n.invokingState >= 0 && s.contains(A.EPSILON); ) { + const o = this.states[n.invokingState].transitions[0]; + s = this.nextTokens(o.followState), i.addSet(s), i.removeOne(A.EPSILON), n = n.parentCtx; + } + return s.contains(A.EPSILON) && i.addOne(A.EOF), i; + } +} +St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER = 0; +const ps = { + LEXER: 0, + PARSER: 1 +}; +class tl extends $ { + constructor() { + super(), this.stateType = $.BASIC; + } +} +class lr extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.decision = -1, this.nonGreedy = !1, this; + } +} +class Yn extends lr { + constructor() { + return super(), this.endState = null, this; + } +} +class Hi extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.BLOCK_END, this.startState = null, this; + } +} +class Hn extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.LOOP_END, this.loopBackState = null, this; + } +} +class el extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.RULE_START, this.stopState = null, this.isPrecedenceRule = !1, this; + } +} +class W4 extends lr { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.TOKEN_START, this; + } +} +class nl extends lr { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.PLUS_LOOP_BACK, this; + } +} +class Gi extends $ { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.STAR_LOOP_BACK, this; + } +} +class bn extends lr { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY, this.loopBackState = null, this.isPrecedenceDecision = null, this; + } +} +class $i extends Yn { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.PLUS_BLOCK_START, this.loopBackState = null, this; + } +} +class ji extends Yn { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.STAR_BLOCK_START, this; + } +} +class rl extends Yn { + constructor() { + return super(), this.stateType = $.BLOCK_START, this; + } +} +class Cs extends D { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), this.label_ = n, this.label = this.makeLabel(), this.serializationType = D.ATOM; + } + makeLabel() { + const t = new ye(); + return t.addOne(this.label_), t; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return this.label_ === t; + } + toString() { + return this.label_; + } +} +class sl extends D { + constructor(t, n, r) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.RANGE, this.start = n, this.stop = r, this.label = this.makeLabel(); + } + makeLabel() { + const t = new ye(); + return t.addRange(this.start, this.stop), t; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return t >= this.start && t <= this.stop; + } + toString() { + return "'" + String.fromCharCode(this.start) + "'..'" + String.fromCharCode(this.stop) + "'"; + } +} +class Ac extends D { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.ACTION, this.ruleIndex = n, this.actionIndex = r === void 0 ? -1 : r, this.isCtxDependent = s === void 0 ? !1 : s, this.isEpsilon = !0; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return !1; + } + toString() { + return "action_" + this.ruleIndex + ":" + this.actionIndex; + } +} +class wr extends D { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.EPSILON, this.isEpsilon = !0, this.outermostPrecedenceReturn = n; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return !1; + } + toString() { + return "epsilon"; + } +} +class li extends ft { + constructor(t, n, r) { + super(), this.ruleIndex = t === void 0 ? -1 : t, this.predIndex = n === void 0 ? -1 : n, this.isCtxDependent = r === void 0 ? !1 : r; + } + evaluate(t, n) { + const r = this.isCtxDependent ? n : null; + return t.sempred(r, this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex, this.isCtxDependent); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof li ? this.ruleIndex === t.ruleIndex && this.predIndex === t.predIndex && this.isCtxDependent === t.isCtxDependent : !1; + } + toString() { + return "{" + this.ruleIndex + ":" + this.predIndex + "}?"; + } +} +ft.NONE = new li(); +class Sc extends lo { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.PREDICATE, this.ruleIndex = n, this.predIndex = r, this.isCtxDependent = s, this.isEpsilon = !0; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return !1; + } + getPredicate() { + return new li(this.ruleIndex, this.predIndex, this.isCtxDependent); + } + toString() { + return "pred_" + this.ruleIndex + ":" + this.predIndex; + } +} +class ci extends ft { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.precedence = t === void 0 ? 0 : t; + } + evaluate(t, n) { + return t.precpred(n, this.precedence); + } + evalPrecedence(t, n) { + return t.precpred(n, this.precedence) ? ft.NONE : null; + } + compareTo(t) { + return this.precedence - t.precedence; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.precedence); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof ci ? this.precedence === t.precedence : !1; + } + toString() { + return "{" + this.precedence + ">=prec}?"; + } +} +ft.PrecedencePredicate = ci; +class Y4 extends lo { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), this.serializationType = D.PRECEDENCE, this.precedence = n, this.isEpsilon = !0; + } + matches(t, n, r) { + return !1; + } + getPredicate() { + return new ci(this.precedence); + } + toString() { + return this.precedence + " >= _p"; + } +} +class $r { + constructor(t) { + t === void 0 && (t = null), this.readOnly = !1, this.verifyATN = t === null ? !0 : t.verifyATN, this.generateRuleBypassTransitions = t === null ? !1 : t.generateRuleBypassTransitions; + } +} +$r.defaultOptions = new $r(); +$r.defaultOptions.readOnly = !0; +const Zt = { + CHANNEL: 0, + CUSTOM: 1, + MODE: 2, + MORE: 3, + POP_MODE: 4, + PUSH_MODE: 5, + SKIP: 6, + TYPE: 7 +}; +class nn { + constructor(t) { + this.actionType = t, this.isPositionDependent = !1; + } + hashCode() { + const t = new fe(); + return this.updateHashCode(t), t.finish(); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t; + } +} +class g1 extends nn { + constructor() { + super(Zt.SKIP); + } + execute(t) { + t.skip(); + } + toString() { + return "skip"; + } +} +g1.INSTANCE = new g1(); +class uo extends nn { + constructor(t) { + super(Zt.CHANNEL), this.channel = t; + } + execute(t) { + t._channel = this.channel; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.channel); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof uo ? this.channel === t.channel : !1; + } + toString() { + return "channel(" + this.channel + ")"; + } +} +class po extends nn { + constructor(t, n) { + super(Zt.CUSTOM), this.ruleIndex = t, this.actionIndex = n, this.isPositionDependent = !0; + } + execute(t) { + t.action(null, this.ruleIndex, this.actionIndex); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.ruleIndex, this.actionIndex); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof po ? this.ruleIndex === t.ruleIndex && this.actionIndex === t.actionIndex : !1; + } +} +class m1 extends nn { + constructor() { + super(Zt.MORE); + } + execute(t) { + t.more(); + } + toString() { + return "more"; + } +} +m1.INSTANCE = new m1(); +class fo extends nn { + constructor(t) { + super(Zt.TYPE), this.type = t; + } + execute(t) { + t.type = this.type; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.type); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof fo ? this.type === t.type : !1; + } + toString() { + return "type(" + this.type + ")"; + } +} +class go extends nn { + constructor(t) { + super(Zt.PUSH_MODE), this.mode = t; + } + execute(t) { + t.pushMode(this.mode); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.mode); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof go ? this.mode === t.mode : !1; + } + toString() { + return "pushMode(" + this.mode + ")"; + } +} +class x1 extends nn { + constructor() { + super(Zt.POP_MODE); + } + execute(t) { + t.popMode(); + } + toString() { + return "popMode"; + } +} +x1.INSTANCE = new x1(); +class mo extends nn { + constructor(t) { + super(Zt.MODE), this.mode = t; + } + execute(t) { + t.mode(this.mode); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.mode); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof mo ? this.mode === t.mode : !1; + } + toString() { + return "mode(" + this.mode + ")"; + } +} +const Vi = 4; +function fs(e, t) { + const n = []; + return n[e - 1] = t, n.map(function(r) { + return t; + }); +} +class Rc { + constructor(t) { + t == null && (t = $r.defaultOptions), this.deserializationOptions = t, this.stateFactories = null, this.actionFactories = null; + } + deserialize(t) { + const n = this.reset(t); + this.checkVersion(n), n && this.skipUUID(); + const r = this.readATN(); + this.readStates(r, n), this.readRules(r, n), this.readModes(r); + const s = []; + return this.readSets(r, s, this.readInt.bind(this)), n && this.readSets(r, s, this.readInt32.bind(this)), this.readEdges(r, s), this.readDecisions(r), this.readLexerActions(r, n), this.markPrecedenceDecisions(r), this.verifyATN(r), this.deserializationOptions.generateRuleBypassTransitions && r.grammarType === ps.PARSER && (this.generateRuleBypassTransitions(r), this.verifyATN(r)), r; + } + reset(t) { + if ((t.charCodeAt ? t.charCodeAt(0) : t[0]) === Vi - 1) { + const n = function(s) { + const i = s.charCodeAt(0); + return i > 1 ? i - 2 : i + 65534; + }, r = t.split("").map(n); + return r[0] = t.charCodeAt(0), this.data = r, this.pos = 0, !0; + } else + return this.data = t, this.pos = 0, !1; + } + skipUUID() { + let t = 0; + for (; t++ < 8; ) + this.readInt(); + } + checkVersion(t) { + const n = this.readInt(); + if (!t && n !== Vi) + throw "Could not deserialize ATN with version " + n + " (expected " + Vi + ")."; + } + readATN() { + const t = this.readInt(), n = this.readInt(); + return new St(t, n); + } + readStates(t, n) { + let r, s, i; + const o = [], a = [], l = this.readInt(); + for (let d = 0; d < l; d++) { + const f = this.readInt(); + if (f === $.INVALID_TYPE) { + t.addState(null); + continue; + } + let m = this.readInt(); + n && m === 65535 && (m = -1); + const I = this.stateFactory(f, m); + if (f === $.LOOP_END) { + const M = this.readInt(); + o.push([I, M]); + } else if (I instanceof Yn) { + const M = this.readInt(); + a.push([I, M]); + } + t.addState(I); + } + for (r = 0; r < o.length; r++) + s = o[r], s[0].loopBackState = t.states[s[1]]; + for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) + s = a[r], s[0].endState = t.states[s[1]]; + let c = this.readInt(); + for (r = 0; r < c; r++) + i = this.readInt(), t.states[i].nonGreedy = !0; + let u = this.readInt(); + for (r = 0; r < u; r++) + i = this.readInt(), t.states[i].isPrecedenceRule = !0; + } + readRules(t, n) { + let r; + const s = this.readInt(); + for (t.grammarType === ps.LEXER && (t.ruleToTokenType = fs(s, 0)), t.ruleToStartState = fs(s, 0), r = 0; r < s; r++) { + const i = this.readInt(); + if (t.ruleToStartState[r] = t.states[i], t.grammarType === ps.LEXER) { + let o = this.readInt(); + n && o === 65535 && (o = A.EOF), t.ruleToTokenType[r] = o; + } + } + for (t.ruleToStopState = fs(s, 0), r = 0; r < t.states.length; r++) { + const i = t.states[r]; + i instanceof Jt && (t.ruleToStopState[i.ruleIndex] = i, t.ruleToStartState[i.ruleIndex].stopState = i); + } + } + readModes(t) { + const n = this.readInt(); + for (let r = 0; r < n; r++) { + let s = this.readInt(); + t.modeToStartState.push(t.states[s]); + } + } + readSets(t, n, r) { + const s = this.readInt(); + for (let i = 0; i < s; i++) { + const o = new ye(); + n.push(o); + const a = this.readInt(); + this.readInt() !== 0 && o.addOne(-1); + for (let l = 0; l < a; l++) { + const c = r(), u = r(); + o.addRange(c, u); + } + } + } + readEdges(t, n) { + let r, s, i, o, a; + const l = this.readInt(); + for (r = 0; r < l; r++) { + const c = this.readInt(), u = this.readInt(), d = this.readInt(), f = this.readInt(), m = this.readInt(), I = this.readInt(); + o = this.edgeFactory(t, d, c, u, f, m, I, n), t.states[c].addTransition(o); + } + for (r = 0; r < t.states.length; r++) + for (i = t.states[r], s = 0; s < i.transitions.length; s++) { + const c = i.transitions[s]; + if (!(c instanceof Os)) + continue; + let u = -1; + t.ruleToStartState[c.target.ruleIndex].isPrecedenceRule && c.precedence === 0 && (u = c.target.ruleIndex), o = new wr(c.followState, u), t.ruleToStopState[c.target.ruleIndex].addTransition(o); + } + for (r = 0; r < t.states.length; r++) { + if (i = t.states[r], i instanceof Yn) { + if (i.endState === null || i.endState.startState !== null) + throw "IllegalState"; + i.endState.startState = i; + } + if (i instanceof nl) + for (s = 0; s < i.transitions.length; s++) + a = i.transitions[s].target, a instanceof $i && (a.loopBackState = i); + else if (i instanceof Gi) + for (s = 0; s < i.transitions.length; s++) + a = i.transitions[s].target, a instanceof bn && (a.loopBackState = i); + } + } + readDecisions(t) { + const n = this.readInt(); + for (let r = 0; r < n; r++) { + const s = this.readInt(), i = t.states[s]; + t.decisionToState.push(i), i.decision = r; + } + } + readLexerActions(t, n) { + if (t.grammarType === ps.LEXER) { + const r = this.readInt(); + t.lexerActions = fs(r, null); + for (let s = 0; s < r; s++) { + const i = this.readInt(); + let o = this.readInt(); + n && o === 65535 && (o = -1); + let a = this.readInt(); + n && a === 65535 && (a = -1), t.lexerActions[s] = this.lexerActionFactory(i, o, a); + } + } + } + generateRuleBypassTransitions(t) { + let n; + const r = t.ruleToStartState.length; + for (n = 0; n < r; n++) + t.ruleToTokenType[n] = t.maxTokenType + n + 1; + for (n = 0; n < r; n++) + this.generateRuleBypassTransition(t, n); + } + generateRuleBypassTransition(t, n) { + let r, s; + const i = new rl(); + i.ruleIndex = n, t.addState(i); + const o = new Hi(); + o.ruleIndex = n, t.addState(o), i.endState = o, t.defineDecisionState(i), o.startState = i; + let a = null, l = null; + if (t.ruleToStartState[n].isPrecedenceRule) { + for (l = null, r = 0; r < t.states.length; r++) + if (s = t.states[r], this.stateIsEndStateFor(s, n)) { + l = s, a = s.loopBackState.transitions[0]; + break; + } + if (a === null) + throw "Couldn't identify final state of the precedence rule prefix section."; + } else + l = t.ruleToStopState[n]; + for (r = 0; r < t.states.length; r++) { + s = t.states[r]; + for (let f = 0; f < s.transitions.length; f++) { + const m = s.transitions[f]; + m !== a && m.target === l && (m.target = o); + } + } + const c = t.ruleToStartState[n], u = c.transitions.length; + for (; u > 0; ) + i.addTransition(c.transitions[u - 1]), c.transitions = c.transitions.slice(-1); + t.ruleToStartState[n].addTransition(new wr(i)), o.addTransition(new wr(l)); + const d = new tl(); + t.addState(d), d.addTransition(new Cs(o, t.ruleToTokenType[n])), i.addTransition(new wr(d)); + } + stateIsEndStateFor(t, n) { + if (t.ruleIndex !== n || !(t instanceof bn)) + return null; + const r = t.transitions[t.transitions.length - 1].target; + return r instanceof Hn && r.epsilonOnlyTransitions && r.transitions[0].target instanceof Jt ? t : null; + } + markPrecedenceDecisions(t) { + for (let n = 0; n < t.states.length; n++) { + const r = t.states[n]; + if (r instanceof bn && t.ruleToStartState[r.ruleIndex].isPrecedenceRule) { + const s = r.transitions[r.transitions.length - 1].target; + s instanceof Hn && s.epsilonOnlyTransitions && s.transitions[0].target instanceof Jt && (r.isPrecedenceDecision = !0); + } + } + } + verifyATN(t) { + if (this.deserializationOptions.verifyATN) + for (let n = 0; n < t.states.length; n++) { + const r = t.states[n]; + if (r !== null) + if (this.checkCondition(r.epsilonOnlyTransitions || r.transitions.length <= 1), r instanceof $i) + this.checkCondition(r.loopBackState !== null); + else if (r instanceof bn) + if (this.checkCondition(r.loopBackState !== null), this.checkCondition(r.transitions.length === 2), r.transitions[0].target instanceof ji) + this.checkCondition(r.transitions[1].target instanceof Hn), this.checkCondition(!r.nonGreedy); + else if (r.transitions[0].target instanceof Hn) + this.checkCondition(r.transitions[1].target instanceof ji), this.checkCondition(r.nonGreedy); + else + throw "IllegalState"; + else + r instanceof Gi ? (this.checkCondition(r.transitions.length === 1), this.checkCondition(r.transitions[0].target instanceof bn)) : r instanceof Hn ? this.checkCondition(r.loopBackState !== null) : r instanceof el ? this.checkCondition(r.stopState !== null) : r instanceof Yn ? this.checkCondition(r.endState !== null) : r instanceof Hi ? this.checkCondition(r.startState !== null) : r instanceof lr ? this.checkCondition(r.transitions.length <= 1 || r.decision >= 0) : this.checkCondition(r.transitions.length <= 1 || r instanceof Jt); + } + } + checkCondition(t, n) { + if (!t) + throw n == null && (n = "IllegalState"), n; + } + readInt() { + return this.data[this.pos++]; + } + readInt32() { + const t = this.readInt(), n = this.readInt(); + return t | n << 16; + } + edgeFactory(t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l) { + const c = t.states[s]; + switch (n) { + case D.EPSILON: + return new wr(c); + case D.RANGE: + return a !== 0 ? new sl(c, A.EOF, o) : new sl(c, i, o); + case D.RULE: + return new Os(t.states[i], o, a, c); + case D.PREDICATE: + return new Sc(c, i, o, a !== 0); + case D.PRECEDENCE: + return new Y4(c, i); + case D.ATOM: + return a !== 0 ? new Cs(c, A.EOF) : new Cs(c, i); + case D.ACTION: + return new Ac(c, i, o, a !== 0); + case D.SET: + return new oo(c, l[i]); + case D.NOT_SET: + return new ao(c, l[i]); + case D.WILDCARD: + return new kc(c); + default: + throw "The specified transition type: " + n + " is not valid."; + } + } + stateFactory(t, n) { + if (this.stateFactories === null) { + const r = []; + r[$.INVALID_TYPE] = null, r[$.BASIC] = () => new tl(), r[$.RULE_START] = () => new el(), r[$.BLOCK_START] = () => new rl(), r[$.PLUS_BLOCK_START] = () => new $i(), r[$.STAR_BLOCK_START] = () => new ji(), r[$.TOKEN_START] = () => new W4(), r[$.RULE_STOP] = () => new Jt(), r[$.BLOCK_END] = () => new Hi(), r[$.STAR_LOOP_BACK] = () => new Gi(), r[$.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY] = () => new bn(), r[$.PLUS_LOOP_BACK] = () => new nl(), r[$.LOOP_END] = () => new Hn(), this.stateFactories = r; + } + if (t > this.stateFactories.length || this.stateFactories[t] === null) + throw "The specified state type " + t + " is not valid."; + { + const r = this.stateFactories[t](); + if (r !== null) + return r.ruleIndex = n, r; + } + } + lexerActionFactory(t, n, r) { + if (this.actionFactories === null) { + const s = []; + s[Zt.CHANNEL] = (i, o) => new uo(i), s[Zt.CUSTOM] = (i, o) => new po(i, o), s[Zt.MODE] = (i, o) => new mo(i), s[Zt.MORE] = (i, o) => m1.INSTANCE, s[Zt.POP_MODE] = (i, o) => x1.INSTANCE, s[Zt.PUSH_MODE] = (i, o) => new go(i), s[Zt.SKIP] = (i, o) => g1.INSTANCE, s[Zt.TYPE] = (i, o) => new fo(i), this.actionFactories = s; + } + if (t > this.actionFactories.length || this.actionFactories[t] === null) + throw "The specified lexer action type " + t + " is not valid."; + return this.actionFactories[t](n, r); + } +} +class hi { + syntaxError(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + } + reportAmbiguity(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + } + reportAttemptingFullContext(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + } + reportContextSensitivity(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + } +} +class L1 extends hi { + constructor() { + super(); + } + syntaxError(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + console.error("line " + r + ":" + s + " " + i); + } +} +L1.INSTANCE = new L1(); +class K4 extends hi { + constructor(t) { + if (super(), t === null) + throw "delegates"; + return this.delegates = t, this; + } + syntaxError(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + this.delegates.map((a) => a.syntaxError(t, n, r, s, i, o)); + } + reportAmbiguity(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + this.delegates.map((l) => l.reportAmbiguity(t, n, r, s, i, o, a)); + } + reportAttemptingFullContext(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + this.delegates.map((a) => a.reportAttemptingFullContext(t, n, r, s, i, o)); + } + reportContextSensitivity(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + this.delegates.map((a) => a.reportContextSensitivity(t, n, r, s, i, o)); + } +} +class ui { + constructor() { + this._listeners = [L1.INSTANCE], this._interp = null, this._stateNumber = -1; + } + checkVersion(t) { + const n = "4.11.0"; + n !== t && console.log("ANTLR runtime and generated code versions disagree: " + n + "!=" + t); + } + addErrorListener(t) { + this._listeners.push(t); + } + removeErrorListeners() { + this._listeners = []; + } + getLiteralNames() { + return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.literalNames || []; + } + getSymbolicNames() { + return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.symbolicNames || []; + } + getTokenNames() { + if (!this.tokenNames) { + const t = this.getLiteralNames(), n = this.getSymbolicNames(), r = t.length > n.length ? t.length : n.length; + this.tokenNames = []; + for (let s = 0; s < r; s++) + this.tokenNames[s] = t[s] || n[s] || ""; + let n = t.text; + return n === null && (t.type === A.EOF ? n = "" : n = "<" + t.type + ">"), n = n.replace(` +`, "\\n").replace("\r", "\\r").replace(" ", "\\t"), "'" + n + "'"; + } + getErrorListenerDispatch() { + return new K4(this._listeners); + } + sempred(t, n, r) { + return !0; + } + precpred(t, n) { + return !0; + } + get state() { + return this._stateNumber; + } + set state(t) { + this._stateNumber = t; + } +} +ui.tokenTypeMapCache = {}; +ui.ruleIndexMapCache = {}; +class Rn extends A { + constructor(t, n, r, s, i) { + super(), this.source = t !== void 0 ? t : Rn.EMPTY_SOURCE, this.type = n !== void 0 ? n : null, this.channel = r !== void 0 ? r : A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, this.start = s !== void 0 ? s : -1, this.stop = i !== void 0 ? i : -1, this.tokenIndex = -1, this.source[0] !== null ? (this.line = t[0].line, this.column = t[0].column) : this.column = -1; + } + clone() { + const t = new Rn(this.source, this.type, this.channel, this.start, this.stop); + return t.tokenIndex = this.tokenIndex, t.line = this.line, t.column = this.column, t.text = this.text, t; + } + toString() { + let t = this.text; + return t !== null ? t = t.replace(/\n/g, "\\n").replace(/\r/g, "\\r").replace(/\t/g, "\\t") : t = "", "[@" + this.tokenIndex + "," + this.start + ":" + this.stop + "='" + t + "',<" + this.type + ">" + (this.channel > 0 ? ",channel=" + this.channel : "") + "," + this.line + ":" + this.column + "]"; + } + get text() { + if (this._text !== null) + return this._text; + const t = this.getInputStream(); + if (t === null) + return null; + const n = t.size; + return this.start < n && this.stop < n ? t.getText(this.start, this.stop) : ""; + } + set text(t) { + this._text = t; + } +} +Rn.EMPTY_SOURCE = [null, null]; +class Q4 { +} +class y1 extends Q4 { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.copyText = t === void 0 ? !1 : t; + } + create(t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l) { + const c = new Rn(t, n, s, i, o); + return c.line = a, c.column = l, r !== null ? c.text = r : this.copyText && t[1] !== null && (c.text = t[1].getText(i, o)), c; + } + createThin(t, n) { + const r = new Rn(null, t); + return r.text = n, r; + } +} +y1.DEFAULT = new y1(); +class mn extends Error { + constructor(t) { + super(t.message), Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(this, mn), this.message = t.message, this.recognizer = t.recognizer, this.input = t.input, this.ctx = t.ctx, this.offendingToken = null, this.offendingState = -1, this.recognizer !== null && (this.offendingState = this.recognizer.state); + } + getExpectedTokens() { + return this.recognizer !== null ? this.recognizer.atn.getExpectedTokens(this.offendingState, this.ctx) : null; + } + toString() { + return this.message; + } +} +class xo extends mn { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super({ message: "", recognizer: t, input: n, ctx: null }), this.startIndex = r, this.deadEndConfigs = s; + } + toString() { + let t = ""; + return this.startIndex >= 0 && this.startIndex < this.input.size && (t = this.input.getText(new pt(this.startIndex, this.startIndex))), "LexerNoViableAltException" + t; + } +} +class Nt extends ui { + constructor(t) { + super(), this._input = t, this._factory = y1.DEFAULT, this._tokenFactorySourcePair = [this, t], this._interp = null, this._token = null, this._tokenStartCharIndex = -1, this._tokenStartLine = -1, this._tokenStartColumn = -1, this._hitEOF = !1, this._channel = A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, this._type = A.INVALID_TYPE, this._modeStack = [], this._mode = Nt.DEFAULT_MODE, this._text = null; + } + reset() { + this._input !== null && this._input.seek(0), this._token = null, this._type = A.INVALID_TYPE, this._channel = A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, this._tokenStartCharIndex = -1, this._tokenStartColumn = -1, this._tokenStartLine = -1, this._text = null, this._hitEOF = !1, this._mode = Nt.DEFAULT_MODE, this._modeStack = [], this._interp.reset(); + } + nextToken() { + if (this._input === null) + throw "nextToken requires a non-null input stream."; + const t = this._input.mark(); + try { + for (; ; ) { + if (this._hitEOF) + return this.emitEOF(), this._token; + this._token = null, this._channel = A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, this._tokenStartCharIndex = this._input.index, this._tokenStartColumn = this._interp.column, this._tokenStartLine = this._interp.line, this._text = null; + let n = !1; + for (; ; ) { + this._type = A.INVALID_TYPE; + let r = Nt.SKIP; + try { + r = this._interp.match(this._input, this._mode); + } catch (s) { + if (s instanceof mn) + this.notifyListeners(s), this.recover(s); + else + throw console.log(s.stack), s; + } + if (this._input.LA(1) === A.EOF && (this._hitEOF = !0), this._type === A.INVALID_TYPE && (this._type = r), this._type === Nt.SKIP) { + n = !0; + break; + } + if (this._type !== Nt.MORE) + break; + } + if (!n) + return this._token === null && this.emit(), this._token; + } + } finally { + this._input.release(t); + } + } + skip() { + this._type = Nt.SKIP; + } + more() { + this._type = Nt.MORE; + } + mode(t) { + this._mode = t; + } + pushMode(t) { + this._interp.debug && console.log("pushMode " + t), this._modeStack.push(this._mode), this.mode(t); + } + popMode() { + if (this._modeStack.length === 0) + throw "Empty Stack"; + return this._interp.debug && console.log("popMode back to " + this._modeStack.slice(0, -1)), this.mode(this._modeStack.pop()), this._mode; + } + emitToken(t) { + this._token = t; + } + emit() { + const t = this._factory.create( + this._tokenFactorySourcePair, + this._type, + this._text, + this._channel, + this._tokenStartCharIndex, + this.getCharIndex() - 1, + this._tokenStartLine, + this._tokenStartColumn + ); + return this.emitToken(t), t; + } + emitEOF() { + const t = this.column, n = this.line, r = this._factory.create( + this._tokenFactorySourcePair, + A.EOF, + null, + A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, + this._input.index, + this._input.index - 1, + n, + t + ); + return this.emitToken(r), r; + } + getCharIndex() { + return this._input.index; + } + getAllTokens() { + const t = []; + let n = this.nextToken(); + for (; n.type !== A.EOF; ) + t.push(n), n = this.nextToken(); + return t; + } + notifyListeners(t) { + const n = this._tokenStartCharIndex, r = this._input.index, s = this._input.getText(n, r), i = "token recognition error at: '" + this.getErrorDisplay(s) + "'"; + this.getErrorListenerDispatch().syntaxError( + this, + null, + this._tokenStartLine, + this._tokenStartColumn, + i, + t + ); + } + getErrorDisplay(t) { + const n = []; + for (let r = 0; r < t.length; r++) + n.push(t[r]); + return n.join(""); + } + getErrorDisplayForChar(t) { + return t.charCodeAt(0) === A.EOF ? "" : t === ` +` ? "\\n" : t === " " ? "\\t" : t === "\r" ? "\\r" : t; + } + getCharErrorDisplay(t) { + return "'" + this.getErrorDisplayForChar(t) + "'"; + } + recover(t) { + this._input.LA(1) !== A.EOF && (t instanceof xo ? this._interp.consume(this._input) : this._input.consume()); + } + get inputStream() { + return this._input; + } + set inputStream(t) { + this._input = null, this._tokenFactorySourcePair = [this, this._input], this.reset(), this._input = t, this._tokenFactorySourcePair = [this, this._input]; + } + get sourceName() { + return this._input.sourceName; + } + get type() { + return this._type; + } + set type(t) { + this._type = t; + } + get line() { + return this._interp.line; + } + set line(t) { + this._interp.line = t; + } + get column() { + return this._interp.column; + } + set column(t) { + this._interp.column = t; + } + get text() { + return this._text !== null ? this._text : this._interp.getText(this._input); + } + set text(t) { + this._text = t; + } +} +Nt.DEFAULT_MODE = 0; +Nt.MORE = -2; +Nt.SKIP = -3; +Nt.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL = A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL; +Nt.HIDDEN = A.HIDDEN_CHANNEL; +Nt.MIN_CHAR_VALUE = 0; +Nt.MAX_CHAR_VALUE = 1114111; +function X4(e) { + return e.hashCodeForConfigSet(); +} +function J4(e, t) { + return e === t ? !0 : e === null || t === null ? !1 : e.equalsForConfigSet(t); +} +class Xt { + constructor(t) { + this.configLookup = new de(X4, J4), this.fullCtx = t === void 0 ? !0 : t, this.readOnly = !1, this.configs = [], this.uniqueAlt = 0, this.conflictingAlts = null, this.hasSemanticContext = !1, this.dipsIntoOuterContext = !1, this.cachedHashCode = -1; + } + add(t, n) { + if (n === void 0 && (n = null), this.readOnly) + throw "This set is readonly"; + t.semanticContext !== ft.NONE && (this.hasSemanticContext = !0), t.reachesIntoOuterContext > 0 && (this.dipsIntoOuterContext = !0); + const r = this.configLookup.add(t); + if (r === t) + return this.cachedHashCode = -1, this.configs.push(t), !0; + const s = !this.fullCtx, i = ho(r.context, t.context, s, n); + return r.reachesIntoOuterContext = Math.max(r.reachesIntoOuterContext, t.reachesIntoOuterContext), t.precedenceFilterSuppressed && (r.precedenceFilterSuppressed = !0), r.context = i, !0; + } + getStates() { + const t = new de(); + for (let n = 0; n < this.configs.length; n++) + t.add(this.configs[n].state); + return t; + } + getPredicates() { + const t = []; + for (let n = 0; n < this.configs.length; n++) { + const r = this.configs[n].semanticContext; + r !== ft.NONE && t.push(r.semanticContext); + } + return t; + } + optimizeConfigs(t) { + if (this.readOnly) + throw "This set is readonly"; + if (this.configLookup.length !== 0) + for (let n = 0; n < this.configs.length; n++) { + const r = this.configs[n]; + r.context = t.getCachedContext(r.context); + } + } + addAll(t) { + for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) + this.add(t[n]); + return !1; + } + equals(t) { + return this === t || t instanceof Xt && Jn(this.configs, t.configs) && this.fullCtx === t.fullCtx && this.uniqueAlt === t.uniqueAlt && this.conflictingAlts === t.conflictingAlts && this.hasSemanticContext === t.hasSemanticContext && this.dipsIntoOuterContext === t.dipsIntoOuterContext; + } + hashCode() { + const t = new fe(); + return t.update(this.configs), t.finish(); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + this.readOnly ? (this.cachedHashCode === -1 && (this.cachedHashCode = this.hashCode()), t.update(this.cachedHashCode)) : t.update(this.hashCode()); + } + isEmpty() { + return this.configs.length === 0; + } + contains(t) { + if (this.configLookup === null) + throw "This method is not implemented for readonly sets."; + return this.configLookup.contains(t); + } + containsFast(t) { + if (this.configLookup === null) + throw "This method is not implemented for readonly sets."; + return this.configLookup.containsFast(t); + } + clear() { + if (this.readOnly) + throw "This set is readonly"; + this.configs = [], this.cachedHashCode = -1, this.configLookup = new de(); + } + setReadonly(t) { + this.readOnly = t, t && (this.configLookup = null); + } + toString() { + return ln(this.configs) + (this.hasSemanticContext ? ",hasSemanticContext=" + this.hasSemanticContext : "") + (this.uniqueAlt !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ? ",uniqueAlt=" + this.uniqueAlt : "") + (this.conflictingAlts !== null ? ",conflictingAlts=" + this.conflictingAlts : "") + (this.dipsIntoOuterContext ? ",dipsIntoOuterContext" : ""); + } + get items() { + return this.configs; + } + get length() { + return this.configs.length; + } +} +class Ye { + constructor(t, n) { + return t === null && (t = -1), n === null && (n = new Xt()), this.stateNumber = t, this.configs = n, this.edges = null, this.isAcceptState = !1, this.prediction = 0, this.lexerActionExecutor = null, this.requiresFullContext = !1, this.predicates = null, this; + } + getAltSet() { + const t = new de(); + if (this.configs !== null) + for (let n = 0; n < this.configs.length; n++) { + const r = this.configs[n]; + t.add(r.alt); + } + return t.length === 0 ? null : t; + } + equals(t) { + return this === t || t instanceof Ye && this.configs.equals(t.configs); + } + toString() { + let t = "" + this.stateNumber + ":" + this.configs; + return this.isAcceptState && (t = t + "=>", this.predicates !== null ? t = t + this.predicates : t = t + this.prediction), t; + } + hashCode() { + const t = new fe(); + return t.update(this.configs), t.finish(); + } +} +class ze { + constructor(t, n) { + return this.atn = t, this.sharedContextCache = n, this; + } + getCachedContext(t) { + if (this.sharedContextCache === null) + return t; + const n = new Zr(); + return Tc(t, this.sharedContextCache, n); + } +} +ze.ERROR = new Ye(2147483647, new Xt()); +class il extends Xt { + constructor() { + super(), this.configLookup = new de(); + } +} +class ae extends Mt { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t, n); + const r = t.lexerActionExecutor || null; + return this.lexerActionExecutor = r || (n !== null ? n.lexerActionExecutor : null), this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision = n !== null ? this.checkNonGreedyDecision(n, this.state) : !1, this.hashCodeForConfigSet = ae.prototype.hashCode, this.equalsForConfigSet = ae.prototype.equals, this; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.state.stateNumber, this.alt, this.context, this.semanticContext, this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision, this.lexerActionExecutor); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t || t instanceof ae && this.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision === t.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision && (this.lexerActionExecutor ? this.lexerActionExecutor.equals(t.lexerActionExecutor) : !t.lexerActionExecutor) && super.equals(t); + } + checkNonGreedyDecision(t, n) { + return t.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision || n instanceof lr && n.nonGreedy; + } +} +class Nr extends nn { + constructor(t, n) { + super(n.actionType), this.offset = t, this.action = n, this.isPositionDependent = !0; + } + execute(t) { + this.action.execute(t); + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.actionType, this.offset, this.action); + } + equals(t) { + return this === t ? !0 : t instanceof Nr ? this.offset === t.offset && this.action === t.action : !1; + } +} +class $n { + constructor(t) { + return this.lexerActions = t === null ? [] : t, this.cachedHashCode = fe.hashStuff(t), this; + } + fixOffsetBeforeMatch(t) { + let n = null; + for (let r = 0; r < this.lexerActions.length; r++) + this.lexerActions[r].isPositionDependent && !(this.lexerActions[r] instanceof Nr) && (n === null && (n = this.lexerActions.concat([])), n[r] = new Nr( + t, + this.lexerActions[r] + )); + return n === null ? this : new $n(n); + } + execute(t, n, r) { + let s = !1; + const i = n.index; + try { + for (let o = 0; o < this.lexerActions.length; o++) { + let a = this.lexerActions[o]; + if (a instanceof Nr) { + const l = a.offset; + n.seek(r + l), a = a.action, s = r + l !== i; + } else + a.isPositionDependent && (n.seek(i), s = !1); + a.execute(t); + } + } finally { + s && n.seek(i); + } + } + hashCode() { + return this.cachedHashCode; + } + updateHashCode(t) { + t.update(this.cachedHashCode); + } + equals(t) { + if (this === t) + return !0; + if (t instanceof $n) { + if (this.cachedHashCode != t.cachedHashCode || this.lexerActions.length != t.lexerActions.length) + return !1; + { + const n = this.lexerActions.length; + for (let r = 0; r < n; ++r) + if (!this.lexerActions[r].equals(t.lexerActions[r])) + return !1; + return !0; + } + } else + return !1; + } + static append(t, n) { + if (t === null) + return new $n([n]); + const r = t.lexerActions.concat([n]); + return new $n(r); + } +} +function ol(e) { + e.index = -1, e.line = 0, e.column = -1, e.dfaState = null; +} +class t5 { + constructor() { + ol(this); + } + reset() { + ol(this); + } +} +class Ot extends ze { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super(n, s), this.decisionToDFA = r, this.recog = t, this.startIndex = -1, this.line = 1, this.column = 0, this.mode = Nt.DEFAULT_MODE, this.prevAccept = new t5(); + } + copyState(t) { + this.column = t.column, this.line = t.line, this.mode = t.mode, this.startIndex = t.startIndex; + } + match(t, n) { + this.mode = n; + const r = t.mark(); + try { + this.startIndex = t.index, this.prevAccept.reset(); + const s = this.decisionToDFA[n]; + return s.s0 === null ? this.matchATN(t) : this.execATN(t, s.s0); + } finally { + t.release(r); + } + } + reset() { + this.prevAccept.reset(), this.startIndex = -1, this.line = 1, this.column = 0, this.mode = Nt.DEFAULT_MODE; + } + matchATN(t) { + const n = this.atn.modeToStartState[this.mode]; + Ot.debug && console.log("matchATN mode " + this.mode + " start: " + n); + const r = this.mode, s = this.computeStartState(t, n), i = s.hasSemanticContext; + s.hasSemanticContext = !1; + const o = this.addDFAState(s); + i || (this.decisionToDFA[this.mode].s0 = o); + const a = this.execATN(t, o); + return Ot.debug && console.log("DFA after matchATN: " + this.decisionToDFA[r].toLexerString()), a; + } + execATN(t, n) { + Ot.debug && console.log("start state closure=" + n.configs), n.isAcceptState && this.captureSimState(this.prevAccept, t, n); + let r = t.LA(1), s = n; + for (; ; ) { + Ot.debug && console.log("execATN loop starting closure: " + s.configs); + let i = this.getExistingTargetState(s, r); + if (i === null && (i = this.computeTargetState(t, s, r)), i === ze.ERROR || (r !== A.EOF && this.consume(t), i.isAcceptState && (this.captureSimState(this.prevAccept, t, i), r === A.EOF))) + break; + r = t.LA(1), s = i; + } + return this.failOrAccept(this.prevAccept, t, s.configs, r); + } + getExistingTargetState(t, n) { + if (t.edges === null || n < Ot.MIN_DFA_EDGE || n > Ot.MAX_DFA_EDGE) + return null; + let r = t.edges[n - Ot.MIN_DFA_EDGE]; + return r === void 0 && (r = null), Ot.debug && r !== null && console.log("reuse state " + t.stateNumber + " edge to " + r.stateNumber), r; + } + computeTargetState(t, n, r) { + const s = new il(); + return this.getReachableConfigSet(t, n.configs, s, r), s.items.length === 0 ? (s.hasSemanticContext || this.addDFAEdge(n, r, ze.ERROR), ze.ERROR) : this.addDFAEdge(n, r, null, s); + } + failOrAccept(t, n, r, s) { + if (this.prevAccept.dfaState !== null) { + const i = t.dfaState.lexerActionExecutor; + return this.accept( + n, + i, + this.startIndex, + t.index, + t.line, + t.column + ), t.dfaState.prediction; + } else { + if (s === A.EOF && n.index === this.startIndex) + return A.EOF; + throw new xo(this.recog, n, this.startIndex, r); + } + } + getReachableConfigSet(t, n, r, s) { + let i = St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + for (let o = 0; o < n.items.length; o++) { + const a = n.items[o], l = a.alt === i; + if (!(l && a.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision)) { + Ot.debug && console.log(`testing %s at %s +`, this.getTokenName(s), a.toString(this.recog, !0)); + for (let c = 0; c < a.state.transitions.length; c++) { + const u = a.state.transitions[c], d = this.getReachableTarget(u, s); + if (d !== null) { + let f = a.lexerActionExecutor; + f !== null && (f = f.fixOffsetBeforeMatch(t.index - this.startIndex)); + const m = s === A.EOF, I = new ae({ state: d, lexerActionExecutor: f }, a); + this.closure( + t, + I, + r, + l, + !0, + m + ) && (i = a.alt); + } + } + } + } + } + accept(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + Ot.debug && console.log(`ACTION %s +`, n), t.seek(s), this.line = i, this.column = o, n !== null && this.recog !== null && n.execute(this.recog, t, r); + } + getReachableTarget(t, n) { + return t.matches(n, 0, Nt.MAX_CHAR_VALUE) ? t.target : null; + } + computeStartState(t, n) { + const r = it.EMPTY, s = new il(); + for (let i = 0; i < n.transitions.length; i++) { + const o = n.transitions[i].target, a = new ae({ state: o, alt: i + 1, context: r }, null); + this.closure(t, a, s, !1, !1, !1); + } + return s; + } + closure(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + let a = null; + if (Ot.debug && console.log("closure(" + n.toString(this.recog, !0) + ")"), n.state instanceof Jt) { + if (Ot.debug && (this.recog !== null ? console.log(`closure at %s rule stop %s +`, this.recog.ruleNames[n.state.ruleIndex], n) : console.log(`closure at rule stop %s +`, n)), n.context === null || n.context.hasEmptyPath()) { + if (n.context === null || n.context.isEmpty()) + return r.add(n), !0; + r.add(new ae({ state: n.state, context: it.EMPTY }, n)), s = !0; + } + if (n.context !== null && !n.context.isEmpty()) { + for (let l = 0; l < n.context.length; l++) + if (n.context.getReturnState(l) !== it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE) { + const c = n.context.getParent(l), u = this.atn.states[n.context.getReturnState(l)]; + a = new ae({ state: u, context: c }, n), s = this.closure( + t, + a, + r, + s, + i, + o + ); + } + } + return s; + } + n.state.epsilonOnlyTransitions || (!s || !n.passedThroughNonGreedyDecision) && r.add(n); + for (let l = 0; l < n.state.transitions.length; l++) { + const c = n.state.transitions[l]; + a = this.getEpsilonTarget(t, n, c, r, i, o), a !== null && (s = this.closure( + t, + a, + r, + s, + i, + o + )); + } + return s; + } + getEpsilonTarget(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + let a = null; + if (r.serializationType === D.RULE) { + const l = ee.create(n.context, r.followState.stateNumber); + a = new ae({ state: r.target, context: l }, n); + } else { + if (r.serializationType === D.PRECEDENCE) + throw "Precedence predicates are not supported in lexers."; + if (r.serializationType === D.PREDICATE) + Ot.debug && console.log("EVAL rule " + r.ruleIndex + ":" + r.predIndex), s.hasSemanticContext = !0, this.evaluatePredicate(t, r.ruleIndex, r.predIndex, i) && (a = new ae({ state: r.target }, n)); + else if (r.serializationType === D.ACTION) + if (n.context === null || n.context.hasEmptyPath()) { + const l = $n.append( + n.lexerActionExecutor, + this.atn.lexerActions[r.actionIndex] + ); + a = new ae({ state: r.target, lexerActionExecutor: l }, n); + } else + a = new ae({ state: r.target }, n); + else + r.serializationType === D.EPSILON ? a = new ae({ state: r.target }, n) : (r.serializationType === D.ATOM || r.serializationType === D.RANGE || r.serializationType === D.SET) && o && r.matches(A.EOF, 0, Nt.MAX_CHAR_VALUE) && (a = new ae({ state: r.target }, n)); + } + return a; + } + evaluatePredicate(t, n, r, s) { + if (this.recog === null) + return !0; + if (!s) + return this.recog.sempred(null, n, r); + const i = this.column, o = this.line, a = t.index, l = t.mark(); + try { + return this.consume(t), this.recog.sempred(null, n, r); + } finally { + this.column = i, this.line = o, t.seek(a), t.release(l); + } + } + captureSimState(t, n, r) { + t.index = n.index, t.line = this.line, t.column = this.column, t.dfaState = r; + } + addDFAEdge(t, n, r, s) { + if (r === void 0 && (r = null), s === void 0 && (s = null), r === null && s !== null) { + const i = s.hasSemanticContext; + if (s.hasSemanticContext = !1, r = this.addDFAState(s), i) + return r; + } + return n < Ot.MIN_DFA_EDGE || n > Ot.MAX_DFA_EDGE || (Ot.debug && console.log("EDGE " + t + " -> " + r + " upon " + n), t.edges === null && (t.edges = []), t.edges[n - Ot.MIN_DFA_EDGE] = r), r; + } + addDFAState(t) { + const n = new Ye(null, t); + let r = null; + for (let a = 0; a < t.items.length; a++) { + const l = t.items[a]; + if (l.state instanceof Jt) { + r = l; + break; + } + } + r !== null && (n.isAcceptState = !0, n.lexerActionExecutor = r.lexerActionExecutor, n.prediction = this.atn.ruleToTokenType[r.state.ruleIndex]); + const s = this.decisionToDFA[this.mode], i = s.states.get(n); + if (i !== null) + return i; + const o = n; + return o.stateNumber = s.states.length, t.setReadonly(!0), o.configs = t, s.states.add(o), o; + } + getDFA(t) { + return this.decisionToDFA[t]; + } + getText(t) { + return t.getText(this.startIndex, t.index - 1); + } + consume(t) { + t.LA(1) === ` +`.charCodeAt(0) ? (this.line += 1, this.column = 0) : this.column += 1, t.consume(); + } + getTokenName(t) { + return t === -1 ? "EOF" : "'" + String.fromCharCode(t) + "'"; + } +} +Ot.debug = !1; +Ot.dfa_debug = !1; +Ot.MIN_DFA_EDGE = 0; +Ot.MAX_DFA_EDGE = 127; +class Ic { + constructor(t, n) { + this.alt = n, this.pred = t; + } + toString() { + return "(" + this.pred + ", " + this.alt + ")"; + } +} +class e5 { + constructor() { + this.data = {}; + } + get(t) { + return this.data["k-" + t] || null; + } + set(t, n) { + this.data["k-" + t] = n; + } + values() { + return Object.keys(this.data).filter((t) => t.startsWith("k-")).map((t) => this.data[t], this); + } +} +const bt = { + SLL: 0, + LL: 1, + LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION: 2, + hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction: function(e, t) { + if (bt.allConfigsInRuleStopStates(t)) + return !0; + if (e === bt.SLL && t.hasSemanticContext) { + const r = new Xt(); + for (let s = 0; s < t.items.length; s++) { + let i = t.items[s]; + i = new Mt({ semanticContext: ft.NONE }, i), r.add(i); + } + t = r; + } + const n = bt.getConflictingAltSubsets(t); + return bt.hasConflictingAltSet(n) && !bt.hasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt(t); + }, + hasConfigInRuleStopState: function(e) { + for (let t = 0; t < e.items.length; t++) + if (e.items[t].state instanceof Jt) + return !0; + return !1; + }, + allConfigsInRuleStopStates: function(e) { + for (let t = 0; t < e.items.length; t++) + if (!(e.items[t].state instanceof Jt)) + return !1; + return !0; + }, + resolvesToJustOneViableAlt: function(e) { + return bt.getSingleViableAlt(e); + }, + allSubsetsConflict: function(e) { + return !bt.hasNonConflictingAltSet(e); + }, + hasNonConflictingAltSet: function(e) { + for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) + if (e[t].length === 1) + return !0; + return !1; + }, + hasConflictingAltSet: function(e) { + for (let t = 0; t < e.length; t++) + if (e[t].length > 1) + return !0; + return !1; + }, + allSubsetsEqual: function(e) { + let t = null; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = e[n]; + if (t === null) + t = r; + else if (r !== t) + return !1; + } + return !0; + }, + getUniqueAlt: function(e) { + const t = bt.getAlts(e); + return t.length === 1 ? t.minValue() : St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + }, + getAlts: function(e) { + const t = new Ue(); + return e.map(function(n) { + t.or(n); + }), t; + }, + getConflictingAltSubsets: function(e) { + const t = new Zr(); + return t.hashFunction = function(n) { + fe.hashStuff(n.state.stateNumber, n.context); + }, t.equalsFunction = function(n, r) { + return n.state.stateNumber === r.state.stateNumber && n.context.equals(r.context); + }, e.items.map(function(n) { + let r = t.get(n); + r === null && (r = new Ue(), t.set(n, r)), r.add(n.alt); + }), t.getValues(); + }, + getStateToAltMap: function(e) { + const t = new e5(); + return e.items.map(function(n) { + let r = t.get(n.state); + r === null && (r = new Ue(), t.set(n.state, r)), r.add(n.alt); + }), t; + }, + hasStateAssociatedWithOneAlt: function(e) { + const t = bt.getStateToAltMap(e).values(); + for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++) + if (t[n].length === 1) + return !0; + return !1; + }, + getSingleViableAlt: function(e) { + let t = null; + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { + const r = e[n].minValue(); + if (t === null) + t = r; + else if (t !== r) + return St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + } + return t; + } +}; +class Lo extends mn { + constructor(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + o = o || t._ctx, s = s || t.getCurrentToken(), r = r || t.getCurrentToken(), n = n || t.getInputStream(), super({ message: "", recognizer: t, input: n, ctx: o }), this.deadEndConfigs = i, this.startToken = r, this.offendingToken = s; + } +} +class n5 { + constructor(t) { + this.defaultMapCtor = t || Zr, this.cacheMap = new this.defaultMapCtor(); + } + get(t, n) { + const r = this.cacheMap.get(t) || null; + return r === null ? null : r.get(n) || null; + } + set(t, n, r) { + let s = this.cacheMap.get(t) || null; + s === null && (s = new this.defaultMapCtor(), this.cacheMap.set(t, s)), s.set(n, r); + } +} +class r5 extends ze { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + super(n, s), this.parser = t, this.decisionToDFA = r, this.predictionMode = bt.LL, this._input = null, this._startIndex = 0, this._outerContext = null, this._dfa = null, this.mergeCache = null, this.debug = !1, this.debug_closure = !1, this.debug_add = !1, this.debug_list_atn_decisions = !1, this.dfa_debug = !1, this.retry_debug = !1; + } + reset() { + } + adaptivePredict(t, n, r) { + (this.debug || this.debug_list_atn_decisions) && console.log("adaptivePredict decision " + n + " exec LA(1)==" + this.getLookaheadName(t) + " line " + t.LT(1).line + ":" + t.LT(1).column), this._input = t, this._startIndex = t.index, this._outerContext = r; + const s = this.decisionToDFA[n]; + this._dfa = s; + const i = t.mark(), o = t.index; + try { + let a; + if (s.precedenceDfa ? a = s.getPrecedenceStartState(this.parser.getPrecedence()) : a = s.s0, a === null) { + r === null && (r = tr.EMPTY), (this.debug || this.debug_list_atn_decisions) && console.log("predictATN decision " + s.decision + " exec LA(1)==" + this.getLookaheadName(t) + ", outerContext=" + r.toString(this.parser.ruleNames)); + const c = !1; + let u = this.computeStartState(s.atnStartState, tr.EMPTY, c); + s.precedenceDfa ? (s.s0.configs = u, u = this.applyPrecedenceFilter(u), a = this.addDFAState(s, new Ye(null, u)), s.setPrecedenceStartState(this.parser.getPrecedence(), a)) : (a = this.addDFAState(s, new Ye(null, u)), s.s0 = a); + } + const l = this.execATN(s, a, t, o, r); + return this.debug && console.log("DFA after predictATN: " + s.toString(this.parser.literalNames, this.parser.symbolicNames)), l; + } finally { + this._dfa = null, this.mergeCache = null, t.seek(o), t.release(i); + } + } + execATN(t, n, r, s, i) { + (this.debug || this.debug_list_atn_decisions) && console.log("execATN decision " + t.decision + " exec LA(1)==" + this.getLookaheadName(r) + " line " + r.LT(1).line + ":" + r.LT(1).column); + let o, a = n; + this.debug && console.log("s0 = " + n); + let l = r.LA(1); + for (; ; ) { + let c = this.getExistingTargetState(a, l); + if (c === null && (c = this.computeTargetState(t, a, l)), c === ze.ERROR) { + const u = this.noViableAlt(r, i, a.configs, s); + if (r.seek(s), o = this.getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(a.configs, i), o !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) + return o; + throw u; + } + if (c.requiresFullContext && this.predictionMode !