import { isPlainObject } from "is-plain-object"; import nodeFetch from "node-fetch"; import { RequestError } from "@octokit/request-error"; import getBuffer from "./get-buffer-response"; export default function fetchWrapper(requestOptions) { const log = requestOptions.request && requestOptions.request.log ? requestOptions.request.log : console; if (isPlainObject(requestOptions.body) || Array.isArray(requestOptions.body)) { requestOptions.body = JSON.stringify(requestOptions.body); } let headers = {}; let status; let url; const fetch = (requestOptions.request && requestOptions.request.fetch) || nodeFetch; return fetch(requestOptions.url, Object.assign({ method: requestOptions.method, body: requestOptions.body, headers: requestOptions.headers, redirect: requestOptions.redirect, }, // `requestOptions.request.agent` type is incompatible // see requestOptions.request)) .then(async (response) => { url = response.url; status = response.status; for (const keyAndValue of response.headers) { headers[keyAndValue[0]] = keyAndValue[1]; } if ("deprecation" in headers) { const matches = &&<([^>]+)>; rel="deprecation"/); const deprecationLink = matches && matches.pop(); log.warn(`[@octokit/request] "${requestOptions.method} ${requestOptions.url}" is deprecated. It is scheduled to be removed on ${headers.sunset}${deprecationLink ? `. See ${deprecationLink}` : ""}`); } if (status === 204 || status === 205) { return; } // GitHub API returns 200 for HEAD requests if (requestOptions.method === "HEAD") { if (status < 400) { return; } throw new RequestError(response.statusText, status, { response: { url, status, headers, data: undefined, }, request: requestOptions, }); } if (status === 304) { throw new RequestError("Not modified", status, { response: { url, status, headers, data: await getResponseData(response), }, request: requestOptions, }); } if (status >= 400) { const data = await getResponseData(response); const error = new RequestError(toErrorMessage(data), status, { response: { url, status, headers, data, }, request: requestOptions, }); throw error; } return getResponseData(response); }) .then((data) => { return { status, url, headers, data, }; }) .catch((error) => { if (error instanceof RequestError) throw error; throw new RequestError(error.message, 500, { request: requestOptions, }); }); } async function getResponseData(response) { const contentType = response.headers.get("content-type"); if (/application\/json/.test(contentType)) { return response.json(); } if (!contentType || /^text\/|charset=utf-8$/.test(contentType)) { return response.text(); } return getBuffer(response); } function toErrorMessage(data) { if (typeof data === "string") return data; // istanbul ignore else - just in case if ("message" in data) { if (Array.isArray(data.errors)) { return `${data.message}: ${", ")}`; } return data.message; } // istanbul ignore next - just in case return `Unknown error: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`; }