Compare commits


10 commits

314 changed files with 10732 additions and 44260 deletions

View file

@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
version: "2"
threshold: 2000
threshold: 550
threshold: 50
threshold: 250
enabled: true
@ -26,8 +12,6 @@ plugins:
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
@ -45,20 +29,11 @@ plugins:
enabled: false
enabled: false
enabled: true
- tst/**
- "cfg/"
- "css/"
- "!css/privatebin.css"
- "!css/noscript.css"
- "!css/bootstrap/privatebin.css"
- "js/"
- "!js/privatebin.js"
- "!js/common.js"
- "!js/test/"
- "vendor/"
- "css/privatebin.css"
- "css/bootstrap/privatebin.css"
- "js/privatebin.js"
- "lib/**.php"
- "index.php"
exclude_paths: []

View file

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
"name": "PHP",
"image": "",
"customizations": {
"vscode": {
"extensions": [
// PHP from
// PHP
// linting
// testing
"codespaces": {
"openFiles": [
"repositories": {
"PrivateBin/*": {
"permissions": {
"pull_requests": "write"
"features": {
"": {}
"forwardPorts": [
"postCreateCommand": ".devcontainer/",
// alternatiuve: apache2ctl start (but requires root)
"postAttachCommand": "php -S"

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
sudo chmod a+x "$(pwd)" && sudo rm -rf /var/www/html && sudo ln -s "$(pwd)" /var/www/html
npm install --global nyc

.dockerignore Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Documentation, might leak version number
# Dotfiles, pointless

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ insert_final_newline = true
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ indent_size = 4
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ indent_size = 4
indent_style = tab
indent_size = 4
indent_style = space

View file

@ -1,2 +1 @@

View file

@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
ecmaVersion: 2017
modules: true
jsx: true
@ -12,23 +8,14 @@ env:
es6: true
jquery: true
node: true
mocha: true
DOMPurify: readonly
cleanup: writable
describe: readonly
jsc: readonly
jsdom: writable
kjua: writable
WebCrypto: writable
sjcl: false
# Possible Errors
- error
- never
comma-dangle: [2, never]
no-cond-assign: 2
no-console: 0
no-constant-condition: 2
@ -44,9 +31,7 @@ rules:
no-extra-parens: 0
no-extra-semi: 2
no-func-assign: 2
- error
- functions
no-inner-declarations: [2, functions]
no-invalid-regexp: 2
no-irregular-whitespace: 2
no-negated-in-lhs: 2
@ -62,9 +47,7 @@ rules:
# Best Practices
accessor-pairs: 2
block-scoped-var: 0
- error
- 20
complexity: [2, 6]
consistent-return: 0
curly: 0
default-case: 0
@ -77,6 +60,7 @@ rules:
no-case-declarations: 2
no-div-regex: 2
no-else-return: 0
no-empty-label: 2
no-empty-pattern: 2
no-eq-null: 2
no-eval: 2
@ -101,7 +85,7 @@ rules:
no-octal-escape: 2
no-octal: 2
no-proto: 2
no-redeclare: 0
no-redeclare: 2
no-return-assign: 2
no-script-url: 2
no-self-compare: 2
@ -115,7 +99,7 @@ rules:
no-with: 2
radix: 2
vars-on-top: 0
wrap-iife: 0
wrap-iife: 2
yoda: 0
# Strict
@ -168,9 +152,7 @@ rules:
max-len: 0
max-nested-callbacks: 0
max-params: 0
- error
- 60
max-statements: [2, 30]
new-cap: 0
new-parens: 0
newline-after-var: 0
@ -197,9 +179,7 @@ rules:
operator-linebreak: 0
padded-blocks: 0
quote-props: 0
- error
- single
quotes: 0
require-jsdoc: 0
semi-spacing: 0
semi: 0

.gitattributes vendored
View file

@ -1,31 +1,19 @@
bin/configuration-test-generator export-ignore
bin/icon-test export-ignore
doc/ export-ignore
tst/ export-ignore
i18n/en.json export-ignore
img/browserstack.svg export-ignore
js/.istanbul.yml export-ignore
js/.nycrc.yml export-ignore
js/common.js export-ignore
js/test/ export-ignore
js/test.js export-ignore
js/mocha-3.2.0.js export-ignore
css/mocha-3.2.0.css export-ignore
.codeclimate.yml export-ignore
.csslintrc export-ignore
.devcontainer export-ignore
.dockerignore export-ignore
.editorconfig export-ignore
.eslintignore export-ignore
.eslintrc export-ignore
.gitattributes export-ignore
.github export-ignore
.gitignore export-ignore
.jshintrc export-ignore
.nsprc export-ignore
.php_cs export-ignore
.scrutinizer.yml export-ignore
.styleci.yml export-ignore
.travis.yml export-ignore
.vscode export-ignore
codacy-analysis.yml export-ignore
crowdin.yml export-ignore export-ignore export-ignore
Makefile export-ignore
Dockerfile export-ignore

View file

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
labels: ["question/support"]
- type: markdown
value: |
## Thanks for taking the time to fill out this form!
- type: textarea
id: description
label: Describe the problem/question
description: A clear and concise description of what the problem/issue or question is.
required: true
- type: checkboxes
id: readed-faq
label: Did you use the FAQ section?
description: Have you read [the FAQ](
- label: Yes, I have read [the FAQ]( and I found no solution/answer there.
required: true
- type: textarea
id: what_you_did
label: What you did?
description: Tell us how to reproduce the problem.
value: |
required: true
- type: textarea
id: what_happens
label: What happens
placeholder: Tell us what you see!
- type: textarea
id: what_should_happen
label: What should happen
placeholder: Tell us what you want to see!
- type: textarea
id: additional_info
label: Additional information
description: E.g. if you have access to the server log files, copy them here. Or copy the browser console content, if appropiate.
- type: input
id: server_address
label: Server address
description: The instance of PrivateBin, where you experience the issue.
placeholder: e.g.
- type: input
id: server_os
label: Server OS
placeholder: e.g. Ubuntu
- type: input
id: webserver
label: Webserver
placeholder: e.g. Apache
- type: input
id: privatebin_version
label: PrivateBin version
description: The PrivateBin version, where you experience the issue. It is e.g. shown at the bottom left in the web interface.
placeholder: e.g. v1.5.2
- type: input
id: browser
label: Browser and version
placeholder: e.g. Firefox v116.3.0 (desktop)
- type: input
id: client
label: Local operating system and version
placeholder: e.g. Windows 10
- type: dropdown
id: reproduce_issue
label: Issue reproducibility
description: Can you reproduce this issue on [](
- "No, I cannot reproduce it on"
- "Yes, reproducible on"
default: 0
required: true

View file

@ -1,19 +1,5 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help us improve (only for software bugs)
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''
<!-- Please make sure to **only** use this template when it is about bugs in the PrivateBin PHP project.
Otherwise, for help and support issues e.g. for deployment issues, please go back and chose the appropiate category. -->
**Did you use the FAQ section?**
- [ ] Yes, I have read [the FAQ]( and I found no solution/answer there.
<!-- Describe the bug: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. -->
<!-- Please have a look at our FAQ before submitting an issue: -->
<!-- This is a template for a bug report. If you would like to suggest a feature, feel free to delete the part below. -->
## Steps to reproduce
<!-- Tell us how to reproduce the problem. -->
@ -40,7 +26,7 @@ If you have access to the server log files, also copy them here.
<!-- The Operation System of your server -->
**Server OS:**
<!-- The webserver running on your server, preferably including the version -->
<!-- The webserver running on your server, preferrably including the version -->
<!-- The version of your browser (when it is a client-side issue) -->
@ -49,4 +35,5 @@ If you have access to the server log files, also copy them here.
<!-- The version of PrivateBin, if you use an unstable version paste the commit hash or the GitHub link to the commit here (you can get it by running `git rev-parse HEAD`) -->
**PrivateBin version:**
I can reproduce this issue on <>: Yes / No
* I can reproduce this issue on <>: Yes / No

View file

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
blank_issues_enabled: false
- name: Question and support
about: Your setup is not working and you need help or you have a question regarding PrivateBin
- name: Problem with the container image
about: Please report all problems that apply only(!) to the official (Docker) image “docker-nginx-fpm-alpine” here.

View file

@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for this project
title: ''
labels: enhancement
assignees: ''
## The problem
<!-- Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when -->
## The solution
<!-- A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Pitch your solution! What would happen, if we don't implement this? -->
## Alternatives
<!-- A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered. -->
## Additional context
<!-- Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here. -->

View file

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
version: 2
# Maintain dependencies for GitHub Actions
# src:
- package-ecosystem: "github-actions"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"
# Also keep PHP (Composer) dependencies up-to-date
# see:
- package-ecosystem: "composer"
directory: "/"
interval: "daily"

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
# to commit it to your repository.
# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
# ******** NOTE ********
# Currently can only check JS.
name: "CodeQL"
branches: [ master ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master ]
- cron: '28 22 * * 5'
name: Analyze
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
fail-fast: false
language: [ 'javascript' ]
# CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python' ]
# Learn more:
- name: Checkout repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
- name: Initialize CodeQL
uses: github/codeql-action/init@v3
languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
# If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
# By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
# Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
# queries: ./path/to/local/query, your-org/your-repo/queries@main
- name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v3

View file

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
name: Draft Release
tags: '[0-9]+.[0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9]?.?[0-9]+'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Fetch changelog from tag
uses: actions/checkout@v4
sparse-checkout-cone-mode: false
- name: Extract latest changelog entry and attach it to draft
uses: taiki-e/create-gh-release-action@v1
draft: true
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
hashes: ${{ steps.hash.outputs.hashes }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Collect artifacts
run: |
wget -q${GITHUB_REF_NAME}.tar.gz
wget -q${GITHUB_REF_NAME}.zip
- name: Generate hashes
shell: bash
id: hash
run: echo "hashes=$(sha256sum ${GITHUB_REF_NAME}.* | base64 -w0)" >> "$GITHUB_OUTPUT"
- release
actions: read
id-token: write
contents: write
uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0
base64-subjects: "${{ needs.release.outputs.hashes }}"
draft-release: true
upload-assets: true

View file

@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: Snyk scan
# Triggers the workflow on push or pull request events but only for the master branch
branches: [ master ]
branches: [ master ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: ${{ github.repository == 'PrivateBin/PrivateBin' }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install Google Cloud Storage
run: composer require --no-update google/cloud-storage && composer update --no-dev
- name: Run Snyk to check for vulnerabilities
uses: snyk/actions/php@master
continue-on-error: true # To make sure that SARIF upload gets called
SNYK_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SNYK_TOKEN }}
args: --sarif-file-output=snyk.sarif
- name: Upload result to GitHub Code Scanning
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v3
sarif_file: snyk.sarif

View file

@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
name: Test Results
workflows: ["Tests"]
- completed
permissions: {}
name: Test Results
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: github.event.workflow_run.conclusion != 'skipped'
checks: write
# needed unless run with comment_mode: off
pull-requests: write
# required by download step to access artifacts API
actions: read
- name: Download and Extract Artifacts
uses: dawidd6/action-download-artifact@bf251b5aa9c2f7eeb574a96ee720e24f801b7c11
run_id: ${{ }}
path: artifacts
- name: Publish Test Results
uses: EnricoMi/publish-unit-test-result-action@v2
check_name: "Test Results (${{ github.event.workflow_run.event || github.event_name }})"
commit: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.head_sha }}
event_file: artifacts/Event File/event.json
event_name: ${{ github.event.workflow_run.event }}
files: |

View file

@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
name: Tests
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Validate composer.json and composer.lock
run: composer validate
- name: Install dependencies
run: composer install --prefer-dist --no-dev
name: PHP ${{ matrix.php-versions }} unit tests on ${{ matrix.operating-system }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
continue-on-error: ${{ matrix.experimental }}
php-versions: ['7.3', '7.4', '8.0', '8.1', '8.2', '8.3']
experimental: [false]
- php-versions: '8.4' # development release, things can break
experimental: true
extensions: gd, sqlite3
extensions-cache-key-name: phpextensions
# let's get started!
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# cache PHP extensions
- name: Setup cache environment
id: extcache
uses: shivammathur/cache-extensions@v1
php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }}
extensions: ${{ env.extensions }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.extensions-cache-key }}
- name: Cache extensions
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ${{ steps.extcache.outputs.dir }}
key: ${{ steps.extcache.outputs.key }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-${{ env.extensions-cache-key }}
- name: Setup PHP
uses: shivammathur/setup-php@v2
php-version: ${{ matrix.php-versions }}
extensions: ${{ env.extensions }}
# Setup GitHub CI PHP problem matchers
- name: Setup problem matchers for PHP
run: echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/php.json"
- name: Setup problem matchers for PHPUnit
run: echo "::add-matcher::${{ runner.tool_cache }}/phpunit.json"
# composer cache
- name: Remove composer lock
run: rm composer.lock
- name: Get composer cache directory
id: composer-cache
run: echo "dir=$(composer config cache-files-dir)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Get Date
id: get-date
run: echo "date=$(/bin/date -u "+%Y%m%d")" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
shell: bash
- name: Cache dependencies
uses: actions/cache@v4
path: ${{ steps.composer-cache.outputs.dir }}
key: ${{ runner.os }}-composer-${{ }}-${{ hashFiles('**/composer.json') }}
restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-composer-${{ }}-
# composer installation
- name: Unset platform requirement
run: composer config --unset platform
- name: Setup PHPunit
run: composer install -n
- name: Install Google Cloud Storage
run: composer require google/cloud-storage
# testing
- name: Run unit tests
run: ../vendor/bin/phpunit --no-coverage --log-junit results.xml
working-directory: tst
- name: Upload Test Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Test Results (PHP ${{ matrix.php-versions }})
path: tst/results.xml
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup Node
uses: actions/setup-node@v4
node-version: '20'
cache: 'npm'
cache-dependency-path: 'js/package-lock.json'
- name: Setup Mocha
run: npm install -g mocha
- name: Setup Node modules
run: npm ci
working-directory: js
- name: Run unit tests
run: npm run ci-test
working-directory: js
- name: Upload Test Results
if: always()
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Test Results (Mocha)
path: js/mocha-results.xml
name: "Event File"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Upload
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: Event File
path: ${{ github.event_path }}

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
# Ignore server files for safety
# Ignore data/
# Ignore PhpDoc
# Ignore developers composer status so it isn't accidentally checked in,
# see
# Ignore vendor dir of Composer except PHP files
@ -26,17 +27,10 @@ vendor/**/tests
# Ignore local node modules, unit testing logs, api docs and IDE project files
# Ignore local node modules, unit testing logs, api docs and eclipse project files

View file

@ -1,12 +1,3 @@
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond !%{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "Let's Encrypt validation server" [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^.*(bot|spider|crawl|https?://|WhatsApp|SkypeUriPreview|facebookexternalhit) [NC]
RewriteRule .* - [R=403,L]
<IfModule mod_php7.c>
php_value max_execution_time 30
php_value post_max_size 10M
php_value upload_max_size 10M
php_value upload_max_filesize 10M
php_value max_file_uploads 100

View file

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
"bitwise": true,
"curly": true,
"eqeqeq": true,
"esversion": 6,
"forin": true,
"freeze": true,
"futurehostile": true,
"latedef": "nofunc",
"maxcomplexity": 25,
"maxdepth": 3,
"maxparams": 4,
"maxstatements": 100,
"noarg": true,
"nonbsp": true,
"nonew": true,
"quotmark": "single",
"singleGroups": true,
"strict": true,
"undef": true,
"unused": true,
"jquery": true,
"browser": true,
"predef": {
"after": true,
"before": true,
"cleanup": true,
"console": true,
"describe": false,
"document": true,
"fs": false,
"global": true,
"exports": true,
"it": false,
"jsc": false,
"jsdom": true,
"require": false,
"setTimeout": false,
"window": true
"globals": {
"DOMPurify": true,
"kjua": true

View file

@ -1 +0,0 @@

View file

@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
php: true
javascript: true
- "css/privatebin.css"
- "css/bootstrap/privatebin.css"
- "js/privatebin.js"
- "lib/*.php"
- "index.php"
additive: false
concatenation: true
image: default-bionic
version: 7.4
command: 'composer require google/cloud-storage && cd tst && ../vendor/bin/phpunit'
file: 'tst/log/coverage-clover.xml'
format: 'clover'
tests: true
- php-scrutinizer-run

View file

@ -3,35 +3,24 @@ preset: recommended
risky: false
- align_equals
- concat_with_spaces
- long_array_syntax
- no_empty_comment
- pre_increment
- align_equals
- long_array_syntax
- concat_with_spaces
- blank_line_after_opening_tag
- blank_line_before_return
- blank_line_before_throw
- blank_line_before_try
- concat_without_spaces
- declare_equal_normalize
- heredoc_to_nowdoc
- method_argument_space_strict
- method_argument_space
- new_with_braces
- no_alternative_syntax
- phpdoc_align
- phpdoc_no_access
- phpdoc_separation
- phpdoc_single_line_var_spacing
- phpdoc_summary
- post_increment
- short_array_syntax
- single_line_after_imports
- unalign_equals
- "lib/"
- "tpl/"
- "tst/"

.travis.yml Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
language: php
sudo: false
- 5.5
- 5.6
- 7.0
- composer install -n
- cd tst && ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit
- cd ..
- vendor/bin/codacycoverage clover tst/log/coverage-clover.xml
- vendor/bin/test-reporter --coverage-report tst/log/coverage-clover.xml

View file

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
"recommendations": [

.vscode/launch.json vendored
View file

@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "Launch built-in server and debug",
"type": "php",
"request": "launch",
"runtimeArgs": [
"port": 9003,
"serverReadyAction": {
"action": "openExternally"
"name": "Debug current script in console",
"type": "php",
"request": "launch",
"program": "${file}",
"cwd": "${fileDirname}",
"externalConsole": false,
"port": 9003
"name": "Listen for Xdebug",
"type": "php",
"request": "launch",
"port": 9003

View file

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
"files.associations": {
"**/cfg/conf*.php": "ini"

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
# Badges
[![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](](
[![Codacy Badge](](
[![Code Climate](](
[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](
[![Codacy Badge](](
[![Test Coverage](]( [![Code Coverage](](
[![BrowserStack - cross browser testing](img/browserstack.svg)](

View file

@ -1,373 +1,153 @@
# PrivateBin version history
## 1.7.4 (not yet released)
* CHANGED: Saving markdown pastes uses `.md` extension instead of `.txt` (#1293)
* CHANGED: Enable strict type checking in PHP (#1350)
* FIXED: Reset password input field on creation of new paste (#1194)
* FIXED: Allow database schema upgrade to skip versions (#1343)
* FIXED: `bootstrap5` dark mode toggle unset on dark browser preference (#1340)
## 1.7.3 (2024-05-13)
* CHANGED: Various tweaks of the `bootstrap5` template, suggested by the community
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.1.3
* FIXED: Selected expiration not being applied, when using bootstrap template (#1309)
## 1.7.2 (2024-05-05)
* ADDED: Allow use of `shortenviayourls` in query parameters (#1267)
* ADDED: Input sanitation to some not yet filtered query and server parameters
* ADDED: Optional Bootstrap CSS 5.3.3 based template, use configuration `template = "bootstrap5"` to switch to it (#728)
* CHANGED: "Send" button now labeled "Create" (#946)
* CHANGED: Drop some PHP < 5.6 fallbacks, minimum version is PHP 7.3 as of release 1.6.0
* CHANGED: Set `lang` cookie with lax `SameSite` property
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.1.2 (#1299) & jQuery 3.7.1
* CHANGED: `create` attribute is no longer returned in API for pastes & can be disabled for comments using `discussiondatedisplay` as well (#1290)
* FIXED: Add cache control headers also to API calls (#1263)
* FIXED: Shortened paste URL does not appear in email (#606)
## 1.7.1 (2024-02-11)
* FIXED: zlib 1.3.1 wasm file reference
## 1.7.0 (2024-02-11)
* ADDED: Translations for Romanian
* ADDED: Detect and report on damaged pastes (#1218)
* CHANGED: Ask for confirmation, before loading burn after reading pastes (#1237)
* CHANGED: Focus on password input in modal dialog
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.0.8 & zlib 1.3.1
* FIXED: Support more types of valid URLs for shorteners, incl. IDN ones (#1224)
* FIXED: Email timezone buttons overlapping in some languages (#1039)
* FIXED: Changing language mangles URL (#1191)
* FIXED: Needless reload when visiting default URL
## 1.6.2 (2023-12-15)
* FIXED: English not selectable when `languageselection` enabled (#1208)
* FIXED: SRI mismatch due to cached file having changed (#1207)
## 1.6.1 (2023-12-04)
* ADDED: Right-To-Left (RTL) support for Arabic & Hebrew (#1174)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.0.6
## 1.6.0 (2023-09-11)
* ADDED: Translations for Japanese & Arabic
* ADDED: Configuration option to disable email button (#1164)
* CHANGED: Minimum required PHP version is 7.3, due to upgrading PHPunit (#707)
* CHANGED: Removed PHP 5 polyfill for random_bytes()
## 1.5.2 (2023-07-09)
* ADDED: Allow AWS SDK to use default credential provider chain for S3Storage (#1070)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 3.0.4 & jQuery 3.7.0
* FIXED: Addressed PHP 8.2 deprecation warnings (#1092)
* FIXED: Expose types JSON-LD incl. configured expiration dates (#1045)
## 1.5.1 (2022-12-24)
* ADDED: script for administrative tasks: deleting pastes (#274), removing empty directories (#277), purging expired pastes (#276) & statistics (#319)
* FIXED: Revert Filesystem purge to limited and randomized lookup (#1030)
* FIXED: Catch JSON decode errors when invalid data gets sent to the API (#1030)
* FIXED: Support sorting v1 format in mixed version comments in Filesystem backend (#1030)
## 1.5 (2022-12-11)
* ADDED: script for data storage backend migrations (#1012)
* ADDED: Translations for Turkish, Slovak, Greek and Thai
* ADDED: S3 Storage backend (#994)
* ADDED: Jdenticons as an option for comment icons (#793)
* CHANGED: Avoid `SUPER` privilege for setting the `sql_mode` for MariaDB/MySQL (#919)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.4.6, jQuery 3.6.1, Showdown 2.1.0 & zlib 1.2.13
* FIXED: Revert to CREATE INDEX without IF NOT EXISTS clauses, to support MySQL (#943)
* FIXED: Apply table prefix to indexes as well, to support multiple instances sharing a single database (#943)
* FIXED: YOURLS integration via new proxy, storing signature in configuration (#725)
## 1.4 (2022-04-09)
* ADDED: Translations for Corsican, Estonian, Finnish and Lojban
* ADDED: new HTTP headers improving security (#765)
* ADDED: Download button for paste text (#774)
* ADDED: Opt-out of federated learning of cohorts (FLoC) (#776)
* ADDED: Configuration option to exempt IPs from the rate-limiter (#787)
* ADDED: Google Cloud Storage backend support (#795)
* ADDED: Oracle database support (#868)
* ADDED: Configuration option to limit paste creation and commenting to certain IPs (#883)
* ADDED: Set CSP also as meta tag, to deal with misconfigured webservers mangling the HTTP header
* ADDED: Sanitize SVG preview, preventing script execution in instance context
* CHANGED: Language selection cookie only transmitted over HTTPS (#472)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: base-x 4.0.0, bootstrap 3.4.1 (JS), DOMpurify 2.3.6, ip-lib 1.18.0, jQuery 3.6.0, random_compat 2.0.21, Showdown 2.0.3 & zlib 1.2.12
* CHANGED: Removed automatic `.ini` configuration file migration (#808)
* CHANGED: Removed configurable `dir` for `traffic` & `purge` limiters (#419)
* CHANGED: Server salt, traffic and purge limiter now stored in the storage backend (#419)
* CHANGED: Drop support for attachment download in IE
* FIXED: Error when attachments are disabled, but paste with attachment gets displayed
## 1.3.5 (2021-04-05)
* ADDED: Translations for Hebrew, Lithuanian, Indonesian and Catalan
* ADDED: Make the project info configurable (#681)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.2.7, kjua 0.9.0 & random_compat 2.0.18
* CHANGED: Open all links in new window (#630)
* FIXED: PDF display in Firefox (#630)
* FIXED: Allow pasting into password input dialog (#630)
* FIXED: Display of expiration date in email (#630)
* FIXED: Allow display of durations in weeks (#630)
* FIXED: Avoid exposing burn-after-reading messages from cache (#630)
* FIXED: Only display the dropzone when it should (#630)
* FIXED: Detect delete token properly (#630)
* FIXED: Sanitize output from `Helper.urls2links()` (#630)
* FIXED: Avoid recreation of existing pasteurl element when calling URL shortener (#630)
* FIXED: Downloads in Chrome >= 83 (#634)
* FIXED: Display of empty files (#663)
* FIXED: Improve OpenGraph attributes (#651)
* FIXED: Reset to configured burn-after-reading, discussion and expiration settings (#682)
* FIXED: Italic segment of project information (#756)
## 1.3.4 (2020-03-22)
* CHANGED: Minimum required PHP version is 5.6, due to a change in the identicon library and to use php's native hash_equals()
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: identicon 2.0.0
* FIXED: Support custom expiration options in email function (#586)
* FIXED: Regression with encoding of HTML entities (#588)
* FIXED: Unable to paste password on paste with attachment (#565 & #595)
## 1.3.3 (2020-02-16)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.0.8
* CHANGED: Several translations got updated with missing messages
* CHANGED: Introduce HTML entity encoding on server side (#581)
* FIXED: HTML entity double encoding issues introduced in 1.3.2 (#560)
## 1.2.3 (2020-02-16)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.0.8
* CHANGED: Introduce HTML entity encoding on server side (#581)
* FIXED: HTML entity double encoding issues introduced in 1.3.2 (#560)
## 1.3.2 (2020-01-11)
* ADDED: Translation for Ukrainian (#533)
* ADDED: Option to send a mail with the link, when creating a paste (#398)
* ADDED: Add support for CONFIG_PATH environment variable (#552)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: base-x 3.0.7, DOMpurify 2.0.7 & Showdown 1.9.1
* FIXED: HTML injection via unescaped attachment filename (#554)
* FIXED: Password disabling option (#527)
## 1.2.2 (2020-01-11)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: bootstrap 3.4.1 (CSS), DOMpurify 2.0.7, jQuery 3.4.1, kjua 0.6.0, Showdown 1.9.1 & SJCL 1.0.8
* FIXED: HTML injection via unescaped attachment filename (#554)
## 1.3.1 (2019-09-22)
* ADDED: Translation for Bulgarian (#455)
* CHANGED: Improved mobile UI - obscured send button and hard to click shortener button (#477)
* CHANGED: Enhanced URL shortener integration (#479)
* CHANGED: Improved file upload drag & drop UI (#317)
* CHANGED: Increased default size limit from 2 to 10 MiB, switch data from BLOB to MEDIUMBLOB in MySQL (#458)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: DOMpurify 2.0.1
* FIXED: Enabling browsers without WASM to create pastes and read uncompressed ones (#454)
* FIXED: Cloning related issues (#489, #491, #493, #494)
* FIXED: Enable file operation only when editing (#497)
* FIXED: Clicking 'New' on a previously submitted paste does not blank address bar (#354)
* FIXED: Clear address bar when create new paste from existing paste (#479)
* FIXED: Discussion section not hiding when new/clone paste is clicked on (#484)
* FIXED: Showdown.js error when posting svg qrcode (#485)
* FIXED: Failed to handle the case where user cancelled attachment selection properly (#487)
* FIXED: Displaying the appropriate errors in older browsers (#508)
## 1.3 (2019-07-09)
* ADDED: Translation for Czech (#424)
* ADDED: Threat modeled the application (#177)
* ADDED: Made compression configurable (#38)
* CHANGED: Minimum required PHP version is 5.5, due to a change in the identicon library
* CHANGED: Minimum required browser versions are Firefox 54, Chrome 57, Opera 44, Safari 11, Edge 16, due to use of WebCrypto API, async/await, ES6 & WebAssembly features - all Internet Explorer versions are incompatible
* CHANGED: JSON and encryption formats were changed to replace SJCL library by browser integrated WebCrypto API (#28, #74)
* CHANGED: Replaced rawdeflate.js with zlib.wasm to resolve decompression failures and gain compatibility with standard deflate implementations (#193, #260, #328, #434, #440)
* CHANGED: Increase PBKDF2 iterations to 100k (#350)
* CHANGED: Replaced last use of MD5 with FowlerNollVo checksum which produces the exact length we need for the paste ID (#49)
* CHANGED: Simplified some PHP code & renamed PrivateBin class into Controller, to make MVC pattern use more obvious (#342)
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: identicon 1.2.0, random_compat 2.0.18, jQuery 3.4.1, Showdown 1.9.0, DOMpurify 1.0.11 & kjua 0.6.0
* FIXED: Prevent Chrome from sending content of paste to Google for translation (#378)
* FIXED: To support attachments larger then 2 MiB in newer Chrome versions, we switched to blob instead of data URIs (#432)
* FIXED: Since Outlook strips trailing equal signs in links, the key in URL hash is now base58 encoded, instead of base64 (#377)
* FIXED: Facebooks started injecting parameters into shared URLs for tracking that lead to inaccessible pastes (#396)
* FIXED: Properly escaped HTML in raw text mode (#358)
* FIXED: Made download links better readable in the dark bootstrap theme (#364)
* FIXED: Allow Letsencrypt bot to access on apache servers (#413)
## 1.2.1 (2018-08-11)
* ADDED: Add support for links in pastes and comments (#331)
* CHANGED: Added some missing Russian translations (#348)
* CHANGED: Minor PHP refactoring: Rename PrivateBin class to Controller, improved logic of some persistence classes (#342)
* CHANGED: Upgrading DOMpurify library to 1.0.7
* FIXED: Ensure legacy browsers without webcrypto support can't create paste keys with insufficient entropy (#346)
* FIXED: Re-add support for old browsers (Firefox&lt;21, Chrome&lt;31, Safari&lt;7, IE&lt;11), broken in 1.2, will be removed again in 1.3
## 1.2 (2018-07-22)
* ADDED: Translations for Spanish, Occitan, Norwegian, Portuguese, Dutch and Hungarian
* ADDED: Option in configuration to change the default "PrivateBin" title of the site
* ADDED: Added display of video, audio & PDF, drag & drop, preview of attachments (#182)
* ADDED: QR code generation (#169)
* ADDED: Introduced DOMpurify library to sanitize generated HTML before display (#183)
* CHANGED: Force JSON request for getting paste data & password retry (#216)
* CHANGED: Minimum required PHP version is 5.4 (#186)
* CHANGED: Shipped .htaccess files were updated for Apache 2.4 (#192)
* CHANGED: Cleanup of bootstrap template variants and moved icons to `img` directory
* CHANGED: Removed option to hide clone button on expiring pastes, since this requires reading the paste for rendering the template, which leaks information on the pastes state
* CHANGED: Upgrading libraries to: SJCL 1.0.7, jQuery 3.3.1, Base64 2.4.5, Showdown 1.8.6, DOMpurify 1.0.5 & Prettify 453bd5f
* CHANGED: Refactored JavaScript code, making it modular with private and public functions, making it much easier to maintain (#178)
* FIXED: To counteract regressions introduced by the refactoring, we finally introduced property based unit testing for the JavaScript code, this caught several regressions, but also some very old bugs not found so far (#32)
## 1.1.1 (2017-10-06)
* CHANGED: Switched to `.php` file extension for configuration file, to avoid leaking configuration data in unprotected installation.
## 1.1 (2016-12-26)
* ADDED: Translations for Italian and Russian
* ADDED: Loading message displayed until decryption succeeded for slower (in terms of CPU or network) systems
* ADDED: Dockerfile for docker container creation
* CHANGED: Using modal dialog to request password input instead of native JS input window (#69)
* CHANGED: Suppressed referrer HTTP header sending when following links in a paste or comment (#96) and added additional HTTP headers for XSS mitigation (#91)
* CHANGED: Updated random_compat and jQuery libraries
* FIXED: XSS using JavaScript stored as markdown formatted paste, after clicking on Raw paste button (#137)
* FIXED: Automatic purging deleting non-expiring pastes, when using database store (#149)
## 1.0 (2016-08-25)
* ADDED: Translations for Slowene and Chinese
* ADDED: re-introduced (optional) URL shortener support, which was removed back in version 0.16 for privacy concerns
* ADDED: Preview tab, helpful for writing markdown code or check the source code rendering
* ADDED: Automatic purging of expired pastes, done on paste creation
* ADDED: Option to disable icons in discussions (will only affect newly created pastes)
* ADDED: Composer support
* CHANGED: Renamed the ZeroBin fork to PrivateBin
* CHANGED: Removed unmaintained RainTPL template engine, replacing the templates with straight forward PHP files
* CHANGED: New logo and favicons
* CHANGED: Upgrading SJCL library to 1.0.4
* CHANGED: Switched to GCM instead of CCM mode for AES encryption for newly created pastes
* CHANGED: Use backported random bytes function from PHP7 for older PHP versions instead of mcrypt
* CHANGED: Switched to a SHA256 HMAC of the IP in traffic limiter instead of storing it in plain text on the server
* CHANGED: Introduced content security policy header to reduce cross site scripting (XSS) risks
* CHANGED: Added SHA512 subresource integrity hashes for all javascript includes to reduce the risk of manipulated scripts and easier detection of such
* CHANGED: Refactored PHP code to conform to PSR-4 and PSR-2 standards
* CHANGED: Switched to Identicons as the default for comments with nicknames
* CHANGED: Vizhash is now optional and based on (128 byte) SHA512 HMAC instead of (144 byte) combination of MD5, SHA1 and a reversal of that string
* FIXED: Content-type negociation for HTML in certain uncommon browser configurations
* FIXED: JavaScript error displayed before page is loaded or during attachment load
* FIXED: Don't strip space characters at beginning or end of optional password
* FIXED: Various UI glitches in mobile version or on smaller desktops with language menu, button spacing and long URLs
* FIXED: Back button now works as expected after switching to raw text view of a paste
* FIXED: Reactivated second error message above send comment button to ensure its visibility when the main error message is outside the viewport
* FIXED: Raw text now displays original markdown instead of rendered HTML
* FIXED: Removed unused code detected with the help of various code review tools
* FIXED: Table format for PostgreSQL, making it possible to use PostgreSQL as backend in addition to MySQL, SQLite and flat files
## 0.22 (2015-11-09):
* ADDED: Tab character input support
* ADDED: Dark bootstrap theme
* ADDED: Option to hide clone button on expiring pastes
* ADDED: Option to set a different default language then English and/or enforce it as the only language
* ADDED: Database now contains version to allow automatic update of structure, only if necessary; removing database structure check on each request
* ADDED: Favicons
* FIXING: Regressions in database layer, prohibiting pastes from being stored
* FIXING: Fixing "missing" comments when they were posted during the same second to the same paste
* FIXING: JS failing when password input disabled
* CHANGED: Switching positions of "New" and "Send" button, highlighting the latter to improve workflow
* CHANGED: Renamed config file to make updates easier
* CHANGED: Switching to JSON-based REST-API
* CHANGED: Database structure to store attachments, allowing larger attachments to be stored (depending on maximum BLOB size of database backend)
* CHANGED: Refactored data model, traffic limiting & request handling
## 0.21.1 (2015-09-21):
* FIXING: lost meta data when using DB model instead of flat files
* FIXING: mobile navbar getting triggered on load
* CHANGED: database table "paste" gets automatically extended with a "meta" column
* CHANGED: navbar of "bootstrap" template now spans full width of view port on large screens
## 0.21 (2015-09-19):
* ADDED: Translations for German, French and Polish, language selection menu (optional)
* ADDED: File upload and image display support (optional)
* ADDED: Markdown format support
* ADDED: "bootstrap-compact" template that hides some of the options in a drop down menu to ensure the nav bar fitting on one line on smaller screen sizes
* FIXING: Various usability issues with different screen sizes / device types in the "bootstrap" template
* CHANGED: Instead of having different options to enable and preselect certain formats there is now a generic `[formatter_options]` section where formats can be added to the displayed format drop down menu. A `defaultformatter` can be set, it defaults to "plaintext". The `syntaxhighlighting` configuration got deprecated.
* `zerobin.js` got a major refactoring:
* moved from global namespace into anonymous function
* events are no longer set via "onclick" attributes in the templates, but bound by from JS side
* for simpler maintenance the functions were grouped into objects: zerobin (display logic, event handling), filter (compression,
* **next (not yet released)**
* ADDED: Translations for Spanish, Occitan and Norwegian
* ADDED: Option in configuration to change the default "PrivateBin" title of the site
* CHANGED: Cleanup of bootstrap template variants and moved icons to `img` directory
* **1.1 (2016-12-26)**
* ADDED: Translations for Italian and Russian
* ADDED: Loading message displayed until decryption succeeded for slower (in terms of CPU or network) systems
* ADDED: Dockerfile for docker container creation
* CHANGED: Using modal dialog to request password input instead of native JS input window (#69)
* CHANGED: Suppressed referrer HTTP header sending when following links in a paste or comment (#96) and added additional HTTP headers for XSS mitigation (#91)
* CHANGED: Updated random_compat and jQuery libraries
* FIXED: XSS using JavaScript stored as markdown formatted paste, after clicking on Raw paste button (#137)
* FIXED: Automatic purging deleting non-expiring pastes, when using database store (#149)
* **1.0 (2016-08-25)**
* ADDED: Translations for Slowene and Chinese
* ADDED: re-introduced (optional) URL shortener support, which was removed back in version 0.16 for privacy concerns
* ADDED: Preview tab, helpful for writing markdown code or check the source code rendering
* ADDED: Automatic purging of expired pastes, done on paste creation
* ADDED: Option to disable icons in discussions (will only affect newly created pastes)
* ADDED: Composer support
* CHANGED: Renamed the ZeroBin fork to PrivateBin
* CHANGED: Removed unmaintained RainTPL template engine, replacing the templates with straight forward PHP files
* CHANGED: New logo and favicons
* CHANGED: Upgrading SJCL library to 1.0.4
* CHANGED: Switched to GCM instead of CCM mode for AES encryption for newly created pastes
* CHANGED: Use backported random bytes function from PHP7 for older PHP versions instead of mcrypt
* CHANGED: Switched to a SHA256 HMAC of the IP in traffic limiter instead of storing it in plain text on the server
* CHANGED: Introduced content security policy header to reduce cross site scripting (XSS) risks
* CHANGED: Added SHA512 subresource integrity hashes for all javascript includes to reduce the risk of manipulated scripts and easier detection of such
* CHANGED: Refactored PHP code to conform to PSR-4 and PSR-2 standards
* CHANGED: Switched to Identicons as the default for comments with nicknames
* CHANGED: Vizhash is now optional and based on (128 byte) SHA512 HMAC instead of (144 byte) combination of MD5, SHA1 and a reversal of that string
* FIXED: Content-type negociation for HTML in certain uncommon browser configurations
* FIXED: JavaScript error displayed before page is loaded or during attachment load
* FIXED: Don't strip space characters at beginning or end of optional password
* FIXED: Various UI glitches in mobile version or on smaller desktops with language menu, button spacing and long URLs
* FIXED: Back button now works as expected after switching to raw text view of a paste
* FIXED: Reactivated second error message above send comment button to ensure its visibility when the main error message is outside the viewport
* FIXED: Raw text now displays original markdown instead of rendered HTML
* FIXED: Removed unused code detected with the help of various code review tools
* FIXED: Table format for PostgreSQL, making it possible to use PostgreSQL as backend in addition to MySQL, SQLite and flat files
* **0.22 (2015-11-09)**:
* ADDED: Tab character input support
* ADDED: Dark bootstrap theme
* ADDED: Option to hide clone button on expiring pastes
* ADDED: Option to set a different default language then English and/or enforce it as the only language
* ADDED: Database now contains version to allow automatic update of structure, only if necessary; removing database structure check on each request
* ADDED: Favicons
* FIXING: Regressions in database layer, prohibiting pastes from being stored
* FIXING: Fixing "missing" comments when they were posted during the same second to the same paste
* FIXING: JS failing when password input disabled
* CHANGED: Switching positions of "New" and "Send" button, highlighting the latter to improve workflow
* CHANGED: Renamed config file to make updates easier
* CHANGED: Switching to JSON-based REST-API
* CHANGED: Database structure to store attachments, allowing larger attachments to be stored (depending on maximum BLOB size of database backend)
* CHANGED: Refactored data model, traffic limiting & request handling
* **0.21.1 (2015-09-21)**:
* FIXING: lost meta data when using DB model instead of flat files
* FIXING: mobile navbar getting triggered on load
* CHANGED: database table "paste" gets automatically extended with a "meta" column
* CHANGED: navbar of "bootstrap" template now spans full width of view port on large screens
* **0.21 (2015-09-19)**:
* ADDED: Translations for German, French and Polish, language selection menu (optional)
* ADDED: File upload and image display support (optional)
* ADDED: Markdown format support
* ADDED: "bootstrap-compact" template that hides some of the options in a drop down menu to ensure the nav bar fitting on one line on smaller screen sizes
* FIXING: Various usability issues with different screen sizes / device types in the "bootstrap" template
* CHANGED: Instead of having different options to enable and preselect certain formats there is now a generic `[formatter_options]` section where formats can be added to the displayed format drop down menu. A `defaultformatter` can be set, it defaults to "plaintext". The `syntaxhighlighting` configuration got deprecated.
* `zerobin.js` got a major refactoring:
* moved from global namespace into anonymous function
* events are no longer set via "onclick" attributes in the templates, but bound by from JS side
* for simpler maintenance the functions were grouped into objects: zerobin (display logic, event handling), filter (compression,
encryption), i18n (translation, counterpart of i18n.php) and helper (stateless utilities)
* Wiki pages were added to address common topics:
* [Upgrading from ZeroBin 0.19 Alpha](
* [Directory of public PrivateBin servers](
* [Translation](
* [Templates](
## 0.20 (2015-09-03):
* ADDED: Password protected pastes (optional)
* ADDED: configuration options for highlighting, password, discussions, expiration times, rate limiting
* ADDED: JSON-only retrieval of paste incl. discussion, used to be able to refresh paste when posting a comment
* ADDED: bootstrap CSS based template
* CHANGED: "Burn after reading" pastes are now deleted only after the paste was successfully decrypted via callback. This prevents accidental deletion by chatbots following URLs and the like. Usage of a password is suggested to ensure only the desired recipient is able to encrypt it.
* CHANGED: the "opendiscussion" option now only controls if the discussion checkbox is preselected. Use "discussion = false" to disable the discussion feature completely (which also removes the checkbox from the template).
* FIXING: Behaviour of several conflicting configuration options. As a general measure unit tests for 9 of the options and all their possible configurations were added via a unit test generator.
* updated JS libraries: jquery to 1.11.3, sjcl to 1.0.2, base64.js to 2.1.9, deflate to 0.5, inflate to 0.3 and prettify to latest
* generally improved documentation, both inline phpdoc / JSdoc source code documentation, as well as Wiki pages on installation, configuration, development and JSON-API
## Alpha 0.19 (2013-07-05):
* Corrected XSS security flaw which affected IE<10. Other browsers were not affected.
* Corrected spacing display in IE<10.
## Alpha 0.18 (2013-02-24):
* ADDED: The resulting URL is automatically selected after pressing "Send". You just have to press CTRL+C.
* ADDED: Automatic syntax highlighting for 53 languages using highlight.js
* ADDED: "5 minutes" and "1 week" expirations.
* ADDED: "Raw text" button.
* jQuery upgraded to 1.9.1
* sjcl upgraded to GitHub master 2013-02-23
* base64.js upgraded to 1.7
* FIXED: Dates in discussion are now proper local dates.
* ADDED: Robot meta tags in HTML to prevent search engines indexing.
* ADDED: Better json checking (including entropy).
* ADDED: Added version to js/css assets URLs in order to prevent some abusive caches to serve an obsolete version of these files when ZeroBin is upgraded.
* "Burn after reading" option has been moved out of Expiration combo to a separate checkbox. Reason is: You can prevent a read-once paste to be available ad vitam eternam on the net.
## Alpha 0.17 (2013-02-23):
* ADDED: Deletion URL.
* small refactoring.
* improved regex checks.
* larger server alt on installation.
## Alpha 0.16:
* FIXED minor php warnings.
* FIXED: zerobin.js reformated and properly commented.
* FIXED: Directory structure re-organized.
* CHANGED: URL shortening button was removed. (It was bad for privacy.)
## Alpha 0.15 (2012-04-20):
* FIXED: 2 minor corrections to avoid notices in php log.
* FIXED: Sources converted to UTF-8.
## Alpha 0.14 (2012-04-20):
* ADDED: GD presence is checked.
* CHANGED: Traffic limiter data files moved to data/ (→easier rights management)
* ADDED: "Burn after reading" implemented. Opening the URL will display the paste and immediately destroy it on server.
## Alpha 0.13 (2012-04-18):
* FIXED: ''imageantialias()'' call removed because it's not really usefull and can be a problem on most hosts (if GD is not compiled in php).
* FIXED: $error not properly initialized in index.php
## Alpha 0.12 (2012-04-18):
## DISCUSSIONS ! Now you can enable discussions on your pastes. Of course, posted comments and nickname are also encrypted and the server cannot see them.
* This feature implies a change in storage format. You will have to delete all previous pastes in your ZeroBin.
* Added [[php:vizhash_gd|Vizhash]] as avatars, so you can match posters IP addresses without revealing them. (Same image = same IP). Of course the IP address cannot be deduced from the Vizhash.
* Remaining time before expiration is now displayed.
* Explicit tags were added to CSS and jQuery selectors (eg. div#aaa instead of #aaa) to speed up browser.
* Better cleaning of the URL (to make sure the key is not broken by some stupid redirection service)
## Alpha 0.11 (2012-04-12):
* Automatically ignore parameters (such as &utm_source=...) added //after// the anchor by some stupid Web 2.0 services.
* First public release.
## Alpha 0.10 (2012-04-12):
* IE9 does not seem to correctly support ''pre-wrap'' either. Special handling mode activated for all version of IE<10. (Note: ALL other browsers correctly support this feature.)
## Alpha 0.9 (2012-04-11):
* Oh bummer... IE 8 is as shitty as IE6/7: Its does not seem to support ''white-space:pre-wrap'' correctly. I had to activate the special handling mode. I still have to test IE 9.
## Alpha 0.8 (2012-04-11):
* Source code not published yet.
* Interface completely redesigned. Icons added.
* Now properly supports IE6/7 (ugly display, but it works. "Clone" button is disabled though.)
* Added one level of depth for storage directories (This is better for higher load servers).
* php version is now checked (min: 5.2.6)
* Better checks on posted json data on server.
* Added "1 year" expiration.
* URLs are now converted to clickable links. This include http, https, ftp and magnet links.
* Clickable links include ''rel="nofollow"'' to discourage SEO.
* On my public service (
* All data will be deleted (you were warned - this is a test service)
* Default paste expiration is now 1 month to prevent clogging-up my host.
* Wiki pages were added to address common topics:
* [Upgrading from ZeroBin 0.19 Alpha](
* [Directory of public PrivateBin servers](
* [Translation](
* [Templates](
* **0.20 (2015-09-03)**:
* ADDED: Password protected pastes (optional)
* ADDED: configuration options for highlighting, password, discussions, expiration times, rate limiting
* ADDED: JSON-only retrieval of paste incl. discussion, used to be able to refresh paste when posting a comment
* ADDED: bootstrap CSS based template
* CHANGED: "Burn after reading" pastes are now deleted only after the paste was successfully decrypted via callback. This prevents accidental deletion by chatbots following URLs and the like. Usage of a password is suggested to ensure only the desired recipient is able to encrypt it.
* CHANGED: the "opendiscussion" option now only controls if the discussion checkbox is preselected. Use "discussion = false" to disable the discussion feature completely (which also removes the checkbox from the template).
* FIXING: Behaviour of several conflicting configuration options. As a general measure unit tests for 9 of the options and all their possible configurations were added via a unit test generator.
* updated JS libraries: jquery to 1.11.3, sjcl to 1.0.2, base64.js to 2.1.9, deflate to 0.5, inflate to 0.3 and prettify to latest
* generally improved documentation, both inline phpdoc / JSdoc source code documentation, as well as Wiki pages on installation, configuration, development and JSON-API
* **Alpha 0.19 (2013-07-05)**:
* Corrected XSS security flaw which affected IE<10. Other browsers were not affected.
* Corrected spacing display in IE<10.
* **Alpha 0.18 (2013-02-24)**:
* ADDED: The resulting URL is automatically selected after pressing "Send". You just have to press CTRL+C.
* ADDED: Automatic syntax highlighting for 53 languages using highlight.js
* ADDED: "5 minutes" and "1 week" expirations.
* ADDED: "Raw text" button.
* jQuery upgraded to 1.9.1
* sjcl upgraded to GitHub master 2013-02-23
* base64.js upgraded to 1.7
* FIXED: Dates in discussion are now proper local dates.
* ADDED: Robot meta tags in HTML to prevent search engines indexing.
* ADDED: Better json checking (including entropy).
* ADDED: Added version to js/css assets URLs in order to prevent some abusive caches to serve an obsolete version of these files when ZeroBin is upgraded.
* "Burn after reading" option has been moved out of Expiration combo to a separate checkbox. Reason is: You can prevent a read-once paste to be available ad vitam eternam on the net.
* **Alpha 0.17 (2013-02-23)**:
* ADDED: Deletion URL.
* small refactoring.
* improved regex checks.
* larger server alt on installation.
* **Alpha 0.16**:
* FIXED minor php warnings.
* FIXED: zerobin.js reformated and properly commented.
* FIXED: Directory structure re-organized.
* CHANGED: URL shortening button was removed. (It was bad for privacy.)
* **Alpha 0.15 (2012-04-20):**
* FIXED: 2 minor corrections to avoid notices in php log.
* FIXED: Sources converted to UTF-8.
* **Alpha 0.14 (2012-04-20):**
* ADDED: GD presence is checked.
* CHANGED: Traffic limiter data files moved to data/ (→easier rights management)
* ADDED: "Burn after reading" implemented. Opening the URL will display the paste and immediately destroy it on server.
* **Alpha 0.13 (2012-04-18):**
* FIXED: ''imageantialias()'' call removed because it's not really usefull and can be a problem on most hosts (if GD is not compiled in php).
* FIXED: $error not properly initialized in index.php
* **Alpha 0.12 (2012-04-18):**
* **DISCUSSIONS !** Now you can enable discussions on your pastes. Of course, posted comments and nickname are also encrypted and the server cannot see them.
* This feature implies a change in storage format. You will have to delete all previous pastes in your ZeroBin.
* Added [[php:vizhash_gd|Vizhash]] as avatars, so you can match posters IP addresses without revealing them. (Same image = same IP). Of course the IP address cannot be deduced from the Vizhash.
* Remaining time before expiration is now displayed.
* Explicit tags were added to CSS and jQuery selectors (eg. div#aaa instead of #aaa) to speed up browser.
* Better cleaning of the URL (to make sure the key is not broken by some stupid redirection service)
* **Alpha 0.11 (2012-04-12):**
* Automatically ignore parameters (such as &utm_source=...) added //after// the anchor by some stupid Web 2.0 services.
* First public release.
* **Alpha 0.10 (2012-04-12):**
* IE9 does not seem to correctly support ''pre-wrap'' either. Special handling mode activated for all version of IE<10. (Note: **ALL other browsers** correctly support this feature.)
* **Alpha 0.9 (2012-04-11):**
* Oh bummer... IE 8 is as shitty as IE6/7: Its does not seem to support ''white-space:pre-wrap'' correctly. I had to activate the special handling mode. I still have to test IE 9.
* **Alpha 0.8 (2012-04-11):**
* Source code not published yet.
* Interface completely redesigned. Icons added.
* Now properly supports IE6/7 (ugly display, but it works. "Clone" button is disabled though.)
* Added one level of depth for storage directories (This is better for higher load servers).
* php version is now checked (min: 5.2.6)
* Better checks on posted json data on server.
* Added "1 year" expiration.
* URLs are now converted to clickable links. This include http, https, ftp and magnet links.
* Clickable links include ''rel="nofollow"'' to discourage SEO.
* On my public service (
* All data will be deleted (you were warned - this is a test service)
* Default paste expiration is now 1 month to prevent clogging-up my host.

