Felix J. Ogris 9a61e8fd48 started script for storage backend migrations
todo: GCS

added GCS, no GLOBALS, two methods for saving pastes and comments

use GLOBALS for verbosity again

added getAllPastes() to all storage providers

moved to bin, added --delete options, make use of $store->getAllPastes()

added --delete-* options to help

longopts without -- *sigh*

fixed arguments

drop singleton behaviour to allow multiple backends of the same type simultaneously

remove singleton from Model, collapse loop in migrate.php

comments is not indexed

tests without data singleton


exit if scandir() fails

extended meta doc
2022-11-01 16:02:17 +01:00

194 lines
5.9 KiB

// change this, if your php files and data is outside of your webservers document root
require PATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
use PrivateBin\Configuration;
use PrivateBin\Model;
$longopts = array(
$opts_arr = getopt("fhnv", $longopts, $rest);
if ($opts_arr === false) {
dieerr("Erroneous command line options. Please use -h");
if (array_key_exists("h", $opts_arr)) {
$delete_after = array_key_exists("delete-after", $opts_arr);
$delete_during = array_key_exists("delete-during", $opts_arr);
$force_overwrite = array_key_exists("f", $opts_arr);
$dryrun = array_key_exists("n", $opts_arr);
$verbose = array_key_exists("v", $opts_arr);
if ($rest >= $argc) {
dieerr("Missing source configuration directory");
if ($delete_after && $delete_during) {
dieerr("--delete-after and --delete-during are mutually exclusive");
$srcconf = getConfig("source", $argv[$rest]);
$dstconf = getConfig("destination", ($rest < $argc ? $argv[$rest] : ""));
if (($srcconf->getSection("model") == $dstconf->getSection("model")) &&
($srcconf->getSection("model_options") == $dstconf->getSection("model_options"))) {
dieerr("Source and destination storage configurations are identical");
$srcmodel = new Model($srcconf);
$srcstore = $srcmodel->getStore();
$dstmodel = new Model($dstconf);
$dststore = $dstmodel->getStore();
$ids = $srcstore->getAllPastes();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
debug("Reading paste id " . $id);
$paste = $srcstore->read($id);
$comments = $srcstore->readComments($id);
savePaste($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $paste, $dststore);
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
saveComment($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $comment, $dststore);
if ($delete_during) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
if ($delete_after) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
function deletePaste($dryrun, $pasteid, $srcstore)
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Deleting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
debug("Would delete paste id " . $pasteid);
function saveComment ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $comment, $dststore)
$parentid = $comment["parentid"];
$commentid = $comment["id"];
if (!$dststore->existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
function savePaste ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $paste, $dststore)
if (!$dststore->exists($pasteid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
function getConfig ($target, $confdir)
debug("Trying to load " . $target . " conf.php" .
($confdir === "" ? "" : " from " . $confdir));
putenv("CONFIG_PATH=" . $confdir);
$conf = new Configuration;
return $conf;
function dieerr ($text)
fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function debug ($text) {
if ($GLOBALS["verbose"]) {
printf("DEBUG: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function helpexit ()
print("migrate.php - Copy data between PrivateBin backends
php migrate.php [--delete-after] [--delete-during] [-f] [-n] [-v] srcconfdir
php migrate.php [-h]
--delete-after delete data from source after all pastes and comments have
successfully been copied to the destination
--delete-during delete data from source after the current paste and its
comments have successfully been copied to the destination
-f forcefully overwrite data which already exists at the
-n dry run, do not copy data
-v be verbose
<srcconfdir> use storage backend configration from conf.php found in
this directory as source
<dstconfdir> optionally, use storage backend configration from conf.php
found in this directory as destination; defaults to:
" . PATH . "cfg" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "conf.php