# 3.5.0 - 02 Nov. 2021 * Update dependencies. **Thanks @XhmikosR** * Internal code cleanup/formatting. **Thanks @XhmikosR** # 3.4.0 - 18 Oct. 2021 * Support flipping `object-position`. * Update dev. dependencies. # 3.3.0 - 08 Jul. 2021 * Add `processEnv` option to support flipping agent-defined environment variables (`safe-area-inset-left`, `safe-area-inset-right`). # 3.2.1 - 22 Jun. 2021 * Bump [glob-parent](https://github.com/gulpjs/glob-parent) from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2. # 3.2.0 - 23 May. 2021 * Add `aliases` option to support processing Custom Properties (CSS Variables). **Thanks @elchininet** # 3.1.2 - 04 Feb. 2021 * Update `README.md`. # 3.1.1 - 02 Feb. 2021 * Fixes `TypeError` when placing value directive before `!important`. [#218](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/218) # 3.1.0 - 30 Jan. 2021 * Use `strict` mode across all files. **Thanks @XhmikosR** * Decrease package size by around 6%. **Thanks @XhmikosR** * Add guards against prototype pollution. **Thanks @XhmikosR** * Allow value directives to be placed any where inside the declaration value. * Handle value directives placed after `!important`. * Fix reading config file sources ([#209](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/209)). # 3.0.0 - 10 Dec. 2020 * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] 8. * Dropped **Node.js 6.x, 8.x, 11.x, and 13.x** versions. ## 2.6.2 - 01 Dec. 2020 * Set input source to same file in raw directive ([#180](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/180)). ## 2.6.1 - 15 Oct. 2020 * Remove colors dependency from findup ([#177](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/pull/177)). ## 2.6.0 - 15 Aug. 2020 * Support flipping `perspective-origin` ([#167](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/pull/167)). * CLI: Fix empty output when `--silent` and `--stdin` flags are used together (Fixes [#169](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/169)). * Enable flipping `rotateY`. * Fix flipping `rotate3d`. ## 2.5.0 - 08 Feb. 2020 * `useCalc` to flip unit based `transform-origin`. * CLI: use `console.log` instead of the [deprecated](https://nodejs.org/docs/latest-v10.x/api/util.html#util_util_print_strings) `util.print`(issue #156). ## 2.4.1 - 28 Nov. 2019 * Ignore white spaces before directives prefix. ## 2.4.0 - 20 Jun. 2018 * New Option: * `useCalc` (default: `false`) to flip unit based `background-position` using `calc`. **Thanks @zoreet** ## 2.3.0 - 9 Jun. 2018 * Skip processing CSS variables. **Thanks @danfooo** ## 2.2.1 - 9 Nov. 2017 * Fixes a bug in flipping `background-position` having keywords only (Fixes [#107](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/107)). ## 2.2.0 - 7 Jun. 2017 * Support for pre/post hooks. * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v6.x ## 2.1.2 - 31 Dec. 2016 * Internal code update. ## 2.1.1 - 28 Dec. 2016 * Fixes a bug in self closing ignore directive (Fixes [#88](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/88)). ## 2.1.0 - 30 Nov. 2016 * Support CSS `background-position` edge offsets. ### 2.0.7 - 16 Nov. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping backgrounds having url placed first (Fixes [#84](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/84)). * Update `node.value` so changes will be picked up by other processors (Closes [#85](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/85)). ### 2.0.6 - 12 Jul. 2016 * README updates. ### 2.0.5 - 17 May. 2016 * Fixes a bug in complementing calc values (Fixes [#71](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/71)). ### 2.0.4 - 25 Apr. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping cursor value (Fixes [#68](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/68)). ### 2.0.3 - 23 Mar. 2016 * Guard against flipping tokens, e.g: [shadows starting with a color function](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/blob/master/test/data/special.js#L2-L7). ### 2.0.2 - 05 Mar. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping background with a hex color value (Fixes [#60](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/60)). ### 2.0.1 - 23 Feb. 2016 * Fixes a bug when having `decl` nodes inside `atrule`s and `autoRename` enabled. * Fixes a bug in flipping multi-valued transforms. # 2.0.0 - 18 Feb. 2016 * Support for control directive blocks, e.g. `/*rtl:begin:ignore*/ ... /*rtl:end:ignore*/`. * Support for strict auto renaming, Which ensures `autoRename` is applied only when a pair exists. * New directives: * `config` * `options` * `raw` * `remove` * Support for [Plugins](docs/writing-a-plugin.md). #### Upgrading from version 1.0 Options and config settings have changed. However, you need not to worry about your CSS files as all directives are backward-compatible. This is a summary of what's changed: * New Options: * `autoRenameStrict` (default: `false`) to apply auto rename only when a pair exists. * `blacklist` to prevent execution of certain directives. * `clean` (default: `true`), to remove directives from output CSS. * `processUrls` (default: `false`) to control URL updates. You can also target specific node types using an object literal. e.g. `{'atrule': true, 'decl': false}`. * Updated Options: * `autoRename` new default is `false`. * `stringMap`: * added `priority` attribute to control maps execution order. * added `exclusive` attribute, which determines if a map execution should stop iterating over other maps. * dropped 'west-east' map from the default map collection. * Removed Options: * `enableLogging`, still warnings and errors are reported directly to postcss. * `minify`, it wasn't actual minification after all! * `swapLeftRightInUrl`, `swapLtrRtlInUrl` and `swapWestEastInUrl` in favor of `processUrls` option. * `preserveComments`, comments inside declaration values will always be preserved. * `preserveDirectives`, in favor of `clean` option. * Constructor arguments `rules`, `declarations` and `properties` are now replaced with `plugins`. ### v1.7.4 - 23 Feb. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping multiple transforms. ### v1.7.3 - 30 Jan. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping N-Values containing comments. ### 1.7.2 - 30 Jan. 2016 * Fixes a bug in flipping N-Values containing comments. ### 1.7.2 - 04 Dec. 2015 * Fixes a compatibility issue with postcss-js (Fixes [#48](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/48)). ### 1.7.1 - 10 Nov. 2015 * Fixed a bug in flipping backgrounds having functions (Issue [#45](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/45)). ## 1.7.0 - 19 Sep. 2015 * Add `calc` support. * Mark rule as flipped when values are updated by decl. directives. * Allow further processing for rules that uses `rename` directive. ### 1.6.3 - 28 Aug. 2015 * CLI: fix source map option (issue #40). * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v5.0.x ### 1.6.2 - 21 Jul. 2015 * CLI: fix loading custom configuration file manually via the --config flag. **Thanks @KeyKaKiTO** ### 1.6.1 - 17 Mar. 2015 * Fixed flipping units having more than 1 digit before the decimal point. ## 1.6.0 - 15 Mar. 2015 * Support flipping `matrix3d` transform. ### 1.5.2 - 28 Feb. 2015 * Fix flipping string maps containing regular expressions special characters (Fixes [#24](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/24)). ### 1.5.1 - 14 Feb. 2015 * Fix flipping multiple shadows when a hex color was used. **Thanks @ocean90** ## 1.5.0 - 30 Jan. 2015 * CLI: New option `-e,--ext` to set output files extension when processing a directory. ### 1.4.3 - 24 Jan. 2015 * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v4.0.x **Thanks @necolas** ### 1.4.2 - 24 Oct. 2014 * CLI: Switch to Unix line endings (Fixes [#14](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/issues/14)) ### 1.4.1 - 24 Oct. 2014 * CLI: Print processing errors. ## 1.4.0 - 10 Oct. 2014 * CLI: Support processing a directory. see [CLI documentation](https://github.com/MohammadYounes/rtlcss/blob/master/CLI.md#directory) ### 1.3.1 - 29 Sep. 2014 * Update README.md (typos). ## 1.3.0 - 28 Sep. 2014 * New feature - String Maps. Add your own set of swappable strings, for example (prev/next). * Preserves lowercase, UPPERCASE and Capitalization when swapping ***left***, ***right***, ***ltr***, ***rtl***, ***west*** and ***east***. ## 1.2.0 - 26 Sep. 2014 * Support !important comments for directives (enables flipping minified stylesheets). ## 1.1.0 - 26 Sep. 2014 * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v2.2.5 * Support flipping `border-color`, `border-style` and `background-position-x` # 1.0.0 - 24 Aug. 2014 * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v2.2.1 * Support flipping urls in '@import' rule. * Fix JSON parse error when configuration file is UTF-8 encoded. * Better minification. ## 0.9.0 - 10 Aug. 2014 * New configuration loader. * CLI configuration can be set using one of the following methods: * Specify the configuration file manually via the --config flag. * Put your config into your projects package.json file under the `rtlcssConfig` property * Use a special file `.rtlcssrc` or `.rtlcssrc.json` ## 0.8.0 - 8 Aug. 2014 * Fix source map generation. ## 0.7.0 - 4 Jul. 2014 * Fix flipping linear-gradient. ## 0.6.0 - 4 Jul. 2014 * Allow additional comments inside `ignore`/`rename` rule level directives. ## 0.5.0 - 11 Jun. 2014 * Add CLI support. ## 0.4.0 - 5 Apr. 2014 * Fix flipping transform-origin. * Update `autoRename` to search for all swappable words. ## 0.3.0 - 5 Apr. 2014 * Support flipping rotateZ. * Fix flipping rotate3d. * Fix flipping skew, skewX and skewY. * Fix flipping cursor value. * Fix flipping translate3d. * Update flipping background horizontal position to treat 0 as 0% ### 0.2.1 - 20 Mar. 2014 * Upgrade to [POSTCSS] v0.3.4 ## 0.2.0 - 20 Mar. 2014 * Support combining with other processors. * Support rad, grad & turn angle units when flipping linear-gradient * Fix typo in config.js ### 0.1.3 - 7 Mar. 2014 * Fix missing include in rules.js ### 0.1.2 - 5 Mar. 2014 * New option: minify output CSS. * Updated README.md ### 0.1.1 - 4 Mar. 2014 * Initial commit. [POSTCSS]: https://postcss.org/