2022-06-09 12:19:17 +02:00

1207 lines
30 KiB

# Translators:
# Jay Trees, 2022
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Jay Trees <github.jay@grandel.anonaddy.me>\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2022-04-26 10:26+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2022-03-23 12:47+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Jay Trees, 2022\n"
"Language-Team: Estonian (Estonia) (https://www.transifex.com/wishthis/teams/134148/et_EE/)\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: et_EE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n"
"X-Poedit-Basepath: ../src\n"
"X-Poedit-KeywordsList: __;_n:1,2;_x:1,2c\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: .\n"
#: classes/page.php:115 pages/home.php:26
msgid ""
"wishthis is a simple, intuitive and modern wishlist platform to create, "
"manage and view your wishes for any kind of occasion."
msgstr ""
"wishthis on lihtne, intuitiivne ja kaasaegne soovinimekirja platvorm, et "
"luua, hallata ja vaadata oma soove mis tahes puhuks."
#: classes/page.php:191
msgid ""
"This is the development environment of wishthis. The database will reset "
"every day at around 00:00."
msgstr ""
"See on wishthise arenduskeskkond. Andmebaas lähtestatakse iga päev umbes "
"kell 00:00."
#: classes/page.php:192
msgid "Development environment"
msgstr "Arenduskeskkond"
#: classes/page.php:315
msgid "No wishlist selected."
msgstr "Soovide nimekiri ei ole valitud."
#: classes/page.php:317 classes/page.php:347 pages/login-as.php:40
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Viga"
#: classes/page.php:318 pages/register.php:83 pages/register.php:86
msgid "Failure"
msgstr "Ebaõnnestumine"
#: classes/page.php:319
msgid "The server did not confirm that the action was successful."
msgstr "Server ei kinnitanud, et tegevus oli edukas."
#: classes/page.php:320
msgid "Thanks for nothing"
msgstr "Tänud mitte millegi eest"
#: classes/page.php:321
msgid "Understood"
msgstr "Arusaadav"
#: classes/page.php:322 pages/install.php:229 pages/login-as.php:38
#: pages/profile.php:55 pages/profile.php:119 pages/register.php:123
#: pages/wish.php:37
msgid "Success"
msgstr "Edu"
#: classes/page.php:324
msgid "Close this tab"
msgstr "Sulge see vahekaart"
#: classes/page.php:325
msgid "Show wishlist anyway"
msgstr "Näita soovinimekirja niikuinii"
#: classes/page.php:326 classes/page.php:331
msgid "Really delete?"
msgstr "Tõesti kustutada?"
#: classes/page.php:327
#, php-format
msgid "Do you really want to delete the wishlist %s?"
msgstr "Kas sa tõesti tahad kustutada soovide nimekirja %s?"
#: classes/page.php:328 classes/page.php:333
msgid "Yes, delete"
msgstr "Jah, kustutada"
#: classes/page.php:329 classes/page.php:334
msgid "No, keep"
msgstr "Ei, hoia"
#: classes/page.php:332
msgid "Would you really like to delete to this wish? It will be gone forever."
msgstr "Kas sa tõesti soovid selle soovi kustutada? See kaob igaveseks."
#: classes/page.php:336
msgid "Passwords must match."
msgstr "Paroolid peavad vastama."
#: classes/page.php:338
msgid "Wishlist successfully renamed."
msgstr "Soovide nimekiri edukalt ümbernimetatud."
#: classes/page.php:339
msgid "Wishlist successfully deleted."
msgstr "Soovide nimekiri edukalt kustutatud."
#: classes/page.php:341
msgid "Wish successfully created."
msgstr "Soov edukalt loodud."
#: classes/page.php:342
msgid "Wish successfully added."
msgstr "Soov edukalt lisatud."
#: classes/page.php:343
msgid "Wish information updated."
msgstr "Soovide andmed on ajakohastatud."
#: classes/page.php:344
msgid "Don't forget to save your changes."
msgstr "Ärge unustage oma muudatusi salvestada."
#: classes/page.php:345
msgid "Wish successfully deleted."
msgstr "Soov edukalt kustutatud."
#: classes/page.php:348
msgid "Unable to copy to clipboard. There is likely a permission issue."
msgstr ""
"Ei saa kopeerida lõikelauale. Tõenäoliselt on tegemist õiguste probleemiga."
#: classes/page.php:349
msgid "Link copied to clipboard."
msgstr "Link kopeeritud lõikelauale."
