/*! showdown v 2.0.0 - 15-02-2022 */ ! function() { function a(e) { "use strict"; var r = { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Omit the default extra whiteline added to code blocks", type: "boolean" }, noHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off generated header id", type: "boolean" }, prefixHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Add a prefix to the generated header ids. Passing a string will prefix that string to the header id. Setting to true will add a generic 'section-' prefix", type: "string" }, rawPrefixHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: 'Setting this option to true will prevent showdown from modifying the prefix. This might result in malformed IDs (if, for instance, the " char is used in the prefix)', type: "boolean" }, ghCompatibleHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Generate header ids compatible with github style (spaces are replaced with dashes, a bunch of non alphanumeric chars are removed)", type: "boolean" }, rawHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Remove only spaces, ' and \" from generated header ids (including prefixes), replacing them with dashes (-). WARNING: This might result in malformed ids", type: "boolean" }, headerLevelStart: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "The header blocks level start", type: "integer" }, parseImgDimensions: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off image dimension parsing", type: "boolean" }, simplifiedAutoLink: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off GFM autolink style", type: "boolean" }, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Excludes trailing punctuation from links generated with autoLinking", type: "boolean" }, literalMidWordUnderscores: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Parse midword underscores as literal underscores", type: "boolean" }, literalMidWordAsterisks: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Parse midword asterisks as literal asterisks", type: "boolean" }, strikethrough: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off strikethrough support", type: "boolean" }, tables: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off tables support", type: "boolean" }, tablesHeaderId: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Add an id to table headers", type: "boolean" }, ghCodeBlocks: { defaultValue: !0, describe: "Turn on/off GFM fenced code blocks support", type: "boolean" }, tasklists: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Turn on/off GFM tasklist support", type: "boolean" }, smoothLivePreview: { defaultValue: !1, describe: "Prevents weird effects in live previews due to incomplete input", type: "boolean" }, smartIndentationFix: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Tries to smartly fix indentation in es6 strings", type: "boolean" }, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Disables the requirement of indenting nested sublists by 4 spaces", type: "boolean" }, simpleLineBreaks: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Parses simple line breaks as
(GFM Style)", type: "boolean" }, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Makes adding a space between `#` and the header text mandatory (GFM Style)", type: "boolean" }, ghMentions: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Enables github @mentions", type: "boolean" }, ghMentionsLink: { defaultValue: "https://github.com/{u}", description: "Changes the link generated by @mentions. Only applies if ghMentions option is enabled.", type: "string" }, encodeEmails: { defaultValue: !0, description: "Encode e-mail addresses through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities", type: "boolean" }, openLinksInNewWindow: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Open all links in new windows", type: "boolean" }, backslashEscapesHTMLTags: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Support for HTML Tag escaping. ex:
", type: "boolean" }, emoji: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Enable emoji support. Ex: `this is a :smile: emoji`", type: "boolean" }, underline: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Enable support for underline. Syntax is double or triple underscores: `__underline word__`. With this option enabled, underscores no longer parses into `` and ``", type: "boolean" }, ellipsis: { defaultValue: !0, description: "Replaces three dots with the ellipsis unicode character", type: "boolean" }, completeHTMLDocument: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Outputs a complete html document, including ``, `` and `` tags", type: "boolean" }, metadata: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Enable support for document metadata (defined at the top of the document between `«««` and `»»»` or between `---` and `---`).", type: "boolean" }, splitAdjacentBlockquotes: { defaultValue: !1, description: "Split adjacent blockquote blocks", type: "boolean" } }; if (!1 === e) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(r)); var t, a = {}; for (t in r) r.hasOwnProperty(t) && (a[t] = r[t].defaultValue); return a } var x = {}, t = {}, d = {}, p = a(!0), h = "vanilla", _ = { github: { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: !0, simplifiedAutoLink: !0, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: !0, literalMidWordUnderscores: !0, strikethrough: !0, tables: !0, tablesHeaderId: !0, ghCodeBlocks: !0, tasklists: !0, disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists: !0, simpleLineBreaks: !0, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: !0, ghCompatibleHeaderId: !0, ghMentions: !0, backslashEscapesHTMLTags: !0, emoji: !0, splitAdjacentBlockquotes: !0 }, original: { noHeaderId: !0, ghCodeBlocks: !1 }, ghost: { omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks: !0, parseImgDimensions: !0, simplifiedAutoLink: !0, excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs: !0, literalMidWordUnderscores: !0, strikethrough: !0, tables: !0, tablesHeaderId: !0, ghCodeBlocks: !0, tasklists: !0, smoothLivePreview: !0, simpleLineBreaks: !0, requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText: !0, ghMentions: !1, encodeEmails: !0 }, vanilla: a(!0), allOn: function() { "use strict"; var e, r = a(!0), t = {}; for (e in r) r.hasOwnProperty(e) && (t[e] = !0); return t }() }; function g(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = r ? "Error in " + r + " extension->" : "Error in unnamed extension", a = { valid: !0, error: "" }; x.helper.isArray(e) || (e = [e]); for (var n = 0; n < e.length; ++n) { var s = t + " sub-extension " + n + ": ", o = e[n]; if ("object" != typeof o) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + "must be an object, but " + typeof o + " given", a; if (!x.helper.isString(o.type)) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + 'property "type" must be a string, but ' + typeof o.type + " given", a; var i = o.type = o.type.toLowerCase(); if ("lang" !== (i = "html" === (i = "language" === i ? o.type = "lang" : i) ? o.type = "output" : i) && "output" !== i && "listener" !== i) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + "type " + i + ' is not recognized. Valid values: "lang/language", "output/html" or "listener"', a; if ("listener" === i) { if (x.helper.isUndefined(o.listeners)) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '. Extensions of type "listener" must have a property called "listeners"', a } else if (x.helper.isUndefined(o.filter) && x.helper.isUndefined(o.regex)) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + i + ' extensions must define either a "regex" property or a "filter" method', a; if (o.listeners) { if ("object" != typeof o.listeners) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '"listeners" property must be an object but ' + typeof o.listeners + " given", a; for (var l in o.listeners) if (o.listeners.hasOwnProperty(l) && "function" != typeof o.listeners[l]) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '"listeners" property must be an hash of [event name]: [callback]. listeners.' + l + " must be a function but " + typeof o.listeners[l] + " given", a } if (o.filter) { if ("function" != typeof o.filter) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '"filter" must be a function, but ' + typeof o.filter + " given", a } else if (o.regex) { if (x.helper.isString(o.regex) && (o.regex = new RegExp(o.regex, "g")), !(o.regex instanceof RegExp)) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '"regex" property must either be a string or a RegExp object, but ' + typeof o.regex + " given", a; if (x.helper.isUndefined(o.replace)) return a.valid = !1, a.error = s + '"regex" extensions must implement a replace string or function', a } } return a } function n(e, r) { "use strict"; return "¨E" + r.charCodeAt(0) + "E" } x.helper = {}, x.extensions = {}, x.setOption = function(e, r) { "use strict"; return p[e] = r, this }, x.getOption = function(e) { "use strict"; return p[e] }, x.getOptions = function() { "use strict"; return p }, x.resetOptions = function() { "use strict"; p = a(!0) }, x.setFlavor = function(e) { "use strict"; if (!_.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw Error(e + " flavor was not found"); x.resetOptions(); var r, t = _[e]; for (r in h = e, t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (p[r] = t[r]) }, x.getFlavor = function() { "use strict"; return h }, x.getFlavorOptions = function(e) { "use strict"; if (_.hasOwnProperty(e)) return _[e] }, x.getDefaultOptions = a, x.subParser = function(e, r) { "use strict"; if (x.helper.isString(e)) { if (void 0 === r) { if (t.hasOwnProperty(e)) return t[e]; throw Error("SubParser named " + e + " not registered!") } t[e] = r } }, x.extension = function(e, r) { "use strict"; if (!x.helper.isString(e)) throw Error("Extension 'name' must be a string"); if (e = x.helper.stdExtName(e), x.helper.isUndefined(r)) { if (!d.