== bt.SLL) { + let u = null; + if (c.predicates !== null) { + this.debug && console.log("DFA state has preds in DFA sim LL failover"); + const m = r.index; + if (m !== s && r.seek(s), u = this.evalSemanticContext(c.predicates, i, !0), u.length === 1) + return this.debug && console.log("Full LL avoided"), u.minValue(); + m !== s && r.seek(m); + } + this.dfa_debug && console.log("ctx sensitive state " + i + " in " + c); + const d = !0, f = this.computeStartState(t.atnStartState, i, d); + return this.reportAttemptingFullContext(t, u, c.configs, s, r.index), o = this.execATNWithFullContext(t, c, f, r, s, i), o; + } + if (c.isAcceptState) { + if (c.predicates === null) + return c.prediction; + const u = r.index; + r.seek(s); + const d = this.evalSemanticContext(c.predicates, i, !0); + if (d.length === 0) + throw this.noViableAlt(r, i, c.configs, s); + return d.length === 1 || this.reportAmbiguity(t, c, s, u, !1, d, c.configs), d.minValue(); + } + a = c, l !== A.EOF && (r.consume(), l = r.LA(1)); + } + } + getExistingTargetState(t, n) { + const r = t.edges; + return r === null ? null : r[n + 1] || null; + } + computeTargetState(t, n, r) { + const s = this.computeReachSet(n.configs, r, !1); + if (s === null) + return this.addDFAEdge(t, n, r, ze.ERROR), ze.ERROR; + let i = new Ye(null, s); + const o = this.getUniqueAlt(s); + if (this.debug) { + const a = bt.getConflictingAltSubsets(s); + console.log("SLL altSubSets=" + ln(a) + ", configs=" + s + ", predict=" + o + ", allSubsetsConflict=" + bt.allSubsetsConflict(a) + ", conflictingAlts=" + this.getConflictingAlts(s)); + } + return o !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ? (i.isAcceptState = !0, i.configs.uniqueAlt = o, i.prediction = o) : bt.hasSLLConflictTerminatingPrediction(this.predictionMode, s) && (i.configs.conflictingAlts = this.getConflictingAlts(s), i.requiresFullContext = !0, i.isAcceptState = !0, i.prediction = i.configs.conflictingAlts.minValue()), i.isAcceptState && i.configs.hasSemanticContext && (this.predicateDFAState(i, this.atn.getDecisionState(t.decision)), i.predicates !== null && (i.prediction = St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER)), i = this.addDFAEdge(t, n, r, i), i; + } + predicateDFAState(t, n) { + const r = n.transitions.length, s = this.getConflictingAltsOrUniqueAlt(t.configs), i = this.getPredsForAmbigAlts(s, t.configs, r); + i !== null ? (t.predicates = this.getPredicatePredictions(s, i), t.prediction = St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) : t.prediction = s.minValue(); + } + execATNWithFullContext(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + (this.debug || this.debug_list_atn_decisions) && console.log("execATNWithFullContext " + r); + const a = !0; + let l = !1, c, u = r; + s.seek(i); + let d = s.LA(1), f = -1; + for (; ; ) { + if (c = this.computeReachSet(u, d, a), c === null) { + const I = this.noViableAlt(s, o, u, i); + s.seek(i); + const M = this.getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(u, o); + if (M !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) + return M; + throw I; + } + const m = bt.getConflictingAltSubsets(c); + if (this.debug && console.log("LL altSubSets=" + m + ", predict=" + bt.getUniqueAlt(m) + ", resolvesToJustOneViableAlt=" + bt.resolvesToJustOneViableAlt(m)), c.uniqueAlt = this.getUniqueAlt(c), c.uniqueAlt !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) { + f = c.uniqueAlt; + break; + } else if (this.predictionMode !== bt.LL_EXACT_AMBIG_DETECTION) { + if (f = bt.resolvesToJustOneViableAlt(m), f !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) + break; + } else if (bt.allSubsetsConflict(m) && bt.allSubsetsEqual(m)) { + l = !0, f = bt.getSingleViableAlt(m); + break; + } + u = c, d !== A.EOF && (s.consume(), d = s.LA(1)); + } + return c.uniqueAlt !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ? (this.reportContextSensitivity(t, f, c, i, s.index), f) : (this.reportAmbiguity(t, n, i, s.index, l, null, c), f); + } + computeReachSet(t, n, r) { + this.debug && console.log("in computeReachSet, starting closure: " + t), this.mergeCache === null && (this.mergeCache = new n5()); + const s = new Xt(r); + let i = null; + for (let a = 0; a < t.items.length; a++) { + const l = t.items[a]; + if (this.debug && console.log("testing " + this.getTokenName(n) + " at " + l), l.state instanceof Jt) { + (r || n === A.EOF) && (i === null && (i = []), i.push(l), this.debug_add && console.log("added " + l + " to skippedStopStates")); + continue; + } + for (let c = 0; c < l.state.transitions.length; c++) { + const u = l.state.transitions[c], d = this.getReachableTarget(u, n); + if (d !== null) { + const f = new Mt({ state: d }, l); + s.add(f, this.mergeCache), this.debug_add && console.log("added " + f + " to intermediate"); + } + } + } + let o = null; + if (i === null && n !== A.EOF && (s.items.length === 1 || this.getUniqueAlt(s) !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) && (o = s), o === null) { + o = new Xt(r); + const a = new de(), l = n === A.EOF; + for (let c = 0; c < s.items.length; c++) + this.closure(s.items[c], o, a, !1, r, l); + } + if (n === A.EOF && (o = this.removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(o, o === s)), i !== null && (!r || !bt.hasConfigInRuleStopState(o))) + for (let a = 0; a < i.length; a++) + o.add(i[a], this.mergeCache); + return o.items.length === 0 ? null : o; + } + removeAllConfigsNotInRuleStopState(t, n) { + if (bt.allConfigsInRuleStopStates(t)) + return t; + const r = new Xt(t.fullCtx); + for (let s = 0; s < t.items.length; s++) { + const i = t.items[s]; + if (i.state instanceof Jt) { + r.add(i, this.mergeCache); + continue; + } + if (n && i.state.epsilonOnlyTransitions && this.atn.nextTokens(i.state).contains(A.EPSILON)) { + const o = this.atn.ruleToStopState[i.state.ruleIndex]; + r.add(new Mt({ state: o }, i), this.mergeCache); + } + } + return r; + } + computeStartState(t, n, r) { + const s = co(this.atn, n), i = new Xt(r); + for (let o = 0; o < t.transitions.length; o++) { + const a = t.transitions[o].target, l = new Mt({ state: a, alt: o + 1, context: s }, null), c = new de(); + this.closure(l, i, c, !0, r, !1); + } + return i; + } + applyPrecedenceFilter(t) { + let n; + const r = [], s = new Xt(t.fullCtx); + for (let i = 0; i < t.items.length; i++) { + if (n = t.items[i], n.alt !== 1) + continue; + const o = n.semanticContext.evalPrecedence(this.parser, this._outerContext); + o !== null && (r[n.state.stateNumber] = n.context, o !== n.semanticContext ? s.add(new Mt({ semanticContext: o }, n), this.mergeCache) : s.add(n, this.mergeCache)); + } + for (let i = 0; i < t.items.length; i++) + if (n = t.items[i], n.alt !== 1) { + if (!n.precedenceFilterSuppressed) { + const o = r[n.state.stateNumber] || null; + if (o !== null && o.equals(n.context)) + continue; + } + s.add(n, this.mergeCache); + } + return s; + } + getReachableTarget(t, n) { + return t.matches(n, 0, this.atn.maxTokenType) ? t.target : null; + } + getPredsForAmbigAlts(t, n, r) { + let s = []; + for (let o = 0; o < n.items.length; o++) { + const a = n.items[o]; + t.has(a.alt) && (s[a.alt] = ft.orContext(s[a.alt] || null, a.semanticContext)); + } + let i = 0; + for (let o = 1; o < r + 1; o++) { + const a = s[o] || null; + a === null ? s[o] = ft.NONE : a !== ft.NONE && (i += 1); + } + return i === 0 && (s = null), this.debug && console.log("getPredsForAmbigAlts result " + ln(s)), s; + } + getPredicatePredictions(t, n) { + const r = []; + let s = !1; + for (let i = 1; i < n.length; i++) { + const o = n[i]; + t !== null && t.has(i) && r.push(new Ic(o, i)), o !== ft.NONE && (s = !0); + } + return s ? r : null; + } + getSynValidOrSemInvalidAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(t, n) { + const r = this.splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(t, n), s = r[0], i = r[1]; + let o = this.getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(s); + return o !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER || i.items.length > 0 && (o = this.getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(i), o !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) ? o : St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + } + getAltThatFinishedDecisionEntryRule(t) { + const n = []; + for (let r = 0; r < t.items.length; r++) { + const s = t.items[r]; + (s.reachesIntoOuterContext > 0 || s.state instanceof Jt && s.context.hasEmptyPath()) && n.indexOf(s.alt) < 0 && n.push(s.alt); + } + return n.length === 0 ? St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER : Math.min.apply(null, n); + } + splitAccordingToSemanticValidity(t, n) { + const r = new Xt(t.fullCtx), s = new Xt(t.fullCtx); + for (let i = 0; i < t.items.length; i++) { + const o = t.items[i]; + o.semanticContext !== ft.NONE ? o.semanticContext.evaluate(this.parser, n) ? r.add(o) : s.add(o) : r.add(o); + } + return [r, s]; + } + evalSemanticContext(t, n, r) { + const s = new Ue(); + for (let i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { + const o = t[i]; + if (o.pred === ft.NONE) { + if (s.add(o.alt), !r) + break; + continue; + } + const a = o.pred.evaluate(this.parser, n); + if ((this.debug || this.dfa_debug) && console.log("eval pred " + o + "=" + a), a && ((this.debug || this.dfa_debug) && console.log("PREDICT " + o.alt), s.add(o.alt), !r)) + break; + } + return s; + } + closure(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + this.closureCheckingStopState( + t, + n, + r, + s, + i, + 0, + o + ); + } + closureCheckingStopState(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + if ((this.debug || this.debug_closure) && (console.log("closure(" + t.toString(this.parser, !0) + ")"), t.reachesIntoOuterContext > 50)) + throw "problem"; + if (t.state instanceof Jt) + if (t.context.isEmpty()) + if (i) { + n.add(t, this.mergeCache); + return; + } else + this.debug && console.log("FALLING off rule " + this.getRuleName(t.state.ruleIndex)); + else { + for (let l = 0; l < t.context.length; l++) { + if (t.context.getReturnState(l) === it.EMPTY_RETURN_STATE) { + if (i) { + n.add(new Mt({ state: t.state, context: it.EMPTY }, t), this.mergeCache); + continue; + } else + this.debug && console.log("FALLING off rule " + this.getRuleName(t.state.ruleIndex)), this.closure_( + t, + n, + r, + s, + i, + o, + a + ); + continue; + } + const c = this.atn.states[t.context.getReturnState(l)], u = t.context.getParent(l), d = { state: c, alt: t.alt, context: u, semanticContext: t.semanticContext }, f = new Mt(d, null); + f.reachesIntoOuterContext = t.reachesIntoOuterContext, this.closureCheckingStopState(f, n, r, s, i, o - 1, a); + } + return; + } + this.closure_(t, n, r, s, i, o, a); + } + closure_(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + const l = t.state; + l.epsilonOnlyTransitions || n.add(t, this.mergeCache); + for (let c = 0; c < l.transitions.length; c++) { + if (c === 0 && this.canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(t)) + continue; + const u = l.transitions[c], d = s && !(u instanceof Ac), f = this.getEpsilonTarget(t, u, d, o === 0, i, a); + if (f !== null) { + let m = o; + if (t.state instanceof Jt) { + if (this._dfa !== null && this._dfa.precedenceDfa && u.outermostPrecedenceReturn === this._dfa.atnStartState.ruleIndex && (f.precedenceFilterSuppressed = !0), f.reachesIntoOuterContext += 1, r.add(f) !== f) + continue; + n.dipsIntoOuterContext = !0, m -= 1, this.debug && console.log("dips into outer ctx: " + f); + } else { + if (!u.isEpsilon && r.add(f) !== f) + continue; + u instanceof Os && m >= 0 && (m += 1); + } + this.closureCheckingStopState(f, n, r, d, i, m, a); + } + } + } + canDropLoopEntryEdgeInLeftRecursiveRule(t) { + const n = t.state; + if (n.stateType !== $.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY || n.stateType !== $.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY || !n.isPrecedenceDecision || t.context.isEmpty() || t.context.hasEmptyPath()) + return !1; + const r = t.context.length; + for (let o = 0; o < r; o++) + if (this.atn.states[t.context.getReturnState(o)].ruleIndex !== n.ruleIndex) + return !1; + const s = n.transitions[0].target.endState.stateNumber, i = this.atn.states[s]; + for (let o = 0; o < r; o++) { + const a = t.context.getReturnState(o), l = this.atn.states[a]; + if (l.transitions.length !== 1 || !l.transitions[0].isEpsilon) + return !1; + const c = l.transitions[0].target; + if (!(l.stateType === $.BLOCK_END && c === n) && l !== i && c !== i && !(c.stateType === $.BLOCK_END && c.transitions.length === 1 && c.transitions[0].isEpsilon && c.transitions[0].target === n)) + return !1; + } + return !0; + } + getRuleName(t) { + return this.parser !== null && t >= 0 ? this.parser.ruleNames[t] : ""; + } + getEpsilonTarget(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + switch (n.serializationType) { + case D.RULE: + return this.ruleTransition(t, n); + case D.PRECEDENCE: + return this.precedenceTransition(t, n, r, s, i); + case D.PREDICATE: + return this.predTransition(t, n, r, s, i); + case D.ACTION: + return this.actionTransition(t, n); + case D.EPSILON: + return new Mt({ state: n.target }, t); + case D.ATOM: + case D.RANGE: + case D.SET: + return o && n.matches(A.EOF, 0, 1) ? new Mt({ state: n.target }, t) : null; + default: + return null; + } + } + actionTransition(t, n) { + if (this.debug) { + const r = n.actionIndex === -1 ? 65535 : n.actionIndex; + console.log("ACTION edge " + n.ruleIndex + ":" + r); + } + return new Mt({ state: n.target }, t); + } + precedenceTransition(t, n, r, s, i) { + this.debug && (console.log("PRED (collectPredicates=" + r + ") " + n.precedence + ">=_p, ctx dependent=true"), this.parser !== null && console.log("context surrounding pred is " + ln(this.parser.getRuleInvocationStack()))); + let o = null; + if (r && s) + if (i) { + const a = this._input.index; + this._input.seek(this._startIndex); + const l = n.getPredicate().evaluate(this.parser, this._outerContext); + this._input.seek(a), l && (o = new Mt({ state: n.target }, t)); + } else { + const a = ft.andContext(t.semanticContext, n.getPredicate()); + o = new Mt({ state: n.target, semanticContext: a }, t); + } + else + o = new Mt({ state: n.target }, t); + return this.debug && console.log("config from pred transition=" + o), o; + } + predTransition(t, n, r, s, i) { + this.debug && (console.log("PRED (collectPredicates=" + r + ") " + n.ruleIndex + ":" + n.predIndex + ", ctx dependent=" + n.isCtxDependent), this.parser !== null && console.log("context surrounding pred is " + ln(this.parser.getRuleInvocationStack()))); + let o = null; + if (r && (n.isCtxDependent && s || !n.isCtxDependent)) + if (i) { + const a = this._input.index; + this._input.seek(this._startIndex); + const l = n.getPredicate().evaluate(this.parser, this._outerContext); + this._input.seek(a), l && (o = new Mt({ state: n.target }, t)); + } else { + const a = ft.andContext(t.semanticContext, n.getPredicate()); + o = new Mt({ state: n.target, semanticContext: a }, t); + } + else + o = new Mt({ state: n.target }, t); + return this.debug && console.log("config from pred transition=" + o), o; + } + ruleTransition(t, n) { + this.debug && console.log("CALL rule " + this.getRuleName(n.target.ruleIndex) + ", ctx=" + t.context); + const r = n.followState, s = ee.create(t.context, r.stateNumber); + return new Mt({ state: n.target, context: s }, t); + } + getConflictingAlts(t) { + const n = bt.getConflictingAltSubsets(t); + return bt.getAlts(n); + } + getConflictingAltsOrUniqueAlt(t) { + let n = null; + return t.uniqueAlt !== St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER ? (n = new Ue(), n.add(t.uniqueAlt)) : n = t.conflictingAlts, n; + } + getTokenName(t) { + if (t === A.EOF) + return "EOF"; + if (this.parser !== null && this.parser.literalNames !== null) + if (t >= this.parser.literalNames.length && t >= this.parser.symbolicNames.length) + console.log("" + t + " ttype out of range: " + this.parser.literalNames), console.log("" + this.parser.getInputStream().getTokens()); + else + return (this.parser.literalNames[t] || this.parser.symbolicNames[t]) + "<" + t + ">"; + return "" + t; + } + getLookaheadName(t) { + return this.getTokenName(t.LA(1)); + } + dumpDeadEndConfigs(t) { + console.log("dead end configs: "); + const n = t.getDeadEndConfigs(); + for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { + const s = n[r]; + let i = "no edges"; + if (s.state.transitions.length > 0) { + const o = s.state.transitions[0]; + o instanceof Cs ? i = "Atom " + this.getTokenName(o.label) : o instanceof oo && (i = (o instanceof ao ? "~" : "") + "Set " + o.set); + } + console.error(s.toString(this.parser, !0) + ":" + i); + } + } + noViableAlt(t, n, r, s) { + return new Lo(this.parser, t, t.get(s), t.LT(1), r, n); + } + getUniqueAlt(t) { + let n = St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + for (let r = 0; r < t.items.length; r++) { + const s = t.items[r]; + if (n === St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER) + n = s.alt; + else if (s.alt !== n) + return St.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; + } + return n; + } + addDFAEdge(t, n, r, s) { + if (this.debug && console.log("EDGE " + n + " -> " + s + " upon " + this.getTokenName(r)), s === null) + return null; + if (s = this.addDFAState(t, s), n === null || r < -1 || r > this.atn.maxTokenType) + return s; + if (n.edges === null && (n.edges = []), n.edges[r + 1] = s, this.debug) { + const i = this.parser === null ? null : this.parser.literalNames, o = this.parser === null ? null : this.parser.symbolicNames; + console.log(`DFA= +` + t.toString(i, o)); + } + return s; + } + addDFAState(t, n) { + if (n === ze.ERROR) + return n; + const r = t.states.get(n); + return r !== null ? r : (n.stateNumber = t.states.length, n.configs.readOnly || (n.configs.optimizeConfigs(this), n.configs.setReadonly(!0)), t.states.add(n), this.debug && console.log("adding new DFA state: " + n), n); + } + reportAttemptingFullContext(t, n, r, s, i) { + if (this.debug || this.retry_debug) { + const o = new pt(s, i + 1); + console.log("reportAttemptingFullContext decision=" + t.decision + ":" + r + ", input=" + this.parser.getTokenStream().getText(o)); + } + this.parser !== null && this.parser.getErrorListenerDispatch().reportAttemptingFullContext(this.parser, t, s, i, n, r); + } + reportContextSensitivity(t, n, r, s, i) { + if (this.debug || this.retry_debug) { + const o = new pt(s, i + 1); + console.log("reportContextSensitivity decision=" + t.decision + ":" + r + ", input=" + this.parser.getTokenStream().getText(o)); + } + this.parser !== null && this.parser.getErrorListenerDispatch().reportContextSensitivity(this.parser, t, s, i, n, r); + } + reportAmbiguity(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + if (this.debug || this.retry_debug) { + const l = new pt(r, s + 1); + console.log("reportAmbiguity " + o + ":" + a + ", input=" + this.parser.getTokenStream().getText(l)); + } + this.parser !== null && this.parser.getErrorListenerDispatch().reportAmbiguity(this.parser, t, r, s, i, o, a); + } +} +const s5 = { ATN: St, ATNDeserializer: Rc, LexerATNSimulator: Ot, ParserATNSimulator: r5, PredictionMode: bt }; +class yo { + constructor(t, n, r) { + this.dfa = t, this.literalNames = n || [], this.symbolicNames = r || []; + } + toString() { + if (this.dfa.s0 === null) + return null; + let t = ""; + const n = this.dfa.sortedStates(); + for (let r = 0; r < n.length; r++) { + const s = n[r]; + if (s.edges !== null) { + const i = s.edges.length; + for (let o = 0; o < i; o++) { + const a = s.edges[o] || null; + a !== null && a.stateNumber !== 2147483647 && (t = t.concat(this.getStateString(s)), t = t.concat("-"), t = t.concat(this.getEdgeLabel(o)), t = t.concat("->"), t = t.concat(this.getStateString(a)), t = t.concat(` +`)); + } + } + } + return t.length === 0 ? null : t; + } + getEdgeLabel(t) { + return t === 0 ? "EOF" : this.literalNames !== null || this.symbolicNames !== null ? this.literalNames[t - 1] || this.symbolicNames[t - 1] : String.fromCharCode(t - 1); + } + getStateString(t) { + const n = (t.isAcceptState ? ":" : "") + "s" + t.stateNumber + (t.requiresFullContext ? "^" : ""); + return t.isAcceptState ? t.predicates !== null ? n + "=>" + ln(t.predicates) : n + "=>" + t.prediction.toString() : n; + } +} +class Oc extends yo { + constructor(t) { + super(t, null); + } + getEdgeLabel(t) { + return "'" + String.fromCharCode(t) + "'"; + } +} +class i5 { + constructor(t, n) { + if (n === void 0 && (n = 0), this.atnStartState = t, this.decision = n, this._states = new de(), this.s0 = null, this.precedenceDfa = !1, t instanceof bn && t.isPrecedenceDecision) { + this.precedenceDfa = !0; + const r = new Ye(null, new Xt()); + r.edges = [], r.isAcceptState = !1, r.requiresFullContext = !1, this.s0 = r; + } + } + getPrecedenceStartState(t) { + if (!this.precedenceDfa) + throw "Only precedence DFAs may contain a precedence start state."; + return t < 0 || t >= this.s0.edges.length ? null : this.s0.edges[t] || null; + } + setPrecedenceStartState(t, n) { + if (!this.precedenceDfa) + throw "Only precedence DFAs may contain a precedence start state."; + t < 0 || (this.s0.edges[t] = n); + } + setPrecedenceDfa(t) { + if (this.precedenceDfa !== t) { + if (this._states = new de(), t) { + const n = new Ye(null, new Xt()); + n.edges = [], n.isAcceptState = !1, n.requiresFullContext = !1, this.s0 = n; + } else + this.s0 = null; + this.precedenceDfa = t; + } + } + sortedStates() { + return this._states.values().sort(function(t, n) { + return t.stateNumber - n.stateNumber; + }); + } + toString(t, n) { + return t = t || null, n = n || null, this.s0 === null ? "" : new yo(this, t, n).toString(); + } + toLexerString() { + return this.s0 === null ? "" : new Oc(this).toString(); + } + get states() { + return this._states; + } +} +const o5 = { DFA: i5, DFASerializer: yo, LexerDFASerializer: Oc, PredPrediction: Ic }; +class Nc { + visitTerminal(t) { + } + visitErrorNode(t) { + } + enterEveryRule(t) { + } + exitEveryRule(t) { + } +} +class a5 { + visit(t) { + return Array.isArray(t) ? t.map(function(n) { + return n.accept(this); + }, this) : t.accept(this); + } + visitChildren(t) { + return t.children ? this.visit(t.children) : null; + } + visitTerminal(t) { + } + visitErrorNode(t) { + } +} +class v1 { + walk(t, n) { + if (n instanceof ai || n.isErrorNode !== void 0 && n.isErrorNode()) + t.visitErrorNode(n); + else if (n instanceof Xe) + t.visitTerminal(n); + else { + this.enterRule(t, n); + for (let r = 0; r < n.getChildCount(); r++) { + const s = n.getChild(r); + this.walk(t, s); + } + this.exitRule(t, n); + } + } + enterRule(t, n) { + const r = n.getRuleContext(); + t.enterEveryRule(r), r.enterRule(t); + } + exitRule(t, n) { + const r = n.getRuleContext(); + r.exitRule(t), t.exitEveryRule(r); + } +} +v1.DEFAULT = new v1(); +const l5 = { Trees: Pe, RuleNode: Ns, ErrorNode: ai, TerminalNode: Xe, ParseTreeListener: Nc, ParseTreeVisitor: a5, ParseTreeWalker: v1 }; +class Pr extends mn { + constructor(t) { + super({ message: "", recognizer: t, input: t.getInputStream(), ctx: t._ctx }), this.offendingToken = t.getCurrentToken(); + } +} +class Pc extends mn { + constructor(t, n, r) { + super({ + message: c5(n, r || null), + recognizer: t, + input: t.getInputStream(), + ctx: t._ctx + }); + const s = t._interp.atn.states[t.state].transitions[0]; + s instanceof Sc ? (this.ruleIndex = s.ruleIndex, this.predicateIndex = s.predIndex) : (this.ruleIndex = 0, this.predicateIndex = 0), this.predicate = n, this.offendingToken = t.getCurrentToken(); + } +} +function c5(e, t) { + return t !== null ? t : "failed predicate: {" + e + "}?"; +} +class h5 extends hi { + constructor(t) { + super(), t = t || !0, this.exactOnly = t; + } + reportAmbiguity(t, n, r, s, i, o, a) { + if (this.exactOnly && !i) + return; + const l = "reportAmbiguity d=" + this.getDecisionDescription(t, n) + ": ambigAlts=" + this.getConflictingAlts(o, a) + ", input='" + t.getTokenStream().getText(new pt(r, s)) + "'"; + t.notifyErrorListeners(l); + } + reportAttemptingFullContext(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + const a = "reportAttemptingFullContext d=" + this.getDecisionDescription(t, n) + ", input='" + t.getTokenStream().getText(new pt(r, s)) + "'"; + t.notifyErrorListeners(a); + } + reportContextSensitivity(t, n, r, s, i, o) { + const a = "reportContextSensitivity d=" + this.getDecisionDescription(t, n) + ", input='" + t.getTokenStream().getText(new pt(r, s)) + "'"; + t.notifyErrorListeners(a); + } + getDecisionDescription(t, n) { + const r = n.decision, s = n.atnStartState.ruleIndex, i = t.ruleNames; + if (s < 0 || s >= i.length) + return "" + r; + const o = i[s] || null; + return o === null || o.length === 0 ? "" + r : `${r} (${o})`; + } + getConflictingAlts(t, n) { + if (t !== null) + return t; + const r = new Ue(); + for (let s = 0; s < n.items.length; s++) + r.add(n.items[s].alt); + return `{${r.values().join(", ")}}`; + } +} +class vo extends Error { + constructor() { + super(), Error.captureStackTrace(this, vo); + } +} +class u5 { + reset(t) { + } + recoverInline(t) { + } + recover(t, n) { + } + sync(t) { + } + inErrorRecoveryMode(t) { + } + reportError(t) { + } +} +class bo extends u5 { + constructor() { + super(), this.errorRecoveryMode = !1, this.lastErrorIndex = -1, this.lastErrorStates = null, this.nextTokensContext = null, this.nextTokenState = 0; + } + reset(t) { + this.endErrorCondition(t); + } + beginErrorCondition(t) { + this.errorRecoveryMode = !0; + } + inErrorRecoveryMode(t) { + return this.errorRecoveryMode; + } + endErrorCondition(t) { + this.errorRecoveryMode = !1, this.lastErrorStates = null, this.lastErrorIndex = -1; + } + reportMatch(t) { + this.endErrorCondition(t); + } + reportError(t, n) { + this.inErrorRecoveryMode(t) || (this.beginErrorCondition(t), n instanceof Lo ? this.reportNoViableAlternative(t, n) : n instanceof Pr ? this.reportInputMismatch(t, n) : n instanceof Pc ? this.reportFailedPredicate(t, n) : (console.log("unknown recognition error type: " + n.constructor.name), console.log(n.stack), t.notifyErrorListeners(n.getOffendingToken(), n.getMessage(), n))); + } + recover(t, n) { + this.lastErrorIndex === t.getInputStream().index && this.lastErrorStates !== null && this.lastErrorStates.indexOf(t.state) >= 0 && t.consume(), this.lastErrorIndex = t._input.index, this.lastErrorStates === null && (this.lastErrorStates = []), this.lastErrorStates.push(t.state); + const r = this.getErrorRecoverySet(t); + this.consumeUntil(t, r); + } + sync(t) { + if (this.inErrorRecoveryMode(t)) + return; + const n = t._interp.atn.states[t.state], r = t.getTokenStream().LA(1), s = t.atn.nextTokens(n); + if (s.contains(r)) { + this.nextTokensContext = null, this.nextTokenState = $.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER; + return; + } else if (s.contains(A.EPSILON)) { + this.nextTokensContext === null && (this.nextTokensContext = t._ctx, this.nextTokensState = t._stateNumber); + return; + } + switch (n.stateType) { + case $.BLOCK_START: + case $.STAR_BLOCK_START: + case $.PLUS_BLOCK_START: + case $.STAR_LOOP_ENTRY: + if (this.singleTokenDeletion(t) !== null) + return; + throw new Pr(t); + case $.PLUS_LOOP_BACK: + case $.STAR_LOOP_BACK: + { + this.reportUnwantedToken(t); + const i = new ye(); + i.addSet(t.getExpectedTokens()); + const o = i.addSet(this.getErrorRecoverySet(t)); + this.consumeUntil(t, o); + } + break; + } + } + reportNoViableAlternative(t, n) { + const r = t.getTokenStream(); + let s; + r !== null ? n.startToken.type === A.EOF ? s = "" : s = r.getText(new pt(n.startToken.tokenIndex, n.offendingToken.tokenIndex)) : s = ""; + const i = "no viable alternative at input " + this.escapeWSAndQuote(s); + t.notifyErrorListeners(i, n.offendingToken, n); + } + reportInputMismatch(t, n) { + const r = "mismatched input " + this.getTokenErrorDisplay(n.offendingToken) + " expecting " + n.getExpectedTokens().toString(t.literalNames, t.symbolicNames); + t.notifyErrorListeners(r, n.offendingToken, n); + } + reportFailedPredicate(t, n) { + const r = "rule " + t.ruleNames[t._ctx.ruleIndex] + " " + n.message; + t.notifyErrorListeners(r, n.offendingToken, n); + } + reportUnwantedToken(t) { + if (this.inErrorRecoveryMode(t)) + return; + this.beginErrorCondition(t); + const n = t.getCurrentToken(), r = this.getTokenErrorDisplay(n), s = this.getExpectedTokens(t), i = "extraneous input " + r + " expecting " + s.toString(t.literalNames, t.symbolicNames); + t.notifyErrorListeners(i, n, null); + } + reportMissingToken(t) { + if (this.inErrorRecoveryMode(t)) + return; + this.beginErrorCondition(t); + const n = t.getCurrentToken(), r = "missing " + this.getExpectedTokens(t).toString(t.literalNames, t.symbolicNames) + " at " + this.getTokenErrorDisplay(n); + t.notifyErrorListeners(r, n, null); + } + recoverInline(t) { + const n = this.singleTokenDeletion(t); + if (n !== null) + return t.consume(), n; + if (this.singleTokenInsertion(t)) + return this.getMissingSymbol(t); + throw new Pr(t); + } + singleTokenInsertion(t) { + const n = t.getTokenStream().LA(1), r = t._interp.atn, s = r.states[t.state].transitions[0].target; + return r.nextTokens(s, t._ctx).contains(n) ? (this.reportMissingToken(t), !0) : !1; + } + singleTokenDeletion(t) { + const n = t.getTokenStream().LA(2); + if (this.getExpectedTokens(t).contains(n)) { + this.reportUnwantedToken(t), t.consume(); + const r = t.getCurrentToken(); + return this.reportMatch(t), r; + } else + return null; + } + getMissingSymbol(t) { + const n = t.getCurrentToken(), r = this.getExpectedTokens(t).first(); + let s; + r === A.EOF ? s = "" : s = ""; + let i = n; + const o = t.getTokenStream().LT(-1); + return i.type === A.EOF && o !== null && (i = o), t.getTokenFactory().create( + i.source, + r, + s, + A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL, + -1, + -1, + i.line, + i.column + ); + } + getExpectedTokens(t) { + return t.getExpectedTokens(); + } + getTokenErrorDisplay(t) { + if (t === null) + return ""; + let n = t.text; + return n === null && (t.type === A.EOF ? n = "" : n = "<" + t.type + ">"), this.escapeWSAndQuote(n); + } + escapeWSAndQuote(t) { + return t = t.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"), t = t.replace(/\r/g, "\\r"), t = t.replace(/\t/g, "\\t"), "'" + t + "'"; + } + getErrorRecoverySet(t) { + const n = t._interp.atn; + let r = t._ctx; + const s = new ye(); + for (; r !== null && r.invokingState >= 0; ) { + const i = n.states[r.invokingState].transitions[0], o = n.nextTokens(i.followState); + s.addSet(o), r = r.parentCtx; + } + return s.removeOne(A.EPSILON), s; + } + consumeUntil(t, n) { + let r = t.getTokenStream().LA(1); + for (; r !== A.EOF && !n.contains(r); ) + t.consume(), r = t.getTokenStream().LA(1); + } +} +class d5 extends bo { + constructor() { + super(); + } + recover(t, n) { + let r = t._ctx; + for (; r !== null; ) + r.exception = n, r = r.parentCtx; + throw new vo(n); + } + recoverInline(t) { + this.recover(t, new Pr(t)); + } + sync(t) { + } +} +const p5 = { + RecognitionException: mn, + NoViableAltException: Lo, + LexerNoViableAltException: xo, + InputMismatchException: Pr, + FailedPredicateException: Pc, + DiagnosticErrorListener: h5, + BailErrorStrategy: d5, + DefaultErrorStrategy: bo, + ErrorListener: hi +}; +class _n { + constructor(t, n) { + if (this.name = "", this.strdata = t, this.decodeToUnicodeCodePoints = n || !1, this._index = 0, this.data = [], this.decodeToUnicodeCodePoints) + for (let r = 0; r < this.strdata.length; ) { + const s = this.strdata.codePointAt(r); + this.data.push(s), r += s <= 65535 ? 1 : 2; + } + else { + this.data = new Array(this.strdata.length); + for (let r = 0; r < this.strdata.length; r++) { + const s = this.strdata.charCodeAt(r); + this.data[r] = s; + } + } + this._size = this.data.length; + } + reset() { + this._index = 0; + } + consume() { + if (this._index >= this._size) + throw "cannot consume EOF"; + this._index += 1; + } + LA(t) { + if (t === 0) + return 0; + t < 0 && (t += 1); + const n = this._index + t - 1; + return n < 0 || n >= this._size ? A.EOF : this.data[n]; + } + LT(t) { + return this.LA(t); + } + mark() { + return -1; + } + release(t) { + } + seek(t) { + if (t <= this._index) { + this._index = t; + return; + } + this._index = Math.min(t, this._size); + } + getText(t, n) { + if (n >= this._size && (n = this._size - 1), t >= this._size) + return ""; + if (this.decodeToUnicodeCodePoints) { + let r = ""; + for (let s = t; s <= n; s++) + r += String.fromCodePoint(this.data[s]); + return r; + } else + return this.strdata.slice(t, n + 1); + } + toString() { + return this.strdata; + } + get index() { + return this._index; + } + get size() { + return this._size; + } +} +const b1 = {}, f5 = { + fromString: function(e) { + return new _n(e, !0); + }, + fromBlob: function(e, t, n, r) { + const s = new window.FileReader(); + s.onload = function(i) { + const o = new _n(i.target.result, !0); + n(o); + }, s.onerror = r, s.readAsText(e, t); + }, + fromBuffer: function(e, t) { + return new _n(e.toString(t), !0); + }, + fromPath: function(e, t, n) { + b1.readFile(e, t, function(r, s) { + let i = null; + s !== null && (i = new _n(s, !0)), n(r, i); + }); + }, + fromPathSync: function(e, t) { + const n = b1.readFileSync(e, t); + return new _n(n, !0); + } +}; +class g5 extends _n { + constructor(t, n) { + const r = b1.readFileSync(t, "utf8"); + super(r, n), this.fileName = t; + } +} +class m5 { +} +class x5 extends m5 { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.tokenSource = t, this.tokens = [], this.index = -1, this.fetchedEOF = !1; + } + mark() { + return 0; + } + release(t) { + } + reset() { + this.seek(0); + } + seek(t) { + this.lazyInit(), this.index = this.adjustSeekIndex(t); + } + get(t) { + return this.lazyInit(), this.tokens[t]; + } + consume() { + let t = !1; + if (this.index >= 0 ? this.fetchedEOF ? t = this.index < this.tokens.length - 1 : t = this.index < this.tokens.length : t = !1, !t && this.LA(1) === A.EOF) + throw "cannot consume EOF"; + this.sync(this.index + 1) && (this.index = this.adjustSeekIndex(this.index + 1)); + } + sync(t) { + const n = t - this.tokens.length + 1; + return n > 0 ? this.fetch(n) >= n : !0; + } + fetch(t) { + if (this.fetchedEOF) + return 0; + for (let n = 0; n < t; n++) { + const r = this.tokenSource.nextToken(); + if (r.tokenIndex = this.tokens.length, this.tokens.push(r), r.type === A.EOF) + return this.fetchedEOF = !0, n + 1; + } + return t; + } + getTokens(t, n, r) { + if (r === void 0 && (r = null), t < 0 || n < 0) + return null; + this.lazyInit(); + const s = []; + n >= this.tokens.length && (n = this.tokens.length - 1); + for (let i = t; i < n; i++) { + const o = this.tokens[i]; + if (o.type === A.EOF) + break; + (r === null || r.contains(o.type)) && s.push(o); + } + return s; + } + LA(t) { + return this.LT(t).type; + } + LB(t) { + return this.index - t < 0 ? null : this.tokens[this.index - t]; + } + LT(t) { + if (this.lazyInit(), t === 0) + return null; + if (t < 0) + return this.LB(-t); + const n = this.index + t - 1; + return this.sync(n), n >= this.tokens.length ? this.tokens[this.tokens.length - 1] : this.tokens[n]; + } + adjustSeekIndex(t) { + return t; + } + lazyInit() { + this.index === -1 && this.setup(); + } + setup() { + this.sync(0), this.index = this.adjustSeekIndex(0); + } + setTokenSource(t) { + this.tokenSource = t, this.tokens = [], this.index = -1, this.fetchedEOF = !1; + } + nextTokenOnChannel(t, n) { + if (this.sync(t), t >= this.tokens.length) + return -1; + let r = this.tokens[t]; + for (; r.channel !== this.channel; ) { + if (r.type === A.EOF) + return -1; + t += 1, this.sync(t), r = this.tokens[t]; + } + return t; + } + previousTokenOnChannel(t, n) { + for (; t >= 0 && this.tokens[t].channel !== n; ) + t -= 1; + return t; + } + getHiddenTokensToRight(t, n) { + if (n === void 0 && (n = -1), this.lazyInit(), t < 0 || t >= this.tokens.length) + throw "" + t + " not in 0.." + this.tokens.length - 1; + const r = this.nextTokenOnChannel(t + 1, Nt.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL), s = t + 1, i = r === -1 ? this.tokens.length - 1 : r; + return this.filterForChannel(s, i, n); + } + getHiddenTokensToLeft(t, n) { + if (n === void 0 && (n = -1), this.lazyInit(), t < 0 || t >= this.tokens.length) + throw "" + t + " not in 0.." + this.tokens.length - 1; + const r = this.previousTokenOnChannel(t - 1, Nt.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL); + if (r === t - 1) + return null; + const s = r + 1, i = t - 1; + return this.filterForChannel(s, i, n); + } + filterForChannel(t, n, r) { + const s = []; + for (let i = t; i < n + 1; i++) { + const o = this.tokens[i]; + r === -1 ? o.channel !== Nt.DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL && s.push(o) : o.channel === r && s.push(o); + } + return s.length === 0 ? null : s; + } + getSourceName() { + return this.tokenSource.getSourceName(); + } + getText(t) { + this.lazyInit(), this.fill(), t == null && (t = new pt(0, this.tokens.length - 1)); + let n = t.start; + n instanceof A && (n = n.tokenIndex); + let r = t.stop; + if (r instanceof A && (r = r.tokenIndex), n === null || r === null || n < 0 || r < 0) + return ""; + r >= this.tokens.length && (r = this.tokens.length - 1); + let s = ""; + for (let i = n; i < r + 1; i++) { + const o = this.tokens[i]; + if (o.type === A.EOF) + break; + s = s + o.text; + } + return s; + } + fill() { + for (this.lazyInit(); this.fetch(1e3) === 1e3; ) + ; + } +} +class L5 extends x5 { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), this.channel = n === void 0 ? A.DEFAULT_CHANNEL : n; + } + adjustSeekIndex(t) { + return this.nextTokenOnChannel(t, this.channel); + } + LB(t) { + if (t === 0 || this.index - t < 0) + return null; + let n = this.index, r = 1; + for (; r <= t; ) + n = this.previousTokenOnChannel(n - 1, this.channel), r += 1; + return n < 0 ? null : this.tokens[n]; + } + LT(t) { + if (this.lazyInit(), t === 0) + return null; + if (t < 0) + return this.LB(-t); + let n = this.index, r = 1; + for (; r < t; ) + this.sync(n + 1) && (n = this.nextTokenOnChannel(n + 1, this.channel)), r += 1; + return this.tokens[n]; + } + getNumberOfOnChannelTokens() { + let t = 0; + this.fill(); + for (let n = 0; n < this.tokens.length; n++) { + const r = this.tokens[n]; + if (r.channel === this.channel && (t += 1), r.type === A.EOF) + break; + } + return t; + } +} +class y5 extends Nc { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.parser = t; + } + enterEveryRule(t) { + console.log("enter " + this.parser.ruleNames[t.ruleIndex] + ", LT(1)=" + this.parser._input.LT(1).text); + } + visitTerminal(t) { + console.log("consume " + t.symbol + " rule " + this.parser.ruleNames[this.parser._ctx.ruleIndex]); + } + exitEveryRule(t) { + console.log("exit " + this.parser.ruleNames[t.ruleIndex] + ", LT(1)=" + this.parser._input.LT(1).text); + } +} +class Mc extends ui { + constructor(t) { + super(), this._input = null, this._errHandler = new bo(), this._precedenceStack = [], this._precedenceStack.push(0), this._ctx = null, this.buildParseTrees = !0, this._tracer = null, this._parseListeners = null, this._syntaxErrors = 0, this.setInputStream(t); + } + reset() { + this._input !== null && this._input.seek(0), this._errHandler.reset(this), this._ctx = null, this._syntaxErrors = 0, this.setTrace(!1), this._precedenceStack = [], this._precedenceStack.push(0), this._interp !== null && this._interp.reset(); + } + match(t) { + let n = this.getCurrentToken(); + return n.type === t ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : (n = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.buildParseTrees && n.tokenIndex === -1 && this._ctx.addErrorNode(n)), n; + } + matchWildcard() { + let t = this.getCurrentToken(); + return t.type > 0 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : (t = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this._buildParseTrees && t.tokenIndex === -1 && this._ctx.addErrorNode(t)), t; + } + getParseListeners() { + return this._parseListeners || []; + } + addParseListener(t) { + if (t === null) + throw "listener"; + this._parseListeners === null && (this._parseListeners = []), this._parseListeners.push(t); + } + removeParseListener(t) { + if (this._parseListeners !== null) { + const n = this._parseListeners.indexOf(t); + n >= 0 && this._parseListeners.splice(n, 1), this._parseListeners.length === 0 && (this._parseListeners = null); + } + } + removeParseListeners() { + this._parseListeners = null; + } + triggerEnterRuleEvent() { + if (this._parseListeners !== null) { + const t = this._ctx; + this._parseListeners.forEach(function(n) { + n.enterEveryRule(t), t.enterRule(n); + }); + } + } + triggerExitRuleEvent() { + if (this._parseListeners !== null) { + const t = this._ctx; + this._parseListeners.slice(0).reverse().forEach(function(n) { + t.exitRule(n), n.exitEveryRule(t); + }); + } + } + getTokenFactory() { + return this._input.tokenSource._factory; + } + setTokenFactory(t) { + this._input.tokenSource._factory = t; + } + getATNWithBypassAlts() { + const t = this.getSerializedATN(); + if (t === null) + throw "The current parser does not support an ATN with bypass alternatives."; + let n = this.bypassAltsAtnCache[t]; + if (n === null) { + const r = new $r(); + r.generateRuleBypassTransitions = !0, n = new Rc(r).deserialize(t), this.bypassAltsAtnCache[t] = n; + } + return n; + } + getInputStream() { + return this.getTokenStream(); + } + setInputStream(t) { + this.setTokenStream(t); + } + getTokenStream() { + return this._input; + } + setTokenStream(t) { + this._input = null, this.reset(), this._input = t; + } + getCurrentToken() { + return this._input.LT(1); + } + notifyErrorListeners(t, n, r) { + n = n || null, r = r || null, n === null && (n = this.getCurrentToken()), this._syntaxErrors += 1; + const s = n.line, i = n.column; + this.getErrorListenerDispatch().syntaxError(this, n, s, i, t, r); + } + consume() { + const t = this.getCurrentToken(); + t.type !== A.EOF && this.getInputStream().consume(); + const n = this._parseListeners !== null && this._parseListeners.length > 0; + if (this.buildParseTrees || n) { + let r; + this._errHandler.inErrorRecoveryMode(this) ? r = this._ctx.addErrorNode(t) : r = this._ctx.addTokenNode(t), r.invokingState = this.state, n && this._parseListeners.forEach(function(s) { + r instanceof ai || r.isErrorNode !== void 0 && r.isErrorNode() ? s.visitErrorNode(r) : r instanceof Xe && s.visitTerminal(r); + }); + } + return t; + } + addContextToParseTree() { + this._ctx.parentCtx !== null && this._ctx.parentCtx.addChild(this._ctx); + } + enterRule(t, n, r) { + this.state = n, this._ctx = t, this._ctx.start = this._input.LT(1), this.buildParseTrees && this.addContextToParseTree(), this.triggerEnterRuleEvent(); + } + exitRule() { + this._ctx.stop = this._input.LT(-1), this.triggerExitRuleEvent(), this.state = this._ctx.invokingState, this._ctx = this._ctx.parentCtx; + } + enterOuterAlt(t, n) { + t.setAltNumber(n), this.buildParseTrees && this._ctx !== t && this._ctx.parentCtx !== null && (this._ctx.parentCtx.removeLastChild(), this._ctx.parentCtx.addChild(t)), this._ctx = t; + } + getPrecedence() { + return this._precedenceStack.length === 0 ? -1 : this._precedenceStack[this._precedenceStack.length - 1]; + } + enterRecursionRule(t, n, r, s) { + this.state = n, this._precedenceStack.push(s), this._ctx = t, this._ctx.start = this._input.LT(1), this.triggerEnterRuleEvent(); + } + pushNewRecursionContext(t, n, r) { + const s = this._ctx; + s.parentCtx = t, s.invokingState = n, s.stop = this._input.LT(-1), this._ctx = t, this._ctx.start = s.start, this.buildParseTrees && this._ctx.addChild(s), this.triggerEnterRuleEvent(); + } + unrollRecursionContexts(t) { + this._precedenceStack.pop(), this._ctx.stop = this._input.LT(-1); + const n = this._ctx, r = this.getParseListeners(); + if (r !== null && r.length > 0) + for (; this._ctx !== t; ) + this.triggerExitRuleEvent(), this._ctx = this._ctx.parentCtx; + else + this._ctx = t; + n.parentCtx = t, this.buildParseTrees && t !== null && t.addChild(n); + } + getInvokingContext(t) { + let n = this._ctx; + for (; n !== null; ) { + if (n.ruleIndex === t) + return n; + n = n.parentCtx; + } + return null; + } + precpred(t, n) { + return n >= this._precedenceStack[this._precedenceStack.length - 1]; + } + inContext(t) { + return !1; + } + isExpectedToken(t) { + const n = this._interp.atn; + let r = this._ctx; + const s = n.states[this.state]; + let i = n.nextTokens(s); + if (i.contains(t)) + return !0; + if (!i.contains(A.EPSILON)) + return !1; + for (; r !== null && r.invokingState >= 0 && i.contains(A.EPSILON); ) { + const o = n.states[r.invokingState].transitions[0]; + if (i = n.nextTokens(o.followState), i.contains(t)) + return !0; + r = r.parentCtx; + } + return !!(i.contains(A.EPSILON) && t === A.EOF); + } + getExpectedTokens() { + return this._interp.atn.getExpectedTokens(this.state, this._ctx); + } + getExpectedTokensWithinCurrentRule() { + const t = this._interp.atn, n = t.states[this.state]; + return t.nextTokens(n); + } + getRuleIndex(t) { + const n = this.getRuleIndexMap()[t]; + return n !== null ? n : -1; + } + getRuleInvocationStack(t) { + t = t || null, t === null && (t = this._ctx); + const n = []; + for (; t !== null; ) { + const r = t.ruleIndex; + r < 0 ? n.push("n/a") : n.push(this.ruleNames[r]), t = t.parentCtx; + } + return n; + } + getDFAStrings() { + return this._interp.decisionToDFA.toString(); + } + dumpDFA() { + let t = !1; + for (let n = 0; n < this._interp.decisionToDFA.length; n++) { + const r = this._interp.decisionToDFA[n]; + r.states.length > 0 && (t && console.log(), this.printer.println("Decision " + r.decision + ":"), this.printer.print(r.toString(this.literalNames, this.symbolicNames)), t = !0); + } + } + getSourceName() { + return this._input.sourceName; + } + setTrace(t) { + t ? (this._tracer !== null && this.removeParseListener(this._tracer), this._tracer = new y5(this), this.addParseListener(this._tracer)) : (this.removeParseListener(this._tracer), this._tracer = null); + } +} +Mc.bypassAltsAtnCache = {}; +class v5 { + constructor() { + this.cache = new Zr(); + } + add(t) { + if (t === it.EMPTY) + return it.EMPTY; + const n = this.cache.get(t) || null; + return n !== null ? n : (this.cache.set(t, t), t); + } + get(t) { + return this.cache.get(t) || null; + } + get length() { + return this.cache.length; + } +} +class Fc extends Xe { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.parentCtx = null, this.symbol = t; + } + getChild(t) { + return null; + } + getSymbol() { + return this.symbol; + } + getParent() { + return this.parentCtx; + } + getPayload() { + return this.symbol; + } + getSourceInterval() { + if (this.symbol === null) + return pt.INVALID_INTERVAL; + const t = this.symbol.tokenIndex; + return new pt(t, t); + } + getChildCount() { + return 0; + } + accept(t) { + return t.visitTerminal(this); + } + getText() { + return this.symbol.text; + } + toString() { + return this.symbol.type === A.EOF ? "" : this.symbol.text; + } +} +class al extends Fc { + constructor(t) { + super(t); + } + isErrorNode() { + return !0; + } + accept(t) { + return t.visitErrorNode(this); + } +} +class zc extends tr { + constructor(t, n) { + t = t || null, n = n || null, super(t, n), this.ruleIndex = -1, this.children = null, this.start = null, this.stop = null, this.exception = null; + } + copyFrom(t) { + this.parentCtx = t.parentCtx, this.invokingState = t.invokingState, this.children = null, this.start = t.start, this.stop = t.stop, t.children && (this.children = [], t.children.map(function(n) { + n instanceof al && (this.children.push(n), n.parentCtx = this); + }, this)); + } + enterRule(t) { + } + exitRule(t) { + } + addChild(t) { + return this.children === null && (this.children = []), this.children.push(t), t; + } + removeLastChild() { + this.children !== null && this.children.pop(); + } + addTokenNode(t) { + const n = new Fc(t); + return this.addChild(n), n.parentCtx = this, n; + } + addErrorNode(t) { + const n = new al(t); + return this.addChild(n), n.parentCtx = this, n; + } + getChild(t, n) { + if (n = n || null, this.children === null || t < 0 || t >= this.children.length) + return null; + if (n === null) + return this.children[t]; + for (let r = 0; r < this.children.length; r++) { + const s = this.children[r]; + if (s instanceof n) { + if (t === 0) + return s; + t -= 1; + } + } + return null; + } + getToken(t, n) { + if (this.children === null || n < 0 || n >= this.children.length) + return null; + for (let r = 0; r < this.children.length; r++) { + const s = this.children[r]; + if (s instanceof Xe && s.symbol.type === t) { + if (n === 0) + return s; + n -= 1; + } + } + return null; + } + getTokens(t) { + if (this.children === null) + return []; + { + const n = []; + for (let r = 0; r < this.children.length; r++) { + const s = this.children[r]; + s instanceof Xe && s.symbol.type === t && n.push(s); + } + return n; + } + } + getTypedRuleContext(t, n) { + return this.getChild(n, t); + } + getTypedRuleContexts(t) { + if (this.children === null) + return []; + { + const n = []; + for (let r = 0; r < this.children.length; r++) { + const s = this.children[r]; + s instanceof t && n.push(s); + } + return n; + } + } + getChildCount() { + return this.children === null ? 