Add AsciiDoc to highlighted languages #264

This commit is contained in:
Maxime Cesson 2022-08-01 17:04:16 +02:00
parent 39d292b1e6
commit 38719347c8
5 changed files with 676 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ define([
var list = Modes.list = [
"APL apl .apl",
"ASCII-Armor asciiarmor .asc",
"AsciiDoc asciidoc .adoc",
"ASN.1 asn.1 .asn1",
"Asterisk asterisk",
"Brainfuck brainfuck .b",

View file

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ define([
'netflux-client': '/bower_components/netflux-websocket/netflux-client',
'chainpad-netflux': '/bower_components/chainpad-netflux/chainpad-netflux',
'chainpad-listmap': '/bower_components/chainpad-listmap/chainpad-listmap',
'cm-extra': '/lib/codemirror-extra-modes'
map: {
'*': {

View file

@ -272,6 +272,13 @@ define([
if (/text\/x/.test(mode)) {
CMeditor.autoLoadMode(editor, 'clike');
editor.setOption('mode', mode);
} else if (mode === 'asciidoc') {
CMeditor.autoLoadMode(editor, mode, {
path: function () {
return 'cm-extra/asciidoc/asciidoc';
editor.setOption('mode', mode);
} else {
if (mode !== "text") {
CMeditor.autoLoadMode(editor, mode);

View file

@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ This file is intended to be used as a log of what third-party source we have ven
* [mermaid 9.0.0]( extends our markdown integration to support a variety of diagram types
* [Fabricjs 4.6.0]( and [Fabric-history]( for the whiteboard app
* [Requirejs optional module plugin](
* [asciidoc.js 2.0.0]( with slight changes to match the format of other codemirror modes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,666 @@
// Parts from Ace; see <>
// Ace highlight rules function imported below.
(function(mod) {
"use strict";
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["cm/lib/codemirror"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("asciidoc", function() {
var HighlightRules = function () {
var identifierRe = "[a-zA-Z\u00a1-\uffff]+\\b";
this.$rules = {
"start": [
{token: "empty", regex: /$/},
{token: "literal", regex: /^\.{4,}\s*$/, next: "listingBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: /^-{4,}\s*$/, next: "literalBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: /^\+{4,}\s*$/, next: "passthroughBlock"},
{token: "keyword", regex: /^={4,}\s*$/},
{token: "text", regex: /^\s*$/},
// immediately return to the start mode without matching anything
{token: "empty", regex: "", next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"}
"dissallowDelimitedBlock": [
{include: "paragraphEnd"},
{token: "comment", regex: '^//.+$'},
{token: "keyword", regex: "^(?:NOTE|TIP|IMPORTANT|WARNING|CAUTION):\\s"},
{include: "listStart"},
{token: "literal", regex: /^\s+.+$/, next: "indentedBlock"},
{token: "empty", regex: "", next: "text"}
"paragraphEnd": [
{token: "doc.comment", regex: /^\/{4,}\s*$/, next: "commentBlock"},
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /^\s*[|!]=+\s*$/, next: "tableBlock"},
// open block, ruler
{token: "keyword", regex: /^(?:--|''')\s*$/, next: "start"},
{token: "option", regex: /^\[.*\]\s*$/, next: "start"},
{token: "pageBreak", regex: /^>{3,}$/, next: "start"},
{token: "literal", regex: /^\.{4,}\s*$/, next: "listingBlock"},
{token: "titleUnderline", regex: /^(?:={2,}|-{2,}|~{2,}|\^{2,}|\+{2,})\s*$/, next: "start"},
{token: "singleLineTitle", regex: /^={1,6}\s+\S.*$/, next: "start"},
{token: "otherBlock", regex: /^(?:\*{2,}|_{2,})\s*$/, next: "start"},
// .optional title
