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declare namespace FomanticUI {
interface Modal {
settings: ModalSettings;
* Shows the modal.
(behavior: 'show'): JQuery;
* Hides the modal.
(behavior: 'hide'): JQuery;
* Toggles the modal.
(behavior: 'toggle'): JQuery;
* Refreshes centering of modal on page.
(behavior: 'refresh'): JQuery;
* Shows associated page dimmer.
(behavior: 'show dimmer'): JQuery;
* Hides associated page dimmer.
(behavior: 'hide dimmer'): JQuery;
* Hides all modals not selected modal in a dimmer.
(behavior: 'hide others'): JQuery;
* Hides all visible modals in the same dimmer.
(behavior: 'hide all'): JQuery;
* Caches current modal size.
(behavior: 'cache sizes'): JQuery;
* Returns whether the modal can fit on the page.
(behavior: 'can fit'): boolean;
* Returns whether the modal is active.
(behavior: 'is active'): boolean;
* Sets modal to active.
(behavior: 'set active'): JQuery;
(behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery;
<K extends keyof ModalSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial<Pick<ModalSettings, keyof ModalSettings>>;
<K extends keyof ModalSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: ModalSettings[K]): JQuery;
(behavior: 'setting', value: Partial<Pick<ModalSettings, keyof ModalSettings>>): JQuery;
(settings?: Partial<Pick<ModalSettings, keyof ModalSettings>>): JQuery;
* @see {@link https://fomantic-ui.com/modules/modal.html#/settings}
interface ModalSettings {
// region Accordion Settings
* If set to 'false' will prevent the modal from being moved to inside the dimmer.
* @default true
detachable: boolean;
* Auto will automatically use flex in browsers that support absolutely positioned elements inside flex containers.
* Setting to 'true'/'false' will force this setting for all browsers.
* @default 'auto'
useFlex: 'auto' | boolean;
* When 'true', the first form input inside the modal will receive focus when shown.
* Set this to 'false' to prevent this behavior.
* @default true
autofocus: boolean;
* When 'false', the last focused element, before the modal was shown, will not get refocused again when the modal hides.
* This could prevent unwanted scrolling behaviors after closing a modal.
* @default true
restoreFocus: boolean;
* When 'true', immediately shows the modal at instantiation time.
* @default false
autoShow: boolean;
* Whether any change in modal DOM should automatically refresh cached positions.
* @default false
observeChanges: boolean;
* If set to 'true' will not close other visible modals when opening a new one.
* @default false
allowMultiple: boolean;
* If inverted dimmer should be used.
* @default false
inverted: boolean;
* If dimmer should blur background.
* @default false
blurring: boolean;
* If modal should be center aligned.
* @default true
centered: boolean;
* Whether to automatically bind keyboard shortcuts.
* This will close the modal when the 'ESC-Key' is pressed.
* @default true
keyboardShortcuts: boolean;
* A vertical offset to allow for content outside of modal, for example a close button, to be centered.
* @default 0
offset: number;
* Selector or jquery object specifying the area to dim.
* @default 'body'
context: string | JQuery;
* Setting to 'false' will not allow you to close the modal by clicking on the dimmer.
* @default true
closable: boolean;
* Custom settings to extend UI dimmer.
dimmerSettings: DimmerSettings;
* Custom settings to extend UI dimmer.
* @default 'scale'
transition: string | TransitionSettings;
* Duration of animation.
* The value will be ignored when individual hide/show duration values are provided via the 'transition' setting.
* @default 400
duration: number;
* Whether additional animations should queue.
* @default false
queue: boolean;
* Used internally to determine if the webkit custom scrollbar was clicked to prevent hiding the dimmer.
* This should be set to the same (numeric) value as defined for '@customScrollbarWidth' in 'site.less' in case you are using a different theme.
* @default 10
scrollbarWidth: number;
// endregion
// region Callbacks
* Is called when a modal starts to show.
* If the function returns 'false', the modal will not be shown.
onShow(this: JQuery): void;
* Is called after a modal has finished showing animating.
onVisible(this: JQuery): void;
* Is called after a modal starts to hide.
* If the function returns 'false', the modal will not hide.
onHide(this: JQuery, $element: JQuery): void;
* Is called after a modal has finished hiding animation.
onHidden(this: JQuery): void;
* Is called after a positive, approve or ok button is pressed.
* If the function returns 'false', the modal will not hide.
onApprove(this: JQuery, $element: JQuery): void;
* Is called after a negative, deny or cancel button is pressed. If the function returns 'false' the modal will not hide.
onDeny(this: JQuery, $element: JQuery): void;
// endregion
// region DOM Settings
* DOM Selectors used internally.
* Selectors used to find parts of a module.
selector: Modal.SelectorSettings;
* Class names used to determine element state.
className: Modal.ClassNameSettings;
// endregion
// region Config Template Settings
// endregion
// region Debug Settings
* Name used in log statements
* @default 'Modal'
name: string;
* Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
* @default 'modal'
namespace: string;
* Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings.
* @default false
silent: boolean;
* Debug output to console
* @default false
debug: boolean;
* Show console.table output with performance metrics
* @default true
performance: boolean;
* Debug output includes all internal behaviors
* @default false
verbose: boolean;
error: Modal.ErrorSettings;
// endregion
namespace Modal {
type SelectorSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Selectors, keyof Settings.Selectors>>;
type ClassNameSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.ClassNames, keyof Settings.ClassNames>>;
type ErrorSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Errors, keyof Settings.Errors>>;
namespace Settings {
interface Selectors {
* @default '> .header'
title: string;
* @default '> .content'
content: string;
* @default '> .actions'
actions: string;
* @default '> .close'
close: string;
* @default '.actions .positive, .actions .approve, .actions .ok'
approve: string;
* @default '.actions .negative, .actions .deny, .actions .cancel'
deny: string;
* @default '> .ui.dimmer'
dimmer: string;
* @default '> .ui.fixed.menu, > .ui.right.toast-container, > .ui.right.sidebar, > .ui.fixed.nag, > .ui.fixed.nag > .close'
bodyFixed: string;
* @default '.ui.input > input'
prompt: string;
interface ClassNames {
* @default 'active'
active: string;
* @default 'animating'
animating: string;
* @default 'blurring'
blurring: string;
* @default 'inverted'
inverted: string;
* @default 'legacy'
legacy: string;
* @default 'loading'
loading: string;
* @default 'scrolling'
scrolling: string;
* @default 'undetached'
undetached: string;
* @default 'front'
front: string;
* @default 'close icon'
close: string;
* @default 'ui button'
button: string;
* @default 'ui modal'
modal: string;
* @default 'header'
title: string;
* @default 'content'
content: string;
* @default 'actions'
actions: string;
* @default 'ui tiny modal'
template: string;
* @default 'positive'
ok: string;
* @default 'negative'
cancel: string;
* @default 'ui fluid input'
prompt: string;
* @default 'ui inverted dimmer'
innerDimmer: string;
interface Errors {
* @default 'UI Dimmer, a required component is not included in this page'
dimmer: string;
* @default 'The method you called is not defined.'
method: string;
* @default 'The element you specified could not be found'
notFound: string;