0 : this.children.length; + } + getSourceInterval() { + return this.start === null || this.stop === null ? pt.INVALID_INTERVAL : new pt(this.start.tokenIndex, this.stop.tokenIndex); + } +} +tr.EMPTY = new zc(); +const b5 = { arrayToString: ln }, L = { + atn: s5, + dfa: o5, + tree: l5, + error: p5, + Token: A, + CommonToken: Rn, + CharStreams: f5, + InputStream: _n, + FileStream: g5, + CommonTokenStream: L5, + Lexer: Nt, + Parser: Mc, + PredictionContextCache: v5, + ParserRuleContext: zc, + Interval: pt, + IntervalSet: ye, + LL1Analyzer: er, + Utils: b5 +}, w5 = [ + 4, + 0, + 65, + 511, + 6, + -1, + 6, + -1, + 6, + -1, + 2, + 0, + 7, + 0, + 2, + 1, + 7, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 7, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 7, + 3, + 2, + 4, + 7, + 4, + 2, + 5, + 7, + 5, + 2, + 6, + 7, + 6, + 2, + 7, + 7, + 7, + 2, + 8, + 7, + 8, + 2, + 9, + 7, + 9, + 2, + 10, + 7, + 10, + 2, + 11, + 7, + 11, + 2, + 12, + 7, + 12, + 2, + 13, + 7, + 13, + 2, + 14, + 7, + 14, + 2, + 15, + 7, + 15, + 2, + 16, + 7, + 16, + 2, + 17, + 7, + 17, + 2, + 18, + 7, + 18, + 2, + 19, + 7, + 19, + 2, + 20, + 7, + 20, + 2, + 21, + 7, + 21, + 2, + 22, + 7, + 22, + 2, + 23, + 7, + 23, + 2, + 24, + 7, + 24, + 2, + 25, + 7, + 25, + 2, + 26, + 7, + 26, + 2, + 27, + 7, + 27, + 2, + 28, + 7, + 28, + 2, + 29, + 7, + 29, + 2, + 30, + 7, + 30, + 2, + 31, + 7, + 31, + 2, + 32, + 7, + 32, + 2, + 33, + 7, + 33, + 2, + 34, + 7, + 34, + 2, + 35, + 7, + 35, + 2, + 36, + 7, + 36, + 2, + 37, + 7, + 37, + 2, + 38, + 7, + 38, + 2, + 39, + 7, + 39, + 2, + 40, + 7, + 40, + 2, + 41, + 7, + 41, + 2, + 42, + 7, + 42, + 2, + 43, + 7, + 43, + 2, + 44, + 7, + 44, + 2, + 45, + 7, + 45, + 2, + 46, + 7, + 46, + 2, + 47, + 7, + 47, + 2, + 48, + 7, + 48, + 2, + 49, + 7, + 49, + 2, + 50, + 7, + 50, + 2, + 51, + 7, + 51, + 2, + 52, + 7, + 52, + 2, + 53, + 7, + 53, + 2, + 54, + 7, + 54, + 2, + 55, + 7, + 55, + 2, + 56, + 7, + 56, + 2, + 57, + 7, + 57, + 2, + 58, + 7, + 58, + 2, + 59, + 7, + 59, + 2, + 60, + 7, + 60, + 2, + 61, + 7, + 61, + 2, + 62, + 7, + 62, + 2, + 63, + 7, + 63, + 2, + 64, + 7, + 64, + 2, + 65, + 7, + 65, + 1, + 0, + 1, + 0, + 1, + 0, + 1, + 0, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 2, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 3, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 4, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 5, + 1, + 6, + 1, + 6, + 1, + 6, + 1, + 6, + 1, + 7, + 1, + 7, + 1, + 7, + 1, + 8, + 1, + 8, + 1, + 8, + 1, + 9, + 1, + 9, + 1, + 9, + 1, + 10, + 1, + 10, + 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117, + 0, + 0, + 329, + 330, + 5, + 112, + 0, + 0, + 330, + 90, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 331, + 332, + 5, + 111, + 0, + 0, + 332, + 333, + 5, + 112, + 0, + 0, + 333, + 334, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 334, + 92, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 335, + 336, + 5, + 97, + 0, + 0, + 336, + 337, + 5, + 115, + 0, + 0, + 337, + 94, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 338, + 339, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 339, + 340, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 340, + 341, + 5, + 121, + 0, + 0, + 341, + 96, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 342, + 343, + 5, + 99, + 0, + 0, + 343, + 344, + 5, + 97, + 0, + 0, + 344, + 345, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 345, + 346, + 5, + 99, + 0, + 0, + 346, + 347, + 5, + 104, + 0, + 0, + 347, + 98, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 348, + 349, + 5, + 102, + 0, + 0, + 349, + 350, + 5, + 105, + 0, + 0, + 350, + 351, + 5, + 110, + 0, + 0, + 351, + 352, + 5, + 97, + 0, + 0, + 352, + 353, + 5, + 108, + 0, + 0, + 353, + 354, + 5, + 108, + 0, + 0, + 354, + 355, + 5, + 121, + 0, + 0, + 355, + 100, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 356, + 357, + 5, + 105, + 0, + 0, + 357, + 358, + 5, + 110, + 0, + 0, + 358, + 102, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 359, + 360, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 360, + 361, + 5, + 83, + 0, + 0, + 361, + 362, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 362, + 363, + 5, + 97, + 0, + 0, + 363, + 364, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 364, + 365, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 365, + 366, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 366, + 376, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 367, + 368, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 368, + 369, + 5, + 115, + 0, + 0, + 369, + 370, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 370, + 371, + 5, + 97, + 0, + 0, + 371, + 372, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 372, + 373, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 373, + 374, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 374, + 376, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 375, + 359, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 375, + 367, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 376, + 104, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 377, + 378, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 378, + 379, + 5, + 82, + 0, + 0, + 379, + 380, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 380, + 381, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 381, + 382, + 5, + 117, + 0, + 0, + 382, + 383, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 383, + 404, + 5, + 110, + 0, + 0, + 384, + 385, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 385, + 386, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 386, + 387, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 387, + 388, + 5, + 116, + 0, + 0, + 388, + 389, + 5, + 117, + 0, + 0, + 389, + 390, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 390, + 404, + 5, + 110, + 0, + 0, + 391, + 392, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 392, + 393, + 5, + 82, + 0, + 0, + 393, + 394, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 394, + 395, + 5, + 112, + 0, + 0, + 395, + 396, + 5, + 108, + 0, + 0, + 396, + 404, + 5, + 121, + 0, + 0, + 397, + 398, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 398, + 399, + 5, + 114, + 0, + 0, + 399, + 400, + 5, + 101, + 0, + 0, + 400, + 401, + 5, + 112, + 0, + 0, + 401, + 402, + 5, + 108, + 0, + 0, + 402, + 404, + 5, + 121, + 0, + 0, + 403, + 377, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 403, + 384, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 403, + 391, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 403, + 397, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 404, + 106, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 405, + 409, + 5, + 64, + 0, + 0, + 406, + 408, + 7, + 2, + 0, + 0, + 407, + 406, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 408, + 411, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 409, + 407, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 409, + 410, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 410, + 108, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 411, + 409, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 412, + 413, + 5, + 46, + 0, + 0, + 413, + 110, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 414, + 418, + 7, + 3, + 0, + 0, + 415, + 417, + 7, + 2, + 0, + 0, + 416, + 415, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 417, + 420, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 418, + 416, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 418, + 419, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 419, + 112, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 420, + 418, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 421, + 423, + 7, + 4, + 0, + 0, + 422, + 421, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 423, + 424, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 424, + 422, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 424, + 425, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 425, + 114, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 426, + 428, + 7, + 4, + 0, + 0, + 427, + 426, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 428, + 429, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 429, + 427, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 429, + 430, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 430, + 431, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 431, + 435, + 5, + 46, + 0, + 0, + 432, + 434, + 7, + 4, + 0, + 0, + 433, + 432, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 434, + 437, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 435, + 433, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 435, + 436, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 436, + 445, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 437, + 435, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 438, + 440, + 5, + 46, + 0, + 0, + 439, + 441, + 7, + 4, + 0, + 0, + 440, + 439, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 441, + 442, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 442, + 440, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 442, + 443, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 443, + 445, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 444, + 427, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 444, + 438, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 445, + 116, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 446, + 452, + 5, + 34, + 0, + 0, + 447, + 451, + 8, + 5, + 0, + 0, + 448, + 449, + 5, + 34, + 0, + 0, + 449, + 451, + 5, + 34, + 0, + 0, + 450, + 447, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 450, + 448, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 451, + 454, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 452, + 450, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 452, + 453, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 453, + 456, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 454, + 452, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 455, + 457, + 7, + 5, + 0, + 0, + 456, + 455, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 456, + 457, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 457, + 118, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 458, + 459, + 7, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 459, + 460, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 460, + 461, + 6, + 58, + 0, + 0, + 461, + 120, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 462, + 463, + 5, + 47, + 0, + 0, + 463, + 464, + 5, + 47, + 0, + 0, + 464, + 468, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 465, + 467, + 9, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 466, + 465, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 467, + 470, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 468, + 469, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 468, + 466, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 469, + 471, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 470, + 468, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 471, + 472, + 5, + 10, + 0, + 0, + 472, + 473, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 473, + 474, + 6, + 59, + 4, + 0, + 474, + 122, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 475, + 476, + 9, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 476, + 124, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 477, + 481, + 4, + 61, + 0, + 0, + 478, + 480, + 3, + 3, + 0, + 0, + 479, + 478, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 480, + 483, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 481, + 479, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 481, + 482, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 482, + 484, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 483, + 481, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 484, + 485, + 5, + 61, + 0, + 0, + 485, + 486, + 5, + 61, + 0, + 0, + 486, + 490, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 487, + 489, + 8, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 488, + 487, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 489, + 492, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 490, + 488, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 490, + 491, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 491, + 126, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 492, + 490, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 493, + 495, + 8, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 494, + 493, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 495, + 496, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 496, + 494, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 496, + 497, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 497, + 128, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 498, + 499, + 7, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 499, + 500, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 500, + 501, + 6, + 63, + 5, + 0, + 501, + 130, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 502, + 504, + 8, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 503, + 502, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 504, + 505, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 505, + 503, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 505, + 506, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 506, + 132, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 507, + 508, + 7, + 6, + 0, + 0, + 508, + 509, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 509, + 510, + 6, + 65, + 5, + 0, + 510, + 134, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 0, + 23, + 0, + 1, + 2, + 202, + 272, + 308, + 375, + 403, + 409, + 418, + 424, + 429, + 435, + 442, + 444, + 450, + 452, + 456, + 468, + 481, + 490, + 496, + 505, + 6, + 0, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 3, + 0, + 5, + 2, + 0, + 5, + 1, + 0, + 0, + 2, + 0, + 4, + 0, + 0 +], w1 = new L.atn.ATNDeserializer().deserialize(w5), C5 = w1.decisionToState.map((e, t) => new L.dfa.DFA(e, t)); +class O extends L.Lexer { + constructor(t) { + super(t), this._interp = new L.atn.LexerATNSimulator( + this, + w1, + C5, + new L.PredictionContextCache() + ); + } + get atn() { + return w1; + } +} +B(O, "grammarFileName", "sequenceLexer.g4"), B(O, "channelNames", ["DEFAULT_TOKEN_CHANNEL", "HIDDEN", "COMMENT_CHANNEL", "MODIFIER_CHANNEL"]), B(O, "modeNames", ["DEFAULT_MODE", "EVENT", "TITLE_MODE"]), B(O, "literalNames", [ + null, + null, + "'const'", + "'readonly'", + "'static'", + "'await'", + "'title'", + "':'", + "'<<'", + "'>>'", + "'->'", + null, + "'||'", + "'&&'", + "'=='", + "'!='", + "'>'", + "'<'", + "'>='", + "'<='", + "'+'", + "'-'", + "'*'", + "'/'", + "'%'", + "'^'", + "'!'", + "';'", + "','", + "'='", + "'('", + "')'", + "'{'", + "'}'", + "'true'", + "'false'", + null, + "'if'", + "'else'", + null, + "'return'", + "'new'", + "'par'", + "'group'", + "'opt'", + "'as'", + "'try'", + "'catch'", + "'finally'", + "'in'", + null, + null, + null, + "'.'" +]), B(O, "symbolicNames", [ + null, + "WS", + "CONSTANT", + "READONLY", + "STATIC", + "AWAIT", + "TITLE", + "COL", + "SOPEN", + "SCLOSE", + "ARROW", + "COLOR", + "OR", + "AND", + "EQ", + "NEQ", + "GT", + "LT", + "GTEQ", + "LTEQ", + "PLUS", + "MINUS", + "MULT", + "DIV", + "MOD", + "POW", + "NOT", + "SCOL", + "COMMA", + "ASSIGN", + "OPAR", + "CPAR", + "OBRACE", + "CBRACE", + "TRUE", + "FALSE", + "NIL", + "IF", + "ELSE", + "WHILE", + "RETURN", + "NEW", + "PAR", + "GROUP", + "OPT", + "AS", + "TRY", + "CATCH", + "FINALLY", + "IN", + "STARTER_LXR", + "ANNOTATION_RET", + "ANNOTATION", + "DOT", + "ID", + "INT", + "FLOAT", + "STRING", + "CR", + "COMMENT", + "OTHER", + "DIVIDER", + "EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR", + "EVENT_END", + "TITLE_CONTENT", + "TITLE_END" +]), B(O, "ruleNames", [ + "WS", + "CONSTANT", + "READONLY", + "STATIC", + "AWAIT", + "TITLE", + "COL", + "SOPEN", + "SCLOSE", + "ARROW", + "HEX", + "COLOR", + "OR", + "AND", + "EQ", + "NEQ", + "GT", + "LT", + "GTEQ", + "LTEQ", + "PLUS", + "MINUS", + "MULT", + "DIV", + "MOD", + "POW", + "NOT", + "SCOL", + "COMMA", + "ASSIGN", + "OPAR", + "CPAR", + "OBRACE", + "CBRACE", + "TRUE", + "FALSE", + "NIL", + "IF", + "ELSE", + "WHILE", + "RETURN", + "NEW", + "PAR", + "GROUP", + "OPT", + "AS", + "TRY", + "CATCH", + "FINALLY", + "IN", + "STARTER_LXR", + "ANNOTATION_RET", + "ANNOTATION", + "DOT", + "ID", + "INT", + "FLOAT", + "STRING", + "CR", + "COMMENT", + "OTHER", + "DIVIDER", + "EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR", + "EVENT_END", + "TITLE_CONTENT", + "TITLE_END" +]); +O.EOF = L.Token.EOF; +O.WS = 1; +O.CONSTANT = 2; +O.READONLY = 3; +O.STATIC = 4; +O.AWAIT = 5; +O.TITLE = 6; +O.COL = 7; +O.SOPEN = 8; +O.SCLOSE = 9; +O.ARROW = 10; +O.COLOR = 11; +O.OR = 12; +O.AND = 13; +O.EQ = 14; +O.NEQ = 15; +O.GT = 16; +O.LT = 17; +O.GTEQ = 18; +O.LTEQ = 19; +O.PLUS = 20; +O.MINUS = 21; +O.MULT = 22; +O.DIV = 23; +O.MOD = 24; +O.POW = 25; +O.NOT = 26; +O.SCOL = 27; +O.COMMA = 28; +O.ASSIGN = 29; +O.OPAR = 30; +O.CPAR = 31; +O.OBRACE = 32; +O.CBRACE = 33; +O.TRUE = 34; +O.FALSE = 35; +O.NIL = 36; +O.IF = 37; +O.ELSE = 38; +O.WHILE = 39; +O.RETURN = 40; +O.NEW = 41; +O.PAR = 42; +O.GROUP = 43; +O.OPT = 44; +O.AS = 45; +O.TRY = 46; +O.CATCH = 47; +O.FINALLY = 48; +O.IN = 49; +O.STARTER_LXR = 50; +O.ANNOTATION_RET = 51; +O.ANNOTATION = 52; +O.DOT = 53; +O.ID = 54; +O.INT = 55; +O.FLOAT = 56; +O.STRING = 57; +O.CR = 58; +O.COMMENT = 59; +O.OTHER = 60; +O.DIVIDER = 61; +O.EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR = 62; +O.EVENT_END = 63; +O.TITLE_CONTENT = 64; +O.TITLE_END = 65; +O.COMMENT_CHANNEL = 2; +O.MODIFIER_CHANNEL = 3; +O.EVENT = 1; +O.TITLE_MODE = 2; +O.prototype.sempred = function(e, t, n) { + switch (t) { + case 61: + return this.DIVIDER_sempred(e, n); + default: + throw "No registered predicate for:" + t; + } +}; +O.prototype.DIVIDER_sempred = function(e, t) { + switch (t) { + case 0: + return this.column === 0; + default: + throw "No predicate with index:" + t; + } +}; +class y extends L.tree.ParseTreeListener { + enterProg(t) { + } + exitProg(t) { + } + enterTitle(t) { + } + exitTitle(t) { + } + enterHead(t) { + } + exitHead(t) { + } + enterGroup(t) { + } + exitGroup(t) { + } + enterStarterExp(t) { + } + exitStarterExp(t) { + } + enterStarter(t) { + } + exitStarter(t) { + } + enterParticipant(t) { + } + exitParticipant(t) { + } + enterStereotype(t) { + } + exitStereotype(t) { + } + enterLabel(t) { + } + exitLabel(t) { + } + enterParticipantType(t) { + } + exitParticipantType(t) { + } + enterName(t) { + } + exitName(t) { + } + enterWidth(t) { + } + exitWidth(t) { + } + enterBlock(t) { + } + exitBlock(t) { + } + enterRet(t) { + } + exitRet(t) { + } + enterDivider(t) { + } + exitDivider(t) { + } + enterDividerNote(t) { + } + exitDividerNote(t) { + } + enterStat(t) { + } + exitStat(t) { + } + enterPar(t) { + } + exitPar(t) { + } + enterOpt(t) { + } + exitOpt(t) { + } + enterCreation(t) { + } + exitCreation(t) { + } + enterCreationBody(t) { + } + exitCreationBody(t) { + } + enterMessage(t) { + } + exitMessage(t) { + } + enterMessageBody(t) { + } + exitMessageBody(t) { + } + enterFunc(t) { + } + exitFunc(t) { + } + enterFrom(t) { + } + exitFrom(t) { + } + enterTo(t) { + } + exitTo(t) { + } + enterSignature(t) { + } + exitSignature(t) { + } + enterInvocation(t) { + } + exitInvocation(t) { + } + enterAssignment(t) { + } + exitAssignment(t) { + } + enterAsyncMessage(t) { + } + exitAsyncMessage(t) { + } + enterContent(t) { + } + exitContent(t) { + } + enterConstruct(t) { + } + exitConstruct(t) { + } + enterType(t) { + } + exitType(t) { + } + enterAssignee(t) { + } + exitAssignee(t) { + } + enterMethodName(t) { + } + exitMethodName(t) { + } + enterParameters(t) { + } + exitParameters(t) { + } + enterParameter(t) { + } + exitParameter(t) { + } + enterDeclaration(t) { + } + exitDeclaration(t) { + } + enterTcf(t) { + } + exitTcf(t) { + } + enterTryBlock(t) { + } + exitTryBlock(t) { + } + enterCatchBlock(t) { + } + exitCatchBlock(t) { + } + enterFinallyBlock(t) { + } + exitFinallyBlock(t) { + } + enterAlt(t) { + } + exitAlt(t) { + } + enterIfBlock(t) { + } + exitIfBlock(t) { + } + enterElseIfBlock(t) { + } + exitElseIfBlock(t) { + } + enterElseBlock(t) { + } + exitElseBlock(t) { + } + enterBraceBlock(t) { + } + exitBraceBlock(t) { + } + enterLoop(t) { + } + exitLoop(t) { + } + enterAssignmentExpr(t) { + } + exitAssignmentExpr(t) { + } + enterFuncExpr(t) { + } + exitFuncExpr(t) { + } + enterAtomExpr(t) { + } + exitAtomExpr(t) { + } + enterOrExpr(t) { + } + exitOrExpr(t) { + } + enterAdditiveExpr(t) { + } + exitAdditiveExpr(t) { + } + enterRelationalExpr(t) { + } + exitRelationalExpr(t) { + } + enterPlusExpr(t) { + } + exitPlusExpr(t) { + } + enterNotExpr(t) { + } + exitNotExpr(t) { + } + enterUnaryMinusExpr(t) { + } + exitUnaryMinusExpr(t) { + } + enterCreationExpr(t) { + } + exitCreationExpr(t) { + } + enterParenthesizedExpr(t) { + } + exitParenthesizedExpr(t) { + } + enterMultiplicationExpr(t) { + } + exitMultiplicationExpr(t) { + } + enterEqualityExpr(t) { + } + exitEqualityExpr(t) { + } + enterAndExpr(t) { + } + exitAndExpr(t) { + } + enterNumberAtom(t) { + } + exitNumberAtom(t) { + } + enterBooleanAtom(t) { + } + exitBooleanAtom(t) { + } + enterIdAtom(t) { + } + exitIdAtom(t) { + } + enterStringAtom(t) { + } + exitStringAtom(t) { + } + enterNilAtom(t) { + } + exitNilAtom(t) { + } + enterParExpr(t) { + } + exitParExpr(t) { + } + enterCondition(t) { + } + exitCondition(t) { + } + enterInExpr(t) { + } + exitInExpr(t) { + } +} +const _5 = [ + 4, + 1, + 65, + 550, + 2, + 0, + 7, + 0, + 2, + 1, + 7, + 1, + 2, + 2, + 7, + 2, + 2, + 3, + 7, + 3, + 2, + 4, + 7, + 4, + 2, + 5, + 7, + 5, + 2, + 6, + 7, + 6, + 2, + 7, + 7, + 7, + 2, + 8, + 7, + 8, + 2, + 9, + 7, + 9, + 2, + 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278, + 283, + 286, + 292, + 295, + 298, + 301, + 306, + 309, + 314, + 319, + 326, + 331, + 338, + 347, + 351, + 356, + 364, + 373, + 375, + 389, + 393, + 402, + 406, + 410, + 419, + 423, + 430, + 441, + 445, + 461, + 472, + 483, + 494, + 517, + 519, + 527, + 538, + 543 +], C1 = new L.atn.ATNDeserializer().deserialize(_5), k5 = C1.decisionToState.map((e, t) => new L.dfa.DFA(e, t)), E5 = new L.PredictionContextCache(), x = class extends L.Parser { + constructor(e) { + super(e), this._interp = new L.atn.ParserATNSimulator(this, C1, k5, E5), this.ruleNames = x.ruleNames, this.literalNames = x.literalNames, this.symbolicNames = x.symbolicNames; + } + get atn() { + return C1; + } + sempred(e, t, n) { + switch (t) { + case 48: + return this.expr_sempred(e, n); + default: + throw "No predicate with index:" + t; + } + } + expr_sempred(e, t) { + switch (t) { + case 0: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 11); + case 1: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 10); + case 2: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 9); + case 3: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 8); + case 4: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 7); + case 5: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 6); + case 6: + return this.precpred(this._ctx, 5); + default: + throw "No predicate with index:" + t; + } + } + prog() { + let e = new Dc(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 0, x.RULE_prog); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 125, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 4, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 107, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 6 && (this.state = 106, this.title()), this.state = 109, this.match(x.EOF); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 111, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 6 && (this.state = 110, this.title()), this.state = 113, this.head(), this.state = 114, this.match(x.EOF); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 117, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 6 && (this.state = 116, this.title()), this.state = 120, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 3, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 119, this.head()), this.state = 122, this.block(), this.state = 123, this.match(x.EOF); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + title() { + let e = new wo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 2, x.RULE_title); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 127, this.match(x.TITLE), this.state = 128, this.match(x.TITLE_CONTENT), this.state = 130, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 65 && (this.state = 129, this.match(x.TITLE_END)); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + head() { + let e = new Co(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 4, x.RULE_head); + try { + this.state = 146, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 10, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 134, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = 1; + do { + switch (n) { + case 1: + switch (this.state = 134, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 43: + this.state = 132, this.group(); + break; + case 8: + case 17: + case 52: + case 54: + case 57: + this.state = 133, this.participant(); + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + this.state = 136, this._errHandler.sync(this), n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 7, this._ctx); + } while (n != 2 && n != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 142, this._errHandler.sync(this); + for (var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 9, this._ctx); n != 2 && n != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; ) { + if (n === 1) + switch (this.state = 140, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 43: + this.state = 138, this.group(); + break; + case 8: + case 17: + case 52: + case 54: + case 57: + this.state = 139, this.participant(); + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + this.state = 144, this._errHandler.sync(this), n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 9, this._ctx); + } + this.state = 145, this.starterExp(); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + group() { + let e = new Ps(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 6, x.RULE_group); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 169, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 15, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + for (this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 148, this.match(x.GROUP), this.state = 150, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (t === 54 || t === 57) && (this.state = 149, this.name()), this.state = 152, this.match(x.OBRACE), this.state = 156, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); t === 8 || t === 17 || !(t - 52 & -32) && 1 << t - 52 & 37; ) + this.state = 153, this.participant(), this.state = 158, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); + this.state = 159, this.match(x.CBRACE); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 160, this.match(x.GROUP), this.state = 162, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (t === 54 || t === 57) && (this.state = 161, this.name()), this.state = 164, this.match(x.OBRACE); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 165, this.match(x.GROUP), this.state = 167, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 14, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 166, this.name()); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + starterExp() { + let e = new _o(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 8, x.RULE_starterExp); + var t = 0; + try { + switch (this.state = 180, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 50: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 171, this.match(x.STARTER_LXR), this.state = 177, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 30 && (this.state = 172, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 174, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (t === 54 || t === 57) && (this.state = 173, this.starter()), this.state = 176, this.match(x.CPAR)); + break; + case 52: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 179, this.match(x.ANNOTATION); + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + starter() { + let e = new ko(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 10, x.RULE_starter); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 182, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + participant() { + let e = new nr(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 12, x.RULE_participant); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 202, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 24, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 185, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 52 && (this.state = 184, this.participantType()), this.state = 188, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (t === 8 || t === 17) && (this.state = 187, this.stereotype()), this.state = 190, this.name(), this.state = 192, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 21, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 191, this.width()), this.state = 195, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 45 && (this.state = 194, this.label()), this.state = 198, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 11 && (this.state = 197, this.match(x.COLOR)); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 200, this.stereotype(); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 201, this.participantType(); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + stereotype() { + let e = new Eo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 14, x.RULE_stereotype); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 217, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 27, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 204, this.match(x.SOPEN), this.state = 205, this.name(), this.state = 206, this.match(x.SCLOSE); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 208, this.match(x.SOPEN), this.state = 209, this.name(), this.state = 211, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 16 && (this.state = 210, this.match(x.GT)); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 213, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 8 || t === 17 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 215, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (t === 9 || t === 16) && (this.state = 214, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 9 || t === 16 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this)); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + label() { + let e = new To(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 16, x.RULE_label); + try { + this.state = 222, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 28, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 219, this.match(x.AS), this.state = 220, this.name(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 221, this.match(x.AS); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + participantType() { + let e = new Ao(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 18, x.RULE_participantType); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 224, this.match(x.ANNOTATION); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + name() { + let e = new cr(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 20, x.RULE_name); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 226, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + width() { + let e = new So(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 22, x.RULE_width); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 228, this.match(x.INT); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + block() { + let e = new di(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 24, x.RULE_block); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 231, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); + do + this.state = 230, this.stat(), this.state = 233, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); + while (!(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 217191919); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + ret() { + let e = new Ro(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 26, x.RULE_ret); + var t = 0; + try { + switch (this.state = 247, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 40: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 235, this.match(x.RETURN), this.state = 237, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 30, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 236, this.expr(0)), this.state = 240, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 27 && (this.state = 239, this.match(x.SCOL)); + break; + case 51: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 242, this.match(x.ANNOTATION_RET), this.state = 243, this.asyncMessage(), this.state = 245, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 63 && (this.state = 244, this.match(x.EVENT_END)); + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + divider() { + let e = new Io(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 28, x.RULE_divider); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 249, this.dividerNote(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + dividerNote() { + let e = new Oo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 30, x.RULE_dividerNote); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 251, this.match(x.DIVIDER); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + stat() { + let e = new Ms(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 32, x.RULE_stat); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 268, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 35, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 253, this.alt(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 254, this.par(); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 255, this.opt(); + break; + case 4: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 4), this.state = 256, this.loop(); + break; + case 5: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 5), this.state = 257, this.creation(); + break; + case 6: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 6), this.state = 258, this.message(); + break; + case 7: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 7), this.state = 259, this.asyncMessage(), this.state = 261, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 63 && (this.state = 260, this.match(x.EVENT_END)); + break; + case 8: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 8), this.state = 263, this.ret(); + break; + case 9: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 9), this.state = 264, this.divider(); + break; + case 10: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 10), this.state = 265, this.tcf(); + break; + case 11: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 11), this.state = 266, e._OTHER = this.match(x.OTHER), console.log("unknown char: " + (e._OTHER === null ? null : e._OTHER.text)); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + par() { + let e = new No(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 34, x.RULE_par); + try { + this.state = 273, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 36, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 270, this.match(x.PAR), this.state = 271, this.braceBlock(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 272, this.match(x.PAR); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + opt() { + let e = new Po(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 36, x.RULE_opt); + try { + this.state = 278, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 37, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 275, this.match(x.OPT), this.state = 276, this.braceBlock(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 277, this.match(x.OPT); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + creation() { + let e = new pi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 38, x.RULE_creation); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 280, this.creationBody(), this.state = 283, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 38, this._ctx); + t === 1 ? (this.state = 281, this.match(x.SCOL)) : t === 2 && (this.state = 282, this.braceBlock()); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + creationBody() { + let e = new Mo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 40, x.RULE_creationBody); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 301, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 43, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 286, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), !(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 15728647 && (this.state = 285, this.assignment()), this.state = 288, this.match(x.NEW), this.state = 289, this.construct(), this.state = 295, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 41, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 290, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 292, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (!(t & -32) && 1 << t & 1142947840 || !(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 15728775) && (this.state = 291, this.parameters()), this.state = 294, this.match(x.CPAR)); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 298, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), !(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 15728647 && (this.state = 297, this.assignment()), this.state = 300, this.match(x.NEW); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + message() { + let e = new Fo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 42, x.RULE_message); + try { + switch (this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 303, this.messageBody(), this.state = 306, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 27: + this.state = 304, this.match(x.SCOL); + break; + case 32: + this.state = 305, this.braceBlock(); + break; + case -1: + case 33: + case 34: + case 35: + case 36: + case 37: + case 39: + case 40: + case 41: + case 42: + case 44: + case 46: + case 51: + case 54: + case 55: + case 56: + case 57: + case 60: + case 61: + break; + default: + break; + } + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + messageBody() { + let e = new zo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 44, x.RULE_messageBody); + try { + this.state = 331, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 49, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 309, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 45, this._ctx); + t === 1 && (this.state = 308, this.assignment()), this.state = 319, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 47, this._ctx); + if (t === 1) { + this.state = 314, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 46, this._ctx); + t === 1 && (this.state = 311, this.from(), this.state = 312, this.match(x.ARROW)), this.state = 316, this.to(), this.state = 317, this.match(x.DOT); + } + this.state = 321, this.func(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 322, this.assignment(); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 326, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 48, this._ctx); + t === 1 && (this.state = 323, this.from(), this.state = 324, this.match(x.ARROW)), this.state = 328, this.to(), this.state = 329, this.match(x.DOT); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + func() { + let e = new fi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 46, x.RULE_func); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 333, this.signature(), this.state = 338, this._errHandler.sync(this); + for (var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 50, this._ctx); t != 2 && t != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; ) + t === 1 && (this.state = 334, this.match(x.DOT), this.state = 335, this.signature()), this.state = 340, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 50, this._ctx); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + from() { + let e = new gi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 48, x.RULE_from); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 341, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + to() { + let e = new Wr(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 50, x.RULE_to); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 343, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + signature() { + let e = new Fs(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 52, x.RULE_signature); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 345, this.methodName(), this.state = 347, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 51, this._ctx); + t === 1 && (this.state = 346, this.invocation()); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + invocation() { + let e = new mi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 54, x.RULE_invocation); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 349, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 351, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), (!(t & -32) && 1 << t & 1142947840 || !(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 15728775) && (this.state = 350, this.parameters()), this.state = 353, this.match(x.CPAR); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + assignment() { + let e = new Yr(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 56, x.RULE_assignment); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 356, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 53, this._ctx); + t === 1 && (this.state = 355, this.type()), this.state = 358, this.assignee(), this.state = 359, this.match(x.ASSIGN); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + asyncMessage() { + let e = new xi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 58, x.RULE_asyncMessage); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 375, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 56, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 364, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 54, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 361, this.from(), this.state = 362, this.match(x.ARROW)), this.state = 366, this.to(), this.state = 367, this.match(x.COL), this.state = 368, this.content(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 370, this.from(), this.state = 371, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 10 || t === 21 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 373, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 55, this._ctx); + n === 1 && (this.state = 372, this.to()); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + content() { + let e = new Do(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 60, x.RULE_content); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 377, this.match(x.EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + construct() { + let e = new Bo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 62, x.RULE_construct); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 379, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + type() { + let e = new Li(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 64, x.RULE_type); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 381, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + assignee() { + let e = new Uo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 66, x.RULE_assignee); + var t = 0; + try { + this.state = 393, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 58, this._ctx); + switch (n) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 383, this.atom(); + break; + case 2: + for (this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 384, this.match(x.ID), this.state = 389, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); t === 28; ) + this.state = 385, this.match(x.COMMA), this.state = 386, this.match(x.ID), this.state = 391, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 392, this.match(x.STRING); + break; + } + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + methodName() { + let e = new Ho(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 68, x.RULE_methodName); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 395, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 54 || t === 57 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + parameters() { + let e = new yi(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 70, x.RULE_parameters); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 397, this.parameter(), this.state = 402, this._errHandler.sync(this); + for (var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 59, this._ctx); n != 2 && n != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; ) + n === 1 && (this.state = 398, this.match(x.COMMA), this.state = 399, this.parameter()), this.state = 404, this._errHandler.sync(this), n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 59, this._ctx); + this.state = 406, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 28 && (this.state = 405, this.match(x.COMMA)); + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + parameter() { + let e = new zs(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 72, x.RULE_parameter); + try { + this.state = 410, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 61, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 408, this.declaration(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 409, this.expr(0); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + declaration() { + let e = new Go(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 74, x.RULE_declaration); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 412, this.type(), this.state = 413, this.match(x.ID); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + tcf() { + let e = new $o(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 76, x.RULE_tcf); + var t = 0; + try { + for (this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 415, this.tryBlock(), this.state = 419, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); t === 47; ) + this.state = 416, this.catchBlock(), this.state = 421, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1); + this.state = 423, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 48 && (this.state = 422, this.finallyBlock()); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + tryBlock() { + let e = new jo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 78, x.RULE_tryBlock); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 425, this.match(x.TRY), this.state = 426, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + catchBlock() { + let e = new Ds(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 80, x.RULE_catchBlock); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 428, this.match(x.CATCH), this.state = 430, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 30 && (this.state = 429, this.invocation()), this.state = 432, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + finallyBlock() { + let e = new Vo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 82, x.RULE_finallyBlock); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 434, this.match(x.FINALLY), this.state = 435, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + alt() { + let e = new qo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 84, x.RULE_alt); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 437, this.ifBlock(), this.state = 441, this._errHandler.sync(this); + for (var n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 65, this._ctx); n != 2 && n != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; ) + n === 1 && (this.state = 438, this.elseIfBlock()), this.state = 443, this._errHandler.sync(this), n = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 65, this._ctx); + this.state = 445, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), t === 38 && (this.state = 444, this.elseBlock()); + } catch (r) { + if (r instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = r, this._errHandler.reportError(this, r), this._errHandler.recover(this, r); + else + throw r; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + ifBlock() { + let e = new Zo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 86, x.RULE_ifBlock); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 447, this.match(x.IF), this.state = 448, this.parExpr(), this.state = 449, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + elseIfBlock() { + let e = new Bs(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 88, x.RULE_elseIfBlock); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 451, this.match(x.ELSE), this.state = 452, this.match(x.IF), this.state = 453, this.parExpr(), this.state = 454, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + elseBlock() { + let e = new Wo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 90, x.RULE_elseBlock); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 456, this.match(x.ELSE), this.state = 457, this.braceBlock(); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + braceBlock() { + let e = new me(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 92, x.RULE_braceBlock); + var t = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 459, this.match(x.OBRACE), this.state = 461, this._errHandler.sync(this), t = this._input.LA(1), !(t - 34 & -32) && 1 << t - 34 & 217191919 && (this.state = 460, this.block()), this.state = 463, this.match(x.CBRACE); + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + loop() { + let e = new Yo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 94, x.RULE_loop); + try { + this.state = 472, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 68, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 465, this.match(x.WHILE), this.state = 466, this.parExpr(), this.state = 467, this.braceBlock(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 469, this.match(x.WHILE), this.state = 470, this.parExpr(); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 471, this.match(x.WHILE); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + expr(e) { + e === void 0 && (e = 0); + const t = this._ctx, n = this.state; + let r = new X(this, this._ctx, n), s = r; + const i = 96; + this.enterRecursionRule(r, 96, x.RULE_expr, e); + var o = 0; + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(r, 1), this.state = 494, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var a = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 70, this._ctx); + switch (a) { + case 1: + r = new Hc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 475, this.atom(); + break; + case 2: + r = new Zc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 476, this.match(x.MINUS), this.state = 477, this.expr(13); + break; + case 3: + r = new qc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 478, this.match(x.NOT), this.state = 479, this.expr(12); + break; + case 4: + r = new Uc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 483, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var a = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 69, this._ctx); + a === 1 && (this.state = 480, this.to(), this.state = 481, this.match(x.DOT)), this.state = 485, this.func(); + break; + case 5: + r = new Wc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 486, this.creation(); + break; + case 6: + r = new Yc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 487, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 488, this.expr(0), this.state = 489, this.match(x.CPAR); + break; + case 7: + r = new Bc(this, r), this._ctx = r, s = r, this.state = 491, this.assignment(), this.state = 492, this.expr(1); + break; + } + this._ctx.stop = this._input.LT(-1), this.state = 519, this._errHandler.sync(this); + for (var l = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 72, this._ctx); l != 2 && l != L.atn.ATN.INVALID_ALT_NUMBER; ) { + if (l === 1) { + this._parseListeners !== null && this.triggerExitRuleEvent(), s = r, this.state = 517, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var a = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 71, this._ctx); + switch (a) { + case 1: + if (r = new Kc( + this, + new X(this, t, n) + ), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 496, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 11)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 11)" + ); + this.state = 497, r.op = this._input.LT(1), o = this._input.LA(1), !(o & -32) && 1 << o & 29360128 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : r.op = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 498, this.expr(12); + break; + case 2: + if (r = new $c( + this, + new X(this, t, n) + ), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 499, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 10)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 10)" + ); + this.state = 500, r.op = this._input.LT(1), o = this._input.LA(1), o === 20 || o === 21 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : r.op = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 501, this.expr(11); + break; + case 3: + if (r = new jc( + this, + new X(this, t, n) + ), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 502, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 9)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 9)" + ); + this.state = 503, r.op = this._input.LT(1), o = this._input.LA(1), !