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
# Netiquette
As suggested by the current project hoster, we are hereby referring to
[RFC 1855]( as a minimum set of guidelines
of Network Etiquette for individuals interacting on this project.
The maintainers of this project reserve the right to remove unlawful or
disrupting content and block users that repeatedly disturb the project at their

View file

@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
## Active contributors
* Simon Rupf - current developer and maintainer
* rugk - security review, doc improvment, JS refactoring & various other stuff
* R4SAS - python client, compression, blob URI to support larger attachments
Simon Rupf - current developer and maintainer
rugk - security review, doc improvment & various other stuff
## Past contributions
* Sébastien Sauvage - original idea and main developer
Sébastien Sauvage - original idea and main developer
* Alexey Gladkov - syntax highlighting
* Greg Knaddison - robots.txt
* MrKooky - HTML5 markup, CSS cleanup
* Simon Rupf - WebCrypto, unit tests, container images, database backend, MVC, configuration, i18n
* Simon Rupf - MVC refactoring, configuration, i18n and unit tests
* Hexalyse - Password protection
* Viktor Stanchev - File upload support
* azlux - Tab character input support
@ -21,18 +21,7 @@
* Sobak - PSR-4 and PSR-2 refactoring
* Nathaniel Olsen - jQuery upgrade
* Alexander Demenshin - modal password dialog
* PunKeel - first docker container
* thororm - Display of video, audio & PDF, drag & drop, preview of attachments
* Harald Leithner - base58 encoding of key
* Haocen - lots of bugfixes and UI improvements
* Lucas Savva - configurable config file location, NixOS packaging
* rodehoed - option to exempt ips from the rate-limiter
* Mark van Holsteijn - Google Cloud Storage backend
* Austin Huang - Oracle database support
* Felix J. Ogris - S3 Storage backend, script for data backend migrations, dropped singleton behaviour of data backends
* Mounir Idrassi & J. Mozdzen - secure YOURLS integration
* Felipe Nakandakari - enabled AWS SDK to use default credential provider chain in the S3 Storage backend
* Aaron Sherber - cache control headers for API calls & use of `shortenviayourls` in query parameters
* PunKeel - Dockerfile
## Translations
* Hexalyse - French
@ -46,24 +35,3 @@
* Alfredo Fabián Altamirano Tena - Spanish
* Quent-in - Occitan
* idarlund - Norwegian
* Tulio Leao - Portuguese
* Michael van Schaik - Dutch
* Péter Tabajdi - Hungarian
* info-path - Czech
* BigWax - Bulgarian
* AndriiZ - Ukrainian
* Yaron Shahrabani - Hebrew
* Moo - Lithuanian
* whenwesober - Indonesian
* retiolus - Catalan
* sarnane - Estonian
* foxsouns - Lojban
* Patriccollu di Santa Maria è Sichè - Corsican
* Markus Mikkonen - Finnish
* Emir Ensar Rahmanlar - Turkish
* Stevo984 - Slovak
* Christos Karamolegkos - Greek
* jaideejung007 - Thai
* Nicolas Le Gall - Japanese
* lazerns - Arabic
* Edward205 - Romanian

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@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ {
encode gzip
root * /var/www/bintzwing
php_fastcgi unix//run/php/php-fpm.sock

Dockerfile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
FROM php:apache
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
libfreetype6-dev \
libjpeg62-turbo-dev \
libpng12-dev \
wget \
zip \
unzip; \
# We install and enable php-gd
docker-php-ext-configure gd --with-freetype-dir=/usr/include/ --with-jpeg-dir=/usr/include/; \
docker-php-ext-install -j$(nproc) gd; \
# We enable Apache's mod_rewrite
a2enmod rewrite
COPY . .

149 Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
# Installation
**TL;DR:** Download the
[latest release archive](
and extract it in your web hosts folder where you want to install your PrivateBin
instance. We try to provide a safe default configuration, but we advise you to
check the options and adjust them as you see fit.
## Basic installation
### Requirements
- PHP version 5.3 or above
- _one_ of the following sources of cryptographically safe randomness is required:
- PHP 7 or higher
- [Libsodium]( and it's [PHP extension](
- open_basedir access to `/dev/urandom`
- mcrypt extension
- com_dotnet extension
Mcrypt needs to be able to access `/dev/urandom`. This means if `open_basedir` is set, it must include this file.
- GD extension
- some disk space or (optional) a database supported by [PDO](
- ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH
- A web browser with javascript support
### Configuration
In the file `cfg/conf.ini` you can configure PrivateBin. A `cfg/conf.ini.sample`
is provided containing all options and default values. You can copy it to
`cfg/conf.ini` and adapt it as needed. The config file is divided into multiple
sections, which are enclosed in square brackets.
In the `[main]` section you can enable or disable the discussion feature, set
the limit of stored pastes and comments in bytes. The `[traffic]` section lets
you set a time limit in seconds. Users may not post more often then this limit
to your PrivateBin installation.
More details can be found in the
[configuration documentation](
## Further configuration
After (or before) setting up PrivateBin, also set up HTTPS, as without HTTPS
PrivateBin is not secure. (
[More information](
If you want to use PrivateBin behind Cloudflare, make sure you disabled Rocket
loader and unchecked "Javascript" for Auto Minify, found in your domain settings,
under "Speed". (More information
[in this FAQ entry](
## Advanced installation
### Changing the path
In the index.php you can define a different `PATH`. This is useful to secure your
installation. You can move the configuration, data files, templates and PHP
libraries (directories cfg, doc, data, lib, tpl, tst and vendor) outside of your
document root. This new location must still be accessible to your webserver / PHP
process (see also
[open_basedir setting](
> #### PATH Example
> Your PrivateBin installation lives in a subfolder called "paste" inside of
> your document root. The URL looks like this:
> The full path of PrivateBin on your webserver is:
> /home/
> When setting the path like this:
> define('PATH', '../../secret/privatebin/');
> PrivateBin will look for your includes / data here:
> /home/
### Web server configuration
A `robots.txt` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It disallows all
robots from accessing your pastes. It is recommend to place it into the root of
your web directory if you have installed PrivateBin in a subdirectory. Make sure
to adjust it, so that the file paths match your installation. Of course also
adjust the file if you already use a `robots.txt`.
A `.htaccess.disabled` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It blocks
some known robots and link-scanning bots. If you use Apache, you can rename the
file to `.htaccess` to enable this feature. If you use another webserver, you
have to configure it manually to do the same.
### Using a database instead of flat files
In the configuration file the `[model]` and `[model_options]` sections let you
configure your favourite way of storing the pastes and discussions on your
`Filesystem` is the default model, which stores everything in files in the
data folder. This is the recommended setup for most sites.
Under high load, in distributed setups or if you are not allowed to store files
locally, you might want to switch to the `Database` model. This lets you
store your data in a database. Basically all databases that are supported by
[PDO]( may be used. Automatic table
creation is provided for `pdo_ibm`, `pdo_informix`, `pdo_mssql`, `pdo_mysql`,
`pdo_oci`, `pdo_pgsql` and `pdo_sqlite`. You may want to provide a table prefix,
if you have to share the PrivateBin database with another application or you want
to use a prefix for
[security reasons](
The table prefix option is called `tbl`.
> #### Note
> The `Database` model has only been tested with SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL,
> although it would not be recommended to use SQLite in a production environment.
> If you gain any experience running PrivateBin on other RDBMS, please let us
> know.
For reference or if you want to create the table schema for yourself (replace
`prefix_` with your own table prefix and create the table schema with phpMyAdmin
or the MYSQL console):
CREATE TABLE prefix_paste (
dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL,
data BLOB,
postdate INT,
expiredate INT,
opendiscussion INT,
burnafterreading INT,
meta TEXT,
attachment MEDIUMBLOB,
attachmentname BLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (dataid)
CREATE TABLE prefix_comment (
dataid CHAR(16),
pasteid CHAR(16),
parentid CHAR(16),
data BLOB,
nickname BLOB,
vizhash BLOB,
postdate INT,
PRIMARY KEY (dataid)
CREATE INDEX parent ON prefix_comment(pasteid);
CREATE TABLE prefix_config (
id CHAR(16) NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO prefix_config VALUES('VERSION', '1.1');

View file

@ -2,15 +2,15 @@
PrivateBin consists of PHP and JS code which was originally written by Sébastien
Sauvage in 2012 and falls unter the Zlib/libpng license. Also included are
libraries that fall under the GPLv2 (rawinflate), BSD 3-clause (Showdown), MIT
(base64.js version 1.7, Bootstrap, Identicon, random_compat, composer, kjua,
base-x), Apache (prettify.js) and CC-BY (favicon, icon, logo) licenses. All of
these license terms can be found here below:
libraries that fall under the GPLv2 (SJCL, rawinflate, rawdeflate), BSD
2-clause (SJCL), BSD 3-clause (base64.js version 2.1.9, Showdown), MIT
(base64.js version 1.7, Bootstrap, Identicon, random_compat), Apache
(prettify.js) and CC-BY (favicon, icon, logo) licenses. All of these license
terms can be found here below:
## Zlib/libpng license for PrivateBin and zlib
## Zlib/libpng license for PrivateBin
Copyright © 2012 Sébastien Sauvage
Copyright © 1995-2017 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In
no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ the following restrictions:
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
## GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for rawinflate
## GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for SJCL, rawdeflate and rawinflate
_Version 2, June 1991_
_Copyright © 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,_
@ -307,6 +307,31 @@ POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
## BSD 2-Clause License for SJCL
_Copyright © 2009-2015, Emily Stark, Mike Hamburg and Dan Boneh at Stanford University._
_All rights reserved._
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
## BSD 3-Clause License for Showdown
Showdown Copyright © 2007, John Fraser
@ -342,16 +367,39 @@ any theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this
software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.
## MIT License for base64.js version 1.7, Bootstrap, Identicon, Composer, kjua and base-x
## BSD 3-Clause License for base64.js version 2.1.9
Copyright © 2014, Dan Kogai
All rights reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of base64.js nor the names of its contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific
prior written permission.
## MIT License for base64.js version 1.7
Copyright © 2012 Dan Kogai
Copyright © 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc.
Copyright © 2013 Benjamin Laugueux <>
Copyright © 2016 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
Copyright © 2016 Lars Jung (
Copyright © 2018 base-x contributors
Copyright © 2014-2018 The Bitcoin Core developers
Copyright © 2019-2024 The Bootstrap Authors
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
## MIT License for Bootstrap
Copyright © 2011-2016 Twitter, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## MIT License for Identicon
Copyright © 2013 Benjamin Laugueux <>
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## MIT License for random_compat
Copyright © 2015 Paragon Initiative Enterprises
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## MIT license for Composer
Copyright (c) 2016 Nils Adermann, Jordi Boggiano
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished
to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
## Apache License for prettify.js
_Version 2.0, January 2004_

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
.PHONY: all coverage coverage-js coverage-php doc doc-js doc-php increment sign test test-js test-php help
VERSION ?= 1.7.4
VERSION_FILES = doc/ js/package*.json lib/Controller.php Makefile
REGEX_CURRENT_VERSION := $(shell echo $(CURRENT_VERSION) | sed "s/\./\\\./g")
REGEX_VERSION := $(shell echo $(VERSION) | sed "s/\./\\\./g")
all: coverage doc ## Equivalent to running `make coverage doc`.
composer: ## Update composer dependencies (only production ones, optimize the autoloader)
composer update --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
coverage: coverage-js coverage-php ## Run all unit tests and generate code coverage reports.
coverage-js: ## Run JS unit tests and generate code coverage reports.
cd js && nyc mocha
coverage-php: ## Run PHP unit tests and generate code coverage reports.
cd tst && XDEBUG_MODE=coverage phpunit 2> /dev/null
cd tst/log/php-coverage-report && sed -i "s#$(CURDIR)/##g" *.html */*.html
doc: doc-js doc-php ## Generate all code documentation.
doc-js: ## Generate JS code documentation.
jsdoc -p -d doc/jsdoc js/privatebin.js js/legacy.js
doc-php: ## Generate JS code documentation.
phpdoc --visibility=public,protected,private --target=doc/phpdoc --directory=lib/
increment: ## Increment and commit new version number, set target version using `make increment VERSION=1.2.3`.
for F in `grep -l -R $(REGEX_CURRENT_VERSION) $(VERSION_FILES)`; \
do \
git add $(VERSION_FILES)
git commit -m "incrementing version"
sign: ## Sign a release.
git tag --sign --message "Release v$(VERSION)" $(VERSION)
git push origin $(VERSION)
test: test-js test-php ## Run all unit tests.
test-js: ## Run JS unit tests.
cd js && mocha
test-php: ## Run PHP unit tests.
cd tst && phpunit --no-coverage
help: ## Displays these usage instructions.
@echo "Usage: make <target(s)>"
@echo "Specify one or multiple of the following targets and they will be processed in the given order:"
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?## / {printf "%-16s%s\n", $$1, $$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
web: vendor/bin/heroku-php-apache2

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@ -1,27 +1,32 @@
# [![PrivateBin](](
# [<img alt="PrivateBin" src="" width="500" />](
[![Build Status](]( [![Build Status](](
[![Codacy Badge](](
[![Code Climate](](
[![Scrutinizer Code Quality](](
[![Codacy Badge](](
[![Test Coverage](]( [![Code Coverage](](
*Current version: 1.7.3*
*Current version: 1.1*
**PrivateBin** is a minimalist, open source online
where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data.
**PrivateBin** is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has
zero knowledge of pasted data.
Data is encrypted and decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in
[Galois Counter mode](
Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256bit AES in [Galois Counter mode](
This is a fork of ZeroBin, originally developed by
[Sébastien Sauvage]( PrivateBin was
refactored to allow easier and cleaner extensions and has many additional
features. It is, however, still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19
data storage scheme. Therefore, such installations can be upgraded to PrivateBin
without losing any data.
[Sébastien Sauvage]( It was refactored
to allow easier and cleaner extensions and has now much more features than the
original. It is however still fully compatible to the original ZeroBin 0.19
data storage scheme. Therefore such installations can be upgraded to this fork
without loosing any data.
## What PrivateBin provides
+ As a server administrator you don't have to worry if your users post content
that is considered illegal in your country. You have plausible deniability of
any of the pastes content. If requested or enforced, you can delete any paste
from your system.
that is considered illegal in your country. You have no knowledge of any
of the pastes content. If requested or enforced, you can delete any paste from
your system.
+ Pastebin-like system to store text documents, code samples, etc.
@ -33,34 +38,37 @@ without losing any data.
## What it doesn't provide
- As a user you have to trust the server administrator not to inject any
malicious code. For security, a PrivateBin installation *has to be used over*
*HTTPS*! Otherwise you would also have to trust your internet provider, and
any jurisdiction the traffic passes through. Additionally the instance should
be secured by
[HSTS]( It can
use traditional certificate authorities and/or use a
- As a user you have to trust the server administrator, your internet provider
and any country the traffic passes not to inject any malicious javascript code.
For a basic security the PrivateBin installation *has to provide HTTPS*!
Additionally it should be secured by
[HSTS]( and
ideally by [HPKP]( using a
certificate either validated by a trusted third party (check the certificate
when first using a new PrivateBin instance) or self-signed by the server
operator, validated using a
- The "key" used to encrypt the paste is part of the URL. If you publicly post
the URL of a paste that is not password-protected, anyone can read it.
Use a password if you want your paste to remain private. In that case, make
sure to use a strong password and share it privately and end-to-end-encrypted.
the URL of a paste that is not password-protected, everybody can read it.
Use a password if you want your paste to be private. In this case make sure to
use a strong password and do only share it privately and end-to-end-encrypted.
- A server admin can be forced to hand over access logs to the authorities.
PrivateBin encrypts your text and the discussion contents, but who accessed a
paste (first) might still be disclosed via access logs.
- A server admin might be forced to hand over access logs to the authorities.
PrivateBin encrypts your text and the discussion contents, but who accessed it
first might still be disclosed via such access logs.
- In case of a server breach your data is secure as it is only stored encrypted
on the server. However, the server could be abused or the server admin could
be legally forced into sending malicious code to their users, which logs
the decryption key and sends it to a server when a user accesses a paste.
Therefore, do not access any PrivateBin instance if you think it has been
on the server. However the server could be misused or the server admin could
be legally forced into sending malicious JavaScript to all web users, which
grabs the decryption key and send it to the server when a user accesses a
Therefore do not access any PrivateBin instance if you think it has been
compromised. As long as no user accesses this instance with a previously
generated URL, the content can't be decrypted.
generated URL, the content can''t be decrypted.
## Options
@ -78,25 +86,23 @@ file](
* Syntax highlighting for source code using prettify.js, including 4 prettify
* File upload support, image, media and PDF preview (disabled by default, size
limit adjustable)
* File upload support, images get displayed (disabled by default, possibility
to adjust size limit)
* Templates: By default there are bootstrap CSS, darkstrap and "classic ZeroBin"
to choose from and it is easy to adapt these to your own websites layout or
create your own.
themes and it is easy to adapt these to your own websites layout or create
your own.
* Translation system and automatic browser language detection (if enabled in
* Language selection (disabled by default, as it uses a session cookie)
* QR code for paste URLs, to easily transfer them over to mobile devices
## Further resources
* [FAQ](
* [Installation guide](
* [Installation guide](
* [Upgrading from ZeroBin 0.19 Alpha](
* [Configuration guide](

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
# Security Policy
## Supported Versions
| Version | Supported |
| ------- | ------------------ |
| 1.7.3 | :heavy_check_mark: |
| < 1.7.3 | :x: |
## Reporting a Vulnerability
You can send us email at You should be able to get
a response within a week (usually during the next weekend). The respondee will
reply from their personal address and can offer you their GPG public key to
support end-to-end encrypted communication on sensitive topics or attachments.
You can also contact us via the regular issue tracker if the risk of early
publication is low or you would request input from other PrivateBin users.

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@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* PrivateBin
* a zero-knowledge paste bin
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
namespace PrivateBin;
use Exception;
use PrivateBin\Configuration;
use PrivateBin\Data\AbstractData;
use PrivateBin\Model\Paste;
require PATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
* Administration
* Command line utility for administrative tasks.
class Administration
* configuration
* @access private
* @var Configuration
private $_conf;
* options, parsed from the command line arguments
* @access private
* @var array
private $_opts = array();
* data storage model
* @access private
* @var AbstractData
private $_store;
* deletes the requested paste ID, if a valid ID and it exists
* @access private
* @param string $pasteId
private function _delete($pasteId)
if (!Paste::isValidId($pasteId)) {
self::_error('given ID is not a valid paste ID (16 hexadecimal digits)', 5);
if (!$this->_store->exists($pasteId)) {
self::_error('given ID does not exist, has expired or was already deleted', 6);
if ($this->_store->exists($pasteId)) {
self::_error('paste ID exists after deletion, permission problem?', 7);
exit("paste $pasteId successfully deleted" . PHP_EOL);
* removes empty directories, if current storage model uses Filesystem
* @access private
private function _empty_dirs()
if ($this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model') !== 'Filesystem') {
self::_error('instance not using Filesystem storage, no directories to empty', 4);
$dir = $this->_conf->getKey('dir', 'model_options');
passthru("find $dir -type d -empty -delete", $code);
* display a message on STDERR and exits
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $message
* @param int $code optional, defaults to 1
private static function _error($message, $code = 1)
* display a message on STDERR
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $message
private static function _error_echo($message)
fwrite(STDERR, 'Error: ' . $message . PHP_EOL);
* display usage help on STDOUT and exits
* @access private
* @static
* @param int $code optional, defaults to 0
private static function _help($code = 0)
echo <<<'EOT'
administration [--delete <paste id> | --empty-dirs | --help | --purge | --statistics]
-d, --delete deletes the requested paste ID
-e, --empty-dirs removes empty directories (only if Filesystem storage is
-h, --help displays this help message
-p, --purge purge all expired pastes
-s, --statistics reads all stored pastes and comments and reports statistics
* return option for given short or long keyname, if it got set
* @access private
* @static
* @param string $short
* @param string $long
* @return string|null
private function _option($short, $long)
foreach (array($short, $long) as $key) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->_opts)) {
return $this->_opts[$key];
return null;
* initialize options from given argument array
* @access private
* @static
* @param array $arguments
private function _options_initialize($arguments)
if ($arguments > 3) {
self::_error_echo('too many arguments given');
echo PHP_EOL;
if ($arguments < 2) {
self::_error_echo('missing arguments');
echo PHP_EOL;
$this->_opts = getopt('hd:eps', array('help', 'delete:', 'empty-dirs', 'purge', 'statistics'));
if (!$this->_opts) {
self::_error_echo('unsupported arguments given');
echo PHP_EOL;
* reads all stored pastes and comments and reports statistics
* @access public
private function _statistics()
$counters = array(
'burn' => 0,
'damaged' => 0,
'discussion' => 0,
'expired' => 0,
'md' => 0,
'percent' => 1,
'plain' => 0,
'progress' => 0,
'syntax' => 0,
'total' => 0,
'unknown' => 0,
$time = time();
$ids = $this->_store->getAllPastes();
$counters['total'] = count($ids);
$dots = $counters['total'] < 100 ? 10 : (
$counters['total'] < 1000 ? 50 : 100
$percentages = $counters['total'] < 100 ? 0 : (
$counters['total'] < 1000 ? 4 : 10
echo "Total:\t\t\t{$counters['total']}", PHP_EOL;
foreach ($ids as $pasteid) {
try {
$paste = $this->_store->read($pasteid);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Error reading paste {$pasteid}: ", $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
if (
array_key_exists('expire_date', $paste['meta']) &&
$paste['meta']['expire_date'] < $time
) {
if (array_key_exists('adata', $paste)) {
$format = $paste['adata'][1];
$discussion = $paste['adata'][2];
$burn = $paste['adata'][3];
} else {
$format = array_key_exists('formatter', $paste['meta']) ? $paste['meta']['formatter'] : 'plaintext';
$discussion = array_key_exists('opendiscussion', $paste['meta']) ? $paste['meta']['opendiscussion'] : false;
$burn = array_key_exists('burnafterreading', $paste['meta']) ? $paste['meta']['burnafterreading'] : false;
if ($format === 'plaintext') {
} elseif ($format === 'syntaxhighlighting') {
} elseif ($format === 'markdown') {
} else {
$counters['discussion'] += (int) $discussion;
$counters['burn'] += (int) $burn;
// display progress
if ($counters['progress'] % $dots === 0) {
echo '.';
if ($percentages) {
$progress = $percentages / $counters['total'] * $counters['progress'];
if ($progress >= $counters['percent']) {
printf(' %d%% ', 100 / $percentages * $progress);
echo PHP_EOL, <<<EOT
Burn after reading:\t{$counters['burn']}
Plain Text:\t\t{$counters['plain']}
Source Code:\t\t{$counters['syntax']}
if ($counters['damaged'] > 0) {
echo "Damaged:\t\t{$counters['damaged']}", PHP_EOL;
if ($counters['unknown'] > 0) {
echo "Unknown format:\t\t{$counters['unknown']}", PHP_EOL;
* constructor
* initializes and runs administrative tasks
* @access public
public function __construct()
if ($this->_option('h', 'help') !== null) {
$this->_conf = new Configuration;
if ($this->_option('e', 'empty-dirs') !== null) {
$class = 'PrivateBin\\Data\\' . $this->_conf->getKey('class', 'model');
$this->_store = new $class($this->_conf->getSection('model_options'));
if (($pasteId = $this->_option('d', 'delete')) !== null) {
if ($this->_option('p', 'purge') !== null) {
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Error purging pastes: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL,
'Run the statistics to find damaged paste IDs and either delete them or restore them from backup.', PHP_EOL;
exit('purging of expired pastes concluded' . PHP_EOL);
if ($this->_option('s', 'statistics') !== null) {
new Administration();

View file

@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* PrivateBin
* a zero-knowledge paste bin
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
define('ITERATIONS', 100000);
require dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
use Identicon\Generator\GdGenerator;
use Identicon\Generator\ImageMagickGenerator;
use Identicon\Generator\SvgGenerator;
use Identicon\Identicon;
use Jdenticon\Identicon as Jdenticon;
use PrivateBin\Vizhash16x16;
$vizhash = new Vizhash16x16();
$identiconGenerators = array(
'identicon GD' => new Identicon(new GdGenerator()),
'identicon ImageMagick' => new Identicon(new ImageMagickGenerator()),
'identicon SVG' => new Identicon(new SvgGenerator()),
$jdenticon = new Jdenticon(array(
'size' => 16,
'style' => array(
'backgroundColor' => '#fff0', // fully transparent, for dark mode
'padding' => 0,
$jdenticonGenerators = array(
'jdenticon' => 'png',
'jdenticon ImageMagick' => 'png',
'jdenticon SVG' => 'svg',
$results = array(
'vizhash' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'identicon GD' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'identicon ImageMagick' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'identicon SVG' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon ImageMagick' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
'jdenticon SVG' => array(
'lengths' => array(),
'time' => 0
$hmacs = array();
echo 'generate ', ITERATIONS, ' hmacs and pre-populate the result array, so tests wont be slowed down', PHP_EOL;
for ($i = 0; $i < ITERATIONS; ++$i) {
$hmacs[$i] = hash_hmac('sha512', '', bin2hex(random_bytes(256)));
foreach (array_keys($results) as $test) {
$results[$test]['lengths'][$i] = 0;
echo 'run vizhash tests', PHP_EOL;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
$data = 'data:image/png;base64,' . base64_encode(
$results['vizhash']['lengths'][$i] = strlen($data);
$results['vizhash']['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
foreach ($identiconGenerators as $key => $identicon) {
echo 'run ', $key,' tests', PHP_EOL;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
$data = $identicon->getImageDataUri($hmac, 16);
$results[$key]['lengths'][$i] = strlen($data);
$results[$key]['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
foreach ($jdenticonGenerators as $key => $format) {
echo 'run ', $key,' tests', PHP_EOL;
if ($key === 'jdenticon ImageMagick') {
$jdenticon->enableImageMagick = true;
} else {
$jdenticon->enableImageMagick = false;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($hmacs as $i => $hmac) {
$data = $jdenticon->getImageDataUri($format);
$results[$key]['lengths'][$i] = strlen($data);
$results[$key]['time'] = microtime(true) - $start;
function ($key) {
return strlen($key);
) + 1
function format_result_line($generator, $min, $max, $avg, $sec) {
echo str_pad($generator, PADDING_LENGTH, ' '), "\t",
str_pad($min, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), "\t",
str_pad($max, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), "\t",
str_pad($avg, 4, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), "\t",
str_pad($sec, 7, ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT), PHP_EOL;
echo PHP_EOL;
format_result_line('Generator:', 'min', 'max', 'avg', 'seconds');
str_repeat('─', PADDING_LENGTH), str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 4),
str_repeat('─', 4), str_repeat('─', 7)
foreach ($results as $generator => $result) {
$generator . ':',
round(array_sum($result['lengths']) / ITERATIONS),
round($result['time'], 3)

View file

@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* PrivateBin
* a zero-knowledge paste bin
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
// change this, if your php files and data are outside of your webservers document root
require PATH . 'vendor' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'autoload.php';
use PrivateBin\Configuration;
use PrivateBin\Model;
// third argument in getopt requires PHP >= 7.1
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '7.1.0') < 0) {
dieerr('migrate requires php 7.1 or above to work. Sorry.');
$longopts = array(
$opts_arr = getopt("fhnv", $longopts, $rest);
if ($opts_arr === false) {
dieerr("Erroneous command line options. Please use --help");
if (array_key_exists("h", $opts_arr) || array_key_exists("help", $opts_arr)) {
$delete_after = array_key_exists("delete-after", $opts_arr);
$delete_during = array_key_exists("delete-during", $opts_arr);
$force_overwrite = array_key_exists("f", $opts_arr);
$dryrun = array_key_exists("n", $opts_arr);
$verbose = array_key_exists("v", $opts_arr);
if ($rest >= $argc) {
dieerr("Missing source configuration directory");
if ($delete_after && $delete_during) {
dieerr("--delete-after and --delete-during are mutually exclusive");
$srcconf = getConfig("source", $argv[$rest]);
$dstconf = getConfig("destination", ($rest < $argc ? $argv[$rest] : ""));
if (($srcconf->getSection("model") == $dstconf->getSection("model")) &&
($srcconf->getSection("model_options") == $dstconf->getSection("model_options"))) {
dieerr("Source and destination storage configurations are identical");
$srcmodel = new Model($srcconf);
$srcstore = $srcmodel->getStore();
$dstmodel = new Model($dstconf);
$dststore = $dstmodel->getStore();
$ids = $srcstore->getAllPastes();
foreach ($ids as $id) {
debug("Reading paste id " . $id);
$paste = $srcstore->read($id);
$comments = $srcstore->readComments($id);
savePaste($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $paste, $dststore);
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
saveComment($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $id, $comment, $dststore);
if ($delete_during) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
if ($delete_after) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
deletePaste($dryrun, $id, $srcstore);
function deletePaste($dryrun, $pasteid, $srcstore)
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Deleting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
debug("Would delete paste id " . $pasteid);
function saveComment ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $comment, $dststore)
$parentid = $comment["parentid"];
$commentid = $comment["id"];
if (!$dststore->existsComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
$dststore->createComment($pasteid, $parentid, $commentid, $comment);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid . ", parent id " .
$parentid . ", comment id " . $commentid);
function savePaste ($force_overwrite, $dryrun, $pasteid, $paste, $dststore)
if (!$dststore->exists($pasteid)) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Saving paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would save paste id " . $pasteid);
} else if ($force_overwrite) {
if (!$dryrun) {
debug("Overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
$dststore->create($pasteid, $paste);
} else {
debug("Would overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
if (!$dryrun) {
dieerr("Not overwriting paste id " . $pasteid);
} else {
dieerr("Would not overwrite paste id " . $pasteid);
function getConfig ($target, $confdir)
debug("Trying to load " . $target . " conf.php" .
($confdir === "" ? "" : " from " . $confdir));
putenv("CONFIG_PATH=" . $confdir);
$conf = new Configuration;
return $conf;
function dieerr ($text)
fprintf(STDERR, "ERROR: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function debug ($text) {
if ($GLOBALS["verbose"]) {
printf("DEBUG: %s" . PHP_EOL, $text);
function helpexit ()
print("migrate - Copy data between PrivateBin backends
migrate [--delete-after] [--delete-during] [-f] [-n] [-v] srcconfdir
migrate [-h|--help]
--delete-after delete data from source after all pastes and comments have
successfully been copied to the destination
--delete-during delete data from source after the current paste and its
comments have successfully been copied to the destination
-f forcefully overwrite data which already exists at the
-h, --help displays this help message
-n dry run, do not copy data
-v be verbose
<srcconfdir> use storage backend configration from conf.php found in
this directory as source
<dstconfdir> optionally, use storage backend configration from conf.php
found in this directory as destination; defaults to:
" . PATH . "cfg" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "conf.php

cfg/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View file

@ -1 +1,2 @@
Require all denied
Allow from none
Deny from all

cfg/conf.ini.sample Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
; config file for PrivateBin
; An explanation of each setting can be find online at
; (optional) set a project name to be displayed on the website
; name = "PrivateBin"
; enable or disable the discussion feature, defaults to true
discussion = true
; preselect the discussion feature, defaults to false
opendiscussion = false
; enable or disable the password feature, defaults to true
password = true
; enable or disable the file upload feature, defaults to false
fileupload = false
; preselect the burn-after-reading feature, defaults to false
burnafterreadingselected = false
; which display mode to preselect by default, defaults to "plaintext"
; make sure the value exists in [formatter_options]
defaultformatter = "plaintext"
; (optional) set a syntax highlighting theme, as found in css/prettify/
; syntaxhighlightingtheme = "sons-of-obsidian"
; size limit per paste or comment in bytes, defaults to 2 Mebibytes
sizelimit = 2097152
; template to include, default is "bootstrap" (tpl/bootstrap.php)
template = "bootstrap"
; (optional) notice to display
; notice = "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service."
; by default PrivateBin will guess the visitors language based on the browsers
; settings. Optionally you can enable the language selection menu, which uses
; a session cookie to store the choice until the browser is closed.
languageselection = false
; set the language your installs defaults to, defaults to English
; if this is set and language selection is disabled, this will be the only language
; languagedefault = "en"
; (optional) URL shortener address to offer after a new paste is created
; it is suggested to only use this with self-hosted shorteners as this will leak
; the pastes encryption key
; urlshortener = ""
; (optional) IP based icons are a weak mechanism to detect if a comment was from
; a different user when the same username was used in a comment. It might be
; used to get the IP of a non anonymous comment poster if the server salt is
; leaked and a SHA256 HMAC rainbow table is generated for all (relevant) IPs.
; Can be set to one these values: none / vizhash / identicon (default).
; icon = none
; Content Security Policy headers allow a website to restrict what sources are
; allowed to be accessed in its context. You need to change this if you added
; custom scripts from third-party domains to your templates, e.g. tracking
; scripts or run your site behind certain DDoS-protection services.
; Check the documentation at
; Note: If you use a bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the sandbox restrictions.
; cspheader = "default-src 'none'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src *; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; referrer no-referrer; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups"
; stay compatible with PrivateBin Alpha 0.19, less secure
; if enabled will use base64.js version 1.7 instead of 2.1.9 and sha1 instead of
; sha256 in HMAC for the deletion token
zerobincompatibility = false
; expire value that is selected per default
; make sure the value exists in [expire_options]
default = "1week"
; optionally the "clone" button can be disabled on expiring pastes
; note that this only hides the button, copy & paste is still possible
; clone = false
; Set each one of these to the number of seconds in the expiration period,
; or 0 if it should never expire
5min = 300
10min = 600
1hour = 3600
1day = 86400
1week = 604800
; Well this is not *exactly* one month, it's 30 days:
1month = 2592000
1year = 31536000
never = 0
; Set available formatters, their order and their labels
plaintext = "Plain Text"
syntaxhighlighting = "Source Code"
markdown = "Markdown"
; time limit between calls from the same IP address in seconds
; Set this to 0 to disable rate limiting.
limit = 10
; (optional) if your website runs behind a reverse proxy or load balancer,
; set the HTTP header containing the visitors IP address, i.e. X_FORWARDED_FOR
; header = "X_FORWARDED_FOR"
; directory to store the traffic limits in
dir = PATH "data"
; minimum time limit between two purgings of expired pastes, it is only
; triggered when pastes are created
; Set this to 0 to run a purge every time a paste is created.
limit = 300
; maximum amount of expired pastes to delete in one purge
; Set this to 0 to disable purging. Set it higher, if you are running a large
; site
batchsize = 10
; directory to store the purge limit in
dir = PATH "data"
; name of data model class to load and directory for storage
; the default model "Filesystem" stores everything in the filesystem
class = Filesystem
dir = PATH "data"
; example of DB configuration for MySQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for SQLite
;class = Database
;dsn = "sqlite:" PATH "data/db.sq3"
;usr = null
;pwd = null
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT

View file

@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
;<?php http_response_code(403); /*
; config file for PrivateBin
; An explanation of each setting can be find online at
; (optional) set a project name to be displayed on the website
name = "Bin-tzwing"
; The full URL, with the domain name and directories that point to the
; PrivateBin files, including an ending slash (/). This URL is essential to
; allow Opengraph images to be displayed on social networks.
; basepath = ""
; enable or disable the discussion feature, defaults to true
discussion = true
; preselect the discussion feature, defaults to false
opendiscussion = true
; enable or disable the password feature, defaults to true
password = true
; enable or disable the file upload feature, defaults to false
fileupload = false
; preselect the burn-after-reading feature, defaults to false
burnafterreadingselected = false
; which display mode to preselect by default, defaults to "plaintext"
; make sure the value exists in [formatter_options]
defaultformatter = "plaintext"
; (optional) set a syntax highlighting theme, as found in css/prettify/
; syntaxhighlightingtheme = "sons-of-obsidian"
; size limit per paste or comment in bytes, defaults to 10 Mebibytes
sizelimit = 7340032
; template to include, default is "bootstrap" (tpl/bootstrap.php)
template = "bootstrap"
; (optional) info text to display
; use single, instead of double quotes for HTML attributes
info = "<a href=''>Nune's</a> instance of PrivateBin. More info about PrivateBin in general is on the <a href=''>project page</a>."
; (optional) notice to display
notice = "cha cha cha"
; by default PrivateBin will guess the visitors language based on the browsers
; settings. Optionally you can enable the language selection menu, which uses
; a session cookie to store the choice until the browser is closed.
languageselection = true
; set the language your installs defaults to, defaults to English
; if this is set and language selection is disabled, this will be the only language
; languagedefault = "en"
; (optional) URL shortener address to offer after a new paste is created.
; It is suggested to only use this with self-hosted shorteners as this will leak
; the pastes encryption key.
; urlshortener = ""
; (optional) Let users create a QR code for sharing the paste URL with one click.
; It works both when a new paste is created and when you view a paste.
qrcode = true
; (optional) Let users send an email sharing the paste URL with one click.
; It works both when a new paste is created and when you view a paste.
; email = true
; (optional) IP based icons are a weak mechanism to detect if a comment was from
; a different user when the same username was used in a comment. It might get
; used to get the IP of a comment poster if the server salt is leaked and a
; SHA512 HMAC rainbow table is generated for all (relevant) IPs.
; Can be set to one these values:
; "none" / "identicon" (default) / "jdenticon" / "vizhash".
; icon = "none"
; Content Security Policy headers allow a website to restrict what sources are
; allowed to be accessed in its context. You need to change this if you added
; custom scripts from third-party domains to your templates, e.g. tracking
; scripts or run your site behind certain DDoS-protection services.
; Check the documentation at
; Notes:
; - If you use a bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the
; sandbox restrictions.
; - By default this disallows to load images from third-party servers, e.g. when
; they are embedded in pastes. If you wish to allow that, you can adjust the
; policy here. See
; for details.
; - The 'unsafe-eval' is used in two cases; to check if the browser supports
; async functions and display an error if not and for Chrome to enable
; webassembly support (used for zlib compression). You can remove it if Chrome
; doesn't need to be supported and old browsers don't need to be warned.
; cspheader = "default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; form-action 'none'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src * blob:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self' data: blob:; media-src blob:; object-src blob:; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals allow-downloads"
; stay compatible with PrivateBin Alpha 0.19, less secure
; if enabled will use base64.js version 1.7 instead of 2.1.9 and sha1 instead of
; sha256 in HMAC for the deletion token
; zerobincompatibility = false
; Enable or disable the warning message when the site is served over an insecure
; connection (insecure HTTP instead of HTTPS), defaults to true.
; Secure transport methods like Tor and I2P domains are automatically whitelisted.
; It is **strongly discouraged** to disable this.
; See for more information.
; httpwarning = true
; Pick compression algorithm or disable it. Only applies to pastes/comments
; created after changing the setting.
; Can be set to one these values: "none" / "zlib" (default).
; compression = "zlib"
; expire value that is selected per default
; make sure the value exists in [expire_options]
default = "1week"
; Set each one of these to the number of seconds in the expiration period,
; or 0 if it should never expire
5min = 300
10min = 600
1hour = 3600
1day = 86400
1week = 604800
; Well this is not *exactly* one month, it's 30 days:
1month = 2592000
1year = 31536000
never = 0
; Set available formatters, their order and their labels
plaintext = "Plain Text"
syntaxhighlighting = "Source Code"
markdown = "Markdown"
; time limit between calls from the same IP address in seconds
; Set this to 0 to disable rate limiting.
limit = 20
; (optional) Set IPs addresses (v4 or v6) or subnets (CIDR) which are exempted
; from the rate-limit. Invalid IPs will be ignored. If multiple values are to
; be exempted, the list needs to be comma separated. Leave unset to disable
; exemptions.
; exempted = ",10.10.10/24"
; (optional) If you want only some source IP addresses (v4 or v6) or subnets
; (CIDR) to be allowed to create pastes, set these here. Invalid IPs will be
; ignored. If multiple values are to be exempted, the list needs to be comma
; separated. Leave unset to allow anyone to create pastes.
; creators = ",10.10.10/24"
; (optional) if your website runs behind a reverse proxy or load balancer,
; set the HTTP header containing the visitors IP address, i.e. X_FORWARDED_FOR
; header = "X_FORWARDED_FOR"
; minimum time limit between two purgings of expired pastes, it is only
; triggered when pastes are created
; Set this to 0 to run a purge every time a paste is created.
limit = 300
; maximum amount of expired pastes to delete in one purge
; Set this to 0 to disable purging. Set it higher, if you are running a large
; site
batchsize = 10
; name of data model class to load and directory for storage
; the default model "Filesystem" stores everything in the filesystem
class = Filesystem
dir = PATH "data"
; example of a Google Cloud Storage configuration
;class = GoogleCloudStorage
;bucket = "my-private-bin"
;prefix = "pastes"
;uniformacl = false
; example of DB configuration for MySQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for SQLite
;class = Database
;dsn = "sqlite:" PATH "data/db.sq3"
;usr = null
;pwd = null
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for PostgreSQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of S3 configuration for Rados gateway / CEPH
;class = S3Storage
;region = ""
;version = "2006-03-01"
;endpoint = ""
;use_path_style_endpoint = true
;bucket = "my-bucket"
;accesskey = "my-rados-user"
;secretkey = "my-rados-pass"
; example of S3 configuration for AWS
;class = S3Storage
;region = "eu-central-1"
;version = "latest"
;bucket = "my-bucket"
;accesskey = "access key id"
;secretkey = "secret access key"
; example of S3 configuration for AWS using its SDK default credential provider chain
; if relying on environment variables, the AWS SDK will look for the following:
; - AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (if needed)
; for more details, see
;class = S3Storage
;region = "eu-central-1"
;version = "latest"
;bucket = "my-bucket"
; When using YOURLS as a "urlshortener" config item:
; - By default, "urlshortener" will point to the YOURLS API URL, with or without
; credentials, and will be visible in public on the PrivateBin web page.
; Only use this if you allow short URL creation without credentials.
; - Alternatively, using the parameters in this section ("signature" and
; "apiurl"), "urlshortener" needs to point to the base URL of your PrivateBin
; instance with "shortenviayourls?link=" appended. For example:
; urlshortener = "${basepath}shortenviayourls?link="
; This URL will in turn call YOURLS on the server side, using the URL from
; "apiurl" and the "access signature" from the "signature" parameters below.
; (optional) the "signature" (access key) issued by YOURLS for the using account
; signature = ""
; (optional) the URL of the YOURLS API, called to shorten a PrivateBin URL
; apiurl = ""

View file

@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
;<?php http_response_code(403); /*
; config file for PrivateBin
; An explanation of each setting can be find online at
; (optional) set a project name to be displayed on the website
; name = "PrivateBin"
; The full URL, with the domain name and directories that point to the
; PrivateBin files, including an ending slash (/). This URL is essential to
; allow Opengraph images to be displayed on social networks.
; basepath = ""
; enable or disable the discussion feature, defaults to true
discussion = true
; preselect the discussion feature, defaults to false
opendiscussion = false
; enable or disable the display of dates & times in the comments, defaults to true
; Note that internally the creation time will still get tracked in order to sort
; the comments by creation time, but you can choose not to display them.
; discussiondatedisplay = false
; enable or disable the password feature, defaults to true
password = true
; enable or disable the file upload feature, defaults to false
fileupload = false
; preselect the burn-after-reading feature, defaults to false
burnafterreadingselected = false
; which display mode to preselect by default, defaults to "plaintext"
; make sure the value exists in [formatter_options]
defaultformatter = "plaintext"
; (optional) set a syntax highlighting theme, as found in css/prettify/
; syntaxhighlightingtheme = "sons-of-obsidian"
; size limit per paste or comment in bytes, defaults to 10 Mebibytes
sizelimit = 10485760
; template to include, default is "bootstrap" (tpl/bootstrap.php), also
; available are "page" (tpl/page.php), the classic ZeroBin style and several
; bootstrap variants: "bootstrap-dark", "bootstrap-compact", "bootstrap-page",
; which can be combined with "-dark" and "-compact" for "bootstrap-dark-page"
; and finally "bootstrap-compact-page" - previews at:
template = "bootstrap"
; (optional) info text to display
; use single, instead of double quotes for HTML attributes
;info = "More information on the <a href=''>project page</a>."
; (optional) notice to display
; notice = "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service."
; by default PrivateBin will guess the visitors language based on the browsers
; settings. Optionally you can enable the language selection menu, which uses
; a session cookie to store the choice until the browser is closed.
languageselection = false
; set the language your installs defaults to, defaults to English
; if this is set and language selection is disabled, this will be the only language
; languagedefault = "en"
; (optional) URL shortener address to offer after a new paste is created.
; It is suggested to only use this with self-hosted shorteners as this will leak
; the pastes encryption key.
; urlshortener = ""
; (optional) Let users create a QR code for sharing the paste URL with one click.
; It works both when a new paste is created and when you view a paste.
; qrcode = true
; (optional) Let users send an email sharing the paste URL with one click.
; It works both when a new paste is created and when you view a paste.
; email = true
; (optional) IP based icons are a weak mechanism to detect if a comment was from
; a different user when the same username was used in a comment. It might get
; used to get the IP of a comment poster if the server salt is leaked and a
; SHA512 HMAC rainbow table is generated for all (relevant) IPs.
; Can be set to one these values:
; "none" / "identicon" (default) / "jdenticon" / "vizhash".
; icon = "none"
; Content Security Policy headers allow a website to restrict what sources are
; allowed to be accessed in its context. You need to change this if you added
; custom scripts from third-party domains to your templates, e.g. tracking
; scripts or run your site behind certain DDoS-protection services.
; Check the documentation at
; Notes:
; - If you use any bootstrap theme, you can remove the allow-popups from the
; sandbox restrictions.
; - If you use the bootstrap5 theme, you must change default-src to 'self' to
; enable display of the svg icons
; - By default this disallows to load images from third-party servers, e.g. when
; they are embedded in pastes. If you wish to allow that, you can adjust the
; policy here. See
; for details.
; - The 'unsafe-eval' is used in two cases; to check if the browser supports
; async functions and display an error if not and for Chrome to enable
; webassembly support (used for zlib compression). You can remove it if Chrome
; doesn't need to be supported and old browsers don't need to be warned.
; cspheader = "default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; form-action 'none'; manifest-src 'self'; connect-src * blob:; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self' data: blob:; media-src blob:; object-src blob:; sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-forms allow-popups allow-modals allow-downloads"
; stay compatible with PrivateBin Alpha 0.19, less secure
; if enabled will use base64.js version 1.7 instead of 2.1.9 and sha1 instead of
; sha256 in HMAC for the deletion token
; zerobincompatibility = false
; Enable or disable the warning message when the site is served over an insecure
; connection (insecure HTTP instead of HTTPS), defaults to true.
; Secure transport methods like Tor and I2P domains are automatically whitelisted.
; It is **strongly discouraged** to disable this.
; See for more information.
; httpwarning = true
; Pick compression algorithm or disable it. Only applies to pastes/comments
; created after changing the setting.
; Can be set to one these values: "none" / "zlib" (default).
; compression = "zlib"
; expire value that is selected per default
; make sure the value exists in [expire_options]
default = "1week"
; Set each one of these to the number of seconds in the expiration period,
; or 0 if it should never expire
5min = 300
10min = 600
1hour = 3600
1day = 86400
1week = 604800
; Well this is not *exactly* one month, it's 30 days:
1month = 2592000
1year = 31536000
never = 0
; Set available formatters, their order and their labels
plaintext = "Plain Text"
syntaxhighlighting = "Source Code"
markdown = "Markdown"
; time limit between calls from the same IP address in seconds
; Set this to 0 to disable rate limiting.
limit = 10
; (optional) Set IPs addresses (v4 or v6) or subnets (CIDR) which are exempted
; from the rate-limit. Invalid IPs will be ignored. If multiple values are to
; be exempted, the list needs to be comma separated. Leave unset to disable
; exemptions.
; exempted = ",10.10.10/24"
; (optional) If you want only some source IP addresses (v4 or v6) or subnets
; (CIDR) to be allowed to create pastes, set these here. Invalid IPs will be
; ignored. If multiple values are to be exempted, the list needs to be comma
; separated. Leave unset to allow anyone to create pastes.
; creators = ",10.10.10/24"
; (optional) if your website runs behind a reverse proxy or load balancer,
; set the HTTP header containing the visitors IP address, i.e. X_FORWARDED_FOR
; header = "X_FORWARDED_FOR"
; minimum time limit between two purgings of expired pastes, it is only
; triggered when pastes are created
; Set this to 0 to run a purge every time a paste is created.
limit = 300
; maximum amount of expired pastes to delete in one purge
; Set this to 0 to disable purging. Set it higher, if you are running a large
; site
batchsize = 10
; name of data model class to load and directory for storage
; the default model "Filesystem" stores everything in the filesystem
class = Filesystem
dir = PATH "data"
; example of a Google Cloud Storage configuration
;class = GoogleCloudStorage
;bucket = "my-private-bin"
;prefix = "pastes"
;uniformacl = false
; example of DB configuration for MySQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "mysql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin;charset=UTF8"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for SQLite
;class = Database
;dsn = "sqlite:" PATH "data/db.sq3"
;usr = null
;pwd = null
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of DB configuration for PostgreSQL
;class = Database
;dsn = "pgsql:host=localhost;dbname=privatebin"
;tbl = "privatebin_" ; table prefix
;usr = "privatebin"
;pwd = "Z3r0P4ss"
;opt[12] = true ; PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT
; example of S3 configuration for Rados gateway / CEPH
;class = S3Storage
;region = ""
;version = "2006-03-01"
;endpoint = ""
;use_path_style_endpoint = true
;bucket = "my-bucket"
;accesskey = "my-rados-user"
;secretkey = "my-rados-pass"
; example of S3 configuration for AWS
;class = S3Storage
;region = "eu-central-1"
;version = "latest"
;bucket = "my-bucket"
;accesskey = "access key id"
;secretkey = "secret access key"
; example of S3 configuration for AWS using its SDK default credential provider chain
; if relying on environment variables, the AWS SDK will look for the following:
; - AWS_SESSION_TOKEN (if needed)
; for more details, see
;class = S3Storage
;region = "eu-central-1"
;version = "latest"
;bucket = "my-bucket"
; When using YOURLS as a "urlshortener" config item:
; - By default, "urlshortener" will point to the YOURLS API URL, with or without
; credentials, and will be visible in public on the PrivateBin web page.
; Only use this if you allow short URL creation without credentials.
; - Alternatively, using the parameters in this section ("signature" and
; "apiurl"), "urlshortener" needs to point to the base URL of your PrivateBin
; instance with "?shortenviayourls&link=" appended. For example:
; urlshortener = "${basepath}?shortenviayourls&link="
; This URL will in turn call YOURLS on the server side, using the URL from
; "apiurl" and the "access signature" from the "signature" parameters below.
; (optional) the "signature" (access key) issued by YOURLS for the using account
; signature = ""
; (optional) the URL of the YOURLS API, called to shorten a PrivateBin URL
; apiurl = ""

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
# This workflow checks out code, performs a Codacy security scan
# and integrates the results with the
# GitHub Advanced Security code scanning feature. For more information on
# the Codacy security scan action usage and parameters, see
# For more information on Codacy Analysis CLI in general, see
name: Codacy Security Scan
branches: [ master ]
# The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
branches: [ master ]
- cron: '45 16 * * 1'
name: Codacy Security Scan
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout the repository to the GitHub Actions runner
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v2
# Execute Codacy Analysis CLI and generate a SARIF output with the security issues identified during the analysis
- name: Run Codacy Analysis CLI
uses: codacy/codacy-analysis-cli-action@1.1.0
# Check to get your project token from your Codacy repository
# You can also omit the token and run the tools that support default configurations
project-token: ${{ secrets.CODACY_PROJECT_TOKEN }}
verbose: true
output: results.sarif
format: sarif
# Adjust severity of non-security issues
gh-code-scanning-compat: true
# Force 0 exit code to allow SARIF file generation
# This will handover control about PR rejection to the GitHub side
max-allowed-issues: 2147483647
# Upload the SARIF file generated in the previous step
- name: Upload SARIF results file
uses: github/codeql-action/upload-sarif@v1
sarif_file: results.sarif

View file

@ -1,53 +1,38 @@
"name" : "privatebin/privatebin",
"description" : "PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bit AES in Galois Counter mode (GCM).",
"type" : "project",
"keywords" : [
"homepage" : "",
"license" : "zlib-acknowledgement",
"support" : {
"issues" : "",
"wiki" : "",
"source" : "",
"docs" : ""
"require" : {
"php": "^7.3 || ^8.0",
"jdenticon/jdenticon": "1.0.2",
"mlocati/ip-lib": "1.18.0",
"yzalis/identicon": "2.0.0"
"suggest" : {
"google/cloud-storage" : "1.41.0",
"aws/aws-sdk-php" : "3.302.0"
"require-dev" : {
"phpunit/phpunit" : "^9"
"autoload" : {
"psr-4" : {
"PrivateBin\\" : "lib/"
"config" : {
"autoloader-suffix" : "DontChange",
"optimize-autoloader": true,
"preferred-install": "dist",
"sort-packages": true,
"platform": {
"php": "7.3"
"name": "privatebin/privatebin",
"description": "PrivateBin is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bit AES in Galois Counter mode (GCM).",
"type": "project",
"keywords": ["private", "secure", "end-to-end-encrypted", "e2e", "paste", "pastebin", "zero", "zero-knowledge", "encryption", "encrypted", "AES"],
"homepage": "",
"support": {
"issues": "",
"wiki": "",
"source": "",
"docs": ""
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
"require": {
"php": "^5.3.0 || ^7.0",
"paragonie/random_compat": "2.0.4",
"yzalis/identicon": "1.1.0"
"require-dev": {
"codacy/coverage": "dev-master",
"codeclimate/php-test-reporter": "dev-master",
"giorgiosironi/eris": "dev-master"
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"PrivateBin\\": "lib/"
"config": {
"autoloader-suffix": "DontChange"

composer.lock generated

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
- source: /i18n/en.json
translation: /i18n/%two_letters_code%.json

css/bootstrap/bootstrap-3.3.5.css vendored Normal file

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ th {
@font-face {
font-family: 'Glyphicons Halflings';
src: url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?1445975532);
src: url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?&1445975532#iefix) format("embedded-opentype"), url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2?1445975532) format("woff2"), url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff?1445975532) format("woff"), url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf?1445975532) format("truetype"), url(fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg?1445975532#glyphicons_halflingsregular) format("svg");
src: url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?1445975532);
src: url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot?&1445975532#iefix) format("embedded-opentype"), url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2?1445975532) format("woff2"), url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff?1445975532) format("woff"), url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf?1445975532) format("truetype"), url(fonts/../fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg?1445975532#glyphicons_halflingsregular) format("svg");
.glyphicon {
position: relative;

View file

@ -1,15 +1,14 @@
* PrivateBin
* Cascading style sheets for bootstrap template.
* a zero-knowledge paste bin
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
* @version 1.1
@import url("../common.css");
body {
padding: 0 0 30px;
@ -18,10 +17,6 @@ body.navbar-spacing {
padding-top: 70px;
body.loading {
cursor: wait;
.buttondisabled {
opacity: 0.3;
@ -69,14 +64,14 @@ body.loading {
margin-right: 8px;
#qrcodemodalClose {
float: right;
#image img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#qrcode-display {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: auto;
#deletelink {
float: right;
#pastelink {
@ -91,9 +86,8 @@ body.loading {
margin-bottom: 10px;
#message, .replymessage {
#message {
font-family: monospace;
resize: vertical;
#nickname {
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ body.loading {
.comment {
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;
transition: background-color 0.75s ease-out;
white-space: pre-wrap;
footer h4 {
@ -117,61 +111,3 @@ footer h4 {
li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8 {
list-style-type: decimal !important;
.dark-theme .alert-info .alert-link {
color: #fff;
/* address 2K or 4K monitors when using bootstrap 3 */
@media (min-width: 1280px) {
.container {
width: 100%;
padding-left: 4ch;
padding-right: 4ch;
.modal-dialog {
margin: auto !important;
/* makeup for the original margin on modal-dialog */
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.modal-content {
margin: 30px 0;
.modal-content {
margin: 10px;
.modal-body {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
.modal .modal-content button {
margin: 0.5em 0;
/* right-to-left overrides */
html[dir="rtl"] .checkbox label {
padding-left: inherit;
padding-right: 20px;
html[dir="rtl"] .checkbox input[type="checkbox"] {
margin-left: inherit;
margin-right: -20px;
html[dir="rtl"] #language {
margin-left: inherit;
margin-right: 8px;
html[dir="rtl"] #deletelink, html[dir="rtl"] #qrcodemodalClose {
float: left;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
* PrivateBin
* Cascading style sheets for bootstrap 5 template.
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
@import url("../common.css");
.hidden {
display: none !important;
#qrcodemodalClose {
float: right;
#qrcode-display {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
margin: auto;
#pastelink {
display: inline;
#pastelink > a {
word-wrap: break-word;
#preview {
margin-bottom: 10px;
#message, .replymessage {
font-family: monospace;
resize: vertical;
#nickname {
margin: 5px 0;
#comments, #comments button {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.comment {
border-left: 1px solid #ccc;
padding: 5px 0 5px 10px;
transition: background-color 0.75s ease-out;
.dropdown-menu {
--bs-dropdown-min-width: 23rem;
[data-bs-theme=light] pre, [data-bs-theme=light] .card {
background-color: RGBA(var(--bs-light-rgb), var(--bs-bg-opacity, 1));
li.L0, li.L1, li.L2, li.L3, li.L4, li.L5, li.L6, li.L7, li.L8, li.L9 {
color: revert !important;
list-style-type: decimal !important;
[data-bs-theme=dark] li.L1, [data-bs-theme=dark] li.L3, [data-bs-theme=dark] li.L5,
[data-bs-theme=dark] li.L7, [data-bs-theme=dark] li.L9 {
background-color: var(--bs-gray-dark) !important;
.text-right button {
float: right;
html[dir="rtl"] #deletelink, html[dir="rtl"] #qrcodemodalClose {
float: left;

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
* PrivateBin
* Common cascading style sheets for all templates.
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
#attachmentPreview img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#attachmentPreview .pdfPreview {
width: 100%;
height: 100vh;
margin-bottom: 20px;
#dropzone {
text-align: center;
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
z-index: 1000;
opacity: 0.6;
background-color: #9cf;
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath d='M0 0h24v24H0z' fill='none'/%3E%3Cpath d='M19.35 10.04C18.67 6.59 15.64 4 12 4 9.11 4 6.6 5.64 5.35 8.04 2.34 8.36 0 10.91 0 14c0 3.31 2.69 6 6 6h13c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5 0-2.64-2.05-4.78-4.65-4.96zM14 13v4h-4v-4H7l5-5 5 5h-3z'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: center;
background-size: 25vh;
outline: 2px dashed #28f;
outline-offset: -50px;
.dragAndDropFile {
color: #777;
font-size: 1em;
display: inline;
white-space: normal;
#filewrap {
transition: background-color 0.75s ease-out;
.highlight {
background-color: #fd8;
transition: background-color 0.2s ease-in;
#deletelink {
float: right;
margin-left: 5px;
.commentdata {
white-space: pre-wrap;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
* PrivateBin
* Cascading style sheet only loaded when JavaScript is not available.
* CSS file only loaded when no JavaScript available.
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
* @version 1.0
/* When there is no script at all other */
.noscript-hide {
display: none;

View file

@ -1 +1 @@
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* PrivateBin
* Cascading style sheets for page template.
* Main CSS file.
* @link
* @copyright 2012 Sébastien SAUVAGE (
* @license The zlib/libpng License
* @version 1.1
@import url("common.css");
/* CSS Reset from YUI 3.4.1 (build 4118) - Copyright 2011 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the BSD License. - */
@ -73,13 +72,13 @@ h3.title {
bottom: 8px;
#aboutbox {
color: #94a3b4;
#aboutbox {
color: #94a3b4;
padding: 4px 8px 4px 16px;
position: relative;
position: relative;
top: 10px;
border-left: 2px solid #94a3b4;
float: right;
float: right;
width: 60%;
@ -103,15 +102,19 @@ h3.title {
padding: 5px;
white-space: pre-wrap;
font-family: Consolas, "Lucida Console", "DejaVu Sans Mono", Monaco, monospace;
resize: vertical;
#status {
#image img {
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
#status {
clear: both;
padding: 5px 10px;
#pasteresult {
#pasteresult {
background-color: #1F2833;
color: #fff;
padding: 4px 12px;
@ -125,9 +128,11 @@ h3.title {
#pasteresult button { margin-left: 11px; }
#deletelink { float: right; }
#toolbar, #status { margin-bottom: 5px; }
#copyhint { color: #666; font-size: 0.85em }
#copyhint { color: #666; font-size: 0.85em; }
button, .button {
color: #fff;
@ -212,10 +217,6 @@ button img {
padding: 1px 0 1px 0;
#downloadtextbutton img {
padding: 1px 0 1px 0;
#remainingtime, #password {
color: #94a3b4;
display: inline;
@ -224,7 +225,6 @@ button img {
#newbutton {
float: right;
margin-left: 0;
margin-right: 0;
margin-bottom: 5px;
display: inline;
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ input {
font-weight: bold !important;
#attachmentPreview, .nonworking {
#image, .nonworking {
background-color: #fff;
color: #000;
width: 100%;
@ -278,9 +278,9 @@ input {
#ienotice a { color: #000; }
#oldnotice, #httpnotice { display: none; }
#oldienotice { display: none; }
#errormessage, .errorMessage {
.errorMessage {
background-color: #f77 !important;
@ -443,17 +443,3 @@ img.vizhash {
#cleartext h3 {
font-size: 1.2em;
/* right-to-left overrides */
html[dir="rtl"] #aboutbox, html[dir="rtl"] #deletelink, html[dir="rtl"] #newbutton {
float: left;
html[dir="rtl"] button, html[dir="rtl"] .button, html[dir="rtl"] button img {
margin-left: 5px;
margin-right: inherit;
html[dir="rtl"] button img {
margin-left: 8px;

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@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
# Generating Source Code Documentation
## Generating PHP documentation
In order to generate the documentation, you will need to install the following
packages and its dependencies:
* phpdoc
* graphviz
Details about
[installing phpDocumentor](
can be found in that projects documentation.
Example for Debian and Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install php-pear graphviz
$ sudo pear channel-discover
$ sudo pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor
To generate the documentation, change into the main directory and run phpdoc:
$ cd PrivateBin
$ phpdoc --visibility=public,protected,private --target=doc/phpdoc --directory=lib/
**Note:** When used with PHP 7, the prerelease of phpDocumentator 2.9 needs to be
manually installed by downloading it from
and then manually moving it to e.g. `/usr/local/bin` and making it executable.
## Generating JS documentation
In order to generate the documentation, you will need to install the following
packages and its dependencies:
* npm
Then you can use the node package manager to install the latest stable release
of jsdoc globally:
$ npm install -g jsdoc
Example for Debian and Ubuntu, including steps to allow current user to install
node modules globally:
$ sudo apt install npm
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/node_modules
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
$ npm install -g jsdoc
$ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node
To generate the documentation, change into the main directory and run phpdoc:
$ cd PrivateBin
$ jsdoc -p -d doc/jsdoc js/privatebin.js js/legacy.js

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@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
# Installation
## TL;DR
Download the
[latest release archive](
(with the link labelled as "Source code (…)") and extract it in your web hosts
folder where you want to install your PrivateBin instance. We try to provide a
mostly safe default configuration, but we urge you to check the
[security section](#hardening-and-security) below and the
[configuration options](#configuration) to adjust as you see fit.
**NOTE:** See our [FAQ entry on securely downloading release files](
for more information.
**NOTE:** There are Ansible roles available for installing and configuring PrivateBin on your server. You can choose from the following options:
- [Podman Rootless - PrivateBin by @voidquark]( ([Github source code]( Simplifies the deployment and management of a secure PrivateBin service using a rootless Podman container. Key features include root-less deployment, ensuring security within a user namespace, idempotent deployment for consistent state, out-of-the-box setup for Red Hat systems, and the flexibility to customize PrivateBin configurations. It has been tested on EL9.
- [Config Configuration - PrivateBin by @e1mo]( ([Github source code]( Deploy PrivateBin configuration to disk with a customized configuration.
### Minimal Requirements
- PHP version 7.3 or above
- ctype extension
- GD extension (when using identicon or vizhash icons, jdenticon works without it)
- zlib extension
- some disk space or a database supported by [PDO](
- ability to create files and folders in the installation directory and the PATH
defined in index.php
- A web browser with JavaScript and (optional) WebAssembly support
## Hardening and Security
### Changing the Path
In the index.php you can define a different `PATH`. This is useful to secure
your installation. You can move the utilities, configuration, data files,
templates and PHP libraries (directories bin, cfg, doc, data, lib, tpl, tst and
vendor) outside of your document root. This new location must still be
accessible to your webserver and PHP process (see also
[open_basedir setting](
> #### PATH Example
> Your PrivateBin installation lives in a subfolder called "paste" inside of
> your document root. The URL looks like this:
> The full path of PrivateBin on your webserver is:
> /srv/
> When setting the path like this:
> define('PATH', '../../secret/privatebin/');
> PrivateBin will look for your includes and data here:
> /srv/
### Changing the config path only
In situations where you want to keep the PrivateBin static files separate from the
rest of your data, or you want to reuse the installation files on multiple vhosts,
you may only want to change the `conf.php`. In this case, you can set the
`CONFIG_PATH` environment variable to the absolute path to the directory containing the `conf.php` file.
This can be done in your web server's virtual host config, the PHP config, or in
the index.php, if you choose to customize it.
Note that your PHP process will need read access to the configuration file,
wherever it may be.
> #### CONFIG_PATH example
> Setting the value in an Apache Vhost:
> SetEnv CONFIG_PATH /var/lib/privatebin/
> In a php-fpm pool config:
> env[CONFIG_PATH] = /var/lib/privatebin/
> In the index.php, near the top:
> putenv('CONFIG_PATH=/var/lib/privatebin/');
### Transport security
When setting up PrivateBin, also set up HTTPS, if you haven't already. Without
HTTPS PrivateBin is not secure, as the JavaScript or WebAssembly files could be
manipulated during transmission. For more information on this, see our
[FAQ entry on HTTPS setup recommendations](
### File-level permissions
After completing the installation, you should make sure, that other users on the
system cannot read the config file or the `data/` directory, as depending on
your configuration potentially sensitive information may be stored in there.
See our [FAQ entry on permissions](
for a detailed guide on how to "harden" access to files and folders.
## Configuration
In the file `cfg/conf.php` you can configure PrivateBin. A `cfg/conf.sample.php`
is provided containing all options and their default values. You can copy it to
`cfg/conf.php` and change it as needed. Alternatively you can copy it anywhere
and set the `CONFIG_PATH` environment variable (see above notes). The config
file is divided into multiple sections, which are enclosed in square brackets.
In the `[main]` section you can enable or disable the discussion feature, set
the limit of stored pastes and comments in bytes. The `[traffic]` section lets
you set a time limit in seconds. Users may not post more often then this limit
to your PrivateBin installation.
More details can be found in the
[configuration documentation](
## Advanced installation
### Web server configuration
A `robots.txt` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It disallows all
robots from accessing your pastes. It is recommend to place it into the root of
your web directory if you have installed PrivateBin in a subdirectory. Make sure
to adjust it, so that the file paths match your installation. Of course also
adjust the file, if you already use a `robots.txt`.
A `.htaccess.disabled` file is provided in the root dir of PrivateBin. It blocks
some known robots and link-scanning bots. If you use Apache, you can rename the
file to `.htaccess` to enable this feature. If you use another webserver, you
have to configure it manually to do the same.
### On using Cloudflare
If you want to use PrivateBin behind Cloudflare, make sure you have disabled the
Rocket loader and unchecked "Javascript" for Auto Minify, found in your domain
settings, under "Speed". More information can be found in our
[FAQ entry on Cloudflare related issues](
### Using a Database Instead of Flat Files
In the configuration file the `[model]` and `[model_options]` sections let you
configure your favourite way of storing the pastes and discussions on your
`Filesystem` is the default model, which stores everything in files in the
data folder. This is the recommended setup for most sites on single hosts.
Under high load, in distributed setups or if you are not allowed to store files
locally, you might want to switch to the `Database` model. This lets you
store your data in a database. Basically all databases that are supported by
[PDO]( may be used. Automatic table
creation is provided for `pdo_ibm`, `pdo_informix`, `pdo_mssql`, `pdo_mysql`,
`pdo_oci`, `pdo_pgsql` and `pdo_sqlite`. You may want to provide a table prefix,
if you have to share the PrivateBin database with another application or you want
to use a prefix for
[security reasons](
The table prefix option is called `tbl`.
> #### Note
> The `Database` model has only been tested with SQLite, MariaDB/MySQL and
> PostgreSQL, although it would not be recommended to use SQLite in a production
> environment. If you gain any experience running PrivateBin on other RDBMS,
> please let us know.
The following GRANTs (privileges) are required for the PrivateBin user in
**MariaDB/MySQL**. In normal operation:
- INSERT, SELECT, DELETE on the paste and comment tables
- SELECT on the config table
If you want PrivateBin to handle table creation (when you create the first paste)
and updates (after you update PrivateBin to a new release), you need to give the
user these additional privileges:
- CREATE, INDEX and ALTER on the database
- INSERT and UPDATE on the config table
For reference or if you want to create the table schema for yourself to avoid
having to give PrivateBin too many permissions (replace `prefix_` with your own
table prefix and create the table schema with your favorite MariaDB/MySQL
CREATE TABLE prefix_paste (
dataid CHAR(16) NOT NULL,
expiredate INT,
opendiscussion INT,
burnafterreading INT,
meta TEXT,
attachment MEDIUMBLOB,
attachmentname BLOB,
PRIMARY KEY (dataid)
CREATE TABLE prefix_comment (
dataid CHAR(16),
pasteid CHAR(16),
parentid CHAR(16),
data BLOB,
nickname BLOB,
vizhash BLOB,
postdate INT,
PRIMARY KEY (dataid)
CREATE INDEX parent ON prefix_comment(pasteid);
CREATE TABLE prefix_config (
id CHAR(16) NOT NULL, value TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO prefix_config VALUES('VERSION', '1.7.3');
In **PostgreSQL**, the `data`, `attachment`, `nickname` and `vizhash` columns
need to be `TEXT` and not `BLOB` or `MEDIUMBLOB`. The key names in brackets,
after `PRIMARY KEY`, need to be removed.
In **Oracle**, the `data`, `attachment`, `nickname` and `vizhash` columns need
to be `CLOB` and not `BLOB` or `MEDIUMBLOB`, the `id` column in the `config`
table needs to be `VARCHAR2(16)` and the `meta` column in the `paste` table
and the `value` column in the `config` table need to be `VARCHAR2(4000)`.
### Cloud Storage Backends
Due to the large size of the respective cloud SDKs required for these, we didn't
include these in the `vendor` directory shipped in our release archives. To use
these in your manual installation, you will need [composer installed](
and require the used library (see instructions below).
This is not required if using the dedicated container images that have these SDKs
#### Using Google Cloud Storage
If you want to deploy PrivateBin in a serverless manner in the Google Cloud, you
can choose the `GoogleCloudStorage` as backend.
To use this backend, you first have to install the SDK from the installation
directory of PrivateBin:
composer require --no-update google/cloud-storage
composer update --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
You have to create a GCS bucket and specify the name as the model option `bucket`.
Alternatively, you can set the name through the environment variable `PRIVATEBIN_GCS_BUCKET`.
The default prefix for pastes stored in the bucket is `pastes`. To change the
prefix, specify the option `prefix`.
Google Cloud Storage buckets may be significantly slower than a `FileSystem` or
`Database` backend. The big advantage is that the deployment on Google Cloud
Platform using Google Cloud Run is easy and cheap.
#### Using S3 Storage
Similar to Google Cloud Storage, you can choose S3 as storage backend. It uses
the AWS SDK for PHP, but can also talk to a Rados gateway as part of a Ceph
To use this backend, you first have to install the SDK from the installation
directory of PrivateBin:
composer require --no-update aws/aws-sdk-php
composer update --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
You have to create an S3 bucket on the Ceph cluster before using the S3 backend.
In the `[model]` section of cfg/conf.php, set `class` to `S3Storage`.
You can set any combination of the following options in the `[model_options]`
* region
* version
* endpoint
* bucket
* prefix
* accesskey
* secretkey
* use_path_style_endpoint
By default, prefix is empty. If set, the S3 backend will place all PrivateBin
data beneath this prefix.
For AWS, you have to provide at least `region`, `bucket`, `accesskey`, and
For Ceph, follow this example:
region = ""
version = "2006-03-01"
endpoint = ""
use_path_style_endpoint = true
bucket = "my-bucket"
accesskey = "my-rados-user"
secretkey = "my-rados-pass"

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@ -1,37 +1,60 @@
# PrivateBin Documentation
Generating PHP documentation
## [Frequently Asked Questions](
In order to generate the documentation, you will need to install the following
packages and its dependencies:
* phpdoc
* graphviz
Please have a look at these questions *before* opening an issue in this repo.
Details about
[installing phpDocumentor](
can be found in that projects documentation.
## [Installation guide](
Example for Debian and Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install php-pear graphviz
$ sudo pear channel-discover
$ sudo pear install phpdoc/phpDocumentor
Minimal requirements, hardening and securing your installation and initial
To generate the documentation, change into the main directory and run phpdoc:
$ cd PrivateBin
$ phpdoc -t doc/phpdoc -d lib/
## [Configuration guide](
**Note:** When used with PHP 7, the prerelease of phpDocumentator 2.9 needs to be
manually installed by downloading it from
and then manually moving it to e.g. `/usr/local/bin` and making it executable.
Detailed guide on each configuration option and their effects.
Generating JS documentation
## [Templates](
In order to generate the documentation, you will need to install the following
packages and its dependencies:
* npm
How to change an existing template or create your own, as well as an overview of
the currently included templates.
Then you can use the node package manager to install the latest stable release
of jsdoc globally:
## [Translation guide](
$ npm install -g jsdoc
How to help translate PrivateBin and technical background on it's implementation.
Example for Debian and Ubuntu, including steps to allow current user to install
node modules globally:
$ sudo apt install npm
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/node_modules
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
$ npm install -g jsdoc
$ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node
## [Developer guide](
To generate the documentation, change into the main directory and run phpdoc:
$ cd PrivateBin
$ jsdoc -d doc/jsdoc js/privatebin.js
Know how for participating in PrivateBins development.
### [Generating Source Code Documentation](
How to generate the source code API documentation, as found on the project
website for [PHP]( and [JS](
### [Running Unit Tests]( Unit
How to run the PHP & JS unit tests, including a brief introduction to property
based unit testing.

