/*! * # Fomantic-UI 2.9.3 - Checkbox * https://github.com/fomantic/Fomantic-UI/ * * * Released under the MIT license * https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ (function ($, window, document) { 'use strict'; function isFunction(obj) { return typeof obj === 'function' && typeof obj.nodeType !== 'number'; } window = window !== undefined && window.Math === Math ? window : globalThis; $.fn.checkbox = function (parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), time = Date.now(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = typeof query === 'string', queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules.each(function () { var settings = $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.checkbox.settings, parameters), className = settings.className, namespace = settings.namespace, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = 'module-' + namespace, $module = $(this), $label = $(this).children(selector.label), $input = $(this).children(selector.input), input = $input[0], initialLoad = false, shortcutPressed = false, instance = $module.data(moduleNamespace), observer, element = this, module ; module = { initialize: function () { module.verbose('Initializing checkbox', settings); module.create.label(); module.bind.events(); module.set.tabbable(); module.hide.input(); module.observeChanges(); module.instantiate(); module.setup(); }, instantiate: function () { module.verbose('Storing instance of module', module); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, module) ; }, destroy: function () { module.verbose('Destroying module'); module.unbind.events(); module.show.input(); $module.removeData(moduleNamespace); }, fix: { reference: function () { if ($module.is(selector.input)) { module.debug('Behavior called on adjusting invoked element'); $module = $module.closest(selector.checkbox); module.refresh(); } }, }, setup: function () { module.set.initialLoad(); if (module.is.indeterminate()) { module.debug('Initial value is indeterminate'); module.indeterminate(); } else if (module.is.checked()) { module.debug('Initial value is checked'); module.check(); } else { module.debug('Initial value is unchecked'); module.uncheck(); } module.remove.initialLoad(); }, refresh: function () { $label = $module.children(selector.label); $input = $module.children(selector.input); input = $input[0]; }, hide: { input: function () { module.verbose('Modifying z-index to be unselectable'); $input.addClass(className.hidden); }, }, show: { input: function () { module.verbose('Modifying z-index to be selectable'); $input.removeClass(className.hidden); }, }, observeChanges: function () { if ('MutationObserver' in window) { observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { module.debug('DOM tree modified, updating selector cache'); module.refresh(); }); observer.observe(element, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); module.debug('Setting up mutation observer', observer); } }, attachEvents: function (selector, event) { var $element = $(selector) ; event = isFunction(module[event]) ? module[event] : module.toggle; if ($element.length > 0) { module.debug('Attaching checkbox events to element', selector, event); $element .on('click' + eventNamespace, event) ; } else { module.error(error.notFound); } }, preventDefaultOnInputTarget: function () { if (event !== undefined && event !== null && $(event.target).is(selector.input)) { module.verbose('Preventing default check action after manual check action'); event.preventDefault(); } }, event: { change: function (event) { if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onChange.call(input); } }, click: function (event) { var $target = $(event.target) ; if ($target.is(selector.input)) { module.verbose('Using default check action on initialized checkbox'); return; } if ($target.is(selector.link)) { module.debug('Clicking link inside checkbox, skipping toggle'); return; } module.toggle(); $input.trigger('focus'); event.preventDefault(); }, keydown: function (event) { var key = event.which, keyCode = { enter: 13, space: 32, escape: 27, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, } ; var r = module.get.radios(), rIndex = r.index($module), rLen = r.length, checkIndex = false ; if (key === keyCode.left || key === keyCode.up) { checkIndex = (rIndex === 0 ? rLen : rIndex) - 1; } else if (key === keyCode.right || key === keyCode.down) { checkIndex = rIndex === rLen - 1 ? 0 : rIndex + 1; } if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks() && checkIndex !== false) { if (settings.beforeUnchecked.apply(input) === false) { module.verbose('Option not allowed to be unchecked, cancelling key navigation'); return false; } if (settings.beforeChecked.apply($(r[checkIndex]).children(selector.input)[0]) === false) { module.verbose('Next option should not allow check, cancelling key navigation'); return false; } } shortcutPressed = false; if (key === keyCode.escape) { module.verbose('Escape key pressed blurring field'); $input.trigger('blur'); shortcutPressed = true; event.stopPropagation(); } else if (!module.can.change()) { shortcutPressed = true; } else if (!event.ctrlKey) { if (key === keyCode.space || (key === keyCode.enter && settings.enableEnterKey)) { module.verbose('Enter/space key pressed, toggling checkbox'); module.toggle(); shortcutPressed = true; } else if ($module.is('.toggle, .slider') && !module.is.radio()) { if (key === keyCode.left && module.is.checked()) { module.uncheck(); shortcutPressed = true; } else if (key === keyCode.right && module.is.unchecked()) { module.check(); shortcutPressed = true; } } } }, keyup: function (event) { if (shortcutPressed) { event.preventDefault(); } }, }, check: function () { if (!module.should.allowCheck()) { return; } module.debug('Checking checkbox', $input); module.set.checked(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onChecked.call(input); module.trigger.change(); } module.preventDefaultOnInputTarget(); }, uncheck: function () { if (!module.should.allowUncheck()) { return; } module.debug('Unchecking checkbox'); module.set.unchecked(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onUnchecked.call(input); module.trigger.change(); } module.preventDefaultOnInputTarget(); }, indeterminate: function () { if (module.should.allowIndeterminate()) { module.debug('Checkbox is already indeterminate'); return; } module.debug('Making checkbox indeterminate'); module.set.indeterminate(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onIndeterminate.call(input); module.trigger.change(); } }, determinate: function () { if (module.should.allowDeterminate()) { module.debug('Checkbox is already