When a web browser executes this code, it should display a prompt to the user, asking permission to allow the web application to register as a handler for the URI scheme.
275 lines
8.7 KiB
275 lines
8.7 KiB
navigator.registerProtocolHandler 'magnet', window.location.origin + '#%s', 'βTorrent'
trackers = [
opts = {
announce: trackers
rtcConfig = {
"url": "turn:numb.viagenie.ca"
"urls": "turn:numb.viagenie.ca"
"credential": "webrtcdemo"
"username": "louis%40mozilla.com"
debug = window.localStorage.getItem('debug')?
dbg = (string, item, color) ->
color = if color? then color else '#333333'
if debug
if item? && item.name
console.debug '%cβTorrent:' + (if item.infoHash? then 'torrent ' else 'torrent ' + item._torrent.name + ':file ') + item.name + (if item.infoHash? then ' (' + item.infoHash + ')' else '') + ' %c' + string, 'color: #33C3F0', 'color: ' + color
console.debug '%cβTorrent:client %c' + string, 'color: #33C3F0', 'color: ' + color
er = (err, item) ->
dbg err, item, '#FF0000'
client = new WebTorrent {rtcConfig: rtcConfig}
scope = null
app = angular.module 'BTorrent', ['ngRoute', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.resizeColumns', 'ui.grid.selection', 'ngFileUpload', 'ngNotify'], ['$compileProvider','$locationProvider', '$routeProvider', ($compileProvider, $locationProvider, $routeProvider) ->
$compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist /^\s*(https?|magnet|blob|javascript):/
enabled: true
requireBase: false
).hashPrefix '#'
$routeProvider.when '/stream',
templateUrl: 'views/stream.html'
controller: 'StreamCtrl'
.when '/download',
templateUrl: 'views/download.html'
controller: 'DownloadCtrl'
templateUrl: 'views/main.html'
controller: 'MainCtrl'
app.controller 'BTorrentCtrl', ['$scope','$rootScope','$http','$log','$location', 'ngNotify', ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) ->
duration: 10000
html: true
if !WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT?
$rootScope.disabled = true
ngNotify.set 'Please use latest Chrome, Firefox or Opera', {type: 'error', sticky: true, button: false}
$rootScope.client = client
scope = $rootScope
updateAll = ->
if $rootScope.client.processing
setInterval updateAll, 500
$rootScope.seedFiles = (files) ->
if files?
if files.length == 1
dbg 'Seeding file ' + files[0].name
dbg 'Seeding ' + files.length + ' files'
name = prompt('Please name your torrent', 'My Awesome Torrent') || 'My Awesome Torrent'
opts.name = name
$rootScope.client.processing = true
$rootScope.client.seed files, opts, $rootScope.onSeed
delete opts.name
$rootScope.openTorrentFile = (file) ->
if file?
dbg 'Adding torrent file ' + file.name
$rootScope.client.processing = true
$rootScope.client.add file, opts, $rootScope.onTorrent
$rootScope.client.on 'error', (err, torrent) ->
$rootScope.client.processing = false
ngNotify.set err, 'error'
er err, torrent
$rootScope.addMagnet = (magnet) ->
if magnet? && magnet.length > 0
dbg 'Adding magnet/hash ' + magnet
$rootScope.client.processing = true
$rootScope.client.add magnet, opts, $rootScope.onTorrent
$rootScope.destroyedTorrent = (err) ->
if err
throw err
dbg 'Destroyed torrent', $rootScope.selectedTorrent
$rootScope.selectedTorrent = null
$rootScope.client.processing = false
$rootScope.changePriority = (file) ->
if file.priority == '-1'
dbg 'Deselected', file
dbg 'Selected with priority ' + file.priority, file
$rootScope.onTorrent = (torrent, isSeed) ->
dbg torrent.magnetURI
torrent.safeTorrentFileURL = torrent.torrentFileBlobURL
torrent.fileName = torrent.name + '.torrent'
if !isSeed
if !($rootScope.selectedTorrent?)
$rootScope.selectedTorrent = torrent
$rootScope.client.processing = false
torrent.files.forEach (file) ->
file.getBlobURL (err, url) ->
if err
throw err
if isSeed
dbg 'Started seeding', torrent
if !($rootScope.selectedTorrent?)
