2022-01-21 09:23:52 +01:00

2973 lines
111 KiB

* (c) Markus Lanthaler <mail@markus-lanthaler.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace ML\JsonLD;
use stdClass as JsonObject;
use ML\JsonLD\Exception\JsonLdException;
use ML\JsonLD\Exception\InvalidQuadException;
* Processor processes JSON-LD documents as specified by the JSON-LD
* specification.
* @author Markus Lanthaler <mail@markus-lanthaler.com>
class Processor
/** Timeout for retrieving remote documents in seconds */
const REMOTE_TIMEOUT = 10;
/** Maximum number of recursion that are allowed to resolve an IRI */
* @var array A list of all defined keywords
private static $keywords = array('@context', '@id', '@value', '@language', '@type',
'@container', '@list', '@set', '@graph', '@reverse',
'@base', '@vocab', '@index', '@null');
// TODO Introduce @null supported just for framing
* @var array Framing options keywords
private static $framingKeywords = array('@explicit', '@default', '@embed',
//'@omitDefault', // TODO Is this really needed?
'@embedChildren'); // TODO How should this be called?
// TODO Add @preserve, @null?? Update spec keyword list
* @var IRI The base IRI
private $baseIri = null;
* Compact arrays with just one element to a scalar
* If set to true, arrays holding just one element are compacted to
* scalars, otherwise the arrays are kept as arrays.
* @var bool
private $compactArrays;
* Optimize compacted output
* If set to true, the processor is free to optimize the result to produce
* an even compacter representation than the algorithm described by the
* official JSON-LD specification.
* @var bool
private $optimize;
* Use native types when converting from RDF
* If set to true, the processor will try to convert datatyped literals
* to native types instead of using the expanded object form when
* converting from RDF. xsd:boolean values will be converted to booleans
* whereas xsd:integer and xsd:double values will be converted to numbers.
* @var bool
private $useNativeTypes;
* Use rdf:type instead of \@type when converting from RDF
* If set to true, the JSON-LD processor will use the expanded rdf:type
* IRI as the property instead of \@type when converting from RDF.
* @var bool
private $useRdfType;
* Produce generalized RDF
* Unless set to true, triples/quads with a blank node predicate are
* dropped when converting to RDF.
* @var bool
private $generalizedRdf;
* @var array Blank node map
private $blankNodeMap = array();
* @var integer Blank node counter
private $blankNodeCounter = 0;
* @var DocumentFactoryInterface The factory to create new documents
private $documentFactory = null;
* @var DocumentLoaderInterface The document loader
private $documentLoader = null;
* Constructor
* The options parameter must be passed and all off the following properties
* have to be set:
* <dl>
* <dl>base</dl>
* <dt>The base IRI.</dt>
* <dl>compactArrays</dl>
* <dt>If set to true, arrays holding just one element are compacted
* to scalars, otherwise the arrays are kept as arrays.</dt>
* <dl>optimize</dl>
* <dt>If set to true, the processor is free to optimize the result to
* produce an even compacter representation than the algorithm
* described by the official JSON-LD specification.</dt>
* <dl>useNativeTypes</dl>
* <dt>If set to true, the processor will try to convert datatyped
* literals to native types instead of using the expanded object form
* when converting from RDF. <em>xsd:boolean</em> values will be
* converted to booleans whereas <em>xsd:integer</em> and
* <em>xsd:double</em> values will be converted to numbers.</dt>
* <dl>useRdfType</dl>
* <dt>If set to true, the JSON-LD processor will use the expanded
* <em>rdf:type</em> IRI as the property instead of <em>@type</em>
* when converting from RDF.</dt>
* </dl>
* @param JsonObject $options Options to configure the various algorithms.
public function __construct($options)
$this->baseIri = new IRI($options->base);
$this->compactArrays = (bool) $options->compactArrays;
$this->optimize = (bool) $options->optimize;
$this->useNativeTypes = (bool) $options->useNativeTypes;
$this->useRdfType = (bool) $options->useRdfType;
$this->generalizedRdf = (bool) $options->produceGeneralizedRdf;
$this->documentFactory = $options->documentFactory;
$this->documentLoader = $options->documentLoader;
* Parses a JSON-LD document to a PHP value
* @param string $document A JSON-LD document.
* @return mixed A PHP value.
* @throws JsonLdException If the JSON-LD document is not valid.
public static function parse($document)
if (function_exists('mb_detect_encoding') &&
(false === mb_detect_encoding($document, 'UTF-8', true))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The JSON-LD document does not appear to be valid UTF-8.'
$data = json_decode($document, false, 512);
switch (json_last_error()) {
break; // no error
throw new JsonLdException(
'The maximum stack depth has been exceeded.'
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid or malformed JSON.'
throw new JsonLdException(
'Control character error (possibly incorrectly encoded).'
throw new JsonLdException(
'Syntax error, malformed JSON.'
throw new JsonLdException(
'Malformed UTF-8 characters (possibly incorrectly encoded).'
throw new JsonLdException(
'Unknown error while parsing JSON.'
return (empty($data)) ? null : $data;
* Parses a JSON-LD document and returns it as a Document
* @param array|JsonObject $input The JSON-LD document to process.
* @return Document The parsed JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException If the JSON-LD input document is invalid.
public function getDocument($input)
$nodeMap = new JsonObject();
$nodeMap->{'-' . JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH} = new JsonObject();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $input);
// We need to keep track of blank nodes as they are renamed when
// inserted into the Document
$nodes = array();
if (null === $this->documentFactory) {
$this->documentFactory = new DefaultDocumentFactory();
$document = $this->documentFactory->createDocument($this->baseIri);
foreach ($nodeMap as $graphName => &$nodes) {
$graphName = substr($graphName, 1);
if (JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH === $graphName) {
$graph = $document->getGraph();
} else {
$graph = $document->createGraph($graphName);
foreach ($nodes as $id => &$item) {
$node = $graph->createNode($item->{'@id'}, true);
// Process node type as it needs to be handled differently than
// other properties
// TODO Could this be avoided by enforcing rdf:type instead of @type?
if (property_exists($item, '@type')) {
foreach ($item->{'@type'} as $type) {
$node->addType($graph->createNode($type), true);
foreach ($item as $property => $values) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (property_exists($value, '@value')) {
$node->addPropertyValue($property, Value::fromJsonLd($value));
} elseif (property_exists($value, '@id')) {
$graph->createNode($value->{'@id'}, true)
} else {
// TODO Handle lists
throw new \Exception('Lists are not supported by getDocument() yet');
return $document;
* Expands a JSON-LD document
* @param mixed $element A JSON-LD element to be expanded.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param null|string $activeprty The active property.
* @param boolean $frame True if a frame is being expanded, otherwise false.
* @return mixed The expanded document.
* @throws JsonLdException
public function expand(&$element, $activectx = array(), $activeprty = null, $frame = false)
if (is_scalar($element)) {
if ((null === $activeprty) || ('@graph' === $activeprty)) {
$element = null;
} else {
$element = $this->expandValue($element, $activectx, $activeprty);
if (null === $element) {
if (is_array($element)) {
$result = array();
foreach ($element as &$item) {
$this->expand($item, $activectx, $activeprty, $frame);
// Check for lists of lists
if (('@list' === $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $activeprty, '@container')) ||
('@list' === $activeprty)) {
if (is_array($item) || (is_object($item) && property_exists($item, '@list'))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"List of lists detected in property \"$activeprty\".",
if (is_array($item)) {
$result = array_merge($result, $item);
} elseif (null !== $item) {
$result[] = $item;
$element = $result;
// Otherwise it's an object. Process its local context if available
if (property_exists($element, '@context')) {
$this->processContext($element->{'@context'}, $activectx);
$properties = get_object_vars($element);
$element = new JsonObject();
foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
$expProperty = $this->expandIri($property, $activectx, false, true);
// Make sure to keep framing keywords if a frame is being expanded
if ($frame && in_array($expProperty, self::$framingKeywords)) {
// and that the default value is expanded
if ('@default' === $expProperty) {
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $activeprty, $frame);
self::setProperty($element, $expProperty, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
if (in_array($expProperty, self::$keywords)) {
if ('@reverse' === $activeprty) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'No keywords or keyword aliases are allowed in @reverse-maps, found ' . $expProperty
$this->expandKeywordValue($element, $activeprty, $expProperty, $value, $activectx, $frame);
} elseif (false === strpos($expProperty, ':')) {
// the expanded property is neither a keyword nor an IRI
$propertyContainer = $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $property, '@container');
if (is_object($value) && in_array($propertyContainer, array('@language', '@index'))) {
$result = array();
$value = (array) $value; // makes it easier to order the key-value pairs
if ('@language' === $propertyContainer) {
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
// TODO Make sure key is a valid language tag
if (false === is_array($val)) {
$val = array($val);
foreach ($val as $item) {
if (false === is_string($item)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Detected invalid value in $property->$key: it must be a string as it " .