#: classes/page.php:351
msgid "{name} must have a value"
msgstr "{name} peab olema väärtus"
#: classes/page.php:352
msgid "{name} must be checked"
msgstr "{name} tuleb kontrollida"
#: classes/page.php:353
msgid "{name} must be a valid e-mail"
msgstr "{name} peab olema kehtiv e-posti aadress"
#: classes/page.php:354
msgid "{name} must be a valid URL"
msgstr "{name} peab olema kehtiv URL"
#: classes/page.php:355
msgid "{name} is not formatted correctly"
msgstr "{name} ei ole õigesti vormistatud."
#: classes/page.php:356
msgid "{name} must be an integer"
msgstr "{name} peab olema täisarv"
#: classes/page.php:357
msgid "{name} must be a decimal number"
msgstr "{name} peab olema kümnendarv."
#: classes/page.php:358
msgid "{name} must be set to a number"
msgstr "{name} peab olema seatud numbriks."
#: classes/page.php:359
msgid "{name} must be \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} peab olema \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:360
msgid "{name} must be exactly \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} peab olema täpselt \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:361
msgid "{name} cannot be set to \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} ei saa määrata \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:362
msgid "{name} cannot be set to exactly \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} ei saa määrata täpselt \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:363
msgid "{name} cannot contain \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} ei saa sisaldada \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:364
msgid "{name} cannot contain exactly \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} ei saa sisaldada täpselt \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:365
msgid "{name} must contain \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} peab sisaldama \"{ruleValue}\""
#: classes/page.php:366
msgid "{name} must contain exactly \"{ruleValue}\""
msgstr "{name} peab sisaldama täpselt \"{ruleValue}\"."
#: classes/page.php:367 classes/page.php:368
msgid "{name} must be at least {ruleValue} characters"
msgstr "{name} peab olema vähemalt {ruleValue} tähemärki."
#: classes/page.php:369
msgid "{name} must be exactly {ruleValue} characters"
msgstr "{name} peab olema täpselt {ruleValue} tähemärki."
#: classes/page.php:370
msgid "{name} cannot be longer than {ruleValue} characters"
msgstr "{name} ei tohi olla pikem kui {ruleValue} tähemärki."
#: classes/page.php:371
msgid "{name} must match {ruleValue} field"
msgstr "{name} peab vastama {ruleValue} väljale."
#: classes/page.php:372
msgid "{name} must have a different value than {ruleValue} field"
msgstr "{name} peab omama teistsugust väärtust kui {ruleValue} väli"
#: classes/page.php:373
msgid "{name} must be a valid credit card number"
msgstr "{name} peab olema kehtiv krediitkaardi number."
#: classes/page.php:374
msgid "{name} must have at least {ruleValue} choices"
msgstr "{name} peab olema vähemalt {ruleValue} valikuvõimalusi."
#: classes/page.php:375
msgid "{name} must have exactly {ruleValue} choices"
msgstr "{name} peab olema täpselt {ruleValue} valikuvõimalus."
#: classes/page.php:376
msgid "{name} must have {ruleValue} or less choices"
msgstr "{name} peab olema {ruleValue} või vähem valikuid"
#: classes/page.php:378
msgctxt "Calendar"
msgid "Today"
msgstr "Täna"
#: classes/page.php:379
msgctxt "Calendar"
msgid "Now"
msgstr "Nüüd"
#: classes/page.php:380
msgctxt "Calendar"
msgid "AM"
msgstr "AM"
#: classes/page.php:381
msgctxt "Calendar"
msgid "PM"
msgstr "PM"
#: classes/page.php:382
msgctxt "Calendar"
msgid "Week"
msgstr "Nädal"
#: classes/page.php:384 pages/profile.php:209 pages/profile.php:210
#: pages/profile.php:243 pages/profile.php:244 pages/profile.php:334
#: pages/profile.php:335 pages/settings.php:53 pages/settings.php:54
#: pages/wish.php:118 pages/wish.php:119 pages/wish.php:159 pages/wish.php:160
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Salvesta"
#: classes/page.php:385
msgid "Saved"
msgstr "Salvestatud"
#: classes/page.php:453
msgid "System"
msgstr "Süsteem"
#: classes/page.php:459
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Konto"
#: classes/page.php:468 pages/home.php:105
msgid "Wishlists"
msgstr "Soovide nimekirjad"
#: classes/page.php:472 pages/home.php:33 pages/home.php:35
#: pages/wishlists.php:11
msgid "My lists"
msgstr "Minu nimekirjad"
#: classes/page.php:477 pages/wishlists-saved.php:11
msgid "Saved lists"