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@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
# Release
## Overview of Supply-Chain Security
As of the PrivateBin 1.0 release we [cryptographically sign]( our git commits and tags, so that you can verify we actually developed the software. Later, we also [started signing the release archives on GitHub]( and retroactively signed all releases from 1.0 forward.
Since [release 1.6.2]( our release assets additionally also are [verified with the SLSA (Supply-chain Levels for Software Artifacts) framework](, providing an in-toto manifest of the release archive.
This achieves the following:
1. It ensures no maintainer has gone rogue and has modified/tampered with the source code before “building” the release.
2. It ensures the release is build exactly according to the source as defined by the branch that was used for the release.
This includes the workflow file defining how the release is done itself.
3. Our release should achieve [SLSA build level 3]( as it [runs on GitHub]( Some more properties [are thus achieved](
For more information [see the corresponding issue]( and [the GitHub workflow file](/.github/workflows/release.yml).
## Reproducible builds
All releases `.tar.gz` and `.zip` archives since 1.0 come with corresponding `.asc` signatures that can be used to confirm the authenticity of the fact that the release has been issued by a PrivateBin maintainer.
This uses traditional [PGP]( signatures.
## Verification
You can use the gpg signatures for verifying the reproducibility and that a maintainer in posession with that PGP private key created the release with that content:
$ gpg2 --verify 1.6.2.tar.gz.asc
gpg: assuming signed data in '1.6.2.tar.gz'
gpg: Signature made Fri Dec 15 06:21:08 2023 UTC
gpg: using RSA key 28CA7C964938EA5C1481D42AE11B7950E9E183DB
gpg: Good signature from "PrivateBin release (solely used for signing releases)" [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
Primary key fingerprint: 28CA 7C96 4938 EA5C 1481 D42A E11B 7950 E9E1 83DB
For a more step-by-step guide in detail [see this FAQ](
SLSA verification can be performed using the [SLSA verifier](
## Release process
The release process is outlined in the [release checklist]( The key manual steps are performed using a [Makefile]( and using a [shell script](

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@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
# Running All Unit Tests
Since it is non-trivial to setup all dependencies for our unit testing suite,
we provide a docker image that bundles all of them into one container, both
phpunit for PHP and mocha for JS.
You can fetch and run the image from the docker hub like this:
docker run --rm --read-only -v ~/PrivateBin:/srv:ro privatebin/unit-testing
The parameters in detail:
- `-v ~/PrivateBin:/srv:ro` - Replace `~/PrivateBin` with the location of
the checked out PrivateBin repository on your machine. It is recommended to
mount it read-only, which guarantees that your repository isn't damaged by
an accidentally destructive test case in it.
- `--read-only` - This image supports running in read-only mode. Only /tmp
may be written into.
- `-rm` - Remove the container after the run. This saves you doing a cleanup
on your docker environment, if you run the image frequently.
You can also run just the php and javascript test suites instead of both:
docker run --rm --read-only -v ~/PrivateBin:/srv:ro privatebin/unit-testing phpunit
docker run --rm --read-only -v ~/PrivateBin:/srv:ro privatebin/unit-testing mocha
## Running PHP Unit Tests
In order to run these tests, you will need to install the following packages
and their dependencies:
* phpunit
* php-gd
* php-sqlite3
* php-xdebug (for code coverage reports)
Example for Debian and Ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install phpunit php-gd php-sqlite3 php-xdebug
To run the tests, change into the `tst` directory and run phpunit:
$ cd PrivateBin/tst
$ phpunit
Additionally there is the `ConfigurationTestGenerator`. Based on the
configurations defined in its constructor, it generates the unit test file
`tst/ConfigurationCombinationsTest.php`, containing all possible combinations
of these configurations and tests for (most of the) valid combinations. Some of
combinations can't be tested with this method, i.e. a valid option combined with
an invalid one. Other very specific test cases (i.e. to trigger multiple errors)
are covered in `tst/ControllerTest.php`. Here is how to generate the
configuration test and run it:
$ cd PrivateBin/tst
$ ../bin/configuration-test-generator
$ phpunit ConfigurationCombinationsTest.php
## Running JavaScript Unit Tests
In order to run these tests, you will need to install the following packages
and its dependencies:
* npm
Then you can use the node package manager to install the latest stable release
of mocha and nyc (for code coverage reports) globally and jsVerify, jsdom
and jsdom-global locally:
$ npm install -g mocha nyc
$ cd PrivateBin/js
$ npm install
Example for Debian and Ubuntu, including steps to allow the current user to
install node modules globally:
$ sudo apt install npm
$ sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib/node_modules
$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(npm config get prefix)/{lib/node_modules,bin,share}
$ ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/local/bin/node
$ npm install -g mocha nyc
$ cd PrivateBin/js
$ npm install
To run the tests, just change into the `js` directory and run nyc (will produce
coverage report) or just mocha:
$ cd PrivateBin/js
$ nyc mocha
### Property Based Unit Testing
In the JavaScript unit tests we use the JSVerify library to leverage property
based unit testing. Instead of artificially creating specific test cases to
cover all relevant paths of the tested code (with the generated coverage reports
providing means to check the tested paths), property based testing allows us to
describe the patterns of data that are valid input.
With each run of the tests, for each `` 100 random inputs are
generated and tested. For example we tell the test to generate random strings,
which will include empty strings, numeric strings, long strings, unicode
sequences, etc. This is great for finding corner cases that one might not think
of when explicitly writing one test case at a time.
There is another benefit, too: When an error is found, JSVerify will try to find
the smallest, still failing test case for you and print this out including the
associated random number generator (RNG) state, so you can reproduce it easily:
30 passing (3s)
1 failing
1) Helper getCookie returns the requested cookie:
Error: Failed after 30 tests and 11 shrinks. rngState: 88caf85079d32e416b; Counterexample: ["{", "9", "9", "YD8%fT"]; [" ", "_|K:"];
Of course it may just be that you need to adjust a test case if the random
pattern generated is ambiguous. In the above example the cookie string would
contain two identical keys "9", something that may not be valid, but that our
code could encounter and needs to be able to handle.
After you adjusted the code of the library or the test you can rerun the test
with the same RNG state as follows:
$ nyc mocha test --jsverifyRngState 88caf85079d32e416b

