2022-01-21 09:23:52 +01:00

692 lines
23 KiB

* (c) Markus Lanthaler <mail@markus-lanthaler.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace ML\JsonLD;
use stdClass as JsonObject;
use ML\JsonLD\Exception\JsonLdException;
use ML\JsonLD\Exception\InvalidQuadException;
* JsonLD
* JsonLD implements the algorithms defined by the
* {@link http://www.w3.org/TR/json-ld-api/ JSON-LD 1.0 API and Processing Algorithms specification}.
* Its interface is, apart from the usage of Promises, exactly the same as the one
* defined by the specification.
* Furthermore, it implements an enhanced version of the
* {@link http://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld-framing/ JSON-LD Framing 1.0 draft}
* and an object-oriented interface to access and manipulate JSON-LD documents.
* @api
* @author Markus Lanthaler <mail@markus-lanthaler.com>
class JsonLD
/** Identifier for the default graph */
const DEFAULT_GRAPH = '@default';
/** Identifier for the merged graph */
const MERGED_GRAPH = '@merged';
private static $documentLoader = null;
* Load and parse a JSON-LD document
* The document can be supplied directly as string, by passing a file
* path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $document = JsonLD::getDocument('document.jsonld');
* print_r($document->getGraphNames());
* It is possible to configure the processing by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>documentFactory</dt>
* <dd>The document factory.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to process.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the processing.
* @return Document The parsed JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function getDocument($input, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$input = self::expand($input, $options);
$processor = new Processor($options);
return $processor->getDocument($input);
* Expand a JSON-LD document
* The document can be supplied directly as string, by passing a file
* path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $expanded = JsonLD::expand('document.jsonld');
* print_r($expanded);
* It is possible to configure the expansion process by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to expand.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the expansion
* process.
* @return array The expanded JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function expand($input, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$processor = new Processor($options);
$activectx = array('@base' => null);
if (is_string($input)) {
$remoteDocument = $options->documentLoader->loadDocument($input);
$input = $remoteDocument->document;
$activectx['@base'] = new IRI($remoteDocument->documentUrl);
if (null !== $remoteDocument->contextUrl) {
$processor->processContext($remoteDocument->contextUrl, $activectx);
if ($options->base) {
$activectx['@base'] = $options->base;
if (null !== $options->expandContext) {
$processor->processContext($options->expandContext, $activectx);
$processor->expand($input, $activectx);
// optimize away default graph (@graph as the only property at the top-level object)
if (is_object($input) && property_exists($input, '@graph') && (1 === count(get_object_vars($input)))) {
$input = $input->{'@graph'};
if (false === is_array($input)) {
$input = (null === $input) ? array() : array($input);
return $input;
* Compact a JSON-LD document according a supplied context
* Both the document and the context can be supplied directly as string,
* by passing a file path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $compacted = JsonLD::compact('document.jsonld', 'context.jsonld');
* print_r($compacted);
* It is possible to configure the compaction process by setting the
* options parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>optimize</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, the processor is free to optimize the result to
* produce an even compacter representation than the algorithm
* described by the official JSON-LD specification.</dd>
* <dt>compactArrays</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, arrays holding just one element are compacted
* to scalars, otherwise the arrays are kept as arrays.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to
* compact.
* @param null|string|JsonObject|array $context The context.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the
* compaction process.
* @return JsonObject The compacted JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function compact($input, $context = null, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$expanded = self::expand($input, $options);
return self::doCompact($expanded, $context, $options);
* Compact a JSON-LD document according a supplied context
* In contrast to {@link compact()}, this method assumes that the input
* has already been expanded.
* @param array $input The JSON-LD document to
* compact.
* @param null|string|JsonObject|array $context The context.
* @param JsonObject $options Options to configure the
* compaction process.
* @param bool $alwaysGraph If set to true, the resulting
* document will always explicitly
* contain the default graph at
* the top-level.