"is part of a language map.",
$result[] = (object) array(
'@value' => $item,
'@language' => strtolower($key)
} else {
// @container: @index
foreach ($value as $key => $val) {
if (false === is_array($val)) {
$val = array($val);
$this->expand($val, $activectx, $property, $frame);
foreach ($val as $item) {
if (false === property_exists($item, '@index')) {
$item->{'@index'} = $key;
$result[] = $item;
$value = $result;
} else {
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $property, $frame);
// Remove properties with null values
if (null === $value) {
// If property has an @list container and value is not yet an
// expanded @list-object, transform it to one
if (('@list' === $propertyContainer) &&
((false === is_object($value) || (false === property_exists($value, '@list'))))) {
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
$obj = new JsonObject();
$obj->{'@list'} = $value;
$value = $obj;
$target = $element;
if ($this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $property, '@reverse')) {
if (false === property_exists($target, '@reverse')) {
$target->{'@reverse'} = new JsonObject();
$target = $target->{'@reverse'};
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
foreach ($value as $val) {
if (property_exists($val, '@value') || property_exists($val, '@list')) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Detected invalid value in @reverse-map (only nodes are allowed',
self::mergeIntoProperty($target, $expProperty, $value, true);
// All properties have been processed. Make sure the result is valid
// and optimize it where possible
$numProps = count(get_object_vars($element));
// Remove free-floating nodes
if ((false === $frame) && ((null === $activeprty) || ('@graph' === $activeprty)) &&
(((0 === $numProps) || property_exists($element, '@value') || property_exists($element, '@list') ||
((1 === $numProps) && property_exists($element, '@id'))))) {
$element = null;
// Indexes are allowed everywhere
if (property_exists($element, '@index')) {
if (property_exists($element, '@value')) {
$numProps--; // @value
if (property_exists($element, '@language')) {
if (false === $frame) {
if (false === is_string($element->{'@language'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid value for @language detected (must be a string).',
if (false === is_string($element->{'@value'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Only strings can be language tagged.',
} elseif (property_exists($element, '@type')) {
if ((false === $frame) && ((false === is_string($element->{'@type'})) ||
(false === strpos($element->{'@type'}, ':')) ||
('_:' === substr($element->{'@type'}, 0, 2)))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid value for @type detected (must be an IRI).',
if ($numProps > 0) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Detected an invalid @value object.',
} elseif (null === $element->{'@value'}) {
// object has just an @value property that is null, can be replaced with that value
$element = $element->{'@value'};
// Not an @value object, make sure @type is an array
if (property_exists($element, '@type') && (false === is_array($element->{'@type'}))) {
$element->{'@type'} = array($element->{'@type'});
if (($numProps > 1) && ((property_exists($element, '@list') || property_exists($element, '@set')))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'An object with a @list or @set property can\'t contain other properties.',
} elseif (property_exists($element, '@set')) {
// @set objects can be optimized away as they are just syntactic sugar
$element = $element->{'@set'};
} elseif (($numProps === 1) && (false === $frame) && property_exists($element, '@language')) {
// if there's just @language and nothing else and we are not expanding a frame, drop whole object
$element = null;
* Expands the value of a keyword
* @param JsonObject $element The object this property-value pair is part of.
* @param string $activeprty The active property.
* @param string $keyword The keyword whose value is being expanded.
* @param mixed $value The value to expand.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param boolean $frame True if a frame is being expanded, otherwise false.
* @throws JsonLdException
private function expandKeywordValue(&$element, $activeprty, $keyword, $value, $activectx, $frame)
// Ignore all null values except for @value as in that case it is
// needed to determine what @type means
if ((null === $value) && ('@value' !== $keyword)) {
if ('@id' === $keyword) {
if (false === is_string($value)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid value for @id detected (must be a string).',
$value = $this->expandIri($value, $activectx, true);
self::setProperty($element, $keyword, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
if ('@type' === $keyword) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = $this->expandIri($value, $activectx, true, true);
self::setProperty($element, $keyword, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
$result = array();
foreach ($value as $item) {
if (is_string($item)) {
$result[] = $this->expandIri($item, $activectx, true, true);
} else {
if (false === $frame) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Invalid value for $keyword detected.",
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $keyword, $item);
// Don't keep empty arrays
if (count($result) >= 1) {
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $keyword, $result, true);
if (('@value' === $keyword)) {
if (false === $frame) {
if ((null !== $value) && (false === is_scalar($value))) {
// we need to preserve @value: null to distinguish values form nodes
throw new JsonLdException(
"Invalid value for @value detected (must be a scalar).",
} elseif (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
self::setProperty($element, $keyword, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
if (('@language' === $keyword) || ('@index' === $keyword)) {
if (false === $frame) {
if (false === is_string($value)) {
throw ('@language' === $keyword)
? new JsonLdException(
'@language must be a string',
: new JsonLdException(
'@index must be a string',
} elseif (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
self::setProperty($element, $keyword, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
// TODO Optimize the following code, there's a lot of repetition, only the $activeprty param is changing
if ('@list' === $keyword) {
if ((null === $activeprty) || ('@graph' === $activeprty)) {
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $activeprty, $frame);
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
foreach ($value as $val) {
if (is_object($val) && property_exists($val, '@list')) {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::LIST_OF_LISTS, 'List of lists detected.', $element);
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $keyword, $value, true);
if ('@set' === $keyword) {
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $activeprty, $frame);
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $keyword, $value, true);
if ('@reverse' === $keyword) {
if (false === is_object($value)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Detected invalid value for @reverse (must be an object).',
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $keyword, $frame);
// Do not create @reverse-containers inside @reverse containers
if (property_exists($value, $keyword)) {
foreach (get_object_vars($value->{$keyword}) as $prop => $val) {
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $prop, $val, true);
$value = get_object_vars($value);
if ((count($value) > 0) && (false === property_exists($element, $keyword))) {
$element->{$keyword} = new JsonObject();
foreach ($value as $prop => $val) {
foreach ($val as $v) {
if (property_exists($v, '@value') || property_exists($v, '@list')) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Detected invalid value in @reverse-map (only nodes are allowed',
self::mergeIntoProperty($element->{$keyword}, $prop, $v, true);
if ('@graph' === $keyword) {
$this->expand($value, $activectx, $keyword, $frame);
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $keyword, $value, true);
* Expands a scalar value
* @param mixed $value The value to expand.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param string $activeprty The active property.
* @return JsonObject The expanded value.
private function expandValue($value, $activectx, $activeprty)
$def = $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $activeprty);
$result = new JsonObject();
if ('@id' === $def['@type']) {
$result->{'@id'} = $this->expandIri($value, $activectx, true);
} elseif ('@vocab' === $def['@type']) {
$result->{'@id'} = $this->expandIri($value, $activectx, true, true);
} else {
$result->{'@value'} = $value;
if (isset($def['@type'])) {
$result->{'@type'} = $def['@type'];
} elseif (isset($def['@language']) && is_string($result->{'@value'})) {
$result->{'@language'} = $def['@language'];
return $result;
* Expands a JSON-LD IRI value (term, compact IRI, IRI) to an absolute
* IRI and relabels blank nodes
* @param mixed $value The value to be expanded to an absolute IRI.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param bool $relativeIri Specifies whether $value should be treated as
* relative IRI against the base IRI or not.
* @param bool $vocabRelative Specifies whether $value is relative to @vocab
* if set or not.
* @param null|JsonObject $localctx If the IRI is being expanded as part of context
* processing, the current local context has to be
* passed as well.