(o & -32) && 1 << o & 983040 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : r.op = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 504, this.expr(10); + break; + case 4: + if (r = new Qc( + this, + new X(this, t, n) + ), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 505, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 8)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 8)" + ); + this.state = 506, r.op = this._input.LT(1), o = this._input.LA(1), o === 14 || o === 15 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : r.op = this._errHandler.recoverInline(this), this.state = 507, this.expr(9); + break; + case 5: + if (r = new Xc(this, new X(this, t, n)), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 508, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 7)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 7)" + ); + this.state = 509, this.match(x.AND), this.state = 510, this.expr(8); + break; + case 6: + if (r = new Gc(this, new X(this, t, n)), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 511, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 6)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 6)" + ); + this.state = 512, this.match(x.OR), this.state = 513, this.expr(7); + break; + case 7: + if (r = new Vc(this, new X(this, t, n)), this.pushNewRecursionContext(r, i, x.RULE_expr), this.state = 514, !this.precpred(this._ctx, 5)) + throw new L.error.FailedPredicateException( + this, + "this.precpred(this._ctx, 5)" + ); + this.state = 515, this.match(x.PLUS), this.state = 516, this.expr(6); + break; + } + } + this.state = 521, this._errHandler.sync(this), l = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 72, this._ctx); + } + } catch (c) { + if (c instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + r.exception = c, this._errHandler.reportError(this, c), this._errHandler.recover(this, c); + else + throw c; + } finally { + this.unrollRecursionContexts(t); + } + return r; + } + atom() { + let e = new Ve(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 98, x.RULE_atom); + var t = 0; + try { + switch (this.state = 527, this._errHandler.sync(this), this._input.LA(1)) { + case 55: + case 56: + e = new r2(this, e), this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 522, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 55 || t === 56 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + break; + case 34: + case 35: + e = new Jc(this, e), this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 523, t = this._input.LA(1), t === 34 || t === 35 ? (this._errHandler.reportMatch(this), this.consume()) : this._errHandler.recoverInline(this); + break; + case 54: + e = new t2(this, e), this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 524, this.match(x.ID); + break; + case 57: + e = new e2(this, e), this.enterOuterAlt(e, 4), this.state = 525, this.match(x.STRING); + break; + case 36: + e = new n2(this, e), this.enterOuterAlt(e, 5), this.state = 526, this.match(x.NIL); + break; + default: + throw new L.error.NoViableAltException(this); + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + parExpr() { + let e = new Kr(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 100, x.RULE_parExpr); + try { + this.state = 538, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 74, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 529, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 530, this.condition(), this.state = 531, this.match(x.CPAR); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 533, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 534, this.condition(); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 535, this.match(x.OPAR), this.state = 536, this.match(x.CPAR); + break; + case 4: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 4), this.state = 537, this.match(x.OPAR); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + condition() { + let e = new Ko(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 102, x.RULE_condition); + try { + this.state = 543, this._errHandler.sync(this); + var t = this._interp.adaptivePredict(this._input, 75, this._ctx); + switch (t) { + case 1: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 540, this.atom(); + break; + case 2: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 2), this.state = 541, this.expr(0); + break; + case 3: + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 3), this.state = 542, this.inExpr(); + break; + } + } catch (n) { + if (n instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = n, this._errHandler.reportError(this, n), this._errHandler.recover(this, n); + else + throw n; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } + inExpr() { + let e = new Qo(this, this._ctx, this.state); + this.enterRule(e, 104, x.RULE_inExpr); + try { + this.enterOuterAlt(e, 1), this.state = 545, this.match(x.ID), this.state = 546, this.match(x.IN), this.state = 547, this.match(x.ID); + } catch (t) { + if (t instanceof L.error.RecognitionException) + e.exception = t, this._errHandler.reportError(this, t), this._errHandler.recover(this, t); + else + throw t; + } finally { + this.exitRule(); + } + return e; + } +}; +let h = x; +B(h, "grammarFileName", "java-escape"), B(h, "literalNames", [ + null, + null, + "'const'", + "'readonly'", + "'static'", + "'await'", + "'title'", + "':'", + "'<<'", + "'>>'", + "'->'", + null, + "'||'", + "'&&'", + "'=='", + "'!='", + "'>'", + "'<'", + "'>='", + "'<='", + "'+'", + "'-'", + "'*'", + "'/'", + "'%'", + "'^'", + "'!'", + "';'", + "','", + "'='", + "'('", + "')'", + "'{'", + "'}'", + "'true'", + "'false'", + null, + "'if'", + "'else'", + null, + "'return'", + "'new'", + "'par'", + "'group'", + "'opt'", + "'as'", + "'try'", + "'catch'", + "'finally'", + "'in'", + null, + null, + null, + "'.'" +]), B(h, "symbolicNames", [ + null, + "WS", + "CONSTANT", + "READONLY", + "STATIC", + "AWAIT", + "TITLE", + "COL", + "SOPEN", + "SCLOSE", + "ARROW", + "COLOR", + "OR", + "AND", + "EQ", + "NEQ", + "GT", + "LT", + "GTEQ", + "LTEQ", + "PLUS", + "MINUS", + "MULT", + "DIV", + "MOD", + "POW", + "NOT", + "SCOL", + "COMMA", + "ASSIGN", + "OPAR", + "CPAR", + "OBRACE", + "CBRACE", + "TRUE", + "FALSE", + "NIL", + "IF", + "ELSE", + "WHILE", + "RETURN", + "NEW", + "PAR", + "GROUP", + "OPT", + "AS", + "TRY", + "CATCH", + "FINALLY", + "IN", + "STARTER_LXR", + "ANNOTATION_RET", + "ANNOTATION", + "DOT", + "ID", + "INT", + "FLOAT", + "STRING", + "CR", + "COMMENT", + "OTHER", + "DIVIDER", + "EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR", + "EVENT_END", + "TITLE_CONTENT", + "TITLE_END" +]), B(h, "ruleNames", [ + "prog", + "title", + "head", + "group", + "starterExp", + "starter", + "participant", + "stereotype", + "label", + "participantType", + "name", + "width", + "block", + "ret", + "divider", + "dividerNote", + "stat", + "par", + "opt", + "creation", + "creationBody", + "message", + "messageBody", + "func", + "from", + "to", + "signature", + "invocation", + "assignment", + "asyncMessage", + "content", + "construct", + "type", + "assignee", + "methodName", + "parameters", + "parameter", + "declaration", + "tcf", + "tryBlock", + "catchBlock", + "finallyBlock", + "alt", + "ifBlock", + "elseIfBlock", + "elseBlock", + "braceBlock", + "loop", + "expr", + "atom", + "parExpr", + "condition", + "inExpr" +]); +h.EOF = L.Token.EOF; +h.WS = 1; +h.CONSTANT = 2; +h.READONLY = 3; +h.STATIC = 4; +h.AWAIT = 5; +h.TITLE = 6; +h.COL = 7; +h.SOPEN = 8; +h.SCLOSE = 9; +h.ARROW = 10; +h.COLOR = 11; +h.OR = 12; +h.AND = 13; +h.EQ = 14; +h.NEQ = 15; +h.GT = 16; +h.LT = 17; +h.GTEQ = 18; +h.LTEQ = 19; +h.PLUS = 20; +h.MINUS = 21; +h.MULT = 22; +h.DIV = 23; +h.MOD = 24; +h.POW = 25; +h.NOT = 26; +h.SCOL = 27; +h.COMMA = 28; +h.ASSIGN = 29; +h.OPAR = 30; +h.CPAR = 31; +h.OBRACE = 32; +h.CBRACE = 33; +h.TRUE = 34; +h.FALSE = 35; +h.NIL = 36; +h.IF = 37; +h.ELSE = 38; +h.WHILE = 39; +h.RETURN = 40; +h.NEW = 41; +h.PAR = 42; +h.GROUP = 43; +h.OPT = 44; +h.AS = 45; +h.TRY = 46; +h.CATCH = 47; +h.FINALLY = 48; +h.IN = 49; +h.STARTER_LXR = 50; +h.ANNOTATION_RET = 51; +h.ANNOTATION = 52; +h.DOT = 53; +h.ID = 54; +h.INT = 55; +h.FLOAT = 56; +h.STRING = 57; +h.CR = 58; +h.COMMENT = 59; +h.OTHER = 60; +h.DIVIDER = 61; +h.EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR = 62; +h.EVENT_END = 63; +h.TITLE_CONTENT = 64; +h.TITLE_END = 65; +h.RULE_prog = 0; +h.RULE_title = 1; +h.RULE_head = 2; +h.RULE_group = 3; +h.RULE_starterExp = 4; +h.RULE_starter = 5; +h.RULE_participant = 6; +h.RULE_stereotype = 7; +h.RULE_label = 8; +h.RULE_participantType = 9; +h.RULE_name = 10; +h.RULE_width = 11; +h.RULE_block = 12; +h.RULE_ret = 13; +h.RULE_divider = 14; +h.RULE_dividerNote = 15; +h.RULE_stat = 16; +h.RULE_par = 17; +h.RULE_opt = 18; +h.RULE_creation = 19; +h.RULE_creationBody = 20; +h.RULE_message = 21; +h.RULE_messageBody = 22; +h.RULE_func = 23; +h.RULE_from = 24; +h.RULE_to = 25; +h.RULE_signature = 26; +h.RULE_invocation = 27; +h.RULE_assignment = 28; +h.RULE_asyncMessage = 29; +h.RULE_content = 30; +h.RULE_construct = 31; +h.RULE_type = 32; +h.RULE_assignee = 33; +h.RULE_methodName = 34; +h.RULE_parameters = 35; +h.RULE_parameter = 36; +h.RULE_declaration = 37; +h.RULE_tcf = 38; +h.RULE_tryBlock = 39; +h.RULE_catchBlock = 40; +h.RULE_finallyBlock = 41; +h.RULE_alt = 42; +h.RULE_ifBlock = 43; +h.RULE_elseIfBlock = 44; +h.RULE_elseBlock = 45; +h.RULE_braceBlock = 46; +h.RULE_loop = 47; +h.RULE_expr = 48; +h.RULE_atom = 49; +h.RULE_parExpr = 50; +h.RULE_condition = 51; +h.RULE_inExpr = 52; +class Dc extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_prog; + } + EOF() { + return this.getToken(h.EOF, 0); + } + title() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(wo, 0); + } + head() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Co, 0); + } + block() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(di, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterProg(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitProg(this); + } +} +class wo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_title; + } + TITLE() { + return this.getToken(h.TITLE, 0); + } + TITLE_CONTENT() { + return this.getToken(h.TITLE_CONTENT, 0); + } + TITLE_END() { + return this.getToken(h.TITLE_END, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterTitle(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitTitle(this); + } +} +class Co extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "group", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(Ps) : this.getTypedRuleContext(Ps, s); + }), B(this, "participant", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(nr) : this.getTypedRuleContext(nr, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_head; + } + starterExp() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(_o, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterHead(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitHead(this); + } +} +class Ps extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "participant", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(nr) : this.getTypedRuleContext(nr, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_group; + } + GROUP() { + return this.getToken(h.GROUP, 0); + } + OBRACE() { + return this.getToken(h.OBRACE, 0); + } + CBRACE() { + return this.getToken(h.CBRACE, 0); + } + name() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(cr, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterGroup(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitGroup(this); + } +} +class _o extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_starterExp; + } + STARTER_LXR() { + return this.getToken(h.STARTER_LXR, 0); + } + OPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.OPAR, 0); + } + CPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.CPAR, 0); + } + starter() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(ko, 0); + } + ANNOTATION() { + return this.getToken(h.ANNOTATION, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterStarterExp(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitStarterExp(this); + } +} +class ko extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_starter; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterStarter(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitStarter(this); + } +} +class nr extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_participant; + } + name() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(cr, 0); + } + participantType() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ao, 0); + } + stereotype() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Eo, 0); + } + width() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(So, 0); + } + label() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(To, 0); + } + COLOR() { + return this.getToken(h.COLOR, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParticipant(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParticipant(this); + } +} +class Eo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_stereotype; + } + SOPEN() { + return this.getToken(h.SOPEN, 0); + } + name() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(cr, 0); + } + SCLOSE() { + return this.getToken(h.SCLOSE, 0); + } + GT() { + return this.getToken(h.GT, 0); + } + LT() { + return this.getToken(h.LT, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterStereotype(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitStereotype(this); + } +} +class To extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_label; + } + AS() { + return this.getToken(h.AS, 0); + } + name() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(cr, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterLabel(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitLabel(this); + } +} +class Ao extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_participantType; + } + ANNOTATION() { + return this.getToken(h.ANNOTATION, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParticipantType(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParticipantType(this); + } +} +class cr extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_name; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterName(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitName(this); + } +} +class So extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_width; + } + INT() { + return this.getToken(h.INT, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterWidth(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitWidth(this); + } +} +class di extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "stat", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(Ms) : this.getTypedRuleContext(Ms, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_block; + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitBlock(this); + } +} +class Ro extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_ret; + } + RETURN() { + return this.getToken(h.RETURN, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + SCOL() { + return this.getToken(h.SCOL, 0); + } + ANNOTATION_RET() { + return this.getToken(h.ANNOTATION_RET, 0); + } + asyncMessage() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(xi, 0); + } + EVENT_END() { + return this.getToken(h.EVENT_END, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterRet(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitRet(this); + } +} +class Io extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_divider; + } + dividerNote() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Oo, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterDivider(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitDivider(this); + } +} +class Oo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_dividerNote; + } + DIVIDER() { + return this.getToken(h.DIVIDER, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterDividerNote(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitDividerNote(this); + } +} +class Ms extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_stat, this._OTHER = null; + } + alt() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(qo, 0); + } + par() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(No, 0); + } + opt() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Po, 0); + } + loop() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Yo, 0); + } + creation() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(pi, 0); + } + message() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Fo, 0); + } + asyncMessage() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(xi, 0); + } + EVENT_END() { + return this.getToken(h.EVENT_END, 0); + } + ret() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ro, 0); + } + divider() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Io, 0); + } + tcf() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext($o, 0); + } + OTHER() { + return this.getToken(h.OTHER, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterStat(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitStat(this); + } +} +class No extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_par; + } + PAR() { + return this.getToken(h.PAR, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterPar(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitPar(this); + } +} +class Po extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_opt; + } + OPT() { + return this.getToken(h.OPT, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterOpt(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitOpt(this); + } +} +class pi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_creation; + } + creationBody() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Mo, 0); + } + SCOL() { + return this.getToken(h.SCOL, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterCreation(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitCreation(this); + } +} +class Mo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_creationBody; + } + NEW() { + return this.getToken(h.NEW, 0); + } + construct() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Bo, 0); + } + assignment() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Yr, 0); + } + OPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.OPAR, 0); + } + CPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.CPAR, 0); + } + parameters() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(yi, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterCreationBody(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitCreationBody(this); + } +} +class Fo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_message; + } + messageBody() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(zo, 0); + } + SCOL() { + return this.getToken(h.SCOL, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterMessage(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitMessage(this); + } +} +class zo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_messageBody; + } + func() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(fi, 0); + } + assignment() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Yr, 0); + } + to() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Wr, 0); + } + DOT() { + return this.getToken(h.DOT, 0); + } + from() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(gi, 0); + } + ARROW() { + return this.getToken(h.ARROW, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterMessageBody(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitMessageBody(this); + } +} +class fi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "signature", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(Fs) : this.getTypedRuleContext(Fs, s); + }), B(this, "DOT", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTokens(h.DOT) : this.getToken(h.DOT, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_func; + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterFunc(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitFunc(this); + } +} +class gi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_from; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterFrom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitFrom(this); + } +} +class Wr extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_to; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterTo(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitTo(this); + } +} +class Fs extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_signature; + } + methodName() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ho, 0); + } + invocation() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(mi, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterSignature(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitSignature(this); + } +} +class mi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_invocation; + } + OPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.OPAR, 0); + } + CPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.CPAR, 0); + } + parameters() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(yi, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterInvocation(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitInvocation(this); + } +} +class Yr extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_assignment; + } + assignee() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Uo, 0); + } + ASSIGN() { + return this.getToken(h.ASSIGN, 0); + } + type() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Li, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAssignment(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAssignment(this); + } +} +class xi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_asyncMessage; + } + to() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Wr, 0); + } + COL() { + return this.getToken(h.COL, 0); + } + content() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Do, 0); + } + from() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(gi, 0); + } + ARROW() { + return this.getToken(h.ARROW, 0); + } + MINUS() { + return this.getToken(h.MINUS, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAsyncMessage(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAsyncMessage(this); + } +} +class Do extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_content; + } + EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR() { + return this.getToken(h.EVENT_PAYLOAD_LXR, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterContent(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitContent(this); + } +} +class Bo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_construct; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterConstruct(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitConstruct(this); + } +} +class Li extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_type; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterType(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitType(this); + } +} +class Uo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "ID", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTokens(h.ID) : this.getToken(h.ID, s); + }), B(this, "COMMA", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTokens(h.COMMA) : this.getToken(h.COMMA, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_assignee; + } + atom() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ve, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAssignee(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAssignee(this); + } +} +class Ho extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_methodName; + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterMethodName(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitMethodName(this); + } +} +class yi extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "parameter", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(zs) : this.getTypedRuleContext(zs, s); + }), B(this, "COMMA", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTokens(h.COMMA) : this.getToken(h.COMMA, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_parameters; + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParameters(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParameters(this); + } +} +class zs extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_parameter; + } + declaration() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Go, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParameter(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParameter(this); + } +} +class Go extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_declaration; + } + type() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Li, 0); + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterDeclaration(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitDeclaration(this); + } +} +class $o extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "catchBlock", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(Ds) : this.getTypedRuleContext(Ds, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_tcf; + } + tryBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(jo, 0); + } + finallyBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Vo, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterTcf(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitTcf(this); + } +} +class jo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_tryBlock; + } + TRY() { + return this.getToken(h.TRY, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterTryBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitTryBlock(this); + } +} +class Ds extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_catchBlock; + } + CATCH() { + return this.getToken(h.CATCH, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + invocation() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(mi, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterCatchBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitCatchBlock(this); + } +} +class Vo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_finallyBlock; + } + FINALLY() { + return this.getToken(h.FINALLY, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterFinallyBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitFinallyBlock(this); + } +} +class qo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "elseIfBlock", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(Bs) : this.getTypedRuleContext(Bs, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_alt; + } + ifBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Zo, 0); + } + elseBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Wo, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAlt(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAlt(this); + } +} +class Zo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_ifBlock; + } + IF() { + return this.getToken(h.IF, 0); + } + parExpr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Kr, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterIfBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitIfBlock(this); + } +} +class Bs extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_elseIfBlock; + } + ELSE() { + return this.getToken(h.ELSE, 0); + } + IF() { + return this.getToken(h.IF, 0); + } + parExpr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Kr, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterElseIfBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitElseIfBlock(this); + } +} +class Wo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_elseBlock; + } + ELSE() { + return this.getToken(h.ELSE, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterElseBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitElseBlock(this); + } +} +class me extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_braceBlock; + } + OBRACE() { + return this.getToken(h.OBRACE, 0); + } + CBRACE() { + return this.getToken(h.CBRACE, 0); + } + block() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(di, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterBraceBlock(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitBraceBlock(this); + } +} +class Yo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_loop; + } + WHILE() { + return this.getToken(h.WHILE, 0); + } + parExpr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Kr, 0); + } + braceBlock() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(me, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterLoop(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitLoop(this); + } +} +class X extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_expr; + } + copyFrom(t) { + super.copyFrom(t); + } +} +class Bc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + assignment() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Yr, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAssignmentExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAssignmentExpr(this); + } +} +h.AssignmentExprContext = Bc; +class Uc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + func() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(fi, 0); + } + to() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Wr, 0); + } + DOT() { + return this.getToken(h.DOT, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterFuncExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitFuncExpr(this); + } +} +h.FuncExprContext = Uc; +class Hc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + atom() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ve, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAtomExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAtomExpr(this); + } +} +h.AtomExprContext = Hc; +class Gc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), super.copyFrom(n); + } + OR() { + return this.getToken(h.OR, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterOrExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitOrExpr(this); + } +} +h.OrExprContext = Gc; +class $c extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), this.op = null, super.copyFrom(n); + } + PLUS() { + return this.getToken(h.PLUS, 0); + } + MINUS() { + return this.getToken(h.MINUS, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAdditiveExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAdditiveExpr(this); + } +} +h.AdditiveExprContext = $c; +class jc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), this.op = null, super.copyFrom(n); + } + LTEQ() { + return this.getToken(h.LTEQ, 0); + } + GTEQ() { + return this.getToken(h.GTEQ, 0); + } + LT() { + return this.getToken(h.LT, 0); + } + GT() { + return this.getToken(h.GT, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterRelationalExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitRelationalExpr(this); + } +} +h.RelationalExprContext = jc; +class Vc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), super.copyFrom(n); + } + PLUS() { + return this.getToken(h.PLUS, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterPlusExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitPlusExpr(this); + } +} +h.PlusExprContext = Vc; +class qc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + NOT() { + return this.getToken(h.NOT, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterNotExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitNotExpr(this); + } +} +h.NotExprContext = qc; +class Zc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + MINUS() { + return this.getToken(h.MINUS, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterUnaryMinusExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitUnaryMinusExpr(this); + } +} +h.UnaryMinusExprContext = Zc; +class Wc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + creation() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(pi, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterCreationExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitCreationExpr(this); + } +} +h.CreationExprContext = Wc; +class Yc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + OPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.OPAR, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + CPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.CPAR, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParenthesizedExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParenthesizedExpr(this); + } +} +h.ParenthesizedExprContext = Yc; +class Kc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), this.op = null, super.copyFrom(n); + } + MULT() { + return this.getToken(h.MULT, 0); + } + DIV() { + return this.getToken(h.DIV, 0); + } + MOD() { + return this.getToken(h.MOD, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterMultiplicationExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitMultiplicationExpr(this); + } +} +h.MultiplicationExprContext = Kc; +class Qc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), this.op = null, super.copyFrom(n); + } + EQ() { + return this.getToken(h.EQ, 0); + } + NEQ() { + return this.getToken(h.NEQ, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterEqualityExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitEqualityExpr(this); + } +} +h.EqualityExprContext = Qc; +class Xc extends X { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), B(this, "expr", function(r) { + return r === void 0 && (r = null), r === null ? this.getTypedRuleContexts(X) : this.getTypedRuleContext(X, r); + }), super.copyFrom(n); + } + AND() { + return this.getToken(h.AND, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterAndExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitAndExpr(this); + } +} +h.AndExprContext = Xc; +class Ve extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_atom; + } + copyFrom(t) { + super.copyFrom(t); + } +} +class Jc extends Ve { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + TRUE() { + return this.getToken(h.TRUE, 0); + } + FALSE() { + return this.getToken(h.FALSE, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterBooleanAtom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitBooleanAtom(this); + } +} +h.BooleanAtomContext = Jc; +class t2 extends Ve { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + ID() { + return this.getToken(h.ID, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterIdAtom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitIdAtom(this); + } +} +h.IdAtomContext = t2; +class e2 extends Ve { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + STRING() { + return this.getToken(h.STRING, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterStringAtom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitStringAtom(this); + } +} +h.StringAtomContext = e2; +class n2 extends Ve { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + NIL() { + return this.getToken(h.NIL, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterNilAtom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitNilAtom(this); + } +} +h.NilAtomContext = n2; +class r2 extends Ve { + constructor(t, n) { + super(t), super.copyFrom(n); + } + INT() { + return this.getToken(h.INT, 0); + } + FLOAT() { + return this.getToken(h.FLOAT, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterNumberAtom(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitNumberAtom(this); + } +} +h.NumberAtomContext = r2; +class Kr extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_parExpr; + } + OPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.OPAR, 0); + } + condition() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ko, 0); + } + CPAR() { + return this.getToken(h.CPAR, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterParExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitParExpr(this); + } +} +class Ko extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_condition; + } + atom() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Ve, 0); + } + expr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(X, 0); + } + inExpr() { + return this.getTypedRuleContext(Qo, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterCondition(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitCondition(this); + } +} +class Qo extends L.ParserRuleContext { + constructor(t, n, r) { + n === void 0 && (n = null), r == null && (r = -1), super(n, r), B(this, "ID", function(s) { + return s === void 0 && (s = null), s === null ? this.getTokens(h.ID) : this.getToken(h.ID, s); + }), this.parser = t, this.ruleIndex = h.RULE_inExpr; + } + IN() { + return this.getToken(h.IN, 0); + } + enterRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.enterInExpr(this); + } + exitRule(t) { + t instanceof y && t.exitInExpr(this); + } +} +h.ProgContext = Dc; +h.TitleContext = wo; +h.HeadContext = Co; +h.GroupContext = Ps; +h.StarterExpContext = _o; +h.StarterContext = ko; +h.ParticipantContext = nr; +h.StereotypeContext = Eo; +h.LabelContext = To; +h.ParticipantTypeContext = Ao; +h.NameContext = cr; +h.WidthContext = So; +h.BlockContext = di; +h.RetContext = Ro; +h.DividerContext = Io; +h.DividerNoteContext = Oo; +h.StatContext = Ms; +h.ParContext = No; +h.OptContext = Po; +h.CreationContext = pi; +h.CreationBodyContext = Mo; +h.MessageContext = Fo; +h.MessageBodyContext = zo; +h.FuncContext = fi; +h.FromContext = gi; +h.ToContext = Wr; +h.SignatureContext = Fs; +h.InvocationContext = mi; +h.AssignmentContext = Yr; +h.AsyncMessageContext = xi; +h.ContentContext = Do; +h.ConstructContext = Bo; +h.TypeContext = Li; +h.AssigneeContext = Uo; +h.MethodNameContext = Ho; +h.ParametersContext = yi; +h.ParameterContext = zs; +h.DeclarationContext = Go; +h.TcfContext = $o; +h.TryBlockContext = jo; +h.CatchBlockContext = Ds; +h.FinallyBlockContext = Vo; +h.AltContext = qo; +h.IfBlockContext = Zo; +h.ElseIfBlockContext = Bs; +h.ElseBlockContext = Wo; +h.BraceBlockContext = me; +h.LoopContext = Yo; +h.ExprContext = X; +h.AtomContext = Ve; +h.ParExprContext = Kr; +h.ConditionContext = Ko; +h.InExprContext = Qo; +function T5() { + this.__data__ = [], this.size = 0; +} +var A5 = T5; +function S5(e, t) { + return e === t || e !== e && t !== t; +} +var vi = S5, R5 = vi; +function I5(e, t) { + for (var n = e.length; n--; ) + if (R5(e[n][0], t)) + return n; + return -1; +} +var bi = I5, O5 = bi, N5 = Array.prototype, P5 = N5.splice; +function M5(e) { + var t = this.__data__, n = O5(t, e); + if (n < 0) + return !1; + var r = t.length - 1; + return n == r ? t.pop() : P5.call(t, n, 1), --this.size, !0; +} +var F5 = M5, z5 = bi; +function D5(e) { + var t = this.__data__, n = z5(t, e); + return n < 0 ? void 0 : t[n][1]; +} +var B5 = D5, U5 = bi; +function H5(e) { + return U5(this.__data__, e) > -1; +} +var G5 = H5, $5 = bi; +function j5(e, t) { + var n = this.__data__, r = $5(n, e); + return r < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([e, t])) : n[r][1] = t, this; +} +var V5 = j5, q5 = A5, Z5 = F5, W5 = B5, Y5 = G5, K5 = V5; +function hr(e) { + var t = -1, n = e == null ? 0 : e.length; + for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { + var r = e[t]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } +} +hr.prototype.clear = q5; +hr.prototype.delete = Z5; +hr.prototype.get = W5; +hr.prototype.has = Y5; +hr.prototype.set = K5; +var wi = hr, Q5 = wi; +function X5() { + this.__data__ = new Q5(), this.size = 0; +} +var J5 = X5; +function td(e) { + var t = this.__data__, n = t.delete(e); + return this.size = t.size, n; +} +var ed = td; +function nd(e) { + return this.__data__.get(e); +} +var rd = nd; +function sd(e) { + return this.__data__.has(e); +} +var id = sd, od = On, ad = od.Symbol, s2 = ad, ll = s2, i2 = Object.prototype, ld = i2.hasOwnProperty, cd = i2.toString, Cr = ll ? ll.toStringTag : void 0; +function hd(e) { + var t = ld.call(e, Cr), n = e[Cr]; + try { + e[Cr] = void 0; + var r = !0; + } catch { + } + var s = cd.call(e); + return r && (t ? e[Cr] = n : delete e[Cr]), s; +} +var ud = hd, dd = Object.prototype, pd = dd.toString; +function fd(e) { + return pd.call(e); +} +var gd = fd, cl = s2, md = ud, xd = gd, Ld = "[object Null]", yd = "[object Undefined]", hl = cl ? cl.toStringTag : void 0; +function vd(e) { + return e == null ? e === void 0 ? yd : Ld : hl && hl in Object(e) ? md(e) : xd(e); +} +var Ci = vd; +function bd(e) { + var t = typeof e; + return e != null && (t == "object" || t == "function"); +} +var Nn = bd, wd = Ci, Cd = Nn, _d = "[object AsyncFunction]", kd = "[object Function]", Ed = "[object GeneratorFunction]", Td = "[object Proxy]"; +function Ad(e) { + if (!Cd(e)) + return !1; + var t = wd(e); + return t == kd || t == Ed || t == _d || t == Td; +} +var Xo = Ad, Sd = On, Rd = Sd["__core-js_shared__"], Id = Rd, qi = Id, ul = function() { + var e = /[^.]+$/.exec(qi && qi.keys && qi.keys.IE_PROTO || ""); + return e ? "Symbol(src)_1." + e : ""; +}(); +function Od(e) { + return !!ul && ul in e; +} +var Nd = Od, Pd = Function.prototype, Md = Pd.toString; +function Fd(e) { + if (e != null) { + try { + return Md.call(e); + } catch { + } + try { + return e + ""; + } catch { + } + } + return ""; +} +var zd = Fd, Dd = Xo, Bd = Nd, Ud = Nn, Hd = zd, Gd = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, $d = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, jd = Function.prototype, Vd = Object.prototype, qd = jd.toString, Zd = Vd.hasOwnProperty, Wd = RegExp( + "^" + qd.call(Zd).replace(Gd, "\\$&").replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$" +); +function Yd(e) { + if (!Ud(e) || Bd(e)) + return !1; + var t = Dd(e) ? Wd : $d; + return t.test(Hd(e)); +} +var Kd = Yd; +function Qd(e, t) { + return e == null ? void 0 : e[t]; +} +var Xd = Qd, Jd = Kd, t9 = Xd; +function e9(e, t) { + var n = t9(e, t); + return Jd(n) ? n : void 0; +} +var Jo = e9, n9 = Jo, r9 = On, s9 = n9(r9, "Map"), o2 = s9, i9 = Jo, o9 = i9(Object, "create"), _i = o9, dl = _i; +function a9() { + this.__data__ = dl ? dl(null) : {}, this.size = 0; +} +var l9 = a9; +function c9(e) { + var t = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e]; + return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, t; +} +var h9 = c9, u9 = _i, d9 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", p9 = Object.prototype, f9 = p9.hasOwnProperty; +function g9(e) { + var t = this.__data__; + if (u9) { + var n = t[e]; + return n === d9 ? void 0 : n; + } + return f9.call(t, e) ? t[e] : void 0; +} +var m9 = g9, x9 = _i, L9 = Object.prototype, y9 = L9.hasOwnProperty; +function v9(e) { + var t = this.__data__; + return x9 ? t[e] !== void 0 : y9.call(t, e); +} +var b9 = v9, w9 = _i, C9 = "__lodash_hash_undefined__"; +function _9(e, t) { + var n = this.__data__; + return this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1, n[e] = w9 && t === void 0 ? C9 : t, this; +} +var k9 = _9, E9 = l9, T9 = h9, A9 = m9, S9 = b9, R9 = k9; +function ur(e) { + var t = -1, n = e == null ? 0 : e.length; + for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { + var r = e[t]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } +} +ur.prototype.clear = E9; +ur.prototype.delete = T9; +ur.prototype.get = A9; +ur.prototype.has = S9; +ur.prototype.set = R9; +var I9 = ur, pl = I9, O9 = wi, N9 = o2; +function P9() { + this.size = 0, this.__data__ = { + hash: new pl(), + map: new (N9 || O9)(), + string: new pl() + }; +} +var M9 = P9; +function F9(e) { + var t = typeof e; + return t == "string" || t == "number" || t == "symbol" || t == "boolean" ? e !== "__proto__" : e === null; +} +var z9 = F9, D9 = z9; +function B9(e, t) { + var n = e.__data__; + return D9(t) ? n[typeof t == "string" ? "string" : "hash"] : n.map; +} +var ki = B9, U9 = ki; +function H9(e) { + var t = U9(this, e).delete(e); + return this.size -= t ? 1 : 0, t; +} +var G9 = H9, $9 = ki; +function j9(e) { + return $9(this, e).get(e); +} +var V9 = j9, q9 = ki; +function Z9(e) { + return q9(this, e).has(e); +} +var W9 = Z9, Y9 = ki; +function K9(e, t) { + var n = Y9(this, e), r = n.size; + return n.set(e, t), this.size += n.size == r ? 0 : 1, this; +} +var Q9 = K9, X9 = M9, J9 = G9, t6 = V9, e6 = W9, n6 = Q9; +function dr(e) { + var t = -1, n = e == null ? 0 : e.length; + for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { + var r = e[t]; + this.set(r[0], r[1]); + } +} +dr.prototype.clear = X9; +dr.prototype.delete = J9; +dr.prototype.get = t6; +dr.prototype.has = e6; +dr.prototype.set = n6; +var r6 = dr, s6 = wi, i6 = o2, o6 = r6, a6 = 200; +function l6(e, t) { + var n = this.__data__; + if (n instanceof s6) { + var r = n.__data__; + if (!i6 || r.length < a6 - 1) + return r.push([e, t]), this.size = ++n.size, this; + n = this.__data__ = new o6(r); + } + return n.set(e, t), this.size = n.size, this; +} +var c6 = l6, h6 = wi, u6 = J5, d6 = ed, p6 = rd, f6 = id, g6 = c6; +function pr(e) { + var t = this.__data__ = new h6(e); + this.size = t.size; +} +pr.prototype.clear = u6; +pr.prototype.delete = d6; +pr.prototype.get = p6; +pr.prototype.has = f6; +pr.prototype.set = g6; +var m6 = pr, x6 = Jo, L6 = function() { + try { + var e = x6(Object, "defineProperty"); + return e({}, "", {}), e; + } catch { + } +}(), a2 = L6, fl = a2; +function y6(e, t, n) { + t == "__proto__" && fl ? fl(e, t, { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !0, + value: n, + writable: !0 + }) : e[t] = n; +} +var ta = y6, v6 = ta, b6 = vi; +function w6(e, t, n) { + (n !== void 0 && !b6(e[t], n) || n === void 0 && !(t in e)) && v6(e, t, n); +} +var l2 = w6; +function C6(e) { + return function(t, n, r) { + for (var s = -1, i = Object(t), o = r(t), a = o.length; a--; ) { + var l = o[e ? a : ++s]; + if (n(i[l], l, i) === !1) + break; + } + return t; + }; +} +var _6 = C6, k6 = _6, E6 = k6(), T6 = E6, _1 = { exports: {} }; +(function(e, t) { + var n = On, r = t && !t.nodeType && t, s = r && !0 && e && !e.nodeType && e, i = s && s.exports === r, o = i ? n.Buffer : void 0, a = o ? o.allocUnsafe : void 0; + function l(c, u) { + if (u) + return c.slice(); + var d = c.length, f = a ? a(d) : new c.constructor(d); + return c.copy(f), f; + } + e.exports = l; +})(_1, _1.exports); +var A6 = On, S6 = A6.Uint8Array, R6 = S6, gl = R6; +function I6(e) { + var t = new e.constructor(e.byteLength); + return new gl(t).set(new gl(e)), t; +} +var O6 = I6, N6 = O6; +function P6(e, t) { + var n = t ? N6(e.buffer) : e.buffer; + return new e.constructor(n, e.byteOffset, e.length); +} +var M6 = P6; +function F6(e, t) { + var n = -1, r = e.length; + for (t || (t = Array(r)); ++n < r; ) + t[n] = e[n]; + return t; +} +var z6 = F6, D6 = Nn, ml = Object.create, B6 = function() { + function e() { + } + return function(t) { + if (!D6(t)) + return {}; + if (ml) + return ml(t); + e.prototype = t; + var n = new e(); + return e.prototype = void 0, n; + }; +}(), U6 = B6; +function H6(e, t) { + return function(n) { + return e(t(n)); + }; +} +var G6 = H6, $6 = G6, j6 = $6(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object), c2 = j6, V6 = Object.prototype; +function q6(e) { + var t = e && e.constructor, n = typeof t == "function" && t.prototype || V6; + return e === n; +} +var h2 = q6, Z6 = U6, W6 = c2, Y6 = h2; +function K6(e) { + return typeof e.constructor == "function" && !Y6(e) ? Z6(W6(e)) : {}; +} +var Q6 = K6; +function X6(e) { + return e != null && typeof e == "object"; +} +var Qr = X6, J6 = Ci, tp = Qr, ep = "[object Arguments]"; +function np(e) { + return tp(e) && J6(e) == ep; +} +var rp = np, xl = rp, sp = Qr, u2 = Object.prototype, ip = u2.hasOwnProperty, op = u2.propertyIsEnumerable, ap = xl(function() { + return arguments; +}()) ? xl : function(e) { + return sp(e) && ip.call(e, "callee") && !op.call(e, "callee"); +}, d2 = ap, lp = Array.isArray, p2 = lp, cp = 9007199254740991; +function hp(e) { + return typeof e == "number" && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= cp; +} +var f2 = hp, up = Xo, dp = f2; +function pp(e) { + return e != null && dp(e.length) && !up(e); +} +var ea = pp, fp = ea, gp = Qr; +function mp(e) { + return gp(e) && fp(e); +} +var xp = mp, Us = { exports: {} }; +function Lp() { + return !1; +} +var yp = Lp; +(function(e, t) { + var n = On, r = yp, s = t && !t.nodeType && t, i = s && !0 && e && !e.nodeType && e, o = i && i.exports === s, a = o ? n.Buffer : void 0, l = a ? a.isBuffer : void 0, c = l || r; + e.exports = c; +})(Us, Us.exports); +var vp = Ci, bp = c2, wp = Qr, Cp = "[object Object]", _p = Function.prototype, kp = Object.prototype, g2 = _p.toString, Ep = kp.hasOwnProperty, Tp = g2.call(Object); +function Ap(e) { + if (!wp(e) || vp(e) != Cp) + return !1; + var t = bp(e); + if (t === null) + return !0; + var n = Ep.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor; + return typeof n == "function" && n instanceof n && g2.call(n) == Tp; +} +var Sp = Ap, Rp = Ci, Ip = f2, Op = Qr, Np = "[object Arguments]", Pp = "[object Array]", Mp = "[object Boolean]", Fp = "[object Date]", zp = "[object Error]", Dp = "[object Function]", Bp = "[object Map]", Up = "[object Number]", Hp = "[object Object]", Gp = "[object RegExp]", $p = "[object Set]", jp = "[object String]", Vp = "[object WeakMap]", qp = "[object ArrayBuffer]", Zp = "[object DataView]", Wp = "[object Float32Array]", Yp = "[object Float64Array]", Kp = "[object Int8Array]", Qp = "[object Int16Array]", Xp = "[object Int32Array]", Jp = "[object Uint8Array]", t8 = "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", e8 = "[object Uint16Array]", n8 = "[object Uint32Array]", kt = {}; +kt[Wp] = kt[Yp] = kt[Kp] = kt[Qp] = kt[Xp] = kt[Jp] = kt[t8] = kt[e8] = kt[n8] = !0; +kt[Np] = kt[Pp] = kt[qp] = kt[Mp] = kt[Zp] = kt[Fp] = kt[zp] = kt[Dp] = kt[Bp] = kt[Up] = kt[Hp] = kt[Gp] = kt[$p] = kt[jp] = kt[Vp] = !1; +function r8(e) { + return Op(e) && Ip(e.length) && !!kt[Rp(e)]; +} +var s8 = r8; +function i8(e) { + return function(t) { + return e(t); + }; +} +var o8 = i8, k1 = { exports: {} }; +(function(e, t) { + var n = bc, r = t && !t.nodeType && t, s = r && !0 && e && !e.nodeType && e, i = s && s.exports === r, o = i && n.process, a = function() { + try { + var l = s && s.require && s.require("util").types; + return l || o && o.binding && o.binding("util"); + } catch { + } + }(); + e.exports = a; +})(k1, k1.exports); +var a8 = s8, l8 = o8, Ll = k1.exports, yl = Ll && Ll.isTypedArray, c8 = yl ? l8(yl) : a8, m2 = c8; +function h8(e, t) { + if (!(t === "constructor" && typeof e[t] == "function") && t != "__proto__") + return e[t]; +} +var x2 = h8, u8 = ta, d8 = vi, p8 = Object.prototype, f8 = p8.hasOwnProperty; +function g8(e, t, n) { + var r = e[t]; + (!(f8.call(e, t) && d8(r, n)) || n === void 0 && !(t in e)) && u8(e, t, n); +} +var m8 = g8, x8 = m8, L8 = ta; +function y8(e, t, n, r) { + var s = !n; + n || (n = {}); + for (var i = -1, o = t.length; ++i < o; ) { + var a = t[i], l = r ? r(n[a], e[a], a, n, e) : void 0; + l === void 0 && (l = e[a]), s ? L8(n, a, l) : x8(n, a, l); + } + return n; +} +var v8 = y8; +function b8(e, t) { + for (var n = -1, r = Array(e); ++n < e; ) + r[n] = t(n); + return r; +} +var w8 = b8, C8 = 9007199254740991, _8 = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/; +function k8(e, t) { + var n = typeof e; + return t = t ?? C8, !!t && (n == "number" || n != "symbol" && _8.test(e)) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t; +} +var L2 = k8, E8 = w8, T8 = d2, A8 = p2, S8 = Us.exports, R8 = L2, I8 = m2, O8 = Object.prototype, N8 = O8.hasOwnProperty; +function P8(e, t) { + var n = A8(e), r = !n && T8(e), s = !n && !r && S8(e), i = !n && !r && !s && I8(e), o = n || r || s || i, a = o ? E8(e.length, String) : [], l = a.length; + for (var c in e) + (t || N8.call(e, c)) && !(o && (c == "length" || s && (c == "offset" || c == "parent") || i && (c == "buffer" || c == "byteLength" || c == "byteOffset") || R8(c, l))) && a.push(c); + return a; +} +var M8 = P8; +function F8(e) { + var t = []; + if (e != null) + for (var n in Object(e)) + t.push(n); + return t; +} +var z8 = F8, D8 = Nn, B8 = h2, U8 = z8, H8 = Object.prototype, G8 = H8.hasOwnProperty; +function $8(e) { + if (!D8(e)) + return U8(e); + var t = B8(e), n = []; + for (var r in e) + r == "constructor" && (t || !G8.call(e, r)) || n.push(r); + return n; +} +var j8 = $8, V8 = M8, q8 = j8, Z8 = ea; +function W8(e) { + return Z8(e) ? V8(e, !0) : q8(e); +} +var y2 = W8, Y8 = v8, K8 = y2; +function Q8(e) { + return Y8(e, K8(e)); +} +var X8 = Q8, vl = l2, J8 = _1.exports, t7 = M6, e7 = z6, n7 = Q6, bl = d2, wl = p2, r7 = xp, s7 = Us.exports, i7 = Xo, o7 = Nn, a7 = Sp, l7 = m2, Cl = x2, c7 = X8; +function h7(e, t, n, r, s, i, o) { + var a = Cl(e, n), l = Cl(t, n), c = o.get(l); + if (c) { + vl(e, n, c); + return; + } + var u = i ? i(a, l, n + "", e, t, o) : void 0, d = u === void 0; + if (d) { + var f = wl(l), m = !f && s7(l), I = !f && !m && l7(l); + u = l, f || m || I ? wl(a) ? u = a : r7(a) ? u = e7(a) : m ? (d = !1, u = J8(l, !0)) : I ? (d = !1, u = t7(l, !0)) : u = [] : a7(l) || bl(l) ? (u = a, bl(a) ? u = c7(a) : (!o7(a) || i7(a)) && (u = n7(l))) : d = !1; + } + d && (o.set(l, u), s(u, l, r, i, o), o.delete(l)), vl(e, n, u); +} +var u7 = h7, d7 = m6, p7 = l2, f7 = T6, g7 = u7, m7 = Nn, x7 = y2, L7 = x2; +function v2(e, t, n, r, s) { + e !