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw Error("Extension named " + e + " is not registered!"); return d[e] } "function" == typeof r && (r = r()); var t = g(r = x.helper.isArray(r) ? r : [r], e); if (!t.valid) throw Error(t.error); d[e] = r }, x.getAllExtensions = function() { "use strict"; return d }, x.removeExtension = function(e) { "use strict"; delete d[e] }, x.resetExtensions = function() { "use strict"; d = {} }, x.validateExtension = function(e) { "use strict"; e = g(e, null); return !!e.valid || (console.warn(e.error), !1) }, x.hasOwnProperty("helper") || (x.helper = {}), x.helper.isString = function(e) { "use strict"; return "string" == typeof e || e instanceof String }, x.helper.isFunction = function(e) { "use strict"; return e && "[object Function]" === {}.toString.call(e) }, x.helper.isArray = function(e) { "use strict"; return Array.isArray(e) }, x.helper.isUndefined = function(e) { "use strict"; return void 0 === e }, x.helper.forEach = function(e, r) { "use strict"; if (x.helper.isUndefined(e)) throw new Error("obj param is required"); if (x.helper.isUndefined(r)) throw new Error("callback param is required"); if (!x.helper.isFunction(r)) throw new Error("callback param must be a function/closure"); if ("function" == typeof e.forEach) e.forEach(r); else if (x.helper.isArray(e)) for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) r(e[t], t, e); else { if ("object" != typeof e) throw new Error("obj does not seem to be an array or an iterable object"); for (var a in e) e.hasOwnProperty(a) && r(e[a], a, e) } }, x.helper.stdExtName = function(e) { "use strict"; return e.replace(/[_?*+\/\\.^-]/g, "").replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase() }, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback = n, x.helper.escapeCharacters = function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; r = "([" + r.replace(/([\[\]\\])/g, "\\$1") + "])", t && (r = "\\\\" + r), t = new RegExp(r, "g"); return e = e.replace(t, n) }, x.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities = function(e) { "use strict"; return e.replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/&/g, "&") }; function u(e, r, u, t) { "use strict"; var a, n, s, d = -1 < (t = t || "").indexOf("g"), o = new RegExp(r + "|" + u, "g" + t.replace(/g/g, "")), p = new RegExp(r, t.replace(/g/g, "")), i = []; do { for (a = 0; c = o.exec(e);) if (p.test(c[0])) a++ || (s = (n = o.lastIndex) - c[0].length); else if (a && !--a) { var l = c.index + c[0].length, c = { left: { start: s, end: n }, match: { start: n, end: c.index }, right: { start: c.index, end: l }, wholeMatch: { start: s, end: l } }; if (i.push(c), !d) return i } } while (a && (o.lastIndex = n)); return i } function s(u) { "use strict"; return function(e, r, t, a, c, n, s) { var o = t = t.replace(x.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback), i = "", l = "", r = r || "", s = s || ""; return /^www\./i.test(t) && (t = t.replace(/^www\./i, "http://www.")), u.excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs && n && (i = n), r + '" + o + "" + i + s } } function o(n, s) { "use strict"; return function(e, r, t) { var a = "mailto:"; return r = r || "", t = x.subParser("unescapeSpecialChars")(t, n, s), n.encodeEmails ? (a = x.helper.encodeEmailAddress(a + t), t = x.helper.encodeEmailAddress(t)) : a += t, r + '' + t + "" } } x.helper.matchRecursiveRegExp = function(e, r, t, a) { "use strict"; for (var n = u(e, r, t, a), s = [], o = 0; o < n.length; ++o) s.push([e.slice(n[o].wholeMatch.start, n[o].wholeMatch.end), e.slice(n[o].match.start, n[o].match.end), e.slice(n[o].left.start, n[o].left.end), e.slice(n[o].right.start, n[o].right.end)]); return s }, x.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp = function(e, r, t, a, n) { "use strict"; x.helper.isFunction(r) || (s = r, r = function() { return s }); var s, o = u(e, t, a, n), t = e, i = o.length; if (0 < i) { var l = []; 0 !== o[0].wholeMatch.start && l.push(e.slice(0, o[0].wholeMatch.start)); for (var c = 0; c < i; ++c) l.push(r(e.slice(o[c].wholeMatch.start, o[c].wholeMatch.end), e.slice(o[c].match.start, o[c].match.end), e.slice(o[c].left.start, o[c].left.end), e.slice(o[c].right.start, o[c].right.end))), c < i - 1 && l.push(e.slice(o[c].wholeMatch.end, o[c + 1].wholeMatch.start)); o[i - 1].wholeMatch.end < e.length && l.push(e.slice(o[i - 1].wholeMatch.end)), t = l.join("") } return t }, x.helper.regexIndexOf = function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; if (!x.helper.isString(e)) throw "InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string"; if (r instanceof RegExp == !1) throw "InvalidArgumentError: second parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be an instance of RegExp"; e = e.substring(t || 0).search(r); return 0 <= e ? e + (t || 0) : e }, x.helper.splitAtIndex = function(e, r) { "use strict"; if (!x.helper.isString(e)) throw "InvalidArgumentError: first parameter of showdown.helper.regexIndexOf function must be a string"; return [e.substring(0, r), e.substring(r)] }, x.helper.encodeEmailAddress = function(e) { "use strict"; var t = [function(e) { return "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";" }, function(e) { return "&#x" + e.charCodeAt(0).toString(16) + ";" }, function(e) { return e }]; return e = e.replace(/./g, function(e) { var r; return e = "@" === e ? t[Math.floor(2 * Math.random())](e) : .9 < (r = Math.random()) ? t[2](e) : .45 < r ? t[1](e) : t[0](e) }) }, x.helper.padEnd = function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return r >>= 0, t = String(t || " "), e.length > r ? String(e) : ((r -= e.length) > t.length && (t += t.repeat(r / t.length)), String(e) + t.slice(0, r)) }, "undefined" == typeof console && (console = { warn: function(e) { "use strict"; alert(e) }, log: function(e) { "use strict"; alert(e) }, error: function(e) { "use strict"; throw e } }), x.helper.regexes = { asteriskDashAndColon: /([*_:~])/g }, x.helper.emojis = { "+1": "👍", "-1": "👎", 100: "💯", 1234: "🔢", "1st_place_medal": "🥇", "2nd_place_medal": "🥈", "3rd_place_medal": "🥉", "8ball": "🎱", a: "🅰️", ab: "🆎", abc: "🔤", abcd: "🔡", accept: "🉑", aerial_tramway: "🚡", airplane: "✈️", alarm_clock: "⏰", alembic: "⚗️", alien: "👽", ambulance: "🚑", amphora: "🏺", anchor: "⚓️", angel: "👼", anger: "💢", angry: "😠", anguished: "😧", ant: "🐜", apple: "🍎", aquarius: "♒️", aries: "♈️", arrow_backward: "◀️", arrow_double_down: "⏬", arrow_double_up: "⏫", arrow_down: "⬇️", arrow_down_small: "🔽", arrow_forward: "▶️", arrow_heading_down: "⤵️", arrow_heading_up: "⤴️", arrow_left: "⬅️", arrow_lower_left: "↙️", arrow_lower_right: "↘️", arrow_right: "➡️", arrow_right_hook: "↪️", arrow_up: "⬆️", arrow_up_down: "↕️", arrow_up_small: "🔼", arrow_upper_left: "↖️", arrow_upper_right: "↗️", arrows_clockwise: "🔃", arrows_counterclockwise: "🔄", art: "🎨", articulated_lorry: "🚛", artificial_satellite: "🛰", astonished: "😲", athletic_shoe: "👟", atm: "🏧", atom_symbol: "⚛️", avocado: "🥑", b: "🅱️", baby: "👶", baby_bottle: "🍼", baby_chick: "🐤", baby_symbol: "🚼", back: "🔙", bacon: "🥓", badminton: "🏸", baggage_claim: "🛄", baguette_bread: "🥖", balance_scale: "⚖️", balloon: "🎈", ballot_box: "🗳", ballot_box_with_check: "☑️", bamboo: "🎍", banana: "🍌", bangbang: "‼️", bank: "🏦", bar_chart: "📊", barber: "💈", baseball: "⚾️", basketball: "🏀", basketball_man: "⛹️", basketball_woman: "⛹️‍♀️", bat: "🦇", bath: "🛀", bathtub: "🛁", battery: "🔋", beach_umbrella: "🏖", bear: "🐻", bed: "🛏", bee: "🐝", beer: "🍺", beers: "🍻", beetle: "🐞", beginner: "🔰", bell: "🔔", bellhop_bell: "🛎", bento: "🍱", biking_man: "🚴", bike: "🚲", biking_woman: "🚴‍♀️", bikini: "👙", biohazard: "☣️", bird: "🐦", birthday: "🎂", black_circle: "⚫️", black_flag: "🏴", black_heart: "🖤", black_joker: "🃏", black_large_square: "⬛️", black_medium_small_square: "◾️", black_medium_square: "◼️", black_nib: "✒️", black_small_square: "▪️", black_square_button: "🔲", blonde_man: "👱", blonde_woman: "👱‍♀️", blossom: "🌼", blowfish: "🐡", blue_book: "📘", blue_car: "🚙", blue_heart: "💙", blush: "😊", boar: "🐗", boat: "⛵️", bomb: "💣", book: "📖", bookmark: "🔖", bookmark_tabs: "📑", books: "📚", boom: "💥", boot: "👢", bouquet: "💐", bowing_man: "🙇", bow_and_arrow: "🏹", bowing_woman: "🙇‍♀️", bowling: "🎳", boxing_glove: "🥊", boy: "👦", bread: "🍞", bride_with_veil: "👰", bridge_at_night: "🌉", briefcase: "💼", broken_heart: "💔", bug: "🐛", building_construction: "🏗", bulb: "💡", bullettrain_front: "🚅", bullettrain_side: "🚄", burrito: "🌯", bus: "🚌", business_suit_levitating: "🕴", busstop: "🚏", bust_in_silhouette: "👤", busts_in_silhouette: "👥", butterfly: "🦋", cactus: "🌵", cake: "🍰", calendar: "📆", call_me_hand: "🤙", calling: "📲", camel: "🐫", camera: "📷", camera_flash: "📸", camping: "🏕", cancer: "♋️", candle: "🕯", candy: "🍬", canoe: "🛶", capital_abcd: "🔠", capricorn: "♑️", car: "🚗", card_file_box: "🗃", card_index: "📇", card_index_dividers: "🗂", carousel_horse: "🎠", carrot: "🥕", cat: "🐱", cat2: "🐈", cd: "💿", chains: "⛓", champagne: "🍾", chart: "💹", chart_with_downwards_trend: "📉", chart_with_upwards_trend: "📈", checkered_flag: "🏁", cheese: "🧀", cherries: "🍒", cherry_blossom: "🌸", chestnut: "🌰", chicken: "🐔", children_crossing: "🚸", chipmunk: "🐿", chocolate_bar: "🍫", christmas_tree: "🎄", church: "⛪️", cinema: "🎦", circus_tent: "🎪", city_sunrise: "🌇", city_sunset: "🌆", cityscape: "🏙", cl: "🆑", clamp: "🗜", clap: "👏", clapper: "🎬", classical_building: "🏛", clinking_glasses: "🥂", clipboard: "📋", clock1: "🕐", clock10: "🕙", clock1030: "🕥", clock11: "🕚", clock1130: "🕦", clock12: "🕛", clock1230: "🕧", clock130: "🕜", clock2: "🕑", clock230: "🕝", clock3: "🕒", clock330: "🕞", clock4: "🕓", clock430: "🕟", clock5: "🕔", clock530: "🕠", clock6: "🕕", clock630: "🕡", clock7: "🕖", clock730: "🕢", clock8: "🕗", clock830: "🕣", clock9: "🕘", clock930: "🕤", closed_book: "📕", closed_lock_with_key: "🔐", closed_umbrella: "🌂", cloud: "☁️", cloud_with_lightning: "🌩", cloud_with_lightning_and_rain: "⛈", cloud_with_rain: "🌧", cloud_with_snow: "🌨", clown_face: "🤡", clubs: "♣️", cocktail: "🍸", coffee: "☕️", coffin: "⚰️", cold_sweat: "😰", comet: "☄️", computer: "💻", computer_mouse: "🖱", confetti_ball: "🎊", confounded: "😖", confused: "😕", congratulations: "㊗️", construction: "🚧", construction_worker_man: "👷", construction_worker_woman: "👷‍♀️", control_knobs: "🎛", convenience_store: "🏪", cookie: "🍪", cool: "🆒", policeman: "👮", copyright: "©️", corn: "🌽", couch_and_lamp: "🛋", couple: "👫", couple_with_heart_woman_man: "💑", couple_with_heart_man_man: "👨‍❤️‍👨", couple_with_heart_woman_woman: "👩‍❤️‍👩", couplekiss_man_man: "👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨", couplekiss_man_woman: "💏", couplekiss_woman_woman: "👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩", cow: "🐮", cow2: "🐄", cowboy_hat_face: "🤠", crab: "🦀", crayon: "🖍", credit_card: "💳", crescent_moon: "🌙", cricket: "🏏", crocodile: "🐊", croissant: "🥐", crossed_fingers: "🤞", crossed_flags: "🎌", crossed_swords: "⚔️", crown: "👑", cry: "😢", crying_cat_face: "😿", crystal_ball: "🔮", cucumber: "🥒", cupid: "💘", curly_loop: "➰", currency_exchange: "💱", curry: "🍛", custard: "🍮", customs: "🛃", cyclone: "🌀", dagger: "🗡", dancer: "💃", dancing_women: "👯", dancing_men: "👯‍♂️", dango: "🍡", dark_sunglasses: "🕶", dart: "🎯", dash: "💨", date: "📅", deciduous_tree: "🌳", deer: "🦌", department_store: "🏬", derelict_house: "🏚", desert: "🏜", desert_island: "🏝", desktop_computer: "🖥", male_detective: "🕵️", diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside: "💠", diamonds: "♦️", disappointed: "😞", disappointed_relieved: "😥", dizzy: "💫", dizzy_face: "😵", do_not_litter: "🚯", dog: "🐶", dog2: "🐕", dollar: "💵", dolls: "🎎", dolphin: "🐬", door: "🚪", doughnut: "🍩", dove: "🕊", dragon: "🐉", dragon_face: "🐲", dress: "👗", dromedary_camel: "🐪", drooling_face: "🤤", droplet: "💧", drum: "🥁", duck: "🦆", dvd: "📀", "e-mail": "📧", eagle: "🦅", ear: "👂", ear_of_rice: "🌾", earth_africa: "🌍", earth_americas: "🌎", earth_asia: "🌏", egg: "🥚", eggplant: "🍆", eight_pointed_black_star: "✴️", eight_spoked_asterisk: "✳️", electric_plug: "🔌", elephant: "🐘", email: "✉️", end: "🔚", envelope_with_arrow: "📩", euro: "💶", european_castle: "🏰", european_post_office: "🏤", evergreen_tree: "🌲", exclamation: "❗️", expressionless: "😑", eye: "👁", eye_speech_bubble: "👁‍🗨", eyeglasses: "👓", eyes: "👀", face_with_head_bandage: "🤕", face_with_thermometer: "🤒", fist_oncoming: "👊", factory: "🏭", fallen_leaf: "🍂", family_man_woman_boy: "👪", family_man_boy: "👨‍👦", family_man_boy_boy: "👨‍👦‍👦", family_man_girl: "👨‍👧", family_man_girl_boy: "👨‍👧‍👦", family_man_girl_girl: "👨‍👧‍👧", family_man_man_boy: "👨‍👨‍👦", family_man_man_boy_boy: "👨‍👨‍👦‍👦", family_man_man_girl: "👨‍👨‍👧", family_man_man_girl_boy: "👨‍👨‍👧‍👦", family_man_man_girl_girl: "👨‍👨‍👧‍👧", family_man_woman_boy_boy: "👨‍👩‍👦‍👦", family_man_woman_girl: "👨‍👩‍👧", family_man_woman_girl_boy: "👨‍👩‍👧‍👦", family_man_woman_girl_girl: "👨‍👩‍👧‍👧", family_woman_boy: "👩‍👦", family_woman_boy_boy: "👩‍👦‍👦", family_woman_girl: "👩‍👧", family_woman_girl_boy: "👩‍👧‍👦", family_woman_girl_girl: "👩‍👧‍👧", family_woman_woman_boy: "👩‍👩‍👦", family_woman_woman_boy_boy: "👩‍👩‍👦‍👦", family_woman_woman_girl: "👩‍👩‍👧", family_woman_woman_girl_boy: "👩‍👩‍👧‍👦", family_woman_woman_girl_girl: "👩‍👩‍👧‍👧", fast_forward: "⏩", fax: "📠", fearful: "😨", feet: "🐾", female_detective: "🕵️‍♀️", ferris_wheel: "🎡", ferry: "⛴", field_hockey: "🏑", file_cabinet: "🗄", file_folder: "📁", film_projector: "📽", film_strip: "🎞", fire: "🔥", fire_engine: "🚒", fireworks: "🎆", first_quarter_moon: "🌓", first_quarter_moon_with_face: "🌛", fish: "🐟", fish_cake: "🍥", fishing_pole_and_fish: "🎣", fist_raised: "✊", fist_left: "🤛", fist_right: "🤜", flags: "🎏", flashlight: "🔦", fleur_de_lis: "⚜️", flight_arrival: "🛬", flight_departure: "🛫", floppy_disk: "💾", flower_playing_cards: "🎴", flushed: "😳", fog: "🌫", foggy: "🌁", football: "🏈", footprints: "👣", fork_and_knife: "🍴", fountain: "⛲️", fountain_pen: "🖋", four_leaf_clover: "🍀", fox_face: "🦊", framed_picture: "🖼", free: "🆓", fried_egg: "🍳", fried_shrimp: "🍤", fries: "🍟", frog: "🐸", frowning: "😦", frowning_face: "☹️", frowning_man: "🙍‍♂️", frowning_woman: "🙍", middle_finger: "🖕", fuelpump: "⛽️", full_moon: "🌕", full_moon_with_face: "🌝", funeral_urn: "⚱️", game_die: "🎲", gear: "⚙️", gem: "💎", gemini: "♊️", ghost: "👻", gift: "🎁", gift_heart: "💝", girl: "👧", globe_with_meridians: "🌐", goal_net: "🥅", goat: "🐐", golf: "⛳️", golfing_man: "🏌️", golfing_woman: "🏌️‍♀️", gorilla: "🦍", grapes: "🍇", green_apple: "🍏", green_book: "📗", green_heart: "💚", green_salad: "🥗", grey_exclamation: "❕", grey_question: "❔", grimacing: "😬", grin: "😁", grinning: "😀", guardsman: "💂", guardswoman: "💂‍♀️", guitar: "🎸", gun: "🔫", haircut_woman: "💇", haircut_man: "💇‍♂️", hamburger: "🍔", hammer: "🔨", hammer_and_pick: "⚒", hammer_and_wrench: "🛠", hamster: "🐹", hand: "✋", handbag: "👜", handshake: "🤝", hankey: "💩", hatched_chick: "🐥", hatching_chick: "🐣", headphones: "🎧", hear_no_evil: "🙉", heart: "❤️", heart_decoration: "💟", heart_eyes: "😍", heart_eyes_cat: "😻", heartbeat: "💓", heartpulse: "💗", hearts: "♥️", heavy_check_mark: "✔️", heavy_division_sign: "➗", heavy_dollar_sign: "💲", heavy_heart_exclamation: "❣️", heavy_minus_sign: "➖", heavy_multiplication_x: "✖️", heavy_plus_sign: "➕", helicopter: "🚁", herb: "🌿", hibiscus: "🌺", high_brightness: "🔆", high_heel: "👠", hocho: "🔪", hole: "🕳", honey_pot: "🍯", horse: "🐴", horse_racing: "🏇", hospital: "🏥", hot_pepper: "🌶", hotdog: "🌭", hotel: "🏨", hotsprings: "♨️", hourglass: "⌛️", hourglass_flowing_sand: "⏳", house: "🏠", house_with_garden: "🏡", houses: "🏘", hugs: "🤗", hushed: "😯", ice_cream: "🍨", ice_hockey: "🏒", ice_skate: "⛸", icecream: "🍦", id: "🆔", ideograph_advantage: "🉐", imp: "👿", inbox_tray: "📥", incoming_envelope: "📨", tipping_hand_woman: "💁", information_source: "ℹ️", innocent: "😇", interrobang: "⁉️", iphone: "📱", izakaya_lantern: "🏮", jack_o_lantern: "🎃", japan: "🗾", japanese_castle: "🏯", japanese_goblin: "👺", japanese_ogre: "👹", jeans: "👖", joy: "😂", joy_cat: "😹", joystick: "🕹", kaaba: "🕋", key: "🔑", keyboard: "⌨️", keycap_ten: "🔟", kick_scooter: "🛴", kimono: "👘", kiss: "💋", kissing: "😗", kissing_cat: "😽", kissing_closed_eyes: "😚", kissing_heart: "😘", kissing_smiling_eyes: "😙", kiwi_fruit: "🥝", koala: "🐨", koko: "🈁", label: "🏷", large_blue_circle: "🔵", large_blue_diamond: "🔷", large_orange_diamond: "🔶", last_quarter_moon: "🌗", last_quarter_moon_with_face: "🌜", latin_cross: "✝️", laughing: "😆", leaves: "🍃", ledger: "📒", left_luggage: "🛅", left_right_arrow: "↔️", leftwards_arrow_with_hook: "↩️", lemon: "🍋", leo: "♌️", leopard: "🐆", level_slider: "🎚", libra: "♎️", light_rail: "🚈", link: "🔗", lion: "🦁", lips: "👄", lipstick: "💄", lizard: "🦎", lock: "🔒", lock_with_ink_pen: "🔏", lollipop: "🍭", loop: "➿", loud_sound: "🔊", loudspeaker: "📢", love_hotel: "🏩", love_letter: "💌", low_brightness: "🔅", lying_face: "🤥", m: "Ⓜ️", mag: "🔍", mag_right: "🔎", mahjong: "🀄️", mailbox: "📫", mailbox_closed: "📪", mailbox_with_mail: "📬", mailbox_with_no_mail: "📭", man: "👨", man_artist: "👨‍🎨", man_astronaut: "👨‍🚀", man_cartwheeling: "🤸‍♂️", man_cook: "👨‍🍳", man_dancing: "🕺", man_facepalming: "🤦‍♂️", man_factory_worker: "👨‍🏭", man_farmer: "👨‍🌾", man_firefighter: "👨‍🚒", man_health_worker: "👨‍⚕️", man_in_tuxedo: "🤵", man_judge: "👨‍⚖️", man_juggling: "🤹‍♂️", man_mechanic: "👨‍🔧", man_office_worker: "👨‍💼", man_pilot: "👨‍✈️", man_playing_handball: "🤾‍♂️", man_playing_water_polo: "🤽‍♂️", man_scientist: "👨‍🔬", man_shrugging: "🤷‍♂️", man_singer: "👨‍🎤", man_student: "👨‍🎓", man_teacher: "👨‍🏫", man_technologist: "👨‍💻", man_with_gua_pi_mao: "👲", man_with_turban: "👳", tangerine: "🍊", mans_shoe: "👞", mantelpiece_clock: "🕰", maple_leaf: "🍁", martial_arts_uniform: "🥋", mask: "😷", massage_woman: "💆", massage_man: "💆‍♂️", meat_on_bone: "🍖", medal_military: "🎖", medal_sports: "🏅", mega: "📣", melon: "🍈", memo: "📝", men_wrestling: "🤼‍♂️", menorah: "🕎", mens: "🚹", metal: "🤘", metro: "🚇", microphone: "🎤", microscope: "🔬", milk_glass: "🥛", milky_way: "🌌", minibus: "🚐", minidisc: "💽", mobile_phone_off: "📴", money_mouth_face: "🤑", money_with_wings: "💸", moneybag: "💰", monkey: "🐒", monkey_face: "🐵", monorail: "🚝", moon: "🌔", mortar_board: "🎓", mosque: "🕌", motor_boat: "🛥", motor_scooter: "🛵", motorcycle: "🏍", motorway: "🛣", mount_fuji: "🗻", mountain: "⛰", mountain_biking_man: "🚵", mountain_biking_woman: "🚵‍♀️", mountain_cableway: "🚠", mountain_railway: "🚞", mountain_snow: "🏔", mouse: "🐭", mouse2: "🐁", movie_camera: "🎥", moyai: "🗿", mrs_claus: "🤶", muscle: "💪", mushroom: "🍄", musical_keyboard: "🎹", musical_note: "🎵", musical_score: "🎼", mute: "🔇", nail_care: "💅", name_badge: "📛", national_park: "🏞", nauseated_face: "🤢", necktie: "👔", negative_squared_cross_mark: "❎", nerd_face: "🤓", neutral_face: "😐", new: "🆕", new_moon: "🌑", new_moon_with_face: "🌚", newspaper: "📰", newspaper_roll: "🗞", next_track_button: "⏭", ng: "🆖", no_good_man: "🙅‍♂️", no_good_woman: "🙅", night_with_stars: "🌃", no_bell: "🔕", no_bicycles: "🚳", no_entry: "⛔️", no_entry_sign: "🚫", no_mobile_phones: "📵", no_mouth: "😶", no_pedestrians: "🚷", no_smoking: "🚭", "non-potable_water": "🚱", nose: "👃", notebook: "📓", notebook_with_decorative_cover: "📔", notes: "🎶", nut_and_bolt: "🔩", o: "⭕️", o2: "🅾️", ocean: "🌊", octopus: "🐙", oden: "🍢", office: "🏢", oil_drum: "🛢", ok: "🆗", ok_hand: "👌", ok_man: "🙆‍♂️", ok_woman: "🙆", old_key: "🗝", older_man: "👴", older_woman: "👵", om: "🕉", on: "🔛", oncoming_automobile: "🚘", oncoming_bus: "🚍", oncoming_police_car: "🚔", oncoming_taxi: "🚖", open_file_folder: "📂", open_hands: "👐", open_mouth: "😮", open_umbrella: "☂️", ophiuchus: "⛎", orange_book: "📙", orthodox_cross: "☦️", outbox_tray: "📤", owl: "🦉", ox: "🐂", package: "📦", page_facing_up: "📄", page_with_curl: "📃", pager: "📟", paintbrush: "🖌", palm_tree: "🌴", pancakes: "🥞", panda_face: "🐼", paperclip: "📎", paperclips: "🖇", parasol_on_ground: "⛱", parking: "🅿️", part_alternation_mark: "〽️", partly_sunny: "⛅️", passenger_ship: "🛳", passport_control: "🛂", pause_button: "⏸", peace_symbol: "☮️", peach: "🍑", peanuts: "🥜", pear: "🍐", pen: "🖊", pencil2: "✏️", penguin: "🐧", pensive: "😔", performing_arts: "🎭", persevere: "😣", person_fencing: "🤺", pouting_woman: "🙎", phone: "☎️", pick: "⛏", pig: "🐷", pig2: "🐖", pig_nose: "🐽", pill: "💊", pineapple: "🍍", ping_pong: "🏓", pisces: "♓️", pizza: "🍕", place_of_worship: "🛐", plate_with_cutlery: "🍽", play_or_pause_button: "⏯", point_down: "👇", point_left: "👈", point_right: "👉", point_up: "☝️", point_up_2: "👆", police_car: "🚓", policewoman: "👮‍♀️", poodle: "🐩", popcorn: "🍿", post_office: "🏣", postal_horn: "📯", postbox: "📮", potable_water: "🚰", potato: "🥔", pouch: "👝", poultry_leg: "🍗", pound: "💷", rage: "😡", pouting_cat: "😾", pouting_man: "🙎‍♂️", pray: "🙏", prayer_beads: "📿", pregnant_woman: "🤰", previous_track_button: "⏮", prince: "🤴", princess: "👸", printer: "🖨", purple_heart: "💜", purse: "👛", pushpin: "📌", put_litter_in_its_place: "🚮", question: "❓", rabbit: "🐰", rabbit2: "🐇", racehorse: "🐎", racing_car: "🏎", radio: "📻", radio_button: "🔘", radioactive: "☢️", railway_car: "🚃", railway_track: "🛤", rainbow: "🌈", rainbow_flag: "🏳️‍🌈", raised_back_of_hand: "🤚", raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: "🖐", raised_hands: "🙌", raising_hand_woman: "🙋", raising_hand_man: "🙋‍♂️", ram: "🐏", ramen: "🍜", rat: "🐀", record_button: "⏺", recycle: "♻️", red_circle: "🔴", registered: "®️", relaxed: "☺️", relieved: "😌", reminder_ribbon: "🎗", repeat: "🔁", repeat_one: "🔂", rescue_worker_helmet: "⛑", restroom: "🚻", revolving_hearts: "💞", rewind: "⏪", rhinoceros: "🦏", ribbon: "🎀", rice: "🍚", rice_ball: "🍙", rice_cracker: "🍘", rice_scene: "🎑", right_anger_bubble: "🗯", ring: "💍", robot: "🤖", rocket: "🚀", rofl: "🤣", roll_eyes: "🙄", roller_coaster: "🎢", rooster: "🐓", rose: "🌹", rosette: "🏵", rotating_light: "🚨", round_pushpin: "📍", rowing_man: "🚣", rowing_woman: "🚣‍♀️", rugby_football: "🏉", running_man: "🏃", running_shirt_with_sash: "🎽", running_woman: "🏃‍♀️", sa: "🈂️", sagittarius: "♐️", sake: "🍶", sandal: "👡", santa: "🎅", satellite: "📡", saxophone: "🎷", school: "🏫", school_satchel: "🎒", scissors: "✂️", scorpion: "🦂", scorpius: "♏️", scream: "😱", scream_cat: "🙀", scroll: "📜", seat: "💺", secret: "㊙️", see_no_evil: "🙈", seedling: "🌱", selfie: "🤳", shallow_pan_of_food: "🥘", shamrock: "☘️", shark: "🦈", shaved_ice: "🍧", sheep: "🐑", shell: "🐚", shield: "🛡", shinto_shrine: "⛩", ship: "🚢", shirt: "👕", shopping: "🛍", shopping_cart: "🛒", shower: "🚿", shrimp: "🦐", signal_strength: "📶", six_pointed_star: "🔯", ski: "🎿", skier: "⛷", skull: "💀", skull_and_crossbones: "☠️", sleeping: "😴", sleeping_bed: "🛌", sleepy: "😪", slightly_frowning_face: "🙁", slightly_smiling_face: "🙂", slot_machine: "🎰", small_airplane: "🛩", small_blue_diamond: "🔹", small_orange_diamond: "🔸", small_red_triangle: "🔺", small_red_triangle_down: "🔻", smile: "😄", smile_cat: "😸", smiley: "😃", smiley_cat: "😺", smiling_imp: "😈", smirk: "😏", smirk_cat: "😼", smoking: "🚬", snail: "🐌", snake: "🐍", sneezing_face: "🤧", snowboarder: "🏂", snowflake: "❄️", snowman: "⛄️", snowman_with_snow: "☃️", sob: "😭", soccer: "⚽️", soon: "🔜", sos: "🆘", sound: "🔉", space_invader: "👾", spades: "♠️", spaghetti: "🍝", sparkle: "❇️", sparkler: "🎇", sparkles: "✨", sparkling_heart: "💖", speak_no_evil: "🙊", speaker: "🔈", speaking_head: "🗣", speech_balloon: "💬", speedboat: "🚤", spider: "🕷", spider_web: "🕸", spiral_calendar: "🗓", spiral_notepad: "🗒", spoon: "🥄", squid: "🦑", stadium: "🏟", star: "⭐️", star2: "🌟", star_and_crescent: "☪️", star_of_david: "✡️", stars: "🌠", station: "🚉", statue_of_liberty: "🗽", steam_locomotive: "🚂", stew: "🍲", stop_button: "⏹", stop_sign: "🛑", stopwatch: "⏱", straight_ruler: "📏", strawberry: "🍓", stuck_out_tongue: "😛", stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: "😝", stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: "😜", studio_microphone: "🎙", stuffed_flatbread: "🥙", sun_behind_large_cloud: "🌥", sun_behind_rain_cloud: "🌦", sun_behind_small_cloud: "🌤", sun_with_face: "🌞", sunflower: "🌻", sunglasses: "😎", sunny: "☀️", sunrise: "🌅", sunrise_over_mountains: "🌄", surfing_man: "🏄", surfing_woman: "🏄‍♀️", sushi: "🍣", suspension_railway: "🚟", sweat: "😓", sweat_drops: "💦", sweat_smile: "😅", sweet_potato: "🍠", swimming_man: "🏊", swimming_woman: "🏊‍♀️", symbols: "🔣", synagogue: "🕍", syringe: "💉", taco: "🌮", tada: "🎉", tanabata_tree: "🎋", taurus: "♉️", taxi: "🚕", tea: "🍵", telephone_receiver: "📞", telescope: "🔭", tennis: "🎾", tent: "⛺️", thermometer: "🌡", thinking: "🤔", thought_balloon: "💭", ticket: "🎫", tickets: "🎟", tiger: "🐯", tiger2: "🐅", timer_clock: "⏲", tipping_hand_man: "💁‍♂️", tired_face: "😫", tm: "™️", toilet: "🚽", tokyo_tower: "🗼", tomato: "🍅", tongue: "👅", top: "🔝", tophat: "🎩", tornado: "🌪", trackball: "🖲", tractor: "🚜", traffic_light: "🚥", train: "🚋", train2: "🚆", tram: "🚊", triangular_flag_on_post: "🚩", triangular_ruler: "📐", trident: "🔱", triumph: "😤", trolleybus: "🚎", trophy: "🏆", tropical_drink: "🍹", tropical_fish: "🐠", truck: "🚚", trumpet: "🎺", tulip: "🌷", tumbler_glass: "🥃", turkey: "🦃", turtle: "🐢", tv: "📺", twisted_rightwards_arrows: "🔀", two_hearts: "💕", two_men_holding_hands: "👬", two_women_holding_hands: "👭", u5272: "🈹", u5408: "🈴", u55b6: "🈺", u6307: "🈯️", u6708: "🈷️", u6709: "🈶", u6e80: "🈵", u7121: "🈚️", u7533: "🈸", u7981: "🈲", u7a7a: "🈳", umbrella: "☔️", unamused: "😒", underage: "🔞", unicorn: "🦄", unlock: "🔓", up: "🆙", upside_down_face: "🙃", v: "✌️", vertical_traffic_light: "🚦", vhs: "📼", vibration_mode: "📳", video_camera: "📹", video_game: "🎮", violin: "🎻", virgo: "♍️", volcano: "🌋", volleyball: "🏐", vs: "🆚", vulcan_salute: "🖖", walking_man: "🚶", walking_woman: "🚶‍♀️", waning_crescent_moon: "🌘", waning_gibbous_moon: "🌖", warning: "⚠️", wastebasket: "🗑", watch: "⌚️", water_buffalo: "🐃", watermelon: "🍉", wave: "👋", wavy_dash: "〰️", waxing_crescent_moon: "🌒", wc: "🚾", weary: "😩", wedding: "💒", weight_lifting_man: "🏋️", weight_lifting_woman: "🏋️‍♀️", whale: "🐳", whale2: "🐋", wheel_of_dharma: "☸️", wheelchair: "♿️", white_check_mark: "✅", white_circle: "⚪️", white_flag: "🏳️", white_flower: "💮", white_large_square: "⬜️", white_medium_small_square: "◽️", white_medium_square: "◻️", white_small_square: "▫️", white_square_button: "🔳", wilted_flower: "🥀", wind_chime: "🎐", wind_face: "🌬", wine_glass: "🍷", wink: "😉", wolf: "🐺", woman: "👩", woman_artist: "👩‍🎨", woman_astronaut: "👩‍🚀", woman_cartwheeling: "🤸‍♀️", woman_cook: "👩‍🍳", woman_facepalming: "🤦‍♀️", woman_factory_worker: "👩‍🏭", woman_farmer: "👩‍🌾", woman_firefighter: "👩‍🚒", woman_health_worker: "👩‍⚕️", woman_judge: "👩‍⚖️", woman_juggling: "🤹‍♀️", woman_mechanic: "👩‍🔧", woman_office_worker: "👩‍💼", woman_pilot: "👩‍✈️", woman_playing_handball: "🤾‍♀️", woman_playing_water_polo: "🤽‍♀️", woman_scientist: "👩‍🔬", woman_shrugging: "🤷‍♀️", woman_singer: "👩‍🎤", woman_student: "👩‍🎓", woman_teacher: "👩‍🏫", woman_technologist: "👩‍💻", woman_with_turban: "👳‍♀️", womans_clothes: "👚", womans_hat: "👒", women_wrestling: "🤼‍♀️", womens: "🚺", world_map: "🗺", worried: "😟", wrench: "🔧", writing_hand: "✍️", x: "❌", yellow_heart: "💛", yen: "💴", yin_yang: "☯️", yum: "😋", zap: "⚡️", zipper_mouth_face: "🤐", zzz: "💤", octocat: ':octocat:', showdown: "S" }, x.Converter = function(e) { "use strict"; var r, t, n = {}, i = [], l = [], o = {}, a = h, s = { parsed: {}, raw: "", format: "" }; for (r in e = e || {}, p) p.hasOwnProperty(r) && (n[r] = p[r]); if ("object" != typeof e) throw Error("Converter expects the passed parameter to be an object, but " + typeof e + " was passed instead."); for (t in e) e.hasOwnProperty(t) && (n[t] = e[t]); function c(e, r) { if (r = r || null, x.helper.isString(e)) { if (r = e = x.helper.stdExtName(e), x.extensions[e]) { console.warn("DEPRECATION WARNING: " + e + " is an old extension that uses a deprecated loading method.Please inform the developer that the extension should be updated!"); var t = x.extensions[e], a = e; if ("function" == typeof t && (t = t(new x.Converter)), x.helper.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), !(a = g(t, a)).valid) throw Error(a.error); for (var n = 0; n < t.length; ++n) switch (t[n].type) { case "lang": i.push(t[n]); break; case "output": l.push(t[n]); break; default: throw Error("Extension loader error: Type unrecognized!!!") } return } if (x.helper.isUndefined(d[e])) throw Error('Extension "' + e + '" could not be loaded. It was either not found or is not a valid extension.'); e = d[e] } "function" == typeof e && (e = e()); a = g(e = x.helper.isArray(e) ? e : [e], r); if (!a.valid) throw Error(a.error); for (var s = 0; s < e.length; ++s) { switch (e[s].type) { case "lang": i.push(e[s]); break; case "output": l.push(e[s]) } if (e[s].hasOwnProperty("listeners")) for (var o in e[s].listeners) e[s].listeners.hasOwnProperty(o) && u(o, e[s].listeners[o]) } } function u(e, r) { if (!x.helper.isString(e)) throw Error("Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: name must be a string, but " + typeof e + " given"); if ("function" != typeof r) throw Error("Invalid argument in converter.listen() method: callback must be a function, but " + typeof r + " given"); o.hasOwnProperty(e) || (o[e] = []), o[e].push(r) } n.extensions && x.helper.forEach(n.extensions, c), this._dispatch = function(e, r, t, a) { if (o.hasOwnProperty(e)) for (var n = 0; n < o[e].length; ++n) { var s = o[e][n](e, r, this, t, a); s && void 0 !== s && (r = s) } return r }, this.listen = function(e, r) { return u(e, r), this }, this.makeHtml = function(r) { if (!r) return r; var e, t, a = { gHtmlBlocks: [], gHtmlMdBlocks: [], gHtmlSpans: [], gUrls: {}, gTitles: {}, gDimensions: {}, gListLevel: 0, hashLinkCounts: {}, langExtensions: i, outputModifiers: l, converter: this, ghCodeBlocks: [], metadata: { parsed: {}, raw: "", format: "" } }; return r = (r = (r = (r = (r = r.replace(/¨/g, "¨T")).replace(/\$/g, "¨D")).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")).replace(/\r/g, "\n")).replace(/\u00A0/g, " "), n.smartIndentationFix && (t = (e = r).match(/^\s*/)[0].length, t = new RegExp("^\\s{0," + t + "}", "gm"), r = e.replace(t, "")), r = "\n\n" + r + "\n\n", r = (r = x.subParser("detab")(r, n, a)).replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ""), x.helper.forEach(i, function(e) { r = x.subParser("runExtension")(e, r, n, a) }), r = x.subParser("metadata")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("hashPreCodeTags")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("githubCodeBlocks")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("hashHTMLBlocks")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("hashCodeTags")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("stripLinkDefinitions")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("blockGamut")(r, n, a), r = x.subParser("unhashHTMLSpans")(r, n, a), r = (r = (r = x.subParser("unescapeSpecialChars")(r, n, a)).replace(/¨D/g, "$$")).replace(/¨T/g, "¨"), r = x.subParser("completeHTMLDocument")(r, n, a), x.helper.forEach(l, function(e) { r = x.subParser("runExtension")(e, r, n, a) }), s = a.metadata, r }, this.makeMarkdown = this.makeMd = function(e, r) { if (e = (e = (e = e.