* @param array $path A path of already processed terms to detect
* circular dependencies
* @return string The expanded IRI.
private function expandIri(
$relativeIri = false,
$vocabRelative = false,
$localctx = null,
$path = array()
) {
if ((null === $value) || in_array($value, self::$keywords)) {
return $value;
if ($localctx) {
if (in_array($value, $path)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Cycle in context definition detected: ' . join(' -> ', $path) . ' -> ' . $path[0],
} else {
$path[] = $value;
if (count($path) >= self::CONTEXT_MAX_IRI_RECURSIONS) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Too many recursions in term definition: ' . join(' -> ', $path) . ' -> ' . $path[0],
if (isset($localctx->{$value})) {
$nested = null;
if (is_string($localctx->{$value})) {
$nested = $localctx->{$value};
} elseif (isset($localctx->{$value}->{'@id'})) {
$nested = $localctx->{$value}->{'@id'};
if ($nested && (end($path) !== $nested)) {
return $this->expandIri($nested, $activectx, false, true, $localctx, $path);
// Terms apply only for vocab-relative IRIs
if ((true === $vocabRelative) && array_key_exists($value, $activectx)) {
return $activectx[$value]['@id'];
if (false !== strpos($value, ':')) {
list($prefix, $suffix) = explode(':', $value, 2);
if (('_' === $prefix) || ('//' === substr($suffix, 0, 2))) {
// Safety measure to prevent reassigned of, e.g., http://
// the "_" prefix is reserved for blank nodes and can't be expanded
return $value;
if ($localctx) {
$prefix = $this->expandIri($prefix, $activectx, false, true, $localctx, $path);
// If prefix contains a colon, we have successfully expanded it
if (false !== strpos($prefix, ':')) {
return $prefix . $suffix;
} elseif (array_key_exists($prefix, $activectx)) {
// compact IRI
return $activectx[$prefix]['@id'] . $suffix;
} else {
if ($vocabRelative && array_key_exists('@vocab', $activectx)) {
return $activectx['@vocab'] . $value;
} elseif (($relativeIri) && (null !== $activectx['@base'])) {
return (string) $activectx['@base']->resolve($value);
// can't expand it, return as is
return $value;
* Compacts a JSON-LD document
* Attention: This method must be called with an expanded element,
* otherwise it might not work.
* @param mixed $element A JSON-LD element to be compacted.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param array $inversectx The inverse context.
* @param null|string $activeprty The active property.
* @return mixed The compacted JSON-LD document.
public function compact(&$element, $activectx = array(), $inversectx = array(), $activeprty = null)
if (is_array($element)) {
$result = array();
foreach ($element as &$item) {
$this->compact($item, $activectx, $inversectx, $activeprty);
if (null !== $item) {
$result[] = $item;
if ($this->compactArrays && (1 === count($result))) {
$element = $result[0];
} else {
$element = $result;
if (false === is_object($element)) {
// element is already in compact form, nothing else to do
if (property_exists($element, '@value') || property_exists($element, '@id')) {
$def = $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $activeprty);
$element = $this->compactValue($element, $def, $activectx, $inversectx);
if (false === is_object($element)) {
// Otherwise, compact all properties
$properties = get_object_vars($element);
$inReverse = ('@reverse' === $activeprty);
$element = new JsonObject();
foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
if (in_array($property, self::$keywords)) {
if ('@id' === $property) {
$value = $this->compactIri($value, $activectx, $inversectx);
} elseif ('@type' === $property) {
if (is_string($value)) {
$value = $this->compactIri($value, $activectx, $inversectx, null, true);
} else {
foreach ($value as &$iri) {
$iri = $this->compactIri($iri, $activectx, $inversectx, null, true);
if ($this->compactArrays && (1 === count($value))) {
$value = $value[0];
} elseif (('@graph' === $property) || ('@list' === $property)) {
$this->compact($value, $activectx, $inversectx, $property);
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$value = array($value);
} elseif ('@reverse' === $property) {
$this->compact($value, $activectx, $inversectx, $property);
// Move reverse properties out of the map into element
foreach (get_object_vars($value) as $prop => $val) {
if ($this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $prop, '@reverse')) {
$alwaysArray = ('@set' === $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $prop, '@container'));
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $prop, $val, $alwaysArray);
if (0 === count(get_object_vars($value))) {
continue; // no properties left in the @reverse-map
// Get the keyword alias from the inverse context if available
$activeprty = (isset($inversectx[$property]['term']))
? $inversectx[$property]['term']
: $property;
self::setProperty($element, $activeprty, $value, JsonLdException::COLLIDING_KEYWORDS);
// ... continue with next property
// handle @null-objects as used in framing
if (is_object($value) && property_exists($value, '@null')) {
$activeprty = $this->compactIri($property, $activectx, $inversectx, null, true, $inReverse);
if (false === property_exists($element, $activeprty)) {
$element->{$activeprty} = null;
// Make sure that empty arrays are preserved
if (0 === count($value)) {
$activeprty = $this->compactIri($property, $activectx, $inversectx, null, true, $inReverse);
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $activeprty, $value);
// ... continue with next property
// Compact every item in value separately as they could map to different terms
foreach ($value as $item) {
$activeprty = $this->compactIri($property, $activectx, $inversectx, $item, true, $inReverse);
$def = $this->getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $activeprty);
if (in_array($def['@container'], array('@language', '@index'))) {
if (false === property_exists($element, $activeprty)) {
$element->{$activeprty} = new JsonObject();
$def[$def['@container']] = $item->{$def['@container']};
$item = $this->compactValue($item, $def, $activectx, $inversectx);
$this->compact($item, $activectx, $inversectx, $activeprty);
self::mergeIntoProperty($element->{$activeprty}, $def[$def['@container']], $item);
if (is_object($item)) {
if (property_exists($item, '@list')) {
$this->compact($item->{'@list'}, $activectx, $inversectx, $activeprty);
if (false === is_array($item->{'@list'})) {
$item->{'@list'} = array($item->{'@list'});
if ('@list' === $def['@container']) {
// a term can just hold one list if it has a @list container
// (we don't support lists of lists)
continue; // ... continue with next value
} else {
$result = new JsonObject();
$alias = $this->compactIri('@list', $activectx, $inversectx, null, true);
$result->{$alias} = $item->{'@list'};
if (isset($item->{'@index'})) {
$alias = $this->compactIri('@index', $activectx, $inversectx, null, true);
$result->{$alias} = $item->{'@index'};
$item = $result;
} else {
$this->compact($item, $activectx, $inversectx, $activeprty);
// Merge value back into resulting object making sure that value is always
// an array if a container is set or compactArrays is set to false
$asArray = ((false === $this->compactArrays) || (false === $def['compactArrays']));
self::mergeIntoProperty($element, $activeprty, $item, $asArray);
* Compacts a value
* The passed property definition must be an associative array
* containing the following data:
* <code>
* @type => type IRI or null
* @language => language code or null
* @index => index string or null
* @container => the container: @set, @list, @language, or @index
* </code>
* @param mixed $value The value to compact (arrays are not allowed!).
* @param array $definition The active property's definition.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param array $inversectx The inverse context.
* @return mixed The compacted value.
private function compactValue($value, $definition, $activectx, $inversectx)
if ('@index' === $definition['@container']) {
$numProperties = count(get_object_vars($value));
// @id object
if (property_exists($value, '@id')) {
if (1 === $numProperties) {
if ('@id' === $definition['@type']) {
return $this->compactIri($value->{'@id'}, $activectx, $inversectx);
if ('@vocab' === $definition['@type']) {
return $this->compactIri($value->{'@id'}, $activectx, $inversectx, null, true);
return $value;
// @value object
$criterion = (isset($value->{'@type'})) ? '@type' : null;
$criterion = (isset($value->{'@language'})) ? '@language' : $criterion;
if (null !== $criterion) {
if ((2 === $numProperties) && ($value->{$criterion} === $definition[$criterion])) {
return $value->{'@value'};
return $value;
// the object has neither a @type nor a @language property
// check the active property's definition
if (is_string($value->{'@value'}) && (null !== $definition['@language'])) {
// if the property is language tagged or there's a default language,
// we can't compact the value if it is a string
return $value;
// we can compact the value
return (1 === $numProperties) ? $value->{'@value'} : $value;
* Compacts an absolute IRI (or aliases a keyword)
* If the IRI couldn't be compacted, the IRI is returned as is.
* @param mixed $iri The IRI to be compacted.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param array $inversectx The inverse context.
* @param mixed $value The value of the property to compact.
* @param bool $vocabRelative If `true` is passed, this method tries
* to convert the IRI to an IRI relative to
* `@vocab`; otherwise, that fall back
* mechanism is disabled.
* @param bool $reverse Is the IRI used within a @reverse container?