msgstr "Salvestatud nimekirjad"
#: classes/page.php:487 pages/profile.php:11
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profiil"
#: classes/page.php:493 pages/login-as.php:11
msgid "Login as"
msgstr "Logi sisse kui"
#: classes/page.php:499 pages/logout.php:11
msgid "Logout"
msgstr "Väljalogimine"
#: classes/page.php:505 classes/page.php:509 pages/home.php:50
#: pages/home.php:52 pages/login-as.php:54 pages/login-as.php:55
#: pages/login.php:11 pages/login.php:130 pages/login.php:131
#: pages/register.php:229 pages/register.php:231
msgid "Login"
msgstr "Logi sisse"
#: classes/page.php:516 classes/page.php:520 pages/install.php:233
#: pages/install.php:235 pages/login.php:135 pages/login.php:137
#: pages/register.php:13 pages/register.php:14
msgid "Register"
msgstr "Registreeri"
#: classes/page.php:530 pages/settings.php:11
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Seaded"
#: classes/page.php:543
msgid "wishthis logo"
msgstr "wishthis logo"
#: classes/page.php:678
msgid "Contribute"
msgstr "Panustage"
#: classes/page.php:684 classes/page.php:687
msgid "GitHub repository"
msgstr "GitHubi repositoorium"
#: classes/page.php:693 classes/page.php:696
msgid "Translate"
msgstr "Tõlgi"
#: classes/page.php:732
#, php-format
msgid "%s not found"
msgstr "%s ei leitud"
#: classes/page.php:742
msgid ""
"The requested Wishlist was not found and likely deleted by its creator."
msgstr ""
"Taotletud soovinimekirja ei leitud ja selle looja on selle tõenäoliselt "
#: classes/page.php:746
msgid "The requested Wish was not found."
msgstr "Soovitud soovi ei leitud."
#: classes/page.php:750
#, php-format
msgid "The requested %s was not found."
msgstr "Taotletud %s ei leitud."
#: classes/wish.php:27
msgid "Unsure about it"
msgstr "Ei ole selles kindel"
#: classes/wish.php:31
msgid "Nice to have"
msgstr "Tore, et on"
#: classes/wish.php:35
msgid "Would love it"
msgstr "See meeldiks"
#: classes/wish.php:129
msgid "Wish temporarily fulfilled"
msgstr "Soov ajutiselt täidetud"
#: classes/wish.php:130
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If this wish is a product, confirm the order was successful and mark it as "
"fulfilled here. If you do not confirm this wish as fulfilled, it will become"
" available again to others after %d minutes."
msgstr ""
"Kui see soov on toode, kinnitage, et tellimus oli edukas, ja märkige see "
"siin täidetuks. Kui te ei kinnita seda soovi täidetuks, muutub see teistele "
"uuesti kättesaadavaks pärast %d minutit."
#: classes/wish.php:136
msgid "Confirm"
msgstr "Kinnitage"
#: classes/wish.php:184 classes/wish.php:187 pages/wishlist.php:64
msgid "Fulfil wish"
msgstr "Täita soov"
#: classes/wish.php:194 classes/wish.php:197 pages/wish.php:87
#: pages/wish.php:90
msgid "Visit"
msgstr "Külasta"
#: classes/wish.php:203 classes/wish.php:206 pages/wishlists.php:32
#: pages/wishlists.php:62 pages/wishlists.php:65
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Valikud"
#: classes/wish.php:211
msgid "Mark as fulfilled"
msgstr "Märgista kui täidetud"
#: classes/wish.php:216
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Muuda"
#: classes/wish.php:221 pages/wishlists.php:73 pages/wishlists.php:75
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Kustuta"
#: classes/wish.php:239
msgid "Wish not found"
msgstr "Soov ei leitud"
#: classes/wishlist.php:117
msgid "Wishlist not found"
msgstr "Soovide nimekirja ei leitud"
#: config/config-sample.php:22 config/config.php:22
msgid "Stable"
msgstr "Stabiilne"
#: config/config-sample.php:27 config/config.php:27
msgid "Release candidate"
msgstr "Vabastamiskandidaat"
#: functions/getWishlistNameSuggestion.php:31
msgid "Birthday"
msgstr "Sünnipäev"
#: functions/getWishlistNameSuggestion.php:33
msgid "Easter"
msgstr "Lihavõtted"
#: functions/getWishlistNameSuggestion.php:35
msgid "Christmas"
msgstr "Jõulud"
#: pages/home.php:11
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Kodu"
#: pages/home.php:24
msgid "Welcome to wishthis"
msgstr "Tere tulemast wishthis'ile"
#: pages/home.php:42 pages/home.php:44
msgid "Register now"
msgstr "Registreeru nüüd"
#: pages/home.php:60
msgid "Use case"
msgstr "Kasutusjuhtum"
#: pages/home.php:62
msgid ""
"Your birthday is coming up and you just created a wishlist with all the cool"
" stuff you want. Your friends and family want to make sure you get something"
" you are happy with so you send them your wishlist link and if anybody "
"decides to fulfil one of your wishes, it will disappear for everybody else."