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n")).replace(/\r/g, "\n")).replace(/>[ \t]+¨NBSP;<"), !r) { if (!window || !window.document) throw new Error("HTMLParser is undefined. If in a webworker or nodejs environment, you need to provide a WHATWG DOM and HTML such as JSDOM"); r = window.document } for (var r = r.createElement("div"), t = (r.innerHTML = e, { preList: function(e) { for (var r = e.querySelectorAll("pre"), t = [], a = 0; a < r.length; ++a) if (1 === r[a].childElementCount && "code" === r[a].firstChild.tagName.toLowerCase()) { var n = r[a].firstChild.innerHTML.trim(), s = r[a].firstChild.getAttribute("data-language") || ""; if ("" === s) for (var o = r[a].firstChild.className.split(" "), i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { var l = o[i].match(/^language-(.+)$/); if (null !== l) { s = l[1]; break } } n = x.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities(n), t.push(n), r[a].outerHTML = '' } else t.push(r[a].innerHTML), r[a].innerHTML = "", r[a].setAttribute("prenum", a.toString()); return t }(r) }), a = (! function e(r) { for (var t = 0; t < r.childNodes.length; ++t) { var a = r.childNodes[t]; 3 === a.nodeType ? /\S/.test(a.nodeValue) || /^[ ]+$/.test(a.nodeValue) ? (a.nodeValue = a.nodeValue.split("\n").join(" "), a.nodeValue = a.nodeValue.replace(/(\s)+/g, "$1")) : (r.removeChild(a), --t) : 1 === a.nodeType && e(a) } }(r), r.childNodes), n = "", s = 0; s < a.length; s++) n += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], t); return n }, this.setOption = function(e, r) { n[e] = r }, this.getOption = function(e) { return n[e] }, this.getOptions = function() { return n }, this.addExtension = function(e, r) { c(e, r = r || null) }, this.useExtension = function(e) { c(e) }, this.setFlavor = function(e) { if (!_.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw Error(e + " flavor was not found"); var r, t = _[e]; for (r in a = e, t) t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (n[r] = t[r]) }, this.getFlavor = function() { return a }, this.removeExtension = function(e) { x.helper.isArray(e) || (e = [e]); for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { for (var t = e[r], a = 0; a < i.length; ++a) i[a] === t && i.splice(a, 1); for (var n = 0; n < l.length; ++n) l[n] === t && l.splice(n, 1) } }, this.getAllExtensions = function() { return { language: i, output: l } }, this.getMetadata = function(e) { return e ? s.raw : s.parsed }, this.getMetadataFormat = function() { return s.format }, this._setMetadataPair = function(e, r) { s.parsed[e] = r }, this._setMetadataFormat = function(e) { s.format = e }, this._setMetadataRaw = function(e) { s.raw = e } }, x.subParser("anchors", function(e, i, l) { "use strict"; function r(e, r, t, a, n, s, o) { if (x.helper.isUndefined(o) && (o = ""), t = t.toLowerCase(), -1 < e.search(/\(? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m)) a = ""; else if (!a) { if (a = "#" + (t = t || r.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, " ")), x.helper.isUndefined(l.gUrls[t])) return e; a = l.gUrls[t], x.helper.isUndefined(l.gTitles[t]) || (o = l.gTitles[t]) } return e = '" } return e = (e = (e = (e = (e = l.converter._dispatch("anchors.before", e, i, l)).replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)] ?(?:\n *)?\[(.*?)]()()()()/g, r)).replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g, r)).replace(/\[((?:\[[^\]]*]|[^\[\]])*)]()[ \t]*\([ \t]??(?:[ \t]*((["'])([^"]*?)\5))?[ \t]?\)/g, r)).replace(/\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g, r), i.ghMentions && (e = e.replace(/(^|\s)(\\)?(@([a-z\d]+(?:[a-z\d.-]+?[a-z\d]+)*))/gim, function(e, r, t, a, n) { if ("\\" === t) return r + a; if (!x.helper.isString(i.ghMentionsLink)) throw new Error("ghMentionsLink option must be a string"); t = ""; return r + '" + a + "" })), e = l.converter._dispatch("anchors.after", e, i, l) }); var i = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+?\.[^'">\s]+?)()(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi, l = /([*~_]+|\b)(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+\.[^'">\s]+?)([.!?,()\[\]])?(\1)?(?=\s|$)(?!["<>])/gi, c = /()<(((https?|ftp|dict):\/\/|www\.)[^'">\s]+)()>()/gi, m = /(^|\s)(?:mailto:)?([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~.]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)(?=$|\s)/gim, f = /<()(?:mailto:)?([-.\w]+@[-a-z0-9]+(\.[-a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]+)>/gi; x.subParser("autoLinks", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("autoLinks.before", e, r, t)).replace(c, s(r))).replace(f, o(r, t)), e = t.converter._dispatch("autoLinks.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("simplifiedAutoLinks", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return r.simplifiedAutoLink ? (e = t.converter._dispatch("simplifiedAutoLinks.before", e, r, t), e = (e = r.excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs ? e.replace(l, s(r)) : e.replace(i, s(r))).replace(m, o(r, t)), t.converter._dispatch("simplifiedAutoLinks.after", e, r, t)) : e }), x.subParser("blockGamut", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = t.converter._dispatch("blockGamut.before", e, r, t), e = x.subParser("blockQuotes")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("headers")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("horizontalRule")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("lists")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("codeBlocks")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("tables")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("hashHTMLBlocks")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("paragraphs")(e, r, t), e = t.converter._dispatch("blockGamut.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("blockQuotes", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; e = t.converter._dispatch("blockQuotes.before", e, r, t); var a = /(^ {0,3}>[ \t]?.+\n(.+\n)*\n*)+/gm; return r.splitAdjacentBlockquotes && (a = /^ {0,3}>[\s\S]*?(?:\n\n)/gm), e = (e += "\n\n").replace(a, function(e) { return e = (e = (e = e.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]?/gm, "")).replace(/¨0/g, "")).replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ""), e = x.subParser("githubCodeBlocks")(e, r, t), e = (e = (e = x.subParser("blockGamut")(e, r, t)).replace(/(^|\n)/g, "$1 ")).replace(/(\s*
[^\r]+?<\/pre>)/gm, function(e, r) {
                return r.replace(/^  /gm, "¨0").replace(/¨0/g, "")
            }), x.subParser("hashBlock")("
\n" + e + "\n
", r, t) }), e = t.converter._dispatch("blockQuotes.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("codeBlocks", function(e, n, s) { "use strict"; e = s.converter._dispatch("codeBlocks.before", e, n, s); return e = (e = (e += "¨0").replace(/(?:\n\n|^)((?:(?:[ ]{4}|\t).*\n+)+)(\n*[ ]{0,3}[^ \t\n]|(?=¨0))/g, function(e, r, t) { var a = "\n", r = x.subParser("outdent")(r, n, s); return r = x.subParser("encodeCode")(r, n, s), r = "
" + (r = (r = (r = x.subParser("detab")(r, n, s)).replace(/^\n+/g, "")).replace(/\n+$/g, "")) + (a = n.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks ? "" : a) + "
", x.subParser("hashBlock")(r, n, s) + t })).replace(/¨0/, ""), e = s.converter._dispatch("codeBlocks.after", e, n, s) }), x.subParser("codeSpans", function(e, n, s) { "use strict"; return e = (e = void 0 === (e = s.converter._dispatch("codeSpans.before", e, n, s)) ? "" : e).replace(/(^|[^\\])(`+)([^\r]*?[^`])\2(?!`)/gm, function(e, r, t, a) { return a = (a = a.replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, "")).replace(/[ \t]*$/g, ""), a = r + "" + (a = x.subParser("encodeCode")(a, n, s)) + "", a = x.subParser("hashHTMLSpans")(a, n, s) }), e = s.converter._dispatch("codeSpans.after", e, n, s) }), x.subParser("completeHTMLDocument", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; if (!r.completeHTMLDocument) return e; e = t.converter._dispatch("completeHTMLDocument.before", e, r, t); var a, n = "html", s = "\n", o = "", i = '\n', l = "", c = ""; for (a in void 0 !== t.metadata.parsed.doctype && (s = "\n", "html" !== (n = t.metadata.parsed.doctype.toString().toLowerCase()) && "html5" !== n || (i = '')), t.metadata.parsed) if (t.metadata.parsed.hasOwnProperty(a)) switch (a.toLowerCase()) { case "doctype": break; case "title": o = "" + t.metadata.parsed.title + "\n"; break; case "charset": i = "html" === n || "html5" === n ? '\n' : '\n'; break; case "language": case "lang": l = ' lang="' + t.metadata.parsed[a] + '"', c += '\n'; break; default: c += '\n' } return e = s + "\n\n" + o + i + c + "\n\n" + e.trim() + "\n\n", e = t.converter._dispatch("completeHTMLDocument.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("detab", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("detab.before", e, r, t)).replace(/\t(?=\t)/g, " ")).replace(/\t/g, "¨A¨B")).replace(/¨B(.+?)¨A/g, function(e, r) { for (var t = r, a = 4 - t.length % 4, n = 0; n < a; n++) t += " "; return t })).replace(/¨A/g, " ")).replace(/¨B/g, ""), e = t.converter._dispatch("detab.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("ellipsis", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return r.ellipsis ? (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("ellipsis.before", e, r, t)).replace(/\.\.\./g, "…"), t.converter._dispatch("ellipsis.after", e, r, t)) : e }), x.subParser("emoji", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; if (!r.emoji) return e; return e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("emoji.before", e, r, t)).replace(/:([\S]+?):/g, function(e, r) { return x.helper.emojis.hasOwnProperty(r) ? x.helper.emojis[r] : e }), e = t.converter._dispatch("emoji.