var template = require("lodash.template"); var PluginError = require('plugin-error'); var api = require("./extra_api"); var extend = require("node.extend"); var path = require("path"); "use strict"; var defaults = { error: { icon: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'gulp-error.png'), sound: 'Frog' }, regular: { icon: path.join(__dirname, '..', 'assets', 'gulp.png') } }; module.exports = function (reporter, message, options, templateOptions, callback) { var self = this; callback = callback || function () {}; if (!reporter) return callback(new PluginError("gulp-notify", "No reporter specified.")); // Try/catch the only way to go to ensure catching all errors? Domains? try { var options = constructOptions(options, message, templateOptions); if (!options) { return callback(); } api.logError(options, (message instanceof Error)); reporter(options, function (err) { if (err) return callback(new PluginError("gulp-notify", err)); return callback(); }); } catch (err) { return callback(new PluginError("gulp-notify", err)); } }; function generate (outputData, object, title, message, subtitle, open, templateOptions) { if (object instanceof Error) { var titleTemplate = template(title); var messageTemplate = template(message); var openTemplate = template(open); var subtitleTemplate = template(subtitle); return extend(defaults.error, outputData, { title: titleTemplate({ error: object, options: templateOptions }), message: messageTemplate({ error: object, options: templateOptions }), open: openTemplate({ error: object, options: templateOptions }), subtitle: subtitleTemplate({ error: object, options: templateOptions }) }); } return extend(defaults.regular, outputData, { title: template(title)({ file: object, options: templateOptions }), message: template(message)({ file: object, options: templateOptions }) }); } function constructOptions (options, object, templateOptions) { var message = object.path || object.message || object, title = !(object instanceof Error) ? "Gulp notification" : "Error running Gulp", open = "", subtitle = "", outputData = {}; if (typeof options === "function") { message = options(object); if (typeof message === "object") { options = message; } if (!message) { return false; } } if (typeof options === "string") { message = options; } if (typeof options === "object") { outputData = extend(true, {}, options); if (typeof outputData.title === "function") { title = outputData.title(object); } else { title = outputData.title || title; } if (typeof outputData.subtitle === "function") { subtitle = outputData.subtitle(object); } else { subtitle = outputData.subtitle || subtitle; } if (typeof === "function") { open =; } else { open = || open; } if (typeof outputData.message === "function") { message = outputData.message(object); if (!message) { return false; } } else { message = outputData.message || message; } } return generate(outputData, object, title, message, subtitle, open, templateOptions); }