$rootScope.selectedTorrent = torrent
$rootScope.client.processing = false
file.url = url
if !isSeed
dbg 'Done ', file
ngNotify.set '<b>' + file.name + '</b> ready for download', 'success'
if !isSeed
dbg 'Received metadata', file
ngNotify.set 'Received ' + torrent.name + ' metadata'
console.info $rootScope.client
console.info $rootScope.client
torrent.on 'download', (chunkSize) ->
#if !isSeed
# dbg 'Downloaded chunk', torrent
torrent.on 'upload', (chunkSize) ->
#dbg 'Uploaded chunk', torrent
torrent.on 'done', ->
if !isSeed
dbg 'Done', torrent
ngNotify.set '<b>' + torrent.name + '</b> has finished downloading', 'success'
torrent.on 'wire', (wire, addr) ->
dbg 'Wire ' + addr, torrent
torrent.on 'error', (err) ->
er err
$rootScope.onSeed = (torrent) ->
$rootScope.onTorrent torrent, true
if $location.hash() != ''
$rootScope.client.processing = true
setTimeout ->
dbg 'Adding ' + $location.hash()
$rootScope.client.add $location.hash(), $rootScope.onTorrent
, 0
dbg 'Ready'
app.controller 'MainCtrl', ['$scope','$rootScope','$http','$log','$location', 'ngNotify', ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) ->
duration: 10000
html: true
$scope.addMagnet = ->
$scope.torrentInput = ''
$scope.columns = [
{field: 'name', cellTooltip: true, minWidth: '200'}
{field: 'length', name: 'Size', cellFilter: 'pbytes', width: '80'}
{field: 'received', displayName: 'Downloaded', cellFilter: 'pbytes', width: '135'}
{field: 'downloadSpeed', displayName: '↓ Speed', cellFilter: 'pbytes:1', width: '100'}
{field: 'progress', displayName: 'Progress', cellFilter: 'progress', width: '100'}
{field: 'timeRemaining', displayName: 'ETA', cellFilter: 'humanTime', width: '140'}
{field: 'uploaded', displayName: 'Uploaded', cellFilter: 'pbytes', width: '125'}
{field: 'uploadSpeed', displayName: '↑ Speed', cellFilter: 'pbytes:1', width: '100'}
{field: 'numPeers', displayName: 'Peers', width: '80'}
{field: 'ratio', cellFilter: 'number:2', width: '80'}
$scope.gridOptions =
columnDefs: $scope.columns
data: $rootScope.client.torrents
enableColumnResizing: true
enableColumnMenus: false
enableRowSelection: true
enableRowHeaderSelection: false
multiSelect: false
$scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = (gridApi) ->
$scope.gridApi = gridApi
gridApi.selection.on.rowSelectionChanged $scope, (row) ->
if !row.isSelected && $rootScope.selectedTorrent? && $rootScope.selectedTorrent.infoHash = row.entity.infoHash
$rootScope.selectedTorrent = null
$rootScope.selectedTorrent = row.entity
app.controller 'DownloadCtrl', ['$scope','$rootScope','$http','$log','$location', 'ngNotify', ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) ->
duration: 10000
html: true
$scope.addMagnet = ->
$scope.torrentInput = ''
app.controller 'StreamCtrl', ['$scope','$rootScope','$http','$log','$location', 'ngNotify', ($scope, $rootScope, $http, $log, $location, ngNotify) ->
duration: 10000
html: true
$scope.addMagnet = ->
$scope.torrentInput = ''
app.filter 'html', ['$sce', ($sce) ->
(input) ->
$sce.trustAsHtml input
app.filter 'pbytes', ->
(num, speed) ->
if isNaN(num)
return ''
units = [
if num < 1
return (if speed then '' else '0 B')
exponent = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(num) / 6.907755278982137), 8)
num = (num / 1000 ** exponent).toFixed(1) * 1
unit = units[exponent]
num + ' ' + unit + (if speed then '/s' else '')
app.filter 'humanTime', ->
(millis) ->
if millis < 1000
return ''
remaining = moment.duration(millis).humanize()
remaining[0].toUpperCase() + remaining.substr(1)
app.filter 'progress', ->
(num) ->
(100 * num).toFixed(1) + '%'