msgstr ""
"Sinu sünnipäev on tulemas ja sa oled just koostanud soovinimekirja, kus on "
"kõik lahedad asjad, mida sa soovid. Sinu sõbrad ja pere tahavad veenduda, et"
" sa saad midagi, millega sa rahul oled, seega saadad neile oma "
"soovinimekirja lingi ja kui keegi otsustab ühe su soovidest täita, kaob see "
"kõigi teiste jaoks."
#: pages/home.php:66
msgid "Why wishthis?"
msgstr "Miks wishthis?"
#: pages/home.php:69
#, php-format
msgid ""
"wishthis is free and open source software. With free I don't just mean, you "
"don't have to pay money to use it, but you are also not paying with your "
"personal information and behaviour. Not only can anybody %sview and verify "
"its code%s, I also encourage you to do so."
msgstr ""
"wishthis on vaba ja avatud lähtekoodiga tarkvara. Tasuta ma ei tähenda "
"ainult seda, et te ei pea selle kasutamise eest raha maksma, vaid te ei "
"maksa ka oma isiklike andmete ja käitumisega. Mitte ainult ei saa igaüks "
"%svaadata ja kontrollida selle koodi%s, ma ka julgustan teid seda tegema."
#: pages/home.php:72
msgid "As a non-commercial project it remains"
msgstr "Mittekaubandusliku projektina jääb see"
#: pages/home.php:76
msgid "free of advertisements,"
msgstr "reklaamivaba,"
#: pages/home.php:80
msgid "without tracking, and"
msgstr "ilma jälgimiseta ja"
#: pages/home.php:84
msgid "open for feedback and suggestions."
msgstr "avatud tagasisidele ja ettepanekutele."
#: pages/home.php:92
msgid "Statistics"
msgstr "Statistika"
#: pages/home.php:94
msgid "Join the others and get started now!"
msgstr "Ühinege teistega ja alustage kohe!"
#: pages/home.php:99 pages/home.php:104 pages/home.php:109
msgid "N. A."
msgstr "N. A."
#: pages/home.php:100 pages/wishlist.php:69 pages/wishlists.php:85
msgid "Wishes"
msgstr "Soovid"
#: pages/home.php:110
msgid "Registered users"
msgstr "Registreeritud kasutajad"
#: pages/home.php:116
msgid "What's new"
msgstr "Mis on uus"
#. TRANSLATORS: %s: Changelog
#: pages/home.php:122
#, php-format
msgid "Check out the %s for a list changes."
msgstr "Vaadake %s nimekirja muutusi."
#: pages/home.php:123
msgid "Changelog"
msgstr "Changelog"
#: pages/install.php:15
msgid "Install"
msgstr "Paigaldage"
#: pages/install.php:30 pages/install.php:101
#, php-format
msgid "Step %d"
msgstr "Samm %d"
#: pages/install.php:31
msgid "Welcome to the wishthis installer."
msgstr "Tere tulemast wishthis paigaldaja juurde."
#: pages/install.php:32
msgid ""
"wishthis needs a database to function properly. Please enter your "
msgstr ""
"wishthis vajab korralikult toimimiseks andmebaasi. Palun sisestage oma "
#: pages/install.php:39
msgid "Host"
msgstr "Vastuvõtja"
#: pages/install.php:44 pages/wishlists.php:117
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Nimi"
#: pages/install.php:49
msgid "Username"
msgstr "Kasutajanimi"
#: pages/install.php:54 pages/login.php:119 pages/profile.php:143
#: pages/profile.php:218 pages/profile.php:227 pages/register.php:193
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Parool"
#: pages/install.php:60 pages/install.php:61 pages/install.php:110
#: pages/install.php:111
msgid "Continue"
msgstr "Jätka"
#: pages/install.php:102
msgid "Click continue to test the database connection."
msgstr "Andmebaasiühenduse testimiseks klõpsake nuppu continue."