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("encodeAmpsAndAngles", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeAmpsAndAngles.before", e, r, t)).replace(/&(?!#?[xX]?(?:[0-9a-fA-F]+|\w+);)/g, "&")).replace(/<(?![a-z\/?$!])/gi, "<")).replace(//g, ">"), e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeAmpsAndAngles.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("encodeBackslashEscapes", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeBackslashEscapes.before", e, r, t)).replace(/\\(\\)/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback)).replace(/\\([`*_{}\[\]()>#+.!~=|:-])/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback), e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeBackslashEscapes.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("encodeCode", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeCode.before", e, r, t)).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(//g, ">").replace(/([*_{}\[\]\\=~-])/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback), e = t.converter._dispatch("encodeCode.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.before", e, r, t)).replace(/<\/?[a-z\d_:-]+(?:[\s]+[\s\S]+?)?>/gi, function(e) { return e.replace(/(.)<\/?code>(?=.)/g, "$1`").replace(/([\\`*_~=|])/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback) })).replace(/-]|-[^>])(?:[^-]|-[^-])*)--)>/gi, function(e) { return e.replace(/([\\`*_~=|])/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback) }), e = t.converter._dispatch("escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("githubCodeBlocks", function(e, s, o) { "use strict"; return s.ghCodeBlocks ? (e = o.converter._dispatch("githubCodeBlocks.before", e, s, o), e = (e = (e += "¨0").replace(/(?:^|\n)(?: {0,3})(```+|~~~+)(?: *)([^\s`~]*)\n([\s\S]*?)\n(?: {0,3})\1/g, function(e, r, t, a) { var n = s.omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks ? "" : "\n"; return a = x.subParser("encodeCode")(a, s, o), a = "
" + (a = (a = (a = x.subParser("detab")(a, s, o)).replace(/^\n+/g, "")).replace(/\n+$/g, "")) + n + "
", a = x.subParser("hashBlock")(a, s, o), "\n\n¨G" + (o.ghCodeBlocks.push({ text: e, codeblock: a }) - 1) + "G\n\n" })).replace(/¨0/, ""), o.converter._dispatch("githubCodeBlocks.after", e, s, o)) : e }), x.subParser("hashBlock", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("hashBlock.before", e, r, t)).replace(/(^\n+|\n+$)/g, ""), e = "\n\n¨K" + (t.gHtmlBlocks.push(e) - 1) + "K\n\n", e = t.converter._dispatch("hashBlock.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("hashCodeTags", function(e, n, s) { "use strict"; e = s.converter._dispatch("hashCodeTags.before", e, n, s); return e = x.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(e, function(e, r, t, a) { t = t + x.subParser("encodeCode")(r, n, s) + a; return "¨C" + (s.gHtmlSpans.push(t) - 1) + "C" }, "]*>", "", "gim"), e = s.converter._dispatch("hashCodeTags.after", e, n, s) }), x.subParser("hashElement", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return function(e, r) { return r = (r = (r = r.replace(/\n\n/g, "\n")).replace(/^\n/, "")).replace(/\n+$/g, ""), r = "\n\n¨K" + (t.gHtmlBlocks.push(r) - 1) + "K\n\n" } }), x.subParser("hashHTMLBlocks", function(e, r, n) { "use strict"; e = n.converter._dispatch("hashHTMLBlocks.before", e, r, n); function t(e, r, t, a) { return -1 !== t.search(/\bmarkdown\b/) && (e = t + n.converter.makeHtml(r) + a), "\n\n¨K" + (n.gHtmlBlocks.push(e) - 1) + "K\n\n" } var a = ["pre", "div", "h1", "h2", "h3", "h4", "h5", "h6", "blockquote", "table", "dl", "ol", "ul", "script", "noscript", "form", "fieldset", "iframe", "math", "style", "section", "header", "footer", "nav", "article", "aside", "address", "audio", "canvas", "figure", "hgroup", "output", "video", "p"]; r.backslashEscapesHTMLTags && (e = e.replace(/\\<(\/?[^>]+?)>/g, function(e, r) { return "<" + r + ">" })); for (var s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) for (var o = new RegExp("^ {0,3}(<" + a[s] + "\\b[^>]*>)", "im"), i = "<" + a[s] + "\\b[^>]*>", u = ""; - 1 !== (l = x.helper.regexIndexOf(e, o));) { var l = x.helper.splitAtIndex(e, l), c = x.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(l[1], t, i, u, "im"); if (c === l[1]) break; e = l[0].concat(c) } return e = e.replace(/(\n {0,3}(<(hr)\b([^<>])*?\/?>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g, x.subParser("hashElement")(e, r, n)), e = (e = x.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(e, function(e) { return "\n\n¨K" + (n.gHtmlBlocks.push(e) - 1) + "K\n\n" }, "^ {0,3}\x3c!--", "--\x3e", "gm")).replace(/(?:\n\n)( {0,3}(?:<([?%])[^\r]*?\2>)[ \t]*(?=\n{2,}))/g, x.subParser("hashElement")(e, r, n)), e = n.converter._dispatch("hashHTMLBlocks.after", e, r, n) }), x.subParser("hashHTMLSpans", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; function a(e) { return "¨C" + (t.gHtmlSpans.push(e) - 1) + "C" } return e = (e = (e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("hashHTMLSpans.before", e, r, t)).replace(/<[^>]+?\/>/gi, a)).replace(/<([^>]+?)>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g, a)).replace(/<([^>]+?)\s[^>]+?>[\s\S]*?<\/\1>/g, a)).replace(/<[^>]+?>/gi, a), e = t.converter._dispatch("hashHTMLSpans.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("unhashHTMLSpans", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; e = t.converter._dispatch("unhashHTMLSpans.before", e, r, t); for (var a = 0; a < t.gHtmlSpans.length; ++a) { for (var n = t.gHtmlSpans[a], s = 0; /¨C(\d+)C/.test(n);) { var o = RegExp.$1, n = n.replace("¨C" + o + "C", t.gHtmlSpans[o]); if (10 === s) { console.error("maximum nesting of 10 spans reached!!!"); break }++s } e = e.replace("¨C" + a + "C", n) } return e = t.converter._dispatch("unhashHTMLSpans.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("hashPreCodeTags", function(e, n, s) { "use strict"; e = s.converter._dispatch("hashPreCodeTags.before", e, n, s); return e = x.helper.replaceRecursiveRegExp(e, function(e, r, t, a) { t = t + x.subParser("encodeCode")(r, n, s) + a; return "\n\n¨G" + (s.ghCodeBlocks.push({ text: e, codeblock: t }) - 1) + "G\n\n" }, "^ {0,3}]*>\\s*]*>", "^ {0,3}\\s*
", "gim"), e = s.converter._dispatch("hashPreCodeTags.after", e, n, s) }), x.subParser("headers", function(e, n, s) { "use strict"; e = s.converter._dispatch("headers.before", e, n, s); var o = isNaN(parseInt(n.headerLevelStart)) ? 1 : parseInt(n.headerLevelStart), r = n.smoothLivePreview ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n={2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n=+[ \t]*\n+/gm, t = n.smoothLivePreview ? /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-{2,}[ \t]*\n+/gm : /^(.+)[ \t]*\n-+[ \t]*\n+/gm, r = (e = (e = e.replace(r, function(e, r) { var t = x.subParser("spanGamut")(r, n, s), r = n.noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + i(r) + '"', r = "" + t + ""; return x.subParser("hashBlock")(r, n, s) })).replace(t, function(e, r) { var t = x.subParser("spanGamut")(r, n, s), r = n.noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + i(r) + '"', a = o + 1, r = "" + t + ""; return x.subParser("hashBlock")(r, n, s) }), n.requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText ? /^(#{1,6})[ \t]+(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm : /^(#{1,6})[ \t]*(.+?)[ \t]*#*\n+/gm); function i(e) { var r; return !n.customizedHeaderId || (r = e.match(/\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/)) && r[1] && (e = r[1]), r = e, e = x.helper.isString(n.prefixHeaderId) ? n.prefixHeaderId : !0 === n.prefixHeaderId ? "section-" : "", n.rawPrefixHeaderId || (r = e + r), r = (n.ghCompatibleHeaderId ? r.replace(/ /g, "-").replace(/&/g, "").replace(/¨T/g, "").replace(/¨D/g, "").replace(/[&+$,\/:;=?@"#{}|^¨~\[\]`\\*)(%.!'<>]/g, "") : n.rawHeaderId ? r.replace(/ /g, "-").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/¨T/g, "¨").replace(/¨D/g, "$").replace(/["']/g, "-") : r.replace(/[^\w]/g, "")).toLowerCase(), n.rawPrefixHeaderId && (r = e + r), s.hashLinkCounts[r] ? r = r + "-" + s.hashLinkCounts[r]++ : s.hashLinkCounts[r] = 1, r } return e = e.replace(r, function(e, r, t) { var a = t, a = (n.customizedHeaderId && (a = t.replace(/\s?\{([^{]+?)}\s*$/, "")), x.subParser("spanGamut")(a, n, s)), t = n.noHeaderId ? "" : ' id="' + i(t) + '"', r = o - 1 + r.length, t = "" + a + ""; return x.subParser("hashBlock")(t, n, s) }), e = s.converter._dispatch("headers.after", e, n, s) }), x.subParser("horizontalRule", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; e = t.converter._dispatch("horizontalRule.before", e, r, t); var a = x.subParser("hashBlock")("
