import "dotenv/config" import express from "express"; import * as fs from "fs"; import rateLimit from "express-rate-limit"; import currentCommit from "./modules/sub/current-commit.js"; import { appName, genericUserAgent, version, internetExplorerRedirect } from "./modules/config.js"; import { getJSON } from "./modules/api.js"; import renderPage from "./modules/page-renderer.js"; import { apiJSON } from "./modules/sub/api-helper.js"; import loc from "./modules/sub/loc.js"; import { Bright, Cyan } from "./modules/sub/console-text.js"; import stream from "./modules/stream/stream.js"; const commitHash = currentCommit(); const app = express(); if (fs.existsSync('./.env') && fs.existsSync('./config.json')) { const apiLimiter = rateLimit({ windowMs: 20 * 60 * 1000, max: 100, standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, handler: (req, res, next, opt) => { res.status(429).json({ "status": "error", "text": loc('en', 'apiError', 'rateLimit') }); } }) const apiLimiterStream = rateLimit({ windowMs: 6 * 60 * 1000, max: 24, standardHeaders: true, legacyHeaders: false, handler: (req, res, next, opt) => { res.status(429).json({ "status": "error", "text": loc('en', 'apiError', 'rateLimit') }); } }) app.set('etag', 'strong'); app.use('/api/', apiLimiter); app.use('/api/stream', apiLimiterStream); app.use('/', express.static('files')); // avoid the %% URIError app.use((req, res, next) => { try { decodeURIComponent(req.path) } catch(e) { return res.redirect(process.env.selfURL); } next(); }); app.get('/api/:type', async (req, res) => { try { switch (req.params.type) { case 'json': if (req.query.url && req.query.url.length < 150) { let j = await getJSON( req.query.url.trim(), req.header('x-forwarded-for') ? req.header('x-forwarded-for') : req.ip, req.header('Accept-Language') ? req.header('Accept-Language').slice(0, 2) : "en", req.query.format ? req.query.format.slice(0, 5) : "webm", req.query.quality ? req.query.quality.slice(0, 3) : "max" ) res.status(j.status).json(j.body); } else { let j = apiJSON(3, { t: loc('en', 'apiError', 'noURL', process.env.selfURL) }) res.status(j.status).json(j.body); } break; case 'stream': if (req.query.p) { res.status(200).json({ "status": "continue" }); } else if (req.query.t) { let ip = req.header('x-forwarded-for') ? req.header('x-forwarded-for') : req.ip stream(res, ip, req.query.t, req.query.h, req.query.e); } else { let j = apiJSON(0, { t: loc('en', 'apiError', 'noStreamID') }) res.status(j.status).json(j.body); } break; default: let j = apiJSON(0, { t: loc('en', 'apiError', 'noType') }) res.status(j.status).json(j.body); break; } } catch (e) { res.status(500).json({ 'status': 'error', 'text': 'something went wrong.' }) } }); app.get("/api", async (req, res) => { res.redirect('/api/json') }); app.get("/", async (req, res) => { // redirect masochists to a page where they can install a proper browser if (req.header("user-agent") && req.header("user-agent").includes("Trident")) { if (internetExplorerRedirect.newNT.includes(req.header("user-agent").split('NT ')[1].split(';')[0])) { res.redirect( return } else { res.redirect(internetExplorerRedirect.old) return } } else { res.send(renderPage({ "hash": commitHash, "type": "default", "lang": req.header('Accept-Language') ? req.header('Accept-Language').slice(0, 2) : "en", "useragent": req.header('user-agent') ? req.header('user-agent') : genericUserAgent })) } }); app.get("/favicon.ico", async (req, res) => { res.redirect('/icons/favicon.ico'); }); app.get("/*", async (req, res) => { res.redirect('/') }); app.listen(process.env.port, () => { console.log(`\n${Bright(`${appName} (${version})`)}\n\nURL: ${Cyan(`${process.env.selfURL}`)}\nPort: ${process.env.port}\nCurrent commit: ${Bright(`${commitHash}`)}\nStart time: ${Bright(Math.floor(new Date().getTime()))}\n`) }); } else { console.log('Required config files are missing. Please run "npm run setup" first.') }