* @return string Returns the compacted IRI on success; otherwise the
* IRI is returned as is.
private function compactIri($iri, $activectx, $inversectx, $value = null, $vocabRelative = false, $reverse = false)
if ((true === $vocabRelative) && array_key_exists($iri, $inversectx)) {
if (null !== $value) {
$valueProfile = $this->getValueProfile($value, $inversectx);
$container = ('@list' === $valueProfile['@container'])
? array('@list', '@null')
: array($valueProfile['@container'], '@set', '@null');
if (null === $valueProfile['typeLang']) {
$typeOrLang = array('@null');
$typeOrLangValue = array('@null');
} else {
$typeOrLang = array($valueProfile['typeLang'], '@null');
$typeOrLangValue = array();
if (true === $reverse) {
$typeOrLangValue[] = '@reverse';
if (('@type' === $valueProfile['typeLang']) && ('@id' === $valueProfile['typeLangValue'])) {
array_push($typeOrLangValue, '@id', '@vocab', '@null');
} elseif (('@type' === $valueProfile['typeLang']) &&
('@vocab' === $valueProfile['typeLangValue'])) {
array_push($typeOrLangValue, '@vocab', '@id', '@null');
} else {
$typeOrLangValue = array($valueProfile['typeLangValue'], '@null');
$result = $this->queryInverseContext($inversectx[$iri], $container, $typeOrLang, $typeOrLangValue);
if (null !== $result) {
return $result;
} elseif (isset($inversectx[$iri]['term'])) {
return $inversectx[$iri]['term'];
// Compact using @vocab
if ($vocabRelative && isset($activectx['@vocab']) && (0 === strpos($iri, $activectx['@vocab'])) &&
(false !== ($vocabIri = substr($iri, strlen($activectx['@vocab'])))) &&
(false === isset($activectx[$vocabIri]))) {
return $vocabIri;
// Try to compact to a compact IRI
foreach ($inversectx as $termIri => $def) {
$termIriLen = strlen($termIri);
if (isset($def['term']) && (0 === strncmp($iri, $termIri, $termIriLen))) {
$compactIri = substr($iri, $termIriLen);
if (false !== $compactIri && '' !== $compactIri) {
$compactIri = $def['term'] . ':' . $compactIri;
if (false === isset($activectx[$compactIri]) ||
((false === $vocabRelative) && ($iri === $activectx[$compactIri]['@id']))) {
return $compactIri;
// Last resort, convert to a relative IRI
if ((false === $vocabRelative) && (null !== $activectx['@base'])) {
return (string) $activectx['@base']->baseFor($iri);
// IRI couldn't be compacted, return as is
return $iri;
* Verifies whether two JSON-LD subtrees are equal not
* Please note that two unlabeled blank nodes will never be equal by
* definition.
* @param mixed $a The first subtree.
* @param mixed $b The second subree.
* @return bool Returns true if the two subtrees are equal; otherwise
* false.
private static function subtreeEquals($a, $b)
if (gettype($a) !== gettype($b)) {
return false;
if (is_scalar($a)) {
return ($a === $b);
if (is_array($a)) {
$len = count($a);
if ($len !== count($b)) {
return false;
// TODO Ignore order for sets?
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
if (false === self::subtreeEquals($a[$i], $b[$i])) {
return false;
return true;
if (!property_exists($a, '@id') &&
!property_exists($a, '@value') &&
!property_exists($a, '@list')) {
// Blank nodes can never match as they can't be identified
return false;
$properties = array_keys(get_object_vars($a));
if (count($properties) !== count(get_object_vars($b))) {
return false;
foreach ($properties as $property) {
if ((false === property_exists($b, $property)) ||
(false === self::subtreeEquals($a->{$property}, $b->{$property}))) {
return false;
return true;
* Calculates a value profile
* A value profile represent the schema of the value ignoring the
* concrete value. It is an associative array containing the following
* keys-value pairs:
* * `@container`: the container, defaults to `@set`
* * `typeLang`: is set to `@type` for typed values or `@language` for
* (language-tagged) strings; for all other values it is set to
* `null`
* * `typeLangValue`: set to the type of a typed value or the language
* of a language-tagged string (`@null` for all other strings); for
* all other values it is set to `null`
* @param JsonObject $value The value.
* @param array $inversectx The inverse context.
* @return array The value profile.
private function getValueProfile(JsonObject $value, $inversectx)
$valueProfile = array(
'@container' => '@set',
'typeLang' => '@type',
'typeLangValue' => '@id'
if (property_exists($value, '@index')) {
$valueProfile['@container'] = '@index';
if (property_exists($value, '@id')) {
if (isset($inversectx[$value->{'@id'}]['term'])) {
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = '@vocab';
} else {
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = '@id';
return $valueProfile;
if (property_exists($value, '@value')) {
if (property_exists($value, '@type')) {
$valueProfile['typeLang'] = '@type';
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = $value->{'@type'};
} elseif (property_exists($value, '@language')) {
$valueProfile['typeLang'] = '@language';
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = $value->{'@language'};
if (false === property_exists($value, '@index')) {
$valueProfile['@container'] = '@language';
} else {
$valueProfile['typeLang'] = '@language';
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = '@null';
return $valueProfile;
if (property_exists($value, '@list')) {
$len = count($value->{'@list'});
if ($len > 0) {
$valueProfile = $this->getValueProfile($value->{'@list'}[0], $inversectx);
if (false === property_exists($value, '@index')) {
$valueProfile['@container'] = '@list';
for ($i = $len - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
$profile = $this->getValueProfile($value->{'@list'}[$i], $inversectx);
if (($valueProfile['typeLang'] !== $profile['typeLang']) ||
($valueProfile['typeLangValue'] !== $profile['typeLangValue'])) {
$valueProfile['typeLang'] = null;
$valueProfile['typeLangValue'] = null;
return $valueProfile;
return $valueProfile;
* Queries the inverse context to find the term for a given query
* path (= value profile)
* @param array $inversectx The inverse context (or a subtree thereof)
* @param string[] $containers
* @param string[] $typeOrLangs
* @param string[] $typeOrLangValues
* @return null|string The best matching term or null if none was found.
private function queryInverseContext($inversectx, $containers, $typeOrLangs, $typeOrLangValues)
foreach ($containers as $container) {
foreach ($typeOrLangs as $typeOrLang) {
foreach ($typeOrLangValues as $typeOrLangValue) {
if (isset($inversectx[$container][$typeOrLang][$typeOrLangValue])) {
return $inversectx[$container][$typeOrLang][$typeOrLangValue];
return null;
* Returns a property's definition
* The result will be in the form
* <code>
* array('@type' => type or null,
* '@language' => language or null,
* '@container' => container or null,
* 'isKeyword' => true or false)
* </code>
* If `$only` is set, only the value of that key of the array
* above will be returned.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param string $property The property.
* @param null|string $only If set, only this element of the
* definition will be returned.
* @return array|string|null Returns either the property's definition or
* null if not found.
private function getPropertyDefinition($activectx, $property, $only = null)
$result = array(
'@reverse' => false,
'@type' => null,
'@language' => (isset($activectx['@language']))
? $activectx['@language']
: null,
'@index' => null,
'@container' => null,
'isKeyword' => false,
'compactArrays' => true
if (in_array($property, self::$keywords)) {
$result['@type'] = (('@id' === $property) || ('@type' === $property))
? '@id'
: null;
$result['@language'] = null;
$result['isKeyword'] = true;
$result['compactArrays'] = (bool) (('@list' !== $property) && ('@graph' !== $property));
} else {
$def = (isset($activectx[$property])) ? $activectx[$property] : null;
if (null !== $def) {
$result['@id'] = $def['@id'];
$result['@reverse'] = $def['@reverse'];
if (isset($def['@type'])) {
$result['@type'] = $def['@type'];
$result['@language'] = null;
} elseif (array_key_exists('@language', $def)) { // could be null
$result['@language'] = $def['@language'];
if (isset($def['@container'])) {
$result['@container'] = $def['@container'];
if (('@list' === $def['@container']) || ('@set' === $def['@container'])) {
$result['compactArrays'] = false;
if ($only) {
return (isset($result[$only])) ? $result[$only] : null;
return $result;
* Processes a local context to update the active context
* @param mixed $loclctx The local context.
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @param array $remotectxs The already included remote contexts.
* @throws JsonLdException
public function processContext($loclctx, &$activectx, $remotectxs = array())
if (is_object($loclctx)) {
$loclctx = clone $loclctx;
if (false === is_array($loclctx)) {
$loclctx = array($loclctx);
foreach ($loclctx as $context) {
if (null === $context) {
$activectx = array('@base' => $this->baseIri);
} elseif (is_object($context)) {
// make sure we don't modify the passed context
$context = clone $context;
if (property_exists($context, '@base')) {
if (count($remotectxs) > 0) {
// do nothing, @base is ignored in a remote context
} elseif (null === $context->{'@base'}) {
$activectx['@base'] = null;
} elseif (false === is_string($context->{'@base'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The value of @base must be an IRI or null.',
} else {
$base = new IRI($context->{'@base'});
if (false === $base->isAbsolute()) {
if (null === $activectx['@base']) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The relative base IRI cannot be resolved to an absolute IRI.',
$activectx['@base'] = $activectx['@base']->resolve($base);
} else {
$activectx['@base'] = $base;
if (property_exists($context, '@vocab')) {
if (null === $context->{'@vocab'}) {
} elseif ((false === is_string($context->{'@vocab'})) ||
(false === strpos($context->{'@vocab'}, ':'))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The value of @vocab must be an absolute IRI or null.invalid vocab mapping, ',
} else {
$activectx['@vocab'] = $context->{'@vocab'};
if (property_exists($context, '@language')) {
if ((null !== $context->{'@language'}) && (false === is_string($context->{'@language'}))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The value of @language must be a string.',
$activectx['@language'] = $context->{'@language'};
foreach ($context as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($key, self::$keywords)) {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::KEYWORD_REDEFINITION, null, $key);
if ((null === $value) || is_string($value)) {
$value = (object) array('@id' => $value);
} elseif (is_object($value)) {
$value = clone $value; // make sure we don't modify context entries
} else {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::INVALID_TERM_DEFINITION);
if (property_exists($value, '@reverse')) {
if (property_exists($value, '@id')) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Invalid term definition using both @reverse and @id detected",
if (property_exists($value, '@container') &&
('@index' !== $value->{'@container'}) &&
('@set' !== $value->{'@container'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Terms using the @reverse feature support only @set- and @index-containers.",
$value->{'@id'} = $value->{'@reverse'};
$value->{'@reverse'} = true;
} else {
$value->{'@reverse'} = false;
if (property_exists($value, '@id')) {
if ((null !== $value->{'@id'}) && (false === is_string($value->{'@id'}))) {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::INVALID_IRI_MAPPING, null, $value->{'@id'});
$path = array();
if ($key !== $value->{'@id'}) {
$path[] = $key;
$expanded = $this->expandIri($value->{'@id'}, $activectx, false, true, $context, $path);
if ($value->{'@reverse'} && (false === strpos($expanded, ':'))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Reverse properties must expand to absolute IRIs, \"$key\" expands to \"$expanded\"."
} elseif ('@context' === $expanded) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Aliases for @context are not supported',
} else {
$expanded = $this->expandIri($key, $activectx, false, true, $context);
if ((null === $expanded) || in_array($expanded, self::$keywords)) {
// if it's an aliased keyword or the IRI is null, we ignore all other properties
// TODO Should we throw an exception if there are other properties?
$activectx[$key] = array('@id' => $expanded, '@reverse' => false);
} elseif (false === strpos($expanded, ':')) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Failed to expand \"$key\" to an absolute IRI.",
$activectx[$key] = array('@id' => $expanded, '@reverse' => $value->{'@reverse'});
if (isset($value->{'@type'})) {
if (false === is_string($value->{'@type'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::INVALID_TYPE_MAPPING);
$expanded = $this->expandIri($value->{'@type'}, $activectx, false, true, $context);
if (('@id' !== $expanded) && ('@vocab' !== $expanded) &&
((false === strpos($expanded, ':') || (0 === strpos($expanded, '_:'))))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Failed to expand $expanded to an absolute IRI.",
$activectx[$key]['@type'] = $expanded;
} elseif (property_exists($value, '@language')) {
if ((false === is_string($value->{'@language'})) && (null !== $value->{'@language'})) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The value of @language must be a string or null.',
// Note the else. Language tagging applies just to term without type coercion
$activectx[$key]['@language'] = $value->{'@language'};
if (isset($value->{'@container'})) {
if (in_array($value->{'@container'}, array('@list', '@set', '@language', '@index'))) {
$activectx[$key]['@container'] = $value->{'@container'};
} else {
throw new JsonLdException(
'A container mapping of ' . $value->{'@container'} . ' is not supported.'
} elseif (is_string($context)) {
$remoteContext = new IRI($context);
if ($remoteContext->isAbsolute()) {
$remoteContext = (string) $remoteContext;
} elseif (null === $activectx['@base']) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Can not resolve the relative URL of the remote context as no base has been set: ' . $remoteContext
} else {
$remoteContext = (string) $activectx['@base']->resolve($context);
if (in_array($remoteContext, $remotectxs)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Recursive inclusion of remote context: ' . join(' -> ', $remotectxs) . ' -> ' . $remoteContext
$remotectxs[] = $remoteContext;
try {
$remoteContext = $this->loadDocument($remoteContext);
} catch (JsonLdException $e) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Loading $remoteContext failed",
if (is_object($remoteContext) && property_exists($remoteContext, '@context')) {
// TODO Use the context's IRI as base IRI when processing remote contexts (ISSUE-24)
$this->processContext($remoteContext->{'@context'}, $activectx, $remotectxs);
} else {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Remote context "' . $context . '" is invalid.',
} else {
throw new JsonLdException(JsonLdException::INVALID_LOCAL_CONTEXT);
* Load a JSON-LD document
* The document can be supplied directly as string, by passing a file
* path, or by passing a URL.
* @param null|string|array|JsonObject $input The JSON-LD document or a path
* or URL pointing to one.
* @return mixed The loaded JSON-LD document
* @throws JsonLdException
private function loadDocument($input)
if (false === is_string($input)) {
// Return as is - it has already been parsed
return $input;
$document = $this->documentLoader->loadDocument($input);
return $document->document;
* Creates an inverse context to simplify IRI compaction
* The inverse context is a multidimensional array that has the
* following shape:
* <code>
* [container|@null|term]
* [@type|@language][typeIRI|languageCode]
* [@null][@null]
* [term|propGen]
* [ array of terms ]
* </code>
* @param array $activectx The active context.
* @return array The inverse context.
public function createInverseContext($activectx)
$inverseContext = array();
$defaultLanguage = isset($activectx['@language']) ? $activectx['@language'] : '@null';
$propertyGenerators = isset($activectx['@propertyGenerators']) ? $activectx['@propertyGenerators'] : array();
$activectx = array_merge($activectx, $propertyGenerators);
uksort($activectx, array($this, 'sortTerms'));
// Put every IRI of each term into the inverse context
foreach ($activectx as $term => $def) {
if (null === $def['@id']) {
// this is necessary since some terms can be decoupled from @vocab
$container = (isset($def['@container'])) ? $def['@container'] : '@null';
$iri = $def['@id'];
if (false === isset($inverseContext[$iri]['term']) && (false === $def['@reverse'])) {
$inverseContext[$iri]['term'] = $term;
$typeOrLang = '@null';
$typeLangValue = '@null';
if (true === $def['@reverse']) {
$typeOrLang = '@type';
$typeLangValue = '@reverse';
} elseif (isset($def['@type'])) {
$typeOrLang = '@type';
$typeLangValue = $def['@type'];
} elseif (array_key_exists('@language', $def)) { // can be null
$typeOrLang = '@language';
$typeLangValue = (null === $def['@language']) ? '@null' : $def['@language'];
} else {
// Every untyped term is implicitly set to the default language
if (false === isset($inverseContext[$iri][$container]['@language'][$defaultLanguage])) {
$inverseContext[$iri][$container]['@language'][$defaultLanguage] = $term;
if (false === isset($inverseContext[$iri][$container][$typeOrLang][$typeLangValue])) {
$inverseContext[$iri][$container][$typeOrLang][$typeLangValue] = $term;
// Sort the whole inverse context in reverse order, the longest IRI comes first
uksort($inverseContext, array($this, 'sortTerms'));
$inverseContext = array_reverse($inverseContext);
return $inverseContext;
* Creates a node map of an expanded JSON-LD document
* All keys in the node map are prefixed with "-" to support empty strings.
* @param JsonObject $nodeMap The object holding the node map.
