/*! * # Fomantic-UI 2.9.0-beta.275+3f2aae7 - Toast * http://github.com/fomantic/Fomantic-UI/ * * * Released under the MIT license * http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT * */ ;(function ($, window, document, undefined) { 'use strict'; $.isFunction = $.isFunction || function(obj) { return typeof obj === "function" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number"; }; window = (typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math) ? window : (typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math) ? self : Function('return this')() ; $.fn.toast = function(parameters) { var $allModules = $(this), moduleSelector = $allModules.selector || '', time = new Date().getTime(), performance = [], query = arguments[0], methodInvoked = (typeof query == 'string'), queryArguments = [].slice.call(arguments, 1), returnedValue ; $allModules .each(function() { var settings = ( $.isPlainObject(parameters) ) ? $.extend(true, {}, $.fn.toast.settings, parameters) : $.extend({}, $.fn.toast.settings), className = settings.className, selector = settings.selector, error = settings.error, namespace = settings.namespace, fields = settings.fields, eventNamespace = '.' + namespace, moduleNamespace = namespace + '-module', $module = $(this), $toastBox, $toast, $actions, $progress, $progressBar, $animationObject, $close, $context = (settings.context) ? $(settings.context) : $('body'), isToastComponent = $module.hasClass('toast') || $module.hasClass('message') || $module.hasClass('card'), element = this, instance = isToastComponent ? $module.data(moduleNamespace) : undefined, id, module ; module = { initialize: function() { module.verbose('Initializing element'); module.create.id(); if (!module.has.container()) { module.create.container(); } if(isToastComponent || settings.message !== '' || settings.title !== '' || module.get.iconClass() !== '' || settings.showImage || module.has.configActions()) { if(typeof settings.showProgress !== 'string' || [className.top,className.bottom].indexOf(settings.showProgress) === -1 ) { settings.showProgress = false; } module.create.toast(); if(settings.closeOnClick && (settings.closeIcon || $($toast).find(selector.input).length > 0 || module.has.configActions())){ settings.closeOnClick = false; } if(!settings.closeOnClick) { $toastBox.addClass(className.unclickable); } module.bind.events(); } module.instantiate(); if($toastBox) { module.show(); } }, instantiate: function() { module.verbose('Storing instance of toast'); instance = module; $module .data(moduleNamespace, instance) ; }, destroy: function() { if($toastBox) { module.debug('Removing toast', $toastBox); module.unbind.events(); $toastBox.remove(); $toastBox = undefined; $toast = undefined; $animationObject = undefined; settings.onRemove.call($toastBox, element); $progress = undefined; $progressBar = undefined; $close = undefined; } $module .removeData(moduleNamespace) ; }, show: function(callback) { if(settings.onShow.call($toastBox, element) === false) { module.debug('onShow callback returned false, cancelling toast animation'); return; } callback = callback || function(){}; module.debug('Showing toast'); module.animate.show(callback); }, close: function(callback) { if(settings.onHide.call($toastBox, element) === false) { module.debug('onHide callback returned false, cancelling toast animation'); return; } callback = callback || function(){}; module.debug('Closing toast'); module.remove.visible(); module.unbind.events(); module.animate.close(callback); }, create: { container: function() { module.verbose('Creating container'); $context.append($('
',{class: settings.position + ' ' + className.container + ' ' +(settings.horizontal ? className.horizontal : '')})); }, id: function() { id = (Math.random().toString(16) + '000000000').slice(2, 10); module.verbose('Creating unique id for element', id); }, toast: function() { $toastBox = $('
', {class: className.box}); var iconClass = module.get.iconClass(); if (!isToastComponent) { module.verbose('Creating toast'); $toast = $('
', {role: 'alert'}); var $content = $('
', {class: className.content}); if (iconClass !== '') { $toast.append($('', {class: iconClass + ' ' + className.icon})); } if (settings.showImage) { $toast.append($('', { class: className.image + ' ' + settings.classImage, src: settings.showImage })); } if (settings.title !== '') { var titleId = '_' + module.get.id() + 'title'; $toast.attr('aria-labelledby', titleId); $content.append($('
', { class: className.title, id: titleId, html: module.helpers.escape(settings.title, settings.preserveHTML) })); } var descId = '_' + module.get.id() + 'desc'; $toast.attr('aria-describedby', descId); $content.append($('
', { class: className.message, id: descId, html: module.helpers.escape(settings.message, settings.preserveHTML) })); $toast .addClass(settings.class + ' ' + className.toast) .append($content) ; $toast.css('opacity', settings.opacity); if (settings.closeIcon) { $close = $('', {class: className.close + ' ' + (typeof settings.closeIcon === 'string' ? settings.closeIcon : ''), role: 'button', tabindex: 0, 'aria-label': settings.text.close}); if($close.hasClass(className.left)) { $toast.prepend($close); } else { $toast.append($close); } } } else { $toast = settings.cloneModule ? $module.clone().removeAttr('id') : $module; $close = $toast.find('> i'+module.helpers.toClass(className.close)); settings.closeIcon = ($close.length > 0); if (iconClass !== '') { $toast.find(selector.icon).attr('class',iconClass + ' ' + className.icon); } if (settings.showImage) { $toast.find(selector.image).attr('src',settings.showImage); } if (settings.title !== '') { $toast.find(selector.title).html(module.helpers.escape(settings.title, settings.preserveHTML)); } if (settings.message !== '') { $toast.find(selector.message).html(module.helpers.escape(settings.message, settings.preserveHTML)); } } if ($toast.hasClass(className.compact)) { settings.compact = true; } if ($toast.hasClass('card')) { settings.compact = false; } $actions = $toast.find('.actions'); if (module.has.configActions()) { if ($actions.length === 0) { $actions = $('
', {class: className.actions + ' ' + (settings.classActions || '')}).appendTo($toast); } if($toast.hasClass('card') && !$actions.hasClass(className.attached)) { $actions.addClass(className.extraContent); if($actions.hasClass(className.vertical)) { $actions.removeClass(className.vertical); module.error(error.verticalCard); } } settings.actions.forEach(function (el) { var icon = el[fields.icon] ? '' : '', text = module.helpers.escape(el[fields.text] || '', settings.preserveHTML), cls = module.helpers.deQuote(el[fields.class] || ''), click = el[fields.click] && $.isFunction(el[fields.click]) ? el[fields.click] : function () {}; $actions.append($('