== t && f7(t, function(i, o) { + if (s || (s = new d7()), m7(i)) + g7(e, t, o, n, v2, r, s); + else { + var a = r ? r(L7(e, o), i, o + "", e, t, s) : void 0; + a === void 0 && (a = i), p7(e, o, a); + } + }, x7); +} +var y7 = v2; +function v7(e) { + return e; +} +var b2 = v7; +function b7(e, t, n) { + switch (n.length) { + case 0: + return e.call(t); + case 1: + return e.call(t, n[0]); + case 2: + return e.call(t, n[0], n[1]); + case 3: + return e.call(t, n[0], n[1], n[2]); + } + return e.apply(t, n); +} +var w7 = b7, C7 = w7, _l = Math.max; +function _7(e, t, n) { + return t = _l(t === void 0 ? e.length - 1 : t, 0), function() { + for (var r = arguments, s = -1, i = _l(r.length - t, 0), o = Array(i); ++s < i; ) + o[s] = r[t + s]; + s = -1; + for (var a = Array(t + 1); ++s < t; ) + a[s] = r[s]; + return a[t] = n(o), C7(e, this, a); + }; +} +var k7 = _7; +function E7(e) { + return function() { + return e; + }; +} +var T7 = E7, A7 = T7, kl = a2, S7 = b2, R7 = kl ? function(e, t) { + return kl(e, "toString", { + configurable: !0, + enumerable: !1, + value: A7(t), + writable: !0 + }); +} : S7, I7 = R7, O7 = 800, N7 = 16, P7 = Date.now; +function M7(e) { + var t = 0, n = 0; + return function() { + var r = P7(), s = N7 - (r - n); + if (n = r, s > 0) { + if (++t >= O7) + return arguments[0]; + } else + t = 0; + return e.apply(void 0, arguments); + }; +} +var F7 = M7, z7 = I7, D7 = F7, B7 = D7(z7), U7 = B7, H7 = b2, G7 = k7, $7 = U7; +function j7(e, t) { + return $7(G7(e, t, H7), e + ""); +} +var V7 = j7, q7 = vi, Z7 = ea, W7 = L2, Y7 = Nn; +function K7(e, t, n) { + if (!Y7(n)) + return !1; + var r = typeof t; + return (r == "number" ? Z7(n) && W7(t, n.length) : r == "string" && t in n) ? q7(n[t], e) : !1; +} +var Q7 = K7, X7 = V7, J7 = Q7; +function tf(e) { + return X7(function(t, n) { + var r = -1, s = n.length, i = s > 1 ? n[s - 1] : void 0, o = s > 2 ? n[2] : void 0; + for (i = e.length > 3 && typeof i == "function" ? (s--, i) : void 0, o && J7(n[0], n[1], o) && (i = s < 3 ? void 0 : i, s = 1), t = Object(t); ++r < s; ) { + var a = n[r]; + a && e(t, a, r, i); + } + return t; + }); +} +var ef = tf, nf = y7, rf = ef, sf = rf(function(e, t, n, r) { + nf(e, t, n, r); +}), of = sf; +class af { + constructor(t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u) { + B(this, "name"), B(this, "stereotype"), B(this, "width"), B(this, "groupId"), B(this, "explicit"), B(this, "isStarter"), B(this, "label"), B(this, "type"), B(this, "color"), B(this, "comment"), this.name = t, this.stereotype = r, this.width = s, this.groupId = i, this.explicit = a, this.isStarter = n, this.label = o, this.type = l, this.color = c, this.comment = u; + } + Type() { + var t; + switch ((t = this.type) == null ? void 0 : t.toLowerCase()) { + case "@actor": + return 1; + case "@boundary": + return 2; + case "@collection": + return 3; + case "@control": + return 4; + case "@database": + return 5; + case "@entity": + return 6; + case "@queue": + return 7; + case "@ec2": + return 8; + case "@ecs": + return 9; + case "@iam": + return 10; + case "@lambda": + return 11; + case "@rds": + return 12; + case "@s3": + return 13; + } + return 14; + } +} +class lf { + constructor() { + B(this, "participants", /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()); + } + Add(t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u) { + const d = new af( + t, + n, + r, + s, + i, + o, + a, + l, + c, + u + ); + this.participants.set( + t, + of({}, this.Get(t), d, (f, m) => f || m) + ); + } + ImplicitArray() { + return this.Array().filter((t) => !t.explicit && !t.isStarter); + } + Array() { + return Array.from(this.participants.entries()).map((t) => t[1]); + } + Names() { + return Array.from(this.participants.keys()); + } + First() { + return this.participants.values().next().value; + } + Get(t) { + return this.participants.get(t); + } + Size() { + return this.participants.size; + } + Starter() { + const t = this.First(); + return t.isStarter ? t : void 0; + } +} +const cf = h, hf = cf.ProgContext; +let Ke, Pn = !1, na; +const ce = new y(); +let uf = function(e) { + var t, n, r, s, i, o, a; + if (Pn) + return; + const l = (t = e == null ? void 0 : e.participantType()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText().replace("@", ""), c = ((n = e == null ? void 0 : e.name()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText()) || "Missing `Participant`", u = (s = (r = e.stereotype()) == null ? void 0 : r.name()) == null ? void 0 : s.getFormattedText(), d = e.width && e.width() && Number.parseInt(e.width().getText()) || void 0, f = e.label && ((o = (i = e.label()) == null ? void 0 : i.name()) == null ? void 0 : o.getFormattedText()), m = !0, I = (a = e.COLOR()) == null ? void 0 : a.getText(), M = e.getComment(); + Ke.Add( + c, + !1, + u, + d, + na, + f, + m, + l, + I, + M + ); +}; +ce.enterParticipant = uf; +let w2 = function(e) { + if (Pn) + return; + let t = e.getFormattedText(); + Ke.Add(t); +}; +ce.enterFrom = w2; +ce.enterTo = w2; +ce.enterStarter = function(e) { + let t = e.getFormattedText(); + Ke.Add(t, !0); +}; +ce.enterCreation = function(e) { + if (Pn) + return; + const t = e.Owner(); + Ke.Add(t); +}; +ce.enterParameters = function() { + Pn = !0; +}; +ce.exitParameters = function() { + Pn = !1; +}; +ce.enterCondition = function() { + Pn = !0; +}; +ce.exitCondition = function() { + Pn = !1; +}; +ce.enterGroup = function(e) { + var t; + na = (t = e.name()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); +}; +ce.exitGroup = function() { + na = void 0; +}; +ce.enterRet = function(e) { + e.asyncMessage() || (Ke.Add(e.From()), Ke.Add(e.ReturnTo())); +}; +const df = L.tree.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT; +ce.getParticipants = function(e, t) { + return Ke = new lf(), t && e instanceof hf && Ke.Add(e.Starter(), !0), df.walk(this, e), Ke; +}; +const pf = L.tree.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT; +var be = new y(), Kt = 0, ve = 0; +be.enterTcf = function() { + Kt++; +}; +be.enterOpt = function() { + Kt++; +}; +be.enterPar = function() { + Kt++; +}; +be.enterAlt = function() { + Kt++; +}; +be.enterLoop = function() { + Kt++; +}; +be.exitTcf = function() { + ve = Math.max(ve, Kt), Kt--; +}; +be.exitOpt = function() { + ve = Math.max(ve, Kt), Kt--; +}; +be.exitPar = function() { + ve = Math.max(ve, Kt), Kt--; +}; +be.exitAlt = function() { + ve = Math.max(ve, Kt), Kt--; +}; +be.exitLoop = function() { + ve = Math.max(ve, Kt), Kt--; +}; +be.depth = function(e) { + return function(t) { + return Kt = 0, ve = 0, t.children.map(function(n) { + pf.walk(e, n); + }), ve; + }; +}; +const ff = h, gf = ff.TitleContext; +gf.prototype.content = function() { + return this.children.length < 2 ? "Untiled" : this.children[1].getText().trim(); +}; +const C2 = h, E1 = C2.CreationContext; +E1.prototype.Body = E1.prototype.creationBody; +E1.prototype.isCurrent = function(e) { + return _2.bind(this)(e); +}; +const T1 = C2.MessageContext; +T1.prototype.Body = T1.prototype.messageBody; +T1.prototype.isCurrent = function(e) { + return _2.bind(this)(e); +}; +function _2(e) { + try { + if (e == null) + return !1; + const t = this.start.start, n = this.Body().stop.stop + 1; + return e >= t && e <= n; + } catch { + return !1; + } +} +const ra = h, Ei = ra.CreationContext, sa = ra.MessageContext, k2 = ra.AsyncMessageContext; +Ei.prototype.Assignee = function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.creationBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.assignment()) == null ? void 0 : t.assignee()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText(); +}; +Ei.prototype.Constructor = function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.creationBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.construct()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); +}; +Ei.prototype.Owner = function() { + if (!this.Constructor()) + return "Missing Constructor"; + const e = this.Assignee(), t = this.Constructor(); + return e ? `${e}:${t}` : t; +}; +sa.prototype.To = function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.messageBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.to()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); +}; +sa.prototype.Owner = function() { + return this.To() || E2(this.parentCtx); +}; +function E2(e) { + for (; e; ) { + if (e instanceof Ei || e instanceof sa) + return e.Owner(); + e = e.parentCtx; + } +} +k2.prototype.To = function() { + var e; + return (e = this.to()) == null ? void 0 : e.getFormattedText(); +}; +k2.prototype.Owner = function() { + return this.To() || E2(this.parentCtx); +}; +const mf = h.ProgContext; +mf.prototype.Starter = function() { + var e, t, n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u, d; + const f = (n = (t = (e = this.head()) == null ? void 0 : e.starterExp()) == null ? void 0 : t.starter()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText(); + let m, I, M; + const tt = (r = this.block()) == null ? void 0 : r.stat(); + if (tt && tt[0]) { + const G = (o = (i = (s = tt[0].message()) == null ? void 0 : s.messageBody()) == null ? void 0 : i.from()) == null ? void 0 : o.getFormattedText(), J = (l = (a = tt[0].asyncMessage()) == null ? void 0 : a.from()) == null ? void 0 : l.getFormattedText(); + m = G || J; + } else { + const G = (c = this.head()) == null ? void 0 : c.children; + if (G && G[0]) { + const J = G[0]; + if (J instanceof h.ParticipantContext && (I = (u = J.name()) == null ? void 0 : u.getFormattedText()), J instanceof h.GroupContext) { + const q = J.participant(); + q && q[0] && (M = (d = q[0].name()) == null ? void 0 : d.getFormattedText()); + } + } + } + return f || m || I || M || "_STARTER_"; +}; +const Ti = h, xf = Ti.RetContext, El = Ti.ProgContext, Tl = Ti.MessageContext, Lf = Ti.CreationContext; +xf.prototype.ReturnTo = function() { + var e, t; + const n = this.parentCtx.parentCtx.parentCtx; + if (n instanceof El) + return n.Starter(); + { + let r = n; + for (; r && !(r instanceof Tl) && !(r instanceof Lf); ) { + if (r instanceof El) + return r.Starter(); + r = r.parentCtx; + } + return r instanceof Tl && ((t = (e = r.messageBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.from()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText()) || r.ClosestAncestorStat().Origin(); + } +}; +const yf = h.StatContext, vf = h.ProgContext, bf = h.MessageContext, wf = h.CreationContext; +yf.prototype.Origin = function() { + let e = this.parentCtx; + for (; e; ) { + if (e instanceof vf) + return e.Starter(); + if (e instanceof bf || e instanceof wf) { + const t = e.Owner(); + if (t) + return t; + } + e = e.parentCtx; + } +}; +const Cf = h, _f = Cf.DividerContext; +_f.prototype.Note = function() { + var e; + let t = (e = this.dividerNote()) == null ? void 0 : e.getFormattedText().trim(); + if (!t.startsWith("==")) + throw new Error("Divider note must start with =="); + return t == null ? void 0 : t.replace(/^=+|=+$/g, ""); +}; +const ia = h, kf = ia.MessageContext, Ef = ia.AsyncMessageContext, Tf = ia.CreationContext; +kf.prototype.SignatureText = function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.messageBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.func()) == null ? void 0 : t.signature()) == null ? void 0 : n.map((r) => r == null ? void 0 : r.getFormattedText()).join("."); +}; +Ef.prototype.SignatureText = function() { + var e; + return (e = this.content()) == null ? void 0 : e.getFormattedText(); +}; +Tf.prototype.SignatureText = function() { + var e; + const t = this.creationBody().parameters(); + return "«" + (((e = t == null ? void 0 : t.parameter()) == null ? void 0 : e.length) > 0 ? t.getFormattedText() : "create") + "»"; +}; +const Af = h, Sf = Af.MessageContext; +class Rf { + constructor(t, n) { + if (B(this, "assignee"), B(this, "type"), n && !t) + throw new Error("assignee must be defined if type is defined"); + this.assignee = t || "", this.type = n || ""; + } + getText() { + return [this.assignee, this.type].filter(Boolean).join(":"); + } +} +Sf.prototype.Assignment = function() { + var e, t; + let n = this.messageBody().assignment(); + const r = (e = n == null ? void 0 : n.assignee()) == null ? void 0 : e.getFormattedText(), s = (t = n == null ? void 0 : n.type()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + if (r) + return new Rf(r, s); +}; +const Xr = h, If = Xr.CreationContext, Of = Xr.StatContext, T2 = Xr.MessageContext, Nf = Xr.AsyncMessageContext, Pf = Xr.RetContext; +If.prototype.From = function() { + if (this.parentCtx instanceof Of) + return this.ClosestAncestorStat().Origin(); +}; +T2.prototype.ProvidedFrom = function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.messageBody()) == null ? void 0 : e.from()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); +}; +T2.prototype.From = function() { + return this.ProvidedFrom() || this.ClosestAncestorStat().Origin(); +}; +Nf.prototype.From = function() { + return this.from() ? this.from().getFormattedText() : this.ClosestAncestorStat().Origin(); +}; +Pf.prototype.From = function() { + return this.ClosestAncestorStat().Origin(); +}; +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.Key = function() { + return `${this.start.start}:${this.stop.stop}`; +}; +const A2 = h, Al = A2.StatContext; +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.ClosestAncestorStat = function() { + let e = this; + for (; !(e instanceof Al); ) + e = e.parentCtx; + if (e instanceof Al) + return e; +}; +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.ClosestAncestorBlock = function() { + var e; + const t = (e = this.ClosestAncestorStat()) == null ? void 0 : e.parentCtx; + if (t instanceof A2.BlockContext) + return t; + console.warn("Cannot find closest ancestor block for context:", this); +}; +function Mf(e, t) { + switch (e) { + case 0: + return function() { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 1: + return function(n) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 2: + return function(n, r) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 3: + return function(n, r, s) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 4: + return function(n, r, s, i) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 5: + return function(n, r, s, i, o) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 6: + return function(n, r, s, i, o, a) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 7: + return function(n, r, s, i, o, a, l) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 8: + return function(n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 9: + return function(n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + case 10: + return function(n, r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u, d) { + return t.apply(this, arguments); + }; + default: + throw new Error("First argument to _arity must be a non-negative integer no greater than ten"); + } +} +var S2 = Mf; +function Ff(e, t) { + return function() { + return t.call(this, e.apply(this, arguments)); + }; +} +var zf = Ff; +function Df(e) { + return e != null && typeof e == "object" && e["@@functional/placeholder"] === !0; +} +var oa = Df, Bf = oa; +function Uf(e) { + return function t(n) { + return arguments.length === 0 || Bf(n) ? t : e.apply(this, arguments); + }; +} +var Ai = Uf, Zi = Ai, _r = oa; +function Hf(e) { + return function t(n, r) { + switch (arguments.length) { + case 0: + return t; + case 1: + return _r(n) ? t : Zi(function(s) { + return e(n, s); + }); + default: + return _r(n) && _r(r) ? t : _r(n) ? Zi(function(s) { + return e(s, r); + }) : _r(r) ? Zi(function(s) { + return e(n, s); + }) : e(n, r); + } + }; +} +var R2 = Hf, gs = Ai, Gn = R2, jt = oa; +function Gf(e) { + return function t(n, r, s) { + switch (arguments.length) { + case 0: + return t; + case 1: + return jt(n) ? t : Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(n, i, o); + }); + case 2: + return jt(n) && jt(r) ? t : jt(n) ? Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(i, r, o); + }) : jt(r) ? Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(n, i, o); + }) : gs(function(i) { + return e(n, r, i); + }); + default: + return jt(n) && jt(r) && jt(s) ? t : jt(n) && jt(r) ? Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(i, o, s); + }) : jt(n) && jt(s) ? Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(i, r, o); + }) : jt(r) && jt(s) ? Gn(function(i, o) { + return e(n, i, o); + }) : jt(n) ? gs(function(i) { + return e(i, r, s); + }) : jt(r) ? gs(function(i) { + return e(n, i, s); + }) : jt(s) ? gs(function(i) { + return e(n, r, i); + }) : e(n, r, s); + } + }; +} +var aa = Gf, I2 = Array.isArray || function(e) { + return e != null && e.length >= 0 && Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object Array]"; +}; +function $f(e) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(e) === "[object String]"; +} +var jf = $f, Vf = Ai, qf = I2, Zf = jf, Wf = /* @__PURE__ */ Vf(function(e) { + return qf(e) ? !0 : !e || typeof e != "object" || Zf(e) ? !1 : e.length === 0 ? !0 : e.length > 0 ? e.hasOwnProperty(0) && e.hasOwnProperty(e.length - 1) : !1; +}), Yf = Wf, Kf = /* @__PURE__ */ function() { + function e(t) { + this.f = t; + } + return e.prototype["@@transducer/init"] = function() { + throw new Error("init not implemented on XWrap"); + }, e.prototype["@@transducer/result"] = function(t) { + return t; + }, e.prototype["@@transducer/step"] = function(t, n) { + return this.f(t, n); + }, e; +}(); +function Qf(e) { + return new Kf(e); +} +var Xf = Qf, Jf = S2, tg = R2, eg = /* @__PURE__ */ tg(function(e, t) { + return Jf(e.length, function() { + return e.apply(t, arguments); + }); +}), ng = eg, rg = Yf, sg = Xf, ig = ng; +function og(e, t, n) { + for (var r = 0, s = n.length; r < s; ) { + if (t = e["@@transducer/step"](t, n[r]), t && t["@@transducer/reduced"]) { + t = t["@@transducer/value"]; + break; + } + r += 1; + } + return e["@@transducer/result"](t); +} +function Sl(e, t, n) { + for (var r = n.next(); !r.done; ) { + if (t = e["@@transducer/step"](t, r.value), t && t["@@transducer/reduced"]) { + t = t["@@transducer/value"]; + break; + } + r = n.next(); + } + return e["@@transducer/result"](t); +} +function Rl(e, t, n, r) { + return e["@@transducer/result"](n[r](ig(e["@@transducer/step"], e), t)); +} +var Il = typeof Symbol < "u" ? Symbol.iterator : "@@iterator"; +function ag(e, t, n) { + if (typeof e == "function" && (e = sg(e)), rg(n)) + return og(e, t, n); + if (typeof n["fantasy-land/reduce"] == "function") + return Rl(e, t, n, "fantasy-land/reduce"); + if (n[Il] != null) + return Sl(e, t, n[Il]()); + if (typeof n.next == "function") + return Sl(e, t, n); + if (typeof n.reduce == "function") + return Rl(e, t, n, "reduce"); + throw new TypeError("reduce: list must be array or iterable"); +} +var lg = ag, cg = aa, hg = lg, ug = /* @__PURE__ */ cg(hg), dg = ug, pg = I2; +function fg(e, t) { + return function() { + var n = arguments.length; + if (n === 0) + return t(); + var r = arguments[n - 1]; + return pg(r) || typeof r[e] != "function" ? t.apply(this, arguments) : r[e].apply(r, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, n - 1)); + }; +} +var O2 = fg, gg = O2, mg = aa, xg = /* @__PURE__ */ mg( + /* @__PURE__ */ gg("slice", function(e, t, n) { + return Array.prototype.slice.call(n, e, t); + }) +), Lg = xg, yg = O2, vg = Ai, bg = Lg, wg = /* @__PURE__ */ vg( + /* @__PURE__ */ yg( + "tail", + /* @__PURE__ */ bg(1, 1 / 0) + ) +), Cg = wg, _g = S2, kg = zf, Eg = dg, Tg = Cg; +function Ag() { + if (arguments.length === 0) + throw new Error("pipe requires at least one argument"); + return _g(arguments[0].length, Eg(kg, arguments[0], Tg(arguments))); +} +var Sg = Ag; +const Rg = Sg; +var Ig = aa, Og = /* @__PURE__ */ Ig(function(e, t, n) { + return n.replace(e, t); +}), Ng = Og; +const Jr = Ng, Pg = Jr(/[\n\r]/g, " "), Mg = Jr(/\s+/g, " "), Fg = Jr(/\s*([,;.()])\s*/g, "$1"), zg = Jr(/\s+$/g, ""), Dg = Jr(/^"(.*)"$/, "$1"), Bg = Rg( + Pg, + Mg, + Fg, + zg, + Dg +); +class Ug extends L.error.ErrorListener { + syntaxError(t, n, r, s, i) { + } +} +function Hg(e) { + const t = new L.InputStream(e), n = new O(t), r = new L.CommonTokenStream(n), s = new h(r); + return s.addErrorListener(new Ug()), s._syntaxErrors ? null : s.prog(); +} +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.getFormattedText = function() { + const e = this.parser.getTokenStream().getText(this.getSourceInterval()); + return Bg(e); +}; +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.getComment = function() { + let e = this.start.tokenIndex, t = O.channelNames.indexOf("COMMENT_CHANNEL"); + this.constructor.name === "BraceBlockContext" && (e = this.stop.tokenIndex); + let n = this.parser.getTokenStream().getHiddenTokensToLeft(e, t); + return n && n.map((r) => r.text.substring(2)).join(""); +}; +L.ParserRuleContext.prototype.returnedValue = function() { + return this.braceBlock().block().ret().value(); +}; +const Gg = h.ProgContext, $g = Hg, N2 = h.GroupContext, P2 = h.ParticipantContext, M2 = function(e) { + const t = be; + return t.depth(t)(e); +}, Si = function(e, t) { + return ce.getParticipants(e, t); +}; +function Hs(e, t) { + let n = document.querySelector(".textarea-hidden-div"); + if (!n) { + const r = document.createElement("div"); + r.className = "textarea-hidden-div ", r.style.fontSize = "13px", r.style.fontFamily = "Helvetica, Verdana, serif", r.style.display = "inline", r.style.whiteSpace = "nowrap", r.style.visibility = "hidden", r.style.position = "absolute", r.style.top = "0", r.style.left = "0", r.style.overflow = "hidden", r.style.width = "0px", r.style.paddingLeft = "20px", r.style.paddingRight = "20px", r.style.margin = "0px", r.style.border = "0px", document.body.appendChild(r), n = r; + } + return n.textContent = e, n.scrollWidth; +} +const jg = 100, Ol = 20, Nl = 10, Vg = 100; +var rr = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e[e.MessageContent = 0] = "MessageContent", e[e.ParticipantName = 1] = "ParticipantName", e))(rr || {}); +const qg = h; +class la extends y { + constructor() { + super(...arguments), B(this, "explicitParticipants", []), B(this, "starter", ""), B(this, "implicitParticipants", []), B(this, "isBlind", !1); + } + enterCondition() { + this.isBlind = !0; + } + exitCondition() { + this.isBlind = !1; + } + enterParameters() { + this.isBlind = !0; + } + exitParameters() { + this.isBlind = !1; + } + enterStarter(t) { + this.starter = t.getFormattedText(); + } + enterParticipant(t) { + var n, r, s; + const i = ((n = t == null ? void 0 : t.name()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText()) || "Missing `Participant` name", o = (s = (r = t.label()) == null ? void 0 : r.name()) == null ? void 0 : s.getFormattedText(), a = { name: i, label: o, left: "" }; + this.explicitParticipants.push(a); + } + enterFrom(t) { + if (this.isBlind) + return; + const n = t == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + if (t.ClosestAncestorBlock().parentCtx instanceof qg.ProgContext && t.ClosestAncestorStat() === t.ClosestAncestorBlock().children[0]) { + this.starter = n; + return; + } + this.enterTo(t); + } + enterTo(t) { + if (this.isBlind) + return; + const n = t == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + if (n === this.starter || this.explicitParticipants.some((s) => s.name === n)) + return; + const r = { name: n, left: "" }; + this.implicitParticipants.push(r); + } + enterCreation(t) { + if (this.isBlind) + return; + const n = t == null ? void 0 : t.Owner(); + if (n === this.starter || this.explicitParticipants.some((s) => s.name === n)) + return; + const r = { name: n, left: "" }; + this.implicitParticipants.push(r); + } + result() { + let t = [...this.explicitParticipants, ...this.implicitParticipants]; + return this._isStarterExplicitlyPositioned() || t.unshift(this._getStarter()), t = this._dedup(t), la._assignLeft(t), t; + } + _isStarterExplicitlyPositioned() { + return this.starter && this.explicitParticipants.find((t) => t.name === this.starter); + } + _getStarter() { + return { name: this.starter || "_STARTER_", left: "" }; + } + _dedup(t) { + return t.filter((n, r) => t.findIndex((s) => s.name === n.name) === r); + } + static _assignLeft(t) { + t.reduce( + (n, r) => (r.left = n.name || "", r), + { name: "", left: "" } + ); + } +} +function Zg(e) { + const t = new la(); + return L.tree.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT.walk(t, e), t.result(); +} +function Ri(e, t) { + return { position: e, velocity: t }; +} +function Pl(e, t) { + return Ri(e.position + t.position, e.velocity + t.velocity); +} +const Ml = Math.sqrt(Number.EPSILON); +function Wg(e, t) { + let n = e.position - t.position; + return n < -Ml || Math.abs(n) <= Ml && e.velocity < t.velocity; +} +function Yg() { + return { + delta: 1 / 0, + dualLessThan: function(e, t) { + let n = Wg(e, t); + return n && ([e, t] = [t, e]), e.velocity < t.velocity && (this.delta = Math.min(this.delta, (e.position - t.position) / (t.velocity - e.velocity))), n; + } + }; +} +function Kg(e, t) { + let n = Array(); + for (let r = 0; r < e; r++) { + n.push([]); + for (let s = 0; s < r; s++) + t[s][r] > 0 && n[r].push({ i: s, length: Ri(t[s][r], 0) }); + } + return n; +} +function Qg(e, t) { + let n = Yg(), r = Ri(0, 0), s = []; + for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) { + let o = null; + i > 0 && (r = Pl(r, t[i - 1])); + for (let a of e[i]) { + let l = Pl(s[a.i].maximum, a.length); + n.dualLessThan(r, l) && (o = a.i, r = l); + } + s.push({ argument: o, maximum: r }); + } + return [n.delta, s]; +} +function Xg(e, t, n) { + let r = e.length - 1; + for (; r > 0; ) { + let s = e[r].argument; + s !== null ? r = s : (r--, n[r].velocity = 0); + } +} +function Jg(e, t) { + for (let n = 0; n < e.length; n++) + e[n].position += e[n].velocity * t; +} +function tm(e) { + let t = []; + for (let n of e) + t.push(n.maximum.position); + return t; +} +function em(e) { + const t = e.length; + let n = Kg(t, e), r = []; + for (let s = 1; s < t; s++) + r.push(Ri(0, 1)); + for (; ; ) { + let [s, i] = Qg(n, r); + if (s == 1 / 0) + return tm(i); + i[t - 1].maximum.velocity > 0 ? Xg(i, n, r) : Jg(r, s); + } +} +var Mr = /* @__PURE__ */ ((e) => (e[e.SyncMessage = 0] = "SyncMessage", e[e.AsyncMessage = 1] = "AsyncMessage", e[e.CreationMessage = 2] = "CreationMessage", e))(Mr || {}); +class nm extends y { + constructor() { + super(...arguments), B(this, "isBlind", !1), B(this, "ownableMessages", []), B(this, "enterMessage", (t) => this._addOwnedMessage(Mr.SyncMessage)(t)), B(this, "enterAsyncMessage", (t) => this._addOwnedMessage(Mr.AsyncMessage)(t)), B(this, "enterCreation", (t) => this._addOwnedMessage(Mr.CreationMessage)(t)), B(this, "_addOwnedMessage", (t) => (n) => { + if (this.isBlind) + return; + let r = n.From(); + const s = n == null ? void 0 : n.Owner(), i = n == null ? void 0 : n.SignatureText(); + this.ownableMessages.push({ from: r, signature: i, type: t, to: s }); + }); + } + enterParameters() { + this.isBlind = !0; + } + exitParameters() { + this.isBlind = !1; + } + result() { + return this.ownableMessages; + } +} +function rm(e) { + const t = L.tree.ParseTreeWalker.DEFAULT, n = new nm(); + return t.walk(n, e), n.result(); +} +class jn { + constructor(t, n) { + B(this, "m", []), B(this, "widthProvider"), B(this, "participantModels"), B(this, "ownableMessages"), this.participantModels = Zg(t), this.ownableMessages = rm(t), this.widthProvider = n, this.walkThrough(); + } + getPosition(t) { + const n = this.participantModels.findIndex((r) => r.name === t); + if (n === -1) + throw Error(`Participant ${t} not found`); + return this.getParticipantGap(this.participantModels[0]) + em(this.m)[n] + Nl; + } + walkThrough() { + this.withParticipantGaps(this.participantModels), this.withMessageGaps(this.ownableMessages, this.participantModels); + } + withMessageGaps(t, n) { + t.forEach((r) => { + const s = n.findIndex((l) => l.name === r.from), i = n.findIndex((l) => l.name === r.to); + if (s === -1 || i === -1) { + console.warn(`Participant ${r.from} or ${r.to} not found`); + return; + } + let o = Math.min(s, i), a = Math.max(s, i); + try { + let l = this.getMessageWidth(r); + this.m[o][a] = Math.max( + l + Nl, + this.m[o][a] + ); + } catch { + console.warn(`Could not set message gap between ${r.from} and ${r.to}`); + } + }); + } + getMessageWidth(t) { + const n = jn.half(this.widthProvider, t.to); + let r = this.widthProvider(t.signature, rr.MessageContent); + return t.type === Mr.CreationMessage && (r += n), r; + } + withParticipantGaps(t) { + this.m = t.map((n, r) => t.map((s, i) => i - r === 1 ? this.getParticipantGap(s) : 0)); + } + getParticipantGap(t) { + let n = this.labelOrName(t.left); + const r = jn.half(this.widthProvider, n), s = jn.half(this.widthProvider, t.label || t.name), i = t.left && t.left !== "_STARTER_", o = t.name && t.name !== "_STARTER_"; + return (i && r || 0) + (o && s || 0); + } + labelOrName(t) { + const n = this.participantModels.findIndex((r) => r.name === t); + return n === -1 ? "" : this.participantModels[n].label || this.participantModels[n].name; + } + static half(t, n) { + if (n === "_STARTER_") + return Ol / 2; + const r = this.halfWithMargin(t, n); + return Math.max(r, jg / 2); + } + static halfWithMargin(t, n) { + return this._getParticipantWidth(t, n) / 2 + Ol / 2; + } + static _getParticipantWidth(t, n) { + return Math.max( + t(n || "", rr.ParticipantName), + Vg + ); + } + getWidth() { + const t = this.participantModels[this.participantModels.length - 1].name, n = this.getPosition(t) + jn.halfWithMargin(this.widthProvider, t); + return Math.max(n, 200); + } +} +let F2 = 0; +setTimeout(function() { + F2 || console.warn("[vue-sequence] Store is a function and is not initiated in 1 second."); +}, 1e3); +const sm = () => (F2 = B4(), { + state: { + warning: void 0, + code: "", + theme: "naked", + scale: 1, + selected: [], + cursor: null, + showTips: !1, + onElementClick: (e) => { + console.log("Element clicked", e); + } + }, + getters: { + rootContext: (e) => $g(e.code), + title: (e, t) => { + var n, r; + return (r = (n = t.rootContext) == null ? void 0 : n.title()) == null ? void 0 : r.content(); + }, + participants: (e, t) => Si(t.rootContext, !0), + coordinates: (e, t) => new jn(t.rootContext, Hs), + centerOf: (e, t) => (n) => { + if (!n) + return console.error("[vue-sequence] centerOf: entity is undefined"), 0; + try { + return t.coordinates.getPosition(n) || 0; + } catch (r) { + return console.error(r), 0; + } + }, + GroupContext: () => N2, + ParticipantContext: () => P2, + cursor: (e) => e.cursor, + distance: (e, t) => (n, r) => t.centerOf(n) - t.centerOf(r), + distance2: (e, t) => (n, r) => !n || !r ? 0 : t.centerOf(r) - t.centerOf(n), + onElementClick: (e) => e.onElementClick + }, + mutations: { + code: function(e, t) { + e.code = t; + }, + setScale: function(e, t) { + e.scale = t; + }, + onSelect: function(e, t) { + e.selected.includes(t) ? e.selected = e.selected.filter((n) => n !== t) : e.selected.push(t); + }, + cursor: function(e, t) { + e.cursor = t; + } + }, + actions: { + updateCode: function({ commit: e, getters: t }, n) { + if (typeof n == "string") + throw Error( + "You are using a old version of vue-sequence. New version requires {code, cursor}." + ); + e("code", n.code); + } + }, + strict: !1 +}), xt = (e, t) => { + const n = e.__vccOpts || e; + for (const [r, s] of t) + n[r] = s; + return n; +}, im = { + name: "Privacy" +}, om = (e) => ($e("data-v-70836592"), e = e(), je(), e), am = /* @__PURE__ */ om(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { + class: "tooltip bottom whitespace-normal", + "data-tooltip": "We (the vendor) do not have access to your data. The diagram is generated in this browser." +}, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", { + class: "fill-current h-6 w-6 m-auto", + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + "xml:space": "preserve", + viewBox: "0 0 214.27 214.27" + }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { d: "M196.926 55.171c-.11-5.785-.215-11.25-.215-16.537a7.5 7.5 0 0 0-7.5-7.5c-32.075 0-56.496-9.218-76.852-29.01a7.498 7.498 0 0 0-10.457 0c-20.354 19.792-44.771 29.01-76.844 29.01a7.5 7.5 0 0 0-7.5 7.5c0 5.288-.104 10.755-.215 16.541-1.028 53.836-2.436 127.567 87.331 158.682a7.495 7.495 0 0 0 4.912 0c89.774-31.116 88.368-104.849 87.34-158.686zm-89.795 143.641c-76.987-27.967-75.823-89.232-74.79-143.351.062-3.248.122-6.396.164-9.482 30.04-1.268 54.062-10.371 74.626-28.285 20.566 17.914 44.592 27.018 74.634 28.285.042 3.085.102 6.231.164 9.477 1.032 54.121 2.195 115.388-74.798 143.356z" }), + /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { d: "m132.958 81.082-36.199 36.197-15.447-15.447a7.501 7.501 0 0 0-10.606 10.607l20.75 20.75a7.477 7.477 0 0 0 5.303 2.196 7.477 7.477 0 0 0 5.303-2.196l41.501-41.5a7.498 7.498 0 0 0 .001-10.606 7.5 7.5 0 0 0-10.606-.001z" }) + ]) +], -1)), lm = [ + am +]; +function cm(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", null, lm); +} +const hm = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(im, [["render", cm], ["__scopeId", "data-v-70836592"]]), um = { + name: "DiagramTitle", + props: ["context"], + computed: { + title: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.content(); + } + } +}, dm = { class: "title text-skin-title text-base font-semibold" }; +function pm(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", dm, Ht(i.title), 1); +} +const fm = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(um, [["render", pm]]); +var ca = { exports: {} }, gm = { + aliceblue: [240, 248, 255], + antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215], + aqua: [0, 255, 255], + aquamarine: [127, 255, 212], + azure: [240, 255, 255], + beige: [245, 245, 220], + bisque: [255, 228, 196], + black: [0, 0, 0], + blanchedalmond: [255, 235, 205], + blue: [0, 0, 255], + blueviolet: [138, 43, 226], + brown: [165, 42, 42], + burlywood: [222, 184, 135], + cadetblue: [95, 158, 160], + chartreuse: [127, 255, 0], + chocolate: [210, 105, 30], + coral: [255, 127, 80], + cornflowerblue: [100, 149, 237], + cornsilk: [255, 248, 220], + crimson: [220, 20, 60], + cyan: [0, 255, 255], + darkblue: [0, 0, 139], + darkcyan: [0, 139, 139], + darkgoldenrod: [184, 134, 11], + darkgray: [169, 169, 169], + darkgreen: [0, 100, 0], + darkgrey: [169, 169, 169], + darkkhaki: [189, 183, 107], + darkmagenta: [139, 0, 139], + darkolivegreen: [85, 107, 47], + darkorange: [255, 140, 0], + darkorchid: [153, 50, 204], + darkred: [139, 0, 0], + darksalmon: [233, 150, 122], + darkseagreen: [143, 188, 143], + darkslateblue: [72, 61, 139], + darkslategray: [47, 79, 79], + darkslategrey: [47, 79, 79], + darkturquoise: [0, 206, 209], + darkviolet: [148, 0, 211], + deeppink: [255, 20, 147], + deepskyblue: [0, 191, 255], + dimgray: [105, 105, 105], + dimgrey: [105, 105, 105], + dodgerblue: [30, 144, 255], + firebrick: [178, 34, 34], + floralwhite: [255, 250, 240], + forestgreen: [34, 139, 34], + fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], + gainsboro: [220, 220, 220], + ghostwhite: [248, 248, 255], + gold: [255, 215, 0], + goldenrod: [218, 165, 32], + gray: [128, 128, 128], + green: [0, 128, 0], + greenyellow: [173, 255, 47], + grey: [128, 128, 128], + honeydew: [240, 255, 240], + hotpink: [255, 105, 180], + indianred: [205, 92, 92], + indigo: [75, 0, 130], + ivory: [255, 255, 240], + khaki: [240, 230, 140], + lavender: [230, 230, 250], + lavenderblush: [255, 240, 245], + lawngreen: [124, 252, 0], + lemonchiffon: [255, 250, 205], + lightblue: [173, 216, 230], + lightcoral: [240, 128, 128], + lightcyan: [224, 255, 255], + lightgoldenrodyellow: [250, 250, 210], + lightgray: [211, 211, 211], + lightgreen: [144, 238, 144], + lightgrey: [211, 211, 211], + lightpink: [255, 182, 193], + lightsalmon: [255, 160, 122], + lightseagreen: [32, 178, 170], + lightskyblue: [135, 206, 250], + lightslategray: [119, 136, 153], + lightslategrey: [119, 136, 153], + lightsteelblue: [176, 196, 222], + lightyellow: [255, 255, 224], + lime: [0, 255, 0], + limegreen: [50, 205, 50], + linen: [250, 240, 230], + magenta: [255, 0, 255], + maroon: [128, 0, 0], + mediumaquamarine: [102, 205, 170], + mediumblue: [0, 0, 205], + mediumorchid: [186, 85, 211], + mediumpurple: [147, 112, 219], + mediumseagreen: [60, 179, 113], + mediumslateblue: [123, 104, 238], + mediumspringgreen: [0, 250, 154], + mediumturquoise: [72, 209, 204], + mediumvioletred: [199, 21, 133], + midnightblue: [25, 25, 112], + mintcream: [245, 255, 250], + mistyrose: [255, 228, 225], + moccasin: [255, 228, 181], + navajowhite: [255, 222, 173], + navy: [0, 0, 128], + oldlace: [253, 245, 230], + olive: [128, 128, 0], + olivedrab: [107, 142, 35], + orange: [255, 165, 0], + orangered: [255, 69, 0], + orchid: [218, 112, 214], + palegoldenrod: [238, 232, 170], + palegreen: [152, 251, 152], + paleturquoise: [175, 238, 238], + palevioletred: [219, 112, 147], + papayawhip: [255, 239, 213], + peachpuff: [255, 218, 185], + peru: [205, 133, 63], + pink: [255, 192, 203], + plum: [221, 160, 221], + powderblue: [176, 224, 230], + purple: [128, 0, 128], + rebeccapurple: [102, 51, 153], + red: [255, 0, 0], + rosybrown: [188, 143, 143], + royalblue: [65, 105, 225], + saddlebrown: [139, 69, 19], + salmon: [250, 128, 114], + sandybrown: [244, 164, 96], + seagreen: [46, 139, 87], + seashell: [255, 245, 238], + sienna: [160, 82, 45], + silver: [192, 192, 192], + skyblue: [135, 206, 235], + slateblue: [106, 90, 205], + slategray: [112, 128, 144], + slategrey: [112, 128, 144], + snow: [255, 250, 250], + springgreen: [0, 255, 127], + steelblue: [70, 130, 180], + tan: [210, 180, 140], + teal: [0, 128, 128], + thistle: [216, 191, 216], + tomato: [255, 99, 71], + turquoise: [64, 224, 208], + violet: [238, 130, 238], + wheat: [245, 222, 179], + white: [255, 255, 255], + whitesmoke: [245, 245, 245], + yellow: [255, 255, 0], + yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50] +}, z2 = { exports: {} }, mm = function(e) { + return !e || typeof e == "string" ? !1 : e instanceof Array || Array.isArray(e) || e.length >= 0 && (e.splice instanceof Function || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, e.length - 1) && e.constructor.name !== "String"); +}, xm = mm, Lm = Array.prototype.concat, ym = Array.prototype.slice, Fl = z2.exports = function(e) { + for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) { + var s = e[n]; + xm(s) ? t = Lm.call(t, ym.call(s)) : t.push(s); + } + return t; +}; +Fl.wrap = function(e) { + return function() { + return e(Fl(arguments)); + }; +}; +var _s = gm, ts = z2.exports, D2 = {}; +for (var Wi in _s) + _s.hasOwnProperty(Wi) && (D2[_s[Wi]] = Wi); +var ue = ca.exports = { + to: {}, + get: {} +}; +ue.get = function(e) { + var t = e.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase(), n, r; + switch (t) { + case "hsl": + n = ue.get.hsl(e), r = "hsl"; + break; + case "hwb": + n = ue.get.hwb(e), r = "hwb"; + break; + default: + n = ue.get.rgb(e), r = "rgb"; + break; + } + return n ? { model: r, value: n } : null; +}; +ue.get.rgb = function(e) { + if (!e) + return null; + var t = /^#([a-f0-9]{3,4})$/i, n = /^#([a-f0-9]{6})([a-f0-9]{2})?$/i, r = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*,\s*([+-]?\d+)\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/, s = /^rgba?\(\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/, i = /(\D+)/, o = [0, 0, 0, 1], a, l, c; + if (a = e.match(n)) { + for (c = a[2], a = a[1], l = 0; l < 3; l++) { + var u = l * 2; + o[l] = parseInt(a.slice(u, u + 2), 16); + } + c && (o[3] = parseInt(c, 16) / 255); + } else if (a = e.match(t)) { + for (a = a[1], c = a[3], l = 0; l < 3; l++) + o[l] = parseInt(a[l] + a[l], 16); + c && (o[3] = parseInt(c + c, 16) / 255); + } else if (a = e.match(r)) { + for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) + o[l] = parseInt(a[l + 1], 0); + a[4] && (o[3] = parseFloat(a[4])); + } else if (a = e.match(s)) { + for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) + o[l] = Math.round(parseFloat(a[l + 1]) * 2.55); + a[4] && (o[3] = parseFloat(a[4])); + } else + return (a = e.match(i)) ? a[1] === "transparent" ? [0, 0, 0, 0] : (o = _s[a[1]], o ? (o[3] = 1, o) : null) : null; + for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) + o[l] = dn(o[l], 0, 255); + return o[3] = dn(o[3], 0, 1), o; +}; +ue.get.hsl = function(e) { + if (!e) + return null; + var t = /^hsla?\(\s*([+-]?(?:\d{0,3}\.)?\d+)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/, n = e.match(t); + if (n) { + var r = parseFloat(n[4]), s = (parseFloat(n[1]) + 360) % 360, i = dn(parseFloat(n[2]), 0, 100), o = dn(parseFloat(n[3]), 0, 100), a = dn(isNaN(r) ? 1 : r, 0, 1); + return [s, i, o, a]; + } + return null; +}; +ue.get.hwb = function(e) { + if (!e) + return null; + var t = /^hwb\(\s*([+-]?\d{0,3}(?:\.\d+)?)(?:deg)?\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)%\s*(?:,\s*([+-]?[\d\.]+)\s*)?\)$/, n = e.match(t); + if (n) { + var r = parseFloat(n[4]), s = (parseFloat(n[1]) % 360 + 360) % 360, i = dn(parseFloat(n[2]), 0, 100), o = dn(parseFloat(n[3]), 0, 100), a = dn(isNaN(r) ? 1 : r, 0, 1); + return [s, i, o, a]; + } + return null; +}; +ue.to.hex = function() { + var e = ts(arguments); + return "#" + ms(e[0]) + ms(e[1]) + ms(e[2]) + (e[3] < 1 ? ms(Math.round(e[3] * 255)) : ""); +}; +ue.to.rgb = function() { + var e = ts(arguments); + return e.length < 4 || e[3] === 1 ? "rgb(" + Math.round(e[0]) + ", " + Math.round(e[1]) + ", " + Math.round(e[2]) + ")" : "rgba(" + Math.round(e[0]) + ", " + Math.round(e[1]) + ", " + Math.round(e[2]) + ", " + e[3] + ")"; +}; +ue.to.rgb.percent = function() { + var e = ts(arguments), t = Math.round(e[0] / 255 * 100), n = Math.round(e[1] / 255 * 100), r = Math.round(e[2] / 255 * 100); + return e.length < 4 || e[3] === 1 ? "rgb(" + t + "%, " + n + "%, " + r + "%)" : "rgba(" + t + "%, " + n + "%, " + r + "%, " + e[3] + ")"; +}; +ue.to.hsl = function() { + var e = ts(arguments); + return e.length < 4 || e[3] === 1 ? "hsl(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%)" : "hsla(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%, " + e[3] + ")"; +}; +ue.to.hwb = function() { + var e = ts(arguments), t = ""; + return e.length >= 4 && e[3] !== 1 && (t = ", " + e[3]), "hwb(" + e[0] + ", " + e[1] + "%, " + e[2] + "%" + t + ")"; +}; +ue.to.keyword = function(e) { + return D2[e.slice(0, 3)]; +}; +function dn(e, t, n) { + return Math.min(Math.max(t, e), n); +} +function ms(e) { + var t = e.toString(16).toUpperCase(); + return t.length < 2 ? "0" + t : t; +} +function vm(e) { + const t = ca.exports.get.rgb(e); + let [n, r, s] = t; + return (n * 299 + r * 587 + s * 114) / 1e3; +} +function bm(e) { + const t = ca.exports.get.rgb(e); + let [n, r, s] = t; + return `rgb(${n}, ${r}, ${s})`; +} +const wm = ` + + + + + + + + + + +`, Cm = ` + + + + +`, _m = ` + + + + + + + + + + +`, km = ` + + +`, Em = ` + + + + + + + + + + +`, Tm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-CloudWatch_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Am = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-CloudFront_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Sm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Cognito_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Rm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-DynamoDB_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Im = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Elastic-Block-Store_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Om = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-EC2_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Nm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Elastic-Container-Service_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, zl = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Elastic-File-System_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Pm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-ElastiCache_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Mm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-Elastic-Beanstalk_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Fm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Glacier_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, zm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-Identity-and-Access-Management_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Dm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Kinesis_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Bm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-Lambda_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Um = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Lightsail_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Hm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-RDS_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Gm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Redshift_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, $m = ` + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Simple-Storage-Service_16 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, jm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-Simple-Notification-Service_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Vm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-Simple-Queue-Service_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, qm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_AWS-SageMaker_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Zm = ` + + + Icon-Architecture/16/Arch_Amazon-Virtual-Private-Cloud_16 + Created with Sketch. + + + + + + + + + + + + +`, Wm = 'Icon-identity-221', Ym = '', Km = 'Icon-web-43', Qm = 'Icon-databases-126', Xm = 'Icon-devops-261', Jm = 'Icon-compute-29', tx = `​ +`, ex = 'Icon-databases-121', nx = 'Icon-integration-204', rx = 'Icon-compute-21', sx = 'Icon_24px_BigTable_Color', ix = 'Icon_24px_BigQuery_Color', ox = 'Icon_24px_CDN_Color', ax = 'Icon_24px_DNS_Color', lx = 'Icon_24px_Interconnect_Color', cx = 'Icon_24px_LoadBalancing_Color', hx = 'Icon_24px_SQL_Color', ux = 'Icon_24px_CloudStorage_Color', dx = ` + + + +`, px = 'Icon_24px_DataProc_Color', fx = 'Icon_24px_IAM_Color', gx = ` + + + + + + + + + +`, mx = 'Icon_24px_VirtualPrivateCloud_Color', xx = 'Icon_24px_Pub-Sub_Color', Lx = '', yx = '', vx = 'Icon_24px_VisionAPI_Color', B2 = { + actor: wm, + boundary: Cm, + control: _m, + database: km, + entity: Em, + cloudwatch: Tm, + cloudfront: Am, + cognito: Sm, + dynamodb: Rm, + ebs: Im, + ec2: Om, + ecs: Nm, + efs: zl, + elasticache: Pm, + elasticbeantalk: Mm, + elasticfilesystem: zl, + glacier: Fm, + iam: zm, + kinesis: Dm, + lambda: Bm, + lightsail: Um, + rds: Hm, + redshift: Gm, + s3: $m, + sns: jm, + sqs: Vm, + sagemaker: qm, + vpc: Zm, + azureactivedirectory: Wm, + azurebackup: Ym, + azurecdn: Km, + azuredatafactory: Qm, + azuredevops: Xm, + azurefunction: Jm, + azuresql: tx, + cosmosdb: ex, + logicapps: nx, + virtualmachine: rx, + bigtable: sx, + bigquery: ix, + cloudcdn: ox, + clouddns: ax, + cloudinterconnect: lx, + cloudloadbalancing: cx, + cloudsql: hx, + cloudstorage: ux, + datalab: dx, + dataproc: px, + googleiam: fx, + googlesecurity: gx, + googlevpc: mx, + pubsub: xx, + securityscanner: Lx, + stackdriver: yx, + visionapi: vx +}, bx = { + name: "Participant", + props: { + entity: { + type: Object, + required: !0 + } + }, + data() { + return { + color: void 0 + }; + }, + mounted() { + this.updateFontColor(); + }, + updated() { + this.updateFontColor(); + }, + computed: { + selected() { + return this.$store.state.selected.includes(this.entity.name); + }, + stereotype() { + return this.entity.stereotype; + }, + comment() { + return this.entity.comment; + }, + icon() { + var e; + return B2[(e = this.entity.type) == null ? void 0 : e.toLowerCase()]; + }, + backgroundColor() { + try { + return this.entity.color ? this.entity.color && bm(this.entity.color) : void 0; + } catch { + return; + } + } + }, + methods: { + onSelect() { + this.$store.commit("onSelect", this.entity.name); + }, + updateFontColor() { + if (!this.backgroundColor) + return; + let e = window.getComputedStyle(this.$refs.participant).getPropertyValue("background-color"); + if (!e) + return; + let t = vm(e); + this.color = t > 128 ? "#000" : "#fff"; + } + } +}, wx = ["innerHTML", "alt"], Cx = { class: "h-5 group flex flex-col justify-center" }, _x = { + key: 0, + class: "absolute hidden rounded-lg transform -translate-y-8 bg-gray-400 px-2 py-1 text-center text-sm text-white group-hover:flex" +}, kx = { + key: 1, + class: "interface leading-4" +}, Ex = { class: "name leading-4" }; +function Tx(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["participant bg-skin-participant border-skin-participant text-skin-participant rounded text-base leading-4 relative flex flex-col justify-center z-10 h-10", { selected: i.selected, "border-transparent": !!i.icon }]), + ref: "participant", + style: gt({ backgroundColor: i.backgroundColor, color: s.color }), + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (...o) => i.onSelect && i.onSelect(...o)) + }, [ + i.icon ? (R(), W("div", { + key: 0, + innerHTML: i.icon, + class: "absolute left-1/2 transform -translate-x-1/2 -translate-y-full h-8 [&>svg]:w-full [&>svg]:h-full", + alt: `icon for ${n.entity.name}` + }, null, 8, wx)) : mt("", !0), + b("div", Cx, [ + i.comment ? (R(), W("span", _x, Ht(i.comment), 1)) : mt("", !0), + i.stereotype ? (R(), W("label", kx, "«" + Ht(i.stereotype) + "»", 1)) : mt("", !0), + b("label", Ex, Ht(n.entity.label || n.entity.name), 1) + ]) + ], 6); +} +const U2 = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(bx, [["render", Tx]]), kr = qr.child({ name: "LifeLine" }), Ax = { + name: "life-line", + components: { Participant: U2 }, + props: ["entity", "context", "groupLeft", "inGroup"], + data: () => ({ + translateX: 0, + top: 0 + }), + computed: { + ...ge(["centerOf"]), + ...eo(["scale"]), + left() { + return this.centerOf(this.entity.name) - 8 - (this.groupLeft || 0); + } + }, + mounted() { + kr.debug(`LifeLine mounted for ${this.entity.name}`), this.$nextTick(() => { + this.setTop(), kr.debug(`nextTick after updated for ${this.entity.name}`); + }); + }, + updated() { + kr.debug(`updated for ${this.entity.name}`), this.$nextTick(() => { + this.setTop(), kr.debug(`nextTick after updated for ${this.entity.name}`); + }); + }, + methods: { + onSelect() { + this.$store.commit("onSelect", this.entity.name); + }, + setTop() { + const e = this.entity.name.replace(/([ #;&,.+*~\':"!^$[\]()=>|\/@])/g, "\\$1"), t = this.$root.$refs.diagram.