Move map data generation to a global helper function
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 210 additions and 165 deletions
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use Geo::Distance;
use JSON;
use List::Util;
use List::MoreUtils qw(after_incl before_incl);
use List::UtilsBy qw(uniq_by);
use List::MoreUtils qw(after_incl before_incl first_index);
use Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
@ -3554,6 +3555,206 @@ sub startup {
'journeys_to_map_data' => sub {
my ( $self, %opt ) = @_;
my @journeys = @{ $opt{journeys} // [] };
my $route_type = $opt{route_type} // 'polybee';
my $include_manual = $opt{include_manual} ? 1 : 0;
my $location = $self->app->coordinates_by_station;
my $with_polyline = $route_type eq 'beeline' ? 0 : 1;
if ( not @journeys ) {
return {
skipped_journeys => [],
station_coordinates => [],
polyline_groups => [],
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $first_departure = $journeys[-1]->{rt_departure};
my $last_departure = $journeys[0]->{rt_departure};
my @stations = List::Util::uniq map { $_->{to_name} } @journeys;
push( @stations,
List::Util::uniq map { $_->{from_name} } @journeys );
@stations = List::Util::uniq @stations;
my @station_coordinates = map { [ $location->{$_}, $_ ] }
grep { exists $location->{$_} } @stations;
my @station_pairs;
my @polylines;
my %seen;
my @skipped_journeys;
my @polyline_journeys = grep { $_->{polyline} } @journeys;
my @beeline_journeys = grep { not $_->{polyline} } @journeys;
if ( $route_type eq 'polyline' ) {
@beeline_journeys = ();
elsif ( $route_type eq 'beeline' ) {
push( @beeline_journeys, @polyline_journeys );
@polyline_journeys = ();
for my $journey (@polyline_journeys) {
my @polyline = @{ $journey->{polyline} };
my $from_eva = $journey->{from_eva};
my $to_eva = $journey->{to_eva};
my $from_index
= first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $from_eva } @polyline;
my $to_index
= first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $to_eva } @polyline;
if ( $from_index == -1
or $to_index == -1 )
# Fall back to route
delete $journey->{polyline};
my $key
= $from_eva . '!'
. $to_eva . '!'
. ( $to_index - $from_index );
if ( $seen{$key} ) {
$seen{$key} = 1;
# direction does not matter at the moment
= $to_eva . '!'
. $from_eva . '!'
. ( $to_index - $from_index );
$seen{$key} = 1;
@polyline = @polyline[ $from_index .. $to_index ];
my @polyline_coords;
for my $coord (@polyline) {
push( @polyline_coords, [ $coord->[1], $coord->[0] ] );
push( @polylines, [@polyline_coords] );
for my $journey (@beeline_journeys) {
my @route = map { $_->[0] } @{ $journey->{route} };
my $from_index
= first_index { $_ eq $journey->{from_name} } @route;
my $to_index = first_index { $_ eq $journey->{to_name} } @route;
if ( $from_index == -1 ) {
my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station;
$from_index = first_index {
( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{from_name}
if ( $to_index == -1 ) {
my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station;
$to_index = first_index {
( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{to_name}
if ( $from_index == -1
or $to_index == -1 )
push( @skipped_journeys,
[ $journey, 'Start/Ziel nicht in Route gefunden' ] );
