Right now this examples app looks exactly the same as our old examples app, but there are a couple of tiny differences: - We use `vite` instead of our own esbuild setup for development and bundling - We use `@tldraw/assets` for smart asset hashing instead of copying the assets to a public folder You can use `@tldraw/assets` with vite with a bunch of extra config, but it (plus a bunch of other bundlers) also support a special syntax for specifying asset urls: `new URL('./my/asset.svg', import.meta.url).href`. This approach is more standards-complient, but doesn't work with every bundler just yet. This diff also adds a url-based version of `@tldraw/assets`, although I'd like to tweak the entry point - right now you need to import from `@tldraw/assets/lib/urls`, but i'd like to find a way to get this to `@tldraw/assets/urls` or something at some point. There are a couple other extra fixes in here: - vscode builds were broken, they're fixed now! - there's also a little tweak to the `getBundlerAssetUrls` API to allow passing in a function instead of an object for URL formatting - there are new internal-only functions for injecting asset urls globally instead of passing them in via react props. this means we can get the benefits of cacheable URLs without having to clutter our examples by passing them in
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import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync } from 'fs'
import { join } from 'path'
import { optimize } from 'svgo'
import {
} from './lib/file'
// We'll need to copy the assets into these folders
const PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS = [join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets')]
const FONT_MAPPING: Record<string, string> = {
'IBMPlexMono-Medium': 'monospace',
'IBMPlexSerif-Medium': 'serif',
'IBMPlexSans-Medium': 'sansSerif',
'Shantell_Sans-Normal-SemiBold': 'draw',
const ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'assets')
const collectedAssetUrls: {
fonts: Record<string, string>
icons: Record<string, string>
translations: Record<string, string>
embedIcons: Record<string, string>
} = {
fonts: {},
icons: {},
translations: {},
embedIcons: {},
// 1. ICONS
async function copyIcons() {
// Get a list of all icons
const icons = readdirSync(join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon')).filter((icon) =>
// Write list of names into icon-names.json (just the name, not extension)
const iconNames = icons.map((name) => name.replace('.svg', ''))
const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon')
// Create the optimized SVGs
const optimizedSvgs = icons.map((icon) => {
const iconPath = join(sourceFolderPath, icon)
const content = readFileSync(iconPath, 'utf8')
const svg = optimize(content, { path: iconPath })
return { fileName: icon, data: svg.data }
// Optimize all of the svg icons and write them into the new folders
for (const folderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) {
const publicIconsRootFolderPath = join(folderPath, 'icons')
const pulicIconsFolderPath = join(publicIconsRootFolderPath, 'icon')
if (existsSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath)) {
rmSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Create the folders
mkdirSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true })
mkdirSync(pulicIconsFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Copy each optimized icons into the new folder
for (const { fileName, data } of optimizedSvgs) {
await writeStringFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, fileName), data)
// Write the JSON file containing all of the names of the icons
await writeJsonFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, 'icon-names.json'), iconNames)
// Get the names of all of the svg icons and create a TypeScript file of valid icon names
const iconTypeFile = `
/** @public */
export type TLUiIconType =
${icons.map((icon) => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(' | ')}
/** @public */
export const TLUiIconTypes = [
${icons.map((icon) => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(', ')}
] as const`
await writeTypescriptFile(
join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'ui', 'src', 'lib', 'icon-types.ts'),
// add to the asset declaration file
for (const icon of icons) {
const name = icon.replace('.svg', '')
collectedAssetUrls.icons[name] = `icons/icon/${icon}`
async function copyEmbedIcons() {
const folderName = 'embed-icons'
const extension = '.png'
const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName)
const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension))
for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) {
const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName)
// Delete the folder if it exists
if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) {
rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Make the new folder
mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Copy all items into the new folder
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item)))
// add to the asset declaration file
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
const name = item.replace(extension, '')
collectedAssetUrls.embedIcons[name] = `${folderName}/${item}`
// 3. FONTS
async function copyFonts() {
const folderName = 'fonts'
const extension = '.woff2'
const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName)
const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension))
for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) {
const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName)
// Delete the folder if it exists
if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) {
rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Make the new folder
// Copy all items into the new folder
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item)))
// add to the asset declaration file
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
const itemWithoutExtension = item.replace(extension, '')
const name = FONT_MAPPING[itemWithoutExtension]
if (!name) {
console.log('Font mapping not found for', itemWithoutExtension)
collectedAssetUrls.fonts[name] = `${folderName}/${item}`
async function copyTranslations() {
const folderName = 'translations'
const extension = '.json'
const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName)
const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((item) => item.endsWith(extension))
for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) {
const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName)
// Delete the folder if it exists
if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) {
rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true })
// Make the new folder
// Copy all items into the new folder
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item)))
// Create hardcoded files
const uiPath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'ui', 'src', 'lib', 'hooks', 'useTranslation')
// languages.ts
const languagesSource = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'languages.json'))!