{token: "optionalTitle", regex: /^\.[^.\s].+$/, next: "start"}
"listStart": [
token: "keyword",
regex: /^\s*(?:\d+\.|[a-zA-Z]\.|[ixvmIXVM]+\)|\*{1,5}|-|\.{1,5})\s/,
next: "listText"
{token: "meta.tag", regex: /^.+(?::{2,4}|;;)(?: |$)/, next: "listText"},
// continuation
{token: "keyword", regex: /^\+\s*$/, next: "start"}
"text": [
token: ["link", "link"],
regex: /((?:https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|file:\/\/|mailto:|callto:)[^\s\[]+)(\[.*?\])/
{token: ["link", "link"], regex: /(?:https?:\/\/|ftp:\/\/|file:\/\/|mailto:|callto:)[^\s\[]+/},
{token: "link", regex: /\b[\w\.\/\-]+@[\w\.\/\-]+\b/},
{include: "macros"},
{include: "paragraphEnd"},
{token: "literal", regex: /\+{3,}/, next: "smallPassthrough"},
token: "escape",
regex: /\((?:C|TM|R)\)|\.{3}|->|<-|=>|<=|&#(?:\d+|x[a-fA-F\d]+);|(?: |^)--(?=\s+\S)/
{token: "escape", regex: /\\[_*'`+#]|\\{2}[_*'`+#]{2}/},
{token: "keyword", regex: /\s\+$/},
// any word
{token: "text", regex: identifierRe},
token: ["keyword", "string", "keyword"],
regex: /(<<[\w\d\-$]+,)(.*?)(>>|$)/
{token: "keyword", regex: /<<[\w\d\-$]+,?|>>/},
{token: "constant.character", regex: /\({2,3}.*?\){2,3}/},
// List of callouts
{token: "support.function.list.callout", regex: /^(?:<\d+>|\d+>|>) /, next: "text"},
// Anchor
{token: "keyword", regex: /\[\[.+?\]\]/},
// bibliography
{token: "support", regex: /^\[{3}[\w\d =\-]+\]{3}/},
{include: "quotes"},
// text block end
{token: "empty", regex: /^\s*$/, next: "start"}
"listText": [
{include: "listStart"},
{include: "text"}
"indentedBlock": [
{token: "literal", regex: /^[\s\w].+$/, next: "indentedBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: "", next: "start"}
"listingBlock": [
{token: "literal", regex: /^\.{4,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "constant.numeric", regex: '<\\d+>'},
{token: "literal", regex: '[^<]+'},
{token: "literal", regex: '<'}
"literalBlock": [
{token: "literal", regex: /^-{4,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "constant.numeric", regex: '<\\d+>'},
{token: "literal", regex: '[^<]+'},
{token: "literal", regex: '<'}
"passthroughBlock": [
{token: "literal", regex: /^\+{4,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: identifierRe + "|\\d+"},
{include: "macros"},
{token: "literal", regex: "."}
"smallPassthrough": [
{token: "literal", regex: /[+]{3,}/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: /^\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "literal", regex: identifierRe + "|\\d+"},
{include: "macros"}
"commentBlock": [
{token: "doc.comment", regex: /^\/{4,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "doc.comment", regex: '^.*$'}
"tableBlock": [
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /^\s*\|={3,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /^\s*!={3,}\s*$/, next: "innerTableBlock"},
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /\|/},
{include: "text", noEscape: true}
"innerTableBlock": [
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /^\s*!={3,}\s*$/, next: "tableBlock"},
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /^\s*|={3,}\s*$/, next: "dissallowDelimitedBlock"},
{token: "tableBlock", regex: /\!/}
"macros": [
{token: "macro", regex: /{[\w\-$]+}/},
token: ["text", "string", "text", "constant.character", "text"],
regex: /({)([\w\-$]+)(:)?(.+)?(})/
token: ["text", "markup.list.macro", "keyword", "string"],
regex: /(\w+)(footnote(?:ref)?::?)([^\s\[]+)?(\[.*?\])?/
token: ["markup.list.macro", "keyword", "string"],