* @param JsonObject|JsonObject[] $element An expanded JSON-LD element to
* be put into the node map
* @param string $activegraph The graph currently being processed.
* @param null|string $activeid The node currently being processed.
* @param null|string $activeprty The property currently being processed.
* @param null|JsonObject $list The list object if a list is being
* processed.
private function generateNodeMap(
$activegraph = JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH,
$activeid = null,
$activeprty = null,
&$list = null
) {
if (is_array($element)) {
foreach ($element as $item) {
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $item, $activegraph, $activeid, $activeprty, $list);
// Relabel blank nodes in @type and add a node to the current graph
if (property_exists($element, '@type')) {
$types = null;
if (is_array($element->{'@type'})) {
$types = &$element->{'@type'};
} else {
$types = array(&$element->{'@type'});
foreach ($types as &$type) {
if (0 === strncmp($type, '_:', 2)) {
$type = $this->getBlankNodeId($type);
if (property_exists($element, '@value')) {
// Handle value objects
if (null === $list) {
$nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}->{'-' . $activeid},
} else {
$this->mergeIntoProperty($list, '@list', $element, true, false);
} elseif (property_exists($element, '@list')) {
// lists
$result = new JsonObject();
$result->{'@list'} = array();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $element->{'@list'}, $activegraph, $activeid, $activeprty, $result);
$nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}->{'-' . $activeid},
} else {
// and node objects
if (false === property_exists($element, '@id')) {
$id = $this->getBlankNodeId();
} elseif (0 === strncmp($element->{'@id'}, '_:', 2)) {
$id = $this->getBlankNodeId($element->{'@id'});
} else {
$id = $element->{'@id'};
// Create node in node map if it doesn't exist yet
if (false === property_exists($nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}, '-' . $id)) {
$node = new JsonObject();
$node->{'@id'} = $id;
$nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}->{'-' . $id} = $node;
} else {
$node = $nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}->{'-' . $id};
// Add reference to active property
if (is_object($activeid)) {
$this->mergeIntoProperty($node, $activeprty, $activeid, true, true);
} elseif (null !== $activeprty) {
$reference = new JsonObject();
$reference->{'@id'} = $id;
if (null === $list) {
$nodeMap->{'-' . $activegraph}->{'-' . $activeid},
} else {
$this->mergeIntoProperty($list, '@list', $reference, true, false);
if (property_exists($element, '@type')) {
$this->mergeIntoProperty($node, '@type', $element->{'@type'}, true, true);
if (property_exists($element, '@index')) {
if (property_exists($element, '@reverse')) {
$reference = array('@id' => $id);
// First, add the reverse property to all nodes pointing to this node and then
// add them to the node mape
foreach (get_object_vars($element->{'@reverse'}) as $property => $value) {
foreach ($value as $val) {
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $val, $activegraph, (object) $reference, $property);
// This node also represent a named graph, process it
if (property_exists($element, '@graph')) {
if (JsonLD::MERGED_GRAPH !== $activegraph) {
if (false === property_exists($nodeMap, '-' . $id)) {
$nodeMap->{'-' . $id} = new JsonObject();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $element->{'@graph'}, $id);
} else {
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $element->{'@graph'}, JsonLD::MERGED_GRAPH);
// Process all other properties in order
$properties = get_object_vars($element);
foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
if (0 === strncmp($property, '_:', 2)) {
$property = $this->getBlankNodeId($property);
if (false === property_exists($node, $property)) {
$node->{$property} = array();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $value, $activegraph, $id, $property);
* Generate a new blank node identifier
* If an identifier is passed, a new blank node identifier is generated
* for it and stored for subsequent use. Calling the method with the same
* identifier (except null) will thus always return the same blank node
* identifier.
* @param null|string $id If available, existing blank node identifier.
* @return string Returns a blank node identifier.
private function getBlankNodeId($id = null)
if ((null !== $id) && isset($this->blankNodeMap[$id])) {
return $this->blankNodeMap[$id];
$bnode = '_:b' . $this->blankNodeCounter++;
$this->blankNodeMap[$id] = $bnode;
return $bnode;
* Flattens a JSON-LD document
* @param mixed $element A JSON-LD element to be flattened.
* @return array An array representing the flattened element.
public function flatten($element)
$nodeMap = new JsonObject();
$nodeMap->{'-' . JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH} = new JsonObject();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $element);
$defaultGraph = $nodeMap->{'-' . JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH};
unset($nodeMap->{'-' . JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH});
// Store named graphs in the @graph property of the node representing
// the graph in the default graph
foreach ($nodeMap as $graphName => $graph) {
if (!isset($defaultGraph->{$graphName})) {
$defaultGraph->{$graphName} = new JsonObject();
$defaultGraph->{$graphName}->{'@id'} = substr($graphName, 1);
$graph = (array) $graph;
$defaultGraph->{$graphName}->{'@graph'} = array_values(
array_filter($graph, array($this, 'hasNodeProperties'))
$defaultGraph = (array) $defaultGraph;
return array_values(
array_filter($defaultGraph, array($this, 'hasNodeProperties'))
* Converts an expanded JSON-LD document to RDF quads
* The result is an array of Quads.
* @param array $document The expanded JSON-LD document to be transformed into quads.
* @return Quad[] The extracted quads.
public function toRdf(array $document)
$nodeMap = new JsonObject();
$nodeMap->{'-' . JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH} = new JsonObject();
$this->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $document);
$result = array();
foreach ($nodeMap as $graphName => $graph) {
$graphName = substr($graphName, 1);
if (JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH === $graphName) {
$activegraph = null;
} else {
$activegraph = new IRI($graphName);
if (false === $activegraph->isAbsolute()) {
foreach ($graph as $subject => $node) {
$activesubj = new IRI(substr($subject, 1));
if (false === $activesubj->isAbsolute()) {
foreach ($node as $property => $values) {
if ('@id' === $property) {
} elseif ('@type' === $property) {
$activeprty = new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_TYPE);
foreach ($values as $value) {
$result[] = new Quad($activesubj, $activeprty, new IRI($value), $activegraph);
} elseif ('@' === $property[0]) {
// Exclude triples/quads with a blank node predicate if generalized RDF isn't enabled
if ((0 === strncmp($property, '_:', 2)) && (false === $this->generalizedRdf)) {
$activeprty = new IRI($property);
if (false === $activeprty->isAbsolute()) {
foreach ($values as $value) {
if (property_exists($value, '@list')) {
$quads = array();
$head = $this->listToRdf($value->{'@list'}, $quads, $activegraph);
$result[] = new Quad($activesubj, $activeprty, $head, $activegraph);
foreach ($quads as $quad) {
$result[] = $quad;
} else {
$object = $this->elementToRdf($value);
if (null === $object) {
$result[] = new Quad($activesubj, $activeprty, $object, $activegraph);
return $result;
* Converts a JSON-LD element to a RDF Quad object
* @param JsonObject $element The element to be converted.
* @return IRI|TypedValue|LanguageTagged|null The converted element to be used as Quad object.
private function elementToRdf(JsonObject $element)
if (property_exists($element, '@value')) {
return Value::fromJsonLd($element);
$iri = new IRI($element->{'@id'});
return $iri->isAbsolute() ? $iri : null;
* Converts a JSON-LD list to a linked RDF list (quads)
* @param array $entries The list entries
* @param array $quads The array to be used to hold the linked list
* @param null|IRI $graph The graph to be used in the constructed Quads
* @return IRI Returns the IRI of the head of the list
private function listToRdf(array $entries, array &$quads, IRI $graph = null)
if (0 === count($entries)) {
return new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_NIL);
$head = new IRI($this->getBlankNodeId());
$quads[] = new Quad($head, new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST), $this->elementToRdf($entries[0]), $graph);
$bnode = $head;
for ($i = 1, $len = count($entries); $i < $len; $i++) {
$next = new IRI($this->getBlankNodeId());
$quads[] = new Quad($bnode, new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_REST), $next, $graph);
$object = $this->elementToRdf($entries[$i]);
if (null !== $object) {
$quads[] = new Quad($next, new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST), $object, $graph);
$bnode = $next;
$quads[] = new Quad($bnode, new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_REST), new IRI(RdfConstants::RDF_NIL), $graph);
return $head;
* Converts an array of RDF quads to a JSON-LD document
* The resulting JSON-LD document will be in expanded form.
* @param Quad[] $quads The quads to convert
* @return array The JSON-LD document.
