Upgraded the package version to 0.0.2 and removed several unused dependencies such as multer, socket.io, and webtorrent. This cleanup helps to reduce the package size and potential security vulnerabilities. Retained essential dependencies like express. No functional changes to the codebase.
Updated package version from 0.0.1 to 0.0.2 to reflect recent changes and improvements. This helps in tracking and managing dependencies better. No functional changes introduced.
- Initialize new Express application for file transfer using WebTorrent.
- Set up routes for generating and retrieving mnemonics and info hashes.
- Implement custom BitTorrent tracker server with WebSockets.
- Add `.gitignore` to exclude `node_modules/`.
- Create `index.ejs` for front-end with file upload and download functionalities.
- Initialize `package.json` and `package-lock.json` with necessary dependencies.