#: pages/login-as.php:38
#, php-format
msgid "Successfully logged in as %s."
msgstr "Edukalt sisse logitud kui %s."
#: pages/login-as.php:40
msgid "User not found!"
msgstr "Kasutajat ei leitud!"
#: pages/login-as.php:48 pages/login.php:110 pages/profile.php:34
#: pages/profile.php:184 pages/register.php:175
msgid "Email"
msgstr "E-post"
#: pages/login.php:36
msgid "No user could be found with the credentials you provided."
msgstr "Ühtegi kasutajat ei leitud teie poolt antud volitustega."
#: pages/login.php:37
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr "Väärad volitused"
#: pages/login.php:81
msgid "Password reset link"
msgstr "Salasõna lähtestamise link"
#: pages/login.php:85
msgid ""
"If a match can be found for this email address, a password reset link will "
"be sent to it."
msgstr ""
"Kui selle e-posti aadressi kohta leitakse vastavus, saadetakse sellele "
"aadressile parooli lähetuslink."
#: pages/login.php:86
msgid "Info"
msgstr "Info"
#: pages/login.php:106
msgid "Credentials"
msgstr "Volitused"
#: pages/login.php:143
msgid "Forgot password?"
msgstr "Unustasid salasõna?"
#: pages/login.php:145
msgid ""
"Consider using a password manager. It will save all your passwords and allow"
" you to access them with one master password. Never forget a password ever "
msgstr ""
"Kaaluge paroolihalduri kasutamist. See salvestab kõik teie paroolid ja "
"võimaldab teile juurdepääsu neile ühe peaparooliga. Ärge unustage enam "
"kunagi parooli."
#: pages/login.php:161 pages/login.php:162
msgid "Send email"
msgstr "Saada e-kiri"
#: pages/login.php:170
msgid ""
"Please note that you have to enter the email address, you have registered "
msgstr ""
"Pange tähele, et peate sisestama e-posti aadressi, millega olete "
#: pages/logout.php:28
msgid "Goodbye"
msgstr "Hüvasti"
#: pages/logout.php:29
msgid "You have been logged out."
msgstr "Teid on välja logitud."
#: pages/maintenance.php:11
msgid "Maintenance"
msgstr "Hooldus"
#: pages/maintenance.php:22
msgid "Temporarily unavailable"
msgstr "Ajutiselt kättesaamatu"
#: pages/maintenance.php:23
msgid ""
"Due to maintenance, wishthis is temporarily not available. Please check back"
" again in a minute."
msgstr ""
"Seoses hooldustöödega ei ole wishthis ajutiselt saadaval. Palun kontrollige "
"uuesti mõne minuti pärast."
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:17 pages/wishlists.php:148
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Pealkiri"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:30
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Kirjeldus"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:42 pages/wish.php:153
msgid "URL"
msgstr "URL"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:53
msgid "Priority"
msgstr "Prioriteet"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:58
msgid "Select priority"
msgstr "Valige prioriteet"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:71
msgid "Properties"
msgstr "Omadused"
#: pages/parts/wish-add.php:80
msgid "Is purchasable"
msgstr "On ostetav"
#: pages/parts/wishlist-filter.php:21
msgid "Filter priorities"
msgstr "Filter prioriteedid"
#: pages/parts/wishlist-filter.php:26
msgid "Search priorities"
msgstr "Otsingu prioriteedid"
#: pages/parts/wishlist-filter.php:33
msgid "Priorities"
msgstr "Prioriteedid"
#: pages/parts/wishlist-filter.php:39
msgid "All priorities"
msgstr "Kõik prioriteedid"
#: pages/parts/wishlist-filter.php:44
msgid "No priority"
msgstr "Prioriteet puudub"
#: pages/power.php:11
msgid "Insufficient power"
msgstr "Ebapiisav võimsus"
#: pages/power.php:22
msgid "Restricted access"
msgstr "Piiratud juurdepääs"
#: pages/power.php:23
#, php-format
msgid ""
"You do not have enough power to view this page. You need %s to see this "
"page, but only have %s."
msgstr ""
"Teil ei ole selle lehekülje vaatamiseks piisavalt energiat. Te vajate selle "
"lehekülje vaatamiseks %s, kuid teil on ainult %s."