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@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s عبارة عن أداة لصق على الإنترنت بسيطة ومفتوحة المصدر حيث لا يمتلك الخادم أي معرفة بالبيانات الملصقة. يتم تشفير / فك تشفير البيانات %sفي المتصفح%s باستخدام 256 بت AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "مزيد من المعلومات على <a href=\"\">صفحة المشروع</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "لأن الجهل نعمة",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "اللصق غير موجود أو انتهت صلاحيته أو تم حذفه.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s يتطلب php %s أو أعلى للعمل. آسف.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s يتطلب وجود قسم [%s] تضبيط في ملف تضبيط.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثانية بين كل مشاركة.",
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثواني بين كل مشاركة.",
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثواني بين كل مشاركة.",
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثواني بين كل مشاركة.",
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثواني بين كل مشاركة.",
"الرجاء الانتظار %d ثواني بين كل مشاركة."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "يقتصر اللصق على %s البيانات المشفرة.",
"Invalid data.": "بيانات غير صالحة.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "أنت غير محظوظ. أعِد المحاولة.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "خطأ في حفظ التعليق. آسف.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "خطأ في حفظ اللصق. آسف.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "معرف لصق غير صالح.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "اللصق ليس من النوع الذي يحرق بعد القراءة.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "رمز حذف خاطئ. لم يتم يحُذف اللصق.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "حُذفت اللصق بشكل صحيح.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "جافاسكرِبت (JavaScript) مطلوب %s للعمل. نأسف للإزعاج.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s يتطلب متصفحًا حديثًا للعمل.",
"New": "جديد",
"Create": "أنشِئ",
"Clone": "استنساخ",
"Raw text": "نص خام",
"Expires": "تنتهي",
"Burn after reading": "حرق بعد القراءة",
"Open discussion": "مناقشة مفتوحة",
"Password (recommended)": "كلمة المرور (مستحسن)",
"Discussion": "مناقشة",
"Toggle navigation": "تبديل التنقل",
"%d seconds": [
"%d ثانية",
"%d ثواني",
"%d ثواني",
"%d ثواني",
"%d ثواني",
"%d ثواني"
"%d minutes": [
"%d دقيقة",
"%d دقائق",
"%d دقائق",
"%d دقائق",
"%d دقائق",
"%d دقائق"
"%d hours": [
"%d ساعة",
"%d ساعات",
"%d ساعات",
"%d ساعات",
"%d ساعات",
"%d ساعات"
"%d days": [
"%d يوم",
"%d أيام",
"%d أيام",
"%d أيام",
"%d أيام",
"%d أيام"
"%d weeks": [
"%d أسبوع",
"%d أسابيع",
"%d أسابيع",
"%d أسابيع",
"%d أسابيع",
"%d أسابيع"
"%d months": [
"%d شهر",
"%d شهور",
"%d شهور",
"%d شهور",
"%d شهور",
"%d شهور"
"%d years": [
"%d سنة",
"%d سنين",
"%d سنين",
"%d سنين",
"%d سنين",
"%d سنين"
"Never": "أبدًا",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "ملاحظة: هذه خدمة اختبارية: يمكن حذف البيانات في أي وقت. سوف تموت القطط إذا أساءت استخدام هذه الخدمة.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثانية.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثواني.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثواني.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثواني.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثواني.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d ثواني."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقيقة.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقائق.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقائق.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقائق.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقائق.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في %d دقائق."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعة.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعات.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعات.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعات.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعات.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند في غضون %d ساعات."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d يوم.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d أيام.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d أيام.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d أيام.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d أيام.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d أيام."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهر.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهور.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهور.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهور.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهور.",
"ستنتهي صلاحية هذا المستند خلال %d شهور."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "الرجاء إدخال كلمة المرور لهذا اللصق:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "تعذر فك تشفير البيانات (مفتاح غير صحيح؟)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "تعذر حذف اللصق، ولم يخزين في وضع النسخ بعد القراءة.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "فقط من أجل عينيك. لا تغلق هذه النافذة، لا يمكن عرض هذه الرسالة مرة أخرى.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "تعذر فك تشفير التعليق؛ المفتاح غير صحيح؟",
"Reply": "رد",
"Anonymous": "وهمي",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "تم إنشاء أفتار من عنوان IP",
"Add comment": "أضف تعليق",
"Optional nickname…": "لقب اختياري…",
"Post comment": "أضف تعليقا",
"Sending comment…": "يُرسل تعليق…",
"Comment posted.": "نُشر التعليق.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "تعذر تحديث العرض: %s",
"unknown status": "حالة غير معروفة",
"server error or not responding": "خطأ في الخادم أو لا يستجيب",
"Could not post comment: %s": "لا يمكن نشر تعليق: %s",
"Sending paste…": "يُرسل لصق…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "لصقك هو <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(اضغط على [Ctrl] + [c] للنسخ)</span>",
"Delete data": "حذف البيانات",
"Could not create paste: %s": "تعذر إنشاء اللصق: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "لا يمكن فك تشفير اللصق: مفتاح فك التشفير مفقود في URL (هل استخدمت معيد توجيه أو أداة تقصير لعناوين URL تزيل جزءًا من عنوان URL؟)",
"B": "بايت",
"KiB": "كيلوبايت",
"MiB": "ميجابايت",
"GiB": "جيجابايت",
"TiB": "تيرابايت",
"PiB": "بيتابايت",
"EiB": "إكسابايت",
"ZiB": "زيتابايت",
"YiB": "يوتابايت",
"Format": "التنسيق",
"Plain Text": "نص عادي",
"Source Code": "كود مصدر",
"Markdown": "ماركداون",
"Download attachment": "تنزيل المرفقات",
"Cloned: '%s'": "مستنسخ: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "تم إرفاق المِلَفّ المستنسخ '%s' بهذا اللصق.",
"Attach a file": "إرفاق مِلَفّ",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "بدلاً من ذلك، اسحب ملفًا وأسقطه أو الصق صورة من الحافظة",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "المِلَفّ كبير جدًا، بحيث لا يمكن عرض معاينة. الرجاء تنزيل المرفق.",
"Remove attachment": "إزالة المرفق",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "متصفحك لا يدعم رفع الملفات المشفرة. الرجاء استخدام متصفح أحدث.",
"Invalid attachment.": "مرفق غير صحيح.",
"Options": "الخيارات",
"Shorten URL": "تقصير URL",
"Editor": "المحرّر",
"Preview": "معاينة",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s يتطلب PATH لينتهي ب \"%s\". يرجى تحديث PATH في ملف index.php الخاص بك.",
"Decrypt": "فك التشفير",
"Enter password": "أدخل كلمة المرور",
"Loading…": "تحميل…",
"Decrypting paste…": "يفك تشفير اللصق…",
"Preparing new paste…": "تحضير لصقة جديدة…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "في حالة عدم اختفاء هذه الرسالة مطلقًا ، يرجى إلقاء نظرة على <a href=\"%s\">الأسئلة الشائعة هذه للحصول على معلومات لتحري الخلل وإصلاحه</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ لا يوجد نص لصق +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "تعذر الحصول على لصق البيانات: %s",
"QR code": "رمز QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "هذا الموقع يستخدم اتصال HTTP غير آمن! الرجاء استخدامه للاختبار فقط.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "لمزيد من المعلومات <a href=\"%s\">راجع هذه الأسئلة الشائعة</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "قد يتطلب متصفحك اتصال HTTPS لدعم WebCrypto API. حاول <a href=\"%s\">التبديل إلى HTTPS </a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "لا يدعم المستعرض الخاص بك WebAssembly، المستخدم لضغط zlib. يمكنك إنشاء مستندات غير مضغوطة، لكن لا يمكنك قراءة المستندات المضغوطة.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "ينتظر المستخدم لتقديم كلمة مرور",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "تعذر فك تشفير البيانات. هل أدخلت كلمة مرور خاطئة؟ أعِد المحاولة باستخدام الزر الموجود في الأعلى.",
"Retry": "أعِد المحاولة",
"Showing raw text…": "يُظهر نص خام…",
"Notice:": "إشعار:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "ستنتهي صلاحية هذا الرابط بعد %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "لا يمكن الوصول إلى هذا الرابط إلا مرة واحدة، لا تستخدم زر الرجوع أو التحديث في متصفحك.",
"Link:": "الرابط:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "قد يكون المستلم على علم بمنطقتك الزمنية، هل تريد تحويل الوقت إلى التوقيت العالمي المنسق (UTC)؟",
"Use Current Timezone": "استخدم المنطقة الزمنية الحالية",
"Convert To UTC": "تحويل إلى UTC",
"Close": "إغلاق",
"Encrypted note on %s": "ملاحظة مشفرة على %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "زُر هذا الرابط لرؤية الملاحظة. يتيح إعطاء عنوان URL لأي شخص الوصول إلى الملاحظة أيضًا.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "قد يفضح أداة تقصير عناوين URL مفتاح فك التشفير الخاص بك في URL.",
"Save paste": "احفظ اللصق",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "عنوان IP الخاص بك غير مصرح له بإنشاء لصُق.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "محاولة تقصير عنوان URL لا يشير إلى خادمنا.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "خطأ في الاتصال بـ YOURLS. ربما تكون هناك مشكلة في التضبيط، مثل \"apiurl\" أو \"التوقيع\" الخاطئ أو المفقود.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "خطأ في تحليل استجابة YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "لا يمكن عرض اللصق احرقه بعد قراءته إلا مرة واحدة عند تحميله. هل تريد فتحه الآن؟",
"Yes, see it": "نعم، حمله",
"Dark Mode": "الوضع الداكن",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s е изчистен и изцяло достъпен като отворен код, онлайн \"paste\" услуга, където сървъра не знае подадената информация. Тя се шифрова/дешифрова %sвъв браузъра%s използвайки 256 битов AES алгоритъм.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Повече информация може да намерите на <a href=\"\">страницата на проекта (Английски)</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Невежеството е блаженство",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Информацията не съществува, срокът и е изтекъл или е била изтрита.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s има нужда от PHP %s или по-нова, за да работи. Съжалявам.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s задължава отдела от настройките [%s] да съществува във файла със настройките.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Моля изчакайте една секунда между всяка публикация.",
"Моля изчакайте %d секунди между всяка публикация.",
"Моля изчакайте %d секунди между всяка публикация.",
"Моля изчакайте %d секунди между всяка публикация.",
"Моля изчакайте %d секунди между всяка публикация.",
"Моля изчакайте %d секунди между всяка публикация."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Съдържанието е ограничено до %s криптирана информация.",
"Invalid data.": "Невалидна информация.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Нямаш късмет. Пробвай отново.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Грешка в запазването на коментара. Съжалявам.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Грешка в записването на информацията. Съжалявам.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Невалиден идентификационен код.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Информацията не е от тип \"унищожаване след преглед\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Невалиден код за изтриване. Информацията Ви не беше изтрита.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Информацията Ви е изтрита.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Услугата %s се нуждае от JavaScript, за да работи. Съжаляваме за неудобството.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s се нуждае от съвременен браузър за да работи.",
"New": "Създаване",
"Create": "Създай",
"Clone": "Дублирай",
"Raw text": "Чист текст",
"Expires": "Изтича",
"Burn after reading": "Унищожи след преглед",
"Open discussion": "Отворена дискусия",
"Password (recommended)": "Парола (препоръчва се)",
"Discussion": "Коментари",
"Toggle navigation": "Включи или Изключи навигацията",
"%d seconds": [
"%d секунди",
"%d секунда",
"%d секунда",
"%d секунда",
"%d секунда",
"%d секунда"
"%d minutes": [
"%d минути",
"%d минута",
"%d минута",
"%d минута",
"%d минута",
"%d минута"
"%d hours": [
"%d часа",
"%d час",
"%d час",
"%d час",
"%d час",
"%d час"
"%d days": [
"%d дни",
"%d ден",
"%d ден",
"%d ден",
"%d ден",
"%d ден"
"%d weeks": [
"%d седмици",
"%d седмица",
"%d седмица",
"%d седмица",
"%d седмица",
"%d седмица"
"%d months": [
"%d месеци",
"%d месец",
"%d месец",
"%d месец",
"%d месец",
"%d месец"
"%d years": [
"%d години",
"%d година",
"%d година",
"%d година",
"%d година",
"%d година"
"Never": "Никога",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Забележка: Това е пробна услуга: Информацията може да бъде изтрита по всяко време. Котета ще измрат ако злоупотребиш с услугата.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Този документ изтича след една секунда.",
"Този документ изтича след %d секунди.",
"Този документ изтича след %d секунди.",
"Този документ изтича след %d секунди.",
"Този документ изтича след %d секунди.",
"Този документ изтича след %d секунди."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Този документ изтича след една минута.",
"Този документ изтича след %d минути.",
"Този документ изтича след %d минути.",
"Този документ изтича след %d минути.",
"Този документ изтича след %d минути.",
"Този документ изтича след %d минути."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Този документ изтича след един час.",
"Този документ изтича след %d часа.",
"Този документ изтича след %d часа.",
"Този документ изтича след %d часа.",
"Този документ изтича след %d часа.",
"Този документ изтича след %d часа."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Този документ изтича след един ден.",
"Този документ изтича след %d дни.",
"Този документ изтича след %d дни.",
"Този документ изтича след %d дни.",
"Този документ изтича след %d дни.",
"Този документ изтича след %d дни."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Този документ изтича след една година.",
"Този документ изтича след %d години.",
"Този документ изтича след %d години.",
"Този документ изтича след %d години.",
"Този документ изтича след %d години.",
"Този документ изтича след %d години."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Моля въведете паролата за това съдържание:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Информацията не можеше да се дешифрова (Грешен ключ?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Изтриването на информацията беше неуспешно. Тя не е от тип \"унищожаване след преглед\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "САМО ЗА ВАШИТЕ ОЧИ. Не затваряйте прозореца, понеже тази информация няма да може да бъде показана отново.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Дешифроването на коментара беше неуспешно. Грешен ключ?",
"Reply": "Отговор",
"Anonymous": "Безименен",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Аватар (на базата на IP адреса Ви)",
"Add comment": "Добави коментар",
"Optional nickname…": "Избирателен псевдоним",
"Post comment": "Публикувай коментара",
"Sending comment…": "Изпращане на коментара Ви…",
"Comment posted.": "Коментара Ви е публикуван.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Презареждането на екрана беше неуспешно: %s",
"unknown status": "Неизвестно състояние",
"server error or not responding": "Грешка в сървъра или не отговаря",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Публикуването на коментара Ви беше неуспешно: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Изпращане на информацията Ви…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Вашата връзка е <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Натиснете [Ctrl]+[c] за да копирате)</span>",
"Delete data": "Изтриване на информацията",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Създаването на връзката ви беше неуспешно: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Дешифроването на информацията беше неуспешно: Ключа за декриптиране липсва във връзката (Да не сте използвали услуга за пренасочване или скъсяване на връзката, което би изрязало части от нея?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Формат",
"Plain Text": "Чист текст",
"Source Code": "Изходен код",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Свали прикачения файл",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Дублирано: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Дублирания файл '%s' беше прикачен.",
"Attach a file": "Прикачи файл",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "Също можеш да пуснеш файла върху този прозорец или да поставиш изображение от клипборда",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Файла е твърде голям, за да се представи визуализация. Моля, свалете файла.",
"Remove attachment": "Премахнете файла",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Браузърът ви не поддържа прикачване на шифровани файлове. Моля, използвайте по-нов браузър",
"Invalid attachment.": "Невалидно прикачване.",
"Options": "Настройки",
"Shorten URL": "Скъси връзката",
"Editor": "Редактор",
"Preview": "Визуализация",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "PATH трябва да е във края на \"%s\" за да може %s да работи правилно. Моля обновете PATH във вашият index.php .",
"Decrypt": "Дешифровай",
"Enter password": "Въведи паролата",
"Loading…": "Зареждане…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Дешифроване на информацията…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Приготвяне на връзката Ви…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Във случай, че това съобщение не изчезне след време, моля прегледайте <a href=\"%s\">този FAQ (Английски)</a>, за информация, която би ви помогнала.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ няма текстово съдържание +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Взимането на информацията беше неуспешно: %s",
"QR code": "QR код",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Този сайт използва несигурна HTTP връзка. Моля използвайте само за проби.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "<a href=\"%s\">Вижте тази страница</a> за повече информация.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Браузъра ви може да се нуждае от HTTPS връзка за да използва WebCrypto API. Пробвай <a href=\"%s\">да минеш на HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Нов опит",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Известие:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Връзка:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Затваряне",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s és un pastebin en línia de codi obert i minimalista on el servidor no té coneixement de les dades enganxades. Les dades estan encriptades/desxifrades %sen el navegador%s utilitzant AES de 256 bits.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Més informació a la <a href=\"\">pàgina del projecte</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Perquè la ignorància és felicitat",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "El paste no existeix, ha caducat o s'ha eliminat.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requereix php %s o superior per funcionar. Ho sento.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requereix que la secció de configuració [%s] sigui present al fitxer de configuració.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Espereu %d segon entre cada entrada.",
"Espereu %d segons entre cada entrada.",
"Espereu %d segons entre cada entrada.",
"Espereu %d segons entre cada entrada.",
"Espereu %d segons entre cada entrada.",
"Espereu %d segons entre cada entrada."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "L'enganxat està limitat a %s de dades encriptades.",
"Invalid data.": "Dades no vàlides.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Mala sort. Torna-ho a provar.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "S'ha produït un error en desar el comentari. Ho sento.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "S'ha produït un error en desar l'enganxat. Ho sento.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Identificador d'enganxament no vàlid.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "El token d'eliminació és incorrecte. El Paste no s'ha eliminat.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "El Paste s'ha esborrat correctament.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Cal JavaScript perquè %s funcioni. Em sap greu les molèsties.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requereix un navegador modern per funcionar.",
"New": "Nou",
"Create": "Crear",
"Clone": "Clona",
"Raw text": "Text sense processar",
"Expires": "Caducitat",
"Burn after reading": "Esborra després de ser llegit",
"Open discussion": "Discussió oberta",
"Password (recommended)": "Contrasenya (recomanat)",
"Discussion": "Discussió",
"Toggle navigation": "Alternar navegació",
"%d seconds": [
"%d segon",
"%d segons",
"%d segons",
"%d segons",
"%d segons",
"%d segons"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minut",
"%d minuts",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minuts",
"%d minuts"
"%d hours": [
"%d hora",
"%d hores",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hores",
"%d hores"
"%d days": [
"%d dia",
"%d dies",
"%d dies",
"%d dies",
"%d dies",
"%d dies"
"%d weeks": [
"%d setmana",
"%d setmanes",
"%d setmanes",
"%d setmanes",
"%d setmanes",
"%d setmanes"
"%d months": [
"%d mes",
"%d mesos",
"%d mesos",
"%d mesos",
"%d mesos",
"%d mesos"
"%d years": [
"%d any",
"%d anys",
"%d anys",
"%d anys",
"%d anys",
"%d anys"
"Never": "Mai",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segon.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segons.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segons.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segons.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segons.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d segons."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minut.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minuts.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minuts.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minuts.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minuts.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d minuts."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hora.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hores.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hores.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hores.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hores.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d hores."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dia.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dies.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dies.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dies.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dies.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d dies."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mes.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mesos.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mesos.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mesos.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mesos.",
"Aquest document caducarà d'aquí %d mesos."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Si us plau, introdueix la contrasenya per aquest paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "No s'han pogut desxifrar les dades (Clau incorrecte?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Respondre",
"Anonymous": "Anònim",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generat a partir de l'adreça IP",
"Add comment": "Afegir comentari",
"Optional nickname…": "Pseudònim opcional…",
"Post comment": "Publicar comentari",
"Sending comment…": "Enviant comentari…",
"Comment posted.": "Comentari publicat.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "estat desconegut",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "No s'ha pogut publicar el comentari: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Enviant paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Esborrar les dades",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Text sense format",
"Source Code": "Codi font",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Baixar els adjunts",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Adjuntar un fitxer",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s hè un serviziu in linea di tipu « pastebin » (ghjestiunariu dappiccicu di pezzi di testu è di codice di fonte) minimalistu è à fonte aperta induve u servitore ùn hà micca cunnuscenza di i dati mandati. I dati sò cifrati è dicifrati %sin u navigatore%s cù una cifratura AES di 256 bit.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Più dinfurmazione annantà a <a href=\"\">pagina di u prughjettu</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Perchè lignurenza hè una campa",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Lappiccicu ùn esiste micca, hè scadutu o hè statu squassatu.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Per disgrazzia, %s richiede php %s o più recente per funziunà.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s richiede a presenza di a sezzione di cunfigurazione [%s] in a schedariu di cunfigurazione.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Aspettate %d seconda trà dui publicazioni.",
"Aspettate %d seconde trà dui publicazioni.",
"Aspettate %d seconde trà dui publicazioni.",
"Aspettate %d seconde trà dui publicazioni.",
"Aspettate %d seconde trà dui publicazioni.",
"Aspettate %d seconde trà dui publicazioni."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Lappiccicu hè limitatu à %s di dati cifrati.",
"Invalid data.": "Dati inaccetevule.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Pruvate torna, Serete più furtunati.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Per disgrazzia, ci hè un sbagliu à larregistramentu di u cummentu.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Per disgrazzia, ci hè un sbagliu à larregistramentu di lappiccicu.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "N° di lappiccicu inaccettevule.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Lappiccicu ùn hè micca di tipu « Squassà dopu a lettura ».",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Gettone di squassatura incurrettu. Lappiccicu ùn hè micca statu squassatu.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Lappiccicu hè statu squassatu currettamente.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript hè richiestu per fà funziunà %s. Scusate per stu penseru.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s richiede un navigatore mudernu per funziunà.",
"New": "Novu",
"Create": "Creà",
"Clone": "Duppione",
"Raw text": "Testu grossu",
"Expires": "Scadenza",
"Burn after reading": "Squassà dopu a lettura",
"Open discussion": "Apre una chjachjarata",
"Password (recommended)": "Parolla dintesa (ricumandata)",
"Discussion": "Chjachjarata",
"Toggle navigation": "Invertisce a navigazione",
"%d seconds": [
"%d seconda",
"%d seconde",
"%d seconde",
"%d seconde",
"%d seconde",
"%d seconde"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minutu",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti"
"%d hours": [
"%d ora",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore"
"%d days": [
"%d ghjornu",
"%d ghjorni",
"%d ghjorni",
"%d ghjorni",
"%d ghjorni",
"%d ghjorni"
"%d weeks": [
"%d settimana",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane"
"%d months": [
"%d mese",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi"
"%d years": [
"%d annu",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni"
"Never": "Mai",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Nota : Què hè un serviziu di prova ; i dati ponu esse squassati à ogni mumentu. Parechji catorni anu da esse tombi sè vò impiegate troppu stu serviziu.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconda.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconde.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconde.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconde.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconde.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d seconde."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minutu.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minuti.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minuti.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minuti.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minuti.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d minuti."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ora.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ore.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ore.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ore.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ore.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ore."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjornu.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjorni.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjorni.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjorni.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjorni.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d ghjorni."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mese.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mesi.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mesi.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mesi.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mesi.",
"Stu ducumentu serà scadutu in %d mesi."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Stampittate a parolla dintesa per stappiccicu :",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Ùn si pò micca dicifrà i dati ; seria incurretta a chjave ?",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Ùn si pò micca squassà lappiccicu, ùn hè micca statu in u modu « Squassà dopu a lettura ».",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "SOLU CÙ LOCHJI. Ùn chjudite micca sta finestra, stu messaghju un puderà più esse affissatu torna.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Ùn si pò micca dicifrà u cummentu. Seria incurretta a chjave ?",
"Reply": "Risponde",
"Anonymous": "Anonimu",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar ingeneratu da lindirizzu IP",
"Add comment": "Aghjunghje un cummentu",
"Optional nickname…": "Cugnome ozzionale…",
"Post comment": "Impustà u cummentu",
"Sending comment…": "Inviu di u cummentu…",
"Comment posted.": "Cummentu inviatu.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Ùn si pò micca attualizà laffissera : %s",
"unknown status": "statu scunnisciutu",
"server error or not responding": "sbagliu di u servitore o u servitore ùn risponde micca",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Ùn si pò micca impustà u cummentu : %s",
"Sending paste…": "Inviu di lappiccicu…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "U vostru appiccicu si trova à lindirizzu<a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Appughjate [Ctrl]+[c] per cupià u liame)</span>",
"Delete data": "Squassà i dati",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Ùn si pò micca creà lappiccicu : %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Ùn si pò micca dicifrà lappiccicu : A chjave di dicifratura hè assente in lindirizzu. Averiate impiegatu un orientadore dindirizzu o un riduttore chì ammuzzeghja una parte di lindirizzu ?",
"B": "o",
"KiB": "Ko",
"MiB": "Mo",
"GiB": "Go",
"TiB": "To",
"PiB": "Po",
"EiB": "Eo",
"ZiB": "Zo",
"YiB": "Yo",
"Format": "Furmatu",
"Plain Text": "Testu in chjaru",
"Source Code": "Codice di fonte",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Scaricà a pezza aghjunta",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Duppiatu : « %s »",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "U schedariu duppiatu « %s » hè statu aghjuntu à stappiccicu.",
"Attach a file": "Aghjunghje un schedariu",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "in alternanza, sguillà è depone un schedariu o incullà una fiura da u premepapei",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Schedariu troppu maiò per affissà una fighjulata. Scaricate a pezza aghjunta.",
"Remove attachment": "Caccià a pezza aghjunta",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "U vostru navigatore ùn accetta micca linviu di i schedarii cifrati. Impiegate un navigatore più recente.",
"Invalid attachment.": "A pezza aghjunta hè inaccettevule.",
"Options": "Ozzioni",
"Shorten URL": "Ammuzzà lindirizzu",
"Editor": "Editore",
"Preview": "Fighjulata",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s richiede chì a variabile PATH si compii cù « %s ». Mudificate a variabile PATH in u vostru index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Dicifrà",
"Enter password": "Stampittate a parolla dintesa",
"Loading…": "Caricamentu…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Dicifratura di lappiccicu…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Approntu di u novu appiccicu…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Sè stu messaghju ùn smarisce micca, lighjite <a href=\"%s\">sta FAQ per ottene infurmazioni annantà a risuluzione di i prublemi</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ nisunu testu incullatu +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Ùn si pò micca ottene i dati di lappiccicu : %s",
"QR code": "Codice QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Stu situ web impiegheghja una cunnessione HTTP non sicura ! impiegatelu solu per una prova.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Per sapene di più, <a href=\"%s\">lighjite sta rubrica di a FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "U vostru navigatore pò richiede una cunnessione HTTPS per permette lusu di lAPI WebCrypto. Pruvate di <a href=\"%s\">passà à HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "U vostru navigatore ùn accetta micca WebAssembly, impiegatu per a cumpressione zlib. Pudete creà ducumenti micca cumpressi, ma ùn pudete micca leghje quelli chì sò cumpressi.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "in attesa di lutilizatore per furnisce una parolla dintesa",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Ùn si pò micca dicifrà i dati. Avete stampittatu una parolla dintesa incurretta ? Pruvate torna cù u buttone insù.",
"Retry": "Pruvà torna",
"Showing raw text…": "Affissera di u testu grossu…",
"Notice:": "Avertimentu :",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Stu liame hà da scade dopu à %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Stu liame pò esse accessu solu una volta, ùn impiegate micca i buttoni Precedente o Attualizà di u vostru navigatore.",
"Link:": "Liame :",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "U destinatariu pò cunnnosce u vostru fusu orariu. Vulete cunvertisce lora in u furmatu UTC ?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Impiegà u fusu orariu attuale",
"Convert To UTC": "Cunvertisce in UTC",
"Close": "Chjode",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Nota cifrata nantà %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visitate stu liame per vede a nota. Date lindirizzu à qualunque li permette daccede à a nota dinù.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Un ammuzzatore dindirizzu pò palisà a vostra chjave di dicifratura in lindirizzu.",
"Save paste": "Arregistrà lappiccicu",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "U vostru indirizzu IP ùn hè micca auturizatu à creà lappiccichi.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Pruvate dammuzzà un indirizzu web chì ùn punta micca versu a vostra instanza.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Sbagliu à a chjama di YOURLS. Seria forse una cunfigurazione gattiva, tale una \"apiurl\" o \"signature\" falsa o assente.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Sbagliu durante lanalisa di a risposta di YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Stu messaghju secretu pò esse affissatu solu una volta. Vulete fighjallu subitu ?",
"Yes, see it": "Iè, fighjallu",
"Dark Mode": "Modu scuru",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Sbagliu durante a cumpressione di lappiccicu, perchè WebAssembly ùn hè micca accettatu.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Sbagliu durante a scumpressione di lappiccicu, perchè u vostru navigatore ùn accetteghja micca WebAssembly. Ci vole à impiegà un altru navigatore per affissà stappiccicu."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s je minimalistický open source 'pastebin' server, který neanalyzuje vložená data. Data jsou šifrována %sv prohlížeči%s pomocí 256 bitů AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Více informací na <a href=\"\">stránce projetu</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Protože nevědomost je sladká",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Vložený text neexistuje, expiroval nebo byl odstraněn.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s vyžaduje php %s nebo vyšší. Lituji.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s vyžaduje, aby byla v konfiguračním souboru přítomna sekce [%s].",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d.",
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d.",
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d.",
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d.",
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d.",
"Počet sekund do dalšího příspěvku: %d."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Příspěvek je limitován na %s šífrovaných dat",
"Invalid data.": "Chybná data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Lituji, zkuste to znovu.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Chyba při ukládání komentáře.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Chyba při ukládání příspěvku.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Chybně vložené ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Příspěvek není nastaven na smazaní po přečtení.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Chybný token pro odstranění. Příspěvek nebyl smazán.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Příspěvek byl řádně smazán.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Pro fungování %s je vyžadován JavaScript. Omlouváme se za nepříjemnosti.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "Nový",
"Create": "Vytvořit",
"Clone": "Klonovat",
"Raw text": "Pouze Text",
"Expires": "Expirace",
"Burn after reading": "Po přečtení smazat",
"Open discussion": "Povolit komentáře",
"Password (recommended)": "Heslo (doporučeno)",
"Discussion": "Komentáře",
"Toggle navigation": "Přepnout navigaci",
"%d seconds": [
"%d sekuda",
"%d sekundy",
"%d sekund",
"%d sekund",
"%d sekund",
"%d sekund"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuta",
"%d minuty",
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut"
"%d hours": [
"%d hodina",
"%d hodiny",
"%d hodin",
"%d hodin",
"%d hodin",
"%d hodin"
"%d days": [
"%d den",
"%d dny",
"%d dní",
"%d dní",
"%d dní",
"%d dní"
"%d weeks": [
"%d týden",
"%d týdeny",
"%d týdnů",
"%d týdnů",
"%d týdnů",
"%d týdnů"
"%d months": [
"%d měsíc",
"%d měsíce",
"%d měsíců",
"%d měsíců",
"%d měsíců",
"%d měsíců"
"%d years": [
"%d rok",
"%d roky",
"%d roků",
"%d roků",
"%d roků",
"%d roků"
"Never": "Nikdy",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Poznámka: Tato služba slouží k vyzkoušení: Data mohou být kdykoliv smazána. Při zneužití této služby zemřou koťátka.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekundu.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekundy.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekund.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekund.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekund.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d sekund."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minutu.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minuty.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minut.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minut.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minut.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d minut."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodinu.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodiny.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodin.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodin.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodin.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d hodin."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d den.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d dny.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d dny.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d dny.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d dny.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d dny."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíc.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíce.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíců.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíců.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíců.",
"Tento dokument expiruje za %d měsíců."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Zadejte prosím heslo:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nepodařilo se dešifrovat data (Špatný klíč?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Nepodařilo se odstranit příspěvek, nebyl uložen v režimu smazání po přečtení.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "POUZE PRO VAŠE OČI. Nezavírejte toto okno, tuto zprávu nelze znovu zobrazit.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Nepodařilo se dešifrovat komentář; Špatný klíč?",
"Reply": "Odpovědět",
"Anonymous": "Anonym",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar vygenerován z IP adresy",
"Add comment": "Přidat komentář",
"Optional nickname…": "Volitelný nickname…",
"Post comment": "Odeslat komentář",
"Sending comment…": "Odesílání komentáře…",
"Comment posted.": "Komentář odeslán.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Nepodařilo se obnovit zobrazení: %s",
"unknown status": "neznámý stav",
"server error or not responding": "Chyba na serveru nebo server neodpovídá",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Nelze odeslat komentář: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Odesílání příspěvku…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Váš link je <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Stiskněte [Ctrl]+[c] pro zkopírování)</span>",
"Delete data": "Odstranit data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Nelze vytvořit příspěvek: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Nepodařilo se dešifrovat příspěvek: V adrese chybí dešifrovací klíč (Možnou příčinou může být URL shortener?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formát",
"Plain Text": "Prostý Text",
"Source Code": "Zdrojový kód",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Stáhnout přílohu",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Klonováno: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Naklonovaný soubor '%s' byl připojen k tomuto příspěvku.",
"Attach a file": "Připojit soubor",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternativně přetáhněte soubor nebo vložte obrázek ze schránky",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Soubor je příliš velký pro zobrazení náhledu. Stáhněte si přílohu.",
"Remove attachment": "Odstranit přílohu",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Váš prohlížeč nepodporuje nahrávání šifrovaných souborů. Použijte modernější verzi prohlížeče.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Chybná příloha.",
"Options": "Volby",
"Shorten URL": "Zkrátit URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Náhled",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s vyžaduje, aby PATH skončil s \"%s\". Aktualizujte PATH ve vašem souboru index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Dešifrovat",
"Enter password": "Zadejte heslo",
"Loading…": "Načítání…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Dešifruji příspěvek…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Připravuji nový příspěvek…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "V případě, že tato zpráva nezmizí, se podívejte na <a href=\"%s\">tyto často kladené otázky pro řešení</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ žádný vložený text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Nepodařilo se získat data příspěvku: %s",
"QR code": "QR kód",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Tato stránka používá nezabezpečený připojení HTTP! Použijte ji prosím jen pro testování.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Více informací naleznete <a href=\"%s\">v této položce FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Váš prohlížeč může vyžadovat připojení HTTPS pro podporu WebCrypto API. Zkuste <a href=\"%s\">přepnout na HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Váš prohlížeč nepodporuje WebAssembly, který se používá pro zlib kompresi. Můžete vytvořit nekomprimované dokumenty, ale nebudete moct číst ty komprimované.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "čekám na zadání hesla",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Nepodařilo se dešifrovat data. Zadali jste špatné heslo? Zkuste to znovu pomocí tlačítka nahoře.",
"Retry": "Opakovat",
"Showing raw text…": "Zobrazuji surový text…",
"Notice:": "Upozornění:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Tento odkaz vyprší za %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Tento odkaz je přístupný pouze jednou, nepoužívejte tlačítko zpět ani neobnovujte tuto stránku ve vašem prohlížeči.",
"Link:": "Odkaz:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Příjemce se může dozvědět o vašem časovém pásmu, převést čas na UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Použít aktuální časové pásmo",
"Convert To UTC": "Převést na UTC",
"Close": "Zavřít",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Šifrovaná poznámka ve službě %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Navštivte tento odkaz pro zobrazení poznámky. Přeposláním URL umožníte také jiným lidem přístup.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Zkracovač URL může odhalit váš dešifrovací klíč v URL.",
"Save paste": "Uložit příspěvek",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Vaše IP adresa nemá oprávnění k vytvoření vložení.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +1,151 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s ist ein minimalistischer, quelloffener \"Pastebin\"-artiger Dienst, bei dem der Server keinerlei Kenntnis der Inhalte hat. Die Daten werden %sim Browser%s mit 256 Bit AES ver- und entschlüsselt.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Weitere Informationen sind auf der <a href=\"\">Projektseite</a> zu finden.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Was ich nicht weiß, macht mich nicht heiß",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Diesen Text gibt es nicht, er ist abgelaufen oder wurde gelöscht.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s benötigt PHP %s oder höher, um zu funktionieren. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s benötigt den Konfigurationsabschnitt [%s] in der Konfigurationsdatei um zu funktionieren.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Bitte warte eine Sekunde zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge.",
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge.",
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge.",
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge.",
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge.",
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden zweier Beiträge."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Texte sind auf %s verschlüsselte Datenmenge beschränkt.",
"Invalid data.": "Ungültige Daten.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Du hast Pech. Versuchs nochmal.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Fehler beim Speichern des Kommentars. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Fehler beim Speichern des Textes. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Ungültige Text-ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Text ist kein \"Einmal\"-Typ.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Falscher Lösch-Code. Text wurde nicht gelöscht.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Text wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript ist eine Voraussetzung, um %s zu nutzen. Bitte entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeiten.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s setzt einen modernen Browser voraus, um funktionieren zu können.",
"New": "Neu",
"Create": "Erstellen",
"Clone": "Klonen",
"Raw text": "Reiner Text",
"Expires": "Ablaufzeit",
"Burn after reading": "Nach dem Lesen löschen",
"Open discussion": "Kommentare aktivieren",
"Password (recommended)": "Passwort (empfohlen)",
"Discussion": "Kommentare",
"Toggle navigation": "Navigation umschalten",
"%d seconds": [
"%d Sekunde",
"%d Sekunden",
"%d Sekunden",
"%d Sekunden",
"%d Sekunden",
"%d Sekunden"
"%d minutes": [
"%d Minute",
"%d Minuten",
"%d Minuten",
"%d Minuten",
"%d Minuten",
"%d Minuten"
"%d hours": [
"%d Stunde",
"%d Stunden",
"%d Stunden",
"%d Stunden",
"%d Stunden",
"%d Stunden"
"%d days": [
"%d Tag",
"%d Tage",
"%d Tage",
"%d Tage",
"%d Tage",
"%d Tage"
"%d weeks": [
"%d Woche",
"%d Wochen",
"%d Wochen",
"%d Wochen",
"%d Wochen",
"%d Wochen"
"%d months": [
"%d Monat",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate"
"%d years": [
"%d Jahr",
"%d Jahre",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate",
"%d Monate"
"Never": "Nie",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Hinweis: Dies ist ein Versuchsdienst. Daten können jederzeit gelöscht werden. Kätzchen werden sterben, wenn du diesen Dienst missbrauchst.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Sekunde ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Minute ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Stunde ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Dieses Dokument läuft in einem Tag ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Dieses Dokument läuft in einem Monat ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab.",
"Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Bitte gib das Passwort für diesen Text ein:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Konnte Daten nicht entschlüsseln (Falscher Schlüssel?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Konnte das Paste nicht löschen, es wurde nicht im Einmal-Modus gespeichert.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "DIESER TEXT IST NUR FÜR DICH GEDACHT. Schließe das Fenster nicht, diese Nachricht kann nur einmal geöffnet werden.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Konnte Kommentar nicht entschlüsseln; Falscher Schlüssel?",
"Reply": "Antworten",
"Anonymous": "Anonym",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar (generiert aus der IP-Adresse)",
"Add comment": "Kommentar hinzufügen",
"Optional nickname…": "Optionales Pseudonym…",
"Post comment": "Kommentar absenden",
"Sending comment…": "Sende Kommentar…",
"Comment posted.": "Kommentar gesendet.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Ansicht konnte nicht aktualisiert werden: %s",
"unknown status": "Unbekannter Grund",
"server error or not responding": "Fehler auf dem Server oder keine Antwort vom Server",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Konnte Kommentar nicht senden: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sende Paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Dein Text ist unter <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> zu finden <span id=\"copyhint\">(Drücke [Strg]+[c] um den Link zu kopieren)</span>",
"Delete data": "Lösche Daten",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Text konnte nicht erstellt werden: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Konnte Paste nicht entschlüsseln: Der Schlüssel fehlt in der Adresse (Hast du eine Umleitung oder einen URL-Verkürzer benutzt, der Teile der Adresse entfernt?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s ist ein minimalistischer, quelloffener \"Pastebin\"-artiger Dienst, bei dem der Server keinerlei Kenntnis der Inhalte hat. Die Daten werden <i>im Browser</i> mit 256 Bit AES ver- und entschlüsselt. Weitere Informationen sind auf der <a href=\"\">Projektseite</a> zu finden.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Unwissenheit ist ein Segen",
"en": "de",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Diesen Text gibt es nicht, er ist abgelaufen oder wurde gelöscht.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"%s benötigt PHP 5.3.0 oder höher, um zu funktionieren. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s benötigt den Konfigurationsabschnitt [%s] in der Konfigurationsdatei um zu funktionieren.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Bitte warte %d Sekunden zwischen dem Absenden.",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"Texte sind auf %s verschlüsselte Datenmenge beschränkt.",
"Invalid data.":
"Ungültige Daten.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Du hast Pech. Versuchs nochmal.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Fehler beim Speichern des Kommentars. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Fehler beim Speichern des Textes. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"Ungültige Text-ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Text ist kein \"Einmal\"-Typ.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Falscher Lösch-Code. Text wurde nicht gelöscht.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Text wurde erfolgreich gelöscht.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"JavaScript ist eine Voraussetzung, um %s zu nutzen.<br />Bitte entschuldige die Unannehmlichkeiten.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s setzt einen modernen Browser voraus, um funktionieren zu können.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Du benutzt immer noch den Internet Explorer? Tu Dir einen Gefallen und wechsle zu einem moderneren Browser:",
"Raw text":
"Reiner Text",
"Burn after reading":
"Open discussion":
"Diskussion eröffnen",
"Password (recommended)":
"Passwort (empfohlen)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Navigation umschalten",
"%d seconds": ["%d Sekunde", "%d Sekunden"],
"%d minutes": ["%d Minute", "%d Minuten"],
"%d hours": ["%d Stunde", "%d Stunden"],
"%d days": ["%d Tag", "%d Tage"],
"%d weeks": ["%d Woche", "%d Wochen"],
"%d months": ["%d Monat", "%d Monate"],
"%d years": ["%d Jahr", "%d Jahre"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Hinweis: Dies ist ein Versuchsdienst. Daten können jederzeit gelöscht werden. Kätzchen werden sterben wenn du diesen Dienst missbrauchst.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Sekunde ab.", "Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Sekunden ab."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Minute ab.", "Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Minuten ab."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Dieses Dokument läuft in einer Stunde ab.", "Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Stunden ab."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Dieses Dokument läuft in einem Tag ab.", "Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Tagen ab."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Dieses Dokument läuft in einem Monat ab.", "Dieses Dokument läuft in %d Monaten ab."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Bitte gib das Passwort für diesen Text ein:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Konnte Daten nicht entschlüsseln (Falscher Schlüssel?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Konnte den Text nicht löschen, er wurde nicht im Einmal-Modus gespeichert.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"DIESER TEXT IST NUR FÜR DICH GEDACHT. Schliesse das Fenster nicht, diese Nachricht kann nur einmal geöffnet werden.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Konnte Kommentar nicht entschlüsseln; Falscher Schlüssel?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Anonymer Avatar (Vizhash der IP-Addresse)",
"Add comment":
"Kommentar hinzufügen",
"Optional nickname...":
"Optionales Pseudonym...",
"Post comment":
"Kommentar absenden",
"Sending comment...":
"Sende Kommentar...",
"Comment posted.":
"Kommentar gesendet.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Konnte Ansicht nicht aktualisieren: %s",
"unknown status":
"Unbekannter Grund",
"server error or not responding":
"Fehler auf dem Server oder keine Antwort vom Server",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Konnte Kommentar nicht senden: %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Sende Text (Bitte bewege Deine Maus um die Entropie zu erhöhen)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Sende Text...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Dein Text ist unter <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> zu finden <span id=\"copyhint\">(Drücke [Strg]+[c] um den Link zu kopieren)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Lösche Daten",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Konnte Text nicht erstellen: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Konnte Text nicht entschlüsseln: Der Schlüssel fehlt in der Adresse (Hast du eine Umleitung oder einen URL-Verkürzer benutzt, der Teile der Adresse entfernt?)",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Nur Text",
"Source Code": "Quellcode",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Anhang herunterladen",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Geklont: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Die geklonte Datei '%s' wurde angehängt.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Kopierte Datei angehängt.",
"Attach a file": "Datei anhängen",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "Eine Datei kann auch durch ziehen und loslassen ausgewählt oder ein Bild aus der Zwischenablage einfügt werden.",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Datei zu groß, um als Vorschau angezeigt zu werden. Bitte Anhang herunterladen.",
"Remove attachment": "Anhang entfernen",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Dein Browser unterstützt das hochladen von verschlüsselten Dateien nicht. Bitte verwende einen neueren Browser.",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Dein Browser unterstützt das hochladen von verschlüsselten Dateien nicht. Bitte verwende einen neueren Browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Ungültiger Datei-Anhang.",
"Options": "Optionen",
"Shorten URL": "URL verkürzen",
"Editor": "Bearbeiten",
"Preview": "Vorschau",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "Der PATH muss bei %s mit einem \"%s\" enden. Bitte passe Deinen PATH in Deiner index.php an.",
"Decrypt": "Entschlüsseln",
"Enter password": "Passwort eingeben",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"Der PATH muss bei %s mit einem \"%s\" enden. Bitte passe Deinen PATH in Deiner index.php an.",
"Enter password":
"Passwort eingeben",
"Loading…": "Lädt…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Entschlüssle Text…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Bereite neuen Text vor…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Wenn diese Nachricht nicht mehr verschwindet, schau bitte in <a href=\"%s\">die FAQ</a> (Englisch), um zu sehen, wie der Fehler behoben werden kann.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ kein Paste-Text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Text konnte nicht geladen werden: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Diese Webseite verwendet eine unsichere HTTP Verbindung! Bitte benutze sie nur zum Testen.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "<a href=\"%s\">Besuche diesen FAQ Eintrag</a> für weitere Informationen dazu.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Dein Browser benötigt möglicherweise eine HTTPS Verbindung um das WebCrypto API nutzen zu können. Versuche <a href=\"%s\">auf HTTPS zu wechseln</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Dein Browser unterstützt WebAssembly nicht, welches für zlib Komprimierung benötigt wird. Du kannst unkomprimierte Dokumente erzeugen, aber keine komprimierten lesen.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "warte auf Passworteingabe durch Benutzer",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Konnte Daten nicht entschlüsseln. Hast Du das falsche Passwort eingegeben? Wiederhole den Vorgang mit dem oben stehenden Knopf.",
"Retry": "Wiederholen",
"Showing raw text…": "Rohtext wird angezeigt…",
"Notice:": "Hinweis:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Dieser Link wird am %s ablaufen.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Dieser Link kann nur einmal geöffnet werden, verwende nicht den Zurück- oder Neu-laden-Knopf Deines Browsers.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Der Empfänger könnte Deine Zeitzone erfahren, möchtest Du die Zeit in UTC umwandeln?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Aktuelle Zeitzone verwenden",
"Convert To UTC": "In UTC umwandeln",
"Close": "Schliessen",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Verschlüsselte Notiz auf %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Besuche diesen Link um das Dokument zu sehen. Wird die URL an eine andere Person gegeben, so kann diese Person ebenfalls auf dieses Dokument zugreifen.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Der URL-Verkürzer kann den Schlüssel in der URL enthüllen.",
"Save paste": "Text speichern",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Deine IP ist nicht berechtigt, Texte zu erstellen.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Versuch eine URL zu verkürzen, die nicht auf unsere Instanz zeigt.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Fehler beim Aufruf von YOURLS. Wahrscheinlich ein Konfigurationsproblem, wie eine falsche oder fehlende \"apiurl\" oder \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Fehler beim Verarbeiten der YOURLS-Antwort.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Texte des \"Einmal\"-Typs können nach dem Öffnen nur einmal angezeigt werden. Möchtest Du ihn jetzt einsehen?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, jetzt einsehen",
"Dark Mode": "Nachtmodus",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Fehler beim Komprimieren des Textes, da WebAssembly-Unterstützung fehlt.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Fehler beim Dekomprimieren des Textes. Dein Browser unterstützt WebAssembly nicht. Bitte verwende einen anderen Browser, um diesen Text anzuzeigen."
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"Wenn diese Nachricht nicht mehr verschwindet, schau bitte in <a href=\"\">die FAQ</a> (englisch), um zu sehen, wie der Fehler behoben werden kann."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s είναι ένα λιτό, ανοικτού λογισμικού διαδικτυακής υπηρεσίας επικόλλησης όπου ο διακομιστής έχει πλήρη άγνια του περιεχομένου που επικολλήθηκαν. Τα Δεδομένα κρυπτογραφούνται και αποκρυπτογραφούνται %sστον φιλομετρητή (browser)%s χρησιμοποιόντας 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στον <a href=\"\">ιστότοπο του εργαλείου</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Επειδή η άγνοια είναι ευτυχία",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Η επικόλληση δεν υπάρχει, έληξε ή διαγράφηκε",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s απαιτεί php %s ή νεότερη για να λειτουργήσει. Συγγνώμη.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s απαιτεί οι ρυθμίσεις [%s] να υπάρχουν στο αρχείο ρυθμίσεων.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτο μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης.",
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτα μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης.",
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτα μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης.",
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτα μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης.",
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτα μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης.",
"Παρακαλώ περιμένετε %d δευτερόλεπτα μεταξύ κάθε επικόλλησης."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Η επικόλληση είναι περιορισμένη σε %s κρυπτογραφημένων δεδομένων.",
"Invalid data.": "Λάθος δεδομένα.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Ατυχήσατε. Προσπαθήστε πάλι.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Λάθος στην αποθήκευση του σχόλιου. Συγγνώμη.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Λάθος στην αποθήκευση της επικόλλησης. Συγγνώμη.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Λάθος αναγνωριστικό επικόλλησης.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Η επικόληση δεν είναι τύπου καταστροφή-μετά-το-διάβασμα.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Λάθος αναγνωριστικό διαγραφής. Η επικόλληση δεν διαγράφηκε.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Η επικόλληση διαγράφηκε επιτυχώς.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Η JavaScript είναι απαραίτητη για να λειτουργήσει το %s. Συγγνώμη για την ταλαιπωρία.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s απαιτεί σύγχρονο φυλλομετρητή (browser) για να λειτουργήσει.",
"New": "Νέο",
"Create": "Δημιουργία",
"Clone": "Κλωνοποίηση",
"Raw text": "Κείμενο",
"Expires": "Λήγει",
"Burn after reading": "Διαγραφή μετά την ανάγνωση",
"Open discussion": "Ανοικτή συζήτηση",
"Password (recommended)": "Κωδικός (προτείνεται)",
"Discussion": "Συζήτηση",
"Toggle navigation": "Εναλλαγή πλοήγησης",
"%d seconds": [
"%d δευτερόλεπτο",
"%d δευτερόλεπτα",
"%d δευτερόλεπτα",
"%d δευτερόλεπτα",
"%d δευτερόλεπτα",
"%d δευτερόλεπτα"
"%d minutes": [
"%d λεπτό",
"%d λεπτά",
"%d λεπτά",
"%d λεπτά",
"%d λεπτά",
"%d λεπτά"
"%d hours": [
"%d ώρα",
"%d ώρες",
"%d ώρες",
"%d ώρες",
"%d ώρες",
"%d ώρες"
"%d days": [
"%d ημέρα",
"%d ημέρες",
"%d ημέρες",
"%d ημέρες",
"%d ημέρες",
"%d ημέρες"
"%d weeks": [
"%d εβδομάδα",
"%d εβδομάδες",
"%d εβδομάδες",
"%d εβδομάδες",
"%d εβδομάδες",
"%d εβδομάδες"
"%d months": [
"%d μήνας",
"%d μήνες",
"%d μήνες",
"%d μήνες",
"%d μήνες",
"%d μήνες"
"%d years": [
"%d χρόνο",
"%d χρόνια",
"%d χρόνια",
"%d χρόνια",
"%d χρόνια",
"%d χρόνια"
"Never": "Ποτέ",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Σημείωση: αυτή είναι μία δοκιμαστική υπηρεσία. Τα δεδομένα μπορεί να σβηστούν ανά πάσα στιγμή.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτο.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d δευτερόλεπτα."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτό.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτά.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτά.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτά.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτά.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d λεπτά."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ώρες."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d ημέρες."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνα.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνες.",
"Αυτό το έγγραφο θα λήξει σε %d μήνες."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Παρακαλώ εισάγετε τον κωδικό για αυτή την επικόληση:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση των δεδομένων (πιθανώς λανθασμένο κλειδί;)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η διαγραφή της επικόλλησης, δεν ήταν αποθηκευμένη σε μορφή διαγραφής μετά την ανάγνωση.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "ΜΟΝΟ ΓΙΑ ΕΣΑΣ. Μην κλείσετε το αυτό το παράθυρο, αυτό το μήνυμα δεν μπορεί να εμφανιστεί ξανά.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση του σχολίου. Λάθος κλειδί;",
"Reply": "Απάντηση",
"Anonymous": "Ανώνυμος",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "το avatar δημιουργήθηκε από τη διεύθυνση IP",
"Add comment": "Σχολιάστε",
"Optional nickname…": "Προαιρετικό ψευδώνυμο…",
"Post comment": "Αποστολή σχολίου",
"Sending comment…": "Το σχόλιο αποστέλλεται…",
"Comment posted.": "Το σχόλιο δημοσιεύτηκε.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η ανανέωση της σελίδας: %s",
"unknown status": "άγνωστη κατάσταση",
"server error or not responding": "Πρόβλημα του διακομιστή ή δεν υπάρχει απάντηση",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημοσίευση του σχολίου: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Η επικόλληση αποστέλλεται…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Η επικόλλησή σας είναι <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Πληκτρολογήστε [Ctrl]+[c] για αντιγραφή)</span>",
"Delete data": "Διαγραφή δεδομένων",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η δημιουργία επικόλλησης: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση της επικόλλησης: Το κλειδί αποκρυπτογράφησης λείπει από τον σύνδεσμο (Μήπως χρησιμοποιήσατε ανακατεύθυνση συνδέσμου ή υπηρεσία συντόμευσης συνδέσμου;)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Μορφοποίηση",
"Plain Text": "Απλό κείμενο",
"Source Code": "Πηγαίος Κώδικας",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Λήψη επισυναπτόμενου",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Κλώνος: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Το κλωνοποιημένο αρχείο '%s' επισυνάφθηκε στ αυτή την επικόλληση.",
"Attach a file": "Επισύναψη αρχείου",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "εναλλακτικά σύρετε το αρχείο ή επικολλήστε μία εικόνα από το clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Πολύ μεγάλο αρχείο για προεπισκόπηση. Παρακαλώ κατεβάστε το επισυναπτόμενο.",
"Remove attachment": "Αφαίρεση επισυναπτόμενου",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Ο φυλλομετρητής (browser) σας δεν υποστηρίζει κρυπτογραφημένα αρχεία. Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιήστε νεότερο φιλομετρητή.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Λάθος επισυναπτόμενο.",
"Options": "Επιλογές",
"Shorten URL": "Συντόμευση σύνδεσμου",
"Editor": "Διορθωτής",
"Preview": "Προεπισκόπηση",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s απαιτεί το PATH να τελειώνει σε \"%s\". Παρακαλώ ενημερώστε το PATH στο index.php σας.",
"Decrypt": "Αποκρυπτογράφηση",
"Enter password": "Εισαγωγή κωδικού",
"Loading…": "Φόρτωση…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Η επικόλληση αποκρυπτογραφείται…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Προετοιμασία νέας επικόλλησης…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Σε περίπτωση που αυτό το μήνυμα δεν εξαφανίζεται παρακαλώ κοιτάξτε στις <a href=\"%s\">Ερωταποκρίσεις για πληροφορίες στην αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ Δεν υπάρχει επικόλληση +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η λήψη της επικόλλησης: %s",
"QR code": "QR εικονοστοιχειοσειρά",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Αυτός ο ιστότοπος χρησιμοποιεί μη ασφαλή HTTP σύνδεση! Παρακαλώ χρησιμοποιήστε το μόνο δοκιμαστικά.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες <a href=\"%s\">δείτε τις ερωταπαντήσεις</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Ο φυλλομετρητής σας μπορεί να απαιτεί HTTPS σύνδεση για να υποστηρίξει το WebCrypto API. Δοκιμάστε <a href=\"%s\">το HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Ο φυλλομετρητής σας δεν υποστηρίζει WebAssembly, που χρησιμοποιήθηκε για zlib συμπίεση. Μπορείτε να δημιουργήσετε ασυμπίεστα αρχεία αλλά δεν μπορείτε να διαβάσετε συμπιεσμένα.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "Αναμονή ο χρήστης να δώσει τον κωδικό",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποκρυπτογράφηση των δεδομένων. Μήπως εισάγατε λάθος κωδικό; Προσπαθήστε με το κουμπί στο επάνω μέρος.",
"Retry": "Επαναπροσπάθεια",
"Showing raw text…": "Προβολή κειμένου…",
"Notice:": "Επισήμανση:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Ο σύνδεσμος θα λήξει σε %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Αυτός ο σύνδεσμος μπορεί να προσπελαστεί μόνο μία φορά, μην χρησιμοποιήσετε το κουμπί επιστροφή ή ανανέωση στον φυλλομετρητή σας.",
"Link:": "Σύνδεσμος:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Ο παραλήπτης μπορεί να αναγνωρίσει τη ζώνη ώρας σας, θέλετε μετατροπή της ώρας σε UTC;",
"Use Current Timezone": "Χρήση τρέχουσας ζώνης ώρας",
"Convert To UTC": "Μετατροπή σε UTC",
"Close": "Κλείσιμο",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Κρυπτογραφημένο μήνυμα από το %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Επισκεφτείτε αυτόν τον σύνδεσμο για να δείτε το μήνυμα. Δίνοντας τον σύνδεσμο σε οποιονδήποτε, του επιτρέπετε να επισκεφτεί το μήνυμα επίσης.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Συντομευτές συνδέσμων πιθανώς να δημοσιοποιήσουν το κλειδί αποκρυπτογράφισης στον σύνδεσμο.",
"Save paste": "Αποθήκευση επικόλλησης",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Η IP σας δεν επιτρέπεται να δημιουργεί επικολλήσεις.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Προσπαθώντας να συντομεύσει μια διεύθυνση URL που δεν δείχνει στην περίπτωσή μας.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Σφάλμα κατά την κλήση YOURLS. Πιθανώς ένα ζήτημα διαμόρφωσης, όπως λάθος ή λείπει \"apiurl\" ή \"υπογραφή\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Σφάλμα ανάλυσης της απόκρισης YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Αυτό το μυστικό μήνυμα μπορεί να εμφανιστεί μόνο μία φορά. Θα θέλατε να το δείτε τώρα?",
"Yes, see it": "Ναι, δείτε το",
"Dark Mode": "Σκοτεινό Θέμα",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Because ignorance is bliss",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Please wait %d second between each post. (singular)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (1st plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (2nd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (3rd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (4th plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (5th plural)"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.",
"Invalid data.": "Invalid data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "You are unlucky. Try again.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error saving comment. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error saving paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Invalid paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste was properly deleted.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "New",
"Create": "Create",
"Clone": "Clone",
"Raw text": "Raw text",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Burn after reading": "Burn after reading",
"Open discussion": "Open discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Password (recommended)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second (singular)",
"%d seconds (1st plural)",
"%d seconds (2nd plural)",
"%d seconds (3rd plural)",
"%d seconds (4th plural)",
"%d seconds (5th plural)"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute (singular)",
"%d minutes (1st plural)",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minutes (4th plural)",
"%d minutes (5th plural)"
"%d hours": [
"%d hour (singular)",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"%d day (singular)",
"%d days (1st plural)",
"%d days (2nd plural)",
"%d days (3rd plural)",
"%d days (4th plural)",
"%d days (5th plural)"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week (singular)",
"%d weeks (1st plural)",
"%d weeks (2nd plural)",
"%d weeks (3rd plural)",
"%d weeks (4th plural)",
"%d weeks (5th plural)"
"%d months": [
"%d month (singular)",
"%d months (1st plural)",
"%d months (2nd plural)",
"%d months (3rd plural)",
"%d months (4th plural)",
"%d months (5th plural)"
"%d years": [
"%d year (singular)",
"%d years (1st plural)",
"%d years (2nd plural)",
"%d years (3rd plural)",
"%d years (4th plural)",
"%d years (5th plural)"
"Never": "Never",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Please enter the password for this paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generated from IP address",
"Add comment": "Add comment",
"Optional nickname…": "Optional nickname…",
"Post comment": "Post comment",
"Sending comment…": "Sending comment…",
"Comment posted.": "Comment posted.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "unknown status",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Could not post comment: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sending paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Delete data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Plain Text",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Download attachment",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attach a file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +1,151 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s es un \"pastebin\" en línea minimalista de código abierto, donde el servidor no tiene ningún conocimiento de los datos guardados. Los datos son cifrados/descifrados %sen el navegador%s usando 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Más información en la <a href=\"\">página del proyecto</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Porque la ignorancia es felicidad",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "El \"paste\" no existe, ha caducado o ha sido eliminado.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requiere php %s o superior para funcionar. Lo siento.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requiere que la sección de configuración [%s] esté presente en el archivo de configuración.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Por favor espere %d segundo entre cada publicación.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s es un servicio de tipo \"Pastebin\" minimalista de código abierto, donde el servidor no tiene ningún conocimiento de los datos guardados. Los datos son cifrados/descifrados <i>en el navegador</i> usando 256 bits AES. Más información en la <a href=\"\">página del proyecto</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Porque la ignorancia es dicha",
"en": "es",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"El texto no existe, ha caducado o ha sido eliminado.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"%s requiere php 5.3.0 o superior para funcionar. Lo siento.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s requiere que la sección de configuración [% s] esté presente en el archivo de configuración.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Por favor espere %d segundos entre cada publicación.",
"Por favor espere %d segundos entre cada publicación.",
"Por favor espere %d segundos entre cada publicación.",
"Por favor espere %d segundos entre cada publicación.",
"Por favor espere %d segundos entre cada publicación."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "El \"paste\" está limitado a %s de datos cifrados.",
"Invalid data.": "Datos inválidos.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Tienes mala suerte. Inténtalo de nuevo",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error al guardar el comentario. Lo siento.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error al guardar el \"paste\". Lo siento",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID del \"paste\" inválido.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "El \"paste\" no es del tipo \"destruir despues de leer\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Token de eliminación erróneo. El \"paste\" no fue eliminado.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "El \"paste\" se ha eliminado correctamente.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript es necesario para que %s funcione. Sentimos los inconvenientes ocasionados.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requiere un navegador moderno para funcionar.",
"New": "Nuevo",
"Create": "Crear",
"Clone": "Clonar",
"Raw text": "Texto sin formato",
"Expires": "Caducar en",
"Burn after reading": "Destruir después de leer",
"Open discussion": "Discusión abierta",
"Password (recommended)": "Contraseña (recomendado)",
"Discussion": "Discusión",
"Toggle navigation": "Cambiar navegación",
"%d seconds": [
"%d segundo",
"%d segundos",
"%d segundos",
"%d segundos",
"%d segundos",
"%d segundos"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuto",
"%d minutos",
"%d minutos",
"%d minutos",
"%d minutos",
"%d minutos"
"%d hours": [
"%d hora",
"%d horas",
"%d horas",
"%d horas",
"%d horas",
"%d horas"
"%d days": [
"%d día",
"%d días",
"%d días",
"%d días",
"%d días",
"%d días"
"%d weeks": [
"%d semana",
"%d semanas",
"%d semanas",
"%d semanas",
"%d semanas",
"%d semanas"
"%d months": [
"%d mes",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses"
"%d years": [
"%d año",
"%d años",
"%d años",
"%d años",
"%d años",
"%d años"
"Never": "Nunca",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Nota: Este es un servicio de prueba. Los datos pueden ser eliminados en cualquier momento. Morirán gatitos si abusas de este servicio.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Este documento caducará en un segundo.",
"Este documento caducará en %d segundos.",
"Este documento caducará en %d segundos",
"Este documento caducará en %d segundos",
"Este documento caducará en %d segundos",
"Este documento caducará en %d segundos"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Este documento caducará en un minuto.",
"Este documento caducará en %d minutos.",
"Este documento caducará en %d minutos",
"Este documento caducará en %d minutos",
"Este documento caducará en %d minutos",
"Este documento caducará en %d minutos"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Este documento caducará en una hora.",
"Este documento caducará en %d horas.",
"Este documento caducará en %d horas",
"Este documento caducará en %d horas",
"Este documento caducará en %d horas",
"Este documento caducará en %d horas"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Este documento caducará en un día.",
"Este documento caducará en %d días.",
"Este documento caducará en %d días",
"Este documento caducará en %d días",
"Este documento caducará en %d días",
"Este documento caducará en %d días"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Este documento caducará en un mes.",
"Este documento caducará en %d meses.",
"Este documento caducará en %d meses",
"Este documento caducará en %d meses",
"Este documento caducará en %d meses",
"Este documento caducará en %d meses"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Por favor ingrese la contraseña para este \"paste\":",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "No fue posible descifrar los datos (¿Clave errónea?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "No fue posible eliminar el documento, no fue guardado en modo \"destruir despues de leer\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "SÓLO PARA TUS OJOS. No cierres esta ventana, este mensaje no se puede volver a mostrar.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "No se pudo descifrar el comentario; ¿Llave incorrecta?",
"Reply": "Responder",
"Anonymous": "Anónimo",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generado a partir de la dirección IP",
"Add comment": "Añadir comentario",
"Optional nickname…": "Seudónimo opcional…",
"Post comment": "Publicar comentario",
"Sending comment…": "Enviando comentario…",
"Comment posted.": "Comentario publicado.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "No se pudo actualizar la vista: %s",
"unknown status": "Estado desconocido",
"server error or not responding": "Error del servidor o el servidor no responde",
"Could not post comment: %s": "No fue posible publicar comentario: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Enviando \"paste\"…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Su texto está en <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Presione [Ctrl]+[c] para copiar)</span>",
"Delete data": "Eliminar datos",
"Could not create paste: %s": "No fue posible crear el archivo: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "No es posible descifrar el documento: Falta la clave de descifrado en la URL (¿Utilizó un redirector o un acortador de URL que quite parte de la URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"El texto está limitado a %s de datos cifrados.",
"Invalid data.":
"Datos inválidos.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Tienes mala suerte. Inténtalo de nuevo",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Error al guardar el comentario. Lo siento.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Error al guardar el texto. Lo siento",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"ID del texto inválido.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"El texto no es del tipo \"destruir despues de leer\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Token de eliminación erróneo. El texto no fue eliminado.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"El texto se ha eliminado correctamente.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"JavaScript es necesario para que %s funcione.<br />Sentimos los inconvenientes ocasionados.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s requiere un navegador moderno para funcionar.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"¿Sigues usando Internet Explorer? Hazte un favor, cambia a un navegador moderno:",
"Raw text":
"Texto sin formato",
"Caducar en",
"Burn after reading":
"Destruir después de leer",
"Open discussion":
"Discusión abierta",
"Password (recommended)":
"Contraseña (recomendado)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Cambiar navegación",
"%d seconds": ["%d segundo", "%d segundos"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minuto", "%d minutos"],
"%d hours": ["%d hora", "%d horas"],
"%d days": ["%d día", "%d días"],
"%d weeks": ["%d semana", "%d semanas"],
"%d months": ["%d mes", "%d meses"],
"%d years": ["%d año", "%d años"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Nota: Este es un servicio de prueba. Los datos pueden ser eliminados en cualquier momento. Gatitos morirán si se abusa de este servicio.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Este documento caducará en un segundo.", "Este documento caducará en %d segundos."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Este documento caducará en un minuto.", "Este documento caducará en %d minutos."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Este documento caducará en una hora.", "Este documento caducará en %d horas."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Este documento caducará en un día.", "Este documento caducará en %d días."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Este documento caducará en un mes.", "Este documento caducará en %d meses."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Por favor ingrese la contraseña para este documento:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"No fue posible descifrar los datos (¿Clave errónea?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"No fue posible eliminar el documento, no fue guardado en modo \"destruir despues de leer\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"SÓLO PARA TUS OJOS. No cierre esta ventana, este mensaje no se puede volver a mostrar.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"No se pudo descifrar el comentario; ¿Llave incorrecta?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Avatar anónimo (Vizhash de la dirección IP)",
"Add comment":
"Añadir comentario",
"Optional nickname...":
"Seudónimo opcional...",
"Post comment":
"Publicar comentario",
"Sending comment...":
"Enviando comentario...",
"Comment posted.":
"Comentario publicado.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"No se pudo actualizar la vista: %s",
"unknown status":
"Estado desconocido",
"server error or not responding":
"Error del servidor o el servidor no responde",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"No fue posible publicar comentario: %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Enviando texto (Por favor, mueva el ratón para mayor entropía)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Enviando texto...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Su texto está en <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Presione [Ctrl]+[c] para copiar)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Eliminar datos",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"No fue posible crear el archivo: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"No es posible descifrar el documento: Falta la clave de descifrado en la URL (¿Utilizó un redirector o un acortador de URL que quite parte de la URL?)",
"Format": "Formato",
"Plain Text": "Texto sin formato",
"Source Code": "Código fuente",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Descargar adjunto",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Clonado: '%s'.",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "El archivo clonado '%s' ha sido adjuntado a este texto.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Archivo clonado adjunto.",
"Attach a file": "Adjuntar archivo",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternativamente, arrastre y suelte un archivo o pegue una imagen desde el portapapeles",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Archivo demasiado grande para mostrar una vista previa. Por favor, descargue el archivo adjunto.",
"Remove attachment": "Remover adjunto",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Tu navegador no admite la carga de archivos cifrados. Utilice un navegador más reciente.",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Tu navegador no admite la carga de archivos cifrados. Utilice un navegador más reciente.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Adjunto inválido.",
"Options": "Opciones",
"Shorten URL": "Acortar URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Previsualización",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requiere que el PATH termine en \"%s\". Por favor, actualice el PATH en su index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Descifrar",
"Enter password": "Ingrese contraseña",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s requiere que el PATH termine en \"%s\". Por favor, actualice el PATH en su index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Ingrese contraseña",
"Loading…": "Cargando…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Descifrando \"paste\"…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparando \"paste\" nuevo…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "En caso de que este mensaje nunca desaparezca por favor revise <a href=\"%s\">este FAQ para obtener información para solucionar problemas</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ \"paste\" sin texto +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "No se pudieron obtener los datos: %s",
"QR code": "Código QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "¡Este sitio está usando una conexión HTTP insegura! Por favor úselo solo para pruebas.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Para más información <a href=\"%s\">consulte esta entrada de las preguntas frecuentes</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Su navegador puede requerir una conexión HTTPS para soportar la API de WebCrypto. Intente <a href=\"%s\">cambiar a HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Su navegador no es compatible con WebAssembly, que se utiliza para la compresión zlib. Puede crear documentos sin comprimir, pero no puede leer los comprimidos.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "esperando que el usuario proporcione una contraseña",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "No se pudieron descifrar los datos. ¿Ingresó una contraseña incorrecta? Vuelva a intentarlo con el botón de la parte superior.",
"Retry": "Reintentar",
"Showing raw text…": "Mostrando texto sin formato…",
"Notice:": "Aviso:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Este enlace expirará después de %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Solo se puede acceder a este enlace una vez, no use el botón Atrás o Actualizar en su navegador.",
"Link:": "Enlace:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "El destinatario puede descubrir su zona horaria, ¿convertir la hora a UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Usar Zona Horaria Actual",
"Convert To UTC": "Convertir A UTC",
"Close": "Cerrar",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Nota cifrada en %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visite este enlace para ver la nota. Dar la URL a cualquier persona también les permite acceder a la nota.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "El acortador de URL puede exponer su clave de descifrado en el URL.",
"Save paste": "Guardar \"paste\"",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Tu IP no está autorizada para crear contenido.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Intentando acortar una URL que no apunta a nuestra instancia.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error llamando a YOURLS. Probablemente un problema de configuración, como error o falta \"apiurl\" o \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error al analizar la respuesta de YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Este mensaje secreto sólo se puede mostrar una vez. ¿Quieres verlo ahora?",
"Yes, see it": "Sí, verlo",
"Dark Mode": "Modo nocturno",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"En caso de que este mensaje nunca desaparezca por favor revise <a href=\"\">este FAQ para obtener información para solucionar problemas</a>."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s on minimalistlik, avatud lähtekoodiga online pastebin, kus serveril pole kleebitud andmete kohta teadmist. Andmed krüpteeritakse/dekrüpteeritakse %sbrauseris%s kasutades 256-bitist AES-i.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Lisateave <a href=\"\">projekti lehel</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Kuna teadmatus on õndsus",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Kleebet ei eksisteeri, on aegunud või on kustutatud.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s vajab, et oleks php %s või kõrgem, et töötada. Vabandame.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s vajab, et [%s] seadistamise jaotis oleks olemas konfiguratsioonifailis.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Palun oota %d sekund iga postituse vahel.",
"Palun oota %d sekundit iga postituse vahel.",
"Palun oota %d sekundit iga postituse vahel.",
"Palun oota %d sekundit iga postituse vahel.",
"Palun oota %d sekundit iga postituse vahel.",
"Palun oota %d sekundit iga postituse vahel."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Kleepe limiit on %s krüpteeritud andmeid.",
"Invalid data.": "Valed andmed.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Sul ei vea. Proovi uuesti.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Viga kommentaari salvestamisel. Vabandame.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Viga kleepe salvestamisel. Vabandame.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Vale kleepe ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Kleebe ei ole põleta-pärast-lugemist tüüpi.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Vale kustutamiskood. Kleebet ei kustutatud.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Kleebe kustutati korralikult.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript on vajalik %s'i töötamiseks. Vabandame ebamugavuste pärast.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s vajab töötamiseks kaasaegset brauserit.",
"New": "Uus",
"Create": "Loo",
"Clone": "Klooni",
"Raw text": "Lähtetekst",
"Expires": "Aegub",
"Burn after reading": "Põleta pärast lugemist",
"Open discussion": "Avatud arutelu",
"Password (recommended)": "Parool (soovitatav)",
"Discussion": "Arutelu",
"Toggle navigation": "Näita menüüd",
"%d seconds": [
"%d sekund",
"%d sekundit",
"%d sekundit",
"%d sekundit",
"%d sekundit",
"%d sekundit"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minut",
"%d minutit",
"%d minutit",
"%d minutit",
"%d minutit",
"%d minutit"
"%d hours": [
"%d tund",
"%d tundi",
"%d tundi",
"%d tundi",
"%d tundi",
"%d tundi"
"%d days": [
"%d päev",
"%d päeva",
"%d päeva",
"%d päeva",
"%d päeva",
"%d päeva"
"%d weeks": [
"%d nädal",
"%d nädalat",
"%d nädalat",
"%d nädalat",
"%d nädalat",
"%d nädalat"
"%d months": [
"%d kuu",
"%d kuud",
"%d kuud",
"%d kuud",
"%d kuud",
"%d kuud"
"%d years": [
"%d aasta",
"%d aastat",
"%d aastat",
"%d aastat",
"%d aastat",
"%d aastat"
"Never": "Mitte kunagi",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Märge: See on testimisteenus: Andmeid võidakse igal ajal kustutada. Kiisupojad hukuvad, kui seda teenust kuritarvitad.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d sekundi pärast."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d minuti pärast."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d tunni pärast."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d päeva pärast."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast.",
"See dokument aegub %d kuu pärast."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Palun sisesta selle kleepe parool:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Ei suutnud andmeid dekrüpteerida (Vale võti?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Ei suutnud kleebet kustutada, seda ei salvestatud põleta pärast lugemist režiimis.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "AINULT SINU SILMADELE. Ära sulge seda akent, seda sõnumit ei saa enam kuvada.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Ei suutnud kommentaari dekrüpteerida; Vale võti?",
"Reply": "Vasta",
"Anonymous": "Anonüümne",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar genereeritud IP aadressi põhjal",
"Add comment": "Lisa kommentaar",
"Optional nickname…": "Valikuline hüüdnimi…",
"Post comment": "Postita kommentaar",
"Sending comment…": "Kommentaari saatmine…",
"Comment posted.": "Kommentaar postitatud.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Ei suutnud kuva värskendada: %s",
"unknown status": "tundmatu staatus",
"server error or not responding": "serveri viga või ei vasta",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Ei suutnud kommentaari postitada: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Kleepe saatmine…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Sinu kleebe on <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Kopeerimiseks vajuta [Ctrl]+[c])</span>",
"Delete data": "Kustuta andmed",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Ei suutnud kleebet luua: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Ei suutnud kleebet dekrüpteerida: Dekrüpteerimisvõti on URL-ist puudu (Kas kasutasid ümbersuunajat või URL-i lühendajat, mis eemaldab osa URL-ist?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formaat",
"Plain Text": "Lihttekst",
"Source Code": "Lähtekood",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Laadi manus alla",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Kloonitud: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Kloonitud fail '%s' manustati sellele kleepele.",
"Attach a file": "Manusta fail",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "teise võimalusena lohista fail või kleebi pilt lõikelaualt",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Fail on eelvaate kuvamiseks liiga suur. Palun laadi manus alla.",
"Remove attachment": "Eemalda manus",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Sinu brauser ei toeta krüpteeritud failide üleslaadimist. Palun kasuta uuemat brauserit.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Sobimatu manus.",
"Options": "Valikud",
"Shorten URL": "Lühenda URL",
"Editor": "Toimetaja",
"Preview": "Eelvaade",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s vajab, et PATH lõppeks järgmisega: \"%s\". Palun uuenda PATH-i oma index.php failis.",
"Decrypt": "Dekrüpteeri",
"Enter password": "Sisesta parool",
"Loading…": "Laadimine…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Kleepe dekrüpteerimine…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Uue kleepe ettevalmistamine…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Kui see sõnum ei kao, palun vaata <a href=\"%s\">seda KKK-d, et saada tõrkeotsinguks teavet.</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ kleepe tekst puudub +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Ei suutnud saada kleepe andmeid: %s",
"QR code": "QR kood",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "See veebisait kasutab ebaturvalist HTTP ühendust! Palun kasuta seda ainult katsetamiseks.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Lisateabe saamiseks <a href=\"%s\">vaata seda KKK sissekannet</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Sinu brauser võib vajada HTTPS ühendust, et toetada WebCrypto API-d. Proovi <a href=\"%s\">üle minna HTTPS-ile</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Sinu brauser ei toeta WebAssembly't, mida kasutatakse zlib tihendamiseks. Sa saad luua tihendamata dokumente, kuid ei saa lugeda tihendatuid.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "ootan parooli sisestamist kasutajalt",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Ei suutnud andmeid dekrüpteerida. Kas sisestasid vale parooli? Proovi uuesti üleval asuva nupuga.",
"Retry": "Proovi uuesti",
"Showing raw text…": "Lähteteksti näitamine…",
"Notice:": "Teade:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "See link aegub: %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Sellele lingile saab vaid üks kord ligi pääseda, ära kasuta tagasi või värskenda nuppe sinu brauseris.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Saaja võib saada teada sinu ajavööndi, kas teisendada aeg UTC-ks?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Kasuta praegust ajavööndit",
"Convert To UTC": "Teisenda UTC-ks",
"Close": "Sulge",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Krüpteeritud kiri %s-is",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Kirja nägemiseks külasta seda linki. Teistele URL-i andmine lubab ka neil ligi pääseda kirjale.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL-i lühendaja võib paljastada sinu dekrüpteerimisvõtme URL-is.",
"Save paste": "Salvesta kleebe",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Su IP-l ei ole lubatud kleepeid luua.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Püüame lühendada URL-i, mis ei viita meie instantsile.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Viga YOURLS-i kutsumisel. Tõenäoliselt konfiguratsiooniprobleem, näiteks vale või puuduv \"apiurl\" või \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Viga YOURLS vastuse parsimisel.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Tume režiim",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s on minimalistinen, avoimen lähdekoodin online pastebin jossa palvelimella ei ole tietoa syötetystä datasta. Data salataan/puretaan %sselaimessa%s käyttäen 256-bittistä AES:ää.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Lisää tietoa <a href=\"\">projektisivulla</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Koska tieto lisää tuskaa",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Pastea ei ole olemassa, se on vanhentunut tai se on poistettu.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s vaatii php:n %s-version tai uudemman toimiakseen. Anteeksi.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s vaatii konfiguraatio-osion [%s] olevan läsnä konfiguraatiotiedostossa.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Odotathan %d sekuntin jokaisen lähetyksen välillä.",
"Odotathan %d sekuntia jokaisen lähetyksen välillä.",
"Odotathan %d sekuntia jokaisen lähetyksen välillä.",
"Odotathan %d sekuntia jokaisen lähetyksen välillä.",
"Odotathan %d sekuntia jokaisen lähetyksen välillä.",
"Odotathan %d sekuntia jokaisen lähetyksen välillä."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste on rajoitettu kokoon %s salattua dataa.",
"Invalid data.": "Virheellinen data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Olet epäonnekas. Yritä uudelleen.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Virhe kommenttia tallentaessa. Anteeksi.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Virhe pastea tallentaessa. Anteeksi.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Virheellinen paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste ei ole polta-lukemisen-jälkeen-tyyppiä.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Virheellinen poistotunniste. Pastea ei poistettu.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste poistettiin kunnolla.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "%s vaatii JavaScriptiä toimiakseen. Anteeksi haitasta.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s vaatii modernin selaimen toimiakseen.",
"New": "Uusi",
"Create": "Luo",
"Clone": "Kloonaa",
"Raw text": "Raaka teksti",
"Expires": "Vanhenee",
"Burn after reading": "Polta lukemisen jälkeen",
"Open discussion": "Avaa keskustelu",
"Password (recommended)": "Salasana (suositeltu)",
"Discussion": "Keskustelu",
"Toggle navigation": "Navigointi päälle/pois",
"%d seconds": [
"%d sekunti",
"%d sekuntia",
"%d sekuntia",
"%d sekuntia",
"%d sekuntia",
"%d sekuntia"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuutti",
"%d minuuttia",
"%d minuuttia",
"%d minuuttia",
"%d minuuttia",
"%d minuuttia"
"%d hours": [
"%d tunti",
"%d tuntia",
"%d tuntia",
"%d tuntia",
"%d tuntia",
"%d tuntia"
"%d days": [
"%d päivä",
"%d päivää",
"%d päivää",
"%d päivää",
"%d päivää",
"%d päivää"
"%d weeks": [
"%d viikko",
"%d viikkoa",
"%d viikkoa",
"%d viikkoa",
"%d viikkoa",
"%d viikkoa"
"%d months": [
"%d kuukausi",
"%d kuukautta",
"%d kuukautta",
"%d kuukautta",
"%d kuukautta",
"%d kuukautta"
"%d years": [
"%d vuosi",
"%d vuotta",
"%d vuotta",
"%d vuotta",
"%d vuotta",
"%d vuotta"
"Never": "Ei koskaan",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Huomaa: Tämä on testipalvelu: Data voidaan poistaa milloin tahansa. Kissanpennut kuolevat jos väärinkäytät tätä palvelua.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekuntissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d sekunnissa."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d minuutissa."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d tunnissa."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d päivässä."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa.",
"Tämä dokumentti vanhenee %d kuukaudessa."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Syötä salasana tälle pastelle:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Dataa ei voitu purkaa (Väärä avain?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Pastea ei voitu poistaa, sitä ei säilytetty \"Polta lukemisen jälkeen\" -tilassa.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "VAIN SINUN SILMILLESI. Älä sulje tätä ikkunaa, tätä viestiä ei voida näyttää uudelleen.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Kommenttia ei voitu purkaa; väärä avain?",
"Reply": "Vastaa",
"Anonymous": "Anonyymi",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generoitu IP-osoitteesta",
"Add comment": "Lisää kommentti",
"Optional nickname…": "Valinnainen nimimerkki…",
"Post comment": "Lähetä kommentti",
"Sending comment…": "Lähetetään kommenttia…",
"Comment posted.": "Kommentti lähetetty.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Näyttöä ei voitu päivittää: %s",
"unknown status": "tuntematon status",
"server error or not responding": "palvelinvirhe tai palvelin ei vastaa",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Kommenttia ei voitu lähettää: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Lähetetään pastea…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Pastesi on <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Paina [Ctrl]+[c] kopioidaksesi)</span>",
"Delete data": "Poista data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Pastea ei voitu luoda: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Pastea ei voitu purkaa: Purkausavain puuttuu URL:stä (Käytitkö uudelleenohjaajaa tai URL-lyhentäjää joka poistaa osan URL:stä?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formaatti",
"Plain Text": "Perusteksti",
"Source Code": "Lähdekoodi",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Lataa liite",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Kloonattu: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Kloonattu tiedosto '%s' liitettiin tähän pasteen",
"Attach a file": "Liitä tiedosto",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "vaihtoehtoisesti vedä & pudota tiedosto tai liitä kuva leikepöydältä",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Tiedosto on liian iso esikatselun näyttämiseksi. Lataathan liitteen.",
"Remove attachment": "Poista liite",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Selaimesi ei tue salattujen tiedostojen lataamista. Käytäthän uudempaa selainta.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Virheellinen liite.",
"Options": "Asetukset",
"Shorten URL": "Lyhennä URL",
"Editor": "Muokkain",
"Preview": "Esikatselu",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s vaatii PATH:in loppuvan \"%s\"-merkkiin. Päivitäthän PATH:in index.php:ssäsi.",
"Decrypt": "Pura",
"Enter password": "Syötä salasana",
"Loading…": "Ladataan…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Puretaan pastea…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Valmistellaan uutta pastea",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Jos tämä viesti ei katoa koskaan, katsothan <a href=\"%s\">tämän FAQ:n ongelmanratkaisutiedon löytämiseksi</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ ei paste-tekstiä +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Paste-tietoja ei löydetty: %s",
"QR code": "QR-koodi",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Tämä sivusto käyttää epäturvallista HTTP-yhteyttä! Käytäthän sitä vain testaukseen.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Lisätietoja varten <a href=\"%s\">lue tämä FAQ-kohta</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Selaimesi ehkä tarvitsee HTTPS-yhteyden tukeakseen WebCrypto API:a. Yritä <a href=\"%s\">vaihtamista HTTPS:ään</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Selaimesi ei tue WebAssemblyä jota käytetään zlib-pakkaamiseen. Voit luoda pakkaamattomia dokumentteja, mutta et voi lukea pakattuja dokumentteja.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "odotetaan käyttäjän antavan salasanan",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Dataa ei voitu purkaa. Syötitkö väärän salasanan? Yritä uudelleen ylhäällä olevalla painikkeella.",
"Retry": "Yritä uudelleen",
"Showing raw text…": "Näytetään raaka reksti…",
"Notice:": "Huomautus:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Tämä linkki vanhenee ajan %s jälkeen.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Tätä linkkiä voidaan käyttää vain kerran, älä käytä taaksepäin- tai päivityspainiketta selaimessasi.",
"Link:": "Linkki:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Vastaanottaja saattaa tulla tietoiseksi aikavyöhykkeestäsi, muutetaanko aika UTC:ksi?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Käytä nykyistä aikavyöhykettä",
"Convert To UTC": "Muuta UTC:ksi",
"Close": "Sulje",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Salattu viesti %sissä",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Vieraile tässä linkissä nähdäksesi viestin. URL:n antaminen kenellekään antaa heidänkin päästä katsomaan viestiä.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL-lyhentäjä voi paljastaa purkuavaimesi URL:ssä.",
"Save paste": "Tallenna paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "IP:llesi ei ole annettu oikeutta luoda pasteja.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Yritetään lyhentää URL-osoite, joka ei osoita meidän instanssiiin.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Virhe kutsuttaessa YOURLS. Luultavasti asetusongelma kuten väärä tai puuttuuva \"apiurl\" tai \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Virhe jäsennettäessä YOURLS-vastausta.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Tämä salainen viesti voidaan näyttää vain kerran. Haluatko nähdä sen nyt?",
"Yes, see it": "Kyllä, näet sen",
"Dark Mode": "Tumma tila",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,160 +1,129 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s est un 'pastebin' (ou gestionnaire d'extraits de texte et de code source) minimaliste et open source, dans lequel le serveur n'a aucune connaissance des données envoyées. Les données sont chiffrées/déchiffrées %sdans le navigateur%s par un chiffrement AES 256 bits.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Plus d'informations sur <a href=\"\">la page du projet</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Vivons heureux, vivons cachés",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Le paste n'existe pas, a expiré, ou a été supprimé.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Désolé, %s nécessite php %s ou supérieur pour fonctionner.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s a besoin de la section de configuration [%s] dans le fichier de configuration pour fonctionner.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Merci d'attendre %d seconde entre chaque publication.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s est un 'pastebin' (ou gestionnaire d'extraits de texte et de code source) minimaliste et open source, dans lequel le serveur n'a aucune connaissance des données envoyées. Les données sont chiffrées/déchiffrées <i>dans le navigateur</i> par un chiffrage AES 256 bits. Plus d'informations sur <a href=\"\">la page du projet</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Parce que l'ignorance c'est le bonheur",
"en": "fr",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Le paste n'existe pas, a expiré, ou a été supprimé.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"Désolé, %s nécessite php 5.3.0 ou supérieur pour fonctionner.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s a besoin de la section de configuration [%s] dans le fichier de configuration pour fonctionner.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Merci d'attendre %d secondes entre chaque publication.",
"Merci d'attendre %d secondes entre chaque publication.",
"Merci d'attendre %d secondes entre chaque publication.",
"Merci d'attendre %d secondes entre chaque publication.",
"Merci d'attendre %d secondes entre chaque publication."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Le paste est limité à %s de données chiffrées.",
"Invalid data.": "Données invalides.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Pas de chance. Essayez encore.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du commentaire.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du paste. Désolé.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID du paste invalide.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Le paste n'est pas de type \"Effacer après lecture\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Jeton de suppression incorrect. Le paste n'a pas été supprimé.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Le paste a été correctement supprimé.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript est requis pour faire fonctionner %s. Désolé pour cet inconvénient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s nécessite un navigateur moderne pour fonctionner.",
"New": "Nouveau",
"Create": "Créer",
"Clone": "Cloner",
"Raw text": "Texte brut",
"Expires": "Expire",
"Burn after reading": "Effacer après lecture",
"Open discussion": "Autoriser la discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Mot de passe (recommandé)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Basculer la navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d seconde",
"%d secondes",
"%d secondes",
"%d secondes",
"%d secondes",
"%d secondes"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute",
"%d minutes",
"%d minutes",
"%d minutes",
"%d minutes",
"%d minutes"
"%d hours": [
"%d heure",
"%d heures",
"%d heures",
"%d heures",
"%d heures",
"%d heures"
"%d days": [
"%d jour",
"%d jours",
"%d jours",
"%d jours",
"%d jours",
"%d jours"
"%d weeks": [
"%d semaine",
"%d semaines",
"%d semaines",
"%d semaines",
"%d semaines",
"%d semaines"
"%d months": [
"%d mois",
"%d mois",
"%d mois",
"%d mois",
"%d mois",
"%d mois"
"%d years": [
"%d an",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans"
"Never": "Jamais",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note : Ceci est un service de test : les données peuvent être supprimées à tout moment. Des chatons mourront si vous utilisez ce service de manière abusive.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Ce document expirera dans %d seconde.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d secondes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d secondes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d secondes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d secondes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d secondes."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Ce document expirera dans %d minute.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d minutes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d minutes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d minutes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d minutes.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d minutes."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Ce document expirera dans %d heure.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d heures.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d heures.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d heures.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d heures.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d heures."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Ce document expirera dans %d jour.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d jours.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d jours.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d jours.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d jours.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d jours."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois.",
"Ce document expirera dans %d mois."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Entrez le mot de passe pour ce paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Impossible de déchiffrer les données (mauvaise clé ?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Impossible de supprimer le paste, car il n'a pas été stocké en mode \"Effacer après lecture\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "POUR VOS YEUX UNIQUEMENT. Ne fermez pas cette fenêtre, ce paste ne pourra plus être affiché.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Impossible de déchiffrer le commentaire; mauvaise clé ?",
"Reply": "Répondre",
"Anonymous": "Anonyme",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar généré à partir de l'adresse IP",
"Add comment": "Ajouter un commentaire",
"Optional nickname…": "Pseudonyme optionnel…",
"Post comment": "Poster le commentaire",
"Sending comment…": "Envoi du commentaire…",
"Comment posted.": "Commentaire posté.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Impossible de rafraichir l'affichage : %s",
"unknown status": "Statut inconnu",
"server error or not responding": "Le serveur ne répond pas ou a rencontré une erreur",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Impossible de poster le commentaire : %s",
"Sending paste…": "Envoi du paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Votre paste est disponible à l'adresse <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Appuyez sur [Ctrl]+[c] pour copier)</span>",
"Delete data": "Supprimer les données du paste",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Impossible de créer le paste : %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Impossible de déchiffrer le paste : Clé de déchiffrement manquante dans l'URL (Avez-vous utilisé un redirecteur ou un site de réduction d'URL qui supprime une partie de l'URL ?)",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"Le paste est limité à %s de données chiffrées.",
"Invalid data.":
"Données invalides.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Pas de chance. Essayez encore.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du commentaire.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Erreur lors de la sauvegarde du paste. Désolé.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"ID du paste invalide.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Le paste n'est pas de type \"Effacer après lecture\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Jeton de suppression incorrect. Le paste n'a pas été supprimé.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Le paste a été correctement supprimé.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"JavaScript est requis pour faire fonctionner %s. <br />Désolé pour cet inconvénient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s nécessite un navigateur moderne pour fonctionner.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Encore sur Internet Explorer ? Faites-vous une faveur, passez à un navigateur moderne :",
"Raw text":
"Texte brut",
"Burn after reading":
"Effacer après lecture",
"Open discussion":
"Autoriser la discussion",
"Password (recommended)":
"Mot de passe (recommandé)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Basculer la navigation",
"%d seconds": ["%d seconde", "%d secondes"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minute", "%d minutes"],
"%d hours": ["%d heure", "%d heures"],
"%d days": ["%d jour", "%d jours"],
"%d weeks": ["%d semaine", "%d semaines"],
"%d months": ["%d mois", "%d mois"],
"%d years": ["%d an", "%d ans"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Note : Ceci est un service de test : les données peuvent être supprimées à tout moment. Des chatons mourront si vous utilisez ce service de manière abusive.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d seconde.", "Ce document expirera dans %d secondes."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d minute.", "Ce document expirera dans %d minutes."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d heure.", "Ce document expirera dans %d heures."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d jour.", "Ce document expirera dans %d jours."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d mois.", "Ce document expirera dans %d mois."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Entrez le mot de passe pour ce paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Impossible de déchiffrer les données (mauvaise clé ?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Impossible de supprimer le paste, car il n'a pas été stoclé en mode \"Effacer après lecture\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"POUR VOS YEUX UNIQUEMENT. Ne fermez pas cette fenêtre, ce paste ne pourra plus être affiché.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Impossible de déchiffrer le commentaire ; mauvaise clé ?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Avatar anonyme (Vizhash de l'adresse IP)",
"Add comment":
"Ajouter un commentaire",
"Optional nickname...":
"Pseudonyme optionnel...",
"Post comment":
"Poster le commentaire",
"Sending comment...":
"Envoi du commentaire...",
"Comment posted.":
"Commentaire posté.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Impossible de rafraichir l'affichage : %s",
"unknown status":
"Statut inconnu",
"server error or not responding":
"Le serveur ne répond pas ou a rencontré une erreur",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Impossible de poster le commentaire : %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Envoi du paste (Merci de bouger votre souris pour plus d'entropie)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Envoi du paste...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Votre paste est disponible à l'adresse <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Appuyez sur [Ctrl]+[c] pour copier)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Supprimer les données du paste",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Impossible de créer le paste : %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Impossible de déchiffrer le paste : Clé de déchiffrage manquante dans l'URL (Avez-vous utilisé un redirecteur ou un site de réduction d'URL qui supprime une partie de l'URL ?)",
"B": "o",
"KiB": "Kio",
"MiB": "Mio",
@ -169,55 +138,23 @@
"Source Code": "Code source",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Télécharger la pièce jointe",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloner '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Le fichier cloné '%s' a été attaché à ce paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attacher un fichier",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "au choix, glisser & déposer un fichier ou coller une image à partir du presse-papiers",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Fichier trop volumineux, pour afficher un aperçu. Veuillez télécharger la pièce jointe.",
"Remove attachment": "Enlever la pièce jointe",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Votre navigateur ne supporte pas l'envoi de fichiers chiffrés. Merci d'utiliser un navigateur plus récent.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Pièce jointe invalide.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Cloner le fichier attaché.",
"Attach a file": "Attacher un fichier ",
"Remove attachment": "Enlever l'attachement",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Votre navigateur ne supporte pas l'envoi de fichiers chiffrés. Merci d'utiliser un navigateur plus récent.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Attachement invalide.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Raccourcir URL",
"Editor": "Éditer",
"Preview": "Prévisualiser",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requiert que le PATH se termine dans un \"%s\". Veuillez mettre à jour le PATH dans votre index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Déchiffrer",
"Enter password": "Entrez le mot de passe",
"Loading…": "Chargement…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Déchiffrement du paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Préparation du paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Si ce message ne disparaîssait pas, jetez un oeil à <a href=\"%s\">cette FAQ pour des idées de résolution</a> (en Anglais).",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ pas de texte copié +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Impossible d'obtenir les données du paste: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Ce site web utilise une connexion HTTP non sécurisée ! Veuillez lutiliser uniquement pour des tests.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Pour plus d'informations <a href=\"%s\">consultez cette rubrique de la FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Votre navigateur peut nécessiter une connexion HTTPS pour prendre en charge lAPI WebCrypto. Essayez <a href=\"%s\">de passer en HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Votre navigateur ne prend pas en charge WebAssembly, utilisé pour la compression zlib. Vous pouvez créer des documents non compressés, mais vous ne pouvez pas lire les documents compressés.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "en attendant que l'utilisateur fournisse un mot de passe",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Impossible de décrypter les données. Vous avez saisi un mot de passe incorrect ? Réessayez avec le bouton en haut.",
"Retry": "Réessayer",
"Showing raw text…": "Affichage du texte brut…",
"Notice:": "Avertissement:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Ce lien expire après le %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Vous ne pouvez accéder à ce lien qu'une seule fois, n'utilisez pas le bouton précédent ou rafraîchir de votre navigateur.",
"Link:": "Lien:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Le destinataire peut connaître votre fuseau horaire, convertir l'heure au format UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Conserver l'actuel",
"Convert To UTC": "Convertir en UTC",
"Close": "Fermer",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Message chiffré sur %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visiter ce lien pour voir la note. Donner l'URL à une autre personne lui permet également d'accéder à la note.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Raccourcir l'URL peut exposer votre clé de déchiffrement dans l'URL.",
"Save paste": "Sauver le paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Votre adresse IP n'est pas autorisée à créer des pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Tentative de raccourcir une URL qui ne pointe pas vers notre instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Erreur lors de l'appel de YOURLS. Peut-être un problème de configuration, comme \"apiurl\" ou \"signature\" manquant.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Erreur d'analyse de la réponse YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Les pastes de type \"Effacer après la lecture\" ne peuvent être affichés qu'une seule fois. Voulez-vous le voir maintenant ?",
"Yes, see it": "Oui, le voir",
"Dark Mode": "Mode Sombre",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Erreur lors de la compression du paste, en raison du support de WebAssembly manquant.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Erreur lors de la décompression du paste, votre navigateur ne supporte pas WebAssembly. Veuillez utiliser un autre navigateur pour voir ce paste."
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Entrez le mot de passe",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a> (in English)."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "כיוון שבורות היא ברכה",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "ההדבקה לא קיימת, פגה או נמחקה.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s דורש PHP %s כדי לפעול.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s דורש שסעיף ההגדרות [%s] יהיה קיים בקובץ ההגדרות.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"נא להמתין שנייה אחת בין פרסום לפרסום.",
"נא להמתין %d שניות בין פרסום לפרסום.",
"נא להמתין %d שניות בין פרסום לפרסום.",
"נא להמתין %d שניות בין פרסום לפרסום.",
"נא להמתין %d שניות בין פרסום לפרסום.",
"נא להמתין %d שניות בין פרסום לפרסום."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "ההדבקה מוגבלת ל־%s של נתונים מוצפנים.",
"Invalid data.": "נתונים שגויים.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "אין לך מזל. נא לנסות שוב.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "שגיאה בשמירת המסמך. סליחה.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "שגיאה בשמירת ההדבקה. סליחה.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "מזהה ההדבקה שגוי.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "ההדבקה היא לא מסוג קוראים-שורפים.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "אסימון מחיקה שגוי. ההדבקה לא נמחקה.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "ההדבקה נמחקה כראוי.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "צריך JavaScript כדי לאפשר ל־%s לפעול. סליחה על חוסר הנוחות.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s דורש דפדפן מודרני כדי לפעול.",
"New": "חדש",
"Create": "צור",
"Clone": "שכפול",
"Raw text": "טקסט גולמי",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Burn after reading": "קוראים-שורפים",
"Open discussion": "פתיחת דיון",
"Password (recommended)": "ססמה (מומלץ)",
"Discussion": "דיון",
"Toggle navigation": "החלפת מצב ניווט",
"%d seconds": [
"שנייה אחת",
"%d שניות",
"%d שניות",
"%d שניות",
"%d שניות",
"%d שניות"
"%d minutes": [
"דקה אחת",
"%d דקות",
"%d דקות",
"%d דקות",
"%d דקות",
"%d דקות"
"%d hours": [
"שעה אחת",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"יום אחד",
"%d ימים",
"%d ימים",
"%d ימים",
"%d ימים",
"%d ימים"
"%d weeks": [
"שבוע אחד",
"%d שבועות",
"%d שבועות",
"%d שבועות",
"%d שבועות",
"%d שבועות"
"%d months": [
"חודש אחד",
"%d חודשים",
"%d חודשים",
"%d חודשים",
"%d חודשים",
"%d חודשים"
"%d years": [
"שנה אחת",
"%d שנים",
"%d שנים",
"%d שנים",
"%d שנים",
"%d שנים"
"Never": "לעולם לא",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "הערה: זהו שירות בדקה: המידע לא ישמר.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "נא למלא את הססמה להדבקה הזו:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "לא ניתן לפענח את הנתונים (מפתח שגוי?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "לא ניתן למחוק את ההדבקה, היא לא אוחסנה במצב קוראים-שורפים.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "לעיניך בלבד. לא לסגור את החלון הזה, ההודעה הזאת לא תופיע שוב.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "לא ניתן לפענח את ההערה, מפתח שגוי?",
"Reply": "תגובה",
"Anonymous": "אלמוני",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "התמונה הייצוגית נוצרה מכתובת ה־IP",
"Add comment": "הוספת תגובה",
"Optional nickname…": "כינוי כרשות…",
"Post comment": "פרסום תגובה",
"Sending comment…": "התגובה נשלחת…",
"Comment posted.": "פורסמה תגובה.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "לא ניתן לרענן תצוגה: %s",
"unknown status": "מצב לא ידוע",
"server error or not responding": "שגיאת שרת או שהשרת לא מגיב",
"Could not post comment: %s": "לא ניתן לפרסם תגובה: %s",
"Sending paste…": "ההדבקה נשלחת…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "ההדבקה שלך היא <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(יש ללחוץ [Ctrl]+[c] כדי להעתיק)</span>",
"Delete data": "מחיקת נתונים",
"Could not create paste: %s": "לא ניתן ליצור הדבקה: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "לא ניתן לפענח הדבקה: מפתח הפענוח חסר בכתובת (השתמשת במערכת הפנייה או מקצר כתובות שחותכים חלק מהכתובת?)",
"B": "ב׳",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "פורמט",
"Plain Text": "טקסט פשוט",
"Source Code": "קוד מקור",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "הורדת קובץ מצורף",
"Cloned: '%s'": "שוכפל: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "צירוף קובץ",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "קובץ מצורף שגוי.",
"Options": "אפשרויות",
"Shorten URL": "קיצור כתובת",
"Editor": "עורך",
"Preview": "תצוגה מקדימה",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "פענוח",
"Enter password": "נא למלא ססמה",
"Loading…": "בטעינה…",
"Decrypting paste…": "ההדבקה מפוענחת…",
"Preparing new paste…": "ההדבקה החדשה בהכנות…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ אין טקסט להדבקה +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "לא ניתן לקבל את נתוני ההדבקה: %s",
"QR code": "קוד QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "האתר הזה משתמש בחיבור HTTP בלתי מאובטח! נא להשתמש בזה לבדיקות בלבד.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "יש מידע נוסף <a href=\"%s\">ברשומה הזאת בשו״ת</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "יכול להיות שהדפדפן שלך ידרוש חיבור HTTPS כדי לתמוך ב־API של WebCrypto. כדי לנסות <a href=\"%s\">לעבור ל־HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "הדפדפן שלך לא תומך ב־WebAssembly שמשמש לדחיסת zlib. אפשר ליצור מסמכים בלתי מוצפנים אך אין אפשרות לקרוא מסמכים מוצפנים.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "בהמתנה למילוי הססמה מצד המשתמש",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "לא ניתן לפענח את הנתונים. יכול להיות שמילאת ססמה שגויה? כדאי לנסות עם הכפתור שלמעלה.",
"Retry": "לנסות שוב",
"Showing raw text…": "מוצג טקסט גולמי…",
"Notice:": "לתשומת לבך:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "הקישור הזה יפוג לאחר %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "אפשר לגשת לקישור הזה פעם אחת בלבד, לא לחזור אחורה או לרענן את הדפדפן.",
"Link:": "קישור:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "הנמען יוכל לדעת מה אזור הזמן שלך, להמיר ל־UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "להשתמש באזור הזמן הנוכחי",
"Convert To UTC": "המרה ל־UTC",
"Close": "סגירה",
"Encrypted note on %s": "%sהערה מוצפנת ב־",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "נא לבקר בקישור כדי לצפות בהערה. מסירת הקישור לאנשים כלשהם תאפשר גם להם לגשת להערה.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Because ignorance is bliss",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Please wait %d second between each post. (singular)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (1st plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (2nd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (3rd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (4th plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (5th plural)"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.",
"Invalid data.": "Invalid data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "You are unlucky. Try again.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error saving comment. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error saving paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Invalid paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste was properly deleted.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "New",
"Create": "Create",
"Clone": "Clone",
"Raw text": "Raw text",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Burn after reading": "Burn after reading",
"Open discussion": "Open discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Password (recommended)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second (singular)",
"%d seconds (1st plural)",
"%d seconds (2nd plural)",
"%d seconds (3rd plural)",
"%d seconds (4th plural)",
"%d seconds (5th plural)"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute (singular)",
"%d minutes (1st plural)",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minutes (4th plural)",
"%d minutes (5th plural)"
"%d hours": [
"%d hour (singular)",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"%d day (singular)",
"%d days (1st plural)",
"%d days (2nd plural)",
"%d days (3rd plural)",
"%d days (4th plural)",
"%d days (5th plural)"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week (singular)",
"%d weeks (1st plural)",
"%d weeks (2nd plural)",
"%d weeks (3rd plural)",
"%d weeks (4th plural)",
"%d weeks (5th plural)"
"%d months": [
"%d month (singular)",
"%d months (1st plural)",
"%d months (2nd plural)",
"%d months (3rd plural)",
"%d months (4th plural)",
"%d months (5th plural)"
"%d years": [
"%d year (singular)",
"%d years (1st plural)",
"%d years (2nd plural)",
"%d years (3rd plural)",
"%d years (4th plural)",
"%d years (5th plural)"
"Never": "Never",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Please enter the password for this paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generated from IP address",
"Add comment": "Add comment",
"Optional nickname…": "Optional nickname…",
"Post comment": "Post comment",
"Sending comment…": "Sending comment…",
"Comment posted.": "Comment posted.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "unknown status",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Could not post comment: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sending paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Delete data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Plain Text",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Download attachment",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attach a file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "A %s egy minimalista, nyílt forráskódú adattároló szoftver, ahol a szerver semmilyen információt nem tárol a feltett adatról. Azt ugyanis a %sböngésződ%s segítségével titkosítja és oldja fel 256 bit hosszú titkosítási kulcsú AES-t használva.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "További információt a <a href=\"\">projekt oldalán</a> találsz.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "A titok egyfajta hatalom.",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "A bejegyzés nem létezik, lejárt vagy törölve lett.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Bocs, de a %s működéséhez %s vagy ezt meghaladó verziójú php-s környezet szükséges.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "A %s megfelelő működéséhez a konfigurációs fájlban a [%s] résznek léteznie kell.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között.",
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között.",
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között.",
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között.",
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között.",
"Kérlek várj %d másodpercet két beküldés között."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "A bejegyzés maximális hossza: %s",
"Invalid data.": "Érvénytelen adat.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Peched volt, próbáld újra.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Nem sikerült menteni a hozzászólást. Bocs.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Nem sikerült menteni a bejegyzést. Bocs.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Érvénytelen bejegyzésazonosító.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "A bejegyzés nem semmisül meg azonnal olvasás után.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Hibás törlési azonosító. A bejegyzés nem lett törölve.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "A bejegyzés sikeresen törölve.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript szükséges a %s működéséhez. Elnézést a fennakadásért.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "A %s működéséhez a jelenleginél újabb böngészőre van szükség.",
"New": "Új",
"Create": "Létrehozás",
"Clone": "Másol",
"Raw text": "A nyers szöveg",
"Expires": "Lejárati idő",
"Burn after reading": "Törlés az első olvasás után",
"Open discussion": "Hozzászólások engedélyezése",
"Password (recommended)": "Jelszó (ajánlott)",
"Discussion": "Hozzászólások",
"Toggle navigation": "Navigáció",
"%d seconds": [
"%d másodperc",
"%d másodperc",
"%d másodperc",
"%d másodperc",
"%d másodperc",
"%d másodperc"
"%d minutes": [
"%d perc",
"%d perc",
"%d perc",
"%d perc",
"%d perc",
"%d perc"
"%d hours": [
"%d óra",
"%d óra",
"%d óra",
"%d óra",
"%d óra",
"%d óra"
"%d days": [
"%d nap",
"%d nap",
"%d nap",
"%d nap",
"%d nap",
"%d nap"
"%d weeks": [
"%d hét",
"%d hét",
"%d hét",
"%d hét",
"%d hét",
"%d hét"
"%d months": [
"%d hónap",
"%d hónap",
"%d hónap",
"%d hónap",
"%d hónap",
"%d hónap"
"%d years": [
"%d év",
"%d év",
"%d év",
"%d év",
"%d év",
"%d év"
"Never": "Soha",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Megjegyzés: ez egy teszt szolgáltatás, az adatok bármikor törlődhetnek. Ha visszaélsz vele, kiscicák bánhatják! :)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d másodperc múlva megsemmisül."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d perc múlva megsemmisül."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d óra múlva megsemmisül."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d nap múlva megsemmisül."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül.",
"Ez a bejegyzés %d hónap múlva megsemmisül."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Add meg a szükséges jelszót a bejegyzés megtekintéséhez:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nem tudtuk visszfejteni az adatot. Talán rossz kulcsot adtál meg?",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Nem tudtuk törölni a bejegyzést, mivel az olvasás után egyből megsemmisült. Így nem is volt tárolva.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "EZT A BEJEGYZÉST CSAK TE LÁTHATOD!!! Ne csukd be ezt az ablakot, mivel nem tudod újra megnézni. Az ugyanis az első olvasás után rögtön megsemmisül.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Nem tudtuk visszafejteni a hozzászólást. Talán rossz kulcsot adtál meg?",
"Reply": "Válasz",
"Anonymous": "Névtelen",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar (az IP cím alapján generáljuk)",
"Add comment": "Hozzászólok",
"Optional nickname…": "Becenév (már ha meg akarod adni)",
"Post comment": "Beküld",
"Sending comment…": "Beküldés alatt...",
"Comment posted.": "A hozzászólás beküldve.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Nem tudtuk frissíteni: %s",
"unknown status": "Ismeretlen státusz.",
"server error or not responding": "A szerveren hiba lépett fel vagy nem válaszol.",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Nem tudtuk beküldeni a hozzászólást: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Bejegyzés elküldése...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "A bejegyzésed a <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> címen elérhető. <span id=\"copyhint\"> [Ctrl]+[c]-vel tudod vágólapra másolni.</span>",
"Delete data": "Adat törlése",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Nem tudtuk létrehozni a bejegyzést: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Nem tudjuk visszafejteni a bejegyzést: a dekódoláshoz szükséges kulcs hiányzik a címből. Talán URL rövidítőt használtál ami kivágta azt belőle?",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formátum",
"Plain Text": "Egyszerű szöveg",
"Source Code": "Forráskód",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Csatolmány letöltése",
"Cloned: '%s'": "'%s' másolva",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "A másolt '%s' csatolmányt hozzáadtuk ehhez a bejegyzéshez.",
"Attach a file": "Fájl csatolása",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "vagy húzz ide egy fájlt, netán illessz be egy képet a vágólapról.",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "A fájl túl nagy ahhoz, hogy előnézete legyen. Töltsd le, hogy megtekinthesd.",
"Remove attachment": "Csatolmány eltávolítása",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "A böngésződ nem támogatja titkosított fájlok feltöltését. Használj újabbat.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Érvénytelen csatolmány.",
"Options": "Opciók",
"Shorten URL": "URL rövidítés",
"Editor": "Szerkesztő felület",
"Preview": "Előnézet",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s számára szükséges, hogy a PATH itt végződjön: \"%s\". Kérlek frissítsd a PATH értékét az index.php fájlban.",
"Decrypt": "Visszafejtés",
"Enter password": "Jelszó",
"Loading…": "Folyamatban...",
"Decrypting paste…": "Bejegyzés visszafejtése...",
"Preparing new paste…": "Új bejegyzés előkészítése...",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Abban az esetben, ha ez az üzenet mindig látható lenne, látogass el a <a href=\"%s\">Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések szekcióba a megoldásához</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ nincs beillesztett szöveg +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Az adat megszerzése nem sikerült: %s",
"QR code": "QR kód",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Ez a weboldal nem biztonságos HTTP kapcsolatot használ! Emiatt csak teszt célokra ajánljuk.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "További információ <a href=\"%s\">ebben a GyIK bejegyzésben</a> található (angolul).",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "A WebCrypto API használatához a böngésződ számára esetleg HTTPS kapcsolat szükséges. Ezért próbálj meg <a href=\"%s\">HTTPS-re váltani</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "A böngésződ nem támogatja a WebAssemblyt, ami a zlib tömörítéshez kell. Létre tudsz hozni tömörítetlen dokumentumokat, de tömörítetteket nem tudsz olvasni.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "Várakozás a felhasználóra jelszó megadása okán",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Nem lehetett visszafejteni az adatot. Rossz jelszót ütöttél be? Ismételd meg a fent található gombbal.",
"Retry": "Újrapróbálkozás",
"Showing raw text…": "Nyers szöveg mutatása…",
"Notice:": "Megjegyzés:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Ez a hivatkozás %s múlva megsemmisül.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Ez a hivatkozás csak egyszeri alkalommal érhető el, ne használd a böngésződ \"Visszalépés\" vagy \"Újratöltés\" gombját.",
"Link:": "Hivatkozás:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "A címzett esetleg megtudhatja az időzónádat, átalakítsuk azt UTC-re?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Az aktuális időzóna használata",
"Convert To UTC": "Átalakítás UTC időzónára",
"Close": "Bezárás",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Titkosított jegyzet a %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Látogasd meg ezt a hivatkozást a bejegyzés megtekintéséhez. Ha mások számára is megadod ezt a linket, azzal hozzáférnek ők is.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Sötét mód",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s adalah sebuah pastebin online sumber terbuka dan minimalis, dimana servernya tersebut tidak punya pengetahuan tentang data yang ditempelkan. Data tersebut di enkrip/dekrip %sdi dalam browser%s menggunakan metode enkrip AES 256 bit.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Infomasi lebih lanjut pada <a href=\"\">halaman proyek</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Karena ketidaktahuan adalah kebahagiaan, gitu loh",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste tidak ada, telah kedaluwarsa atau telah dihapus.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s memerlukan php %s atau versi diatasnya untuk dapat dijalankan. Maaf.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s membutuhkan bagian konfigurasi [%s] untuk ada di file konfigurasi.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan.",
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan.",
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan.",
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan.",
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan.",
"Silahkan menunggu %d detik antara masing-masing postingan."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste dibatasi sampai %s dari data yang dienskripsi.",
"Invalid data.": "Data tidak valid.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Anda belum beruntung. Coba kembali ya Kaka.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan komentar. Maaf ya Kaka.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Terjadi kesalahan saat menyimpan paste. Maaf ya Kaka.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID paste tidak valid.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste bukan tipe hapus-setelah-membaca.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Token penghapusan salah. Paste belum terhapus.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste telah dihapus dengan benar.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript diperlukan agar %s bekerja. Maaf untuk ketidaknyamanannya.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s memerlukan sebuah browser modern untuk bekerja.",
"New": "Baru",
"Create": "Buat baru",
"Clone": "Klon",
"Raw text": "Teks mentah",
"Expires": "Kadaluarsa",
"Burn after reading": "Hapus setelah membaca",
"Open discussion": "Diskusi terbuka",
"Password (recommended)": "Kata Sandi (direkomendasikan)",
"Discussion": "Diskusi",
"Toggle navigation": "Alihkan navigasi",
"%d seconds": [
"%d detik",
"%d detik",
"%d detik",
"%d detik",
"%d detik",
"%d detik"
"%d minutes": [
"%d menit",
"%d menit",
"%d menit",
"%d menit",
"%d menit",
"%d menit"
"%d hours": [
"%d jam",
"%d jam",
"%d jam",
"%d jam",
"%d jam",
"%d jam"
"%d days": [
"%d hari",
"%d hari",
"%d hari",
"%d hari",
"%d hari",
"%d hari"
"%d weeks": [
"%d minggu",
"%d minggu",
"%d minggu",
"%d minggu",
"%d minggu",
"%d minggu"
"%d months": [
"%d bulan",
"%d bulan",
"%d bulan",
"%d bulan",
"%d bulan",
"%d bulan"
"%d years": [
"%d tahun",
"%d tahun",
"%d tahun",
"%d tahun",
"%d tahun",
"%d tahun"
"Never": "Jangan pernah",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Catatan: Ini adalah layanan percobaan: Data mungkin bisa terhapus kapanpun juga. Anak-anak kucing akan mati jika Anda mengekploitasi layanan ini.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik.",
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik.",
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik.",
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik.",
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik.",
"Dokumen ini kadaluarsa dalam %d detik."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d menit."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d jam."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d hari."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan.",
"Dokumen ini akan kadaluarsa dalam %d bulan."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Silahkan masukkan kata sandi untuk paste ini:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Tidak dapat mendekrip data (Salah kunci?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Tidak dapat menghapus paste, ini dikarenakan data tidak tersimpan dalam mode hapus setelah membaca.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "HANYA UNTUK ANDA SAJA. Jangan tutup kolom jendela ini, pesan ini tidak akan dapat ditampilkan lagi.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Tidak dapat mendekrip komentar; Salah kunci?",
"Reply": "Balas",
"Anonymous": "Tanpa Nama",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar dihasilkan dari alamat IP",
"Add comment": "Tambah komentar",
"Optional nickname…": "Nama julukan tambahan…",
"Post comment": "Posting komentar",
"Sending comment…": "Mengirim komentar…",
"Comment posted.": "Komentar telah diposting.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Tidak dapat menyegarkan tampilan: %s",
"unknown status": "status tidak diketahui",
"server error or not responding": "kesalahan server atau server tidak merespon",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Tidak dapat memposting komentar: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Mengirim paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Paste Anda adalah <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a><span id=\"copyhint\">(Tekan [Ctrl]+[c] untuk menyalin)</span>",
"Delete data": "Hapus data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Tidak dapat membuat paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Tidak dapat mendekripsi paste: Kunci dekripsi tidak ada di URL (Apakah Anda menggunakan redirector atau penyingkat URL yang menghapus bagian dari URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Teks Biasa",
"Source Code": "Kode Sumber",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Unduh lampiran",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Diklon: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Berkas yang di-klon '%s' telah dilampirkan pada paste ini.",
"Attach a file": "Lampirkan sebuah berkas",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "sebagai alternatif, seret & jatuhkan berkas atau tempel sebuah gambar dari papan klip",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File terlalu besar untuk menampilkan pratinjau. Silakan unduh lampirannya.",
"Remove attachment": "Hapus lampiran",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Browser Anda tidak mendukung pengunggahan file terenkripsi. Harap gunakan browser yang lebih baru.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Lampiran tidak valid.",
"Options": "Pilihan",
"Shorten URL": "Pendekkan alamat URL",
"Editor": "Penyunting",
"Preview": "Pratinjau",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s memerlukan PATH berakhir dalam sebuah \"%s\". Silahkan perbarui PATH dalam index.php Anda.",
"Decrypt": "Dekrip",
"Enter password": "Masukkan kata sandi",
"Loading…": "Memuat…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Men-dekrip paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Menyiapkan paste baru…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Jika pesan ini tidak pernah menghilang, silahkan kunjungi dan lihat pada <a href=\"%s\">FAQ ini untuk informasi bagaimana menyelesaikan masalah tersebut</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ tidak ada teks paste +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Tidak dapat mengambil/menampilkan data paste: %s",
"QR code": "Kode QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Situs web ini menggunakan koneksi HTTP yang tidak aman! Silahkan gunakan hanya untuk pengujian.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, <a href=\"%s\"> lihat entri FAQ ini </a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Browser Anda mungkin memerlukan koneksi HTTPS untuk mendukung API Webcrypto. Coba <a href=\"%s\"> beralih ke HTTPS </a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Browser Anda tidak mendukung Webassembly, yang digunakan untuk kompresi zlib. Anda dapat membuat dokumen yang tidak terkompresi, tetapi tidak akan dapat membaca berkas yang terkompresi.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "menunggu pengguna untuk menyediakan kata sandi",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Tidak dapat mendekrip data. Apakah Anda memasukkan kata sandi yang salah? Silahkan coba lagi dengan tombol di bagian atas.",
"Retry": "Coba lagi",
"Showing raw text…": "Menampilkan teks mentah…",
"Notice:": "Pengumuman:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Tautan ini akan kadaluarsa setelah %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Tautan ini hanya dapat diakses satu kali, jangan gunakan tombol Kembali atau tombol Segarkan di browser Anda.",
"Link:": "Tautan:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Penerima dapat mengetahui zona waktu Anda, ubah waktu menjadi UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Gunakan Zonawaktu Saat Ini",
"Convert To UTC": "Konversi Ke UTC",
"Close": "Tutup",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Catatan ter-ekrip di %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Kunjungi tautan ini untuk melihat catatan. Memberikan alamat URL pada siapapun juga, akan mengizinkan mereka untuk mengakses catatan, so pasti gitu loh Kaka.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Pemendek URL mungkin akan menampakkan kunci dekrip Anda dalam URL.",
"Save paste": "Simpan paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Mode Gelap",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +1,151 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s è un sistema di tipo \"Pastebin\" online, open source, minimalista. Il server non possiede alcuna conoscenza (\"Zero Knowledge\") del contenuto dei dati inviati. I dati sono cifrati/decifrati %snel Browser%s con algoritmo AES a 256 Bit.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Per ulteriori informazioni, vedi <a href=\"\">Sito del progetto</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Perché l'ignoranza è una benedizione (Because ignorance is bliss)",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Questo messaggio non esiste, è scaduto o è stato cancellato.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s richiede php %s o superiore per funzionare. Ci spiace.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s richiede la presenza della sezione [%s] nei file di configurazione.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Attendi per favore un secondo prima di ciascun invio.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s è un sistema di tipo \"Pastebin\" online, open source, minimalista. Il server non possiede alcuna conoscenza (\"Zero Knowledge\") del contenuto dei dati inviati. I dati sono cifrati/decifrati <i>nel Browser</i> con algoritmo AES a 256 Bit. Per ulteriori informazioni, vedi <a href=\"\">Sito del progetto</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Perché l'ignoranza è una benedizione (Because ignorance is bliss)",
"en": "it",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Questo messaggio non esiste, è scaduto o è stato cancellato.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"%s richiede PHP 5.3.0 o superiore.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s richiede la presenza della sezione [%s] nei file di configurazione.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Attendi per favore %d secondi prima di ciascun invio.",
"Attendi per favore %d secondi prima di ciascun invio.",
"Attendi per favore %d secondi prima di ciascun invio.",
"Attendi per favore %d secondi prima di ciascun invio.",
"Attendi per favore %d secondi prima di ciascun invio."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "La dimensione del messaggio è limitata a %s di dati cifrati.",
"Invalid data.": "Dati non validi.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Ritenta, sarai più fortunato.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Errore durante il salvataggio del commento.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Errore durante il salvataggio del messaggio.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID-Messaggio non valido.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Il messaggio non è di tipo Distruggi-dopo-lettura.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Codice cancellazione errato. Il messaggio NON è stato cancellato.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Il messaggio è stato correttamente cancellato.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "%s funziona solo con JavaScript attivo. Ci dispiace per l'inconveniente.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s richiede un browser moderno e aggiornato per funzionare.",
"New": "Nuovo",
"Create": "Crea",
"Clone": "Clona",
"Raw text": "Testo Raw",
"Expires": "Scade",
"Burn after reading": "Distruggi dopo lettura",
"Open discussion": "Apri discussione",
"Password (recommended)": "Password (raccomandato)",
"Discussion": "Discussione",
"Toggle navigation": "Scambia Navigazione",
"%d seconds": [
"%d secondo",
"%d secondi",
"%d secondi",
"%d secondi",
"%d secondi",
"%d secondi"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuto",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti",
"%d minuti"
"%d hours": [
"%d ora",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore",
"%d ore"
"%d days": [
"%d giorno",
"%d giorni",
"%d giorni",
"%d giorni",
"%d giorni",
"%d giorni"
"%d weeks": [
"%d settimana",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane",
"%d settimane"
"%d months": [
"%d mese",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi",
"%d mesi"
"%d years": [
"%d anno",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni",
"%d anni"
"Never": "Mai",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Nota: questo è un servizio di prova, i messaggi salvati possono essere cancellati in qualsiasi momento. Moriranno dei gattini se abuserai di questo servizio.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Questo documento scadrà tra un secondo.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Questo documento scadrà tra un minuto.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Questo documento scadrà tra un'ora.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d ore.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d ore.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d ore.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d ore.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d ore."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Questo documento scadrà tra un giorno.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Questo documento scadrà tra un mese.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi.",
"Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Inserisci la password per questo messaggio:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Non riesco a decifrare i dati (chiave sbagliata?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Non riesco a cancellare il messaggio, non è stato salvato in modalità Distruggi-dopo-lettora.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Non chiudere questa finestra, il messaggio non può essere visualizzato una seconda volta.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Non riesco a decifrare il commento (Chiave sbagliata?)",
"Reply": "Rispondi",
"Anonymous": "Anonimo",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generato dall'indirizzo IP",
"Add comment": "Aggiungi un commento",
"Optional nickname…": "Nickname opzionale…",
"Post comment": "Invia commento",
"Sending comment…": "Commento in fase di invio…",
"Comment posted.": "Commento inviato.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Non riesco ad aggiornare il display: %s",
"unknown status": "stato sconosciuto",
"server error or not responding": "errore o mancata risposta dal server",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Impossibile inviare il commento: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Messaggio in fase di invio…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Il tuo messaggio è qui: <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Premi [Ctrl]+[c] (Windows) o [Cmd]+[c] (Mac) per copiare il link)</span>",
"Delete data": "Cancella i dati",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Non riesco a creare il messaggio: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Non riesco a decifrare il messaggio: manca la chiave di decifrazione nell'URL (La chiave è parte integrante dell'URL. Per caso hai usato un Redirector o un altro servizio che ha rimosso una parte dell'URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"La dimensione del messaggio è limitata a %s di dati cifrati.",
"Invalid data.":
"Dati non validi.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Riprova, sarai più fortunato.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Errore durante il salvataggio del commento.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Errore durante il salvataggio del messaggio.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"ID-Messaggio non valido.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Il messaggio non è di tipo Distruggi-dopo-lettura.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Codice cancellazione errato. Il messaggio NON è stato cancellato.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Il messaggio è stato correttamente cancellato.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"%s funziona solo con JavaScript attivo.<br />Ci dispiace per l'inconveniente.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s richiede un browser moderno e aggiornato per funzionare.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Usi ancora Internet Explorer? Ti consigliamo di passare ad un browser più sicuro:",
"Raw text":
"Testo Raw",
"Burn after reading":
"Distruggi dopo lettura",
"Open discussion":
"Apri discussione",
"Password (recommended)":
"Password (raccomandato)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Scambia Navigazione",
"%d seconds": ["%d secondo", "%d secondi"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minuto", "%d minuti"],
"%d hours": ["%d ora", "%d ore"],
"%d days": ["%d giorno", "%d giorni"],
"%d weeks": ["%d settimana", "%d settimane"],
"%d months": ["%d mese", "%d mesi"],
"%d years": ["%d anno", "%d anni"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Nota: questo è un servizio di prova, i dati possono essere cancellati in qualsiasi momento. Ti preghiamo di non abusare di questo servizio, grazie.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Questo documento scadrà tra un secondo.", "Questo documento scadrà in %d secondi."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Questo documento scadrà tra un minuto.", "Questo documento scadrà in %d minuti."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Questo documento scadrà tra un'ora.", "Questo documento scadrà in %d ore."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Questo documento scadrà tra un giorno.", "Questo documento scadrà in %d giorni."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Questo documento scadrà tra un mese.", "Questo documento scadrà in %d mesi."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Inserisci la password per questo messaggio:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Non riesco a decifrari i dati (Chiave errata?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Non riesco a cancellare il messaggio, non è stato salvato in modalità Distruggi-dopo-lettora.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Non chiudere questa finestra, il messaggio non può essere visualizzato una seconda volta.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Non riesco a decifrari il commento (Chiave errata?)",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Avatar Anonino (Vizhash dell'indirizzo IP)",
"Add comment":
"Aggiungi un commento",
"Optional nickname...":
"Nickname opzionale...",
"Post comment":
"Invia commento",
"Sending comment...":
"Commento in fase di invio...",
"Comment posted.":
"Commento inviato.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Non riesco ad aggiornare il display: %s",
"unknown status":
"errore sconosciuto",
"server error or not responding":
"errore o mancata risposta dal server",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Impossibile inviare il commento: %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Invio messaggio (Muovi il mouse in modo casuale, per generare maggior entropia)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Messaggio in fase di invio...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Il tuo messaggio è qui: <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">([CTRL | CMD]+[C] per copiare il link)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Cancella i dati",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Non rieco a creare il messaggio: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Non riesco a decifrare il messaggio: manca la chiave di decifrazione nell'URL (La chiave è parte integrante dell'URL. Per caso hai usato un Redirector o un altro servizio che ha rimosso una parte dell'URL?)",
"Format": "Formato",
"Plain Text": "Solo Testo",
"Source Code": "Codice Sorgente",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Scarica Allegato",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Clonato: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Il file clonato '%s' era allegato a questo messaggio.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Copia del file allegata.",
"Attach a file": "Allega un file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "in alternativa trascina e rilascia un file o incolla un'immagine dagli appunti",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File troppo grande, per visualizzare un'anteprima. Sei pregato di scaricare l'allegato.",
"Remove attachment": "Rimuovi allegato",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Il tuo browser non supporta l'invio di file cifrati. Utilizza un browser più recente.",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Il tuo browser non supporta l'invio di file cifrati. Utilizza un browser più recente.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Allegato non valido.",
"Options": "Opzioni",
"Shorten URL": "Accorcia URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Anteprima",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s necessita che PATH termini con \"%s\". Aggiorna la variabile PATH nel tuo index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decifra",
"Enter password": "Inserisci la password",
"Loading…": "Carico…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decifro il messaggio…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparo il nuovo messaggio…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Nel caso questo messaggio non scompaia, controlla questa <a href=\"%s\">FAQ</a> per trovare informazioni su come risolvere il problema (in Inglese).",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ nessun testo nel messaggio +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Impossibile ottenere i dati di incolla: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Questo sito web sta usando una connessione HTTP non sicura! Si prega di usarlo solo per il test.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Per ulteriori informazioni <a href=\"%s\">vedi questa voce della FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Il tuo browser potrebbe richiedere una connessione HTTPS per supportare l'API WebCrypto. Prova <a href=\"%s\">a passare a HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Il tuo browser non supporta WebAssembly, utilizzato per la compressione di zlib. Puoi creare documenti non compressi, ma non è possibile leggere quelli compressi.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "in attesa sull'utente di fornire una password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Impossibile decrittografare i dati. Hai inserito una password errata? Riprova con il pulsante in alto.",
"Retry": "Riprova",
"Showing raw text…": "Mostrando il testo grezzo…",
"Notice:": "Avviso:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Questo collegamento scadrà dopo %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Questo collegamento è accessibile una sola volta, non usare il pulsante indietro o aggiorna nel tuo browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Il destinatario può essere a conoscenza del tuo fuso orario, convertire l'orario in UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Usa Fuso Orario Corrente",
"Convert To UTC": "Converti a UTC",
"Close": "Chiudi",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Nota crittografata su %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visita questo collegamento per vedere la nota. Dare l'URL a chiunque consente anche a loro di accedere alla nota.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener può esporre la tua chiave decrittografata nell'URL.",
"Save paste": "Salva il messagio",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Il tuo IP non è autorizzato a creare dei messaggi.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Tantativo in corso di accorciare un URL che non punta alla nostra istanza.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Errore nella chiamata a YOURLS. Probabilmente un problema di configurazione, come un \"apiurl\" o una \"signature\" sbagliati o mancanti.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Errore nell'analizzare la risposta YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Questo messaggio di tipo Distruggi-dopo-lettura può essere visualizzato solo una volta. Vuoi vederlo ora?",
"Yes, see it": "Sì, visualizzalo",
"Dark Mode": "Tema Scuro",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Errore nella compressione dell messaggio, a causa del supporto WebAssembly mancante.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Errore nella decompressione dell messaggio, il tuo browser non supporta WebAssembly. Utilizza un altro browser per visualizzare questo messaggio."
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s necessita che PATH termini con \"%s\". Aggiorna la variabile PATH nel tuo index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Inserisci la password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a> (in English)."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s はミニマリストで、オープンソースのオンラインデータ貼り付けサービスです。サーバーに、貼り付けられたデータの中身を読み取ることはできません。データは、256ビットのAESを用いて%sブラウザー上で%s暗号化、または復号化されます。",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "詳細については<a href=\"\">プロジェクトのページ</a>をご覧ください。",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "知らぬが仏",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "ペーストが存在しないか、期限切れ、または削除されました。",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s の動作には php %s 以上が必要です。申し訳ありません。",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%sには設定ファイルに[%s]の設定セクションが必要です。",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "ペーストは暗号化されたデータの%sに制限されています。",
"Invalid data.": "無効なデータです。",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "何か問題が発生しました。もう一度やり直してください。",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "コメントの保存中にエラーが発生しました。申し訳ありません。",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "ペーストの保存中にエラーが発生しました。申し訳ありません。",
"Invalid paste ID.": "無効なペーストIDです。",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "ペーストは、読み込んだ後に消去される種類のものではありません。",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "不正な削除トークンです。ペーストは削除されませんでした。",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "ペーストが正しく削除されました。",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "%s の動作にはJavaScriptが必要です。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません。",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s の動作には最近のブラウザが必要です。",
"New": "新規",
"Create": "作成",
"Clone": "複製",
"Raw text": "未加工テキスト",
"Expires": "有効期限",
"Burn after reading": "読み込んだ後に消去",
"Open discussion": "ディスカッションを開く",
"Password (recommended)": "パスワード(推奨)",
"Discussion": "ディスカッション",
"Toggle navigation": "ナビゲーションを切り替え",
"%d seconds": [
"%d minutes": [
"%d hours": [
"%d 時間"
"%d days": [
"%d 日",
"%d 日",
"%d 日",
"%d 日",
"%d 日",
"%d 日"
"%d weeks": [
"%d months": [
"%d years": [
"Never": "無期限",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "注意これはテストサービスです。データはいつでも削除される可能性があります。このサービスを悪用するとKittensの動作は停止します。",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "このペーストのパスワードを入力してください。",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "データを復号することができませんでした(間違った鍵ですか?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "ペーストを削除できませんでした。このペーストは、読み込んだ後に消去するモードでは保存されませんでした。",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "このウィンドウを閉じないでください。このメッセージはもう表示できません。",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "コメントを復号することができませんでした。間違った鍵ですか?",
"Reply": "返信",
"Anonymous": "匿名",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "IPアドレスから生成したアバター",
"Add comment": "コメントを追加",
"Optional nickname…": "任意のニックネーム…",
"Post comment": "コメントを投稿",
"Sending comment…": "コメントを送信しています…",
"Comment posted.": "コメントを投稿しました。",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "表示を更新できませんでした:%s",
"unknown status": "不明な状態",
"server error or not responding": "サーバーエラーまたは応答しません",
"Could not post comment: %s": "コメントを投稿できませんでした:%s",
"Sending paste…": "ペーストを送信しています…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "ペーストは<a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a>です<span id=\"copyhint\">(コピーするには[Ctrl]+[c]を押してください)</span>",
"Delete data": "データを削除",
"Could not create paste: %s": "ペーストを作成できませんでした:%s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "ペーストを復号化できません復号化キーがURLにありませんURLの一部を削除するリダイレクト機能またはURLの短縮アプリケーションを使いましたか",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "形式",
"Plain Text": "プレーンテキスト",
"Source Code": "ソースコード",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "添付ファイルをダウンロード",
"Cloned: '%s'": "複製済:'%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "複製されたファイル '%s' がこのペーストに添付されました。",
"Attach a file": "ファイルを添付",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "代わりに、ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップまたはクリップボードから画像を貼り付け",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "ファイルが大きすぎるため、プレビューを表示できません。ダウンロードしてください。",
"Remove attachment": "添付ファイルを削除",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "お使いのブラウザーは暗号化されたファイルのアップロードをサポートしていません。新しいブラウザーを使用してください。",
"Invalid attachment.": "不正な添付ファイルです。",
"Options": "設定",
"Shorten URL": "URLを短縮",
"Editor": "エディター",
"Preview": "プレビュー",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s は「%s」で終わるPATHが必要です。index.phpのPATHを更新してください。",
"Decrypt": "復号化",
"Enter password": "パスワードを入力",
"Loading…": "読み込んでいます…",
"Decrypting paste…": "ペーストを復号化しています…",
"Preparing new paste…": "新しいペーストを準備しています…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "このメッセージが消去されない場合、<a href=\"%s\">トラブルシュート用のFAQ</a>をご確認ください。",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ ペーストのテキストはありません +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "ペーストのデータを取得できませんでした:%s",
"QR code": "QRコード",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "このウェブサイトは安全でない HTTP 接続を使用しています!テストにのみ使用してください。",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "詳細については、<a href=\"%s\">こちらのFAQエントリー</a>をご覧ください。",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "お使いのブラウザーはWebCrypto APIのサポートにHTTPS接続を必要とするかもしれません。<a href=\"%s\">HTTPS接続に切り替えてみてください</a>。",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "お使いのブラウザーはzlib圧縮に必要なWebAssemblyをサポートしていません。圧縮されていないドキュメントを作成することはできますが、圧縮されたドキュメントを読み込むことはできません。",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "ユーザーがパスワードを入力するのを待機しています",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "データを復号できませんでした。パスワードが間違っていましたか? 上部のボタンで再試行してください。",
"Retry": "再試行",
"Showing raw text…": "未加工テキストを表示しています…",
"Notice:": "注意:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "このリンクは%s後に期限切れになります。",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "このリンクは一度だけアクセスできます。ブラウザで戻ったり更新したりしないでください。",
"Link:": "リンク:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "受信する人はあなたのタイムゾーンに気づくかもしれません。時間をUTCに変換しますか",
"Use Current Timezone": "現在のタイムゾーンを使用",
"Convert To UTC": "UTCに変換",
"Close": "閉じる",
"Encrypted note on %s": "%sの暗号化されたメモ",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "メモを見るには、このリンクを参照してください。誰でもURLからこのメモにアクセスできます。",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URLの短縮アプリケーションを使うと、復号用のキーが漏洩するおそれがあります。",
"Save paste": "ペーストを保存",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "あなたのIPアドレスにはペーストを作成する権限がありません。",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "このインスタンスを指していないURLを短縮しようとしています。",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "YOURLSの呼び出し中にエラーが発生しました。\"apiurl\"または\"signature\"等の設定に問題がある可能性があります。",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "YOURLSレスポンスの解析中にエラーが発生しました。",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "はい、使用します",
"Dark Mode": "ダークモード",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "sivlolnitvanku'a",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": ".i la %s mupli lo sorcu lo'e se setca kibro .i ji'a zo'e se zancari gi'e fingubni .i lo samse'u na djuno lo datni selru'e cu .i ba'e %sle brauzero%s ku mipri le do datni ku fi la'oi AES poi bitni li 256",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": ".i ki'u le ka na djuno cu ka saxfri",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Please wait %d second between each post. (singular)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (1st plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (2nd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (3rd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (4th plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (5th plural)"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.",
"Invalid data.": ".i le selru'e cu na drani",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "You are unlucky. Try again.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error saving comment. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error saving paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Invalid paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste was properly deleted.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "cnino",
"Create": "benji",
"Clone": "fukpi",
"Raw text": "vlapoi nalselrucyzu'e",
"Expires": "vimcu",
"Burn after reading": "vimcu ba la tcidu",
"Open discussion": "lo zbasu cu casnu",
"Password (recommended)": "japyvla (nelti'i)",
"Discussion": "casnu",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second (singular)",
"%d seconds (1st plural)",
"%d seconds (2nd plural)",
"%d seconds (3rd plural)",
"%d seconds (4th plural)",
"%d seconds (5th plural)"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute (singular)",
"%d minutes (1st plural)",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minutes (4th plural)",
"%d minutes (5th plural)"
"%d hours": [
"%d hour (singular)",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"%d day (singular)",
"%d days (1st plural)",
"%d days (2nd plural)",
"%d days (3rd plural)",
"%d days (4th plural)",
"%d days (5th plural)"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week (singular)",
"%d weeks (1st plural)",
"%d weeks (2nd plural)",
"%d weeks (3rd plural)",
"%d weeks (4th plural)",
"%d weeks (5th plural)"
"%d months": [
"%d month (singular)",
"%d months (1st plural)",
"%d months (2nd plural)",
"%d months (3rd plural)",
"%d months (4th plural)",
"%d months (5th plural)"
"%d years": [
"%d year (singular)",
"%d years (1st plural)",
"%d years (2nd plural)",
"%d years (3rd plural)",
"%d years (4th plural)",
"%d years (5th plural)"
"Never": "Never",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Please enter the password for this paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generated from IP address",
"Add comment": "Add comment",
"Optional nickname…": "Optional nickname…",
"Post comment": "Post comment",
"Sending comment…": "Sending comment…",
"Comment posted.": "Comment posted.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "unknown status",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Could not post comment: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sending paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Delete data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Plain Text",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Download attachment",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attach a file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "ky.bu ry termifra",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "refcfa",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "urli:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "galfi lo cabni la utc",
"Close": "ganlo",
"Encrypted note on %s": ".i lo lo notci ku mifra cu zvati %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "rejgau fukpi",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Because ignorance is bliss",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Please wait %d second between each post. (singular)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (1st plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (2nd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (3rd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (4th plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (5th plural)"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.",
"Invalid data.": "Invalid data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "You are unlucky. Try again.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error saving comment. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error saving paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Invalid paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste was properly deleted.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "New",
"Create": "Create",
"Clone": "Clone",
"Raw text": "Raw text",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Burn after reading": "Burn after reading",
"Open discussion": "Open discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Password (recommended)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second (singular)",
"%d seconds (1st plural)",
"%d seconds (2nd plural)",
"%d seconds (3rd plural)",
"%d seconds (4th plural)",
"%d seconds (5th plural)"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute (singular)",
"%d minutes (1st plural)",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minutes (4th plural)",
"%d minutes (5th plural)"
"%d hours": [
"%d hour (singular)",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"%d day (singular)",
"%d days (1st plural)",
"%d days (2nd plural)",
"%d days (3rd plural)",
"%d days (4th plural)",
"%d days (5th plural)"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week (singular)",
"%d weeks (1st plural)",
"%d weeks (2nd plural)",
"%d weeks (3rd plural)",
"%d weeks (4th plural)",
"%d weeks (5th plural)"
"%d months": [
"%d month (singular)",
"%d months (1st plural)",
"%d months (2nd plural)",
"%d months (3rd plural)",
"%d months (4th plural)",
"%d months (5th plural)"
"%d years": [
"%d year (singular)",
"%d years (1st plural)",
"%d years (2nd plural)",
"%d years (3rd plural)",
"%d years (4th plural)",
"%d years (5th plural)"
"Never": "Never",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Please enter the password for this paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generated from IP address",
"Add comment": "Add comment",
"Optional nickname…": "Optional nickname…",
"Post comment": "Post comment",
"Sending comment…": "Sending comment…",
"Comment posted.": "Comment posted.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "unknown status",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Could not post comment: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sending paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Delete data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Plain Text",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Download attachment",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attach a file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "جۆری ڕەش",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivatumVinariam",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Because ignorance is bliss",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Please wait %d second between each post. (singular)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (1st plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (2nd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (3rd plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (4th plural)",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post. (5th plural)"
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.",
"Invalid data.": "Invalid data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "You are unlucky. Try again.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error saving comment. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error saving paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Invalid paste ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste was properly deleted.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requires a modern browser to work.",
"New": "New",
"Create": "Create",
"Clone": "Clone",
"Raw text": "Raw text",
"Expires": "Expires",
"Burn after reading": "Burn after reading",
"Open discussion": "Open discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Password (recommended)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Toggle navigation",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second (singular)",
"%d seconds (1st plural)",
"%d seconds (2nd plural)",
"%d seconds (3rd plural)",
"%d seconds (4th plural)",
"%d seconds (5th plural)"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minute (singular)",
"%d minutes (1st plural)",
"%d minutes (2nd plural)",
"%d minutes (3rd plural)",
"%d minutes (4th plural)",
"%d minutes (5th plural)"
"%d hours": [
"%d hour (singular)",
"%d hours (1st plural)",
"%d hours (2nd plural)",
"%d hours (3rd plural)",
"%d hours (4th plural)",
"%d hours (5th plural)"
"%d days": [
"%d day (singular)",
"%d days (1st plural)",
"%d days (2nd plural)",
"%d days (3rd plural)",
"%d days (4th plural)",
"%d days (5th plural)"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week (singular)",
"%d weeks (1st plural)",
"%d weeks (2nd plural)",
"%d weeks (3rd plural)",
"%d weeks (4th plural)",
"%d weeks (5th plural)"
"%d months": [
"%d month (singular)",
"%d months (1st plural)",
"%d months (2nd plural)",
"%d months (3rd plural)",
"%d months (4th plural)",
"%d months (5th plural)"
"%d years": [
"%d year (singular)",
"%d years (1st plural)",
"%d years (2nd plural)",
"%d years (3rd plural)",
"%d years (4th plural)",
"%d years (5th plural)"
"Never": "Never",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"This document will expire in %d second. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d seconds. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"This document will expire in %d minute. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d minutes. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"This document will expire in %d hour. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d hours. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"This document will expire in %d day. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d days. (5th plural)"
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"This document will expire in %d month. (singular)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (1st plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (2nd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (3rd plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (4th plural)",
"This document will expire in %d months. (5th plural)"
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Please enter the password for this paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?",
"Reply": "Reply",
"Anonymous": "Anonymous",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar generated from IP address",
"Add comment": "Add comment",
"Optional nickname…": "Optional nickname…",
"Post comment": "Post comment",
"Sending comment…": "Sending comment…",
"Comment posted.": "Comment posted.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Could not refresh display: %s",
"unknown status": "unknown status",
"server error or not responding": "server error or not responding",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Could not post comment: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sending paste…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>",
"Delete data": "Delete data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Could not create paste: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Plain Text",
"Source Code": "Source Code",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Download attachment",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Cloned: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.",
"Attach a file": "Attach a file",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.",
"Remove attachment": "Remove attachment",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Invalid attachment.",
"Options": "Options",
"Shorten URL": "Shorten URL",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Preview",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decrypt",
"Enter password": "Enter password",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Decrypting paste…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparing new paste…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ no paste text +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Could not get paste data: %s",
"QR code": "QR code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
"ho": ["Hiri Motu", "Hiri Motu"],
"hu": ["magyar", "Hungarian"],
"ia": ["Interlingua", "Interlingua"],
"id": ["bahasa Indonesia","Indonesian"],
"ie": ["Interlingue", "Interlingue"],
"ga": ["Gaeilge", "Irish"],
"ig": ["Asụsụ Igbo", "Igbo"],
@ -89,7 +88,6 @@
"ku": ["Kurdî", "Kurdish"],
"kj": ["Kuanyama", "Kwanyama"],
"la": ["lingua latina", "Latin"],
"jbo":["jbobau", "Lojban"],
"lb": ["Lëtzebuergesch", "Luxembourgish"],
"lg": ["Luganda", "Ganda"],
"li": ["Limburgs", "Limburgish"],