$el.querySelector(`[data-to="${e}"]`); + if (t && t.attributes["data-type"].value === "creation") { + kr.debug(`First message to ${this.entity.name} is creation`); + const n = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().y, r = t.getBoundingClientRect().y; + this.top = (r - n) / this.scale; + } else + this.top = 0; + } + } +}, Sx = (e) => ($e("data-v-4798b9e7"), e = e(), je(), e), Rx = ["id"], Ix = /* @__PURE__ */ Sx(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "line bg-skin-lifeline w0 mx-auto flex-grow w-px" }, null, -1)); +function Ox(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("participant"); + return R(), W("div", { + id: n.entity.name, + class: "lifeline absolute flex flex-col mx-2 transform -translate-x-1/2 h-full", + style: gt({ paddingTop: e.top + "px", left: i.left + "px" }) + }, [ + at(o, { entity: n.entity }, null, 8, ["entity"]), + Ix + ], 12, Rx); +} +const H2 = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Ax, [["render", Ox], ["__scopeId", "data-v-4798b9e7"]]), Nx = { + name: "lifeline-group", + props: ["context"], + computed: { + ...ge(["centerOf"]), + name() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.name()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + }, + offset() { + return 0; + }, + left() { + const e = this.entities[0].name, t = Math.max(Hs(e, rr.ParticipantName), "100"); + return this.centerOf(e) - t / 2 - 8; + }, + right() { + const e = Math.max( + Hs(this.entities.slice(-1).name, rr.ParticipantName), + "100" + ), t = this.entities.slice(0).pop().name; + return this.centerOf(t) + e / 2 + 20; + }, + entities() { + return Si(this.context).Array(); + } + }, + components: { + LifeLine: H2 + } +}, Px = { class: "flex flex-col shadow shadow-slate-500/50 flex-grow" }, Mx = { class: "lifeline-group relative flex-grow" }; +function Fx(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("life-line"); + return i.entities.length > 0 ? (R(), W("div", { + key: 0, + class: "container absolute flex flex-col h-full", + style: gt({ left: `${i.left}px`, width: `${i.right - i.left}px` }) + }, [ + b("div", Px, [ + b("div", Mx, [ + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.entities, (a) => (R(), wt(o, { + inGroup: "true", + key: a.name, + ref_for: !0, + ref: a.name, + entity: a, + "group-left": i.left + }, null, 8, ["entity", "group-left"]))), 128)) + ]) + ]) + ], 4)) : mt("", !0); +} +const zx = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Nx, [["render", Fx]]), Dl = qr.child({ name: "LifeLineLayer" }), Dx = { + name: "life-line-layer", + props: ["context"], + computed: { + ...ge(["participants", "GroupContext", "ParticipantContext", "centerOf"]), + invisibleStarter() { + return this.starterParticipant.name === "_STARTER_"; + }, + starterParticipant() { + return this.participants.Starter(); + }, + starterOnTheLeft() { + return !this.starterParticipant.explicit; + }, + implicitParticipants() { + return this.participants.ImplicitArray(); + }, + explicitGroupAndParticipants() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.children.filter((t) => { + const n = t instanceof N2, r = t instanceof P2; + return n || r; + }); + } + }, + methods: { + ...no(["increaseGeneration"]), + getParticipantEntity(e) { + return Si(e).First(); + } + }, + updated() { + Dl.debug("LifeLineLayer updated"); + }, + mounted() { + Dl.debug("LifeLineLayer mounted"); + }, + components: { + LifeLine: H2, + LifeLineGroup: zx + } +}, Bx = { + class: "life-line-layer lifeline-layer absolute h-full flex flex-col pt-8", + style: { "min-width": "200px" } +}, Ux = { class: "container relative grow" }; +function Hx(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("life-line"), a = ot("life-line-group"); + return R(), W("div", Bx, [ + b("div", Ux, [ + i.starterOnTheLeft ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + entity: i.starterParticipant, + class: ne(["starter", { invisible: i.invisibleStarter }]) + }, null, 8, ["entity", "class"])) : mt("", !0), + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.explicitGroupAndParticipants, (l, c) => (R(), W(zt, null, [ + l instanceof e.GroupContext ? (R(), wt(a, { + key: c, + context: l + }, null, 8, ["context"])) : mt("", !0), + l instanceof e.ParticipantContext ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: c, + entity: i.getParticipantEntity(l) + }, null, 8, ["entity"])) : mt("", !0) + ], 64))), 256)), + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.implicitParticipants, (l) => (R(), wt(o, { + key: l.name, + entity: l + }, null, 8, ["entity"]))), 128)) + ]) + ]); +} +const Gx = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Dx, [["render", Hx]]), Bl = qr.child({ name: "MessageLayer" }), $x = { + name: "message-layer", + props: ["context"], + data() { + return { + left: 0, + right: 0, + totalWidth: 0 + }; + }, + computed: { + ...ge(["participants", "centerOf"]), + paddingLeft() { + if (this.participants.Array().length >= 1) { + const e = this.participants.Array().slice(0)[0].name; + return this.centerOf(e); + } + return 0; + } + }, + methods: { + ...no(["onMessageLayerMountedOrUpdated"]), + participantNames() { + return this.participants.Names(); + } + }, + updated() { + Bl.debug("MessageLayer updated"); + }, + mounted() { + Bl.debug("MessageLayer mounted"); + } +}, jx = { class: "message-layer pt-24 pb-10" }; +function Vx(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", jx, [ + at(o, { + context: n.context, + style: gt({ "padding-left": i.paddingLeft + "px" }) + }, null, 8, ["context", "style"]) + ]); +} +const qx = /* @__PURE__ */ xt($x, [["render", Vx]]), A1 = 30, G2 = 100, es = { + computed: { + ...ge(["coordinates", "distance2"]), + localParticipants: function() { + return [ + this.from, + ...Si(this.context).ImplicitArray().map((e) => e.name) + ]; + }, + leftParticipant: function() { + return this.coordinates.participantModels.map((e) => e.name).find((e) => this.localParticipants.includes(e)); + }, + rightParticipant: function() { + return this.coordinates.participantModels.map((e) => e.name).reverse().find((e) => this.localParticipants.includes(e)); + }, + depth: function() { + return M2(this.context); + }, + offsetX: function() { + let e = 10 * (this.depth + 1); + return this.distance2(this.leftParticipant, this.from) + e + A1; + }, + fragmentStyle: function() { + return { + transform: "translateX(" + (this.offsetX + 1) * -1 + "px)", + width: this.distance2(this.leftParticipant, this.rightParticipant) + 20 * this.depth + A1 + G2 + "px" + }; + } + } +}, Zx = { + name: "seq-diagram", + components: { + LifeLineLayer: Gx, + MessageLayer: qx + }, + computed: { + ...ge(["rootContext", "coordinates"]), + width() { + return this.coordinates.getWidth() + 10 * (this.depth + 1) + G2; + }, + depth: function() { + return M2(this.rootContext); + }, + paddingLeft: function() { + return 10 * (this.depth + 1) + A1; + } + } +}; +function Wx(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("life-line-layer"), a = ot("message-layer"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "zenuml sequence-diagram relative box-border text-left overflow-visible", + style: gt({ width: `${i.width}px`, paddingLeft: `${i.paddingLeft}px` }), + ref: "diagram" + }, [ + at(o, { + context: e.rootContext.head() + }, null, 8, ["context"]), + at(a, { + context: e.rootContext.block() + }, null, 8, ["context"]) + ], 4); +} +const $2 = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Zx, [["render", Wx]]), Yx = { + name: "IconList", + props: ["types"], + computed: {}, + methods: { + icon(e) { + return B2[e == null ? void 0 : e.toLowerCase()]; + } + } +}, Kx = { + role: "list", + class: "mt-3 grid grid-cols-4 gap-5 sm:gap-6 sm:grid-cols-6 lg:grid-cols-8" +}, Qx = { class: "h-12 flex items-center justify-center bg-gray-50 text-white text-sm font-medium rounded-t-md" }, Xx = ["innerHTML", "alt"], Jx = { class: "flex items-center justify-center border-t border-r border-b border-gray-200 bg-white rounded-b-md" }, tL = { class: "px-2 py-2 text-xs" }, eL = { class: "text-gray-900 font-medium hover:text-gray-600" }; +function nL(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("ul", Kx, [ + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(n.types, (o) => (R(), W("li", { + key: o, + class: "col-span-1 flex flex-col shadow-sm rounded-md" + }, [ + b("div", Qx, [ + i.icon ? (R(), W("i", { + key: 0, + innerHTML: i.icon(o), + class: "object-contain h-8 w-8 m-auto [&>svg]:w-full [&>svg]:h-full", + alt: `icon for ${o}` + }, null, 8, Xx)) : mt("", !0) + ]), + b("div", Jx, [ + b("div", tL, [ + b("span", eL, "@" + Ht(o), 1) + ]) + ]) + ]))), 128)) + ]); +} +const rL = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Yx, [["render", nL]]), sL = { + name: "TipsDialog", + components: { IconList: rL }, + computed: { + standardTypes() { + return ["Actor", "Boundary", "Control", "Database", "Entity"]; + }, + awsServices() { + return [ + "CloudWatch", + "CloudFront", + "Cognito", + "DynamoDB", + "EBS", + "EC2", + "ECS", + "EFS", + "ElastiCache", + "ElasticBeantalk", + "ElasticFileSystem", + "Glacier", + "IAM", + "Kinesis", + "Lambda", + "LightSail", + "RDS", + "Redshift", + "S3", + "SNS", + "SQS", + "Sagemaker", + "VPC" + ]; + }, + azureServices() { + return [ + "AzureActiveDirectory", + "AzureBackup", + "AzureCDN", + "AzureDataFactory", + "AzureDevOps", + "AzureFunction", + "AzureSQL", + "CosmosDB", + "LogicApps", + "VirtualMachine" + ]; + }, + googleServices() { + return [ + "BigTable", + "BigQuery", + "CloudCDN", + "CloudDNS", + "CloudInterconnect", + "CloudLoadBalancing", + "CloudSQL", + "CloudStorage", + "DataLab", + "DataProc", + "GoogleIAM", + "GoogleSecurity", + "GoogleVPC", + "PubSub", + "SecurityScanner", + "StackDriver", + "VisionAPI" + ]; + } + }, + methods: { + closeTipsDialog() { + var e; + this.$store.state.showTips = !1; + try { + (e = this.$gtag) == null || e.event("close", { + event_category: "help", + event_label: "tips dialog" + }); + } catch (t) { + console.error(t); + } + } + } +}, iL = { class: "flex items-end justify-center min-h-screen pt-4 px-4 pb-20 text-center sm:block" }, oL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { + class: "fixed inset-0 bg-gray-500 bg-opacity-75 transition-opacity", + "aria-hidden": "true" +}, null, -1), aL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("span", { + class: "hidden sm:inline-block sm:align-middle sm:h-screen", + "aria-hidden": "true" +}, "​", -1), lL = { class: "z-40 inline-block align-bottom bg-white rounded-lg px-4 pb-4 text-left overflow-hidden shadow-xl transform transition-all sm:my-8 sm:align-middle sm:p-2" }, cL = { + class: "bg-white px-4 py-5 border-b border-gray-200 sm:px-6", + slot: "header" +}, hL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("h3", { class: "text-xl leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900 inline-block" }, "ZenUML Tips", -1), uL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("span", { class: "sr-only" }, "Close menu", -1), dL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", { + class: "h-6 w-6", + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", + fill: "none", + viewBox: "0 0 24 24", + stroke: "currentColor", + "aria-hidden": "true" +}, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + "stroke-linecap": "round", + "stroke-linejoin": "round", + "stroke-width": "2", + d: "M6 18L18 6M6 6l12 12" + }) +], -1), pL = [ + uL, + dL +], fL = { slot: "body" }, gL = { class: "relative bg-white pb-32 mt-4 overflow-hidden" }, mL = { class: "relative" }, xL = { class: "lg:mx-auto lg:max-w-11/12 lg:px-8" }, LL = /* @__PURE__ */ oc(`

Declare Participants

// Define a Starter (optional)
+// Show icons
+@EC2 A
+// Use 'group' keyword
+group GroupName {  B  C }
+// Use stereotype
+<<servlet>> ServiceX


+==divider name==


// Alt (AKA if/else)
+if(condition1) {}
+else if (condition2) {}
+else {}
+// \`loop\`, \`for\`, \`forEach\`, \`while\`
+// are treated the same
+forEach(records) {}
+// Opt
+opt {}
+// Par
+par {}
+// Try Catch Finally
+try {} catch() {} finally {}


+new ParticipantName()
+//Sync Message
+//Async Message
+A->B: async message
+//Reply Message, three styles
+x = A.method
+A.method() {
+  return x
+A.method() {
+  @return A->B: message
`, 1), yL = { class: "px-4 max-w-7xl mx-auto sm:px-6 lg:max-w-none lg:mx-0" }, vL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("h2", { class: "mt-8 mb-4 text-lg leading-6 font-medium text-gray-900" }, " Builtin Icons ", -1), bL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("p", { class: "text-sm text-gray-500" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ Rs(" Use "), + /* @__PURE__ */ b("span", { class: "rounded inline-block bg-gray-50 text-gray-600" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("code", { class: "text-xs" }, "@Actor TheParticipant") + ]), + /* @__PURE__ */ Rs(" to define the type of the participant. ") +], -1), wL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("hr", { class: "mt-4" }, null, -1), CL = /* @__PURE__ */ b("hr", { class: "mt-4" }, null, -1), _L = /* @__PURE__ */ b("hr", { class: "mt-4" }, null, -1); +function kL(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("IconList"); + return R(), W("div", iL, [ + oL, + aL, + b("div", lL, [ + b("div", null, [ + b("div", cL, [ + hL, + b("button", { + type: "button", + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (a) => i.closeTipsDialog()), + class: "float-right bg-white rounded-md inline-flex items-center justify-center text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-500 hover:bg-gray-100 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-inset focus:ring-indigo-500" + }, pL) + ]), + b("div", fL, [ + b("div", gL, [ + b("div", mL, [ + b("div", xL, [ + LL, + b("div", yL, [ + vL, + bL, + at(o, { types: i.standardTypes }, null, 8, ["types"]), + wL, + at(o, { types: i.awsServices }, null, 8, ["types"]), + CL, + at(o, { types: i.azureServices }, null, 8, ["types"]), + _L, + at(o, { types: i.googleServices }, null, 8, ["types"]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]) + ]); +} +const EL = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(sL, [["render", kL]]), TL = { + name: "point", + props: ["fill", "rtl"] +}, j2 = (e) => ($e("data-v-ca07199a"), e = e(), je(), e), AL = { + key: 0, + class: "arrow stroke-2", + height: "10", + width: "10" +}, SL = /* @__PURE__ */ j2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "right head fill-current stroke-current", + points: "0,0 10,5 0,10" +}, null, -1)), RL = [ + SL +], IL = { + key: 1, + class: "arrow stroke-2", + height: "10", + width: "10" +}, OL = /* @__PURE__ */ j2(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "left head fill-current stroke-current", + points: "10,0 0,5 10,10" +}, null, -1)), NL = [ + OL +]; +function PL(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["point text-skin-message-arrow", { fill: n.fill, "no-fill": !n.fill, "right-to-left": n.rtl }]) + }, [ + n.rtl ? mt("", !0) : (R(), W("svg", AL, RL)), + n.rtl ? (R(), W("svg", IL, NL)) : mt("", !0) + ], 2); +} +const ML = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(TL, [["render", PL], ["__scopeId", "data-v-ca07199a"]]), FL = { + name: "message", + props: ["content", "rtl", "type", "color"], + computed: { + isAsync: function() { + return this.type === "async"; + }, + borderStyle() { + switch (this.type) { + case "sync": + case "async": + return "solid"; + case "creation": + case "return": + return "dashed"; + } + return ""; + }, + fill() { + switch (this.type) { + case "sync": + case "async": + return !0; + case "creation": + case "return": + return !1; + } + return !1; + } + }, + components: { + Point: ML + } +}; +function zL(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("point"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["message border-skin-message-arrow border-b-2 flex items-end", { + "flex-row-reverse": n.rtl, + return: n.type === "return", + "right-to-left": n.rtl, + "text-left": i.isAsync, + "text-center": !i.isAsync + }]), + style: gt({ "border-bottom-style": i.borderStyle }) + }, [ + b("div", { + class: "name flex-grow text-sm truncate hover:whitespace-normal hover:text-skin-message-hover hover:bg-skin-message-hover", + style: gt([{ color: n.color }, { "padding-left": "5px", float: "left" }]) + }, Ht(n.content), 5), + at(o, { + class: "flex-shrink-0 transform translate-y-1/2 -my-px", + fill: i.fill, + rtl: n.rtl + }, null, 8, ["fill", "rtl"]) + ], 6); +} +const ns = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(FL, [["render", zL]]), DL = { + name: "WidthProvider", + components: { Message: ns }, + data: function() { + return { + text: "abcd" + }; + }, + methods: { + width: function(e, t) { + return console.log(e, t), this.text = e, this.$el.clientWidth; + } + }, + mounted() { + this.$store.state.widthProvider = this; + } +}, BL = { class: "invisible" }; +function UL(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("message"); + return R(), W("div", BL, [ + at(o, { + content: e.text, + rtl: "false", + type: "sync" + }, null, 8, ["content"]) + ]); +} +const HL = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(DL, [["render", UL]]); +function GL(e, t) { + if (e.match(/^[a-z]+:\/\//i)) + return e; + if (e.match(/^\/\//)) + return window.location.protocol + e; + if (e.match(/^[a-z]+:/i)) + return e; + const n = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(), r = n.createElement("base"), s = n.createElement("a"); + return n.head.appendChild(r), n.body.appendChild(s), t && (r.href = t), s.href = e, s.href; +} +const $L = (() => { + let e = 0; + const t = () => `0000${(Math.random() * 36 ** 4 << 0).toString(36)}`.slice(-4); + return () => (e += 1, `u${t()}${e}`); +})(); +function gn(e) { + const t = []; + for (let n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; n++) + t.push(e[n]); + return t; +} +function Gs(e, t) { + const n = (e.ownerDocument.defaultView || window).getComputedStyle(e).getPropertyValue(t); + return n ? parseFloat(n.replace("px", "")) : 0; +} +function jL(e) { + const t = Gs(e, "border-left-width"), n = Gs(e, "border-right-width"); + return e.clientWidth + t + n; +} +function VL(e) { + const t = Gs(e, "border-top-width"), n = Gs(e, "border-bottom-width"); + return e.clientHeight + t + n; +} +function V2(e, t = {}) { + const n = t.width || jL(e), r = t.height || VL(e); + return { width: n, height: r }; +} +function qL() { + let e, t; + try { + t = process; + } catch { + } + const n = t && t.env ? t.env.devicePixelRatio : null; + return n && (e = parseInt(n, 10), Number.isNaN(e) && (e = 1)), e || window.devicePixelRatio || 1; +} +const he = 16384; +function ZL(e) { + (e.width > he || e.height > he) && (e.width > he && e.height > he ? e.width > e.height ? (e.height *= he / e.width, e.width = he) : (e.width *= he / e.height, e.height = he) : e.width > he ? (e.height *= he / e.width, e.width = he) : (e.width *= he / e.height, e.height = he)); +} +function WL(e, t = {}) { + return e.toBlob ? new Promise((n) => { + e.toBlob(n, t.type ? t.type : "image/png", t.quality ? t.quality : 1); + }) : new Promise((n) => { + const r = window.atob(e.toDataURL(t.type ? t.type : void 0, t.quality ? t.quality : void 0).split(",")[1]), s = r.length, i = new Uint8Array(s); + for (let o = 0; o < s; o += 1) + i[o] = r.charCodeAt(o); + n(new Blob([i], { + type: t.type ? t.type : "image/png" + })); + }); +} +function $s(e) { + return new Promise((t, n) => { + const r = new Image(); + r.decode = () => t(r), r.onload = () => t(r), r.onerror = n, r.crossOrigin = "anonymous", r.decoding = "async", r.src = e; + }); +} +async function YL(e) { + return Promise.resolve().then(() => new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(e)).then(encodeURIComponent).then((t) => `data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,${t}`); +} +async function KL(e, t, n) { + const r = "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", s = document.createElementNS(r, "svg"), i = document.createElementNS(r, "foreignObject"); + return s.setAttribute("width", `${t}`), s.setAttribute("height", `${n}`), s.setAttribute("viewBox", `0 0 ${t} ${n}`), i.setAttribute("width", "100%"), i.setAttribute("height", "100%"), i.setAttribute("x", "0"), i.setAttribute("y", "0"), i.setAttribute("externalResourcesRequired", "true"), s.appendChild(i), i.appendChild(e), YL(s); +} +function QL(e) { + const t = e.getPropertyValue("content"); + return `${e.cssText} content: '${t.replace(/'|"/g, "")}';`; +} +function XL(e) { + return gn(e).map((t) => { + const n = e.getPropertyValue(t), r = e.getPropertyPriority(t); + return `${t}: ${n}${r ? " !important" : ""};`; + }).join(" "); +} +function JL(e, t, n) { + const r = `.${e}:${t}`, s = n.cssText ? QL(n) : XL(n); + return document.createTextNode(`${r}{${s}}`); +} +function Ul(e, t, n) { + const r = window.getComputedStyle(e, n), s = r.getPropertyValue("content"); + if (s === "" || s === "none") + return; + const i = $L(); + try { + t.className = `${t.className} ${i}`; + } catch { + return; + } + const o = document.createElement("style"); + o.appendChild(JL(i, n, r)), t.appendChild(o); +} +function ty(e, t) { + Ul(e, t, ":before"), Ul(e, t, ":after"); +} +const Hl = "application/font-woff", Gl = "image/jpeg", ey = { + woff: Hl, + woff2: Hl, + ttf: "application/font-truetype", + eot: "application/vnd.ms-fontobject", + png: "image/png", + jpg: Gl, + jpeg: Gl, + gif: "image/gif", + tiff: "image/tiff", + svg: "image/svg+xml", + webp: "image/webp" +}; +function ny(e) { + const t = /\.([^./]*?)$/g.exec(e); + return t ? t[1] : ""; +} +function ha(e) { + const t = ny(e).toLowerCase(); + return ey[t] || ""; +} +function ry(e) { + return e.split(/,/)[1]; +} +function S1(e) { + return e.search(/^(data:)/) !== -1; +} +function q2(e, t) { + return `data:${t};base64,${e}`; +} +async function Z2(e, t, n) { + const r = await fetch(e, t); + if (r.status === 404) + throw new Error(`Resource "${r.url}" not found`); + const s = await r.blob(); + return new Promise((i, o) => { + const a = new FileReader(); + a.onerror = o, a.onloadend = () => { + try { + i(n({ res: r, result: a.result })); + } catch (l) { + o(l); + } + }, a.readAsDataURL(s); + }); +} +const Yi = {}; +function sy(e, t, n) { + let r = e.replace(/\?.*/, ""); + return n && (r = e), /ttf|otf|eot|woff2?/i.test(r) && (r = r.replace(/.*\//, "")), t ? `[${t}]${r}` : r; +} +async function ua(e, t, n) { + const r = sy(e, t, n.includeQueryParams); + if (Yi[r] != null) + return Yi[r]; + n.cacheBust && (e += (/\?/.test(e) ? "&" : "?") + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime()); + let s; + try { + const i = await Z2(e, n.fetchRequestInit, ({ res: o, result: a }) => (t || (t = o.headers.get("Content-Type") || ""), ry(a))); + s = q2(i, t); + } catch (i) { + s = n.imagePlaceholder || ""; + let o = `Failed to fetch resource: ${e}`; + i && (o = typeof i == "string" ? i : i.message), o && console.warn(o); + } + return Yi[r] = s, s; +} +async function iy(e) { + const t = e.toDataURL(); + return t === "data:," ? e.cloneNode(!1) : $s(t); +} +async function oy(e, t) { + if (e.currentSrc) { + const i = document.createElement("canvas"), o = i.getContext("2d"); + i.width = e.clientWidth, i.height = e.clientHeight, o == null || o.drawImage(e, 0, 0, i.width, i.height); + const a = i.toDataURL(); + return $s(a); + } + const n = e.poster, r = ha(n), s = await ua(n, r, t); + return $s(s); +} +async function ay(e) { + var t; + try { + if (!((t = e == null ? void 0 : e.contentDocument) === null || t === void 0) && t.body) + return await Ii(e.contentDocument.body, {}, !0); + } catch { + } + return e.cloneNode(!1); +} +async function ly(e, t) { + return e instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ? iy(e) : e instanceof HTMLVideoElement ? oy(e, t) : e instanceof HTMLIFrameElement ? ay(e) : e.cloneNode(!1); +} +const cy = (e) => e.tagName != null && e.tagName.toUpperCase() === "SLOT"; +async function hy(e, t, n) { + var r; + const s = cy(e) && e.assignedNodes ? gn(e.assignedNodes()) : gn(((r = e.shadowRoot) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : e).childNodes); + return s.length === 0 || e instanceof HTMLVideoElement || await s.reduce((i, o) => i.then(() => Ii(o, n)).then((a) => { + a && t.appendChild(a); + }), Promise.resolve()), t; +} +function uy(e, t) { + const n = t.style; + if (!n) + return; + const r = window.getComputedStyle(e); + r.cssText ? (n.cssText = r.cssText, n.transformOrigin = r.transformOrigin) : gn(r).forEach((s) => { + let i = r.getPropertyValue(s); + s === "font-size" && i.endsWith("px") && (i = `${Math.floor(parseFloat(i.substring(0, i.length - 2))) - 0.1}px`), n.setProperty(s, i, r.getPropertyPriority(s)); + }); +} +function dy(e, t) { + e instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement && (t.innerHTML = e.value), e instanceof HTMLInputElement && t.setAttribute("value", e.value); +} +function py(e, t) { + if (e instanceof HTMLSelectElement) { + const n = t, r = Array.from(n.children).find((s) => e.value === s.getAttribute("value")); + r && r.setAttribute("selected", ""); + } +} +function fy(e, t) { + return t instanceof Element && (uy(e, t), ty(e, t), dy(e, t), py(e, t)), t; +} +async function gy(e, t) { + const n = e.querySelectorAll ? e.querySelectorAll("use") : []; + if (n.length === 0) + return e; + const r = {}; + for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { + const o = n[i].getAttribute("xlink:href"); + if (o) { + const a = e.querySelector(o), l = document.querySelector(o); + !a && l && !r[o] && (r[o] = await Ii(l, t, !0)); + } + } + const s = Object.values(r); + if (s.length) { + const i = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", o = document.createElementNS(i, "svg"); + o.setAttribute("xmlns", i), o.style.position = "absolute", o.style.width = "0", o.style.height = "0", o.style.overflow = "hidden", o.style.display = "none"; + const a = document.createElementNS(i, "defs"); + o.appendChild(a); + for (let l = 0; l < s.length; l++) + a.appendChild(s[l]); + e.appendChild(o); + } + return e; +} +async function Ii(e, t, n) { + return !n && t.filter && !t.filter(e) ? null : Promise.resolve(e).then((r) => ly(r, t)).then((r) => hy(e, r, t)).then((r) => fy(e, r)).then((r) => gy(r, t)); +} +const W2 = /url\((['"]?)([^'"]+?)\1\)/g, my = /url\([^)]+\)\s*format\((["']?)([^"']+)\1\)/g, xy = /src:\s*(?:url\([^)]+\)\s*format\([^)]+\)[,;]\s*)+/g; +function Ly(e) { + const t = e.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|\[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1"); + return new RegExp(`(url\\(['"]?)(${t})(['"]?\\))`, "g"); +} +function yy(e) { + const t = []; + return e.replace(W2, (n, r, s) => (t.push(s), n)), t.filter((n) => !S1(n)); +} +async function vy(e, t, n, r, s) { + try { + const i = n ? GL(t, n) : t, o = ha(t); + let a; + if (s) { + const l = await s(i); + a = q2(l, o); + } else + a = await ua(i, o, r); + return e.replace(Ly(t), `$1${a}$3`); + } catch { + } + return e; +} +function by(e, { preferredFontFormat: t }) { + return t ? e.replace(xy, (n) => { + for (; ; ) { + const [r, , s] = my.exec(n) || []; + if (!s) + return ""; + if (s === t) + return `src: ${r};`; + } + }) : e; +} +function Y2(e) { + return e.search(W2) !== -1; +} +async function K2(e, t, n) { + if (!Y2(e)) + return e; + const r = by(e, n); + return yy(r).reduce((s, i) => s.then((o) => vy(o, i, t, n)), Promise.resolve(r)); +} +async function wy(e, t) { + var n; + const r = (n = e.style) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.getPropertyValue("background"); + if (r) { + const s = await K2(r, null, t); + e.style.setProperty("background", s, e.style.getPropertyPriority("background")); + } +} +async function Cy(e, t) { + if (!(e instanceof HTMLImageElement && !S1(e.src)) && !(e instanceof SVGImageElement && !S1(e.href.baseVal))) + return; + const n = e instanceof HTMLImageElement ? e.src : e.href.baseVal, r = await ua(n, ha(n), t); + await new Promise((s, i) => { + e.onload = s, e.onerror = i; + const o = e; + o.decode && (o.decode = s), e instanceof HTMLImageElement ? (e.srcset = "", e.src = r) : e.href.baseVal = r; + }); +} +async function _y(e, t) { + const n = gn(e.childNodes).map((r) => Q2(r, t)); + await Promise.all(n).then(() => e); +} +async function Q2(e, t) { + e instanceof Element && (await wy(e, t), await Cy(e, t), await _y(e, t)); +} +function ky(e, t) { + const { style: n } = e; + t.backgroundColor && (n.backgroundColor = t.backgroundColor), t.width && (n.width = `${t.width}px`), t.height && (n.height = `${t.height}px`); + const r = t.style; + return r != null && Object.keys(r).forEach((s) => { + n[s] = r[s]; + }), e; +} +const $l = {}; +async function jl(e) { + let t = $l[e]; + if (t != null) + return t; + const n = await (await fetch(e)).text(); + return t = { url: e, cssText: n }, $l[e] = t, t; +} +async function Vl(e, t) { + let n = e.cssText; + const r = /url\(["']?([^"')]+)["']?\)/g, s = (n.match(/url\([^)]+\)/g) || []).map(async (i) => { + let o = i.replace(r, "$1"); + return o.startsWith("https://") || (o = new URL(o, e.url).href), Z2(o, t.fetchRequestInit, ({ result: a }) => (n = n.replace(i, `url(${a})`), [i, a])); + }); + return Promise.all(s).then(() => n); +} +function ql(e) { + if (e == null) + return []; + const t = [], n = /(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)/gi; + let r = e.replace(n, ""); + const s = new RegExp("((@.*?keyframes [\\s\\S]*?){([\\s\\S]*?}\\s*?)})", "gi"); + for (; ; ) { + const l = s.exec(r); + if (l === null) + break; + t.push(l[0]); + } + r = r.replace(s, ""); + const i = /@import[\s\S]*?url\([^)]*\)[\s\S]*?;/gi, o = "((\\s*?(?:\\/\\*[\\s\\S]*?\\*\\/)?\\s*?@media[\\s\\S]*?){([\\s\\S]*?)}\\s*?})|(([\\s\\S]*?){([\\s\\S]*?)})", a = new RegExp(o, "gi"); + for (; ; ) { + let l = i.exec(r); + if (l === null) { + if (l = a.exec(r), l === null) + break; + i.lastIndex = a.lastIndex; + } else + a.lastIndex = i.lastIndex; + t.push(l[0]); + } + return t; +} +async function Ey(e, t) { + const n = [], r = []; + return e.forEach((s) => { + if ("cssRules" in s) + try { + gn(s.cssRules || []).forEach((i, o) => { + if (i.type === CSSRule.IMPORT_RULE) { + let a = o + 1; + const l = i.href, c = jl(l).then((u) => Vl(u, t)).then((u) => ql(u).forEach((d) => { + try { + s.insertRule(d, d.startsWith("@import") ? a += 1 : s.cssRules.length); + } catch (f) { + console.error("Error inserting rule from remote css", { + rule: d, + error: f + }); + } + })).catch((u) => { + console.error("Error loading remote css", u.toString()); + }); + r.push(c); + } + }); + } catch (i) { + const o = e.find((a) => a.href == null) || document.styleSheets[0]; + s.href != null && r.push(jl(s.href).then((a) => Vl(a, t)).then((a) => ql(a).forEach((l) => { + o.insertRule(l, s.cssRules.length); + })).catch((a) => { + console.error("Error loading remote stylesheet", a.toString()); + })), console.error("Error inlining remote css file", i.toString()); + } + }), Promise.all(r).then(() => (e.forEach((s) => { + if ("cssRules" in s) + try { + gn(s.cssRules || []).forEach((i) => { + n.push(i); + }); + } catch (i) { + console.error(`Error while reading CSS rules from ${s.href}`, i.toString()); + } + }), n)); +} +function Ty(e) { + return e.filter((t) => t.type === CSSRule.FONT_FACE_RULE).filter((t) => Y2(t.style.getPropertyValue("src"))); +} +async function Ay(e, t) { + if (e.ownerDocument == null) + throw new Error("Provided element is not within a Document"); + const n = gn(e.ownerDocument.styleSheets), r = await Ey(n, t); + return Ty(r); +} +async function Sy(e, t) { + const n = await Ay(e, t); + return (await Promise.all(n.map((r) => { + const s = r.parentStyleSheet ? r.parentStyleSheet.href : null; + return K2(r.cssText, s, t); + }))).join(` +`); +} +async function Ry(e, t) { + const n = t.fontEmbedCSS != null ? t.fontEmbedCSS : t.skipFonts ? null : await Sy(e, t); + if (n) { + const r = document.createElement("style"), s = document.createTextNode(n); + r.appendChild(s), e.firstChild ? e.insertBefore(r, e.firstChild) : e.appendChild(r); + } +} +async function X2(e, t = {}) { + const { width: n, height: r } = V2(e, t), s = await Ii(e, t, !0); + return await Ry(s, t), await Q2(s, t), ky(s, t), await KL(s, n, r); +} +async function da(e, t = {}) { + const { width: n, height: r } = V2(e, t), s = await X2(e, t), i = await $s(s), o = document.createElement("canvas"), a = o.getContext("2d"), l = t.pixelRatio || qL(), c = t.canvasWidth || n, u = t.canvasHeight || r; + return o.width = c * l, o.height = u * l, t.skipAutoScale || ZL(o), o.style.width = `${c}`, o.style.height = `${u}`, t.backgroundColor && (a.fillStyle = t.backgroundColor, a.fillRect(0, 0, o.width, o.height)), a.drawImage(i, 0, 0, o.width, o.height), o; +} +async function Iy(e, t = {}) { + return (await da(e, t)).toDataURL(); +} +async function Oy(e, t = {}) { + return (await da(e, t)).toDataURL("image/jpeg", t.quality || 1); +} +async function Ny(e, t = {}) { + const n = await da(e, t); + return await WL(n); +} +const Py = "process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_HASH", My = "process.env.VUE_APP_GIT_BRANCH", Fy = { + name: "Debug", + data() { + return { + commitHash: Py, + gitBranch: My + }; + }, + computed: { + debug() { + return !!localStorage.zenumlDebug; + } + } +}, zy = { class: "flex flex-nowrap m-2 text-sm" }, Dy = { class: "ml-4 text-xs inline-flex items-center font-bold leading-sm px-3 py-1 bg-green-200 text-green-700 rounded-sm" }, By = /* @__PURE__ */ oc('', 1), Uy = { class: "inline-block px-2" }; +function Hy(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return n3((R(), W("div", null, [ + b("div", zy, [ + b("div", Dy, [ + By, + b("span", Uy, Ht(s.gitBranch) + ":" + Ht(s.commitHash), 1) + ]) + ]) + ], 512)), [ + [n4, i.debug] + ]); +} +const Gy = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Fy, [["render", Hy]]), $y = { + name: "DiagramFrame", + computed: { + ...eo(["showTips", "scale", "theme"]), + ...ge(["rootContext"]), + title() { + var e; + return this.rootContext || console.error("`rootContext` is empty. Please make sure `store` is properly configured."), (e = this.rootContext) == null ? void 0 : e.title(); + } + }, + mounted() { + this.$el.__vue__ = this; + }, + methods: { + ...no(["setScale"]), + showTipsDialog() { + var e; + this.$store.state.showTips = !0; + try { + (e = this.$gtag) == null || e.event("view", { + event_category: "help", + event_label: "tips dialog" + }); + } catch (t) { + console.error(t); + } + }, + toPng() { + return Iy(this.$refs.export, { + backgroundColor: "white", + filter: (e) => { + var t; + return !((t = e == null ? void 0 : e.classList) != null && t.contains("hide-export")); + } + }); + }, + toSvg() { + return X2(this.$refs.export, { + backgroundColor: "white", + filter: (e) => { + var t; + return !((t = e == null ? void 0 : e.classList) != null && t.contains("hide-export")); + } + }); + }, + toBlob() { + return Ny(this.$refs.export, { + backgroundColor: "white", + filter: (e) => { + var t; + return !((t = e == null ? void 0 : e.classList) != null && t.contains("hide-export")); + } + }); + }, + toJpeg() { + return Oy(this.$refs.export, { + backgroundColor: "white", + filter: (e) => { + var t; + return !((t = e == null ? void 0 : e.classList) != null && t.contains("hide-export")); + } + }); + }, + zoomIn() { + this.setScale(this.scale + 0.1); + }, + zoomOut() { + this.setScale(this.scale - 0.1); + }, + setTheme(e) { + this.theme = e; + }, + setStyle(e) { + const t = "zenuml-style"; + let n = document.getElementById(t); + n || (n = document.createElement("style"), n.id = t, document.head.append(n)), n.textContent = e; + }, + setRemoteCss(e) { + const t = new URL(e).hostname; + if (t === "https://github.com" || t === "https://githubusercontent.com") { + fetch(e.replace("github.com", "raw.githubusercontent.com").replace("blob/", "")).then((s) => s.text()).then((s) => { + this.setStyle(s); + }); + return; + } + const n = "zenuml-remote-css"; + let r = document.getElementById(n); + r || (r = document.createElement("link"), r.id = n, r.rel = "stylesheet", document.head.append(r)), r.href = e; + } + }, + components: { + Debug: Gy, + WidthProvider: HL, + TipsDialog: EL, + DiagramTitle: fm, + SeqDiagram: $2, + Privacy: hm + } +}, jy = { ref: "content" }, Vy = { class: "header text-skin-title bg-skin-title border-skin-frame border-b p-1 flex justify-between rounded-t" }, qy = { class: "left hide-export" }, Zy = { class: "right flex-grow flex justify-between" }, Wy = { + key: 0, + class: "fixed z-40 inset-0 overflow-y-auto", + "aria-labelledby": "modal-title", + role: "dialog", + "aria-modal": "true" +}, Yy = { class: "footer p-1 flex justify-between" }, Ky = { + class: "filter grayscale", + style: { width: "1em", height: "1em", "vertical-align": "middle", fill: "currentColor", overflow: "hidden" }, + viewBox: "0 0 1024 1024", + xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" +}, Qy = /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + d: "M514 912c-219.9 0-398.8-178.9-398.8-398.9 0-219.9 178.9-398.8 398.8-398.8s398.9 178.9 398.9 398.8c-0.1 220-179 398.9-398.9 398.9z m0-701.5c-166.9 0-302.7 135.8-302.7 302.7S347.1 815.9 514 815.9s302.7-135.8 302.7-302.7S680.9 210.5 514 210.5z", + fill: "#BDD2EF" +}, null, -1), Xy = /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + d: "M431.1 502.4c-0.1 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.2 6.9-11.7 56.5-89.1 23.4 167.3-17.4 134.7 122.9 153.6 142.3-7.9 0.1-1-1.3-1.4-1.7-0.4-11.9 37.2-49.6 104.9-4.7-155.2 18.6-107.2-127.6-146-159.7-4z", + fill: "#2867CE" +}, null, -1), Jy = /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + d: "M541.3 328m-68 0a68 68 0 1 0 136 0 68 68 0 1 0-136 0Z", + fill: "#2867CE" +}, null, -1), tv = [ + Qy, + Xy, + Jy +], ev = /* @__PURE__ */ b("a", { + target: "_blank", + href: "https://zenuml.com", + class: "brand text-skin-link absolute bottom-1 right-1 text-xs" +}, "ZenUML.com", -1); +function nv(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("debug"), a = ot("diagram-title"), l = ot("privacy"), c = ot("TipsDialog"), u = ot("seq-diagram"), d = ot("width-provider"); + return R(), W("div", { + ref: "export", + class: ne(["zenuml p-1 bg-skin-canvas", e.theme]), + style: { display: "inline-block" } + }, [ + at(o), + b("div", { + class: "frame text-skin-frame bg-skin-frame border-skin-frame relative m-1 origin-top-left whitespace-nowrap border rounded", + style: gt({ transform: `scale(${e.scale})` }) + }, [ + b("div", jy, [ + b("div", Vy, [ + b("div", qy, [ + r3(e.$slots, "default") + ]), + b("div", Zy, [ + at(a, { context: i.title }, null, 8, ["context"]), + at(l, { class: "hide-export flex items-center" }) + ]) + ]), + b("div", null, [ + e.showTips ? (R(), W("div", Wy, [ + at(c) + ])) : mt("", !0) + ]), + at(u, { ref: "diagram" }, null, 512) + ], 512), + b("div", Yy, [ + b("button", { + class: "bottom-1 left-1 hide-export", + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = (f) => i.showTipsDialog()) + }, [ + (R(), W("svg", Ky, tv)) + ]), + b("div", { + class: "zoom-controls bg-skin-base text-skin-control flex justify-between w-28 hide-export", + style: gt({ transform: `scale(${1 / e.scale})` }) + }, [ + b("button", { + class: "zoom-in px-1", + onClick: t[1] || (t[1] = (f) => i.zoomIn()) + }, "+"), + b("label", null, Ht(Number(e.scale * 100).toFixed(0)) + " %", 1), + b("button", { + class: "zoom-out px-1", + onClick: t[2] || (t[2] = (f) => i.zoomOut()) + }, "-") + ], 4), + at(d), + ev + ]) + ], 4) + ], 2); +} +const rv = /* @__PURE__ */ xt($y, [["render", nv]]); +function J2() { + return { + baseUrl: null, + breaks: !1, + extensions: null, + gfm: !0, + headerIds: !0, + headerPrefix: "", + highlight: null, + langPrefix: "language-", + mangle: !0, + pedantic: !1, + renderer: null, + sanitize: !1, + sanitizer: null, + silent: !1, + smartLists: !1, + smartypants: !1, + tokenizer: null, + walkTokens: null, + xhtml: !1 + }; +} +let fr = J2(); +function sv(e) { + fr = e; +} +const iv = /[&<>"']/, ov = /[&<>"']/g, av = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/, lv = /[<>"']|&(?!#?\w+;)/g, cv = { + "&": "&", + "<": "<", + ">": ">", + '"': """, + "'": "'" +}, Zl = (e) => cv[e]; +function Ut(e, t) { + if (t) { + if (iv.test(e)) + return e.replace(ov, Zl); + } else if (av.test(e)) + return e.replace(lv, Zl); + return e; +} +const hv = /&(#(?:\d+)|(?:#x[0-9A-Fa-f]+)|(?:\w+));?/ig; +function th(e) { + return e.replace(hv, (t, n) => (n = n.toLowerCase(), n === "colon" ? ":" : n.charAt(0) === "#" ? n.charAt(1) === "x" ? String.fromCharCode(parseInt(n.substring(2), 16)) : String.fromCharCode(+n.substring(1)) : "")); +} +const uv = /(^|[^\[])\^/g; +function Ct(e, t) { + e = e.source || e, t = t || ""; + const n = { + replace: (r, s) => (s = s.source || s, s = s.replace(uv, "$1"), e = e.replace(r, s), n), + getRegex: () => new RegExp(e, t) + }; + return n; +} +const dv = /[^\w:]/g, pv = /^$|^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:|^[?#]/i; +function Wl(e, t, n) { + if (e) { + let r; + try { + r = decodeURIComponent(th(n)).replace(dv, "").toLowerCase(); + } catch { + return null; + } + if (r.indexOf("javascript:") === 0 || r.indexOf("vbscript:") === 0 || r.indexOf("data:") === 0) + return null; + } + t && !pv.test(n) && (n = xv(t, n)); + try { + n = encodeURI(n).replace(/%25/g, "%"); + } catch { + return null; + } + return n; +} +const xs = {}, fv = /^[^:]+:\/*[^/]*$/, gv = /^([^:]+:)[\s\S]*$/, mv = /^([^:]+:\/*[^/]*)[\s\S]*$/; +function xv(e, t) { + xs[" " + e] || (fv.test(e) ? xs[" " + e] = e + "/" : xs[" " + e] = ks(e, "/", !0)), e = xs[" " + e]; + const n = e.indexOf(":") === -1; + return t.substring(0, 2) === "//" ? n ? t : e.replace(gv, "$1") + t : t.charAt(0) === "/" ? n ? t : e.replace(mv, "$1") + t : e + t; +} +const js = { exec: function() { +} }; +function Ae(e) { + let t = 1, n, r; + for (; t < arguments.length; t++) { + n = arguments[t]; + for (r in n) + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); + } + return e; +} +function Yl(e, t) { + const n = e.replace(/\|/g, (i, o, a) => { + let l = !1, c = o; + for (; --c >= 0 && a[c] === "\\"; ) + l = !l; + return l ? "|" : " |"; + }), r = n.split(/ \|/); + let s = 0; + if (r[0].trim() || r.shift(), r[r.length - 1].trim() || r.pop(), r.length > t) + r.splice(t); + else + for (; r.length < t; ) + r.push(""); + for (; s < r.length; s++) + r[s] = r[s].trim().replace(/\\\|/g, "|"); + return r; +} +function ks(e, t, n) { + const r = e.length; + if (r === 0) + return ""; + let s = 0; + for (; s < r; ) { + const i = e.charAt(r - s - 1); + if (i === t && !n) + s++; + else if (i !== t && n) + s++; + else + break; + } + return e.substr(0, r - s); +} +function Lv(e, t) { + if (e.indexOf(t[1]) === -1) + return -1; + const n = e.length; + let r = 0, s = 0; + for (; s < n; s++) + if (e[s] === "\\") + s++; + else if (e[s] === t[0]) + r++; + else if (e[s] === t[1] && (r--, r < 0)) + return s; + return -1; +} +function eh(e) { + e && e.sanitize && !e.silent && console.warn("marked(): sanitize and sanitizer parameters are deprecated since version 0.7.0, should not be used and will be removed in the future. Read more here: https://marked.js.org/#/USING_ADVANCED.md#options"); +} +function Kl(e, t) { + if (t < 1) + return ""; + let n = ""; + for (; t > 1; ) + t & 1 && (n += e), t >>= 1, e += e; + return n + e; +} +function Ql(e, t, n, r) { + const s = t.href, i = t.title ? Ut(t.title) : null, o = e[1].replace(/\\([\[\]])/g, "$1"); + if (e[0].charAt(0) !== "!") { + r.state.inLink = !0; + const a = { + type: "link", + raw: n, + href: s, + title: i, + text: o, + tokens: r.inlineTokens(o, []) + }; + return r.state.inLink = !1, a; + } else + return { + type: "image", + raw: n, + href: s, + title: i, + text: Ut(o) + }; +} +function yv(e, t) { + const n = e.match(/^(\s+)(?:```)/); + if (n === null) + return t; + const r = n[1]; + return t.split(` +`).map((s) => { + const i = s.match(/^\s+/); + if (i === null) + return s; + const [o] = i; + return o.length >= r.length ? s.slice(r.length) : s; + }).join(` +`); +} +class pa { + constructor(t) { + this.options = t || fr; + } + space(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.newline.exec(t); + if (n && n[0].length > 0) + return { + type: "space", + raw: n[0] + }; + } + code(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.code.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = n[0].replace(/^ {1,4}/gm, ""); + return { + type: "code", + raw: n[0], + codeBlockStyle: "indented", + text: this.options.pedantic ? r : ks(r, ` +`) + }; + } + } + fences(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.fences.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = n[0], s = yv(r, n[3] || ""); + return { + type: "code", + raw: r, + lang: n[2] ? n[2].trim() : n[2], + text: s + }; + } + } + heading(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.heading.exec(t); + if (n) { + let r = n[2].trim(); + if (/#$/.test(r)) { + const i = ks(r, "#"); + (this.options.pedantic || !i || / $/.test(i)) && (r = i.trim()); + } + const s = { + type: "heading", + raw: n[0], + depth: n[1].length, + text: r, + tokens: [] + }; + return this.lexer.inline(s.text, s.tokens), s; + } + } + hr(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.hr.exec(t); + if (n) + return { + type: "hr", + raw: n[0] + }; + } + blockquote(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.blockquote.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = n[0].replace(/^ *> ?/gm, ""); + return { + type: "blockquote", + raw: n[0], + tokens: this.lexer.blockTokens(r, []), + text: r + }; + } + } + list(t) { + let n = this.rules.block.list.exec(t); + if (n) { + let r, s, i, o, a, l, c, u, d, f, m, I, M = n[1].trim(); + const tt = M.length > 1, G = { + type: "list", + raw: "", + ordered: tt, + start: tt ? +M.slice(0, -1) : "", + loose: !1, + items: [] + }; + M = tt ? `\\d{1,9}\\${M.slice(-1)}` : `\\${M}`, this.options.pedantic && (M = tt ? M : "[*+-]"); + const J = new RegExp(`^( {0,3}${M})((?: [^\\n]*)?(?:\\n|$))`); + for (; t && (I = !1, !(!(n = J.exec(t)) || this.rules.block.hr.test(t))); ) { + if (r = n[0], t = t.substring(r.length), u = n[2].split(` +`, 1)[0], d = t.split(` +`, 1)[0], this.options.pedantic ? (o = 2, m = u.trimLeft()) : (o = n[2].search(/[^ ]/), o = o > 4 ? 1 : o, m = u.slice(o), o += n[1].length), l = !1, !u && /^ *$/.test(d) && (r += d + ` +`, t = t.substring(d.length + 1), I = !0), !I) { + const Q = new RegExp(`^ {0,${Math.min(3, o - 1)}}(?:[*+-]|\\d{1,9}[.)])`); + for (; t && (f = t.split(` +`, 1)[0], u = f, this.options.pedantic && (u = u.replace(/^ {1,4}(?=( {4})*[^ ])/g, " ")), !Q.test(u)); ) { + if (u.search(/[^ ]/) >= o || !u.trim()) + m += ` +` + u.slice(o); + else if (!l) + m += ` +` + u; + else + break; + !l && !u.trim() && (l = !0), r += f + ` +`, t = t.substring(f.length + 1); + } + } + G.loose || (c ? G.loose = !0 : /\n *\n *$/.test(r) && (c = !0)), this.options.gfm && (s = /^\[[ xX]\] /.exec(m), s && (i = s[0] !== "[ ] ", m = m.replace(/^\[[ xX]\] +/, ""))), G.items.push({ + type: "list_item", + raw: r, + task: !!s, + checked: i, + loose: !1, + text: m + }), G.raw += r; + } + G.items[G.items.length - 1].raw = r.trimRight(), G.items[G.items.length - 1].text = m.trimRight(), G.raw = G.raw.trimRight(); + const q = G.items.length; + for (a = 0; a < q; a++) { + this.lexer.state.top = !1, G.items[a].tokens = this.lexer.blockTokens(G.items[a].text, []); + const Q = G.items[a].tokens.filter((Dt) => Dt.type === "space"), Rt = Q.every((Dt) => { + const we = Dt.raw.split(""); + let Gt = 0; + for (const rn of we) + if (rn === ` +` && (Gt += 1), Gt > 1) + return !0; + return !1; + }); + !G.loose && Q.length && Rt && (G.loose = !0, G.items[a].loose = !0); + } + return G; + } + } + html(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.html.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = { + type: "html", + raw: n[0], + pre: !this.options.sanitizer && (n[1] === "pre" || n[1] === "script" || n[1] === "style"), + text: n[0] + }; + return this.options.sanitize && (r.type = "paragraph", r.text = this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(n[0]) : Ut(n[0]), r.tokens = [], this.lexer.inline(r.text, r.tokens)), r; + } + } + def(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.def.exec(t); + if (n) + return n[3] && (n[3] = n[3].substring(1, n[3].length - 1)), { + type: "def", + tag: n[1].toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, " "), + raw: n[0], + href: n[2], + title: n[3] + }; + } + table(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.table.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = { + type: "table", + header: Yl(n[1]).map((s) => ({ text: s })), + align: n[2].replace(/^ *|\| *$/g, "").split(/ *\| */), + rows: n[3] ? n[3].replace(/\n[ \t]*$/, "").split(` +`) : [] + }; + if (r.header.length === r.align.length) { + r.raw = n[0]; + let s = r.align.length, i, o, a, l; + for (i = 0; i < s; i++) + /^ *-+: *$/.test(r.align[i]) ? r.align[i] = "right" : /^ *:-+: *$/.test(r.align[i]) ? r.align[i] = "center" : /^ *:-+ *$/.test(r.align[i]) ? r.align[i] = "left" : r.align[i] = null; + for (s = r.rows.length, i = 0; i < s; i++) + r.rows[i] = Yl(r.rows[i], r.header.length).map((c) => ({ text: c })); + for (s = r.header.length, o = 0; o < s; o++) + r.header[o].tokens = [], this.lexer.inlineTokens(r.header[o].text, r.header[o].tokens); + for (s = r.rows.length, o = 0; o < s; o++) + for (l = r.rows[o], a = 0; a < l.length; a++) + l[a].tokens = [], this.lexer.inlineTokens(l[a].text, l[a].tokens); + return r; + } + } + } + lheading(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.lheading.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = { + type: "heading", + raw: n[0], + depth: n[2].charAt(0) === "=" ? 1 : 2, + text: n[1], + tokens: [] + }; + return this.lexer.inline(r.text, r.tokens), r; + } + } + paragraph(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.paragraph.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = { + type: "paragraph", + raw: n[0], + text: n[1].charAt(n[1].length - 1) === ` +` ? n[1].slice(0, -1) : n[1], + tokens: [] + }; + return this.lexer.inline(r.text, r.tokens), r; + } + } + text(t) { + const n = this.rules.block.text.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = { + type: "text", + raw: n[0], + text: n[0], + tokens: [] + }; + return this.lexer.inline(r.text, r.tokens), r; + } + } + escape(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.escape.exec(t); + if (n) + return { + type: "escape", + raw: n[0], + text: Ut(n[1]) + }; + } + tag(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.tag.exec(t); + if (n) + return !this.lexer.state.inLink && /^/i.test(n[0]) && (this.lexer.state.inLink = !1), !this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(n[0]) ? this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = !0 : this.lexer.state.inRawBlock && /^<\/(pre|code|kbd|script)(\s|>)/i.test(n[0]) && (this.lexer.state.inRawBlock = !1), { + type: this.options.sanitize ? "text" : "html", + raw: n[0], + inLink: this.lexer.state.inLink, + inRawBlock: this.lexer.state.inRawBlock, + text: this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(n[0]) : Ut(n[0]) : n[0] + }; + } + link(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.link.exec(t); + if (n) { + const r = n[2].trim(); + if (!this.options.pedantic && /^$/.test(r)) + return; + const o = ks(r.slice(0, -1), "\\"); + if ((r.length - o.length) % 2 === 0) + return; + } else { + const o = Lv(n[2], "()"); + if (o > -1) { + const a = (n[0].indexOf("!") === 0 ? 5 : 4) + n[1].length + o; + n[2] = n[2].substring(0, o), n[0] = n[0].substring(0, a).trim(), n[3] = ""; + } + } + let s = n[2], i = ""; + if (this.options.pedantic) { + const o = /^([^'"]*[^\s])\s+(['"])(.*)\2/.exec(s); + o && (s = o[1], i = o[3]); + } else + i = n[3] ? n[3].slice(1, -1) : ""; + return s = s.trim(), /^$/.test(r) ? s = s.slice(1) : s = s.slice(1, -1)), Ql(n, { + href: s && s.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, "$1"), + title: i && i.replace(this.rules.inline._escapes, "$1") + }, n[0], this.lexer); + } + } + reflink(t, n) { + let r; + if ((r = this.rules.inline.reflink.exec(t)) || (r = this.rules.inline.nolink.exec(t))) { + let s = (r[2] || r[1]).replace(/\s+/g, " "); + if (s = n[s.toLowerCase()], !s || !s.href) { + const i = r[0].charAt(0); + return { + type: "text", + raw: i, + text: i + }; + } + return Ql(r, s, r[0], this.lexer); + } + } + emStrong(t, n, r = "") { + let s = this.rules.inline.emStrong.lDelim.exec(t); + if (!s || s[3] && r.match(/[\p{L}\p{N}]/u)) + return; + const i = s[1] || s[2] || ""; + if (!i || i && (r === "" || this.rules.inline.punctuation.exec(r))) { + const o = s[0].length - 1; + let a, l, c = o, u = 0; + const d = s[0][0] === "*" ? this.rules.inline.emStrong.rDelimAst : this.rules.inline.emStrong.rDelimUnd; + for (d.lastIndex = 0, n = n.slice(-1 * t.length + o); (s = d.exec(n)) != null; ) { + if (a = s[1] || s[2] || s[3] || s[4] || s[5] || s[6], !a) + continue; + if (l = a.length, s[3] || s[4]) { + c += l; + continue; + } else if ((s[5] || s[6]) && o % 3 && !