#: pages/profile.php:19 pages/profile.php:164
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Eesnimi"
#: pages/profile.php:24 pages/profile.php:170
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Perekonnanimi"
#: pages/profile.php:29 pages/profile.php:176
msgid "Nickname"
msgstr "Hüüdnimi"
#: pages/profile.php:39 pages/profile.php:290
msgid "Language"
msgstr "Keel"
#: pages/profile.php:52
#, php-format
msgid "%s successfully updated!"
msgstr "%s edukalt uuendatud!"
#: pages/profile.php:118
msgid "It is required for you to login again."
msgstr "See on vajalik, et saaksite uuesti sisse logida."
#: pages/profile.php:139 pages/profile.php:155
msgid "Personal"
msgstr "Isiklik"
#: pages/profile.php:140
msgid "Information regarding yourself"
msgstr "Teave enda kohta"
#: pages/profile.php:144
msgid "Change your password"
msgstr "Muuda oma salasõna"
#: pages/profile.php:147 pages/profile.php:281
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Eelistused"
#: pages/profile.php:148
msgid "Improve your wishthis experience"
msgstr "Parandage oma wishthis kogemust"
#: pages/profile.php:190
msgid "Birthdate"
msgstr "Sünniaeg"
#: pages/profile.php:197
msgid "Pick a date"
msgstr "Valige kuupäev"
#: pages/profile.php:233
msgid "Password (repeat)"
msgstr "Parool (kordus)"
#: pages/profile.php:249
msgid "Safe password checklist"
msgstr "Turvalise salasõna kontrollnimekiri"
#: pages/profile.php:256
msgid "Long"
msgstr "Pikk"
#: pages/profile.php:257
msgid "Over eight characters in length."
msgstr "Üle kaheksa tähemärgi pikkused."
#. TRANSLATORS: A special character (for a password)
#: pages/profile.php:268
msgid "Special"
msgstr "Eriline"
#: pages/profile.php:271
msgid "Contains special characters."
msgstr "Sisaldab erimärke."
#: pages/profile.php:313 pages/profile.php:371
msgid "Channel"
msgstr "Kanal"
#: pages/profile.php:316
msgid "Select channel"
msgstr "Valige kanal"
#: pages/profile.php:374
msgid ""
"In order to improve the user experience of wishthis, newer versions are "
"published after an extensive testing period."
msgstr ""
"Selleks, et parandada wishthise kasutajakogemust, avaldatakse uuemad "
"versioonid pärast põhjalikku testimisperioodi."
#: pages/profile.php:375
msgid ""
"Subscribing to the Stable channel ensures you have the highest possible "
"stability while using wishthis, minimizing the amount of errors you may "
"encounter (if any)."
msgstr ""
"Stabiilse kanali tellimine tagab teile wishthise kasutamise ajal võimalikult"
" suure stabiilsuse, mis vähendab võimalikke vigu (kui neid esineb)."
#: pages/profile.php:376
msgid ""
"If you want to speed up the release of newer versions, consider subscribing "
"to the Release candidate of wishthis. A newer version is not published "
"unless the next release candidate has been sufficiently tested."
msgstr ""
"Kui soovite kiirendada uuemate versioonide väljaandmist, kaaluge wishthise "
"Release Candidate'i tellimist. Uuemat versiooni ei avaldata enne, kui "
"järgmine versioonikandidaat on piisavalt testitud."
#: pages/profile.php:388
#, php-format
msgid "%d more subscriber needed"
msgid_plural "%d more subscribers needed"
msgstr[0] "%d vaja on rohkem tellijaid"
msgstr[1] "%d rohkem tellijaid vaja"
#: pages/register.php:13
msgid "Reset password"
msgstr "Parooli lähtestamine"
#: pages/register.php:14 pages/wish.php:123 pages/wish.php:124
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Reset"
#: pages/register.php:31
msgid "Mercury"
msgstr "Elavhõbe"
#: pages/register.php:32
msgid "Venus"
msgstr "Venus"
#: pages/register.php:33
msgid "Earth"
msgstr "Maa"
#: pages/register.php:34
msgid "Mars"
msgstr "Mars"
#: pages/register.php:35
msgid "Jupiter"
msgstr "Jupiter"
#: pages/register.php:36
msgid "Saturn"
msgstr "Saturn"
#: pages/register.php:37
msgid "Uranus"
msgstr "Uraan"
#: pages/register.php:38
msgid "Neptune"
msgstr "Neptuun"
#: pages/register.php:41
msgid "Pluto"
msgstr "Pluuto"
#: pages/register.php:42
msgid "Sun"
msgstr "Sun"
#: pages/register.php:51
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s is not a planet but I'll let it slide, since only a human would make this"
" kind of mistake."
msgstr ""
"%s ei ole planeet, kuid ma lasen selle libisema, sest ainult inimene teeb "
"sellise vea."