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s yra minimalistinis, atvirojo kodo internetinis įdėjimų dėklas, kurį naudojant, serveris nieko nenutuokia apie įdėtus duomenis. Duomenys yra šifruojami/iššifruojami %snaršyklėje%s naudojant 256 bitų AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Daugiau informacijos rasite <a href=\"\">projekto puslapyje</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Nes nežinojimas yra palaima",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Įdėjimo nėra, jis nebegalioja arba buvo ištrintas.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s savo darbui reikalauja php %s arba naujesnės versijos. Apgailestaujame.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s reikalauja, kad konfigūracijos faile būtų [%s] konfigūracijos sekcija.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundę.",
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundės.",
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundžių.",
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundžių.",
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundžių.",
"Tarp kiekvieno įrašo palaukite %d sekundžių."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Įdėjimas yra apribotas iki %s šifruotų duomenų.",
"Invalid data.": "Neteisingi duomenys.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Jums nesiseka. Bandykite dar kartą.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Klaida įrašant komentarą. Apgailestaujame.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Klaida įrašant įdėjimą. Apgailestaujame.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Neteisingas įdėjimo ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Įdėjimo tipas nėra „Perskaičius sudeginti“.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Neteisingas ištrynimo prieigos raktas. Įdėjimas nebuvo ištrintas.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Įdėjimas buvo tinkamai ištrintas.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "%s darbui reikalinga JavaScript. Atsiprašome už nepatogumus.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s savo darbui reikalauja šiuolaikinės naršyklės.",
"New": "Naujas",
"Create": "Kurti",
"Clone": "Dubliuoti",
"Raw text": "Neapdorotas tekstas",
"Expires": "Baigs galioti po",
"Burn after reading": "Perskaičius sudeginti",
"Open discussion": "Atvira diskusija",
"Password (recommended)": "Slaptažodis (rekomenduojama)",
"Discussion": "Diskusija",
"Toggle navigation": "Perjungti naršymą",
"%d seconds": [
"%d sekundę",
"%d sekundės",
"%d sekundžių",
"%d sekundžių",
"%d sekundžių",
"%d sekundžių"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minutės",
"%d minučių",
"%d minučių",
"%d minučių",
"%d minučių",
"%d minučių"
"%d hours": [
"%d valandos",
"%d valandų",
"%d valandų",
"%d valandų",
"%d valandų",
"%d valandų"
"%d days": [
"%d dienos",
"%d dienų",
"%d dienų",
"%d dienų",
"%d dienų",
"%d dienų"
"%d weeks": [
"%d savaitės",
"%d savaičių",
"%d savaičių",
"%d savaičių",
"%d savaičių",
"%d savaičių"
"%d months": [
"%d mėnesio",
"%d mėnesių",
"%d mėnesių",
"%d mėnesių",
"%d mėnesių",
"%d mėnesių"
"%d years": [
"%d metų",
"%d metų",
"%d metų",
"%d metų",
"%d metų",
"%d metų"
"Never": "Niekada",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Pastaba: Tai yra bandomoji paslauga. Duomenys bet kuriuo metu gali būti ištrinti. Kačiukai mirs, jei piktnaudžiausite šia paslauga.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundės.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundžių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundžių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundžių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundžių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d sekundžių."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minutės.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minučių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minučių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minučių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minučių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d minučių."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandos.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d valandų."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienos.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienų.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d dienų."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesio.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesių.",
"Šis dokumentas nustos galioti po %d mėnesių."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Įveskite šio įdėjimo slaptažodį:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nepavyko iššifruoti duomenų (Neteisingas raktas?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Nepavyko ištrinti įdėjimo, jis nebuvo saugomas „Perskaičius sudeginti“ veiksenoje.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "SKIRTA TIK JŪSŲ AKIMS. Neužverkite šio lango, šis pranešimas negalės būti rodomas dar kartą.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Nepavyko iššifruoti komentaro; Neteisingas raktas?",
"Reply": "Atsakyti",
"Anonymous": "Anonimas",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avataras sukurtas iš IP adreso",
"Add comment": "Pridėti komentarą",
"Optional nickname…": "Nebūtinas slapyvardis…",
"Post comment": "Skelbti komentarą",
"Sending comment…": "Siunčiamas komentaras…",
"Comment posted.": "Komentaras paskelbtas.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Nepavyko įkelti rodinio iš naujo: %s",
"unknown status": "nežinoma būsena",
"server error or not responding": "serverio klaida arba jis neatsako",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Nepavyko paskelbti komentaro: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Siunčiamas įdėjimas…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Jūsų įdėjimas yra <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Paspauskite [Vald]+[c] norėdami nukopijuoti)</span>",
"Delete data": "Ištrinti duomenis",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Nepavyko sukurti įdėjimo: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Nepavyksta iššifruoti įdėjimo: URL adrese trūksta iššifravimo rakto (Ar naudojote peradresavimo ar URL trumpinimo įrankį, kuris pašalina URL dalį?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formatas",
"Plain Text": "Grynasis tekstas",
"Source Code": "Pirminis kodas",
"Markdown": "„Markdown“",
"Download attachment": "Atsisiųsti priedą",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Dubliuota: „%s“",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Dubliuotas failas „%s“ buvo pridėtas į šį įdėjimą.",
"Attach a file": "Pridėti failą",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "arba kitaip - tempkite failą arba įdėkite paveikslą iš iškarpinės",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Failas per didelis, kad būtų rodoma peržiūra. Atsisiųskite priedą.",
"Remove attachment": "Šalinti priedą",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Jūsų naršyklė nepalaiko šifruotų failų įkėlimo. Naudokite naujesnę naršyklę.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Neteisingas priedas.",
"Options": "Parinktys",
"Shorten URL": "Sutrumpinti URL",
"Editor": "Redaktorius",
"Preview": "Peržiūra",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s reikalauja, kad PATH baigtųsi „%s“. Atnaujinkite PATH savo index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Iššifruoti",
"Enter password": "Įveskite slaptažodį",
"Loading…": "Įkeliama…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Iššifruojamas įdėjimas…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Ruošiamas naujas įdėjimas…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Jeigu šis pranešimas niekada nedingsta, pasižiūrėkite <a href=\"%s\">šį DUK skyrių, kuriame yra informacija apie nesklandumų šalinimą</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ nėra įdėjimo teksto +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Nepavyko gauti įdėjimo duomenų: %s",
"QR code": "QR kodas",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Ši internetinė svetainė naudoja nesaugų HTTP ryšį! Naudokite ją tik bandymams.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Išsamesnei informacijai, <a href=\"%s\">žiūrėkite šį DUK įrašą</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Jūsų naršyklei gali prireikti HTTPS ryšio, kad palaikytų „WebCrypto“ API. Pabandykite <a href=\"%s\">persijungti į HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Jūsų naršyklė nepalaiko „WebAssembly“, kuri naudojama zlib glaudinimui. Jūs galite kurti neglaudintus dokumentus, tačiau negalite skaityti glaudintų dokumentų.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "laukiama, kol naudotojas pateiks slaptažodį",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Nepavyko iššifruoti duomenų. Ar įvedėte teisingą slaptažodį? Bandykite iš naujo pasinaudodami mygtuku viršuje.",
"Retry": "Bandyti dar kartą",
"Showing raw text…": "Rodomas neapdorotas tekstas…",
"Notice:": "Pranešimas:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Ši nuoroda nustos galioti po %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Ši nuoroda gali būti atverta tik vieną kartą, nenaudokite savo naršyklėje mygtuko „Grįžti“ ar „Įkelti iš naujo“.",
"Link:": "Nuoroda:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Gavėjas gali sužinoti jūsų laiko juostą, konvertuoti laiką į suderintąjį pasaulinį laiką (UTC)?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Naudoti esamą laiko juostą",
"Convert To UTC": "Konvertuoti į UTC",
"Close": "Užverti",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Šifruoti užrašai ties %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Norėdami matyti užrašus, aplankykite šį tinklalapį. Pasidalinus šiuo URL adresu su kitais žmonėmis, jiems taip pat bus leidžiama prieiga prie šių užrašų.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL trumpinimo įrankis gali atskleisti URL adrese jūsų iššifravimo raktą.",
"Save paste": "Įrašyti įdėjimą",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Jūsų IP adresas neturi įgaliojimų kurti įdėjimų.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Bandoma sutrumpinti URL adresą, kuris nenurodo į mūsų egzempliorių.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Klaida iškviečiant YOURLS. Tikriausiai, konfigūracijos klaida, pavyzdžiui, neteisingi „apiurl“ ar „signature“, arba jų nėra.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Klaida nagrinėjant YOURLS atsaką.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Tamsus režimas",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."

