var client = new WebTorrent({rtcConfig: {"iceServers":[{"url":"stun:","urls":"stun:"},{"url":"","username":"00bb844e6c2a07d4ed3e22a6edd6da6a715714a7c3eb118dc20246e5e0cc50c1","credential":"Wv1IxOBVhm4CGqoWYQWQ0X4Ia0Va7p2SOENv/S7M9Vg=","urls":""}]}}); var DEBUG = true; var prettyBytes = function (num) { var exponent; var unit; var neg = num < 0; var units = ['B', 'kB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB']; if (neg) { num = -num; } if (num < 1) { return (neg ? '-' : '') + num + ' B'; } exponent = Math.min(Math.floor(Math.log(num) / Math.log(1000)), units.length - 1); num = (num / Math.pow(1000, exponent)).toFixed(2) * 1; unit = units[exponent]; return (neg ? '-' : '') + num + ' ' + unit; }; angular.module('bTorrent', [], function ($compileProvider, $locationProvider) { $compileProvider.aHrefSanitizationWhitelist(/^\s*(https?|magnet|blob|javascript):/); $locationProvider.html5Mode({ enabled: true, requireBase: false }).hashPrefix('#'); }).controller('bTorrentCtrl', function ($scope, $http, $log, $location) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug($location.hash()); $scope.client = client; $scope.seedIt = true; $scope.updateAll = function() { $scope.$apply(); }; setInterval($scope.updateAll, 500); $scope.client.done = function() { var done = true; $scope.client.torrents.forEach(function(torrent) { if(!torrent.done) { done = false; } }); return done; }; $scope.client.downloading = function() { var downloading = true; $scope.client.torrents.forEach(function(torrent) { if(torrent.done) { downloading = false; } }); return downloading; }; $scope.uploadFile = function() { document.getElementById("fileUpload").click(); }; $scope.uploadFile2 = function(elem) { $scope.client.processing = true; $scope.client.seed(elem.files, $scope.onSeed); }; $scope.fromInput = function() { if(!$scope.torrentInput == "") { $scope.client.processing = true; $scope.client.add($scope.torrentInput, $scope.onTorrent); $scope.torrentInput = ""; } }; $scope.toggleTorrent = function(torrent) { if(torrent.showFiles) { torrent.showFiles = false; $scope.sTorrent = null; } else { $scope.client.torrents.forEach(function(t) { t.showFiles = false; }); torrent.showFiles = true; $scope.sTorrent = torrent; } }; $scope.onSeed = function(torrent) { if($scope.seedIt) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("Seed it"); $http.get("seedIt.php?hash=" + torrent.infoHash).then(function(response) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("Sent to seeder!"); }, function(response) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("Error sending to seeder!"); }); } $scope.onTorrent(torrent); }; $scope.onTorrent = function(torrent) { $scope.client.processing = false; torrent.showFiles = false; torrent.pSize = prettyBytes(torrent.length); torrent.fileName = + '.torrent'; torrent.oTorrentFileURL = torrent.torrentFileURL; if(angular.isUndefined($scope.sTorrent) || $scope.sTorrent === null) { $scope.sTorrent = torrent; torrent.showFiles = true; } torrent.update = function () { torrent.pProgress = (100 * torrent.progress).toFixed(1); torrent.pDownloaded = prettyBytes(torrent.downloaded); torrent.pUploaded = prettyBytes(torrent.uploaded); torrent.pUploadSpeed = prettyBytes(torrent.uploadSpeed()); torrent.pDownloadSpeed = prettyBytes(torrent.downloadSpeed()); if (torrent.done) { torrent.tRemaining = 'Done' } else { var remaining = moment.duration(torrent.timeRemaining / 1000, 'seconds').humanize(); torrent.tRemaining = remaining[0].toUpperCase() + remaining.substr(1); } }; if(DEBUG) $log.debug("Downloading..." + torrent.infoHash); torrent.files.forEach(function (file) { file.pSize = prettyBytes(file.length); file.status = "Downloading"; file.url = 'javascript: return false;'; file.getBlobURL(function (err, url) { if (err) throw err; file.url = url; if(DEBUG) $log.debug("Got BLOB " + file.url); file.status = "Ready"; $scope.$apply(); }); if(DEBUG) $log.debug("FILE"); }); torrent.on('download', function (chunkSize) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("DOWNLOAD"); torrent.update(); }); torrent.on('upload', function (chunkSize) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("UPLOAD"); torrent.update(); }); torrent.on('done', function () { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("DONE"); torrent.update(); }); torrent.on('wire', function (wire, addr) { if(DEBUG) $log.debug("WIRE"); }); torrent.on('wire', function (wire, addr) { console.log('connected to peer with address ' + addr); }); setInterval(torrent.update, 500); torrent.update(); }; if($location.hash() != '') { $scope.client.processing = true; client.add($location.hash(), $scope.onTorrent); } }).filter('html', function ($sce) { return function (input) { return $sce.trustAsHtml(input); } });