#: pages/register.php:52 pages/register.php:151
msgid "Invalid planet"
msgstr "Invaliidne planeet"
#: pages/register.php:83
msgid "This link has expired."
msgstr "See link on aegunud."
#: pages/register.php:86
msgid "This link seems invalid."
msgstr "See link näib olevat kehtetu."
#: pages/register.php:108
msgid "An account with this email address already exists."
msgstr "Selle e-posti aadressiga konto on juba olemas."
#: pages/register.php:109
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr "Vale e-posti aadress"
#: pages/register.php:123
msgid "Your account was successfully created."
msgstr "Teie konto on edukalt loodud."
#: pages/register.php:133
msgid "My hopes and dreams"
msgstr "Minu lootused ja unistused"
#: pages/register.php:150
#, php-format
msgid ""
"%s is not a planet in our solar system. Read this for more information: %s."
msgstr ""
"%s ei ole meie päikesesüsteemi planeet. Lisateabe saamiseks lugege seda: %s."
#: pages/register.php:172
msgid "Account details"
msgstr "Konto andmed"
#: pages/register.php:203
msgid "Authentication"
msgstr "Autentimine"
#: pages/register.php:204
msgid ""
"Prove you are a Human, Lizard-person or Zuck-like creature. Please name a "
"planet from our solar system."
msgstr ""
"Tõestage, et olete inimene, sisalik või Zucki-sarnane olend. Palun nimetage "
"üks meie päikesesüsteemi planeet."
#: pages/register.php:207
msgid "Planet"
msgstr "Planeet"
#: pages/register.php:214
msgid ""
"Robots are obviously from another solar system so this will keep them at "
msgstr ""
"Robotid on ilmselt pärit teisest päikesesüsteemist, nii et see hoiab neid "
#: pages/settings.php:27
msgid "MJML"
msgstr "MJML"
#: pages/settings.php:28
#, php-format
msgid "MJML is required for sending emails. Visit %s to request API access."
msgstr ""
"MJML on vajalik e-kirjade saatmiseks. API-juurdepääsu taotlemiseks külastage"
" veebilehte %s."
#: pages/settings.php:30
msgid "API"
msgstr "API"
#: pages/settings.php:33
msgid "Key"
msgstr "Key"
#: pages/settings.php:42
msgid "Secret"
msgstr "Salajane"
#: pages/update.php:11
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Ajakohastamine"
#: pages/update.php:42
#, php-format
msgid "Database successfully migrated to %s."
msgstr "Andmebaas on edukalt üle viidud aadressile %s."
#: pages/update.php:67
msgid "Database migration"
msgstr "Andmebaasi migratsioon"
#: pages/update.php:68
msgid ""
"Thank you for updating wishthis! To complete this update, some changes are "
"required to the database structure."
msgstr ""
"Aitäh, et uuendate wishthis! Selle uuenduse lõpuleviimiseks on vaja teha "
"mõned muudatused andmebaasi struktuuris."
#: pages/update.php:73 pages/update.php:76
#, php-format
msgid "Migrate to %s"
msgstr "Migreeruda %s"
#: pages/wish.php:37
msgid "Wish successfully updated."
msgstr "Soov edukalt uuendatud."
#: pages/wish.php:95 pages/wish.php:98
msgid "Auto-fill"
msgstr "Automaatne täitmine"
#: pages/wish.php:128 pages/wish.php:130
msgid "Back"
msgstr "Tagasi"
#: pages/wish.php:146
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Pilt"
#: pages/wish.php:149
msgid "Define a new URL to be used as a preview."
msgstr "Määrake uus URL, mida kasutatakse eelvaates."
#: pages/wish.php:162 pages/wish.php:163
msgid "Discard"
msgstr "Viska ära"
#: pages/wish.php:171
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Hoiatus"
#: pages/wish.php:174
msgid "This action will potentially overwrite all fields in this wish."
msgstr "See toiming kirjutab potentsiaalselt üle kõik selle soovi väljad."
#: pages/wish.php:175
msgid "Would you like to continue?"
msgstr "Kas soovite jätkata?"