* @return JsonObject The compacted JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
private static function doCompact($input, $context, $options, $alwaysGraph = false)
if (is_string($context)) {
$context = $options->documentLoader->loadDocument($context)->document;
if (is_object($context) && property_exists($context, '@context')) {
$context = $context->{'@context'};
if (is_object($context) && (0 === count(get_object_vars($context)))) {
$context = null;
} elseif (is_array($context) && (0 === count($context))) {
$context = null;
$activectx = array('@base' => $options->base);
$processor = new Processor($options);
$processor->processContext($context, $activectx);
$inversectx = $processor->createInverseContext($activectx);
$processor->compact($input, $activectx, $inversectx);
$compactedDocument = new JsonObject();
if (null !== $context) {
$compactedDocument->{'@context'} = $context;
if ((false === is_array($input)) || (0 === count($input))) {
if (false === $alwaysGraph) {
$compactedDocument = (object) ((array) $compactedDocument + (array) $input);
return $compactedDocument;
if (false === is_array($input)) {
$input = array($input);
$graphKeyword = (isset($inversectx['@graph']['term']))
? $inversectx['@graph']['term']
: '@graph';
$compactedDocument->{$graphKeyword} = $input;
return $compactedDocument;
* Flatten a JSON-LD document
* Both the document and the context can be supplied directly as string,
* by passing a file path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $flattened = JsonLD::flatten('document.jsonld');
* print_r($flattened);
* It is possible to configure the flattening process by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>graph</dt>
* <dd>The graph whose flattened representation should be returned.
* The default graph is identified by {@link DEFAULT_GRAPH} and the
* merged dataset graph by {@link MERGED_GRAPH}. If <em>null</em> is
* passed, all graphs will be returned.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to flatten.
* @param null|string|JsonObject|array $context The context to compact the
* flattened document. If
* <em>null</em> is passed, the
* result will not be compacted.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the
* flattening process.
* @return JsonObject The flattened JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function flatten($input, $context = null, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$input = self::expand($input, $options);
$processor = new Processor($options);
$flattened = $processor->flatten($input);
if (null === $context) {
return $flattened;
return self::doCompact($flattened, $context, $options, true);
* Convert a JSON-LD document to RDF quads
* The document can be supplied directly as string, by passing a file
* path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $quads = JsonLD::toRdf('document.jsonld');
* print_r($quads);
* It is possible to configure the extraction process by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to expand.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the expansion
* process.
* @return Quad[] The extracted quads.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function toRdf($input, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$expanded = self::expand($input, $options);
$processor = new Processor($options);
return $processor->toRdf($expanded);
* Convert an array of RDF quads to a JSON-LD document
* Usage:
* $document = JsonLD::fromRdf($quads);
* print(JsonLD::toString($document, true));
* It is possible to configure the conversion process by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>useNativeTypes</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, native types are used for <em>xsd:integer</em>,
* <em>xsd:double</em>, and <em>xsd:boolean</em>; otherwise,
* typed strings will be used instead.</dd>
* <dt>useRdfType</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, <em>rdf:type</em> will be used instead of <em>@type</em>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param Quad[] $quads Array of quads.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the expansion
* process.
* @return array The JSON-LD document in expanded form.
* @throws InvalidQuadException If an invalid quad was detected.
* @throws JsonLdException If converting the quads to a JSON-LD document failed.
* @api
public static function fromRdf(array $quads, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$processor = new Processor($options);
return $processor->fromRdf($quads);
* Frame a JSON-LD document according a supplied frame
* Both the document and the frame can be supplied directly as string,
* by passing a file path, or by passing a URL.
* Usage:
* $result = JsonLD::frame('document.jsonld', 'frame.jsonldf');
* print_r($compacted);
* It is possible to configure the framing process by setting the options
* parameter accordingly. Available options are:
* <dl>
* <dt>base</dt>
* <dd>The base IRI of the input document.</dd>
* <dt>expandContext</dt>
* <dd>An optional context to use additionally to the context embedded
* in input when expanding the input.</dd>
* <dt>optimize</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, the processor is free to optimize the result to
* produce an even compacter representation than the algorithm
* described by the official JSON-LD specification.</dd>
* <dt>compactArrays</dt>
* <dd>If set to true, arrays holding just one element are compacted
* to scalars, otherwise the arrays are kept as arrays.</dd>
* <dt>documentLoader</dt>
* <dd>The document loader.</dd>
* </dl>
* The options parameter might be passed as associative array or as
* object.
* @param string|JsonObject|array $input The JSON-LD document to compact.
* @param string|JsonObject $frame The frame.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options Options to configure the framing
* process.
* @return JsonObject The framed JSON-LD document.