View file

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s is een minimalistische, open source online pastebin waarbij de server geen kennis heeft van de paste data zelf. Gegevens worden gecodeerd/gedecodeerd %s in de browser %s met behulp van 256-bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Meer informatie is te vinden op de <a href=\"\">projectpagina</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Onwetendheid is een zegen",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Paste bestaat niet, is verlopen of verwijderd.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s vereist PHP %s of hoger om te kunnen werken. Sorry",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s vereist dat de configuratiesectie [%s] aanwezig is in het configuratiebestand",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Alstublieft %d second wachten tussen elk bericht.",
"Alstublieft %d seconden wachten tussen elk bericht.",
"Alstublieft %d seconden wachten tussen elk bericht.",
"Alstublieft %d seconden wachten tussen elk bericht.",
"Alstublieft %d seconden wachten tussen elk bericht.",
"Alstublieft %d seconden wachten tussen elk bericht."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Paste is beperkt tot %s aan versleutelde gegevens.",
"Invalid data.": "Ongeldige gegevens.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Helaas. Probeer het nog eens.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Fout bij het opslaan van het commentaar. Sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Fout bij het opslaan van de paste. Sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Ongeldige ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Paste is geen 'vernietig na lezen' type.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Foutieve verwijdercode. Paste is niet verwijderd.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Paste is correct verwijderd.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript vereist om %s te laten werken. Sorry voor het ongemak.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s vereist een moderne browser om te kunnen werken.",
"New": "Nieuw",
"Create": "Aanmaken",
"Clone": "Klonen",
"Raw text": "Onbewerkte tekst",
"Expires": "Verloopt",
"Burn after reading": "Vernietig na lezen",
"Open discussion": "Open discussie",
"Password (recommended)": "Wachtwoord (aanbevolen)",
"Discussion": "Discussie",
"Toggle navigation": "Navigatie openen/sluiten",
"%d seconds": [
"%d seconde",
"%d seconden",
"%d seconden",
"%d seconden",
"%d seconden",
"%d seconden"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuut",
"%d minuten",
"%d minuten",
"%d minuten",
"%d minuten",
"%d minuten"
"%d hours": [
"%d uur",
"%d uren",
"%d uren",
"%d uren",
"%d uren",
"%d uren"
"%d days": [
"%d dag",
"%d dagen",
"%d dagen",
"%d dagen",
"%d dagen",
"%d dagen"
"%d weeks": [
"%d week",
"%d weken",
"%d weken",
"%d weken",
"%d weken",
"%d weken"
"%d months": [
"%d maand",
"%d maanden",
"%d maanden",
"%d maanden",
"%d maanden",
"%d maanden"
"%d years": [
"%d jaar",
"%d jaren",
"%d jaren",
"%d jaren",
"%d jaren",
"%d jaren"
"Never": "Nooit",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Opmerking: Dit is een testservice: Gegevens kunnen op elk gegeven moment verwijderd worden. Katten zullen doodgaan als je misbruikt maakt van deze service.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconde.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d seconden."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuut.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuten.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuten.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuten.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuten.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d minuten."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Dit document verloopt over %d uur.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d uren.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d uren.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d uren.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d uren.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d uren."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Dit document verloopt over %d dag.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d dagen.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d dagen.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d dagen.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d dagen.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d dagen."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Dit document verloopt over %d maand.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d maanden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d maanden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d maanden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d maanden.",
"Dit document verloopt over %d maanden."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Voer het wachtwoord in voor deze paste:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Kon de gegevens niet decoderen (verkeerde sleutel?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Verwijderen van de paste niet mogelijk, deze werd niet opgeslagen in 'vernietig na lezen' modus.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "ALLEEN VOOR JOUW OGEN BESTEMD. Sluit dit venster niet, dit bericht kan niet opnieuw worden weergegeven.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Kon het commentaar niet decoderen; Verkeerde sleutel?",
"Reply": "Beantwoorden",
"Anonymous": "Anoniem",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Anonieme avatar (van het IP-adres)",
"Add comment": "Commentaar toevoegen",
"Optional nickname…": "Optionele bijnaam…",
"Post comment": "Plaats een commentaar",
"Sending comment…": "Commentaar verzenden…",
"Comment posted.": "Commentaar geplaatst.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Kon de weergave niet vernieuwen: %s",
"unknown status": "Onbekende status",
"server error or not responding": "Serverfout of server reageert niet",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Kon het commentaar niet plaatsen: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Paste verzenden…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Je paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Druk [Ctrl]+[c] om te kopiëren)</span>",
"Delete data": "Gegevens wissen",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Kon de paste niet aanmaken: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Kon de paste niet decoderen: Decoderingssleutel ontbreekt in URL (Heb je een doorverwijzer of een URL-verkorter gebruikt die een deel van de URL verwijdert?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Format": "Formaat",
"Plain Text": "Platte tekst",
"Source Code": "Broncode",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Bijlage downloaden",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Gekloond: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Het gekloonde bestand '%s' is bijgevoegd aan de paste.",
"Attach a file": "Een bestand toevoegen",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "Je kunt ook een bestand slepen en neerzetten of een afbeelding plakken van het klembord",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Het bestand is te groot om voorbeeld weer te geven. Aub de bijlage downloaden.",
"Remove attachment": "Bijlage verwijderen",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Je browser biedt geen ondersteuning voor het uploaden van gecodeerde bestanden. Gebruik alstublieft een nieuwere browser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Ongeldige bijlage.",
"Options": "Opties",
"Shorten URL": "URL verkorten",
"Editor": "Editor",
"Preview": "Voorbeeld",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s vereist dat PATH eindigt in een '%s'. a.u.b. PATH updaten in je index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Decoderen",
"Enter password": "Voer het wachtwoord in",
"Loading…": "Laden…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Paste decoderen…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Nieuwe paste voorbereiden…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "In het geval dat dit bericht nooit verdwijnt, kijkt dan eens naar <a href=\"%s\"> veelgestelde vragen voor informatie over het oplossen van problemen</a>.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ geen paste tekst +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Kon geen paste data verkrijgen: %s",
"QR code": "QR-code",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Deze website gebruikt een onveilige HTTP-verbinding! Gelieve deze enkel te gebruiken om te testen.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Voor meer informatie <a href=\"%s\">zie dit FAQ-artikel</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Je browser kan een HTTPS-verbinding nodig hebben om de WebCrypto API te ondersteunen. Probeer <a href=\"%s\">het met HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Je browser ondersteunt WebAssembly niet, wat wordt gebruikt voor zlib compressie. Je kunt niet-gecomprimeerde documenten maken, maar geen gecomprimeerde documenten lezen.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "wachtend op gebruiker om een wachtwoord te geven",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Kon de gegevens niet decoderen. Heb je een verkeerd wachtwoord ingevoerd? Probeer het opnieuw met de knop bovenaan.",
"Retry": "Opnieuw proberen",
"Showing raw text…": "Platte tekst tonen…",
"Notice:": "Let op:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Deze link vervalt na %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Deze link kan slechts eenmaal worden geopend, gebruik niet de terug- of verversknop in je browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Ontvanger kan zich bewust worden van je tijdzone, tijd omzetten naar UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Gebruik huidige tijdzone",
"Convert To UTC": "Omzetten naar UTC",
"Close": "Sluiten",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Versleutelde notitie op %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Bezoek deze link om de notitie te bekijken. Als je de URL aan iemand geeft, kan die de notitie ook bekijken.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL-verkorter kan je ontcijferingssleutel in URL blootleggen.",
"Save paste": "Notitie opslaan",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Je IP-adres is niet gemachtigd om pastes te maken.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Proberen om een URL te verkorten dat niet naar ons systeem wijst.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Foutmelding ophalen YOURLS. Waarschijnlijk een configuratiefout, zoals een verkeerde of missende \"apiurl\" of \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Foutmelding bij parsen van YOURLS respons.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Dit geheime bericht kan maar één keer worden weergegeven. Wil je het nu zien?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, tonen",
"Dark Mode": "Donkere modus",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Fout bij het comprimeren van notitie door ontbrekende ondersteuning voor WebAssembly.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Fout bij het decomprimeren van de notitie, uw browser ondersteunt WebAssembly niet. Gebruik een andere browser om deze notitie te bekijken."

View file

@ -1,223 +1,151 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s er en minimalistisk, åpen kildekode, elektronisk tilgjengelig pastebin hvor serveren ikke har kunnskap om dataene som limes inn. Dataene krypteres/dekrypteres %si nettleseren%s ved hjelp av 256 bits AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Mer informasjon om prosjektet på <a href=\"\">prosjektsiden</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Fordi uvitenhet er lykke",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Innlegget eksisterer ikke, er utløpt eller har blitt slettet.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "Beklager, %s krever php %s eller nyere for å kjøre.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s krever konfigurasjonsdel [%s] å være til stede i konfigurasjonsfilen .",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Vennligst vent %d sekund mellom hvert innlegg.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s er en minimalistisk, åpen kildekode, elektronisk tilgjengelig pastebin hvor serveren ikke har kunnskap om dataene som limes inn. Dataene krypteres/dekrypteres <i>i nettleseren</i> ved hjelp av 256 bits AES. Mer informasjon om prosjektet på <a href=\"\">prosjektsiden</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Fordi uvitenhet er lykke",
"en": "no",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Innlegget eksisterer ikke, er utløpt eller har blitt slettet.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"Beklager, %s krever php 5.3.0 eller nyere for å kjøre.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s krever konfigurasjonsdel [%s] å være til stede i konfigurasjonsfilen .",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Vennligst vent %d sekunder mellom hvert innlegg.",
"Vennligst vent %d sekunder mellom hvert innlegg.",
"Vennligst vent %d sekunder mellom hvert innlegg.",
"Vennligst vent %d sekunder mellom hvert innlegg.",
"Vennligst vent %d sekunder mellom hvert innlegg."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Innlegg er begrenset til %s av kryptert data.",
"Invalid data.": "Ugyldige data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Du er uheldig. Prøv igjen.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved lagring kommentar.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved lagring innlegg.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Feil innlegg ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Innlegg er ikke av typen slett etter lesing.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Feil slettingsnøkkel. Innlegg ble ikke fjernet.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Innlegget er slettet.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Javascript kreves for at %s skal fungere. Beklager.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s krever en moderne nettleser for å fungere.",
"New": "Ny",
"Create": "Opprette",
"Clone": "Kopier",
"Raw text": "Ren tekst",
"Expires": "Utgår",
"Burn after reading": "Slett etter lesing",
"Open discussion": "Åpen diskusjon",
"Password (recommended)": "Passord (anbefalt)",
"Discussion": "Diskusjon",
"Toggle navigation": "Veksle navigasjon",
"%d seconds": [
"%d sekund",
"%d sekunder",
"%d sekunder",
"%d sekunder",
"%d sekunder",
"%d sekunder"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minutt",
"%d minutter",
"%d minutter",
"%d minutter",
"%d minutter",
"%d minutter"
"%d hours": [
"%d time",
"%d timer",
"%d timer",
"%d timer",
"%d timer",
"%d timer"
"%d days": [
"%d dag",
"%d dager",
"%d dager",
"%d dager",
"%d dager",
"%d dager"
"%d weeks": [
"%d uke",
"%d uker",
"%d uker",
"%d uker",
"%d uker",
"%d uker"
"%d months": [
"%d måned",
"%d måneder",
"%d måneder",
"%d måneder",
"%d måneder",
"%d måneder"
"%d years": [
"%d år",
"%d år",
"%d år",
"%d år",
"%d år",
"%d år"
"Never": "Aldri",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Merk: Dette er en test tjeneste: Data kan slettes når som helst. Kattunger vil dø hvis du misbruker denne tjenesten.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekund.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutt.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d time.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dag.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måned.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder.",
"Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Vennligst skriv inn passordet for dette innlegget:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Kunne ikke dekryptere data (Feil nøkkel?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Kan ikke slette innlegget, det ble ikke lagret som 'slett etter les' type.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "KUN FOR DINE ØYNE. Ikke lukk dette vinduet, denne meldingen kan ikke bli vist igjen.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Kan ikke dekryptere kommentar; Feil nøkkel?",
"Reply": "Svar",
"Anonymous": "Anonym",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Anonym avatar generert med data fra IP adressen)",
"Add comment": "Legg til kommentar",
"Optional nickname…": "Valgfritt kallenavn…",
"Post comment": "Send kommentar",
"Sending comment…": "Sender Kommentar…",
"Comment posted.": "Kommentar sendt.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Kunne ikke oppdatere bildet: %s",
"unknown status": "ukjent status",
"server error or not responding": "tjener feilet eller svarer ikke",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Kunne ikke sende kommentar: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Sender innlegg…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Ditt innlegg er <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Trykk [Ctrl]+[c] for å kopiere)</span>",
"Delete data": "Slett data",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Kunne ikke opprette innlegg: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Kan ikke dekryptere innlegg: Dekrypteringsnøkkelen mangler i adressen (Har du bruket en redirector eller en URL forkorter som fjerner en del av addressen?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"Innlegg er begrenset til %s av kryptert data.",
"Invalid data.":
"Ugyldige data.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Du er uheldig. Prøv igjen.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved lagring kommentar.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Beklager, det oppstod en feil ved lagring innlegg.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"Feil innlegg ID.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Innlegg er ikke av type slett-etter-lesing.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Feil slettingsnøkkel. Innlegg ble ikke fjernet.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Innlegget er slettet.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"Javascript kreves for at %s skal fungere<br />Beklager ulempene.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s krever en moderne nettleser for å fungere.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Fortsatt bruker av Internet Explorer? Gjør deg selv en tjeneste og bytt til en moderne nettleser:",
"Raw text":
"Ren tekst",
"Burn after reading":
"Slett etter lesing",
"Open discussion":
"Åpen diskusjon",
"Password (recommended)":
"Passord (anbefalt)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Veksle navigasjon",
"%d seconds": ["%d sekund", "%d sekunder"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minutt", "%d minutter"],
"%d hours": ["%d time", "%d timer"],
"%d days": ["%d dag", "%d dager"],
"%d weeks": ["%d uke", "%d uker"],
"%d months": ["%d måned", "%d måneder"],
"%d years": ["%d år", "%d år"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Merk: Dette er en test tjeneste: Data kan slettes når som helst. Kattunger vil dø hvis du misbruker denne tjenesten.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekund.", "Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d sekunder."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutt.", "Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d minutter."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d time.", "Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d timer."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dag.", "Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d dager."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måned.", "Dette dokumentet vil utløpe om %d måneder."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Vennligst skriv inn passordet for dette innlegget:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Kunne ikke dekryptere data (Feil nøkkel?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Kan ikke slette innlegget, det ble ikke lagret i slett-etter-les modus.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"KUN FOR DINE ØYNE. Ikke lukk dette vinduet, denne meldingen kan ikke bli vist igjen.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Kan ikke dekryptere kommentar; Feil nøkkel?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Anonym avatar (Vizhash av IP adressen)",
"Add comment":
"Legg til kommentar",
"Optional nickname...":
"Valgfritt kallenavn...",
"Post comment":
"Send kommentar",
"Sending comment...":
"Sender Kommentar...",
"Comment posted.":
"Kommentar sendt.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Kunne ikke oppdatere skjermen: %s",
"unknown status":
"ukjent status",
"server error or not responding":
"server feilet eller svarer ikke",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Kunne ikke sende kommentar: %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Sender innlegg (Flytt musen for mere entropi)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Sender innlegg...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Ditt innlegg er <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Trykk [Ctrl]+[c] for å kopiere)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Slett data",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Kunne ikke opprette innlegg: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Kan ikke dekryptere innlegg: Dekrypteringsnøkkelen mangler i adressen (Har du bruket en redirector eller en URL forkorter som fjerner en del av addressen?)",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Ren Tekst",
"Source Code": "Kildekode",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Markdown": "Oppmerket",
"Download attachment": "Last ned vedlegg",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Kopiert: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Den klonede filen '%s' var koblet til denne innlimingen.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Kopier vedlegg.",
"Attach a file": "Legg til fil",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "alternativt dra og slipp en fil, eller lim inn et bilde fra utklippstavlen",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Filen er for stor, for å vise en forhåndsvisning. Last ned vedlegget.",
"Remove attachment": "Slett vedlegg",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Nettleseren din støtter ikke å laste opp krypterte filer. Vennligst bruk en nyere nettleser.",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Nettleseren din støtter ikke å laste opp krypterte filer. Vennligst bruk en nyere nettleser.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Ugyldig vedlegg.",
"Options": "Alternativer",
"Shorten URL": "Adresse forkorter",
"Shorten URL": "Adresse-forkorter",
"Editor": "Rediger",
"Preview": "Forhåndsvis",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s krever at PATH ender på \"%s\". Vennligst oppdater PATH i index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Dekrypter",
"Enter password": "Skriv inn passord",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s krever at PATH ender på \"%s\". Vennligst oppdater PATH i index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Skriv inn passord",
"Loading…": "Laster…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Dekrypterer innlegg…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Klargjør nytt innlegg…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Hvis denne meldingen ikke forsvinner kan du ta en titt på siden med <a href=\"%s\">ofte stilte spørsmål</a> for informasjon om feilsøking.",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ ingen innleggstekst +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Kunne ikke hente utklippsdata: %s",
"QR code": "QR kode",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Denne websiden bruker usikker HTTP tilkobling! Bruk den kun for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For mer informasjon <a href=\"%s\">se ofte stilte spørsmål</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Din nettleser har behov for HTTPS tilkobling for å støtte WebCrypto biblioteket. Prøv å <a href=\"%s\">bytt til HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Nettleseren din støtter ikke WebAssembly som brukes for zlib komprimering. Du kan lage ukomprimerte dokumenter, men du kan ikke lese komprimerte.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "venter på at bruker skal skrive passord",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Kunne ikke dekryptere data. Har du tastet riktig pssord? Prøv igjen med knappen på toppen.",
"Retry": "Prøv igjen",
"Showing raw text…": "Viser rå-tekst…",
"Notice:": "Notat:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Denne lenken vil bli inaktiv etter %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Denne addressen kan kun bli besøkt en gang, ikke trykk på tilbake eller oppdater knappene i nettleseren.",
"Link:": "Lenke:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Mottaker kan bli kjent med din tidssone, ønsker du å konvertere til UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Bruk gjeldende tidssone",
"Convert To UTC": "Konverter til UTC",
"Close": "Steng",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Kryptert notat på %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Besøk denne lenken for å se notatet. Hvis lenken deles med andre, vil de også kunne se notatet.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL forkorter kan avsløre dekrypteringsnøkkelen.",
"Save paste": "Lagre utklipp",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Din IP er ikke autorisert til å opprette advarsler.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Prøver å forkorte en URL som ikke peker i vår instans.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Feil ved å ringe YOURLS. Sannsynligvis et konfigurasjonsproblem, som feil eller mangler, \"apiurl\" eller \"signatur\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Feil ved analyse av YOURLS svar.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "Denne hemmelige meldingen kan bare vises én gang. Vil du se den nå?",
"Yes, see it": "Ja, se det",
"Dark Mode": "Mørk modus",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"Hvis denne meldingen ikke forsvinner kan du ta en titt på siden med <a href=\"\">ofte stilte spørsmål</a> for informasjon om feilsøking."

View file

@ -1,160 +1,129 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s es un 'pastebin' (o gestionari dextrachs de tèxte e còdi font) minimalista e open source, dins lo qual lo servidor a pas cap de coneissença de las donadas mandadas. Las donadas son chifradas/deschifradas %sdins lo navigator%s per un chiframent AES 256 bits.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Mai informacions sus <a href=\"\">la pagina del projècte</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Perque lo bonaür es lignorància",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Lo tèxte existís pas, a expirat, o es estat suprimit.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "O planhèm, %s necessita php %s o superior per foncionar.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s fa besonh de la seccion de configuracion [%s] dins lo fichièr de configuracion per foncionar.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Mercés d'esperar %d segonda entre cada publicacion.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s es un 'pastebin' (o gestionari d'extrachs de tèxte e còdi font) minimalista e open source, dins lo qual lo servidor a pas cap de coneissença de las donadas mandadas. Las donadas son chifradas/deschifradas <i>dins lo navigator</i> per un chiframent AES 256 bits. Mai informacions sus <a href=\"\">la pagina del projècte</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Perque l'ignorància es bonaür",
"en": "oc",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Lo tèxte existís pas, a expirat, o es estat suprimit.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"O planhèm, %s necessita php 5.3.0 o superior per foncionar.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s fa besonh de la seccion de configuracion [%s] dins lo fichièr de configuracion per foncionar.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion.",
"Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion.",
"Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion.",
"Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion.",
"Mercés d'esperar %d segondas entre cada publicacion."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Lo tèxte es limitat a %s de donadas chifradas.",
"Invalid data.": "Donadas invalidas.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Pas cap de fortuna. Tornatz ensajar.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Error al moment de salvagardar lo comentari. O planhèm.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Error al moment de salvagardar lo tèxte. O planhèm.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "ID del tèxte invalid.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Lo tèxte es pas del tipe «Escafar aprèp lectura».",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Geton de supression incorrècte. Lo tèxte es pas estat suprimit.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Lo tèxte es estat corrèctament suprimit.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "JavaScript es requesit per far foncionar %s. O planhèm per linconvenient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s requerís un navigator modèrn per foncionar.",
"New": "Nòu",
"Create": "Mandar",
"Clone": "Clonar",
"Raw text": "Tèxte brut",
"Expires": "Expira",
"Burn after reading": "Escafar aprèp lectura",
"Open discussion": "Autorizar la discussion",
"Password (recommended)": "Senhal (recomandat)",
"Discussion": "Discussion",
"Toggle navigation": "Virar la navigacion",
"%d seconds": [
"%d segonda",
"%d segondas",
"%d segondas",
"%d segondas",
"%d segondas",
"%d segondas"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minuta",
"%d minutas",
"%d minutas",
"%d minutas",
"%d minutas",
"%d minutas"
"%d hours": [
"%d ora",
"%d oras",
"%d oras",
"%d oras",
"%d oras",
"%d oras"
"%d days": [
"%d jorn",
"%d jorns",
"%d jorns",
"%d jorns",
"%d jorns",
"%d jorns"
"%d weeks": [
"%d setmana",
"%d setmanas",
"%d setmanas",
"%d setmanas",
"%d setmanas",
"%d setmanas"
"%d months": [
"%d mes",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses",
"%d meses"
"%d years": [
"%d an",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans",
"%d ans"
"Never": "Jamai",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Nota:Aquò es un servici despròva:las donadas pòdon èsser suprimidas a cada moment. De catons moriràn sabusatz daqueste servici.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segonda.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segondas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segondas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segondas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segondas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d segondas."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minuta.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minutas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minutas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minutas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minutas.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d minutas."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d ora.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d oras.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d oras.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d oras.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d oras.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d oras."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorn.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorns.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorns.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorns.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorns.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d jorns."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d mes.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d meses.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d meses.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d meses.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d meses.",
"Aqueste document expirarà daquí %d meses."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Picatz lo senhal per aqueste tèxte:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Impossible de deschifrar las donadas (marrida clau?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Impossible de suprimir lo tèxte, perque es pas estat gardat en mòde \"Escafar aprèp lectura\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "PER VÒSTRES UÈLHS SOLAMENT. Tampetz pas aquesta fenèstra, aqueste tèxte poirà pas mai èsser afichat.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Impossible de deschifrar lo comentari ; marrida clau?",
"Reply": "Respondre",
"Anonymous": "Anonime",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Avatar anonime (Vizhash de ladreça IP)",
"Add comment": "Apondre un comentari",
"Optional nickname…": "Escais opcional…",
"Post comment": "Mandar lo comentari",
"Sending comment…": "Mandadís del comentari…",
"Comment posted.": "Comentari mandat.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Impossible dactualizar lafichatge:%s",
"unknown status": "estatut desconegut",
"server error or not responding": "lo servidor respond pas o a rescontrat una error",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Impossible de mandar lo comentari:%s",
"Sending paste…": "Mandadís del tèxte…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Vòstre tèxte es disponible a ladreça <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Picatz sus [Ctrl]+[c] per copiar)</span>",
"Delete data": "Supprimir las donadas del tèxte",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Impossible de crear lo tèxte:%s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Impossible de deschifrar lo tèxte:clau de deschiframent absenta de lURL (Avètz utilizat un redirector o un site de reduccion dURL que suprimís una partida de lURL?)",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"Lo tèxte es limitat a %s de donadas chifradas.",
"Invalid data.":
"Donadas invalidas.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Pas cap de fortuna. Tornatz ensajar.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Error al moment de salvagardar lo comentari. O planhèm.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Error al moment de salvagardar lo tèxte. O planhèm.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"ID del tèxte invalid.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Lo tèxte es pas del tip \"Escafar aprèp lectura\".",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Geton de supression incorrècte. Lo tèxte es pas estat suprimit.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Lo tèxte es estat correctament suprimit.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"JavaScript es requesit per far foncionar %s. <br />O planhèm per l'inconvenient.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s necessita un navigator modèrn per foncionar.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Encora sus Internet Explorer ? Fasètz-vos una favor, passatz a un navigator modèrn :",
"Raw text":
"Tèxte brut",
"Burn after reading":
"Escafar aprèp lectura",
"Open discussion":
"Autorizar la discussion",
"Password (recommended)":
"Senhal (recomandat)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Virar la navigacion",
"%d seconds": ["%d segonda", "%d segondas"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minuta", "%d minutas"],
"%d hours": ["%d ora", "%d oras"],
"%d days": ["%d jorn", "%d jorns"],
"%d weeks": ["%d setmana", "%d setmanas"],
"%d months": ["%d mes", "%d meses"],
"%d years": ["%d an", "%d ans"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Nota : Aquò es un servici d'espròva : las donadas pòdon èsser suprimidas a cada moment. De catons moriràn s'abusatz d'aqueste servici.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d seconde.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d segondas."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d minute.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d minutas."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d heure.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d oras."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d jour.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d jorns."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Ce document expirera dans %d mois.", "Aqueste document expirarà dins %d meses."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Picatz lo senhal per aqueste tèxte :",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Impossible de deschifrar las donadas (marrida clau ?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Impossible de suprimir lo tèxte, perque es pas estat gardat en mòde \"Escafar aprèp lectura\".",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"PER VÒSTRES UÈLHS SOLAMENT. Tampetz pas aquesta fenèstra, aqueste tèxte poirà pas mai èsser afichat.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Impossible de deschifrar lo comentari ; marrida clau ?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Avatar anonime (Vizhash de l'adreça IP)",
"Add comment":
"Apondre un comentari",
"Optional nickname...":
"Escais opcional...",
"Post comment":
"Mandar lo comentari",
"Sending comment...":
"Mandadís del comentari...",
"Comment posted.":
"Comentari mandat.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Impossible d'actualizar l'afichatge : %s",
"unknown status":
"Estatut desconegut",
"server error or not responding":
"Lo servidor respond pas o a rencontrat una error",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Impossible de mandar lo comentari : %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Mandadís del tèxte (Mercés de bolegar vòstra mirga per mai entropia)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Mandadís del tèxte...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Vòstre tèxte es disponible a l'adreça <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Picatz sus [Ctrl]+[c] per copiar)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Supprimir las donadas del tèxte",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Impossible de crear lo tèxte : %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Impossible de deschifrar lo tèxte : Clau de deschiframent absenta de l'URL (Avètz utilizat un redirector o un site de reduccion d'URL que suprimís una partida de l'URL ?)",
"B": "o",
"KiB": "Kio",
"MiB": "Mio",
@ -169,55 +138,23 @@
"Source Code": "Còdi font",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Telecargar la pèça junta",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Clonar: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Aqueste fichièr clonat '%s' es estat ajustat a aqueste tèxte.",
"Attach a file": "Juntar un fichièr",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "autrament lisatz lo fichièr o pegatz limatge del quichapapièrs",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Fichièr tròp pesuc per mostrar un apercebut. Telecargatz la pèca junta.",
"Remove attachment": "Levar la pèça junta",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Vòstre navigator es pas compatible amb lo mandadís de fichièrs chifrats. Mercés demplegar un navigator mai recent.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Clonar lo fichièr junt.",
"Attach a file": "Juntar un fichièr ",
"Remove attachment": "Levar la pèca junta",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Vòstre navigator es pas compatible amb lo mandadís de fichièrs chifrats. Mercés d'emplegar un navigator mai recent.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Pèça junta invalida.",
"Options": "Opcions",
"Shorten URL": "Acorchir lURL",
"Shorten URL": "Acorchir l'URL",
"Editor": "Editar",
"Preview": "Previsualizar",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s demanda que lo PATH termine en « %s». Mercés de metre a jorn lo PATH dins vòstre index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Deschifrar",
"Enter password": "Picatz lo senhal",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s demanda que lo PATH termine en \"%s\". Mercés de metre a jorn lo PATH dins vòstre index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Picatz lo senhal",
"Loading…": "Cargament…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Deschirament del tèxte…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Preparacion…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "Se per cas aqueste messatge quite pas de safichar mercés de gaitar <a href=\"%s\">aquesta FAQ per las solucions</a> (en anglés).",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ cap de tèxte pegat +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Recuperacion impossibla de las donadas copiadas: %s",
"QR code": "Còdi QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "Aqueste site utiliza una connexion HTTP pas segura ! Mercés de lutilizar pas que per densages.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "Per mai dinformacions <a href=\"%s\">vejatz aqueste article de FAQ</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Se pòt que vòstre navigator faga besonh duna connexion HTTPS per èsser compatible amb lAPI WebCrypto. Ensajatz de <a href=\"%s\">passar al HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Vòstre navigator es pas compatible amb WebAssembly, utilizat per la compression zlib. Podètz crear de documents pas compressat, mas ne podètz pas legir de compressats.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "en espèra que lutilizaire fornisca un senhal",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Deschiframent de las donadas impossible. Avètz picat un marrit senhal? Tornatz ensajar amb lo boton ennaut.",
"Retry": "Tornar ensajar",
"Showing raw text…": "Afichatge del tèxte brut…",
"Notice:": "Avertiment:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "Aqueste ligam expirarà aprèp %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "Òm pòt pas quaccedir a aqueste ligam quun còp, utilizetz pas lo boton precedent o actualizar del navigator.",
"Link:": "Ligam:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Lo destinatari pòt savisar de vòstre fus orari, convertir en UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Utilizar lactual",
"Convert To UTC": "Convertir en UTC",
"Close": "Tampar",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Nòtas chifradas sus %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visitatz aqueste ligam per veire la nòta. Fornir lo ligam a qualquun mai li permet tanben daccedir a la nòta.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "Los espleches dacorchiment dURL pòdon expausar la clau de deschiframent dins lURL.",
"Save paste": "Enregistrar lo tèxt",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Vòstra adreça IP a pas lautorizacion de crear de tèxtes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Ensag dabracar una URL que mena pas a nòstra instància.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error en cridant YOURLS. Es probablament un problèma de configuracion, quicòm coma « apirul » o « signature » marrit o absent.",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error d'analisi de la responsa YOURLS.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Dark Mode",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"Se per cas aqueste messatge quita pas de s'afichar mercés de gaitar <a href=\"\">aquesta FAQ per las solucions</a> (en Anglés)."

View file

@ -1,223 +1,151 @@
"PrivateBin": "PrivateBin",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted %sin the browser%s using 256 bits AES.": "%s jest minimalistycznym, otwartoźródłowym serwisem typu pastebin, w którym serwer nie ma jakichkolwiek informacji o tym, co jest wklejane. Dane są szyfrowane i deszyfrowane %sw przeglądarce%s z użyciem 256-bitowego klucza AES.",
"More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.": "Więcej informacji na <a href=\"\">stronie projektu</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss": "Ponieważ ignorancja jest cnotą",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.": "Wklejka nie istnieje, wygasła albo została usunięta.",
"%s requires php %s or above to work. Sorry.": "%s wymaga PHP w wersji %s lub nowszej. Przykro mi.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.": "%s wymaga obecności sekcji [%s] w pliku konfiguracyjnym.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.": [
"Poczekaj %d sekundę pomiędzy każdą wklejką.",
"%s is a minimalist, open source online pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. Data is encrypted/decrypted <i>in the browser</i> using 256 bits AES. More information on the <a href=\"\">project page</a>.":
"%s jest minimalistycznym, otwartoźródłowym serwisem typu pastebin, w którym serwer nie ma jakichkolwiek informacji o tym, co jest wklejane. Dane są szyfrowane i deszyfrowane <i>w przeglądarce</i> z użyciem 256-bitowego klucza AES. Więcej informacji na <a href=\"\">stronie projektu</a>.",
"Because ignorance is bliss":
"Ponieważ ignorancja jest cnotą",
"en": "pl",
"Paste does not exist, has expired or has been deleted.":
"Wklejka nie istnieje, wygasła albo została usunięta.",
"%s requires php 5.3.0 or above to work. Sorry.":
"%s wymaga PHP w wersji 5.3.0 lub nowszej, sorry.",
"%s requires configuration section [%s] to be present in configuration file.":
"%s wymaga obecności sekcji [%s] w pliku konfiguracyjnym.",
"Please wait %d seconds between each post.":
"Poczekaj %d sekund pomiędzy każdą wklejką.",
"Poczekaj %d sekund pomiędzy każdą wklejką.",
"Poczekaj %d sekund pomiędzy każdą wklejką.",
"Poczekaj %d sekund pomiędzy każdą wklejką.",
"Poczekaj %d sekund pomiędzy każdą wklejką."
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.": "Wklejka jest limitowana do %s zaszyfrowanych danych.",
"Invalid data.": "Nieprawidłowe dane.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.": "Miałeś pecha. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.": "Błąd przy zapisywaniu komentarza, sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.": "Błąd przy zapisywaniu wklejki, sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.": "Nieprawidłowe ID wklejki.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.": "Ta wklejka nie ulega autodestrukcji po przeczytaniu.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.": "Nieprawidłowy token usuwania. Wklejka nie została usunięta.",
"Paste was properly deleted.": "Wklejka usunięta poprawnie.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work. Sorry for the inconvenience.": "Do działania %sa jest wymagany JavaScript. Przepraszamy za tę niedogodność.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.": "%s wymaga do działania nowoczesnej przeglądarki.",
"New": "Nowa",
"Create": "Stwórz",
"Clone": "Sklonuj",
"Raw text": "Czysty tekst",
"Expires": "Wygasa za",
"Burn after reading": "Zniszcz po przeczytaniu",
"Open discussion": "Otwarta dyskusja",
"Password (recommended)": "Hasło (zalecane)",
"Discussion": "Dyskusja",
"Toggle navigation": "Przełącz nawigację",
"%d seconds": [
"%d second",
"%d second",
"%d second",
"%d second",
"%d second",
"%d second"
"%d minutes": [
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut",
"%d minut"
"%d hours": [
"%d godzina",
"%d godzina",
"%d godzinę",
"%d godzinę",
"%d godzinę",
"%d godzinę"
"%d days": [
"%d dzień",
"%d dzień",
"%d dzień",
"%d dzień",
"%d dzień",
"%d dzień"
"%d weeks": [
"%d tydzień",
"%d tydzień",
"%d tydzień",
"%d tydzień",
"%d tydzień",
"%d tydzień"
"%d months": [
"%d miesiąc",
"%d miesiąc",
"%d miesiąc",
"%d miesiąc",
"%d miesiąc",
"%d miesiąc"
"%d years": [
"%d rok",
"%d rok",
"%d rok",
"%d rok",
"%d rok",
"%d rok"
"Never": "nigdy",
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.": "Notka: To jest usługa testowa. Dane mogą zostać usunięte w dowolnym momencie. Kociątka umrą, jeśli nadużyjesz tej usługi.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.": [
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekundę.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund."
"This document will expire in %d minutes.": [
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minutę.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut."
"This document will expire in %d hours.": [
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za godzinę.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin."
"This document will expire in %d days.": [
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dzień.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni."
"This document will expire in %d months.": [
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za miesiąc.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy.",
"Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy."
"Please enter the password for this paste:": "Wpisz hasło dla tej wklejki:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)": "Nie udało się odszyfrować danych (zły klucz?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.": "Nie udało się usunąć wklejki, nie została zapisana w trybie zniszczenia po przeczytaniu.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.": "TYLKO DO TWOJEGO WGLĄDU. Nie zamykaj tego okna, ta wiadomość nie będzie mogła być wyświetlona ponownie.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?": "Nie udało się odszyfrować komentarza; zły klucz?",
"Reply": "Odpowiedz",
"Anonymous": "Anonim",
"Avatar generated from IP address": "Anonimowy avatar (Vizhash z adresu IP)",
"Add comment": "Dodaj komentarz",
"Optional nickname…": "Opcjonalny nick…",
"Post comment": "Wyślij komentarz",
"Sending comment…": "Wysyłanie komentarza…",
"Comment posted.": "Wysłano komentarz.",
"Could not refresh display: %s": "Nie można odświeżyć widoku: %s",
"unknown status": "nieznany status",
"server error or not responding": "błąd serwera lub brak odpowiedzi",
"Could not post comment: %s": "Nie udało się wysłać komentarza: %s",
"Sending paste…": "Wysyłanie wklejki…",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>": "Twoja wklejka to <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(wciśnij [Ctrl]+[c] aby skopiować)</span>",
"Delete data": "Skasuj dane",
"Could not create paste: %s": "Nie udało się utworzyć wklejki: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)": "Nie udało się odszyfrować wklejki - brak klucza deszyfrującego w adresie (użyłeś skracacza linków, który ucina część adresu?)",
"B": "B",
"KiB": "KiB",
"MiB": "MiB",
"GiB": "GiB",
"TiB": "TiB",
"PiB": "PiB",
"EiB": "EiB",
"ZiB": "ZiB",
"YiB": "YiB",
"Paste is limited to %s of encrypted data.":
"Wklejka jest limitowana do %s zaszyfrowanych danych.",
"Invalid data.":
"Nieprawidłowe dane.",
"You are unlucky. Try again.":
"Miałeś pecha. Spróbuj ponownie.",
"Error saving comment. Sorry.":
"Błąd przy zapisywaniu komentarza, sorry.",
"Error saving paste. Sorry.":
"Błąd przy zapisywaniu wklejki, sorry.",
"Invalid paste ID.":
"Nieprawidłowe ID wklejki.",
"Paste is not of burn-after-reading type.":
"Ta wklejka nie ulega autodestrukcji po przeczytaniu.",
"Wrong deletion token. Paste was not deleted.":
"Nieprawidłowy token usuwania. Wklejka nie została usunięta.",
"Paste was properly deleted.":
"Wklejka usunięta poprawnie.",
"JavaScript is required for %s to work.<br />Sorry for the inconvenience.":
"Do działania %sa jest wymagany JavaScript. Przepraszamy za tę niedogodność.",
"%s requires a modern browser to work.":
"%s wymaga do działania nowoczesnej przeglądarki.",
"Still using Internet Explorer? Do yourself a favor, switch to a modern browser:":
"Cały czas używasz Internet Explorera? Zrób sobie przysługę, przesiądź się na nowoczesną przeglądarkę:",
"Raw text":
"Czysty tekst",
"Wygasa za",
"Burn after reading":
"Zniszcz po przeczytaniu",
"Open discussion":
"Otwarta dyskusja",
"Password (recommended)":
"Hasło (zalecane)",
"Toggle navigation":
"Przełącz nawigację",
"%d seconds": ["%d second", "%d second", "%d second"],
"%d minutes": ["%d minut", "%d minut", "%d minut"],
"%d hours": ["%d godzina", "%d godzina", "%d godzinę"],
"%d days": ["%d dzień", "%d dzień", "%d dzień"],
"%d weeks": ["%d tydzień", "%d tydzień", "%d tydzień"],
"%d months": ["%d miesiąc", "%d miesiąc", "%d miesiąc"],
"%d years": ["%d rok", "%d rok", "%d rok"],
"Note: This is a test service: Data may be deleted anytime. Kittens will die if you abuse this service.":
"Notka: To jest usługa testowa. Dane mogą zostać usunięte w dowolnym momencie. Kociątka umrą, jeśli nadużyjesz tej usługi.",
"This document will expire in %d seconds.":
["Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekundę.", "Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d sekund."],
"This document will expire in %d minutes.":
["Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minutę.", "Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d minut."],
"This document will expire in %d hours.":
["Ten dokument wygaśnie za godzinę.", "Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d godzin."],
"This document will expire in %d days.":
["Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dzień.", "Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d dni."],
"This document will expire in %d months.":
["Ten dokument wygaśnie za miesiąc.", "Ten dokument wygaśnie za %d miesięcy."],
"Please enter the password for this paste:":
"Wpisz hasło dla tej wklejki:",
"Could not decrypt data (Wrong key?)":
"Nie udało się odszyfrować danych (zły klucz?)",
"Could not delete the paste, it was not stored in burn after reading mode.":
"Nie udało się usunąć wklejki, nie została zapisana w trybie zniszczenia po przeczytaniu.",
"FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Don't close this window, this message can't be displayed again.":
"TYLKO DO TWOJEGO WGLĄDU. Nie zamykaj tego okna, ta wiadomość nie będzie mogła być wyświetlona ponownie.",
"Could not decrypt comment; Wrong key?":
"Nie udało się odszyfrować komentarza; zły klucz?",
"Anonymous avatar (Vizhash of the IP address)":
"Anonimowy avatar (Vizhash z adresu IP)",
"Add comment":
"Dodaj komentarz",
"Optional nickname...":
"Opcjonalny nick...",
"Post comment":
"Wyślij komentarz",
"Sending comment...":
"Wysyłanie komentarza...",
"Comment posted.":
"Wysłano komentarz.",
"Could not refresh display: %s":
"Nie można odświeżyć widoku: %s",
"unknown status":
"nieznany status",
"server error or not responding":
"bląd serwera lub brak odpowiedzi",
"Could not post comment: %s":
"Nie udało się wysłać komentarza: %s",
"Sending paste (Please move your mouse for more entropy)...":
"Wysyłanie wklejki (proszę poruszać myszą aby uzyskać większą entropię)...",
"Sending paste...":
"Wysyłanie wklejki...",
"Your paste is <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(Hit [Ctrl]+[c] to copy)</span>":
"Twoja wklejka to <a id=\"pasteurl\" href=\"%s\">%s</a> <span id=\"copyhint\">(wciśnij [Ctrl]+[c] aby skopiować)</span>",
"Delete data":
"Skasuj dane",
"Could not create paste: %s":
"Nie udało się utworzyć wklejki: %s",
"Cannot decrypt paste: Decryption key missing in URL (Did you use a redirector or an URL shortener which strips part of the URL?)":
"Nie udało się odszyfrować wklejki - brak klucza deszyfrującego w adresie (użyłeś skracacza linków, który ucina część adresu?)",
"Format": "Format",
"Plain Text": "Czysty tekst",
"Source Code": "Kod źródłowy",
"Markdown": "Markdown",
"Download attachment": "Pobierz załącznik",
"Cloned: '%s'": "Sklonowano: '%s'",
"The cloned file '%s' was attached to this paste.": "Sklonowany plik '%s' był dołączony do tej wklejki.",
"Cloned file attached.": "Sklonowano załączony plik.",
"Attach a file": "Załącz plik",
"alternatively drag & drop a file or paste an image from the clipboard": "Alternatywnie przeciągnij i upuść plik albo wklej obraz ze schowka",
"File too large, to display a preview. Please download the attachment.": "Plik zbyt duży aby wyświetlić podgląd. Proszę pobrać załącznik.",
"Remove attachment": "Usuń załącznik",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.": "Twoja przeglądarka nie wspiera wysyłania zaszyfrowanych plików. Użyj nowszej przeglądarki.",
"Your browser does not support uploading encrypted files. Please use a newer browser.":
"Twoja przeglądarka nie wspiera wysyłania zaszyfrowanych plików. Użyj nowszej przeglądarki.",
"Invalid attachment.": "Nieprawidłowy załącznik.",
"Options": "Opcje",
"Shorten URL": "Skróć adres URL",
"Editor": "Edytować",
"Preview": "Podgląd",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.": "%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Decrypt": "Odszyfruj",
"Enter password": "Wpisz hasło",
"Loading…": "Wczytywanie…",
"Decrypting paste…": "Odszyfrowywanie wklejki…",
"Preparing new paste…": "Przygotowywanie nowej wklejki…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"%s\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.": "W przypadku gdy ten komunikat nigdy nie znika, proszę spójrz na <a href=\"%s\">to FAQ aby rozwiązać problem</a> (po angielsku).",
"+++ no paste text +++": "+++ brak wklejonego tekstu +++",
"Could not get paste data: %s": "Nie można było pobrać danych wklejki: %s",
"QR code": "Kod QR",
"This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.": "This website is using an insecure HTTP connection! Please use it only for testing.",
"For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.": "For more information <a href=\"%s\">see this FAQ entry</a>.",
"Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.": "Your browser may require an HTTPS connection to support the WebCrypto API. Try <a href=\"%s\">switching to HTTPS</a>.",
"Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.": "Your browser doesn't support WebAssembly, used for zlib compression. You can create uncompressed documents, but can't read compressed ones.",
"waiting on user to provide a password": "waiting on user to provide a password",
"Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.": "Could not decrypt data. Did you enter a wrong password? Retry with the button at the top.",
"Retry": "Retry",
"Showing raw text…": "Showing raw text…",
"Notice:": "Notice:",
"This link will expire after %s.": "This link will expire after %s.",
"This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.": "This link can only be accessed once, do not use back or refresh button in your browser.",
"Link:": "Link:",
"Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?": "Recipient may become aware of your timezone, convert time to UTC?",
"Use Current Timezone": "Use Current Timezone",
"Convert To UTC": "Convert To UTC",
"Close": "Close",
"Encrypted note on %s": "Encrypted note on %s",
"Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.": "Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.",
"URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.": "URL shortener may expose your decrypt key in URL.",
"Save paste": "Save paste",
"Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.": "Your IP is not authorized to create pastes.",
"Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.": "Trying to shorten a URL that isn't pointing at our instance.",
"Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".": "Error calling YOURLS. Probably a configuration issue, like wrong or missing \"apiurl\" or \"signature\".",
"Error parsing YOURLS response.": "Error parsing YOURLS response.",
"This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?": "This secret message can only be displayed once. Would you like to see it now?",
"Yes, see it": "Yes, see it",
"Dark Mode": "Ciemny motyw",
"Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.": "Error compressing paste, due to missing WebAssembly support.",
"Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste.": "Error decompressing paste, your browser does not support WebAssembly. Please use another browser to view this paste."
"Preview": "Zapowiedź",
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.":
"%s requires the PATH to end in a \"%s\". Please update the PATH in your index.php.",
"Enter password":
"Wpisz hasło",
"Loading…": "Loading…",
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a>.":
"In case this message never disappears please have a look at <a href=\"\">this FAQ for information to troubleshoot</a> (in English)."

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more