((o + l) % 3)) { + u += l; + continue; + } + if (c -= l, c > 0) + continue; + if (l = Math.min(l, l + c + u), Math.min(o, l) % 2) { + const m = t.slice(1, o + s.index + l); + return { + type: "em", + raw: t.slice(0, o + s.index + l + 1), + text: m, + tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(m, []) + }; + } + const f = t.slice(2, o + s.index + l - 1); + return { + type: "strong", + raw: t.slice(0, o + s.index + l + 1), + text: f, + tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(f, []) + }; + } + } + } + codespan(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.code.exec(t); + if (n) { + let r = n[2].replace(/\n/g, " "); + const s = /[^ ]/.test(r), i = /^ /.test(r) && / $/.test(r); + return s && i && (r = r.substring(1, r.length - 1)), r = Ut(r, !0), { + type: "codespan", + raw: n[0], + text: r + }; + } + } + br(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.br.exec(t); + if (n) + return { + type: "br", + raw: n[0] + }; + } + del(t) { + const n = this.rules.inline.del.exec(t); + if (n) + return { + type: "del", + raw: n[0], + text: n[2], + tokens: this.lexer.inlineTokens(n[2], []) + }; + } + autolink(t, n) { + const r = this.rules.inline.autolink.exec(t); + if (r) { + let s, i; + return r[2] === "@" ? (s = Ut(this.options.mangle ? n(r[1]) : r[1]), i = "mailto:" + s) : (s = Ut(r[1]), i = s), { + type: "link", + raw: r[0], + text: s, + href: i, + tokens: [ + { + type: "text", + raw: s, + text: s + } + ] + }; + } + } + url(t, n) { + let r; + if (r = this.rules.inline.url.exec(t)) { + let s, i; + if (r[2] === "@") + s = Ut(this.options.mangle ? n(r[0]) : r[0]), i = "mailto:" + s; + else { + let o; + do + o = r[0], r[0] = this.rules.inline._backpedal.exec(r[0])[0]; + while (o !== r[0]); + s = Ut(r[0]), r[1] === "www." ? i = "http://" + s : i = s; + } + return { + type: "link", + raw: r[0], + text: s, + href: i, + tokens: [ + { + type: "text", + raw: s, + text: s + } + ] + }; + } + } + inlineText(t, n) { + const r = this.rules.inline.text.exec(t); + if (r) { + let s; + return this.lexer.state.inRawBlock ? s = this.options.sanitize ? this.options.sanitizer ? this.options.sanitizer(r[0]) : Ut(r[0]) : r[0] : s = Ut(this.options.smartypants ? n(r[0]) : r[0]), { + type: "text", + raw: r[0], + text: s + }; + } + } +} +const Y = { + newline: /^(?: *(?:\n|$))+/, + code: /^( {4}[^\n]+(?:\n(?: *(?:\n|$))*)?)+/, + fences: /^ {0,3}(`{3,}(?=[^`\n]*\n)|~{3,})([^\n]*)\n(?:|([\s\S]*?)\n)(?: {0,3}\1[~`]* *(?=\n|$)|$)/, + hr: /^ {0,3}((?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\* *){3,})(?:\n+|$)/, + heading: /^ {0,3}(#{1,6})(?=\s|$)(.*)(?:\n+|$)/, + blockquote: /^( {0,3}> ?(paragraph|[^\n]*)(?:\n|$))+/, + list: /^( {0,3}bull)( [^\n]+?)?(?:\n|$)/, + html: "^ {0,3}(?:<(script|pre|style|textarea)[\\s>][\\s\\S]*?(?:[^\\n]*\\n+|$)|comment[^\\n]*(\\n+|$)|<\\?[\\s\\S]*?(?:\\?>\\n*|$)|\\n*|$)|\\n*|$)|)[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|<(?!script|pre|style|textarea)([a-z][\\w-]*)(?:attribute)*? */?>(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$)|(?=[ \\t]*(?:\\n|$))[\\s\\S]*?(?:(?:\\n *)+\\n|$))", + def: /^ {0,3}\[(label)\]: *(?:\n *)?]+)>?(?:(?: +(?:\n *)?| *\n *)(title))? *(?:\n+|$)/, + table: js, + lheading: /^([^\n]+)\n {0,3}(=+|-+) *(?:\n+|$)/, + _paragraph: /^([^\n]+(?:\n(?!hr|heading|lheading|blockquote|fences|list|html|table| +\n)[^\n]+)*)/, + text: /^[^\n]+/ +}; +Y._label = /(?!\s*\])(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])+/; +Y._title = /(?:"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'[^'\n]*(?:\n[^'\n]+)*\n?'|\([^()]*\))/; +Y.def = Ct(Y.def).replace("label", Y._label).replace("title", Y._title).getRegex(); +Y.bullet = /(?:[*+-]|\d{1,9}[.)])/; +Y.listItemStart = Ct(/^( *)(bull) */).replace("bull", Y.bullet).getRegex(); +Y.list = Ct(Y.list).replace(/bull/g, Y.bullet).replace("hr", "\\n+(?=\\1?(?:(?:- *){3,}|(?:_ *){3,}|(?:\\* *){3,})(?:\\n+|$))").replace("def", "\\n+(?=" + Y.def.source + ")").getRegex(); +Y._tag = "address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h[1-6]|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|meta|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|section|source|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul"; +Y._comment = /|$)/; +Y.html = Ct(Y.html, "i").replace("comment", Y._comment).replace("tag", Y._tag).replace("attribute", / +[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?: *= *"[^"\n]*"| *= *'[^'\n]*'| *= *[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/).getRegex(); +Y.paragraph = Ct(Y._paragraph).replace("hr", Y.hr).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("|lheading", "").replace("|table", "").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", ")|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Y._tag).getRegex(); +Y.blockquote = Ct(Y.blockquote).replace("paragraph", Y.paragraph).getRegex(); +Y.normal = Ae({}, Y); +Y.gfm = Ae({}, Y.normal, { + table: "^ *([^\\n ].*\\|.*)\\n {0,3}(?:\\| *)?(:?-+:? *(?:\\| *:?-+:? *)*)(?:\\| *)?(?:\\n((?:(?! *\\n|hr|heading|blockquote|code|fences|list|html).*(?:\\n|$))*)\\n*|$)" +}); +Y.gfm.table = Ct(Y.gfm.table).replace("hr", Y.hr).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("code", " {4}[^\\n]").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", ")|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Y._tag).getRegex(); +Y.gfm.paragraph = Ct(Y._paragraph).replace("hr", Y.hr).replace("heading", " {0,3}#{1,6} ").replace("|lheading", "").replace("table", Y.gfm.table).replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("fences", " {0,3}(?:`{3,}(?=[^`\\n]*\\n)|~{3,})[^\\n]*\\n").replace("list", " {0,3}(?:[*+-]|1[.)]) ").replace("html", ")|<(?:script|pre|style|textarea|!--)").replace("tag", Y._tag).getRegex(); +Y.pedantic = Ae({}, Y.normal, { + html: Ct( + `^ *(?:comment *(?:\\n|\\s*$)|<(tag)[\\s\\S]+? *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$)|\\s]*)*?/?> *(?:\\n{2,}|\\s*$))` + ).replace("comment", Y._comment).replace(/tag/g, "(?!(?:a|em|strong|small|s|cite|q|dfn|abbr|data|time|code|var|samp|kbd|sub|sup|i|b|u|mark|ruby|rt|rp|bdi|bdo|span|br|wbr|ins|del|img)\\b)\\w+(?!:|[^\\w\\s@]*@)\\b").getRegex(), + def: /^ *\[([^\]]+)\]: *]+)>?(?: +(["(][^\n]+[")]))? *(?:\n+|$)/, + heading: /^(#{1,6})(.*)(?:\n+|$)/, + fences: js, + paragraph: Ct(Y.normal._paragraph).replace("hr", Y.hr).replace("heading", ` *#{1,6} *[^ +]`).replace("lheading", Y.lheading).replace("blockquote", " {0,3}>").replace("|fences", "").replace("|list", "").replace("|html", "").getRegex() +}); +const U = { + escape: /^\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/, + autolink: /^<(scheme:[^\s\x00-\x1f<>]*|email)>/, + url: js, + tag: "^comment|^|^<[a-zA-Z][\\w-]*(?:attribute)*?\\s*/?>|^<\\?[\\s\\S]*?\\?>|^|^", + link: /^!?\[(label)\]\(\s*(href)(?:\s+(title))?\s*\)/, + reflink: /^!?\[(label)\]\[(ref)\]/, + nolink: /^!?\[(ref)\](?:\[\])?/, + reflinkSearch: "reflink|nolink(?!\\()", + emStrong: { + lDelim: /^(?:\*+(?:([punct_])|[^\s*]))|^_+(?:([punct*])|([^\s_]))/, + rDelimAst: /^[^_*]*?\_\_[^_*]*?\*[^_*]*?(?=\_\_)|[punct_](\*+)(?=[\s]|$)|[^punct*_\s](\*+)(?=[punct_\s]|$)|[punct_\s](\*+)(?=[^punct*_\s])|[\s](\*+)(?=[punct_])|[punct_](\*+)(?=[punct_])|[^punct*_\s](\*+)(?=[^punct*_\s])/, + rDelimUnd: /^[^_*]*?\*\*[^_*]*?\_[^_*]*?(?=\*\*)|[punct*](\_+)(?=[\s]|$)|[^punct*_\s](\_+)(?=[punct*\s]|$)|[punct*\s](\_+)(?=[^punct*_\s])|[\s](\_+)(?=[punct*])|[punct*](\_+)(?=[punct*])/ + }, + code: /^(`+)([^`]|[^`][\s\S]*?[^`])\1(?!`)/, + br: /^( {2,}|\\)\n(?!\s*$)/, + del: js, + text: /^(`+|[^`])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\?@\\[\\]`^{|}~"; +U.punctuation = Ct(U.punctuation).replace(/punctuation/g, U._punctuation).getRegex(); +U.blockSkip = /\[[^\]]*?\]\([^\)]*?\)|`[^`]*?`|<[^>]*?>/g; +U.escapedEmSt = /\\\*|\\_/g; +U._comment = Ct(Y._comment).replace("(?:-->|$)", "-->").getRegex(); +U.emStrong.lDelim = Ct(U.emStrong.lDelim).replace(/punct/g, U._punctuation).getRegex(); +U.emStrong.rDelimAst = Ct(U.emStrong.rDelimAst, "g").replace(/punct/g, U._punctuation).getRegex(); +U.emStrong.rDelimUnd = Ct(U.emStrong.rDelimUnd, "g").replace(/punct/g, U._punctuation).getRegex(); +U._escapes = /\\([!"#$%&'()*+,\-./:;<=>?@\[\]\\^_`{|}~])/g; +U._scheme = /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}/; +U._email = /[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+(?![-_])/; +U.autolink = Ct(U.autolink).replace("scheme", U._scheme).replace("email", U._email).getRegex(); +U._attribute = /\s+[a-zA-Z:_][\w.:-]*(?:\s*=\s*"[^"]*"|\s*=\s*'[^']*'|\s*=\s*[^\s"'=<>`]+)?/; +U.tag = Ct(U.tag).replace("comment", U._comment).replace("attribute", U._attribute).getRegex(); +U._label = /(?:\[(?:\\.|[^\[\]\\])*\]|\\.|`[^`]*`|[^\[\]\\`])*?/; +U._href = /<(?:\\.|[^\n<>\\])+>|[^\s\x00-\x1f]*/; +U._title = /"(?:\\"?|[^"\\])*"|'(?:\\'?|[^'\\])*'|\((?:\\\)?|[^)\\])*\)/; +U.link = Ct(U.link).replace("label", U._label).replace("href", U._href).replace("title", U._title).getRegex(); +U.reflink = Ct(U.reflink).replace("label", U._label).replace("ref", Y._label).getRegex(); +U.nolink = Ct(U.nolink).replace("ref", Y._label).getRegex(); +U.reflinkSearch = Ct(U.reflinkSearch, "g").replace("reflink", U.reflink).replace("nolink", U.nolink).getRegex(); +U.normal = Ae({}, U); +U.pedantic = Ae({}, U.normal, { + strong: { + start: /^__|\*\*/, + middle: /^__(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)__(?!_)|^\*\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*\*(?!\*)/, + endAst: /\*\*(?!\*)/g, + endUnd: /__(?!_)/g + }, + em: { + start: /^_|\*/, + middle: /^()\*(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)\*(?!\*)|^_(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)_(?!_)/, + endAst: /\*(?!\*)/g, + endUnd: /_(?!_)/g + }, + link: Ct(/^!?\[(label)\]\((.*?)\)/).replace("label", U._label).getRegex(), + reflink: Ct(/^!?\[(label)\]\s*\[([^\]]*)\]/).replace("label", U._label).getRegex() +}); +U.gfm = Ae({}, U.normal, { + escape: Ct(U.escape).replace("])", "~|])").getRegex(), + _extended_email: /[A-Za-z0-9._+-]+(@)[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*[a-zA-Z0-9])+(?![-_])/, + url: /^((?:ftp|https?):\/\/|www\.)(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\.?)+[^\s<]*|^email/, + _backpedal: /(?:[^?!.,:;*_~()&]+|\([^)]*\)|&(?![a-zA-Z0-9]+;$)|[?!.,:;*_~)]+(?!$))+/, + del: /^(~~?)(?=[^\s~])([\s\S]*?[^\s~])\1(?=[^~]|$)/, + text: /^([`~]+|[^`~])(?:(?= {2,}\n)|(?=[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?_`{\|}~-]+@)|[\s\S]*?(?:(?=[\\ 0.5 && (r = "x" + r.toString(16)), t += "&#" + r + ";"; + return t; +} +class Je { + constructor(t) { + this.tokens = [], this.tokens.links = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this.options = t || fr, this.options.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer || new pa(), this.tokenizer = this.options.tokenizer, this.tokenizer.options = this.options, this.tokenizer.lexer = this, this.inlineQueue = [], this.state = { + inLink: !1, + inRawBlock: !1, + top: !0 + }; + const n = { + block: Y.normal, + inline: U.normal + }; + this.options.pedantic ? (n.block = Y.pedantic, n.inline = U.pedantic) : this.options.gfm && (n.block = Y.gfm, this.options.breaks ? n.inline = U.breaks : n.inline = U.gfm), this.tokenizer.rules = n; + } + static get rules() { + return { + block: Y, + inline: U + }; + } + static lex(t, n) { + return new Je(n).lex(t); + } + static lexInline(t, n) { + return new Je(n).inlineTokens(t); + } + lex(t) { + t = t.replace(/\r\n|\r/g, ` +`).replace(/\t/g, " "), this.blockTokens(t, this.tokens); + let n; + for (; n = this.inlineQueue.shift(); ) + this.inlineTokens(n.src, n.tokens); + return this.tokens; + } + blockTokens(t, n = []) { + this.options.pedantic && (t = t.replace(/^ +$/gm, "")); + let r, s, i, o; + for (; t; ) + if (!(this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.block && this.options.extensions.block.some((a) => (r = a.call({ lexer: this }, t, n)) ? (t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r), !0) : !1))) { + if (r = this.tokenizer.space(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), r.raw.length === 1 && n.length > 0 ? n[n.length - 1].raw += ` +` : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.code(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), s = n[n.length - 1], s && (s.type === "paragraph" || s.type === "text") ? (s.raw += ` +` + r.raw, s.text += ` +` + r.text, this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = s.text) : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.fences(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.heading(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.hr(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.blockquote(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.list(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.html(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.def(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), s = n[n.length - 1], s && (s.type === "paragraph" || s.type === "text") ? (s.raw += ` +` + r.raw, s.text += ` +` + r.raw, this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = s.text) : this.tokens.links[r.tag] || (this.tokens.links[r.tag] = { + href: r.href, + title: r.title + }); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.table(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.lheading(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (i = t, this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startBlock) { + let a = 1 / 0; + const l = t.slice(1); + let c; + this.options.extensions.startBlock.forEach(function(u) { + c = u.call({ lexer: this }, l), typeof c == "number" && c >= 0 && (a = Math.min(a, c)); + }), a < 1 / 0 && a >= 0 && (i = t.substring(0, a + 1)); + } + if (this.state.top && (r = this.tokenizer.paragraph(i))) { + s = n[n.length - 1], o && s.type === "paragraph" ? (s.raw += ` +` + r.raw, s.text += ` +` + r.text, this.inlineQueue.pop(), this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = s.text) : n.push(r), o = i.length !== t.length, t = t.substring(r.raw.length); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.text(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), s = n[n.length - 1], s && s.type === "text" ? (s.raw += ` +` + r.raw, s.text += ` +` + r.text, this.inlineQueue.pop(), this.inlineQueue[this.inlineQueue.length - 1].src = s.text) : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (t) { + const a = "Infinite loop on byte: " + t.charCodeAt(0); + if (this.options.silent) { + console.error(a); + break; + } else + throw new Error(a); + } + } + return this.state.top = !0, n; + } + inline(t, n) { + this.inlineQueue.push({ src: t, tokens: n }); + } + inlineTokens(t, n = []) { + let r, s, i, o = t, a, l, c; + if (this.tokens.links) { + const u = Object.keys(this.tokens.links); + if (u.length > 0) + for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.exec(o)) != null; ) + u.includes(a[0].slice(a[0].lastIndexOf("[") + 1, -1)) && (o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "[" + Kl("a", a[0].length - 2) + "]" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.reflinkSearch.lastIndex)); + } + for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.exec(o)) != null; ) + o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "[" + Kl("a", a[0].length - 2) + "]" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.blockSkip.lastIndex); + for (; (a = this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.exec(o)) != null; ) + o = o.slice(0, a.index) + "++" + o.slice(this.tokenizer.rules.inline.escapedEmSt.lastIndex); + for (; t; ) + if (l || (c = ""), l = !1, !(this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.inline && this.options.extensions.inline.some((u) => (r = u.call({ lexer: this }, t, n)) ? (t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r), !0) : !1))) { + if (r = this.tokenizer.escape(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.tag(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), s = n[n.length - 1], s && r.type === "text" && s.type === "text" ? (s.raw += r.raw, s.text += r.text) : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.link(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.reflink(t, this.tokens.links)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), s = n[n.length - 1], s && r.type === "text" && s.type === "text" ? (s.raw += r.raw, s.text += r.text) : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.emStrong(t, o, c)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.codespan(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.br(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.del(t)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.autolink(t, Xl)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (!this.state.inLink && (r = this.tokenizer.url(t, Xl))) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (i = t, this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.startInline) { + let u = 1 / 0; + const d = t.slice(1); + let f; + this.options.extensions.startInline.forEach(function(m) { + f = m.call({ lexer: this }, d), typeof f == "number" && f >= 0 && (u = Math.min(u, f)); + }), u < 1 / 0 && u >= 0 && (i = t.substring(0, u + 1)); + } + if (r = this.tokenizer.inlineText(i, vv)) { + t = t.substring(r.raw.length), r.raw.slice(-1) !== "_" && (c = r.raw.slice(-1)), l = !0, s = n[n.length - 1], s && s.type === "text" ? (s.raw += r.raw, s.text += r.text) : n.push(r); + continue; + } + if (t) { + const u = "Infinite loop on byte: " + t.charCodeAt(0); + if (this.options.silent) { + console.error(u); + break; + } else + throw new Error(u); + } + } + return n; + } +} +class fa { + constructor(t) { + this.options = t || fr; + } + code(t, n, r) { + const s = (n || "").match(/\S*/)[0]; + if (this.options.highlight) { + const i = this.options.highlight(t, s); + i != null && i !== t && (r = !0, t = i); + } + return t = t.replace(/\n$/, "") + ` +`, s ? '
' + (r ? t : Ut(t, !0)) + `
+` : "
" + (r ? t : Ut(t, !0)) + `
+`; + } + blockquote(t) { + return `
+` + t + `
+`; + } + html(t) { + return t; + } + heading(t, n, r, s) { + return this.options.headerIds ? "' + t + " +` : "" + t + " +`; + } + hr() { + return this.options.xhtml ? `
+` : `
+`; + } + list(t, n, r) { + const s = n ? "ol" : "ul", i = n && r !== 1 ? ' start="' + r + '"' : ""; + return "<" + s + i + `> +` + t + " +`; + } + listitem(t) { + return "
  • " + t + `
  • +`; + } + checkbox(t) { + return " "; + } + paragraph(t) { + return "

    " + t + `

    +`; + } + table(t, n) { + return n && (n = "" + n + ""), ` + +` + t + ` +` + n + `
    +`; + } + tablerow(t) { + return ` +` + t + ` +`; + } + tablecell(t, n) { + const r = n.header ? "th" : "td"; + return (n.align ? "<" + r + ' align="' + n.align + '">' : "<" + r + ">") + t + " +`; + } + strong(t) { + return "" + t + ""; + } + em(t) { + return "" + t + ""; + } + codespan(t) { + return "" + t + ""; + } + br() { + return this.options.xhtml ? "
    " : "
    "; + } + del(t) { + return "" + t + ""; + } + link(t, n, r) { + if (t = Wl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, t), t === null) + return r; + let s = '
    ", s; + } + image(t, n, r) { + if (t = Wl(this.options.sanitize, this.options.baseUrl, t), t === null) + return r; + let s = '' + r + '" : ">", s; + } + text(t) { + return t; + } +} +class nh { + strong(t) { + return t; + } + em(t) { + return t; + } + codespan(t) { + return t; + } + del(t) { + return t; + } + html(t) { + return t; + } + text(t) { + return t; + } + link(t, n, r) { + return "" + r; + } + image(t, n, r) { + return "" + r; + } + br() { + return ""; + } +} +class rh { + constructor() { + this.seen = {}; + } + serialize(t) { + return t.toLowerCase().trim().replace(/<[!\/a-z].*?>/ig, "").replace(/[\u2000-\u206F\u2E00-\u2E7F\\'!"#$%&()*+,./:;<=>?@[\]^`{|}~]/g, "").replace(/\s/g, "-"); + } + getNextSafeSlug(t, n) { + let r = t, s = 0; + if (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(r)) { + s = this.seen[t]; + do + s++, r = t + "-" + s; + while (this.seen.hasOwnProperty(r)); + } + return n || (this.seen[t] = s, this.seen[r] = 0), r; + } + slug(t, n = {}) { + const r = this.serialize(t); + return this.getNextSafeSlug(r, n.dryrun); + } +} +class tn { + constructor(t) { + this.options = t || fr, this.options.renderer = this.options.renderer || new fa(), this.renderer = this.options.renderer, this.renderer.options = this.options, this.textRenderer = new nh(), this.slugger = new rh(); + } + static parse(t, n) { + return new tn(n).parse(t); + } + static parseInline(t, n) { + return new tn(n).parseInline(t); + } + parse(t, n = !0) { + let r = "", s, i, o, a, l, c, u, d, f, m, I, M, tt, G, J, q, Q, Rt, Dt; + const we = t.length; + for (s = 0; s < we; s++) { + if (m = t[s], this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[m.type] && (Dt = this.options.extensions.renderers[m.type].call({ parser: this }, m), Dt !== !1 || !["space", "hr", "heading", "code", "table", "blockquote", "list", "html", "paragraph", "text"].includes(m.type))) { + r += Dt || ""; + continue; + } + switch (m.type) { + case "space": + continue; + case "hr": { + r += this.renderer.hr(); + continue; + } + case "heading": { + r += this.renderer.heading( + this.parseInline(m.tokens), + m.depth, + th(this.parseInline(m.tokens, this.textRenderer)), + this.slugger + ); + continue; + } + case "code": { + r += this.renderer.code( + m.text, + m.lang, + m.escaped + ); + continue; + } + case "table": { + for (d = "", u = "", a = m.header.length, i = 0; i < a; i++) + u += this.renderer.tablecell( + this.parseInline(m.header[i].tokens), + { header: !0, align: m.align[i] } + ); + for (d += this.renderer.tablerow(u), f = "", a = m.rows.length, i = 0; i < a; i++) { + for (c = m.rows[i], u = "", l = c.length, o = 0; o < l; o++) + u += this.renderer.tablecell( + this.parseInline(c[o].tokens), + { header: !1, align: m.align[o] } + ); + f += this.renderer.tablerow(u); + } + r += this.renderer.table(d, f); + continue; + } + case "blockquote": { + f = this.parse(m.tokens), r += this.renderer.blockquote(f); + continue; + } + case "list": { + for (I = m.ordered, M = m.start, tt = m.loose, a = m.items.length, f = "", i = 0; i < a; i++) + J = m.items[i], q = J.checked, Q = J.task, G = "", J.task && (Rt = this.renderer.checkbox(q), tt ? J.tokens.length > 0 && J.tokens[0].type === "paragraph" ? (J.tokens[0].text = Rt + " " + J.tokens[0].text, J.tokens[0].tokens && J.tokens[0].tokens.length > 0 && J.tokens[0].tokens[0].type === "text" && (J.tokens[0].tokens[0].text = Rt + " " + J.tokens[0].tokens[0].text)) : J.tokens.unshift({ + type: "text", + text: Rt + }) : G += Rt), G += this.parse(J.tokens, tt), f += this.renderer.listitem(G, Q, q); + r += this.renderer.list(f, I, M); + continue; + } + case "html": { + r += this.renderer.html(m.text); + continue; + } + case "paragraph": { + r += this.renderer.paragraph(this.parseInline(m.tokens)); + continue; + } + case "text": { + for (f = m.tokens ? this.parseInline(m.tokens) : m.text; s + 1 < we && t[s + 1].type === "text"; ) + m = t[++s], f += ` +` + (m.tokens ? this.parseInline(m.tokens) : m.text); + r += n ? this.renderer.paragraph(f) : f; + continue; + } + default: { + const Gt = 'Token with "' + m.type + '" type was not found.'; + if (this.options.silent) { + console.error(Gt); + return; + } else + throw new Error(Gt); + } + } + } + return r; + } + parseInline(t, n) { + n = n || this.renderer; + let r = "", s, i, o; + const a = t.length; + for (s = 0; s < a; s++) { + if (i = t[s], this.options.extensions && this.options.extensions.renderers && this.options.extensions.renderers[i.type] && (o = this.options.extensions.renderers[i.type].call({ parser: this }, i), o !== !1 || !["escape", "html", "link", "image", "strong", "em", "codespan", "br", "del", "text"].includes(i.type))) { + r += o || ""; + continue; + } + switch (i.type) { + case "escape": { + r += n.text(i.text); + break; + } + case "html": { + r += n.html(i.text); + break; + } + case "link": { + r += n.link(i.href, i.title, this.parseInline(i.tokens, n)); + break; + } + case "image": { + r += n.image(i.href, i.title, i.text); + break; + } + case "strong": { + r += n.strong(this.parseInline(i.tokens, n)); + break; + } + case "em": { + r += n.em(this.parseInline(i.tokens, n)); + break; + } + case "codespan": { + r += n.codespan(i.text); + break; + } + case "br": { + r += n.br(); + break; + } + case "del": { + r += n.del(this.parseInline(i.tokens, n)); + break; + } + case "text": { + r += n.text(i.text); + break; + } + default: { + const l = 'Token with "' + i.type + '" type was not found.'; + if (this.options.silent) { + console.error(l); + return; + } else + throw new Error(l); + } + } + } + return r; + } +} +function K(e, t, n) { + if (typeof e > "u" || e === null) + throw new Error("marked(): input parameter is undefined or null"); + if (typeof e != "string") + throw new Error("marked(): input parameter is of type " + Object.prototype.toString.call(e) + ", string expected"); + if (typeof t == "function" && (n = t, t = null), t = Ae({}, K.defaults, t || {}), eh(t), n) { + const r = t.highlight; + let s; + try { + s = Je.lex(e, t); + } catch (a) { + return n(a); + } + const i = function(a) { + let l; + if (!a) + try { + t.walkTokens && K.walkTokens(s, t.walkTokens), l = tn.parse(s, t); + } catch (c) { + a = c; + } + return t.highlight = r, a ? n(a) : n(null, l); + }; + if (!r || r.length < 3 || (delete t.highlight, !s.length)) + return i(); + let o = 0; + K.walkTokens(s, function(a) { + a.type === "code" && (o++, setTimeout(() => { + r(a.text, a.lang, function(l, c) { + if (l) + return i(l); + c != null && c !== a.text && (a.text = c, a.escaped = !0), o--, o === 0 && i(); + }); + }, 0)); + }), o === 0 && i(); + return; + } + try { + const r = Je.lex(e, t); + return t.walkTokens && K.walkTokens(r, t.walkTokens), tn.parse(r, t); + } catch (r) { + if (r.message += ` +Please report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.`, t.silent) + return "

    An error occurred:

    " + Ut(r.message + "", !0) + "
    "; + throw r; + } +} +K.options = K.setOptions = function(e) { + return Ae(K.defaults, e), sv(K.defaults), K; +}; +K.getDefaults = J2; +K.defaults = fr; +K.use = function(...e) { + const t = Ae({}, ...e), n = K.defaults.extensions || { renderers: {}, childTokens: {} }; + let r; + e.forEach((s) => { + if (s.extensions && (r = !0, s.extensions.forEach((i) => { + if (!i.name) + throw new Error("extension name required"); + if (i.renderer) { + const o = n.renderers ? n.renderers[i.name] : null; + o ? n.renderers[i.name] = function(...a) { + let l = i.renderer.apply(this, a); + return l === !1 && (l = o.apply(this, a)), l; + } : n.renderers[i.name] = i.renderer; + } + if (i.tokenizer) { + if (!i.level || i.level !== "block" && i.level !== "inline") + throw new Error("extension level must be 'block' or 'inline'"); + n[i.level] ? n[i.level].unshift(i.tokenizer) : n[i.level] = [i.tokenizer], i.start && (i.level === "block" ? n.startBlock ? n.startBlock.push(i.start) : n.startBlock = [i.start] : i.level === "inline" && (n.startInline ? n.startInline.push(i.start) : n.startInline = [i.start])); + } + i.childTokens && (n.childTokens[i.name] = i.childTokens); + })), s.renderer) { + const i = K.defaults.renderer || new fa(); + for (const o in s.renderer) { + const a = i[o]; + i[o] = (...l) => { + let c = s.renderer[o].apply(i, l); + return c === !1 && (c = a.apply(i, l)), c; + }; + } + t.renderer = i; + } + if (s.tokenizer) { + const i = K.defaults.tokenizer || new pa(); + for (const o in s.tokenizer) { + const a = i[o]; + i[o] = (...l) => { + let c = s.tokenizer[o].apply(i, l); + return c === !1 && (c = a.apply(i, l)), c; + }; + } + t.tokenizer = i; + } + if (s.walkTokens) { + const i = K.defaults.walkTokens; + t.walkTokens = function(o) { + s.walkTokens.call(this, o), i && i.call(this, o); + }; + } + r && (t.extensions = n), K.setOptions(t); + }); +}; +K.walkTokens = function(e, t) { + for (const n of e) + switch (t.call(K, n), n.type) { + case "table": { + for (const r of n.header) + K.walkTokens(r.tokens, t); + for (const r of n.rows) + for (const s of r) + K.walkTokens(s.tokens, t); + break; + } + case "list": { + K.walkTokens(n.items, t); + break; + } + default: + K.defaults.extensions && K.defaults.extensions.childTokens && K.defaults.extensions.childTokens[n.type] ? K.defaults.extensions.childTokens[n.type].forEach(function(r) { + K.walkTokens(n[r], t); + }) : n.tokens && K.walkTokens(n.tokens, t); + } +}; +K.parseInline = function(e, t) { + if (typeof e > "u" || e === null) + throw new Error("marked.parseInline(): input parameter is undefined or null"); + if (typeof e != "string") + throw new Error("marked.parseInline(): input parameter is of type " + Object.prototype.toString.call(e) + ", string expected"); + t = Ae({}, K.defaults, t || {}), eh(t); + try { + const n = Je.lexInline(e, t); + return t.walkTokens && K.walkTokens(n, t.walkTokens), tn.parseInline(n, t); + } catch (n) { + if (n.message += ` +Please report this to https://github.com/markedjs/marked.`, t.silent) + return "

    An error occurred:

    " + Ut(n.message + "", !0) + "
    "; + throw n; + } +}; +K.Parser = tn; +K.parser = tn.parse; +K.Renderer = fa; +K.TextRenderer = nh; +K.Lexer = Je; +K.lexer = Je.lex; +K.Tokenizer = pa; +K.Slugger = rh; +K.parse = K; +K.options; +K.setOptions; +K.use; +K.walkTokens; +K.parseInline; +tn.parse; +Je.lex; +function ga(e) { + return e instanceof Map ? e.clear = e.delete = e.set = function() { + throw new Error("map is read-only"); + } : e instanceof Set && (e.add = e.clear = e.delete = function() { + throw new Error("set is read-only"); + }), Object.freeze(e), Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).forEach(function(t) { + var n = e[t]; + typeof n == "object" && !Object.isFrozen(n) && ga(n); + }), e; +} +var sh = ga, bv = ga; +sh.default = bv; +class Jl { + constructor(t) { + t.data === void 0 && (t.data = {}), this.data = t.data, this.isMatchIgnored = !1; + } + ignoreMatch() { + this.isMatchIgnored = !0; + } +} +function Kn(e) { + return e.replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'"); +} +function cn(e, ...t) { + const n = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); + for (const r in e) + n[r] = e[r]; + return t.forEach(function(r) { + for (const s in r) + n[s] = r[s]; + }), n; +} +const wv = "", t0 = (e) => !!e.kind; +class Cv { + constructor(t, n) { + this.buffer = "", this.classPrefix = n.classPrefix, t.walk(this); + } + addText(t) { + this.buffer += Kn(t); + } + openNode(t) { + if (!t0(t)) + return; + let n = t.kind; + t.sublanguage || (n = `${this.classPrefix}${n}`), this.span(n); + } + closeNode(t) { + !t0(t) || (this.buffer += wv); + } + value() { + return this.buffer; + } + span(t) { + this.buffer += ``; + } +} +class ma { + constructor() { + this.rootNode = { children: [] }, this.stack = [this.rootNode]; + } + get top() { + return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; + } + get root() { + return this.rootNode; + } + add(t) { + this.top.children.push(t); + } + openNode(t) { + const n = { kind: t, children: [] }; + this.add(n), this.stack.push(n); + } + closeNode() { + if (this.stack.length > 1) + return this.stack.pop(); + } + closeAllNodes() { + for (; this.closeNode(); ) + ; + } + toJSON() { + return JSON.stringify(this.rootNode, null, 4); + } + walk(t) { + return this.constructor._walk(t, this.rootNode); + } + static _walk(t, n) { + return typeof n == "string" ? t.addText(n) : n.children && (t.openNode(n), n.children.forEach((r) => this._walk(t, r)), t.closeNode(n)), t; + } + static _collapse(t) { + typeof t != "string" && (!t.children || (t.children.every((n) => typeof n == "string") ? t.children = [t.children.join("")] : t.children.forEach((n) => { + ma._collapse(n); + }))); + } +} +class _v extends ma { + constructor(t) { + super(), this.options = t; + } + addKeyword(t, n) { + t !== "" && (this.openNode(n), this.addText(t), this.closeNode()); + } + addText(t) { + t !== "" && this.add(t); + } + addSublanguage(t, n) { + const r = t.root; + r.kind = n, r.sublanguage = !0, this.add(r); + } + toHTML() { + return new Cv(this, this.options).value(); + } + finalize() { + return !0; + } +} +function kv(e) { + return new RegExp(e.replace(/[-/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, "\\$&"), "m"); +} +function jr(e) { + return e ? typeof e == "string" ? e : e.source : null; +} +function Ev(...e) { + return e.map((t) => jr(t)).join(""); +} +function Tv(...e) { + return "(" + e.map((t) => jr(t)).join("|") + ")"; +} +function Av(e) { + return new RegExp(e.toString() + "|").exec("").length - 1; +} +function Sv(e, t) { + const n = e && e.exec(t); + return n && n.index === 0; +} +const Rv = /\[(?:[^\\\]]|\\.)*\]|\(\??|\\([1-9][0-9]*)|\\./; +function Iv(e, t = "|") { + let n = 0; + return e.map((r) => { + n += 1; + const s = n; + let i = jr(r), o = ""; + for (; i.length > 0; ) { + const a = Rv.exec(i); + if (!a) { + o += i; + break; + } + o += i.substring(0, a.index), i = i.substring(a.index + a[0].length), a[0][0] === "\\" && a[1] ? o += "\\" + String(Number(a[1]) + s) : (o += a[0], a[0] === "(" && n++); + } + return o; + }).map((r) => `(${r})`).join(t); +} +const Ov = /\b\B/, ih = "[a-zA-Z]\\w*", xa = "[a-zA-Z_]\\w*", La = "\\b\\d+(\\.\\d+)?", oh = "(-?)(\\b0[xX][a-fA-F0-9]+|(\\b\\d+(\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)([eE][-+]?\\d+)?)", ah = "\\b(0b[01]+)", Nv = "!|!=|!==|%|%=|&|&&|&=|\\*|\\*=|\\+|\\+=|,|-|-=|/=|/|:|;|<<|<<=|<=|<|===|==|=|>>>=|>>=|>=|>>>|>>|>|\\?|\\[|\\{|\\(|\\^|\\^=|\\||\\|=|\\|\\||~", Pv = (e = {}) => { + const t = /^#![ ]*\//; + return e.binary && (e.begin = Ev( + t, + /.*\b/, + e.binary, + /\b.*/ + )), cn({ + className: "meta", + begin: t, + end: /$/, + relevance: 0, + "on:begin": (n, r) => { + n.index !== 0 && r.ignoreMatch(); + } + }, e); +}, Vr = { + begin: "\\\\[\\s\\S]", + relevance: 0 +}, Mv = { + className: "string", + begin: "'", + end: "'", + illegal: "\\n", + contains: [Vr] +}, Fv = { + className: "string", + begin: '"', + end: '"', + illegal: "\\n", + contains: [Vr] +}, lh = { + begin: /\b(a|an|the|are|I'm|isn't|don't|doesn't|won't|but|just|should|pretty|simply|enough|gonna|going|wtf|so|such|will|you|your|they|like|more)\b/ +}, Oi = function(e, t, n = {}) { + const r = cn( + { + className: "comment", + begin: e, + end: t, + contains: [] + }, + n + ); + return r.contains.push(lh), r.contains.push({ + className: "doctag", + begin: "(?:TODO|FIXME|NOTE|BUG|OPTIMIZE|HACK|XXX):", + relevance: 0 + }), r; +}, zv = Oi("//", "$"), Dv = Oi("/\\*", "\\*/"), Bv = Oi("#", "$"), Uv = { + className: "number", + begin: La, + relevance: 0 +}, Hv = { + className: "number", + begin: oh, + relevance: 0 +}, Gv = { + className: "number", + begin: ah, + relevance: 0 +}, $v = { + className: "number", + begin: La + "(%|em|ex|ch|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|cm|mm|in|pt|pc|px|deg|grad|rad|turn|s|ms|Hz|kHz|dpi|dpcm|dppx)?", + relevance: 0 +}, jv = { + begin: /(?=\/[^/\n]*\/)/, + contains: [{ + className: "regexp", + begin: /\//, + end: /\/[gimuy]*/, + illegal: /\n/, + contains: [ + Vr, + { + begin: /\[/, + end: /\]/, + relevance: 0, + contains: [Vr] + } + ] + }] +}, Vv = { + className: "title", + begin: ih, + relevance: 0 +}, qv = { + className: "title", + begin: xa, + relevance: 0 +}, Zv = { + begin: "\\.\\s*" + xa, + relevance: 0 +}, Wv = function(e) { + return Object.assign( + e, + { + "on:begin": (t, n) => { + n.data._beginMatch = t[1]; + }, + "on:end": (t, n) => { + n.data._beginMatch !== t[1] && n.ignoreMatch(); + } + } + ); +}; +var Ls = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze({ + __proto__: null, + MATCH_NOTHING_RE: Ov, + IDENT_RE: ih, + UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE: xa, + NUMBER_RE: La, + C_NUMBER_RE: oh, + BINARY_NUMBER_RE: ah, + RE_STARTERS_RE: Nv, + SHEBANG: Pv, + BACKSLASH_ESCAPE: Vr, + APOS_STRING_MODE: Mv, + QUOTE_STRING_MODE: Fv, + PHRASAL_WORDS_MODE: lh, + COMMENT: Oi, + C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE: zv, + C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE: Dv, + HASH_COMMENT_MODE: Bv, + NUMBER_MODE: Uv, + C_NUMBER_MODE: Hv, + BINARY_NUMBER_MODE: Gv, + CSS_NUMBER_MODE: $v, + REGEXP_MODE: jv, + TITLE_MODE: Vv, + UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE: qv, + METHOD_GUARD: Zv, + END_SAME_AS_BEGIN: Wv +}); +function Yv(e, t) { + e.input[e.index - 1] === "." && t.ignoreMatch(); +} +function Kv(e, t) { + !t || !e.beginKeywords || (e.begin = "\\b(" + e.beginKeywords.split(" ").join("|") + ")(?!\\.)(?=\\b|\\s)", e.__beforeBegin = Yv, e.keywords = e.keywords || e.beginKeywords, delete e.beginKeywords, e.relevance === void 0 && (e.relevance = 0)); +} +function Qv(e, t) { + !Array.isArray(e.illegal) || (e.illegal = Tv(...e.illegal)); +} +function Xv(e, t) { + if (e.match) { + if (e.begin || e.end) + throw new Error("begin & end are not supported with match"); + e.begin = e.match, delete e.match; + } +} +function Jv(e, t) { + e.relevance === void 0 && (e.relevance = 1); +} +const tb = [ + "of", + "and", + "for", + "in", + "not", + "or", + "if", + "then", + "parent", + "list", + "value" +], eb = "keyword"; +function ch(e, t, n = eb) { + const r = {}; + return typeof e == "string" ? s(n, e.split(" ")) : Array.isArray(e) ? s(n, e) : Object.keys(e).forEach(function(i) { + Object.assign( + r, + ch(e[i], t, i) + ); + }), r; + function s(i, o) { + t && (o = o.map((a) => a.toLowerCase())), o.forEach(function(a) { + const l = a.split("|"); + r[l[0]] = [i, nb(l[0], l[1])]; + }); + } +} +function nb(e, t) { + return t ? Number(t) : rb(e) ? 0 : 1; +} +function rb(e) { + return tb.includes(e.toLowerCase()); +} +function sb(e, { plugins: t }) { + function n(a, l) { + return new RegExp( + jr(a), + "m" + (e.case_insensitive ? "i" : "") + (l ? "g" : "") + ); + } + class r { + constructor() { + this.matchIndexes = {}, this.regexes = [], this.matchAt = 1, this.position = 0; + } + addRule(l, c) { + c.position = this.position++, this.matchIndexes[this.matchAt] = c, this.regexes.push([c, l]), this.matchAt += Av(l) + 1; + } + compile() { + this.regexes.length === 0 && (this.exec = () => null); + const l = this.regexes.map((c) => c[1]); + this.matcherRe = n(Iv(l), !0), this.lastIndex = 0; + } + exec(l) { + this.matcherRe.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; + const c = this.matcherRe.exec(l); + if (!c) + return null; + const u = c.findIndex((f, m) => m > 0 && f !== void 0), d = this.matchIndexes[u]; + return c.splice(0, u), Object.assign(c, d); + } + } + class s { + constructor() { + this.rules = [], this.multiRegexes = [], this.count = 0, this.lastIndex = 0, this.regexIndex = 0; + } + getMatcher(l) { + if (this.multiRegexes[l]) + return this.multiRegexes[l]; + const c = new r(); + return this.rules.slice(l).forEach(([u, d]) => c.addRule(u, d)), c.compile(), this.multiRegexes[l] = c, c; + } + resumingScanAtSamePosition() { + return this.regexIndex !== 0; + } + considerAll() { + this.regexIndex = 0; + } + addRule(l, c) { + this.rules.push([l, c]), c.type === "begin" && this.count++; + } + exec(l) { + const c = this.getMatcher(this.regexIndex); + c.lastIndex = this.lastIndex; + let u = c.exec(l); + if (this.resumingScanAtSamePosition() && !(u && u.index === this.lastIndex)) { + const d = this.getMatcher(0); + d.lastIndex = this.lastIndex + 1, u = d.exec(l); + } + return u && (this.regexIndex += u.position + 1, this.regexIndex === this.count && this.considerAll()), u; + } + } + function i(a) { + const l = new s(); + return a.contains.forEach((c) => l.addRule(c.begin, { rule: c, type: "begin" })), a.terminatorEnd && l.addRule(a.terminatorEnd, { type: "end" }), a.illegal && l.addRule(a.illegal, { type: "illegal" }), l; + } + function o(a, l) { + const c = a; + if (a.isCompiled) + return c; + [ + Xv + ].forEach((d) => d(a, l)), e.compilerExtensions.forEach((d) => d(a, l)), a.__beforeBegin = null, [ + Kv, + Qv, + Jv + ].forEach((d) => d(a, l)), a.isCompiled = !0; + let u = null; + if (typeof a.keywords == "object" && (u = a.keywords.$pattern, delete a.keywords.$pattern), a.keywords && (a.keywords = ch(a.keywords, e.case_insensitive)), a.lexemes && u) + throw new Error("ERR: Prefer `keywords.$pattern` to `mode.lexemes`, BOTH are not allowed. (see mode reference) "); + return u = u || a.lexemes || /\w+/, c.keywordPatternRe = n(u, !0), l && (a.begin || (a.begin = /\B|\b/), c.beginRe = n(a.begin), a.endSameAsBegin && (a.end = a.begin), !a.end && !a.endsWithParent && (a.end = /\B|\b/), a.end && (c.endRe = n(a.end)), c.terminatorEnd = jr(a.end) || "", a.endsWithParent && l.terminatorEnd && (c.terminatorEnd += (a.end ? "|" : "") + l.terminatorEnd)), a.illegal && (c.illegalRe = n(a.illegal)), a.contains || (a.contains = []), a.contains = [].concat(...a.contains.map(function(d) { + return ib(d === "self" ? a : d); + })), a.contains.forEach(function(d) { + o(d, c); + }), a.starts && o(a.starts, l), c.matcher = i(c), c; + } + if (e.compilerExtensions || (e.compilerExtensions = []), e.contains && e.contains.includes("self")) + throw new Error("ERR: contains `self` is not supported at the top-level of a language. See documentation."); + return e.classNameAliases = cn(e.classNameAliases || {}), o(e); +} +function hh(e) { + return e ? e.endsWithParent || hh(e.starts) : !1; +} +function ib(e) { + return e.variants && !e.cachedVariants && (e.cachedVariants = e.variants.map(function(t) { + return cn(e, { variants: null }, t); + })), e.cachedVariants ? e.cachedVariants : hh(e) ? cn(e, { starts: e.starts ? cn(e.starts) : null }) : Object.isFrozen(e) ? cn(e) : e; +} +var ob = "10.7.3"; +function ab(e) { + return !!(e || e === ""); +} +function lb(e) { + const t = { + props: ["language", "code", "autodetect"], + data: function() { + return { + detectedLanguage: "", + unknownLanguage: !1 + }; + }, + computed: { + className() { + return this.unknownLanguage ? "" : "hljs " + this.detectedLanguage; + }, + highlighted() { + if (!this.autoDetect && !e.getLanguage(this.language)) + return console.warn(`The language "${this.language}" you specified could not be found.`), this.unknownLanguage = !0, Kn(this.code); + let n = {}; + return this.autoDetect ? (n = e.highlightAuto(this.code), this.detectedLanguage = n.language) : (n = e.highlight(this.language, this.code, this.ignoreIllegals), this.detectedLanguage = this.language), n.value; + }, + autoDetect() { + return !this.language || ab(this.autodetect); + }, + ignoreIllegals() { + return !0; + } + }, + render(n) { + return n("pre", {}, [ + n("code", { + class: this.className, + domProps: { innerHTML: this.highlighted } + }) + ]); + } + }; + return { Component: t, VuePlugin: { + install(n) { + n.component("highlightjs", t); + } + } }; +} +const cb = { + "after:highlightElement": ({ el: e, result: t, text: n }) => { + const r = e0(e); + if (!r.length) + return; + const s = document.createElement("div"); + s.innerHTML = t.value, t.value = hb(r, e0(s), n); + } +}; +function R1(e) { + return e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); +} +function e0(e) { + const t = []; + return function n(r, s) { + for (let i = r.firstChild; i; i = i.nextSibling) + i.nodeType === 3 ? s += i.nodeValue.length : i.nodeType === 1 && (t.push({ + event: "start", + offset: s, + node: i + }), s = n(i, s), R1(i).match(/br|hr|img|input/) || t.push({ + event: "stop", + offset: s, + node: i + })); + return s; + }(e, 0), t; +} +function hb(e, t, n) { + let r = 0, s = ""; + const i = []; + function o() { + return !e.length || !t.length ? e.length ? e : t : e[0].offset !== t[0].offset ? e[0].offset < t[0].offset ? e : t : t[0].event === "start" ? e : t; + } + function a(u) { + function d(f) { + return " " + f.nodeName + '="' + Kn(f.value) + '"'; + } + s += "<" + R1(u) + [].map.call(u.attributes, d).join("") + ">"; + } + function l(u) { + s += ""; + } + function c(u) { + (u.event === "start" ? a : l)(u.node); + } + for (; e.length || t.length; ) { + let u = o(); + if (s += Kn(n.substring(r, u[0].offset)), r = u[0].offset, u === e) { + i.reverse().forEach(l); + do + c(u.splice(0, 1)[0]), u = o(); + while (u === e && u.length && u[0].offset === r); + i.reverse().forEach(a); + } else + u[0].event === "start" ? i.push(u[0].node) : i.pop(), c(u.splice(0, 1)[0]); + } + return s + Kn(n.substr(r)); +} +const n0 = {}, Ki = (e) => { + console.error(e); +}, r0 = (e, ...t) => { + console.log(`WARN: ${e}`, ...t); +}, Le = (e, t) => { + n0[`${e}/${t}`] || (console.log(`Deprecated as of ${e}. ${t}`), n0[`${e}/${t}`] = !0); +}, Qi = Kn, s0 = cn, i0 = Symbol("nomatch"), ub = function(e) { + const t = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), n = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), r = []; + let s = !0; + const i = /(^(<[^>]+>|\t|)+|\n)/gm, o = "Could not find the language '{}', did you forget to load/include a language module?", a = { disableAutodetect: !0, name: "Plain text", contains: [] }; + let l = { + noHighlightRe: /^(no-?highlight)$/i, + languageDetectRe: /\blang(?:uage)?-([\w-]+)\b/i, + classPrefix: "hljs-", + tabReplace: null, + useBR: !1, + languages: null, + __emitter: _v + }; + function c(k) { + return l.noHighlightRe.test(k); + } + function u(k) { + let j = k.className + " "; + j += k.parentNode ? k.parentNode.className : ""; + const ct = l.languageDetectRe.exec(j); + if (ct) { + const lt = Tt(ct[1]); + return lt || (r0(o.replace("{}", ct[1])), r0("Falling back to no-highlight mode for this block.", k)), lt ? ct[1] : "no-highlight"; + } + return j.split(/\s+/).find((lt) => c(lt) || Tt(lt)); + } + function d(k, j, ct, lt) { + let It = "", Ie = ""; + typeof j == "object" ? (It = k, ct = j.ignoreIllegals, Ie = j.language, lt = void 0) : (Le("10.7.0", "highlight(lang, code, ...args) has been deprecated."), Le("10.7.0", `Please use highlight(code, options) instead. +https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2277`), Ie = k, It = j); + const qt = { + code: It, + language: Ie + }; + Se("before:highlight", qt); + const se = qt.result ? qt.result : f(qt.language, qt.code, ct, lt); + return se.code = qt.code, Se("after:highlight", se), se; + } + function f(k, j, ct, lt) { + function It(z, Z) { + const rt = T.case_insensitive ? Z[0].toLowerCase() : Z[0]; + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(z.keywords, rt) && z.keywords[rt]; + } + function Ie() { + if (!E.keywords) { + F.addText(H); + return; + } + let z = 0; + E.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex = 0; + let Z = E.keywordPatternRe.exec(H), rt = ""; + for (; Z; ) { + rt += H.substring(z, Z.index); + const ht = It(E, Z); + if (ht) { + const [$t, Bt] = ht; + if (F.addText(rt), rt = "", et += Bt, $t.startsWith("_")) + rt += Z[0]; + else { + const xe = T.classNameAliases[$t] || $t; + F.addKeyword(Z[0], xe); + } + } else + rt += Z[0]; + z = E.keywordPatternRe.lastIndex, Z = E.keywordPatternRe.exec(H); + } + rt += H.substr(z), F.addText(rt); + } + function qt() { + if (H === "") + return; + let z = null; + if (typeof E.subLanguage == "string") { + if (!t[E.subLanguage]) { + F.addText(H); + return; + } + z = f(E.subLanguage, H, !0, V[E.subLanguage]), V[E.subLanguage] = z.top; + } else + z = I(H, E.subLanguage.length ? E.subLanguage : null); + E.relevance > 0 && (et += z.relevance), F.addSublanguage(z.emitter, z.language); + } + function se() { + E.subLanguage != null ? qt() : Ie(), H = ""; + } + function ie(z) { + return z.className && F.openNode(T.classNameAliases[z.className] || z.className), E = Object.create(z, { parent: { value: E } }), E; + } + function p(z, Z, rt) { + let ht = Sv(z.endRe, rt); + if (ht) { + if (z["on:end"]) { + const $t = new Jl(z); + z["on:end"](Z, $t), $t.isMatchIgnored && (ht = !1); + } + if (ht) { + for (; z.endsParent && z.parent; ) + z = z.parent; + return z; + } + } + if (z.endsWithParent) + return p(z.parent, Z, rt); + } + function g(z) { + return E.matcher.regexIndex === 0 ? (H += z[0], 1) : (At = !0, 0); + } + function v(z) { + const Z = z[0], rt = z.rule, ht = new Jl(rt), $t = [rt.__beforeBegin, rt["on:begin"]]; + for (const Bt of $t) + if (Bt && (Bt(z, ht), ht.isMatchIgnored)) + return g(Z); + return rt && rt.endSameAsBegin && (rt.endRe = kv(Z)), rt.skip ? H += Z : (rt.excludeBegin && (H += Z), se(), !rt.returnBegin && !rt.excludeBegin && (H = Z)), ie(rt), rt.returnBegin ? 0 : Z.length; + } + function C(z) { + const Z = z[0], rt = j.substr(z.index), ht = p(E, z, rt); + if (!ht) + return i0; + const $t = E; + $t.skip ? H += Z : ($t.returnEnd || $t.excludeEnd || (H += Z), se(), $t.excludeEnd && (H = Z)); + do + E.className && F.closeNode(), !E.skip && !E.subLanguage && (et += E.relevance), E = E.parent; + while (E !== ht.parent); + return ht.starts && (ht.endSameAsBegin && (ht.starts.endRe = ht.endRe), ie(ht.starts)), $t.returnEnd ? 0 : Z.length; + } + function w() { + const z = []; + for (let Z = E; Z !== T; Z = Z.parent) + Z.className && z.unshift(Z.className); + z.forEach((Z) => F.openNode(Z)); + } + let S = {}; + function P(z, Z) { + const rt = Z && Z[0]; + if (H += z, rt == null) + return se(), 0; + if (S.type === "begin" && Z.type === "end" && S.index === Z.index && rt === "") { + if (H += j.slice(Z.index, Z.index + 1), !s) { + const ht = new Error("0 width match regex"); + throw ht.languageName = k, ht.badRule = S.rule, ht; + } + return 1; + } + if (S = Z, Z.type === "begin") + return v(Z); + if (Z.type === "illegal" && !ct) { + const ht = new Error('Illegal lexeme "' + rt + '" for mode "' + (E.className || "") + '"'); + throw ht.mode = E, ht; + } else if (Z.type === "end") { + const ht = C(Z); + if (ht !== i0) + return ht; + } + if (Z.type === "illegal" && rt === "") + return 1; + if (dt > 1e5 && dt > Z.index * 3) + throw new Error("potential infinite loop, way more iterations than matches"); + return H += rt, rt.length; + } + const T = Tt(k); + if (!T) + throw Ki(o.replace("{}", k)), new Error('Unknown language: "' + k + '"'); + const N = sb(T, { plugins: r }); + let _ = "", E = lt || N; + const V = {}, F = new l.__emitter(l); + w(); + let H = "", et = 0, Lt = 0, dt = 0, At = !1; + try { + for (E.matcher.considerAll(); ; ) { + dt++, At ? At = !1 : E.matcher.considerAll(), E.matcher.lastIndex = Lt; + const z = E.matcher.exec(j); + if (!z) + break; + const Z = j.substring(Lt, z.index), rt = P(Z, z); + Lt = z.index + rt; + } + return P(j.substr(Lt)), F.closeAllNodes(), F.finalize(), _ = F.toHTML(), { + relevance: Math.floor(et), + value: _, + language: k, + illegal: !1, + emitter: F, + top: E + }; + } catch (z) { + if (z.message && z.message.includes("Illegal")) + return { + illegal: !0, + illegalBy: { + msg: z.message, + context: j.slice(Lt - 100, Lt + 100), + mode: z.mode + }, + sofar: _, + relevance: 0, + value: Qi(j), + emitter: F + }; + if (s) + return { + illegal: !1, + relevance: 0, + value: Qi(j), + emitter: F, + language: k, + top: E, + errorRaised: z + }; + throw z; + } + } + function m(k) { + const j = { + relevance: 0, + emitter: new l.__emitter(l), + value: Qi(k), + illegal: !1, + top: a + }; + return j.emitter.addText(k), j; + } + function I(k, j) { + j = j || l.languages || Object.keys(t); + const ct = m(k), lt = j.filter(Tt).filter(yt).map( + (ie) => f(ie, k, !1) + ); + lt.unshift(ct); + const It = lt.sort((ie, p) => { + if (ie.relevance !== p.relevance) + return p.relevance - ie.relevance; + if (ie.language && p.language) { + if (Tt(ie.language).supersetOf === p.language) + return 1; + if (Tt(p.language).supersetOf === ie.language) + return -1; + } + return 0; + }), [Ie, qt] = It, se = Ie; + return se.second_best = qt, se; + } + function M(k) { + return l.tabReplace || l.useBR ? k.replace(i, (j) => j === ` +` ? l.useBR ? "
