const client = new WebTorrent();
async function getRTCIceServers() {
try {
const response = await fetch("/turn-credentials");
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to fetch TURN credentials");
const data = await response.json();
return data.iceServers;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error getting ICE servers:", error);
async function uploadFile(trackerUrl) {
const fileInput = document.getElementById("fileInput");
const file = fileInput.files[0];
const uploadStats = document.getElementById("uploadStats");
const uploadSection = document.getElementById("uploadSection");
const downloadSection = document.getElementById("downloadSection");
const copyButton = document.getElementById("copyButton");
const uploadButton = document.getElementById("uploadButton");
if (!file) {
alert("Please select a file to upload.");
} = "none"; = "block";
uploadButton.disabled = true;
try {
const rtcConfig = {
iceServers: await getRTCIceServers(),
const opts = {
announce: [trackerUrl],
rtcConfig: rtcConfig,
client.seed(file, opts, async (torrent) => {
try {
const response = await fetch(`/generate-mnemonic/${torrent.infoHash}`);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to generate mnemonic");
const data = await response.json();
const uploadResult = document.getElementById("uploadResult");
const downloadUrl = `${
}/${data.mnemonic.replaceAll(" ", ".")}`;
history.pushState({}, "", `/${data.mnemonic.replaceAll(" ", ".")}`);
uploadResult.innerHTML = `Seeding file. Share this mnemonic: ${data.mnemonic}
Note that the file will be available for download only as long as you keep this page open.`; = "inline-block";
copyButton.setAttribute("data-url", downloadUrl);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error generating mnemonic:", error);
alert("Failed to generate mnemonic. Please try again.");
let totalPeers = 0;
const seenPeers = new Set();
setInterval(async () => {
for (const wire of torrent.wires) {
let peerIdHash;
try {
peerIdHash = await sha256(wire.peerId);
} catch (e) {
peerIdHash = wire.peerId;
if (!seenPeers.has(peerIdHash)) {
totalPeers += 1;
const uploaded = (torrent.uploaded / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2);
uploadStats.innerHTML = `Uploaded: ${uploaded} MB to ${totalPeers} peer(s)`;
}, 1000);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error sharing file:", error);
function copyToClipboard() {
const copyButton = document.getElementById("copyButton");
const url = copyButton.getAttribute("data-url");
navigator.clipboard.writeText(url).catch((err) => {
console.error("Failed to copy: ", err);
alert("Failed to copy URL to clipboard. Please try again.");
async function sha256(str) {
const buffer = new TextEncoder().encode(str);
const hash = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", buffer);
return Array.from(new Uint8Array(hash))
.map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"))
async function downloadFile(trackerUrl) {
const mnemonicInput = document.getElementById("mnemonicInput").value;
const downloadProgressBar = document.getElementById("downloadProgressBar");
const downloadButton = document.getElementById("downloadButton");
const downloadResult = document.getElementById("downloadResult");
if (!mnemonicInput) {
alert("Please enter a mnemonic.");
} = "block"; = "none";
downloadButton.disabled = true;
downloadResult.innerHTML = "Preparing incoming file transfer, please wait...";
try {
const rtcConfig = {
iceServers: await getRTCIceServers(),
const response = await fetch(`/get-infohash/${mnemonicInput}`);
if (!response.ok) throw new Error("Failed to get infoHash");
const data = await response.json();
const torrentId = data.infoHash;
const opts = {
announce: [trackerUrl],
rtcConfig: rtcConfig,
client.add(torrentId, opts, (torrent) => {
torrent.files[0].getBlob((err, blob) => {
if (err) {
downloadResult.innerHTML = `Error: ${err.message}`;
const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = url; = torrent.files[0].name;;
downloadResult.innerHTML = `File downloaded: ${torrent.files[0].name}`;
torrent.on("download", () => {
const progress = Math.round(
(torrent.downloaded / torrent.length) * 100
); = `${progress}%`;
downloadProgressBar.textContent = `${progress}%`;
setInterval(() => {
if (client.get(torrentId)) {
const torrent = client.get(torrentId);
const progress = Math.round(
(torrent.downloaded / torrent.length) * 100
downloadResult.innerHTML = `Downloading:
Status: ${
torrent.done ? "Completed, seeding" : "Downloading"
Peers: ${torrent.numPeers}
Downloaded: ${(
torrent.downloaded /
(1024 * 1024)
).toFixed(2)} MB / ${(torrent.length / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(
)} MB (${progress}%)
Speed: ${(
torrent.downloadSpeed /
(1024 * 1024)
).toFixed(2)} MB/s
ETA: ${torrent.timeRemaining} seconds
Uploaded: ${(
torrent.uploaded /
(1024 * 1024)
).toFixed(2)} MB
Ratio: ${torrent.ratio.toFixed(2)}`;
downloadResult.innerHTML = "File not found. Please check the mnemonic.";
}, 1000);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error downloading file:", error);
alert("Failed to download file. Please check the mnemonic and try again.");
} finally {
downloadButton.disabled = false;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
const configElement = document.getElementById("config");
const trackerUrl = configElement.getAttribute("data-tracker-url");
const mnemonic = configElement.getAttribute("data-mnemonic");
.addEventListener("click", () => uploadFile(trackerUrl));
.addEventListener("click", copyToClipboard);
.addEventListener("click", () => downloadFile(trackerUrl));
if (mnemonic) {
const mnemonicInput = document.getElementById("mnemonicInput");
const downloadButton = document.getElementById("downloadButton");
mnemonicInput.value = mnemonic;;