/******************************* Update Repos *******************************/ /* This task update all SUI individual component repos with new versions of components * Commits changes from create repo * Pushes changes to GitHub * Tag new releases if version changed in main repo */ const gulp = require('gulp'), // node dependencies console = require('better-console'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), git = require('gulp-git'), // admin files release = require('../../config/admin/release'), project = require('../../config/project/release'), // oAuth configuration for GitHub oAuth = fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, '/../../config/admin/oauth.js')) ? require('../../config/admin/oauth.js') // eslint-disable-line import/extensions : false, // shorthand version = project.version ; module.exports = function (callback) { const github = require('../../config/admin/github'); // eslint-disable-line global-require let index = -1, total = release.components.length, timer, stream, stepRepo ; if (!oAuth) { console.error('Must add oauth token for GitHub in tasks/config/admin/oauth.js'); return; } // Do Git commands synchronously per component, to avoid issues stepRepo = function () { index += 1; if (index >= total) { callback(); return; } let component = release.components[index], outputDirectory = path.resolve(path.join(release.outputRoot, component)), capitalizedComponent = component.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + component.slice(1), repoName = release.componentRepoRoot + capitalizedComponent, gitURL = 'https://github.com/' + release.org + '/' + repoName + '.git', repoURL = 'https://github.com/' + release.org + '/' + repoName + '/', commitArgs = oAuth.name !== undefined && oAuth.email !== undefined ? '--author "' + oAuth.name + ' <' + oAuth.email + '>"' : '', componentPackage = fs.existsSync(outputDirectory + 'package.json') ? require(outputDirectory + 'package.json') // eslint-disable-line global-require, import/no-dynamic-require : false, isNewVersion = version && componentPackage.version !== version, commitMessage = isNewVersion ? 'Updated component to version ' + version : 'Updated files from main repo', gitOptions = { cwd: outputDirectory }, commitOptions = { args: commitArgs, cwd: outputDirectory }, releaseOptions = { tag_name: version, owner: release.org, repo: repoName }, fileModeOptions = { args: 'config core.fileMode false', cwd: outputDirectory }, usernameOptions = { args: 'config user.name "' + oAuth.name + '"', cwd: outputDirectory }, emailOptions = { args: 'config user.email "' + oAuth.email + '"', cwd: outputDirectory }, versionOptions = { args: 'rev-parse --verify HEAD', cwd: outputDirectory }, localRepoSetup = fs.existsSync(path.join(outputDirectory, '.git')), canProceed = true ; console.info('Processing repository:' + outputDirectory); function setConfig() { git.exec(fileModeOptions, function () { git.exec(usernameOptions, function () { git.exec(emailOptions, function () { commitFiles(); }); }); }); } // standard path function commitFiles() { // commit files console.info('Committing ' + component + ' files', commitArgs); gulp.src('./', gitOptions) .pipe(git.add(gitOptions)) .pipe(git.commit(commitMessage, commitOptions)) .on('error', function (error) { // canProceed = false; bug in git commit }) .on('finish', function (callback) { if (canProceed) { pushFiles(); } else { console.info('Nothing new to commit'); nextRepo(); } }) ; } // push changes to remote function pushFiles() { console.info('Pushing files for ' + component); git.push('origin', 'master', { args: '', cwd: outputDirectory }, function (error) { console.info('Push completed successfully'); getSHA(); }); } // gets SHA of last commit function getSHA() { git.exec(versionOptions, function (error, version) { version = version.trim(); createRelease(version); }); } // create release on GitHub.com function createRelease(version) { if (version) { releaseOptions.target_commitish = version; } github.repos.createRelease(releaseOptions, function () { nextRepo(); }); } // Steps to next repository function nextRepo() { console.log('Sleeping for 1 second...'); // avoid rate throttling global.clearTimeout(timer); timer = global.setTimeout(stepRepo, 100); } if (localRepoSetup) { setConfig(); } else { console.error('Repository must be setup before running update components'); } }; stepRepo(); };