* @throws JsonLdException
* @api
public static function frame($input, $frame, $options = null)
$options = self::mergeOptions($options);
$input = self::expand($input, $options);
$frame = (is_string($frame))
? $options->documentLoader->loadDocument($frame)->document
: $frame;
if (false === is_object($frame)) {
throw new JsonLdException(
'Invalid frame detected. It must be an object.',
$processor = new Processor($options);
// Store the frame's context as $frame gets modified
$frameContext = new JsonObject();
if (property_exists($frame, '@context')) {
$frameContext->{'@context'} = $frame->{'@context'};
// Expand the frame
$processor->expand($frame, array(), null, true);
// and optimize away default graph (@graph as the only property at the top-level object)
if (is_object($frame) && property_exists($frame, '@graph') && (1 === count(get_object_vars($frame)))) {
$frame = $frame->{'@graph'};
if (false === is_array($frame)) {
$frame = array($frame);
// Frame the input document
$result = $processor->frame($input, $frame);
// Compact the result using the frame's active context
return self::doCompact($result, $frameContext, $options, true);
* Convert the PHP structure returned by the various processing methods
* to a string
* Usage:
* $compacted = JsonLD::compact('document.jsonld', 'context.jsonld');
* $prettyString = JsonLD::toString($compacted, true);
* print($prettyString);
* @param mixed $value The value to convert.
* @param bool $pretty Use whitespace in returned string to format it
* (this just works in PHP >=5.4)?
* @return string
public static function toString($value, $pretty = false)
$options = 0;
if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400) {
if ($pretty) {
$options |= JSON_PRETTY_PRINT;
return json_encode($value, $options);
} else {
$result = json_encode($value);
$result = str_replace('\\/', '/', $result); // unescape slahes
// unescape unicode
return preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) {
return iconv('UCS-4LE', 'UTF-8', pack('V', hexdec($match[1])));
* Merge the passed options with the options' default values.
* @param null|array|JsonObject $options The options.
* @return JsonObject The merged options.
private static function mergeOptions($options)
$result = (object) array(
'base' => null,
'expandContext' => null,
'compactArrays' => true,
'optimize' => false,
'graph' => null,
'useNativeTypes' => false,
'useRdfType' => false,
'produceGeneralizedRdf' => false,
'documentFactory' => null,
'documentLoader' => new FileGetContentsLoader()
if (is_array($options) || is_object($options)) {
$options = (object) $options;
if (isset($options->{'base'})) {
if (is_string($options->{'base'})) {
$result->base = new IRI($options->{'base'});
} elseif (($options->{'base'} instanceof IRI) && $options->{'base'}->isAbsolute()) {
$result->base = clone $options->{'base'};
} else {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "base" option must be set to null or an absolute IRI.');
if (property_exists($options, 'compactArrays') && is_bool($options->compactArrays)) {
$result->compactArrays = $options->compactArrays;
if (property_exists($options, 'optimize') && is_bool($options->optimize)) {
$result->optimize = $options->optimize;
if (property_exists($options, 'graph') && is_string($options->graph)) {
$result->graph = $options->graph;
if (property_exists($options, 'useNativeTypes') && is_bool($options->useNativeTypes)) {
$result->useNativeTypes = $options->useNativeTypes;
if (property_exists($options, 'useRdfType') && is_bool($options->useRdfType)) {
$result->useRdfType = $options->useRdfType;
if (property_exists($options, 'produceGeneralizedRdf') && is_bool($options->produceGeneralizedRdf)) {
$result->produceGeneralizedRdf = $options->produceGeneralizedRdf;
if (property_exists($options, 'documentFactory') &&
($options->documentFactory instanceof DocumentFactoryInterface)) {
$result->documentFactory = $options->documentFactory;
if (property_exists($options, 'documentLoader') &&
($options->documentLoader instanceof DocumentLoaderInterface)) {
$result->documentLoader = $options->documentLoader;
} elseif (null !== self::$documentLoader) {
$result->documentLoader = self::$documentLoader;
if (property_exists($options, 'expandContext')) {
if (is_string($options->expandContext)) {
$result->expandContext = $result->documentLoader->loadDocument($options->expandContext)->document;
} elseif (is_object($options->expandContext)) {
$result->expandContext = $options->expandContext;
if (is_object($result->expandContext) && property_exists($result->expandContext, '@context')) {
$result->expandContext = $result->expandContext->{'@context'};
return $result;
* Set the default document loader.
* It can be overridden in individual operations by setting the
* `documentLoader` option.
* @param DocumentLoaderInterface $documentLoader
public static function setDefaultDocumentLoader(DocumentLoaderInterface $documentLoader)
self::$documentLoader = $documentLoader;