determinate'); return; } module.debug('Making checkbox determinate'); module.set.determinate(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onDeterminate.call(input); module.trigger.change(); } }, enable: function () { if (module.is.enabled()) { module.debug('Checkbox is already enabled'); return; } module.debug('Enabling checkbox'); module.set.enabled(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onEnable.call(input); // preserve legacy callbacks settings.onEnabled.call(input); } }, disable: function () { if (module.is.disabled()) { module.debug('Checkbox is already disabled'); return; } module.debug('Disabling checkbox'); module.set.disabled(); if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks()) { settings.onDisable.call(input); // preserve legacy callbacks settings.onDisabled.call(input); } }, get: { radios: function () { var name = module.get.name() ; return $('input[name="' + name + '"]').closest(selector.checkbox); }, otherRadios: function () { return module.get.radios().not($module); }, name: function () { return $input.attr('name'); }, }, is: { initialLoad: function () { return initialLoad; }, radio: function () { return $input.hasClass(className.radio) || $input.attr('type') === 'radio'; }, indeterminate: function () { return $input.prop('indeterminate') !== undefined && $input.prop('indeterminate'); }, checked: function () { return $input.prop('checked') !== undefined && $input.prop('checked'); }, disabled: function () { return $input.prop('disabled') !== undefined && $input.prop('disabled'); }, enabled: function () { return !module.is.disabled(); }, determinate: function () { return !module.is.indeterminate(); }, unchecked: function () { return !module.is.checked(); }, }, should: { allowCheck: function () { if (module.is.determinate() && module.is.checked() && !module.is.initialLoad()) { module.debug('Should not allow check, checkbox is already checked'); return false; } if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks() && settings.beforeChecked.apply(input) === false) { module.debug('Should not allow check, beforeChecked cancelled'); return false; } return true; }, allowUncheck: function () { if (module.is.determinate() && module.is.unchecked() && !module.is.initialLoad()) { module.debug('Should not allow uncheck, checkbox is already unchecked'); return false; } if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks() && settings.beforeUnchecked.apply(input) === false) { module.debug('Should not allow uncheck, beforeUnchecked cancelled'); return false; } return true; }, allowIndeterminate: function () { if (module.is.indeterminate() && !module.is.initialLoad()) { module.debug('Should not allow indeterminate, checkbox is already indeterminate'); return false; } if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks() && settings.beforeIndeterminate.apply(input) === false) { module.debug('Should not allow indeterminate, beforeIndeterminate cancelled'); return false; } return true; }, allowDeterminate: function () { if (module.is.determinate() && !module.is.initialLoad()) { module.debug('Should not allow determinate, checkbox is already determinate'); return false; } if (!module.should.ignoreCallbacks() && settings.beforeDeterminate.apply(input) === false) { module.debug('Should not allow determinate, beforeDeterminate cancelled'); return false; } return true; }, ignoreCallbacks: function () { return initialLoad && !settings.fireOnInit; }, }, can: { change: function () { return !($module.hasClass(className.disabled) || $module.hasClass(className.readOnly) || $input.prop('disabled') || $input.prop('readonly')); }, uncheck: function () { return typeof settings.uncheckable === 'boolean' ? settings.uncheckable : !module.is.radio(); }, }, set: { initialLoad: function () { initialLoad = true; }, checked: function () { module.verbose('Setting class to checked'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) .addClass(className.checked) ; if (module.is.radio()) { module.uncheckOthers(); } if (!module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.checked()) { module.debug('Input is already checked, skipping input property change'); return; } module.verbose('Setting state to checked', input); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) .prop('checked', true) ; }, unchecked: function () { module.verbose('Removing checked class'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) .removeClass(className.checked) ; if (!module.is.indeterminate() && module.is.unchecked()) { module.debug('Input is already unchecked'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to unchecked'); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) .prop('checked', false) ; }, indeterminate: function () { module.verbose('Setting class to indeterminate'); $module .addClass(className.indeterminate) ; if (module.is.indeterminate()) { module.debug('Input is already indeterminate, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to indeterminate'); $input .prop('indeterminate', true) ; }, determinate: function () { module.verbose('Removing indeterminate class'); $module .removeClass(className.indeterminate) ; if (module.is.determinate()) { module.debug('Input is already determinate, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to determinate'); $input .prop('indeterminate', false) ; }, disabled: function () { module.verbose('Setting class to disabled'); $module .addClass(className.disabled) ; if (module.is.disabled()) { module.debug('Input is already disabled, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to disabled'); $input .prop('disabled', 'disabled') ; }, enabled: function () { module.verbose('Removing disabled class'); $module.removeClass(className.disabled); if (module.is.enabled()) { module.debug('Input is already enabled, skipping input property change'); return; } module.debug('Setting state to enabled'); $input .prop('disabled', false) ; }, tabbable: function () { module.verbose('Adding tabindex to checkbox'); if ($input.attr('tabindex') === undefined) { $input.attr('tabindex', 0); } }, }, remove: { initialLoad: function () { initialLoad = false; }, }, trigger: { change: function () { var inputElement = $input[0] ; if (inputElement) { var events = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents'); module.verbose('Triggering native change event'); events.initEvent('change', true, false); inputElement.dispatchEvent(events); } }, }, create: { label: function () { if ($input.prevAll(selector.label).length > 0) { $input.prev(selector.label).detach().insertAfter($input); module.debug('Moving existing label', $label); } else if (!module.has.label()) { $label = $('