var debounce = require('./index.js'); var test = require('tape'); test('debauce', function (t) { t.plan(3); var fn = debounce(function (a, b) { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 3 }, 'context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 30, 'should preserve args'); t.equal(b, 300, 'should preserve args'); }, 10);{ call: 1 }, 10, 100);{ call: 2 }, 20, 200); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 3 }, 30, 300); }, 3); }); test('multiple calls should extend delay', function (t) { t.plan(4); var wasDelayed = false; var fn = debounce(function (a, b) { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 3 }, 'context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 30, 'should preserve args'); t.equal(b, 300, 'should preserve args'); t.ok(wasDelayed, 'should have waited longer than debounce period'); }, 6); setTimeout(function longer() { wasDelayed = true; }, 9);{ call: 1 }, 10, 100); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 2 }, 20, 200); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 3 }, 30, 300); }, 5); }, 3); }); test('multiple calls should not extend delay when guarantee is true', function (t) { t.plan(8); var first = true; var wasDelayed = false; var fn = debounce( function (a, b) { if (first) { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 2 }, '1st context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 20, '1st should preserve 1st args'); t.equal(b, 200, '1st should preserve 2nd args'); t.notOk(wasDelayed, 'should not have waited longer than debounce period'); first = false; } else { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 3 }, 'context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 30, 'should preserve args'); t.equal(b, 300, 'should preserve args'); t.ok(wasDelayed, 'should have waited longer than debounce period'); } }, 6, false, true ); setTimeout(function longer() { wasDelayed = true; }, 7);{ call: 1 }, 10, 100); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 2 }, 20, 200); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 3 }, 30, 300); }, 5); }, 3); }); test('at start', function (t) { t.plan(9); var callCount = 0; var fn = debounce( function (a, b) { if (callCount === 0) { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 1 }, '1st context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 10, '1st should preserve 1st args'); t.equal(b, 100, '1st should preserve 2nd args'); } else if (callCount === 1) { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 3 }, 'context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 30, 'should preserve args'); t.equal(b, 300, 'should preserve args'); } else { t.deepEqual(this, { call: 4 }, 'context should be preserved'); t.equal(a, 40, 'should preserve 1st args'); t.equal(b, 400, 'should preserve 2nd args'); } callCount += 1; }, 6, true );{ call: 1 }, 10, 100);{ call: 2 }, 20, 200); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 3 }, 30, 300); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 4 }, 40, 400); }, 10); setTimeout(function () {{ call: 5 }, 50, 500); }, 3); }, 10); });