regex: /([a-zA-Z\-][\w\.\/\-]*::?)([^\s\[]+)(\[.*?\])?/
{token: ["markup.list.macro", "keyword"], regex: /([a-zA-Z\-][\w\.\/\-]+::?)(\[.*?\])/},
{token: "keyword", regex: /^:.+?:(?= |$)/}
"quotes": [
{token: "string.italic", regex: /__[^_\s].*?__/},
{token: "string.italic", regex: quoteRule("_")},
{token: "keyword.bold", regex: /\*\*[^*\s].*?\*\*/},
{token: "keyword.bold", regex: quoteRule("\\*")},
{token: "literal", regex: /\+\+[^+\s].*?\+\+/},
{token: "literal", regex: quoteRule("\\+")},
{token: "literal", regex: /\$\$.+?\$\$/},
{token: "literal", regex: quoteRule("\\$")},
{token: "literal", regex: /``[^`\s].*?``/},
{token: "literal", regex: quoteRule("`")},
{token: "keyword", regex: /\^[^\^].*?\^/},
{token: "keyword", regex: quoteRule("\\^")},
{token: "keyword", regex: /~[^~].*?~/},
{token: "keyword", regex: quoteRule("~")},
{token: "keyword", regex: /##?/},
{token: "keyword", regex: /(?:\B|^)``|\b''/}
function quoteRule(ch) {
var prefix = /\w/.test(ch) ? "\\b" : "(?:\\B|^)";
return prefix + ch + "[^" + ch + "].*?" + ch + "(?![\\w*])";
var tokenMap = {
macro: "constant.character",
tableBlock: "doc.comment",
titleUnderline: "markup.heading",
singleLineTitle: "markup.heading",
pageBreak: "string",
option: "string.regexp",
otherBlock: "markup.list",
literal: "support.function",
optionalTitle: "constant.numeric",
escape: "constant.language.escape",
link: "markup.underline.list"
for (var state in this.$rules) {
var stateRules = this.$rules[state];
for (var i = stateRules.length; i--;) {
var rule = stateRules[i];
if (rule.include || typeof rule == "string") {
var args = [i, 1].concat(this.$rules[rule.include || rule]);
if (rule.noEscape) {
args = args.filter(function (x) {
return !;
stateRules.splice.apply(stateRules, args);
} else if (rule.token in tokenMap) {
rule.token = tokenMap[rule.token];
// Ace's Syntax Tokenizer.
// tokenizing lines longer than this makes editor very slow
var MAX_TOKEN_COUNT = 1000;
var Tokenizer = function (rules) {
this.states = rules;
this.regExps = {};
this.matchMappings = {};
for (var key in this.states) {
var state = this.states[key];
var ruleRegExps = [];
var matchTotal = 0;
var mapping = this.matchMappings[key] = {defaultToken: "text"};
var flag = "g";
var splitterRurles = [];
for (var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) {
var rule = state[i];
if (rule.defaultToken)
mapping.defaultToken = rule.defaultToken;
if (rule.caseInsensitive)
flag = "gi";
if (rule.regex == null)
if (rule.regex instanceof RegExp)
rule.regex = rule.regex.toString().slice(1, -1);
// Count number of matching groups. 2 extra groups from the full match
// And the catch-all on the end (used to force a match);
var adjustedregex = rule.regex;
var matchcount = new RegExp("(?:(" + adjustedregex + ")|(.))").exec("a").length - 2;
if (Array.isArray(rule.token)) {
if (rule.token.length == 1 || matchcount == 1) {
rule.token = rule.token[0];
} else if (matchcount - 1 != rule.token.length) {
throw new Error("number of classes and regexp groups in '" +
rule.token + "'\n'" + rule.regex + "' doesn't match\n"
+ (matchcount - 1) + "!=" + rule.token.length);
} else {
rule.tokenArray = rule.token;
rule.token = null;
rule.onMatch = this.$arrayTokens;
} else if (typeof rule.token == "function" && !rule.onMatch) {
if (matchcount > 1)
rule.onMatch = this.$applyToken;
rule.onMatch = rule.token;
if (matchcount > 1) {
if (/\\\d/.test(rule.regex)) {
// Replace any backreferences and offset appropriately.
adjustedregex = rule.regex.replace(/\\([0-9]+)/g, function (match, digit) {
return "\\" + (parseInt(digit, 10) + matchTotal + 1);
} else {
matchcount = 1;
adjustedregex = this.removeCapturingGroups(rule.regex);
if (!rule.splitRegex && typeof rule.token != "string")
splitterRurles.push(rule); // flag will be known only at the very end
mapping[matchTotal] = i;
matchTotal += matchcount;
// makes property access faster
if (!rule.onMatch)
rule.onMatch = null;
splitterRurles.forEach(function (rule) {
rule.splitRegex = this.createSplitterRegexp(rule.regex, flag);
}, this);
this.regExps[key] = new RegExp("(" + ruleRegExps.join(")|(") + ")|($)", flag);
(function () {
this.$setMaxTokenCount = function (m) {
this.$applyToken = function (str) {
var values = this.splitRegex.exec(str).slice(1);
var types = this.token.apply(this, values);
// required for compatibility with old modes
if (typeof types === "string")
return [{type: types, value: str}];
var tokens = [];
for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
if (values[i])
tokens[tokens.length] = {
type: types[i],
value: values[i]
return tokens;
this.$arrayTokens = function (str) {
if (!str)
return [];
var values = this.splitRegex.exec(str);
if (!values)
return "text";
var tokens = [];
var types = this.tokenArray;
for (var i = 0, l = types.length; i < l; i++) {
if (values[i + 1])
tokens[tokens.length] = {
type: types[i],
value: values[i + 1]
return tokens;
this.removeCapturingGroups = function (src) {
var r = src.replace(
function (x, y) {
return y ? "(?:" : x;
return r;
this.createSplitterRegexp = function (src, flag) {
if (src.indexOf("(?=") != -1) {
var stack = 0;
var inChClass = false;
var lastCapture = {};
src.replace(/(\\.)|(\((?:\?[=!])?)|(\))|([\[\]])/g, function (m, esc, parenOpen, parenClose, square, index) {
if (inChClass) {
inChClass = square != "]";
} else if (square) {
inChClass = true;
} else if (parenClose) {
if (stack == lastCapture.stack) {
lastCapture.end = index + 1;
lastCapture.stack = -1;
} else if (parenOpen) {
if (parenOpen.length != 1) {
lastCapture.stack = stack
lastCapture.start = index;
return m;
if (lastCapture.end != null && /^\)*$/.test(src.substr(lastCapture.end)))
src = src.substring(0, lastCapture.start) + src.substr(lastCapture.end);
return new RegExp(src, (flag || "").replace("g", ""));
* Returns an object containing two properties: `tokens`, which contains all the tokens; and `state`, the current state.
* @returns {Object}
this.getLineTokens = function (line, startState) {
if (startState && typeof startState != "string") {
var stack = startState.slice(0);
startState = stack[0];
} else
var stack = [];
var currentState = startState || "start";
var state = this.states[currentState];
if (!state) {
currentState = "start";
state = this.states[currentState];
var mapping = this.matchMappings[currentState];
var re = this.regExps[currentState];
re.lastIndex = 0;
var match, tokens = [];
var lastIndex = 0;
var token = {type: null, value: ""};
while (match = re.exec(line)) {
var type = mapping.defaultToken;
var rule = null;
var value = match[0];
var index = re.lastIndex;
if (index - value.length > lastIndex) {
var skipped = line.substring(lastIndex, index - value.length);
if (token.type == type) {
token.value += skipped;
} else {
if (token.type)
token = {type: type, value: skipped};
for (var i = 0; i < match.length - 2; i++) {
if (match[i + 1] === undefined)
rule = state[mapping[i]];
if (rule.onMatch)
type = rule.onMatch(value, currentState, stack);
type = rule.token;
if ( {
if (typeof == "string")
currentState =;
currentState =, stack);
state = this.states[currentState];
if (!state) {
window.console && console.error && console.error(currentState, "doesn't exist");
currentState = "start";
state = this.states[currentState];
mapping = this.matchMappings[currentState];
lastIndex = index;
re = this.regExps[currentState];
re.lastIndex = index;
if (value) {
if (typeof type == "string") {
if ((!rule || rule.merge !== false) && token.type === type) {
token.value += value;
} else {
if (token.type)
token = {type: type, value: value};
} else if (type) {
if (token.type)
token = {type: null, value: ""};
for (var i = 0; i < type.length; i++)
if (lastIndex == line.length)
lastIndex = index;
if (tokens.length > MAX_TOKEN_COUNT) {
// chrome doens't show contents of text nodes with very long text
while (lastIndex < line.length) {
if (token.type)
token = {
value: line.substring(lastIndex, lastIndex += 2000),
type: "overflow"
currentState = "start";
stack = [];
if (token.type)
if (stack.length > 1) {
if (stack[0] !== currentState)
return {
tokens: tokens,
state: stack.length ? stack : currentState
// Token conversion.