#: pages/wish.php:178 pages/wish.php:179
msgid "Yes, overwrite"
msgstr "Jah, kirjutab üle"
#: pages/wish.php:181 pages/wish.php:182
msgid "No"
msgstr "Ei"
#: pages/wish.php:190
msgid "URL mismatch"
msgstr "URL-i mittevastavus"
#: pages/wish.php:194
msgid ""
"The URL you have entered does not seem quite right. Would you like to update"
" it with the one I found?"
msgstr ""
"Teie sisestatud URL ei tundu päris õige. Kas soovite seda uuendada minu "
"leitud aadressiga?"
#: pages/wish.php:195
#, php-format
msgid "According to %s, this is the canonical (correct) URL."
msgstr "Vastavalt %s on see kanooniline (õige) URL."
#: pages/wish.php:199
msgid "Current"
msgstr "Praegune"
#: pages/wish.php:204
msgid "Proposed"
msgstr "Kavandatud"
#: pages/wish.php:211 pages/wish.php:212
msgid "Yes, update"
msgstr "Jah, ajakohastage"
#: pages/wish.php:214 pages/wish.php:215
msgid "No, leave it"
msgstr "Ei, jäta see"
#: pages/wishlist.php:33
msgid "Save list"
msgstr "Salvesta nimekiri"
#: pages/wishlist.php:49
msgid "Careful"
msgstr "Ettevaatlik"
#: pages/wishlist.php:52
msgid ""
"You are viewing your own wishlist! You will be able to see which wishes have"
" already been fulfilled for you. Don't you want to be surprised?"
msgstr ""
"Sa vaatad oma soovinimekirja! Saate näha, millised soovid on teie jaoks juba"
" täidetud. Kas sa ei taha olla üllatunud?"
#: pages/wishlist.php:53
msgid "It's probably best to just close this tab."
msgstr "Ilmselt on kõige parem see vahekaart lihtsalt sulgeda."
#: pages/wishlist.php:61
msgid "What to do?"
msgstr "Mida teha?"
#: pages/wishlist.php:63
#, php-format
msgid ""
"If you found a wish you would like to fulfil, click the %s button and it "
"will temporarily become unavailable for others. Make sure to confirm the "
"fulfilled wish here (i. e. after placing an order), to make the wish "
"permanently unavailable for everybody else."
msgstr ""
"Kui leidsid soovi, mida soovid täita, klõpsa nupule %s ja see muutub "
"ajutiselt teistele kättesaamatuks. Kindlasti kinnitage täidetud soov siin "
"(st pärast tellimuse esitamist), et muuta soov kõigile teistele püsivalt "
#: pages/wishlists.php:24
msgid "Wishlist"
msgstr "Soovide nimekiri"
#: pages/wishlists.php:27
msgid "Loading your wishlists..."
msgstr "Soovide laadimine..."
#: pages/wishlists.php:36 pages/wishlists.php:39 pages/wishlists.php:109
msgid "Create a wishlist"
msgstr "Loo soovide nimekiri"
#: pages/wishlists.php:47 pages/wishlists.php:50 pages/wishlists.php:166
msgid "Add a wish"
msgstr "Lisa soov"
#: pages/wishlists.php:55 pages/wishlists.php:58
msgid "Share"
msgstr "Jaga"
#: pages/wishlists.php:68 pages/wishlists.php:70 pages/wishlists.php:154
#: pages/wishlists.php:155
msgid "Rename"
msgstr "Nimetage ümber"
#: pages/wishlists.php:113
msgid ""
"Choose a new name for your wishlist. Here's a suggestion to get you started."
msgstr "Valige oma soovinimekirjale uus nimi. Siin on ettepanek, et alustada."
#: pages/wishlists.php:127 pages/wishlists.php:128
msgid "Create"
msgstr "Loo"
#: pages/wishlists.php:130 pages/wishlists.php:131 pages/wishlists.php:157
#: pages/wishlists.php:158 pages/wishlists.php:185 pages/wishlists.php:186
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Tühista"
#: pages/wishlists.php:139
msgid "Rename wishlist"
msgstr "Soovide nimekiri ümber nimetada"
#: pages/wishlists.php:142
msgid "How would you like to name this wishlist?"
msgstr "Kuidas sooviksite sellele soovinimekirjale nime anda?"
#: pages/wishlists.php:170
msgid "Fill out any or all of the below fields to add your new wish."
msgstr "Täitke mõni või kõik allpool olevad väljad, et lisada oma uus soov."
#: pages/wishlists.php:182 pages/wishlists.php:183
msgid "Add"
msgstr "Lisa"