Incremented version number to prepare for the new release, ensuring the changes made are properly reflected and versioned. This update helps maintain proper version tracking for future development and release cycles.
Upgraded project version from 0.1.2 to 0.1.3 to include recent updates and improvements. This prepares the project for the next release cycle, ensuring compatibility and stability for the new features and bug fixes introduced since the last version.
Updated project version to 0.1.2 to incorporate recent changes and improvements. Ensures consistency across the project and prepares for the upcoming release.
Updated the project version from 0.1.0 to 0.1.1 to indicate minor changes. Switched the license field in pyproject.toml from GNU AGPLv3 to MIT License.
- Added `pyproject.toml` for project metadata and dependency management
- Moved application code to `src/wikimore` directory for better organization
- Updated `launch.json` configuration for Flask app
- Enhanced README with installation, development instructions, and badges
- Introduced `main` function in `` for environment-based configuration
These changes streamline packaging and improve project maintainability.