    " : j : l.tabReplace ? j.replace(/\t/g, l.tabReplace) : j) : k; + } + function tt(k, j, ct) { + const lt = j ? n[j] : ct; + k.classList.add("hljs"), lt && k.classList.add(lt); + } + const G = { + "before:highlightElement": ({ el: k }) => { + l.useBR && (k.innerHTML = k.innerHTML.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(//g, ` +`)); + }, + "after:highlightElement": ({ result: k }) => { + l.useBR && (k.value = k.value.replace(/\n/g, "
    ")); + } + }, J = /^(<[^>]+>|\t)+/gm, q = { + "after:highlightElement": ({ result: k }) => { + l.tabReplace && (k.value = k.value.replace( + J, + (j) => j.replace(/\t/g, l.tabReplace) + )); + } + }; + function Q(k) { + let j = null; + const ct = u(k); + if (c(ct)) + return; + Se( + "before:highlightElement", + { el: k, language: ct } + ), j = k; + const lt = j.textContent, It = ct ? d(lt, { language: ct, ignoreIllegals: !0 }) : I(lt); + Se("after:highlightElement", { el: k, result: It, text: lt }), k.innerHTML = It.value, tt(k, ct, It.language), k.result = { + language: It.language, + re: It.relevance, + relavance: It.relevance + }, It.second_best && (k.second_best = { + language: It.second_best.language, + re: It.second_best.relevance, + relavance: It.second_best.relevance + }); + } + function Rt(k) { + k.useBR && (Le("10.3.0", "'useBR' will be removed entirely in v11.0"), Le("10.3.0", "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2559")), l = s0(l, k); + } + const Dt = () => { + Dt.called || (Dt.called = !0, Le("10.6.0", "initHighlighting() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead."), document.querySelectorAll("pre code").forEach(Q)); + }; + function we() { + Le("10.6.0", "initHighlightingOnLoad() is deprecated. Use highlightAll() instead."), Gt = !0; + } + let Gt = !1; + function rn() { + if (document.readyState === "loading") { + Gt = !0; + return; + } + document.querySelectorAll("pre code").forEach(Q); + } + function qe() { + Gt && rn(); + } + typeof window < "u" && window.addEventListener && window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", qe, !1); + function xn(k, j) { + let ct = null; + try { + ct = j(e); + } catch (lt) { + if (Ki("Language definition for '{}' could not be registered.".replace("{}", k)), s) + Ki(lt); + else + throw lt; + ct = a; + } + ct.name || (ct.name = k), t[k] = ct, ct.rawDefinition = j.bind(null, e), ct.aliases && _t(ct.aliases, { languageName: k }); + } + function Mn(k) { + delete t[k]; + for (const j of Object.keys(n)) + n[j] === k && delete n[j]; + } + function Fn() { + return Object.keys(t); + } + function mr(k) { + Le("10.4.0", "requireLanguage will be removed entirely in v11."), Le("10.4.0", "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/pull/2844"); + const j = Tt(k); + if (j) + return j; + throw new Error("The '{}' language is required, but not loaded.".replace("{}", k)); + } + function Tt(k) { + return k = (k || "").toLowerCase(), t[k] || t[n[k]]; + } + function _t(k, { languageName: j }) { + typeof k == "string" && (k = [k]), k.forEach((ct) => { + n[ct.toLowerCase()] = j; + }); + } + function yt(k) { + const j = Tt(k); + return j && !j.disableAutodetect; + } + function Ce(k) { + k["before:highlightBlock"] && !k["before:highlightElement"] && (k["before:highlightElement"] = (j) => { + k["before:highlightBlock"]( + Object.assign({ block: j.el }, j) + ); + }), k["after:highlightBlock"] && !k["after:highlightElement"] && (k["after:highlightElement"] = (j) => { + k["after:highlightBlock"]( + Object.assign({ block: j.el }, j) + ); + }); + } + function xr(k) { + Ce(k), r.push(k); + } + function Se(k, j) { + const ct = k; + r.forEach(function(lt) { + lt[ct] && lt[ct](j); + }); + } + function sn(k) { + return Le("10.2.0", "fixMarkup will be removed entirely in v11.0"), Le("10.2.0", "Please see https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/issues/2534"), M(k); + } + function Re(k) { + return Le("10.7.0", "highlightBlock will be removed entirely in v12.0"), Le("10.7.0", "Please use highlightElement now."), Q(k); + } + Object.assign(e, { + highlight: d, + highlightAuto: I, + highlightAll: rn, + fixMarkup: sn, + highlightElement: Q, + highlightBlock: Re, + configure: Rt, + initHighlighting: Dt, + initHighlightingOnLoad: we, + registerLanguage: xn, + unregisterLanguage: Mn, + listLanguages: Fn, + getLanguage: Tt, + registerAliases: _t, + requireLanguage: mr, + autoDetection: yt, + inherit: s0, + addPlugin: xr, + vuePlugin: lb(e).VuePlugin + }), e.debugMode = function() { + s = !1; + }, e.safeMode = function() { + s = !0; + }, e.versionString = ob; + for (const k in Ls) + typeof Ls[k] == "object" && sh(Ls[k]); + return Object.assign(e, Ls), e.addPlugin(G), e.addPlugin(cb), e.addPlugin(q), e; +}; +var db = ub({}), An = db; +function pb(e) { + return { + name: "Plain text", + aliases: [ + "text", + "txt" + ], + disableAutodetect: !0 + }; +} +var fb = pb; +const o0 = "[A-Za-z$_][0-9A-Za-z$_]*", gb = [ + "as", + "in", + "of", + "if", + "for", + "while", + "finally", + "var", + "new", + "function", + "do", + "return", + "void", + "else", + "break", + "catch", + "instanceof", + "with", + "throw", + "case", + "default", + "try", + "switch", + "continue", + "typeof", + "delete", + "let", + "yield", + "const", + "class", + "debugger", + "async", + "await", + "static", + "import", + "from", + "export", + "extends" +], mb = [ + "true", + "false", + "null", + "undefined", + "NaN", + "Infinity" +], xb = [ + "Intl", + "DataView", + "Number", + "Math", + "Date", + "String", + "RegExp", + "Object", + "Function", + "Boolean", + "Error", + "Symbol", + "Set", + "Map", + "WeakSet", + "WeakMap", + "Proxy", + "Reflect", + "JSON", + "Promise", + "Float64Array", + "Int16Array", + "Int32Array", + "Int8Array", + "Uint16Array", + "Uint32Array", + "Float32Array", + "Array", + "Uint8Array", + "Uint8ClampedArray", + "ArrayBuffer", + "BigInt64Array", + "BigUint64Array", + "BigInt" +], Lb = [ + "EvalError", + "InternalError", + "RangeError", + "ReferenceError", + "SyntaxError", + "TypeError", + "URIError" +], yb = [ + "setInterval", + "setTimeout", + "clearInterval", + "clearTimeout", + "require", + "exports", + "eval", + "isFinite", + "isNaN", + "parseFloat", + "parseInt", + "decodeURI", + "decodeURIComponent", + "encodeURI", + "encodeURIComponent", + "escape", + "unescape" +], vb = [ + "arguments", + "this", + "super", + "console", + "window", + "document", + "localStorage", + "module", + "global" +], bb = [].concat( + yb, + vb, + xb, + Lb +); +function wb(e) { + return e ? typeof e == "string" ? e : e.source : null; +} +function a0(e) { + return I1("(?=", e, ")"); +} +function I1(...e) { + return e.map((t) => wb(t)).join(""); +} +function Cb(e) { + const t = (q, { after: Q }) => { + const Rt = "", + end: "" + }, s = { + begin: /<[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+/, + end: /\/[A-Za-z0-9\\._:-]+>|\/>/, + isTrulyOpeningTag: (q, Q) => { + const Rt = q[0].length + q.index, Dt = q.input[Rt]; + if (Dt === "<") { + Q.ignoreMatch(); + return; + } + Dt === ">" && (t(q, { after: Rt }) || Q.ignoreMatch()); + } + }, i = { + $pattern: o0, + keyword: gb, + literal: mb, + built_in: bb + }, o = "[0-9](_?[0-9])*", a = `\\.(${o})`, l = "0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*|0[0-7]*[89][0-9]*", c = { + className: "number", + variants: [ + { begin: `(\\b(${l})((${a})|\\.)?|(${a}))[eE][+-]?(${o})\\b` }, + { begin: `\\b(${l})\\b((${a})\\b|\\.)?|(${a})\\b` }, + { begin: "\\b(0|[1-9](_?[0-9])*)n\\b" }, + { begin: "\\b0[xX][0-9a-fA-F](_?[0-9a-fA-F])*n?\\b" }, + { begin: "\\b0[bB][0-1](_?[0-1])*n?\\b" }, + { begin: "\\b0[oO][0-7](_?[0-7])*n?\\b" }, + { begin: "\\b0[0-7]+n?\\b" } + ], + relevance: 0 + }, u = { + className: "subst", + begin: "\\$\\{", + end: "\\}", + keywords: i, + contains: [] + }, d = { + begin: "html`", + end: "", + starts: { + end: "`", + returnEnd: !1, + contains: [ + e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, + u + ], + subLanguage: "xml" + } + }, f = { + begin: "css`", + end: "", + starts: { + end: "`", + returnEnd: !1, + contains: [ + e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, + u + ], + subLanguage: "css" + } + }, m = { + className: "string", + begin: "`", + end: "`", + contains: [ + e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, + u + ] + }, I = { + className: "comment", + variants: [ + e.COMMENT( + /\/\*\*(?!\/)/, + "\\*/", + { + relevance: 0, + contains: [ + { + className: "doctag", + begin: "@[A-Za-z]+", + contains: [ + { + className: "type", + begin: "\\{", + end: "\\}", + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: "variable", + begin: n + "(?=\\s*(-)|$)", + endsParent: !0, + relevance: 0 + }, + { + begin: /(?=[^\n])\s/, + relevance: 0 + } + ] + } + ] + } + ), + e.C_BLOCK_COMMENT_MODE, + e.C_LINE_COMMENT_MODE + ] + }, M = [ + e.APOS_STRING_MODE, + e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, + d, + f, + m, + c, + e.REGEXP_MODE + ]; + u.contains = M.concat({ + begin: /\{/, + end: /\}/, + keywords: i, + contains: [ + "self" + ].concat(M) + }); + const tt = [].concat(I, u.contains), G = tt.concat([ + { + begin: /\(/, + end: /\)/, + keywords: i, + contains: ["self"].concat(tt) + } + ]), J = { + className: "params", + begin: /\(/, + end: /\)/, + excludeBegin: !0, + excludeEnd: !0, + keywords: i, + contains: G + }; + return { + name: "Javascript", + aliases: ["js", "jsx", "mjs", "cjs"], + keywords: i, + exports: { PARAMS_CONTAINS: G }, + illegal: /#(?![$_A-z])/, + contains: [ + e.SHEBANG({ + label: "shebang", + binary: "node", + relevance: 5 + }), + { + label: "use_strict", + className: "meta", + relevance: 10, + begin: /^\s*['"]use (strict|asm)['"]/ + }, + e.APOS_STRING_MODE, + e.QUOTE_STRING_MODE, + d, + f, + m, + I, + c, + { + begin: I1( + /[{,\n]\s*/, + a0(I1( + /(((\/\/.*$)|(\/\*(\*[^/]|[^*])*\*\/))\s*)*/, + n + "\\s*:" + )) + ), + relevance: 0, + contains: [ + { + className: "attr", + begin: n + a0("\\s*:"), + relevance: 0 + } + ] + }, + { + begin: "(" + e.RE_STARTERS_RE + "|\\b(case|return|throw)\\b)\\s*", + keywords: "return throw case", + contains: [ + I, + e.REGEXP_MODE, + { + className: "function", + begin: "(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)|" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + ")\\s*=>", + returnBegin: !0, + end: "\\s*=>", + contains: [ + { + className: "params", + variants: [ + { + begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE, + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: null, + begin: /\(\s*\)/, + skip: !0 + }, + { + begin: /\(/, + end: /\)/, + excludeBegin: !0, + excludeEnd: !0, + keywords: i, + contains: G + } + ] + } + ] + }, + { + begin: /,/, + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: "", + begin: /\s/, + end: /\s*/, + skip: !0 + }, + { + variants: [ + { begin: r.begin, end: r.end }, + { + begin: s.begin, + "on:begin": s.isTrulyOpeningTag, + end: s.end + } + ], + subLanguage: "xml", + contains: [ + { + begin: s.begin, + end: s.end, + skip: !0, + contains: ["self"] + } + ] + } + ], + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: "function", + beginKeywords: "function", + end: /[{;]/, + excludeEnd: !0, + keywords: i, + contains: [ + "self", + e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n }), + J + ], + illegal: /%/ + }, + { + beginKeywords: "while if switch catch for" + }, + { + className: "function", + begin: e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*(\\([^()]*\\)[^()]*)*\\)[^()]*)*\\)\\s*\\{", + returnBegin: !0, + contains: [ + J, + e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n }) + ] + }, + { + variants: [ + { begin: "\\." + n }, + { begin: "\\$" + n } + ], + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: "class", + beginKeywords: "class", + end: /[{;=]/, + excludeEnd: !0, + illegal: /[:"[\]]/, + contains: [ + { beginKeywords: "extends" }, + e.UNDERSCORE_TITLE_MODE + ] + }, + { + begin: /\b(?=constructor)/, + end: /[{;]/, + excludeEnd: !0, + contains: [ + e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n }), + "self", + J + ] + }, + { + begin: "(get|set)\\s+(?=" + n + "\\()", + end: /\{/, + keywords: "get set", + contains: [ + e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: n }), + { begin: /\(\)/ }, + J + ] + }, + { + begin: /\$[(.]/ + } + ] + }; +} +var _b = Cb; +function kb(e) { + return e ? typeof e == "string" ? e : e.source : null; +} +function Eb(...e) { + return e.map((t) => kb(t)).join(""); +} +function Tb(e) { + const t = {}, n = { + begin: /\$\{/, + end: /\}/, + contains: [ + "self", + { + begin: /:-/, + contains: [t] + } + ] + }; + Object.assign(t, { + className: "variable", + variants: [ + { begin: Eb( + /\$[\w\d#@][\w\d_]*/, + "(?![\\w\\d])(?![$])" + ) }, + n + ] + }); + const r = { + className: "subst", + begin: /\$\(/, + end: /\)/, + contains: [e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE] + }, s = { + begin: /<<-?\s*(?=\w+)/, + starts: { + contains: [ + e.END_SAME_AS_BEGIN({ + begin: /(\w+)/, + end: /(\w+)/, + className: "string" + }) + ] + } + }, i = { + className: "string", + begin: /"/, + end: /"/, + contains: [ + e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, + t, + r + ] + }; + r.contains.push(i); + const o = { + className: "", + begin: /\\"/ + }, a = { + className: "string", + begin: /'/, + end: /'/ + }, l = { + begin: /\$\(\(/, + end: /\)\)/, + contains: [ + { begin: /\d+#[0-9a-f]+/, className: "number" }, + e.NUMBER_MODE, + t + ] + }, c = [ + "fish", + "bash", + "zsh", + "sh", + "csh", + "ksh", + "tcsh", + "dash", + "scsh" + ], u = e.SHEBANG({ + binary: `(${c.join("|")})`, + relevance: 10 + }), d = { + className: "function", + begin: /\w[\w\d_]*\s*\(\s*\)\s*\{/, + returnBegin: !0, + contains: [e.inherit(e.TITLE_MODE, { begin: /\w[\w\d_]*/ })], + relevance: 0 + }; + return { + name: "Bash", + aliases: ["sh", "zsh"], + keywords: { + $pattern: /\b[a-z._-]+\b/, + keyword: "if then else elif fi for while in do done case esac function", + literal: "true false", + built_in: "break cd continue eval exec exit export getopts hash pwd readonly return shift test times trap umask unset alias bind builtin caller command declare echo enable help let local logout mapfile printf read readarray source type typeset ulimit unalias set shopt autoload bg bindkey bye cap chdir clone comparguments compcall compctl compdescribe compfiles compgroups compquote comptags comptry compvalues dirs disable disown echotc echoti emulate fc fg float functions getcap getln history integer jobs kill limit log noglob popd print pushd pushln rehash sched setcap setopt stat suspend ttyctl unfunction unhash unlimit unsetopt vared wait whence where which zcompile zformat zftp zle zmodload zparseopts zprof zpty zregexparse zsocket zstyle ztcp" + }, + contains: [ + u, + e.SHEBANG(), + d, + l, + e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, + s, + i, + o, + a, + t + ] + }; +} +var Ab = Tb; +function Sb(e) { + var t = "true false yes no null", n = "[\\w#;/?:@&=+$,.~*'()[\\]]+", r = { + className: "attr", + variants: [ + { begin: "\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*:(?=[ ]|$)" }, + { begin: '"\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*":(?=[ ]|$)' }, + { begin: "'\\w[\\w :\\/.-]*':(?=[ ]|$)" } + ] + }, s = { + className: "template-variable", + variants: [ + { begin: /\{\{/, end: /\}\}/ }, + { begin: /%\{/, end: /\}/ } + ] + }, i = { + className: "string", + relevance: 0, + variants: [ + { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, + { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, + { begin: /\S+/ } + ], + contains: [ + e.BACKSLASH_ESCAPE, + s + ] + }, o = e.inherit(i, { + variants: [ + { begin: /'/, end: /'/ }, + { begin: /"/, end: /"/ }, + { begin: /[^\s,{}[\]]+/ } + ] + }), a = "[0-9]{4}(-[0-9][0-9]){0,2}", l = "([Tt \\t][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9]){2})?", c = "(\\.[0-9]*)?", u = "([ \\t])*(Z|[-+][0-9][0-9]?(:[0-9][0-9])?)?", d = { + className: "number", + begin: "\\b" + a + l + c + u + "\\b" + }, f = { + end: ",", + endsWithParent: !0, + excludeEnd: !0, + keywords: t, + relevance: 0 + }, m = { + begin: /\{/, + end: /\}/, + contains: [f], + illegal: "\\n", + relevance: 0 + }, I = { + begin: "\\[", + end: "\\]", + contains: [f], + illegal: "\\n", + relevance: 0 + }, M = [ + r, + { + className: "meta", + begin: "^---\\s*$", + relevance: 10 + }, + { + className: "string", + begin: "[\\|>]([1-9]?[+-])?[ ]*\\n( +)[^ ][^\\n]*\\n(\\2[^\\n]+\\n?)*" + }, + { + begin: "<%[%=-]?", + end: "[%-]?%>", + subLanguage: "ruby", + excludeBegin: !0, + excludeEnd: !0, + relevance: 0 + }, + { + className: "type", + begin: "!\\w+!" + n + }, + { + className: "type", + begin: "!<" + n + ">" + }, + { + className: "type", + begin: "!" + n + }, + { + className: "type", + begin: "!!" + n + }, + { + className: "meta", + begin: "&" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "$" + }, + { + className: "meta", + begin: "\\*" + e.UNDERSCORE_IDENT_RE + "$" + }, + { + className: "bullet", + begin: "-(?=[ ]|$)", + relevance: 0 + }, + e.HASH_COMMENT_MODE, + { + beginKeywords: t, + keywords: { literal: t } + }, + d, + { + className: "number", + begin: e.C_NUMBER_RE + "\\b", + relevance: 0 + }, + m, + I, + i + ], tt = [...M]; + return tt.pop(), tt.push(o), f.contains = tt, { + name: "YAML", + case_insensitive: !0, + aliases: ["yml"], + contains: M + }; +} +var Rb = Sb; +An.registerLanguage("plaintext", fb); +An.registerLanguage("javascript", _b); +An.registerLanguage("bash", Ab); +An.registerLanguage("yaml", Rb); +const Ib = { + codespan(e) { + let t = /(GET|HEAD|POST|PUT|DELETE|CONNECT|OPTIONS|TRACE|PATCH)\s+(.+)/gi.exec(e); + return (t == null ? void 0 : t.length) === 3 ? ` + + ${t[1]} + ${t[2]} + + ` : `${e}`; + } +}; +K.setOptions({ + highlight: function(e, t) { + if (!t) + return An.highlightAuto(e).value; + const n = An.getLanguage(t) ? t : "plaintext"; + return An.highlight(n, e).value; + }, + breaks: !0 +}); +K.use({ renderer: Ib }); +const Ob = { + name: "comment", + props: ["comment", "commentObj"], + computed: { + markedComment() { + var e, t; + return ((e = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : e.text) && K.parse((t = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : t.text) || this.comment && K.parse(this.comment); + }, + color() { + var e; + return (e = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : e.color; + } + } +}, Nb = ["innerHTML"]; +function Pb(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", { + class: "comments text-skin-comment min-w-[100px] flex justify-around text-left text-sm opacity-50 hover:opacity-100", + style: gt({ color: i.color }) + }, [ + b("div", { innerHTML: i.markedComment }, null, 8, Nb) + ], 4); +} +const rs = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Ob, [["render", Pb], ["__scopeId", "data-v-15224042"]]), Mb = { + name: "occurrence", + props: ["context", "selfCallIndent", "participant", "rtl"], + data: function() { + return { + center: 0 + }; + }, + computed: { + ...ge(["centerOf", "messageLayerLeft"]), + ...eo(["code"]), + computedCenter: function() { + try { + return this.centerOf(this.participant); + } catch (e) { + return console.error(e), 0; + } + } + } +}, Fb = ["data-belongs-to", "data-x-offset", "data-debug-center-of"]; +function zb(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["occurrence border-skin-occurrence bg-skin-occurrence rounded-sm border-2 relative left-full", { "right-to-left": n.rtl }]), + "data-el-type": "occurrence", + "data-belongs-to": n.participant, + "data-x-offset": e.center, + "data-debug-center-of": i.computedCenter + }, [ + this.context.braceBlock() ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + context: n.context.braceBlock().block(), + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["context", "selfCallIndent"])) : mt("", !0) + ], 10, Fb); +} +const uh = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Mb, [["render", zb], ["__scopeId", "data-v-054f42d1"]]); +class gr { + constructor(t, n, r, s) { + B(this, "start"), B(this, "stop"), this.start = { line: t, col: n }, this.stop = { line: r, col: s }; + } + static from(t) { + const n = t.start, r = t.stop; + return new gr(n.line, n.column, r.line, r.column + r.text.length); + } +} +const l0 = qr.child({ name: "Creation" }), Db = { + name: "creation", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + computed: { + ...ge(["cursor", "onElementClick", "distance"]), + from() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + creation() { + return this.context.creation(); + }, + interactionWidth() { + let e = Math.abs(this.distance(this.to, this.from)), t = this.selfCallIndent || 0; + return e + (this.rightToLeft ? t : -t); + }, + rightToLeft() { + return this.distance(this.to, this.from) < 0; + }, + signature() { + return this.creation.SignatureText(); + }, + assignee() { + function e(s) { + return s && s.getFormattedText() || ""; + } + let t = this.creation.creationBody().assignment(); + if (!t) + return ""; + let n = e(t.assignee()); + const r = e(t.type()); + return n + (r ? ":" + r : ""); + }, + to() { + return this.creation.Owner(); + }, + isCurrent() { + return this.creation.isCurrent(this.cursor); + } + }, + mounted() { + this.layoutMessageContainer(), l0.log(`mounted for ${this.to}`); + }, + updated() { + this.layoutMessageContainer(), l0.debug(`mounted for ${this.to}`); + }, + methods: { + layoutMessageContainer() { + (() => { + if (!this.$refs.participantPlaceHolder || !this.$refs.messageContainer) + return; + const e = this.$refs.participantPlaceHolder.offsetWidth / 2; + this.$refs.messageContainer.style.width = `calc(100% + ${e + 6}px`, this.rightToLeft && (this.$refs.messageContainer.style.transform = `translateX( ${-(e + 6)}px`); + })(); + }, + onClick() { + this.onElementClick(gr.from(this.context)); + } + }, + components: { + Participant: U2, + Comment: rs, + Occurrence: uh, + Message: ns + } +}, Bb = ["data-signature"], Ub = ["data-to"], Hb = { + ref: "participantPlaceHolder", + class: "invisible right-0 flex flex-col justify-center flex-shrink-0" +}; +function Gb(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("message"), l = ot("participant"), c = ot("occurrence"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["interaction creation sync text-center transform", { + "right-to-left": i.rightToLeft, + "-translate-x-full": i.rightToLeft, + highlight: i.isCurrent + }]), + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = ii((...u) => i.onClick && i.onClick(...u), ["stop"])), + "data-signature": i.signature, + style: gt({ width: i.interactionWidth + "px" }) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + b("div", { + ref: "messageContainer", + class: ne(["message-container pointer-events-none flex items-center h-10", { "flex-row-reverse": i.rightToLeft }]), + "data-type": "creation", + "data-to": i.to + }, [ + at(a, { + ref: "messageEl", + class: "invocation w-full transform -translate-y-1/2 pointer-events-auto", + content: i.signature, + rtl: i.rightToLeft, + type: "creation" + }, null, 8, ["content", "rtl"]), + b("div", Hb, [ + at(l, { + entity: { name: i.to } + }, null, 8, ["entity"]) + ], 512) + ], 10, Ub), + at(c, { + context: i.creation, + class: "pointer-events-auto", + participant: i.to + }, null, 8, ["context", "participant"]), + i.assignee ? (R(), wt(a, { + key: 1, + class: "return transform -translate-y-full pointer-events-auto", + content: i.assignee, + rtl: !i.rightToLeft, + type: "return" + }, null, 8, ["content", "rtl"])) : mt("", !0) + ], 14, Bb); +} +const $b = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Db, [["render", Gb]]), jb = { + name: "self-invocation", + props: ["content", "assignee"] +}, Vb = { + class: "message self text-sm flex items-start", + style: { "border-width": "0" } +}, qb = /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", { + class: "arrow text-skin-message-arrow", + width: "30", + height: "24" +}, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "line stroke-current fill-none stroke-2", + points: "0,2 28,2 28,15 14,15" + }), + /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "head stroke-current fill-current stroke-2", + points: "18,9 8,15 18,21" + }) +], -1), Zb = { class: "name px-px hover:text-skin-message-hover hover:bg-skin-message-hover" }, Wb = { key: 0 }; +function Yb(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", Vb, [ + qb, + b("label", Zb, [ + n.assignee ? (R(), W("span", Wb, Ht(n.assignee) + " = ", 1)) : mt("", !0), + Rs(" " + Ht(n.content), 1) + ]) + ]); +} +const Kb = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(jb, [["render", Yb]]), Qb = { + name: "interaction", + props: ["context", "selfCallIndent", "commentObj"], + computed: { + ...ge(["participants", "distance2", "cursor", "onElementClick"]), + hasComment() { + var e, t; + return ((e = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : e.text) !== "" || ((t = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : t.color) !== ""; + }, + color() { + var e; + return (e = this.commentObj) == null ? void 0 : e.color; + }, + message: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.message(); + }, + providedFrom: function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.message()) == null ? void 0 : t.ProvidedFrom(); + }, + from: function() { + return this.providedFrom || this.origin; + }, + outOfBand: function() { + return !!this.providedFrom && this.providedFrom !== this.origin; + }, + assignee: function() { + var e; + let t = (e = this.message) == null ? void 0 : e.Assignment(); + return t ? t.getText() : ""; + }, + signature: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.message) == null ? void 0 : e.SignatureText(); + }, + translateX: function() { + if (!this.rightToLeft && !this.outOfBand) + return 0; + const e = this.rightToLeft ? this.to : this.providedFrom, t = this.distance2(this.origin, e), n = this.selfCallIndent || 0; + return t + 0 - n; + }, + rightToLeft: function() { + return this.distance2(this.from, this.to) < 0; + }, + isCurrent: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.message) == null ? void 0 : e.isCurrent(this.cursor); + }, + showStarter() { + return this.participants.Starter().name !== "_STARTER_"; + }, + isRootBlock() { + var e, t; + return ((t = (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.parentCtx) == null ? void 0 : t.parentCtx) instanceof Gg; + }, + origin: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.Origin(); + }, + passOnOffset: function() { + return this.isSelf ? (this.selfCallIndent || 0) + 6 : 0; + }, + interactionWidth: function() { + if (this.context && this.isSelf) + return 0; + let e = this.outOfBand ? 0 : this.selfCallIndent || 0; + return Math.abs(this.distance2(this.from, this.to) - e); + }, + to: function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.message()) == null ? void 0 : t.Owner(); + }, + isSelf: function() { + return !this.to || this.to === this.from; + }, + invocation: function() { + return this.isSelf ? "SelfInvocation" : "Message"; + } + }, + methods: { + onClick() { + this.onElementClick(gr.from(this.context)); + } + }, + components: { + Message: ns, + SelfInvocation: Kb, + Comment: rs, + Occurrence: uh + } +}, Xb = ["data-to", "data-signature"]; +function Jb(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("occurrence"), l = ot("message"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["interaction sync inline-block", { highlight: i.isCurrent, self: i.isSelf }]), + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = ii((...c) => i.onClick && i.onClick(...c), ["stop"])), + "data-to": i.to, + "data-type": "interaction", + "data-signature": i.signature, + style: gt({ + width: !i.isSelf && i.interactionWidth + "px", + transform: "translateX(" + i.translateX + "px)" + }) + }, [ + i.showStarter && i.isRootBlock || i.outOfBand ? (R(), W("div", { + key: 0, + class: ne(["occurrence source border-2", { "right-to-left": i.rightToLeft }]) + }, null, 2)) : mt("", !0), + i.hasComment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 1, + commentObj: n.commentObj + }, null, 8, ["commentObj"])) : mt("", !0), + (R(), wt(W1(i.invocation), { + class: "text-center", + color: i.color, + content: i.signature, + assignee: i.assignee, + rtl: i.rightToLeft, + type: "sync" + }, null, 8, ["color", "content", "assignee", "rtl"])), + at(a, { + context: i.message, + participant: i.to, + selfCallIndent: i.passOnOffset, + rtl: i.rightToLeft + }, null, 8, ["context", "participant", "selfCallIndent", "rtl"]), + i.assignee && !i.isSelf ? (R(), wt(l, { + key: 2, + class: "return transform -translate-y-full", + content: i.assignee, + rtl: !i.rightToLeft, + type: "return" + }, null, 8, ["content", "rtl"])) : mt("", !0) + ], 14, Xb); +} +const tw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Qb, [["render", Jb], ["__scopeId", "data-v-86ce6a08"]]), ew = { + name: "self-invocation-async", + props: ["content"] +}, nw = (e) => ($e("data-v-25f755f6"), e = e(), je(), e), rw = { + class: "message self flex items-start", + style: { "border-width": "0" } +}, sw = /* @__PURE__ */ nw(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", { + class: "arrow text-skin-message-arrow", + width: "34", + height: "34" +}, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "stroke-current stroke-2 fill-none", + points: "0,2 28,2 28,25 1,25" + }), + /* @__PURE__ */ b("polyline", { + class: "head stroke-current stroke-2 fill-none", + points: "11,19 1,25 11,31" + }) +], -1)), iw = { class: "name px-px hover:text-skin-message-hover hover:bg-skin-message-hover" }; +function ow(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", rw, [ + sw, + b("label", iw, Ht(n.content), 1) + ]); +} +const aw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(ew, [["render", ow], ["__scopeId", "data-v-25f755f6"]]); +function Xi(e) { + return e == null; +} +const lw = { + name: "interaction-async", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + computed: { + ...ge(["distance", "cursor", "onElementClick"]), + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + asyncMessage: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.asyncMessage(); + }, + interactionWidth: function() { + var e; + return this.isSelf ? 10 * (((e = this.signature) == null ? void 0 : e.length) || 0) + 100 : Math.abs(this.distance(this.target, this.source)); + }, + translateX: function() { + return this.rightToLeft ? this.distance(this.target, this.from) : this.distance(this.source, this.from); + }, + rightToLeft: function() { + return this.distance(this.target, this.source) < 0; + }, + signature: function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.content()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + }, + source: function() { + var e, t; + return ((t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.from()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText()) || this.from; + }, + target: function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.to()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText(); + }, + isCurrent: function() { + const e = this.asyncMessage.start.start, t = this.asyncMessage.stop.stop + 1; + return Xi(this.cursor) || Xi(e) || Xi(t) ? !1 : this.cursor >= e && this.cursor <= t; + }, + isSelf: function() { + return this.source === this.target; + }, + invocation: function() { + return this.isSelf ? "SelfInvocationAsync" : "Message"; + } + }, + methods: { + onClick() { + this.onElementClick(gr.from(this.context)); + } + }, + components: { + Comment: rs, + SelfInvocationAsync: aw, + Message: ns + } +}, cw = ["data-signature"]; +function hw(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["interaction async", { "right-to-left": i.rightToLeft, highlight: i.isCurrent }]), + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = ii((...a) => i.onClick && i.onClick(...a), ["stop"])), + "data-signature": i.signature, + style: gt({ width: i.interactionWidth + "px", transform: "translateX(" + i.translateX + "px)" }) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + (R(), wt(W1(i.invocation), { + content: i.signature, + rtl: i.rightToLeft, + type: "async" + }, null, 8, ["content", "rtl"])) + ], 14, cw); +} +const uw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(lw, [["render", hw], ["__scopeId", "data-v-4d783075"]]), dw = { + name: "fragment-alt", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent", "commentObj"], + mixins: [es], + computed: { + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + alt: function() { + return this.context.alt(); + }, + blockInIfBlock: function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.alt) == null ? void 0 : e.ifBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : n.block(); + }, + condition: function() { + var e; + return this.conditionFromIfElseBlock((e = this.alt) == null ? void 0 : e.ifBlock()); + }, + elseBlock: function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.alt) == null ? void 0 : e.elseBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : n.block(); + } + }, + methods: { + conditionFromIfElseBlock(e) { + var t, n; + return (n = (t = e == null ? void 0 : e.parExpr()) == null ? void 0 : t.condition()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText(); + }, + blockInElseIfBlock(e) { + var t; + return (t = e == null ? void 0 : e.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.block(); + } + } +}, ya = (e) => ($e("data-v-c5cae879"), e = e(), je(), e), pw = { class: "segment" }, fw = /* @__PURE__ */ ya(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header bg-skin-fragment-header text-skin-fragment-header text-base leading-4 rounded-t" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "name font-semibold p-1 border-b" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "p-0" }, "Alt") + ]) +], -1)), gw = { class: "segment" }, mw = { class: "text-skin-fragment" }, xw = { class: "condition p-1" }, Lw = /* @__PURE__ */ ya(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "else-if hidden" }, "else if", -1)), yw = { class: "condition p-1" }, vw = { + key: 0, + class: "segment mt-2 border-t border-solid" +}, bw = /* @__PURE__ */ ya(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "text-skin-fragment" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "p-1" }, "[else]") +], -1)); +function ww(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "fragment alt border-skin-fragment rounded", + style: gt(e.fragmentStyle) + }, [ + b("div", pw, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment, + commentObj: n.commentObj + }, null, 8, ["comment", "commentObj"])) : mt("", !0), + fw, + b("div", gw, [ + b("div", mw, [ + b("label", xw, "[" + Ht(i.condition) + "]", 1) + ]), + i.blockInIfBlock ? (R(), wt(a, { + key: 0, + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.blockInIfBlock, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"])) : mt("", !0) + ]) + ]), + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.alt.elseIfBlock(), (l, c) => (R(), W("div", { + key: c + 500, + class: "segment mt-2 border-t border-solid" + }, [ + (R(), W("div", { + class: "text-skin-fragment", + key: c + 1e3 + }, [ + Lw, + b("label", yw, "[" + Ht(i.conditionFromIfElseBlock(l)) + "]", 1) + ])), + (R(), wt(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.blockInElseIfBlock(l), + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent, + key: c + 2e3 + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"])) + ]))), 128)), + i.elseBlock ? (R(), W("div", vw, [ + bw, + at(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.elseBlock, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ])) : mt("", !0) + ], 4); +} +const Cw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(dw, [["render", ww], ["__scopeId", "data-v-c5cae879"]]), _w = { + name: "fragment-par", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + mixins: [es], + computed: { + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + par: function() { + return this.context.par(); + } + } +}, kw = (e) => ($e("data-v-bc96f29d"), e = e(), je(), e), Ew = /* @__PURE__ */ kw(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header bg-skin-fragment-header text-skin-fragment-header text-base leading-4 rounded-t" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "name font-semibold p-1 border-b" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", null, "Par") + ]) +], -1)); +function Tw(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "fragment par border-skin-fragment rounded", + style: gt(e.fragmentStyle) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + Ew, + at(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.par.braceBlock().block(), + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ], 4); +} +const Aw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(_w, [["render", Tw], ["__scopeId", "data-v-bc96f29d"]]), Sw = { + name: "fragment-loop", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + mixins: [es], + computed: { + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + loop: function() { + return this.context.loop(); + }, + blockInLoop: function() { + var e, t; + return (t = (e = this.loop) == null ? void 0 : e.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.block(); + }, + condition: function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.loop) == null ? void 0 : e.parExpr()) == null ? void 0 : t.condition()) == null ? void 0 : n.getFormattedText(); + } + } +}, Rw = (e) => ($e("data-v-62b3ca90"), e = e(), je(), e), Iw = /* @__PURE__ */ Rw(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header text-skin-fragment-header bg-skin-fragment-header text-base leading-4" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "name font-semibold p-1 border-b" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "p-0" }, "Loop") + ]) +], -1)), Ow = { class: "segment" }, Nw = { class: "text-skin-fragment" }, Pw = { class: "condition p-1" }; +function Mw(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "fragment loop border-skin-fragment rounded", + style: gt(e.fragmentStyle) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + Iw, + b("div", Ow, [ + b("div", Nw, [ + b("label", Pw, "[" + Ht(i.condition) + "]", 1) + ]), + at(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.blockInLoop, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ]) + ], 4); +} +const Fw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Sw, [["render", Mw], ["__scopeId", "data-v-62b3ca90"]]), zw = { + name: "fragment-opt", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + mixins: [es], + computed: { + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + opt: function() { + return this.context.opt(); + } + } +}, Dw = (e) => ($e("data-v-e9cc75db"), e = e(), je(), e), Bw = /* @__PURE__ */ Dw(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header bg-skin-fragment-header text-skin-fragment-header text-base leading-4" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "name font-semibold p-1 border-b" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", null, "Opt") + ]) +], -1)); +function Uw(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "fragment opt border-skin-fragment rounded", + style: gt(e.fragmentStyle) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + Bw, + at(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.opt.braceBlock().block(), + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ], 4); +} +const Hw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(zw, [["render", Uw], ["__scopeId", "data-v-e9cc75db"]]), Gw = { + name: "fragment-tcf", + props: ["context", "comment", "selfCallIndent"], + mixins: [es], + computed: { + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + tcf: function() { + return this.context.tcf(); + }, + blockInTryBlock: function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.tcf) == null ? void 0 : e.tryBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : n.block(); + }, + finallyBlock: function() { + var e, t, n; + return (n = (t = (e = this.tcf) == null ? void 0 : e.finallyBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : n.block(); + } + }, + methods: { + exception(e) { + var t; + return (t = e == null ? void 0 : e.invocation()) == null ? void 0 : t.parameters().getText(); + }, + blockInCatchBlock(e) { + var t; + return (t = e == null ? void 0 : e.braceBlock()) == null ? void 0 : t.block(); + } + } +}, va = (e) => ($e("data-v-107670fe"), e = e(), je(), e), $w = { class: "segment" }, jw = /* @__PURE__ */ va(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header bg-skin-fragment-header text-skin-fragment-header text-base leading-4 rounded-t" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "name font-semibold p-1 border-b" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", null, "Try") + ]) +], -1)), Vw = /* @__PURE__ */ va(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "keyword catch p-1" }, "catch", -1)), qw = { class: "exception p-1" }, Zw = { + key: 0, + class: "segment mt-2 border-t border-solid" +}, Ww = /* @__PURE__ */ va(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "header text-skin-fragment finally" }, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("label", { class: "keyword finally p-1" }, "finally") +], -1)); +function Yw(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("block"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: "fragment tcf border-skin-fragment rounded", + style: gt(e.fragmentStyle) + }, [ + b("div", $w, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + jw, + i.blockInTryBlock ? (R(), wt(a, { + key: 1, + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.blockInTryBlock, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"])) : mt("", !0) + ]), + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.tcf.catchBlock(), (l, c) => (R(), W("div", { + key: c + 500, + class: "segment mt-2 border-t border-solid" + }, [ + (R(), W("div", { + class: "header text-skin-fragment", + key: c + 1e3 + }, [ + Vw, + b("label", qw, Ht(i.exception(l)), 1) + ])), + (R(), wt(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.blockInCatchBlock(l), + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent, + key: c + 2e3 + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"])) + ]))), 128)), + i.finallyBlock ? (R(), W("div", Zw, [ + Ww, + at(a, { + style: gt({ paddingLeft: `${e.offsetX}px` }), + context: i.finallyBlock, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["style", "context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ])) : mt("", !0) + ], 4); +} +const Kw = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Gw, [["render", Yw], ["__scopeId", "data-v-107670fe"]]), Qw = { + name: "return", + props: ["context", "comment"], + computed: { + ...ge(["distance", "cursor", "onElementClick"]), + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + asyncMessage: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.ret().asyncMessage(); + }, + width: function() { + return this.isSelf ? Hs(this.signature, rr.MessageContent) : Math.abs(this.distance(this.target, this.source)); + }, + left: function() { + return this.rightToLeft ? this.distance(this.target, this.from) + 2 : this.distance(this.source, this.from) + 2; + }, + rightToLeft: function() { + return this.distance(this.target, this.source) < 0; + }, + signature: function() { + var e, t, n, r, s; + return ((t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.content()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText()) || ((s = (r = (n = this.context) == null ? void 0 : n.ret()) == null ? void 0 : r.expr()) == null ? void 0 : s.getFormattedText()); + }, + source: function() { + var e, t; + return ((t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.from()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText()) || this.from; + }, + target: function() { + var e, t, n, r; + return ((t = (e = this.asyncMessage) == null ? void 0 : e.to()) == null ? void 0 : t.getFormattedText()) || ((r = (n = this.context) == null ? void 0 : n.ret()) == null ? void 0 : r.ReturnTo()); + }, + isCurrent: function() { + return !1; + }, + isSelf: function() { + return this.source === this.target; + } + }, + methods: { + onClick() { + this.onElementClick(gr.from(this.context)); + } + }, + components: { + Comment: rs, + Message: ns + } +}, Xw = ["data-signature"], Jw = { + key: 1, + class: "flex items-center" +}, tC = /* @__PURE__ */ b("svg", { + class: "w-3 h-3 flex-shrink-0 fill-current m-1", + viewBox: "0 0 512 512" +}, [ + /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + class: "cls-1", + d: "M256 0C114.84 0 0 114.84 0 256s114.84 256 256 256 256-114.84 256-256S397.16 0 256 0Zm0 469.33c-117.63 0-213.33-95.7-213.33-213.33S138.37 42.67 256 42.67 469.33 138.37 469.33 256 373.63 469.33 256 469.33Z" + }), + /* @__PURE__ */ b("path", { + class: "cls-1", + d: "M288 192h-87.16l27.58-27.58a21.33 21.33 0 1 0-30.17-30.17l-64 64a21.33 21.33 0 0 0 0 30.17l64 64a21.33 21.33 0 0 0 30.17-30.17l-27.58-27.58H288a53.33 53.33 0 0 1 0 106.67h-32a21.33 21.33 0 0 0 0 42.66h32a96 96 0 0 0 0-192Z" + }) +], -1), eC = { class: "name text-sm" }; +function nC(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("comment"), a = ot("Message"); + return R(), W("div", { + class: ne(["interaction return relative", { "right-to-left": i.rightToLeft, highlight: i.isCurrent }]), + onClick: t[0] || (t[0] = ii((...l) => i.onClick && i.onClick(...l), ["stop"])), + "data-signature": i.signature, + style: gt({ width: i.width + "px", left: i.left + "px" }) + }, [ + n.comment ? (R(), wt(o, { + key: 0, + comment: n.comment + }, null, 8, ["comment"])) : mt("", !0), + i.isSelf ? (R(), W("div", Jw, [ + tC, + b("span", eC, Ht(i.signature), 1) + ])) : mt("", !0), + i.isSelf ? mt("", !0) : (R(), wt(a, { + key: 2, + content: i.signature, + rtl: i.rightToLeft, + type: "return" + }, null, 8, ["content", "rtl"])) + ], 14, Xw); +} +const rC = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(Qw, [["render", nC]]), sC = { + name: "divider", + props: ["context"], + computed: { + ...ge(["participants", "centerOf"]), + width() { + let e = this.participants.Names().pop(); + return this.centerOf(e) + 10; + }, + from: function() { + return this.context.Origin(); + }, + centerOfFrom() { + return this.centerOf(this.from); + }, + name: function() { + return this.context.divider().Note(); + } + } +}, dh = (e) => ($e("data-v-9e567e69"), e = e(), je(), e), iC = /* @__PURE__ */ dh(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "left bg-skin-divider" }, null, -1)), oC = { class: "name" }, aC = /* @__PURE__ */ dh(() => /* @__PURE__ */ b("div", { class: "right bg-skin-divider" }, null, -1)); +function lC(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), W("div", { + class: "divider", + style: gt({ width: i.width + "px", transform: "translateX(" + (-1 * i.centerOfFrom + 10) + "px)" }) + }, [ + iC, + b("div", oC, Ht(i.name), 1), + aC + ], 4); +} +const cC = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(sC, [["render", lC], ["__scopeId", "data-v-9e567e69"]]); +class hC { + constructor(t) { + B(this, "text"), B(this, "color"); + const n = t.split(` +`); + this.color = n.find((s) => s.trimStart().startsWith("[red]")) ? "red" : void 0; + const r = n.map((s) => s.replace("[red]", "")); + this.text = r.join(` +`), this.text = this.text.trimEnd(); + } +} +const uC = { + name: "statement", + props: ["context", "selfCallIndent"], + computed: { + comment: function() { + return this.context.getComment() ? this.context.getComment() : ""; + }, + commentObj: function() { + return new hC(this.comment); + }, + subStatement: function() { + let e = this, t = { + loop: "FragmentLoop", + alt: "FragmentAlt", + par: "FragmentPar", + opt: "FragmentOpt", + tcf: "FragmentTryCatchFinally", + creation: "Creation", + message: "Interaction", + asyncMessage: "InteractionAsync", + divider: "Divider", + ret: "Return" + }, n = Object.keys(t).find((r) => e.context[r]() !== null); + return t[n]; + } + }, + components: { + Creation: $b, + Interaction: tw, + InteractionAsync: uw, + FragmentAlt: Cw, + FragmentPar: Aw, + FragmentOpt: Hw, + FragmentTryCatchFinally: Kw, + FragmentLoop: Fw, + Divider: cC, + Return: rC + } +}; +function dC(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + return R(), wt(W1(i.subStatement), { + class: "text-left text-sm text-skin-message", + context: n.context, + comment: i.comment, + commentObj: i.commentObj, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["context", "comment", "commentObj", "selfCallIndent"]); +} +const pC = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(uC, [["render", dC]]), fC = { + name: "block", + props: ["context", "selfCallIndent"], + computed: { + statements: function() { + var e; + return (e = this.context) == null ? void 0 : e.stat(); + } + }, + components: { + Statement: pC + } +}, gC = { class: "block" }; +function mC(e, t, n, r, s, i) { + const o = ot("statement"); + return R(), W("div", gC, [ + (R(!0), W(zt, null, Sn(i.statements, (a, l) => (R(), W("div", { + class: "statement-container mt-1", + key: l + }, [ + at(o, { + context: a, + selfCallIndent: n.selfCallIndent + }, null, 8, ["context", "selfCallIndent"]) + ]))), 128)) + ]); +} +const xC = /* @__PURE__ */ xt(fC, [["render", mC]]), LC = qr.child({ name: "core" }); +class c0 { + constructor(t, n = !1) { + B(this, "el"), B(this, "_code"), B(this, "_theme"), B(this, "store"), B(this, "app"), this.el = t, this.store = I4(sm()), this.app = i4(n ? $2 : rv), this.app.component("Comment", rs), this.app.component("Block", xC), this.app.use(this.store), this.app.mount(this.el); + } + async render(t, n) { + return LC.debug("rendering", t, n), this._code = t || this._code, this._theme = n || this._theme, this.store.state.theme = this._theme || "default", await this.store.dispatch("updateCode", { code: this._code }), Promise.resolve(this); + } + get code() { + return this._code; + } + get theme() { + return this._theme; + } + async getPng() { + return this.el.children[0].__vue__.toPng(); + } +} +const yC = /^\s*zenuml/; +function vC(e) { + const t = document.createElement("div"); + t.id = `container-${e}`, t.style.display = "flex", t.innerHTML = `
    `; + const n = t.querySelector(`#zenUMLApp-${e}`); + return { container: t, app: n }; +} +function bC(e) { + const t = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "foreignObject"); + t.setAttribute("x", "0"), t.setAttribute("y", "0"), t.setAttribute("width", "100%"), t.setAttribute("height", "100%"); + const { container: n, app: r } = vC(e); + return t.appendChild(n), { foreignObject: t, container: n, app: r }; +} +const wC = async function(e, t) { + var f; + We.info("draw with Zen UML renderer", c0), e = e.replace(yC, ""); + const { securityLevel: n } = h0(); + let r = null; + n === "sandbox" && (r = document.getElementById("i" + t)); + const s = n === "sandbox" ? (f = r == null ? void 0 : r.contentWindow) == null ? void 0 : f.document : document, i = s == null ? void 0 : s.querySelector(`svg#${t}`); + if (!s || !i) { + We.error("Cannot find root or svgContainer"); + return; + } + const { foreignObject: o, container: a, app: l } = bC(t); + i.appendChild(o), await new c0(l).render(e, "theme-mermaid"); + const { width: u, height: d } = window.getComputedStyle(a); + We.debug("zenuml diagram size", u, d), i.setAttribute("style", `width: ${u}; height: ${d};`); +}, CC = { + draw: wC +}, _C = { + db: { + clear: () => { + } + }, + renderer: CC, + parser: fh, + styles: () => { + }, + injectUtils: ph +}; +export { + _C as diagram +};