const languagesFilePath = join(uiPath, 'languages.ts')
const languagesFile = `
/** @public */
export const LANGUAGES = ${JSON.stringify(languagesSource)} as const
await writeTypescriptFile(languagesFilePath, languagesFile)
const schemaPath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'tlschema', 'src')
const schemaLanguagesFilePath = join(schemaPath, 'languages.ts')
await writeTypescriptFile(schemaLanguagesFilePath, languagesFile)
// main.ts
const defaultTranslation = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'main.json'))!
const defaultTranslationFilePath = join(uiPath, 'defaultTranslation.ts')
const defaultTranslationFile = `
/** @internal */
export const DEFAULT_TRANSLATION = ${JSON.stringify(defaultTranslation)}
await writeTypescriptFile(defaultTranslationFilePath, defaultTranslationFile)
// translationKeys.ts
const translationKeys = Object.keys(defaultTranslation).map((key) => `'${key}'`)
const translationKeysFilePath = join(uiPath, 'TLTranslationKey.ts')
const translationKeysFile = `
/** @public */
export type TLTranslationKey = ${translationKeys.join(' | ')}
await writeTypescriptFile(translationKeysFilePath, translationKeysFile)
// add to the asset declaration file
for (const item of itemsToCopy) {
const name = item.replace(extension, '')
collectedAssetUrls.translations[name] = `${folderName}/${item}`
async function writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile() {
const assetDeclarationFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'src', 'urls.ts')
let assetDeclarationFile = `
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference
/// <reference path="../modules.d.ts" />
import {formatAssetUrl, AssetUrlOptions} from './utils';
assetDeclarationFile += `
/** @public */
export function getBundlerAssetUrls(opts?: AssetUrlOptions) {
return {
.flatMap(([type, assets]) => [
`${type}: {`,
([name, href]) =>
`${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(new URL(${JSON.stringify(
'../' + href
)}, import.meta.url).href, opts),`
} as const
await writeTypescriptFile(assetDeclarationFilePath, assetDeclarationFile)
async function writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile(): Promise<void> {
let imports = `
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference
/// <reference path="../modules.d.ts" />
import {formatAssetUrl, AssetUrlOptions} from './utils';
let declarations = `
/** @public */
export function getBundlerAssetUrls(opts?: AssetUrlOptions) {
return {
for (const [type, assets] of Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls)) {
declarations += `${type}: {\n`
for (const [name, href] of Object.entries(assets)) {
const variableName = `${type}_${name}`
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_')
.replace(/_+/g, '_')
.replace(/_(.)/g, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase())
imports += `import ${variableName} from ${JSON.stringify('../' + href)};\n`
declarations += `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(${variableName}, opts),\n`
declarations += '},\n'
declarations += `
} as const
const assetDeclarationFilePath = join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'src', 'imports.ts')
await writeTypescriptFile(assetDeclarationFilePath, imports + declarations)
// --- RUN
async function main() {
console.log('Copying icons...')
await copyIcons()
console.log('Copying embed icons...')
await copyEmbedIcons()
console.log('Copying fonts...')
await copyFonts()
console.log('Copying translations...')
await copyTranslations()
console.log('Writing asset declaration file...')
await writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile()
await writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile()