update: add 7.8 update message and emoji

This commit is contained in:
wukko 2023-12-26 00:08:58 +06:00
parent 1fbd0a2c05
commit cc47f9fd8a
5 changed files with 38 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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View file

@ -158,6 +158,7 @@
"UrgentFilenameUpdate": "customizable file names!", "UrgentFilenameUpdate": "customizable file names!",
"UrgentTwitterPatch": "fixes and easier downloads", "UrgentTwitterPatch": "fixes and easier downloads",
"StatusPage": "service status page", "StatusPage": "service status page",
"TroubleshootingGuide": "self-troubleshooting guide" "TroubleshootingGuide": "self-troubleshooting guide",
"UpdateNewYears": "new years clean up"
} }
} }

View file

@ -160,6 +160,7 @@
"UrgentFilenameUpdate": "изменяемые названия файлов!", "UrgentFilenameUpdate": "изменяемые названия файлов!",
"UrgentTwitterPatch": "фиксы и удобное скачивание", "UrgentTwitterPatch": "фиксы и удобное скачивание",
"StatusPage": "статус серверов", "StatusPage": "статус серверов",
"TroubleshootingGuide": "гайд по устранению проблем" "TroubleshootingGuide": "гайд по устранению проблем",
"UpdateNewYears": "новогодняя уборка"
} }
} }

View file

@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ const names = {
"📧": "email", "📧": "email",
"📬": "mailbox", "📬": "mailbox",
"📢": "loudspeaker", "📢": "loudspeaker",
"🔧": "wrench" "🔧": "wrench",
"🫧": "bubbles"
} }
let sizing = { let sizing = {
18: 0.8, 18: 0.8,

View file

@ -562,8 +562,8 @@ export default function(obj) {
<div id="popup-backdrop" onclick="hideAllPopups()"></div> <div id="popup-backdrop" onclick="hideAllPopups()"></div>
<div id="home" style="visibility:hidden"> <div id="home" style="visibility:hidden">
${urgentNotice({ ${urgentNotice({
emoji: "🧮", emoji: "🫧",
text: t("UrgentTwitterPatch"), text: t("UpdateNewYears"),
visible: true, visible: true,
action: "popup('about', 1, 'changelog')" action: "popup('about', 1, 'changelog')"
})} })}