* @throws InvalidQuadException If the quad is invalid.
public function fromRdf(array $quads)
$graphs = new JsonObject();
$graphs->{JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH} = new JsonObject();
$usages = new JsonObject();
foreach ($quads as $quad) {
$graphName = JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH;
if ($quad->getGraph()) {
$graphName = (string) $quad->getGraph();
// Add a reference to this graph to the default graph if it
// doesn't exist yet
if (false === isset($graphs->{JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH}->{$graphName})) {
$graphs->{JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH}->{$graphName} =
if (false === isset($graphs->{$graphName})) {
$graphs->{$graphName} = new JsonObject();
$graph = $graphs->{$graphName};
// Subjects and properties are always IRIs (blank nodes are IRIs
// as well): convert them to a string representation
$subject = (string) $quad->getSubject();
$property = (string) $quad->getProperty();
$object = $quad->getObject();
// All nodes are stored in the node map
if (false === isset($graph->{$subject})) {
$graph->{$subject} = self::objectToJsonLd($quad->getSubject());
$node = $graph->{$subject};
// ... as are all objects that are IRIs or blank nodes
if (($object instanceof IRI) && (false === isset($graph->{(string) $object}))) {
$graph->{(string) $object} = self::objectToJsonLd($object);
if (($property === RdfConstants::RDF_TYPE) && (false === $this->useRdfType) &&
($object instanceof IRI)) {
self::mergeIntoProperty($node, '@type', (string) $object, true, true);
} else {
$value = self::objectToJsonLd($object, $this->useNativeTypes);
self::mergeIntoProperty($node, $property, $value, true, true);
// If the object is an IRI or blank node it might be the
// beginning of a list. Store a reference to its usage so
// that we can replace it with a list object later
if ($object instanceof IRI) {
$objectStr = (string) $object;
// Usages of rdf:nil are stored per graph, while...
if (RdfConstants::RDF_NIL == $objectStr) {
$graph->{$objectStr}->usages[] = array(
'node' => $node,
'prop' => $property,
'value' => $value);
// references to other nodes are stored globally (blank nodes could be shared across graphs)
} else {
if (!isset($usages->{$objectStr})) {
$usages->{$objectStr} = array();
// Make sure that the same triple isn't counted multiple times
// TODO Making $usages->{$objectStr} a set would make this code simpler
$graphSubjectProperty = $graphName . '|' . $subject . '|' . $property;
if (false === isset($usages->{$objectStr}[$graphSubjectProperty])) {
$usages->{$objectStr}[$graphSubjectProperty] = array(
'graph' => $graphName,
'node' => $node,
'prop' => $property,
'value' => $value);
// Transform linked lists to @list objects
$this->createListObjects($graphs, $usages);
// Generate the resulting document starting with the default graph
$document = array();
$nodes = get_object_vars($graphs->{JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH});
foreach ($nodes as $id => $node) {
// is it a named graph?
if (isset($graphs->{$id})) {
$node->{'@graph'} = array();
$graphNodes = get_object_vars($graphs->{$id});
foreach ($graphNodes as $graphNodeId => $graphNode) {
// Only add the node when it has properties other than @id
if (count(get_object_vars($graphNode)) > 1) {
$node->{'@graph'}[] = $graphNode;
if (count(get_object_vars($node)) > 1) {
$document[] = $node;
return $document;
* Reconstruct @list arrays from linked list structures
* @param JsonObject $graphs The graph map
* @param JsonObject $usages The global node usage map
private function createListObjects($graphs, $usages)
foreach ($graphs as $graph) {
if (false === isset($graph->{RdfConstants::RDF_NIL})) {
$nil = $graph->{RdfConstants::RDF_NIL};
foreach ($nil->usages as $usage) {
$u = $usage;
$node = $u['node'];
$prop = $u['prop'];
$head = $u['value'];
$list = array();
$listNodes = array();
while ((RdfConstants::RDF_REST === $prop) &&
(1 === count($usages->{$node->{'@id'}})) &&
property_exists($node, RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST) &&
property_exists($node, RdfConstants::RDF_REST) &&
(1 === count($node->{RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST})) &&
(1 === count($node->{RdfConstants::RDF_REST})) &&
((3 === count(get_object_vars($node))) || // only @id, rdf:first & rdf:next
((4 === count(get_object_vars($node))) && // or an additional rdf:type = rdf:List
property_exists($node, '@type') &&
($node->{'@type'} === array(RdfConstants::RDF_LIST)))
) {
$list[] = reset($node->{RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST});
$listNodes[] = $node->{'@id'};
$u = reset($usages->{$node->{'@id'}});
$node = $u['node'];
$prop = $u['prop'];
$head = $u['value'];
if (0 !== strncmp($node->{'@id'}, '_:', 2)) {
// The list is nested in another list
if (RdfConstants::RDF_FIRST === $prop) {
// If it is empty, we can't do anything but keep the rdf:nil node
if (RdfConstants::RDF_NIL === $head->{'@id'}) {
// ... otherwise we keep the head and convert the rest to @list
$head = $graph->{$head->{'@id'}};
$head = reset($head->{RdfConstants::RDF_REST});
$head->{'@list'} = array_reverse($list);
foreach ($listNodes as $node) {
* Frames a JSON-LD document according a supplied frame
* @param array|JsonObject $element A JSON-LD element to be framed.
* @param mixed $frame The frame.
* @return array $result The framed element in expanded form.
* @throws JsonLdException
public function frame($element, $frame)
if ((false === is_array($frame)) || (1 !== count($frame)) || (false === is_object($frame[0]))) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'The frame is invalid. It must be a single object.',
$frame = $frame[0];
$options = new JsonObject();
$options->{'@embed'} = true;
$options->{'@embedChildren'} = true; // TODO Change this as soon as the tests haven been updated
foreach (self::$framingKeywords as $keyword) {
if (property_exists($frame, $keyword)) {
$options->{$keyword} = $frame->{$keyword};
} elseif (false === property_exists($options, $keyword)) {
$options->{$keyword} = false;
$procOptions = new JsonObject();
$procOptions->base = (string) $this->baseIri; // TODO Check which base IRI to use
$procOptions->compactArrays = $this->compactArrays;
$procOptions->optimize = $this->optimize;
$procOptions->useNativeTypes = $this->useNativeTypes;
$procOptions->useRdfType = $this->useRdfType;
$procOptions->produceGeneralizedRdf = $this->generalizedRdf;
$procOptions->documentFactory = $this->documentFactory;
$procOptions->documentLoader = $this->documentLoader;
$processor = new Processor($procOptions);
$graph = JsonLD::MERGED_GRAPH;
if (property_exists($frame, '@graph')) {
$graph = JsonLD::DEFAULT_GRAPH;
$nodeMap = new JsonObject();
$nodeMap->{'-' . $graph} = new JsonObject();
$processor->generateNodeMap($nodeMap, $element, $graph);
// Sort the node map to ensure a deterministic output
// TODO Move this to a separate function as basically the same is done in flatten()?
$nodeMap = (array) $nodeMap;
foreach ($nodeMap as &$nodes) {
$nodes = (array) $nodes;
$nodes = (object) $nodes;
$nodeMap = (object) $nodeMap;
$result = array();
foreach ($nodeMap->{'-' . $graph} as $node) {
$this->nodeMatchesFrame($node, $frame, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, $result);
return $result;
* Checks whether a node matches a frame or not.
* @param JsonObject $node The node.
* @param null|JsonObject $frame The frame.
* @param JsonObject $options The current framing options.
* @param JsonObject $nodeMap The node map.
* @param string $graph The currently used graph.
* @param array $parent The parent to which matching results should be added.
* @param array $path The path of already processed nodes.
* @return bool Returns true if the node matches the frame, otherwise false.
private function nodeMatchesFrame($node, $frame, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, &$parent, $path = array())
// TODO How should lists be handled? Is the @list required in the frame (current behavior) or not?
// https://github.com/json-ld/json-ld.org/issues/110
// TODO Add support for '@omitDefault'?
