module.exports = [ { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset: 0 means 0%)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:100%; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:0; }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:90.25%; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:9.75%; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror calc (x-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin: -moz-calc(100% - (((25%/2) * 10px))); }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin: -moz-calc(((25%/2) * 10px)); }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should not mirror (x-offset: not percent, not calc)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:10.75px; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:10.75px; }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (offset-keyword)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:right; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:left; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset y-offset: 0 means 0%)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:100% 0; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:0 0; }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should mirror with y being calc (x-offset y-offset: 0 means 0%)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:100% -webkit-calc(15% * (3/2)); }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:0 -webkit-calc(15% * (3/2)); }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should mirror percent (x-offset y-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:30.25% 10%; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:69.75% 10%; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror with x being calc (x-offset y-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin: -webkit-calc(100% - (15% * (3/2))) 30.25%; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin: -webkit-calc(15% * (3/2)) 30.25%; }', 'reversable': false }, { 'should': 'Should mirror with y being calc (x-offset y-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:30.25% calc(15% * (3/2)); }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:69.75% calc(15% * (3/2)); }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset-keyword y-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:right 70%; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:left 70%; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror with calc (x-offset-keyword y-offset)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:right -moz-calc(((140%/2))); }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:left -moz-calc(((140%/2))); }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset-keyword y-offset-keyword)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:right top; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:left top; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (x-offset-keyword y-offset-keyword)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:left bottom; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:right bottom; }', 'reversable': true }, { 'should': 'Should mirror (y-offset-keyword x-offset-keyword)', 'expected': 'div { perspective-origin:bottom left; }', 'input': 'div { perspective-origin:bottom right; }', 'reversable': true } ]