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declare namespace FomanticUI {
interface Form {
settings: FormSettings;
* Submits selected form.
(behavior: 'submit'): void;
* Returns 'true'/'false' whether a form passes its validation rules.
(behavior: 'is valid'): boolean;
* Adds rule to existing rules for field, also aliased as 'add field'.
(behavior: 'add rule', field: string, rules: object[]): void;
* Adds fields object to existing fields.
(behavior: 'add fields', fields: object[]): void;
* Removes specific rule from field leaving other rules.
(behavior: 'remove rule', field: string, rules: object[]): void;
* Remove all validation for a field.
(behavior: 'remove field', field: string): void;
* Returns 'true'/'false' whether a field passes its validation rules.
* If you add 'true' as the second parameter, any failed rule will update the UI.
(behavior: 'is valid', fieldName: string, showErrors: boolean): boolean;
* Validates form, updates UI, and calls 'onSuccess' or 'onFailure'.
(behavior: 'validate form'): void;
* Validates field, updates UI, and calls 'onSuccess' or 'onFailure'.
(behavior: 'validate field', fieldName: string): void;
* Returns element with matching name, id, or data-validate metadata to identifier.
(behavior: 'get field', identifier: string): string;
* Returns value of element with id.
(behavior: 'get value', identifier: string): string;
* Returns object of element values that match array of identifiers.
* If no IDS are passed will return all fields.
(behavior: 'get values', identifiers?: string[]): object;
* Sets value of element with id.
(behavior: 'set value', identifier: string, value: string): void;
* Sets key/value pairs from passed values object to matching identifiers.
(behavior: 'set values', values: object[]): JQuery;
* Returns validation rules for a given jQuery-referenced input field.
(behavior: 'get validation', element: JQuery): object;
* Returns whether a field exists.
(behavior: 'has field', identifier: string): boolean;
* Manually add errors to form, given an array errors.
(behavior: 'add errors', errors: object[]): void;
* Removes all current errors from the error message box.
(behavior: 'remove errors'): void;
* Adds a custom user prompt for a given element with identifier.
(behavior: 'add prompt', identifier: string, errors: object[]): void;
* Empty all fields and remove possible errors.
(behavior: 'clear'): void;
* Set all fields to their initial value and remove possible errors.
(behavior: 'reset'): void;
* Set fields actual values as default values.
(behavior: 'set defaults'): void;
* Return elements which have been modified since form state was changed to 'dirty'.
(behavior: 'get dirty fields'): string[];
* Set the state of the form to 'clean' and set new values as default.
(behavior: 'set as clean'): void;
* Automatically adds the "empty" rule or automatically checks a checkbox for all fields with classname or attribute 'required'.
(behavior: 'set auto check'): void;
* Set or unset matching fields as optional.
(behavior: 'set optional', identifier: string, bool: boolean): void;
* Destroys instance and removes all events.
(behavior: 'destroy'): JQuery;
<K extends keyof FormSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value?: undefined, ): Partial<Pick<FormSettings, keyof FormSettings>>;
<K extends keyof FormSettings>(behavior: 'setting', name: K, value: FormSettings[K]): JQuery;
(behavior: 'setting', value: Partial<Pick<FormSettings, keyof FormSettings>>): JQuery;
(settings?: Partial<Pick<FormSettings, keyof FormSettings>>): JQuery;
* @see {@link https://fomantic-ui.com/behaviors/form.html#/settings}
interface FormSettings {
// region Form Settings
* Adds keyboard shortcuts for enter and escape keys to submit form and blur fields respectively.
* @default true
keyboardShortcuts: boolean;
* Event used to trigger validation.
* Can be either 'submit', 'blur' or 'change'.
* @default 'submit'
on: 'submit' | 'blur' | 'change';
* If set to true will revalidate fields with errors on input change.
* @default true
revalidate: boolean;
* Delay from last typed letter to validate a field when using 'on: change' or when revalidating a field.
* @default true
delay: boolean;
* Adds inline error on field validation error.
* @default false
inline: boolean;
* Whether or not the form should trim the value before validating.
* @default false
shouldTrim: boolean;
* Define how calendar values will be returned.
* Can be either 'date', 'input' or 'formatter'.
* @default 'date'
dateHandling: 'date' | 'input' | 'formatter';
* Named transition to use when animating validation errors.
* Fade and slide down are available without including 'ui transitions'.
* @see {@link https://fomantic-ui.com/modules/transition.html}
* @default 'scale'
transition: string;
* Animation speed for inline prompt.
* @default 150
duration: number;
* Prevent user from leaving the page if the form has a 'dirty' state by displaying a prompt.
* @default false
preventLeaving: boolean;
* Whether fields with classname or attribute 'required' should automatically add the "empty" rule or automatically checks checkbox fields.
* @default false
autoCheckRequired: boolean;
* Whether, on an invalid form validation, it should automatically focus either the first error field ('true') or a specific dom node (Use a unique selector string such as '.ui.error.message' or '#myelement') or nothing ('false').
* @default false
errorFocus: boolean | string;
* @default 0
errorLimit: number;
// endregion
// region Form Prompts
text: Form.TextSettings;
prompt: Form.PromptSettings;
// endregion
// region Formatters
formatter: Form.FormatterSettings;
// endregion
// region Callbacks
* Callback on each valid field.
onValid(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback on each invalid field.
onInvalid(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback if a form is all valid.
onSuccess(this: JQuery, event: Event, fields: object[]): void;
* Callback if any form field is invalid.
onFailure(this: JQuery, formErrors: object[], fields: object[]): void;
* Callback if form state is modified to 'dirty'.
