*/ final class Authentication implements Plugin { /** * @var string */ private $tokenOrLogin; /** * @var string|null */ private $password; /** * @var string|null */ private $method; /** * @param string $tokenOrLogin GitHub private token/username/client ID * @param string|null $password GitHub password/secret (optionally can contain $method) * @param string|null $method One of the AUTH_* class constants */ public function __construct(string $tokenOrLogin, ?string $password, ?string $method) { $this->tokenOrLogin = $tokenOrLogin; $this->password = $password; $this->method = $method; } /** * @return Promise */ public function handleRequest(RequestInterface $request, callable $next, callable $first): Promise { $request = $request->withHeader( 'Authorization', $this->getAuthorizationHeader() ); return $next($request); } private function getAuthorizationHeader(): string { switch ($this->method) { case Client::AUTH_CLIENT_ID: return sprintf('Basic %s', base64_encode($this->tokenOrLogin.':'.$this->password)); case Client::AUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN: return sprintf('token %s', $this->tokenOrLogin); case Client::AUTH_JWT: return sprintf('Bearer %s', $this->tokenOrLogin); default: throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('%s not yet implemented', $this->method)); } } }