2022-01-13 13:00:31 +00:00
* Admin Task Collection
This are tasks to be run by project maintainers
- Creating Component Repos
- Syncing with GitHub via APIs
- Modifying package files
* Tasks
module.exports = function (gulp) {
// less/css distributions
initComponents = require('../admin/components/init'),
createComponents = require('../admin/components/create'),
updateComponents = require('../admin/components/update'),
// single component releases
initDistributions = require('../admin/distributions/init'),
createDistributions = require('../admin/distributions/create'),
updateDistributions = require('../admin/distributions/update'),
release = require('../admin/release'),
publish = require('../admin/publish'),
register = require('../admin/register')
/* Release */
gulp.task('init distributions', initDistributions);
gulp.task('init distributions').description = 'Grabs each component from GitHub';
gulp.task('create distributions', createDistributions);
gulp.task('create distributions').description = 'Updates files in each repo';
gulp.task('init components', initComponents);
gulp.task('init components').description = 'Grabs each component from GitHub';
gulp.task('create components', createComponents);
gulp.task('create components').description = 'Updates files in each repo';
/* Publish */
gulp.task('update distributions', updateDistributions);
gulp.task('update distributions').description = 'Commits component updates from create to GitHub';
gulp.task('update components', updateComponents);
gulp.task('update components').description = 'Commits component updates from create to GitHub';
/* Tasks */
gulp.task('release', release);
gulp.task('release').description = 'Stages changes in GitHub repos for all distributions';
gulp.task('publish', publish);
gulp.task('publish').description = 'Publishes all releases (components, package)';
gulp.task('register', register);
gulp.task('register').description = 'Registers all packages with NPM';
2022-08-05 09:25:53 +00:00