", r, t); return e = (e = (e = e.replace(/^ {0,2}( ?-){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, a)).replace(/^ {0,2}( ?\*){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, a)).replace(/^ {0,2}( ?_){3,}[ \t]*$/gm, a), e = t.converter._dispatch("horizontalRule.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("images", function(e, r, d) { "use strict"; function l(e, r, t, a, n, s, u, o) { var i = d.gUrls, l = d.gTitles, c = d.gDimensions; if (t = t.toLowerCase(), o = o || "", -1 < e.search(/\(? ?(['"].*['"])?\)$/m)) a = ""; else if ("" === a || null === a) { if (a = "#" + (t = "" !== t && null !== t ? t : r.toLowerCase().replace(/ ?\n/g, " ")), x.helper.isUndefined(i[t])) return e; a = i[t], x.helper.isUndefined(l[t]) || (o = l[t]), x.helper.isUndefined(c[t]) || (n = c[t].width, s = c[t].height) } r = r.replace(/"/g, """).replace(x.helper.regexes.asteriskDashAndColon, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback); e = '' + r + '?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g, function(e, r, t, a, n, s, o, i) { return l(e, r, t, a = a.replace(/\s/g, ""), n, s, 0, i) })).replace(/!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]?<([^>]*)>(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6))?[ \t]?\)/g, l)).replace(/!\[([^\]]*?)][ \t]*()\([ \t]??(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*(?:(["'])([^"]*?)\6)?[ \t]?\)/g, l)).replace(/!\[([^\[\]]+)]()()()()()/g, l), e = d.converter._dispatch("images.after", e, r, d) }), x.subParser("italicsAndBold", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = t.converter._dispatch("italicsAndBold.before", e, r, t), e = r.literalMidWordUnderscores ? (e = (e = e.replace(/\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g, function(e, r) { return "" + r + "" })).replace(/\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g, function(e, r) { return "" + r + "" })).replace(/\b_(\S[\s\S]*?)_\b/g, function(e, r) { return "" + r + "" }) : (e = (e = e.replace(/___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/_([^\s_][\s\S]*?)_/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e }), e = r.literalMidWordAsterisks ? (e = (e = e.replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*\B(?!\*)/g, function(e, r, t) { return r + "" + t + "" })).replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\B(?!\*)/g, function(e, r, t) { return r + "" + t + "" })).replace(/([^*]|^)\B\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\B(?!\*)/g, function(e, r, t) { return r + "" + t + "" }) : (e = (e = e.replace(/\*\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*\*/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/\*\*(\S[\s\S]*?)\*\*/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/\*([^\s*][\s\S]*?)\*/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e }), e = t.converter._dispatch("italicsAndBold.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("lists", function(e, d, c) { "use strict"; function p(e, r) { c.gListLevel++, e = e.replace(/\n{2,}$/, "\n"); var t = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0| {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm, l = /\n[ \t]*\n(?!¨0)/.test(e += "¨0"); return d.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists && (t = /(\n)?(^ {0,3})([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+((\[(x|X| )?])?[ \t]*[^\r]+?(\n{1,2}))(?=\n*(¨0|\2([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+))/gm), e = (e = e.replace(t, function(e, r, t, a, n, s, o) { o = o && "" !== o.trim(); var n = x.subParser("outdent")(n, d, c), i = ""; return s && d.tasklists && (i = ' class="task-list-item" style="list-style-type: none;"', n = n.replace(/^[ \t]*\[(x|X| )?]/m, function() { var e = '" + (n = (n = r || -1 < n.search(/\n{2,}/) ? (n = x.subParser("githubCodeBlocks")(n, d, c), x.subParser("blockGamut")(n, d, c)) : (n = (n = x.subParser("lists")(n, d, c)).replace(/\n$/, ""), n = (n = x.subParser("hashHTMLBlocks")(n, d, c)).replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n"), (l ? x.subParser("paragraphs") : x.subParser("spanGamut"))(n, d, c))).replace("¨A", "")) + "\n" })).replace(/¨0/g, ""), c.gListLevel--, e = r ? e.replace(/\s+$/, "") : e } function h(e, r) { if ("ol" === r) { r = e.match(/^ *(\d+)\./); if (r && "1" !== r[1]) return ' start="' + r[1] + '"' } return "" } function n(n, s, o) { var e, i = d.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists ? /^ ?\d+\.[ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}\d+\.[ \t]/gm, l = d.disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists ? /^ ?[*+-][ \t]/gm : /^ {0,3}[*+-][ \t]/gm, c = "ul" === s ? i : l, u = ""; return -1 !== n.search(c) ? function e(r) { var t = r.search(c), a = h(n, s); - 1 !== t ? (u += "\n\n<" + s + a + ">\n" + p(r.slice(0, t), !!o) + "\n", c = "ul" === (s = "ul" === s ? "ol" : "ul") ? i : l, e(r.slice(t))) : u += "\n\n<" + s + a + ">\n" + p(r, !!o) + "\n" }(n) : (e = h(n, s), u = "\n\n<" + s + e + ">\n" + p(n, !!o) + "\n"), u } return e = c.converter._dispatch("lists.before", e, d, c), e += "¨0", e = (e = c.gListLevel ? e.replace(/^(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm, function(e, r, t) { return n(r, -1 < t.search(/[*+-]/g) ? "ul" : "ol", !0) }) : e.replace(/(\n\n|^\n?)(( {0,3}([*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)[^\r]+?(¨0|\n{2,}(?=\S)(?![ \t]*(?:[*+-]|\d+[.])[ \t]+)))/gm, function(e, r, t, a) { return n(t, -1 < a.search(/[*+-]/g) ? "ul" : "ol", !1) })).replace(/¨0/, ""), e = c.converter._dispatch("lists.after", e, d, c) }), x.subParser("metadata", function(e, r, a) { "use strict"; return r.metadata ? (e = (e = (e = (e = a.converter._dispatch("metadata.before", e, r, a)).replace(/^\s*«««+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n»»»+\n/, function(e, r, t) { return n(t), "¨M" })).replace(/^\s*---+(\S*?)\n([\s\S]+?)\n---+\n/, function(e, r, t) { return r && (a.metadata.format = r), n(t), "¨M" })).replace(/¨M/g, ""), a.converter._dispatch("metadata.after", e, r, a)) : e; function n(e) { (e = (e = (a.metadata.raw = e).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/"/g, """)).replace(/\n {4}/g, " ")).replace(/^([\S ]+): +([\s\S]+?)$/gm, function(e, r, t) { return a.metadata.parsed[r] = t, "" }) } }), x.subParser("outdent", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("outdent.before", e, r, t)).replace(/^(\t|[ ]{1,4})/gm, "¨0")).replace(/¨0/g, ""), e = t.converter._dispatch("outdent.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("paragraphs", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; for (var u = (e = (e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("paragraphs.before", e, r, t)).replace(/^\n+/g, "")).replace(/\n+$/g, "")).split(/\n{2,}/g), a = [], n = u.length, s = 0; s < n; s++) { var o = u[s]; 0 <= o.search(/¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/g) ? a.push(o) : 0 <= o.search(/\S/) && (o = (o = x.subParser("spanGamut")(o, r, t)).replace(/^([ \t]*)/g, "

"), o += "

", a.push(o)) } for (n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; s++) { for (var i = "", l = a[s], d = !1; /¨(K|G)(\d+)\1/.test(l);) { var p = RegExp.$1, c = RegExp.$2; i = (i = "K" === p ? t.gHtmlBlocks[c] : d ? x.subParser("encodeCode")(t.ghCodeBlocks[c].text, r, t) : t.ghCodeBlocks[c].codeblock).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$"), l = l.replace(/(\n\n)?¨(K|G)\d+\2(\n\n)?/, i), /^]*>\s*]*>/.test(l) && (d = !0) } a[s] = l } return e = (e = (e = a.join("\n")).replace(/^\n+/g, "")).replace(/\n+$/g, ""), t.converter._dispatch("paragraphs.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("runExtension", function(e, r, t, a) { "use strict"; return e.filter ? r = e.filter(r, a.converter, t) : e.regex && ((a = e.regex) instanceof RegExp || (a = new RegExp(a, "g")), r = r.replace(a, e.replace)), r }), x.subParser("spanGamut", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = t.converter._dispatch("spanGamut.before", e, r, t), e = x.subParser("codeSpans")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("escapeSpecialCharsWithinTagAttributes")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("encodeBackslashEscapes")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("images")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("anchors")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("autoLinks")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("simplifiedAutoLinks")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("emoji")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("underline")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("italicsAndBold")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("strikethrough")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("ellipsis")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("hashHTMLSpans")(e, r, t), e = x.subParser("encodeAmpsAndAngles")(e, r, t), r.simpleLineBreaks ? /\n\n¨K/.test(e) || (e = e.replace(/\n+/g, "
\n")) : e = e.replace(/ +\n/g, "
\n"), e = t.converter._dispatch("spanGamut.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("strikethrough", function(e, t, a) { "use strict"; return t.strikethrough && (e = (e = a.converter._dispatch("strikethrough.before", e, t, a)).replace(/(?:~){2}([\s\S]+?)(?:~){2}/g, function(e, r) { return r = r, "" + (r = t.simplifiedAutoLink ? x.subParser("simplifiedAutoLinks")(r, t, a) : r) + "" }), e = a.converter._dispatch("strikethrough.after", e, t, a)), e }), x.subParser("stripLinkDefinitions", function(i, l, c) { "use strict"; function e(e, r, t, a, n, s, o) { return r = r.toLowerCase(), i.toLowerCase().split(r).length - 1 < 2 ? e : (t.match(/^data:.+?\/.+?;base64,/) ? c.gUrls[r] = t.replace(/\s/g, "") : c.gUrls[r] = x.subParser("encodeAmpsAndAngles")(t, l, c), s ? s + o : (o && (c.gTitles[r] = o.replace(/"|'/g, """)), l.parseImgDimensions && a && n && (c.gDimensions[r] = { width: a, height: n }), "")) } return i = (i = (i = (i += "¨0").replace(/^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n\n|(?=¨0)|(?=\n\[))/gm, e)).replace(/^ {0,3}\[([^\]]+)]:[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*\s]+)>?(?: =([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4})x([*\d]+[A-Za-z%]{0,4}))?[ \t]*\n?[ \t]*(?:(\n*)["|'(](.+?)["|')][ \t]*)?(?:\n+|(?=¨0))/gm, e)).replace(/¨0/, "") }), x.subParser("tables", function(e, y, P) { "use strict"; if (!y.tables) return e; function r(u) { for (var e = u.split("\n"), r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) /^ {0,3}\|/.test(e[r]) && (e[r] = e[r].replace(/^ {0,3}\|/, "")), /\|[ \t]*$/.test(e[r]) && (e[r] = e[r].replace(/\|[ \t]*$/, "")), e[r] = x.subParser("codeSpans")(e[r], y, P); var t, a, d, n, p, h = e[0].split("|").map(function(e) { return e.trim() }), _ = e[1].split("|").map(function(e) { return e.trim() }), s = [], g = [], o = [], m = []; for (e.shift(), e.shift(), r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) "" !== e[r].trim() && s.push(e[r].split("|").map(function(e) { return e.trim() })); if (h.length < _.length) return u; for (r = 0; r < _.length; ++r) o.push((t = _[r], /^:[ \t]*--*$/.test(t) ? ' style="text-align:left;"' : /^--*[ \t]*:[ \t]*$/.test(t) ? ' style="text-align:right;"' : /^:[ \t]*--*[ \t]*:$/.test(t) ? ' style="text-align:center;"' : "")); for (r = 0; r < h.length; ++r) x.helper.isUndefined(o[r]) && (o[r] = ""), g.push((a = h[r], d = o[r], void 0, n = "", a = a.trim(), "" + (a = x.subParser("spanGamut")(a, y, P)) + "\n")); for (r = 0; r < s.length; ++r) { for (var f = [], i = 0; i < g.length; ++i) x.helper.isUndefined(s[r][i]), f.push((p = s[r][i], "" + x.subParser("spanGamut")(p, y, P) + "\n")); m.push(f) } for (var b = g, w = m, l = "\n\n\n", k = b.length, c = 0; c < k; ++c) l += b[c]; for (l += "\n\n\n", c = 0; c < w.length; ++c) { l += "\n"; for (var v = 0; v < k; ++v) l += w[c][v]; l += "\n" } return l += "\n