* Triggered when at least on field has been modified.
onDirty(this: JQuery): void;
* Callback if form state is modified to 'clean'.
* Triggered when all fields are set to default values.
onClean(this: JQuery): void;
// endregion
// region DOM Settings
* DOM Selectors used internally.
* Selectors used to find parts of a module.
selector: Form.SelectorSettings;
* Class names used to determine element state.
metadata: Form.MetadataSettings;
* Class names used to determine element state.
className: Form.ClassNameSettings;
// endregion
// region Debug Settings
* Name used in log statements
* @default 'Form'
name: string;
* Event namespace. Makes sure module teardown does not effect other events attached to an element.
* @default 'form'
namespace: string;
* Silences all console output including error messages, regardless of other debug settings.
* @default false
silent: boolean;
* Debug output to console
* @default false
debug: boolean;
* Show console.table output with performance metrics
* @default true
performance: boolean;
* Debug output includes all internal behaviors
* @default false
verbose: boolean;
errors: Form.ErrorSettings;
// endregion
namespace Form {
type TextSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Texts, keyof Settings.Texts>>;
type PromptSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Prompts, keyof Settings.Prompts>>;
type FormatterSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Formatters, keyof Settings.Formatters>>;
type SelectorSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Selectors, keyof Settings.Selectors>>;
type MetadataSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Metadatas, keyof Settings.Metadatas>>;
type ClassNameSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.ClassNames, keyof Settings.ClassNames>>;
type ErrorSettings = Partial<Pick<Settings.Errors, keyof Settings.Errors>>;
namespace Settings {
interface Texts {
* @default 'Please enter a valid value'
unspecifiedRule: string;
* @default 'This field'
unspecifiedField: string;
* @default 'There are unsaved changes on this page which will be discarded if you continue.'
leavingMessage: string;
interface Prompts {
* @default '{name} must have a value'
empty: string;
* @default '{name} must be checked'
checked: string;
* @default '{name} must be a valid e-mail'
email: string;
* @default '{name} must be a valid url'
url: string;
* @default '{name} is not formatted correctly'
regExp: string;
* @default '{name} must be an integer'
integer: string;
* @default '{name} must be a decimal number'
decimal: string;
* @default '{name} must be set to a number'
number: string;
* @default "{name} must be '{ruleValue}'"
is: string;
* @default "{name} must be exactly '{ruleValue}'"
isExactly: string;
* @default "{name} cannot be set to '{ruleValue}'"
not: string;
* @default "{name} cannot be set to exactly '{ruleValue}'"
notExactly: string;
* @default "{name} cannot contain '{ruleValue}'"
contain: string;
* @default "{name} cannot contain exactly '{ruleValue}'"
containExactly: string;
* @default "{name} must contain '{ruleValue}'"
doesntContain: string;
* @default "{name} must contain exactly '{ruleValue}'"
doesntContainExactly: string;
* @default '{name} must be at least {ruleValue} characters'
minLength: string;
* @default '{name} must be exactly {ruleValue} characters'
exactLength: string;
* @default '{name} cannot be longer than {ruleValue} characters'
maxLength: string;
* @default '{name} must match {ruleValue} field'
match: string;
* @default '{name} must have a different value than {ruleValue} field'
different: string;
* @default '{name} must be a valid credit card number'
creditCard: string;
* @default '{name} must have at least {ruleValue} choices'
minCount: string;
* @default '{name} must have exactly {ruleValue} choices'
exactCount: string;
* @default '{name} must have {ruleValue} or less choices'
maxCount: string;
interface Formatters {
date(date: string): string;
datetime(date: string): string;
time(date: string): string;
month(date: string): string;
year(date: string): string;
interface Selectors {
* @default 'input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]'
checkbox: string;
* @default '.clear'
clear: string;
* @default 'input, textarea, select'
field: string;
* @default '.field'
group: string;
* @default 'input'
input: string;
* @default '.error.message'
message: string;
* @default '.prompt.label'
prompt: string;
* @default 'input[type="radio"]'
radio: string;
* @default '.reset:not([type="reset"])'
reset: string;
* @default '.submit:not([type="submit"])'
submit: string;
* @default '.ui.checkbox'
uiCheckbox: string;
* @default '.ui.dropdown'
uiDropdown: string;
* @default '.ui.calendar'
uiCalendar: string;
interface Metadatas {
* @default 'default'
defaultValue: string;
* @default 'validate'
validate: string;
* @default 'isDirty'
isDirty: string;
interface ClassNames {
* @default 'error'
error: string;
* @default 'ui basic red pointing prompt label'
label: string;
* @default 'down'
pressed: string;
* @default 'success'
success: string;
interface Errors {
* @default 'You must specify a string identifier for each field'
identifier: string;
* @default 'The method you called is not defined'
method: string;
* @default 'There is no rule matching the one you specified'
noRule: string;
* @default 'Starting in 2.0 forms now only take a single settings object. Validation settings converted to new syntax automatically.'
oldSyntax: string;
* @default 'Field identifier {identifier} not found'
noField: string;
* @default 'This module requires ui {element}'
noElement: string;