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declare namespace FomanticUI {
interface Transition {
settings: TransitionSettings;
* Stop current animation and preserve queue.
(behavior: 'stop'): JQuery;
* Stop current animation and queued animations.
(behavior: 'stop all'): JQuery;
* Clears all queued animations.
(behavior: 'clear queue'): JQuery;
* Stop current animation and show element.
(behavior: 'show'): JQuery;
* Stop current animation and hide element.
(behavior: 'hide'): JQuery;
* Toggles between hide and show.
(behavior: 'toggle'): JQuery;
* Forces reflow using a more expensive but stable method.
(behavior: 'force repaint'): JQuery;
* Triggers reflow on element.
(behavior: 'repaint'): JQuery;
* Resets all conditions changes during transition.
(behavior: 'reset'): JQuery;
* Enables animation looping.
(behavior: 'looping'): JQuery;
* Removes looping state from element.
(behavior: 'remove looping'): JQuery;
* Adds disabled state (stops ability to animate).
(behavior: 'disable'): JQuery;
* Removes disabled state.
(behavior: 'enable'): JQuery;
* Modifies element animation duration.
(behavior: 'set duration', duration: number): JQuery;
* Saves all class names and styles to cache to be retrieved after animation.
(behavior: 'save conditions'): JQuery;
* Adds back cached names and styles to element.
(behavior: 'restore conditions'): JQuery;
* Returns vendor prefixed animation property for animationname.
(behavior: 'get animation name'): string;
* Returns vendor prefixed animation property for animationend.
(behavior: 'get animation event'): string;
* Returns whether element is currently visible.
(behavior: 'is visible'): boolean;
* Returns whether transition is currently occurring.
(behavior: 'is animating'): boolean;
* Returns whether animation looping is set.
(behavior: 'is looping'): boolean;
* Returns whether animations are supported.
(behavior: 'is supported'): boolean;
* Destroys instance and removes all events.
(behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery;
<K extends keyof TransitionSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial<Pick<TransitionSettings, keyof TransitionSettings>>;
<K extends keyof TransitionSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: TransitionSettings[K]): JQuery;
(behavior: 'setting', value: Partial<Pick<TransitionSettings, keyof TransitionSettings>>): JQuery;
(settings?: Partial<Pick<TransitionSettings, keyof TransitionSettings>>): JQuery;
* @see {@link https://fomantic-ui.com/modules/transition.html#/settings}
interface TransitionSettings {
// region Transition Settings
* Named animation event to used.
* Must be defined in CSS.
* @default 'fade'
animation: string;
* Interval in MS between each elements transition.
* @default 0
interval: number;
* When an interval is specified, sets order of animations. 'auto' reverses only animations that are hiding.
* @default 'auto'
reverse: string | boolean;
* Specify the final display type (block, inline-block etc) so that it doesn't have to be calculated.
* @default false
displayType: false | string;
* Specify the final display type (block, inline-block etc) so that it doesn't have to be calculated.
* @default '500ms'
duration: string;
* If enabled a 'timeout' will be added to ensure 'animationend' callback occurs even if element is hidden.
* @default true
useFailSafe: boolean;
* If enabled will allow same animation to be queued while it is already occurring.
* @default false
allowRepeats: boolean;
* Whether to automatically queue animation if another is occurring.
* @default true
queue: boolean;
* Whether initially inline hidden objects should be skipped for transition.
* Useful, if you do the transition for child objects also, but want to have inline hidden children (defined by style="display:none;") still kept hidden while the parent gets animated.
* Accordion uses this.
* @default false
skipInlineHidden: boolean;
// endregion
// region Callbacks
* Callback on each transition that changes visibility to shown.
* Returning 'false' from this callback will cancel the transition from showing.
onShow(this: JQuery): boolean;
* Callback right before the show transition should start.
* The 'showFunction' parameter has to be called inside the callback to trigger the transition show
onBeforeShow(this: JQuery, showFunction: Function): void;
* Callback once the show transition has finished.
onVisible(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback on each transition that changes visibility to hidden.
* Returning 'false' from this callback will cancel the transition from hiding.
onHide(this: JQuery): boolean;
* Callback right before the hide transition should start.
* The 'hideFunction' parameter has to be called inside the callback to trigger the transition hide.
onBeforeHide(this: JQuery, hideFunction: Function): void;
* Callback once the transition hide has finished.
onHidden(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback on animation start, useful for queued animations.
onStart(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback on each transition complete.
onComplete(this: JQuery): void;
// endregion
// region DOM Settings
* Class names used to determine element state.
className: Transition.ClassNameSettings;
// endregion
// region Debug Settings
* Name used in log statements
* @default 'Transition'
name: string;
* Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
* @default 'transition'
namespace: string;
* Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings.
* @default false
silent: boolean;
* Debug output to console
* @default false
debug: boolean;
* Show console.table output with performance metrics
* @default true
performance: boolean;
* Debug output includes all internal behaviors
* @default false
verbose: boolean;
errors: Transition.ErrorSettings;
// endregion
namespace Transition {
type ClassNameSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.ClassNames, keyof Settings.ClassNames>>;
type ErrorSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Errors, keyof Settings.Errors>>;
namespace Settings {
interface ClassNames {
* @default 'animating'
animating: string;
* @default 'disabled'
disabled: string;
* @default 'hidden'
hidden: string;
* @default 'in'
inward: string;
* @default 'loading'
loading: string;
* @default 'looping'
looping: string;
* @default 'out'
outward: string;
* @default 'transition'
transition: string;
* @default 'visible'
visible: string;
interface Errors {
* @default 'You called a rating action that was not defined'
noAnimation: string;
* @default 'The method you called is not defined'
method: string;