\n" } return e = (e = (e = (e = P.converter._dispatch("tables.before", e, y, P)).replace(/\\(\|)/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback)).replace(/^ {0,3}\|?.+\|.+\n {0,3}\|?[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[\s\S]+?(?:\n\n|¨0)/gm, r)).replace(/^ {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n {0,3}\|[ \t]*:?[ \t]*(?:[-=]){2,}[ \t]*:?[ \t]*\|[ \t]*\n( {0,3}\|.+\|[ \t]*\n)*(?:\n|¨0)/gm, r), e = P.converter._dispatch("tables.after", e, y, P) }), x.subParser("underline", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return r.underline ? (e = t.converter._dispatch("underline.before", e, r, t), e = (e = r.literalMidWordUnderscores ? (e = e.replace(/\b___(\S[\s\S]*?)___\b/g, function(e, r) { return "" + r + "" })).replace(/\b__(\S[\s\S]*?)__\b/g, function(e, r) { return "" + r + "" }) : (e = e.replace(/___(\S[\s\S]*?)___/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/__(\S[\s\S]*?)__/g, function(e, r) { return /\S$/.test(r) ? "" + r + "" : e })).replace(/(_)/g, x.helper.escapeCharactersCallback), t.converter._dispatch("underline.after", e, r, t)) : e }), x.subParser("unescapeSpecialChars", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; return e = (e = t.converter._dispatch("unescapeSpecialChars.before", e, r, t)).replace(/¨E(\d+)E/g, function(e, r) { r = parseInt(r); return String.fromCharCode(r) }), e = t.converter._dispatch("unescapeSpecialChars.after", e, r, t) }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.blockquote", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) { var o = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); "" !== o && (t += o) } return t = "> " + (t = t.trim()).split("\n").join("\n> ") }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.codeBlock", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = e.getAttribute("language"), e = e.getAttribute("precodenum"); return "```" + t + "\n" + r.preList[e] + "\n```" }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.codeSpan", function(e) { "use strict"; return "`" + e.innerHTML + "`" }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.emphasis", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) { t += "*"; for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); t += "*" } return t }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; var t = new Array(t + 1).join("#"), a = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) for (var a = t + " ", n = e.childNodes, s = n.length, o = 0; o < s; ++o) a += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(n[o], r); return a }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.hr", function() { "use strict"; return "---" }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.image", function(e) { "use strict"; var r = ""; return e.hasAttribute("src") && (r = (r += "![" + e.getAttribute("alt") + "](") + "<" + e.getAttribute("src") + ">", e.hasAttribute("width") && e.hasAttribute("height") && (r += " =" + e.getAttribute("width") + "x" + e.getAttribute("height")), e.hasAttribute("title") && (r += ' "' + e.getAttribute("title") + '"'), r += ")"), r }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.links", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes() && e.hasAttribute("href")) { for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, t = "[", s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); t = (t += "](") + ("<" + e.getAttribute("href") + ">"), e.hasAttribute("title") && (t += ' "' + e.getAttribute("title") + '"'), t += ")" } return t }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.list", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; var a = ""; if (!e.hasChildNodes()) return ""; for (var n = e.childNodes, s = n.length, o = e.getAttribute("start") || 1, i = 0; i < s; ++i) void 0 !== n[i].tagName && "li" === n[i].tagName.toLowerCase() && (a += ("ol" === t ? o.toString() + ". " : "- ") + x.subParser("makeMarkdown.listItem")(n[i], r), ++o); return (a += "\n\x3c!-- --\x3e\n").trim() }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.listItem", function(e, r) { "use strict"; for (var t = "", a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); return /\n$/.test(t) ? t = t.split("\n").join("\n ").replace(/^ {4}$/gm, "").replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n\n") : t += "\n", t }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node", function(e, r, t) { "use strict"; t = t || !1; var a = ""; if (3 === e.nodeType) return x.subParser("makeMarkdown.txt")(e, r); if (8 === e.nodeType) return "\x3c!--" + e.data + "--\x3e\n\n"; if (1 !== e.nodeType) return ""; switch (e.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case "h1": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 1) + "\n\n"); break; case "h2": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 2) + "\n\n"); break; case "h3": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 3) + "\n\n"); break; case "h4": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 4) + "\n\n"); break; case "h5": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 5) + "\n\n"); break; case "h6": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.header")(e, r, 6) + "\n\n"); break; case "p": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.paragraph")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "blockquote": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.blockquote")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "hr": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.hr")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "ol": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.list")(e, r, "ol") + "\n\n"); break; case "ul": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.list")(e, r, "ul") + "\n\n"); break; case "precode": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.codeBlock")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "pre": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.pre")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "table": t || (a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.table")(e, r) + "\n\n"); break; case "code": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.codeSpan")(e, r); break; case "em": case "i": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.emphasis")(e, r); break; case "strong": case "b": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.strong")(e, r); break; case "del": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.strikethrough")(e, r); break; case "a": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.links")(e, r); break; case "img": a = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.image")(e, r); break; default: a = e.outerHTML + "\n\n" } return a }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.paragraph", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); return t = t.trim() }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.pre", function(e, r) { "use strict"; e = e.getAttribute("prenum"); return "
" + r.preList[e] + "
" }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.strikethrough", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) { t += "~~"; for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); t += "~~" } return t }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.strong", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (e.hasChildNodes()) { t += "**"; for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r); t += "**" } return t }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.table", function(e, r) { "use strict"; for (var t = "", a = [ [], [] ], n = e.querySelectorAll("thead>tr>th"), s = e.querySelectorAll("tbody>tr"), o = 0; o < n.length; ++o) { var u = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.tableCell")(n[o], r), i = "---"; if (n[o].hasAttribute("style")) switch (n[o].getAttribute("style").toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "")) { case "text-align:left;": i = ":---"; break; case "text-align:right;": i = "---:"; break; case "text-align:center;": i = ":---:" } a[0][o] = u.trim(), a[1][o] = i } for (o = 0; o < s.length; ++o) for (var d = a.push([]) - 1, p = s[o].getElementsByTagName("td"), l = 0; l < n.length; ++l) { var h = " "; void 0 !== p[l] && (h = x.subParser("makeMarkdown.tableCell")(p[l], r)), a[d].push(h) } var c = 3; for (o = 0; o < a.length; ++o) for (l = 0; l < a[o].length; ++l) { var _ = a[o][l].length; c < _ && (c = _) } for (o = 0; o < a.length; ++o) { for (l = 0; l < a[o].length; ++l) 1 === o ? ":" === a[o][l].slice(-1) ? a[o][l] = x.helper.padEnd(a[o][l].slice(-1), c - 1, "-") + ":" : a[o][l] = x.helper.padEnd(a[o][l], c, "-") : a[o][l] = x.helper.padEnd(a[o][l], c); t += "| " + a[o].join(" | ") + " |\n" } return t.trim() }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.tableCell", function(e, r) { "use strict"; var t = ""; if (!e.hasChildNodes()) return ""; for (var a = e.childNodes, n = a.length, s = 0; s < n; ++s) t += x.subParser("makeMarkdown.node")(a[s], r, !0); return t.trim() }), x.subParser("makeMarkdown.txt", function(e) { "use strict"; e = e.nodeValue; return e = (e = e.replace(/ +/g, " ")).replace(/¨NBSP;/g, " "), e = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = (e = x.helper.unescapeHTMLEntities(e)).replace(/([*_~|`])/g, "\\$1")).replace(/^(\s*)>/g, "\\$1>")).replace(/^#/gm, "\\#")).replace(/^(\s*)([-=]{3,})(\s*)$/, "$1\\$2$3")).replace(/^( {0,3}\d+)\./gm, "$1\\.")).replace(/^( {0,3})([+-])/gm, "$1\\$2")).replace(/]([\s]*)\(/g, "\\]$1\\(")).replace(/^ {0,3}\[([\S \t]*?)]:/gm, "\\[$1]:") }); "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function() { "use strict"; return x }) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports ? module.exports = x : this.showdown = x }.call(this); //# sourceMappingURL=showdown.min.js.map