# Manual journey entries are only included if one of the following
# conditions is satisfied:
# * their route has more than two elements (-> probably more than just
# start and stop station), or
# * $include_manual is true (-> user wants to see incomplete routes)
# This avoids messing up the map in case an A -> B connection has been
# tracked both with a regular checkin (-> detailed route shown on map)
# and entered manually (-> beeline also shown on map, typically
# significantly differs from detailed route) -- unless the user
# sets include_manual, of course.
if ( $journey->{edited} & 0x0010
and @route <= 2
and not $include_manual )
push( @skipped_journeys,
[ $journey, 'Manueller Eintrag ohne Unterwegshalte' ] );
@route = @route[ $from_index .. $to_index ];
my $key = join( '|', @route );
if ( $seen{$key} ) {
$seen{$key} = 1;
# direction does not matter at the moment
$seen{ join( '|', reverse @route ) } = 1;
my $prev_station = shift @route;
for my $station (@route) {
push( @station_pairs, [ $prev_station, $station ] );
$prev_station = $station;
@station_pairs = uniq_by { $_->[0] . '|' . $_->[1] } @station_pairs;
@station_pairs = grep {
exists $location->{ $_->[0] }
and exists $location->{ $_->[1] }
} @station_pairs;
= map { [ $location->{ $_->[0] }, $location->{ $_->[1] } ] }
my @routes;
my @lats = map { $_->[0][0] } @station_coordinates;
my @lons = map { $_->[0][1] } @station_coordinates;
my $min_lat = List::Util::min @lats;
my $max_lat = List::Util::max @lats;
my $min_lon = List::Util::min @lons;
my $max_lon = List::Util::max @lons;
return {
skipped_journeys => \@skipped_journeys,
station_coordinates => \@station_coordinates,
polyline_groups => [
polylines => $json->encode( \@station_pairs ),
color => '#673ab7',
opacity => $with_polyline ? 0.4 : 0.6,
polylines => $json->encode( \@polylines ),
color => '#673ab7',
opacity => 0.8,
bounds => [ [ $min_lat, $min_lon ], [ $max_lat, $max_lon ] ],
'get_travel_distance' => sub {
my ( $self, $journey ) = @_;
@ -506,174 +506,18 @@ sub map_history {
my $json = JSON->new->utf8;
my $include_manual = $self->param('include_manual') ? 1 : 0;
my $first_departure = $journeys[-1]->{rt_departure};
my $last_departure = $journeys[0]->{rt_departure};
my @stations = uniq map { $_->{to_name} } @journeys;
push( @stations, uniq map { $_->{from_name} } @journeys );
@stations = uniq @stations;
my @station_coordinates = map { [ $location->{$_}, $_ ] }
grep { exists $location->{$_} } @stations;
my @station_pairs;
my @polylines;
my %seen;
my @skipped_journeys;
my @polyline_journeys = grep { $_->{polyline} } @journeys;
my @beeline_journeys = grep { not $_->{polyline} } @journeys;
if ( $route_type eq 'polyline' ) {
@beeline_journeys = ();
elsif ( $route_type eq 'beeline' ) {
push( @beeline_journeys, @polyline_journeys );
@polyline_journeys = ();
for my $journey (@polyline_journeys) {
my @polyline = @{ $journey->{polyline} };
my $from_eva = $journey->{from_eva};
my $to_eva = $journey->{to_eva};
my $from_index
= first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $from_eva } @polyline;
my $to_index = first_index { $_->[2] and $_->[2] == $to_eva } @polyline;
if ( $from_index == -1
or $to_index == -1 )
# Fall back to route
delete $journey->{polyline};
my $key = $from_eva . '!' . $to_eva . '!' . ( $to_index - $from_index );
if ( $seen{$key} ) {
$seen{$key} = 1;
# direction does not matter at the moment
$key = $to_eva . '!' . $from_eva . '!' . ( $to_index - $from_index );
$seen{$key} = 1;
@polyline = @polyline[ $from_index .. $to_index ];
my @polyline_coords;
for my $coord (@polyline) {
push( @polyline_coords, [ $coord->[1], $coord->[0] ] );
push( @polylines, [@polyline_coords] );
for my $journey (@beeline_journeys) {
my @route = map { $_->[0] } @{ $journey->{route} };
my $from_index = first_index { $_ eq $journey->{from_name} } @route;
my $to_index = first_index { $_ eq $journey->{to_name} } @route;
if ( $from_index == -1 ) {
my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station;
= first_index { ( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{from_name} }
if ( $to_index == -1 ) {
my $rename = $self->app->renamed_station;
= first_index { ( $rename->{$_} // $_ ) eq $journey->{to_name} }
if ( $from_index == -1
or $to_index == -1 )
push( @skipped_journeys,
[ $journey, 'Start/Ziel nicht in Route gefunden' ] );
# Manual journey entries are only included if one of the following
# conditions is satisfied:
# * their route has more than two elements (-> probably more than just
# start and stop station), or
# * $include_manual is true (-> user wants to see incomplete routes)
# This avoids messing up the map in case an A -> B connection has been
# tracked both with a regular checkin (-> detailed route shown on map)
# and entered manually (-> beeline also shown on map, typically
# significantly differs from detailed route) -- unless the user
# sets include_manual, of course.
if ( $journey->{edited} & 0x0010
and @route <= 2
and not $include_manual )
push( @skipped_journeys,
[ $journey, 'Manueller Eintrag ohne Unterwegshalte' ] );
@route = @route[ $from_index .. $to_index ];
my $key = join( '|', @route );
if ( $seen{$key} ) {
$seen{$key} = 1;
# direction does not matter at the moment
$seen{ join( '|', reverse @route ) } = 1;
my $prev_station = shift @route;
for my $station (@route) {
push( @station_pairs, [ $prev_station, $station ] );
$prev_station = $station;
@station_pairs = uniq_by { $_->[0] . '|' . $_->[1] } @station_pairs;
= grep { exists $location->{ $_->[0] } and exists $location->{ $_->[1] } }
= map { [ $location->{ $_->[0] }, $location->{ $_->[1] } ] }
my @routes;
my @lats = map { $_->[0][0] } @station_coordinates;
my @lons = map { $_->[0][1] } @station_coordinates;
my $min_lat = min @lats;
my $max_lat = max @lats;
my $min_lon = min @lons;
my $max_lon = max @lons;
my $res = $self->journeys_to_map_data(
journeys => \@journeys,
route_type => $route_type,
include_manual => $include_manual
template => 'history_map',
with_map => 1,
skipped_journeys => \@skipped_journeys,
station_coordinates => \@station_coordinates,
polyline_groups => [
polylines => $json->encode( \@station_pairs ),
color => '#673ab7',
opacity => $with_polyline ? 0.4 : 0.6,
polylines => $json->encode( \@polylines ),
color => '#673ab7',
opacity => 0.8,
bounds => [ [ $min_lat, $min_lon ], [ $max_lat, $max_lon ] ],
template => 'history_map',
with_map => 1,
Reference in a new issue