$filter = null;
if (null !== $frame) {
$filter = get_object_vars($frame);
$result = new JsonObject();
// Make sure that @id is always in the result if the node matches the filter
if (property_exists($node, '@id')) {
$result->{'@id'} = $node->{'@id'};
if ((null === $filter) && in_array($node->{'@id'}, $path)) {
$parent[] = $result;
return true;
$path[] = $node->{'@id'};
// If no filter is specified, simply return the passed node - {} is a wildcard
if ((null === $filter) || (0 === count($filter))) {
// TODO What effect should @explicit have with a wildcard match?
if (is_object($node)) {
if ((true === $options->{'@embed'}) || (false === property_exists($node, '@id'))) {
$this->addMissingNodeProperties($node, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, $result, $path);
$parent[] = $result;
} else {
$parent[] = $node;
return true;
foreach ($filter as $property => $validValues) {
if (is_array($validValues) && (0 === count($validValues))) {
if (property_exists($node, $property) ||
(('@graph' === $property) && isset($result->{'@id'}) &&
property_exists($nodeMap, $result->{'@id'}))) {
return false; // [] says that the property must not exist but it does
// If the property does not exist or is empty
if ((false === property_exists($node, $property)) || (is_array($node->{$property}) && 0 === count($node->{$property}))) {
// first check if it's @graph and whether the referenced graph exists
if ('@graph' === $property) {
if (isset($result->{'@id'}) && property_exists($nodeMap, $result->{'@id'})) {
$result->{'@graph'} = array();
$match = false;
foreach ($nodeMap->{'-' . $result->{'@id'}} as $item) {
foreach ($validValues as $validValue) {
$match |= $this->nodeMatchesFrame(
if (false === $match) {
return false;
} else {
continue; // with next property
} else {
// the referenced graph doesn't exist
return false;
// otherwise, look if we have a default value for it
if (false === is_array($validValues)) {
$validValues = array($validValues);
$defaultFound = false;
foreach ($validValues as $validValue) {
if (is_object($validValue) && property_exists($validValue, '@default')) {
if (null === $validValue->{'@default'}) {
$result->{$property} = new JsonObject();
$result->{$property}->{'@null'} = true;
} else {
$result->{$property} = (is_array($validValue->{'@default'}))
? $validValue->{'@default'}
: array($validValue->{'@default'});
$defaultFound = true;
if (true === $defaultFound) {
return false; // required property does not exist and no default value was found
// Check whether the values of the property match the filter
$match = false;
$result->{$property} = array();
if (false === is_array($validValues)) {
if ($node->{$property} === $validValues) {
$result->{$property} = $node->{$property};
} else {
return false;
foreach ($validValues as $validValue) {
if (is_object($validValue)) {
// Extract framing options from subframe ($validValue is a subframe)
$validValue = clone $validValue;
$newOptions = clone $options;
foreach (self::$framingKeywords as $keyword) {
if (property_exists($validValue, $keyword)) {
$newOptions->{$keyword} = $validValue->{$keyword};
$nodeValues = $node->{$property};
if (false === is_array($nodeValues)) {
$nodeValues = array($nodeValues);
foreach ($nodeValues as $value) {
if (is_object($value) && property_exists($value, '@id')) {
$match |= $this->nodeMatchesFrame(
$nodeMap->{'-' . $graph}->{'-' . $value->{'@id'}},
} else {
$match |= $this->nodeMatchesFrame(
} elseif (is_array($validValue)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Invalid frame detected. Property \"$property\" must not be an array of arrays.",
} else {
// This will just catch non-expanded IRIs for @id and @type
$nodeValues = $node->{$property};
if (false === is_array($nodeValues)) {
$nodeValues = array($nodeValues);
if (in_array($validValue, $nodeValues)) {
$match = true;
$result->{$property} = $node->{$property};
if (false === $match) {
return false;
// Discard subtree if this object should not be embedded
if ((false === $options->{'@embed'}) && property_exists($node, '@id')) {
$result = new JsonObject();
$result->{'@id'} = $node->{'@id'};
$parent[] = $result;
return true;
// all properties matched the filter, add the properties of the
// node which haven't been added yet
if (false === $options->{'@explicit'}) {
$this->addMissingNodeProperties($node, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, $result, $path);
$parent[] = $result;
return true;
* Adds all properties from node to result if they haven't been added yet
* @param JsonObject $node The node whose properties should processed.
* @param JsonObject $options The current framing options.
* @param JsonObject $nodeMap The node map.
* @param string $graph The currently used graph.
* @param JsonObject $result The object to which the properties should be added.
* @param array $path The path of already processed nodes.
private function addMissingNodeProperties($node, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, &$result, $path)
foreach ($node as $property => $value) {
if (property_exists($result, $property)) {
continue; // property has already been added
if (true === $options->{'@embedChildren'}) {
if (false === is_array($value)) {
$result->{$property} = unserialize(serialize($value)); // create a deep-copy
$result->{$property} = array();
foreach ($value as $item) {
if (is_object($item)) {
if (property_exists($item, '@id')) {
$item = $nodeMap->{'-' . $graph}->{'-' . $item->{'@id'}};
$this->nodeMatchesFrame($item, null, $options, $nodeMap, $graph, $result->{$property}, $path);
} else {
$result->{$property}[] = $item;
} else {
// TODO Perform deep object copy??
$result->{$property} = unserialize(serialize($value)); // create a deep-copy
* Adds a property to an object if it doesn't exist yet
* If the property already exists, an exception is thrown as otherwise
* the existing value would be lost.
* @param JsonObject $object The object.
* @param string $property The name of the property.
* @param mixed $value The value of the property.
* @throws JsonLdException If the property exists already JSON-LD.
private static function setProperty(&$object, $property, $value, $errorCode = null)
if (property_exists($object, $property) &&
(false === self::subtreeEquals($object->{$property}, $value))) {
if ($errorCode) {
throw new JsonLdException(
"Object already contains a property \"$property\".",
throw new JsonLdException(
"Object already contains a property \"$property\".",
$object->{$property} = $value;
* Merges a value into a property of an object
* @param JsonObject $object The object.
* @param string $property The name of the property to which the value
* should be merged into.
* @param mixed $value The value to merge into the property.
* @param bool $alwaysArray If set to true, the resulting property will
* always be an array.
* @param bool $unique If set to true, the value is only added if
* it doesn't exist yet.
private static function mergeIntoProperty(&$object, $property, $value, $alwaysArray = false, $unique = false)
// No need to add a null value
if (null === $value) {
if (is_array($value)) {
// Make sure empty arrays are created since we preserve them in expansion
if ((0 === count($value)) && (false === property_exists($object, $property))) {
$object->{$property} = array();
foreach ($value as $val) {
static::mergeIntoProperty($object, $property, $val, $alwaysArray, $unique);
if (property_exists($object, $property)) {
if (false === is_array($object->{$property})) {
$object->{$property} = array($object->{$property});
if ($unique) {
foreach ($object->{$property} as $item) {
if (self::subtreeEquals($item, $value)) {
$object->{$property}[] = $value;
} else {
$object->{$property} = ($alwaysArray) ? array($value) : $value;
* Compares two values by their length and then lexicographically
* If two strings have different lengths, the shorter one will be
* considered less than the other. If they have the same length, they
* are compared lexicographically.
* @param mixed $a Value A.
* @param mixed $b Value B.
* @return int If value A is shorter than value B, -1 will be returned; if it's
* longer 1 will be returned. If both values have the same length
* and value A is considered lexicographically less, -1 will be
* returned, if they are equal 0 will be returned, otherwise 1
* will be returned.
private static function sortTerms($a, $b)
$lenA = strlen($a);
$lenB = strlen($b);
if ($lenA < $lenB) {
return -1;
} elseif ($lenA === $lenB) {
return strcmp($a, $b);
} else {
return 1;
* Converts an object to a JSON-LD representation
* Only {@link IRI IRIs}, {@link LanguageTaggedString language-tagged strings},
* and {@link TypedValue typed values} are converted by this method. All
* other objects are returned as-is.
* @param JsonObject $object The object to convert.
* @param boolean $useNativeTypes If set to true, native types are used
* for xsd:integer, xsd:double, and
* xsd:boolean, otherwise typed strings
* will be used instead.
* @return mixed The JSON-LD representation of the object.
private static function objectToJsonLd($object, $useNativeTypes = true)
if ($object instanceof IRI) {
$result = new JsonObject();
$result->{'@id'} = (string) $object;
return $result;
} elseif ($object instanceof Value) {
return $object->toJsonLd($useNativeTypes);
return $object;
* Checks whether a node has properties and not just an @id
* This is used to filter nodes consisting just of an @id-member when
* flattening and converting from RDF.
* @param JsonObject $node The node
* @return boolean True if the node has properties (other than @id),
* false otherwise.
private function hasNodeProperties($node)
return (count(get_object_vars($node)) > 1);