// See <>
// This is not an exact match nor the best match that can be made.
var tokenFromAceToken = {
empty: null,
text: null,
// Keyword
keyword: 'keyword',
control: 'keyword',
operator: 'operator',
// Constants
constant: 'atom',
numeric: 'number',
character: 'atom',
escape: 'atom',
// Variables
variable: 'variable',
parameter: 'variable-3',
language: 'variable-2', // Python's `self` uses that.
// Comments
comment: 'comment',
line: 'comment',
'double-slash': 'comment',
'double-dash': 'comment',
'number-sign': 'comment',
percentage: 'comment',
block: 'comment',
doc: 'comment',
// String
string: 'string',
quoted: 'string',
single: 'string',
double: 'string',
triple: 'string',
unquoted: 'string',
interpolated: 'string',
regexp: 'string-2',
meta: 'keyword',
literal: 'qualifier',
support: 'builtin',
// Markup
markup: 'tag',
underline: 'link',
link: 'link',
strong: 'strong',
heading: 'header',
em: 'em',
list: 'variable-2',
numbered: 'variable-2',
unnumbered: 'variable-2',
quote: 'quote',
raw: 'variable-2', // Markdown's raw block uses that.
// Invalid
invalid: 'error',
illegal: 'invalidchar',
deprecated: 'error'
// Takes a list of Ace tokens, returns a (string) CodeMirror token.
var cmTokenFromAceTokens = function (tokens) {
var token = null;
for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
// Find the most specific token.
if (tokenFromAceToken[tokens[i]] !== undefined) {
token = tokenFromAceToken[tokens[i]];
return token;
// Consume a token from plannedTokens.
var consumeToken = function (stream, state) {
var plannedToken = state.plannedTokens.shift();
if (plannedToken === undefined) {
return null;
var tokens = plannedToken.type.split('.');
return cmTokenFromAceTokens(tokens);
var matchToken = function (stream, state) {
// Anormal start: we already have planned tokens to consume.
if (state.plannedTokens.length > 0) {
return consumeToken(stream, state);
// Normal start.
var currentState = state.current;
var currentLine = stream.match(/.*$/, false)[0];
var tokenized = tokenizer.getLineTokens(currentLine, currentState);
// We got a {tokens, state} object.
// Each token is a {value, type} object.
state.plannedTokens = tokenized.tokens;
state.current = tokenized.state;
// Consume a token.
return consumeToken(stream, state);
// Initialize all state.
var aceHighlightRules = new HighlightRules();
var tokenizer = new Tokenizer(aceHighlightRules.$rules);
var asciidoc = {
startState: function () {
return {
current: 'start',
// List of {value, type}, with type being an Ace token string.
plannedTokens: []
blankLine: function (state) {
matchToken('', state);
token: matchToken
return asciidoc;
CodeMirror.defineMIME('text/asciidoc', 'asciidoc');