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2023-09-19 17:26:46 +00:00
* PHPCSExtra, a collection of sniffs and standards for use with PHP_CodeSniffer.
* @package PHPCSExtra
* @copyright 2020 PHPCSExtra Contributors
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/LGPL-3.0 LGPL3
* @link https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/PHPCSExtra
namespace PHPCSExtra\Modernize\Sniffs\FunctionCalls;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Sniffs\Sniff;
use PHP_CodeSniffer\Util\Tokens;
use PHPCSUtils\BackCompat\Helper;
use PHPCSUtils\Tokens\Collections;
use PHPCSUtils\Utils\Context;
use PHPCSUtils\Utils\PassedParameters;
* Detect `dirname(__FILE__)` and nested uses of `dirname()`.
* @since 1.0.0
final class DirnameSniff implements Sniff
* PHP version as configured or 0 if unknown.
* @since 1.1.1
* @var int
private $phpVersion;
* Registers the tokens that this sniff wants to listen for.
* @since 1.0.0
* @return array<int|string>
public function register()
return [\T_STRING];
* Processes this test, when one of its tokens is encountered.
* @since 1.0.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param int $stackPtr The position of the current token
* in the stack passed in $tokens.
* @return void
public function process(File $phpcsFile, $stackPtr)
if (isset($this->phpVersion) === false || \defined('PHP_CODESNIFFER_IN_TESTS')) {
// Set default value to prevent this code from running every time the sniff is triggered.
$this->phpVersion = 0;
$phpVersion = Helper::getConfigData('php_version');
if ($phpVersion !== null) {
$this->phpVersion = (int) $phpVersion;
if ($this->phpVersion !== 0 && $this->phpVersion < 50300) {
// PHP version too low, nothing to do.
$tokens = $phpcsFile->getTokens();
if (\strtolower($tokens[$stackPtr]['content']) !== 'dirname') {
// Not our target.
$nextNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($stackPtr + 1), null, true);
if ($nextNonEmpty === false
|| $tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['code'] !== \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS
|| isset($tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['parenthesis_owner']) === true
) {
// Not our target.
if (isset($tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['parenthesis_closer']) === false) {
// Live coding or parse error, ignore.
if (Context::inAttribute($phpcsFile, $stackPtr) === true) {
// Class instantiation in attribute, not function call.
// Check if it is really a function call to the global function.
$prevNonEmpty = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($stackPtr - 1), null, true);
if (isset(Collections::objectOperators()[$tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code']]) === true
|| $tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_NEW
) {
// Method call, class instantiation or other "not our target".
if ($tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR) {
$prevPrevToken = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($prevNonEmpty - 1), null, true);
if ($tokens[$prevPrevToken]['code'] === \T_STRING
|| $tokens[$prevPrevToken]['code'] === \T_NAMESPACE
) {
// Namespaced function.
* As of here, we can be pretty sure this is a function call to the global function.
$opener = $nextNonEmpty;
$closer = $tokens[$nextNonEmpty]['parenthesis_closer'];
$parameters = PassedParameters::getParameters($phpcsFile, $stackPtr);
$paramCount = \count($parameters);
if (empty($parameters) || $paramCount > 2) {
// No parameters or too many parameter.
$pathParam = PassedParameters::getParameterFromStack($parameters, 1, 'path');
if ($pathParam === false) {
// If the path parameter doesn't exist, there's nothing to do.
$levelsParam = PassedParameters::getParameterFromStack($parameters, 2, 'levels');
if ($levelsParam === false && $paramCount === 2) {
// There must be a typo in the param name or an otherwise stray parameter. Ignore.
* PHP 5.3+: Detect use of dirname(__FILE__).
if (\strtoupper($pathParam['clean']) === '__FILE__') {
$levelsValue = false;
// Determine if the issue is auto-fixable.
$hasComment = $phpcsFile->findNext(Tokens::$commentTokens, ($opener + 1), $closer);
$fixable = ($hasComment === false);
if ($fixable === true) {
$levelsValue = $this->getLevelsValue($phpcsFile, $levelsParam);
if ($levelsParam !== false && $levelsValue === false) {
// Can't autofix if we don't know the value of the $levels parameter.
$fixable = false;
$error = 'Use the __DIR__ constant instead of calling dirname(__FILE__) (PHP >= 5.3)';
$code = 'FileConstant';
// Throw the error.
if ($fixable === false) {
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, $code);
$fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $stackPtr, $code);
if ($fix === true) {
if ($levelsParam === false || $levelsValue === 1) {
// No $levels or $levels set to 1: we can replace the complete function call.
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($stackPtr, '__DIR__');
for ($i = ($stackPtr + 1); $i <= $closer; $i++) {
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, '');
// Remove potential leading \.
if ($tokens[$prevNonEmpty]['code'] === \T_NS_SEPARATOR) {
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($prevNonEmpty, '');
} else {
// We can replace the $path parameter and will need to adjust the $levels parameter.
$filePtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_FILE, $pathParam['start'], ($pathParam['end'] + 1));
$levelsPtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_LNUMBER, $levelsParam['start'], ($levelsParam['end'] + 1));
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($filePtr, '__DIR__');
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($levelsPtr, ($levelsValue - 1));
* PHP 7.0+: Detect use of nested calls to dirname().
if ($this->phpVersion !== 0 && $this->phpVersion < 70000) {
// No need to check for this issue if the PHP version would not allow for it anyway.
if (\preg_match('`^\s*\\\\?dirname\s*\(`i', $pathParam['clean']) !== 1) {
* Check if there is something _behind_ the nested dirname() call within the same parameter.
* Note: the findNext() calls are safe and will always match the dirname() function call
* as otherwise the above regex wouldn't have matched.
$innerDirnamePtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_STRING, $pathParam['start'], ($pathParam['end'] + 1));
$innerOpener = $phpcsFile->findNext(\T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS, ($innerDirnamePtr + 1), ($pathParam['end'] + 1));
if (isset($tokens[$innerOpener]['parenthesis_closer']) === false) {
// Shouldn't be possible.
return; // @codeCoverageIgnore
$innerCloser = $tokens[$innerOpener]['parenthesis_closer'];
if ($innerCloser !== $pathParam['end']) {
$hasContentAfter = $phpcsFile->findNext(
($innerCloser + 1),
($pathParam['end'] + 1),
if ($hasContentAfter !== false) {
// Matched code like: `dirname(dirname($file) . 'something')`. Ignore.
* Determine if this is an auto-fixable error.
// Step 1: Are there comments ? If so, not auto-fixable as we don't want to remove comments.
$fixable = true;
$outerLevelsValue = false;
$innerParameters = [];
$innerLevelsParam = false;
$innerLevelsValue = false;
for ($i = ($opener + 1); $i < $closer; $i++) {
if (isset(Tokens::$commentTokens[$tokens[$i]['code']])) {
$fixable = false;
if ($tokens[$i]['code'] === \T_OPEN_PARENTHESIS
&& isset($tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer'])
) {
// Skip over everything within the nested dirname() function call.
$i = $tokens[$i]['parenthesis_closer'];
// Step 2: Does the `$levels` parameter exist for the outer dirname() call and if so, is it usable ?
if ($fixable === true) {
$outerLevelsValue = $this->getLevelsValue($phpcsFile, $levelsParam);
if ($levelsParam !== false && $outerLevelsValue === false) {
// Can't autofix if we don't know the value of the $levels parameter.
$fixable = false;
// Step 3: Does the `$levels` parameter exist for the inner dirname() call and if so, is it usable ?
if ($fixable === true) {
$innerParameters = PassedParameters::getParameters($phpcsFile, $innerDirnamePtr);
$innerLevelsParam = PassedParameters::getParameterFromStack($innerParameters, 2, 'levels');
$innerLevelsValue = $this->getLevelsValue($phpcsFile, $innerLevelsParam);
if ($innerLevelsParam !== false && $innerLevelsValue === false) {
// Can't autofix if we don't know the value of the $levels parameter.
$fixable = false;
* Throw the error.
$error = 'Pass the $levels parameter to the dirname() call instead of using nested dirname() calls';
$error .= ' (PHP >= 7.0)';
$code = 'Nested';
if ($fixable === false) {
$phpcsFile->addError($error, $stackPtr, $code);
$fix = $phpcsFile->addFixableError($error, $stackPtr, $code);
if ($fix === false) {
* Fix the error.
// Remove the info in the _outer_ param call.
for ($i = $opener; $i < $innerOpener; $i++) {
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, '');
for ($i = ($innerCloser + 1); $i <= $closer; $i++) {
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($i, '');
if ($innerLevelsParam !== false) {
// Inner $levels parameter already exists, just adjust the value.
$innerLevelsPtr = $phpcsFile->findNext(
($innerLevelsParam['end'] + 1)
$phpcsFile->fixer->replaceToken($innerLevelsPtr, ($innerLevelsValue + $outerLevelsValue));
} else {
// Inner $levels parameter does not exist yet. We need to add it.
$content = ', ';
$prevBeforeCloser = $phpcsFile->findPrevious(Tokens::$emptyTokens, ($innerCloser - 1), null, true);
if ($tokens[$prevBeforeCloser]['code'] === \T_COMMA) {
// Trailing comma found, no need to add the comma.
$content = ' ';
$innerPathParam = PassedParameters::getParameterFromStack($innerParameters, 1, 'path');
if (isset($innerPathParam['name_token']) === true) {
// Non-named param cannot follow named param, so add param name.
$content .= 'levels: ';
$content .= ($innerLevelsValue + $outerLevelsValue);
$phpcsFile->fixer->addContentBefore($innerCloser, $content);
* Determine the value of the $levels parameter passed to dirname().
* @since 1.0.0
* @param \PHP_CodeSniffer\Files\File $phpcsFile The file being scanned.
* @param array<string, int|string>|false $levelsParam The information about the parameter as retrieved
* via PassedParameters::getParameterFromStack().
* @return int|false Integer levels value or FALSE if the levels value couldn't be determined.
private function getLevelsValue($phpcsFile, $levelsParam)
if ($levelsParam === false) {
return 1;
$ignore = Tokens::$emptyTokens;
$ignore[] = \T_LNUMBER;
$hasNonNumber = $phpcsFile->findNext($ignore, $levelsParam['start'], ($levelsParam['end'] + 1), true);
if ($hasNonNumber !== false) {
return false;
return (int) $levelsParam['clean'];